1) ________method is used to read n number of characters of data from a data file using the file object <file>. 2) Write the file mode/s which generate error if the file doesn't exist. 3) With reference to the given tree structure containing different folders subfolders and files, mention the path of the file.
i) Give the Absolute path to access the file POEMS.DOC
ii) Give the Relative path to access the file BOOKS.TXT (Working folder is TEXTBOOKS)
4) Explain the differences between Text Files and Binary Files.
5) Explain the different modes of opening a file with its differences. 6) Write a function in Python to read a text file, Alpha.txt and displays those lines which begin with the word ‘You’. 7) Write a function, vowelCount() in Python that counts and displays the number of vowels in the text file named Poem.txt.. 8) Suppose content of 'Myfile.txt' is Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall Humpty Dumpty had a great fall All the king's horses and all the king's men Couldn't put Humpty together again What will be the output of the following code? myfile = open("Myfile.txt") record = myfile.read().split() print(len(record)) myfile.close() a. 24 b. 25 c. 26 d. 27 9) Suppose content of 'Myfile.txt' is What will be the output of the following code? myfile = open("Myfile.txt") line_count = 0 data = myfile.readlines() for line in data: if line[0] == 'T': line_count += 1 print(line_count) myfile.close() a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5 10) Prredict output: myfile = open(“Myfile.txt") line_count = 0 data = myfile.readlines() print(len(data)) myfile.close() 11) Write a method COUNTLINES() in Python to read lines from text file ‘TESTFILE.TXT’ and display the lines which are not starting with any vowel. Example: If the file content is as follows: An apple a day keeps the doctor away. We all pray for everyone’s safety. A marked difference will come in our country. The COUNTLINES() function should display the output as: The number of lines not starting with any vowel – 1 12) Write a function ETCount() in Python, which should read each character of a text file “TESTFILE.TXT” and then count and display the count of occurrence of alphabets E and T individually (including small cases e and t too). Example: If the file content is as follows: Today is a pleasant day. It might rain today. It is mentioned on weather sites The ETCount() function should display the output as: The number of E or e: 6 The number of T or t : 9