oxygen. Anemia by itself is not a diagnosis but merely a sign of underlying disease. The
first classification of anemia is best done by examination of the blood smear. Initial
production. In addition, anemias are classified by certain indices that give the clinician
microcytic anemias.
Several factors influence the MCV value. Factors that associated with
The only way to diagnose anemia is with a blood test. Generally, a full blood
count is done. Apart from reporting the amount of red blood cells and the hemoglobin
level, the automatic counters also measure the size of the red blood cells, which is an
The most common type of anemia overall is iron deficiency anemia, which is
most often microcytic. Much rarer causes are hemoglobinopathies such as sickle cell
Iron deficiency anemia is caused when the dietary intake or absorption of iron is
insufficient. Iron is an essential part of hemoglobin, and low iron levels result in
decreased incorporation of hemoglobin into red cells. Body iron is regulated by the rate
of iron absorption rather than iron excretion. In addition, iron absorption is regulated by
the amount of storage iron and rate of erythropoiesis. Ceruloplasmin, a copper containing
protein, is necessary for the transfer of iron from intestinal epithelium and macrophages
measured clinically as serum iron. The total serum transferrin concentration is measured
as total iron binding capacity (TBIC). Usually only 1/3 of the transferrin binding sites are
soluble, iron-protein complex. Small amounts of ferritin circulate in the plasma and can
be measured as an indirect indicator of the storage iron pool. However, the laboratory test
from dogs, cats, horses, and human beings. Serum ferritin is usually decreased in iron
deficiency. It is important to note that ferritin is also an acute phase protein; its
animals except cats by Perl’s (Prussian blue) staining. Hemosiderin is insoluble in water
and will persist in processed cytologic and histologic bone marrow specimens. In iron
bone marrow.
In iron deficiency, a decrease in the MCV will precede a decrease in the mean
lightly stained hemoglobin and greater than normal central pallor due to decreased
hemoglobin (Hg) concentration and cells being thin (leptocytes). Affected erythrocytes
also may be smaller or microcytic because extra cell divisions occur before a critical
Another cause for microcytic anemia is blood loss. Blood sucking parasites (fleas,
excessive blood draws for blood donation and diagnostic purposes can promote iron
deficiency anemia.
In acute blood loss, some degree of erythrocyte regeneration (reticulocytes, except in
horses) may keep the MCV within the reference interval. With chronic blood loss, iron is
The MCV subsequently decreases. A negative iron balance can occur with loss of as little
Since milk does not contain much iron, dietary iron deficiency may be seen in
nursing animals. In young, rapidly growing animals on an all-milk diet, transient iron
deficiency may lead to mild anemia. This situation occurs within first week of life in
piglets that are reared on concrete flooring without access to soil. Cautious parental or
required for heme synthesis, also result in hypoferremia (low concentration of circulating
iron). Excessive iron supplementation, in the presence of hypoferremia, may increase free
transfer of iron from gut epithelium and macrophages to transferring (an iron transporting
become copper deficient as a result of long term dietary copper restriction and
documented with long-term copper restriction and chelation therapy. This condition may