Fourier 02

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• At the discontinuities of f (x), the Fourier series converges to the mean of the two

values of f (x) on either side of the discontinuity.

• A picture of first few terms of the series demonstrates the nature of the convergence
to the square wave; each successive term in the series attempts to correct for the
“overshoot” present in the sum of all the previous terms

one term

two terms

three terms

ten terms

• The amplitude spectrum decays as 1/n; this indicates that a square wave can be
well-represented by the fundamental frequency plus the first few harmonics.

• By examining the series for particular values of x, useful summation formulae may
sometimes be found. For example, setting x = L/2 in the Fourier sine series gives

4h π 1 3π 1 5π
f (x = L/2) = h = sin + sin + sin +···
π 2 3 2 5 2

and this leads to a nice (but slowly converging) series representation for π/4:

= (1 − 1/3 + 1/5 − 1/7 + 1/9 · · ·).

Alternatively we may represent the square wave as an even function.


-2L -L 0 L 2L 3L

Now f (x) = +f (−x). By symmetry, then, bn = 0 ∀n, and only the an ’s are non-zero.
For these coefficients we find

1 L nπx 2 L nπx
an = f (x) cos = f (x) cos
L −L L L 0 L
"Z #
L/2 Z L
2h nπx nπx
= cos dx − cos dx
L 0 L L/2 L
"Z #
nπ/2 Z nπ
= cos t dt − cos t dt
nπ 0 nπ/2

2h h nπ/2
= sin t |0 − sin t |nπ

4h (n−1)/2
= nπ (−1) n odd .
0 n even

Hence f (x) can be also represented as the Fourier cosine series

4h πx 1 3πx 1 5πx
f (x) = cos − cos + cos ··· . (8)
π L 3 L 5 L

This example illustrates the use of symmetry in determining a Fourier series,

even function −→ cosine series
odd function −→ sine series
no symmetry −→ both sine and cosine series

Thus it is always simpler to choose an origin so that f (x) has a definite symmetry, so that
it can be represented by either a sin or cosine series

2. Repeated Parabola
This is the periodic extension of the function x2 , in the range [−π, π], to the entire real line.
Given any function defined on the interval [a, b], the periodic extension may be constructed
in a similar fashion. In general, we can Fourier expand any function on a finite range; the
Fourier series will converge to the periodic extension of the function.

−3π −π π 3π

The Fourier expansion of the repeated parabola gives

bn = 0 ∀n
1 2π 2
a0 = x2 dx =
π −π 3
Z π
2 4
an = x2 cos nx dx = (−1)n 2
π 0 n

Thus we can represent the repeated parabola as a Fourier cosine series

X (−1)n
f (x) = x = +4 2
cos nx. (9)
3 n=1

Notice several interesting facts:

• The a0 term represents the average value of the function. For this example, this
average is non-zero.

• Since f is even, the Fourier series has only cosine terms.

• There are no discontinuities in f , but first derivative is discontinuous; this implies that
the amplitude spectrum decays as 1/n2 . In general, the “smoother” the function,
the faster the decay of the amplitude spectrum as a function of n. Consequently,
progressively fewer terms in the Fourier series are needed to represent the waveform
to a fixed degree of accuracy.
• Setting x = π in the series gives

2 π2 X (−1)n
π = +4 cos nπ
3 n=1

from which we find

π2 X 1
6 n=1
This provides an indirect, but simple, way to sum inverse powers of the integers. One
simply Fourier expands the Pfunction xk on the interval [−π, π] and then
P∞ evaluates the
∞ −k −z
series at x = π from which n=1 n can be computed. The sum n=1 n ≡ ζ(z),
is called the Riemann zeta function, and by this Fourier series trick the zeta function
can be evaluated for all positive integer values of z.

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