Chapter 3 Notes
Chapter 3 Notes
Chapter 3 Notes
Hypochromic anaemias
Iron deficiency anaemia is the most common cause of anaemia
The storage forms of iron, ferritin and haemosiderin, constitute about 13% of total body
The small peptide hepcidin plays a key role in iron metabolism and absorption
Iron is contained in:
muscle (myoglobin)
Reticuloendothelial cells (macrophages) gain iron from the haemoglobin of effete red cells and
release it to plasma transferrin which transports iron to bone marrow and other tissues with
transferrin receptors (TfRs).
Molecular weight
Iron weight
Light microscopy
Outer protein shell
22 subunits
iron-phosphatehydroxide core
Derivative of ferritin
aggregates (via lysosomal
synthesized by the liver cells that controls iron absorption and circulation
It lowers cell levels of ferroportin (protein that allows iron entry into the portal
circulation; transmembrane iron exporter) by accelerating degradation of ferroportin
Hepcidin therefore reduces both iron absorption and iron release from macrophages (and
intestinal epithelial cells) to transferrin
Hepcidin synthesis is controlled by various proteins, e.g. HFE, hemojuvelin (HJV) and
the minor transferrin receptor TfR2. Mutation of any of these lowers hepcidin secretion
and causes excess iron absorption
Increased iron stores stimulate hepcidin synthesis while iron deficiency reduces it.
Increased erythropoiesis lowers hepcidin synthesisbecause of a protein GDF15 released
from erythroblasts.
Iron absorption:
Laboratory findings:
Hypochromic microcytic anaemia.
Raised platelet count.
Blood film appearances include
hypochromic/microcytic cells,
anisocytosis/poikilocytosis, target cells and
pencil cells.
Bone marrow not needed for diagnosis:
erythroblasts show ragged irregular cytoplasm;
absence of iron from stores and erythroblasts
(detected by Perls stain).
Serum ferritin reduced, serum iron low with
raised transferrin and reduced saturation of
iron-binding capacity
Oral iron ferrous sulfate is best (200 mg, 67 mg iron per tablet) before meals three times
A reticulocyte response begins in 7 days, but treatment should be continued for 46 months to
replenish stores.
Side effects (e.g. abdominal pain, diarrhoea or constipation) require a lower dose, taking iron
with food, or a different preparation (e.g. ferrous gluconate 300 mg, 37 mg iron per tablet).
Poor response may be because of continued bleeding, incorrect diagnosis, malabsorption or
poor compliance.
Oral iron, often combined with folic acid, is given for iron deficiency in pregnancy.
Intravenous iron is used in patients with malabsorption or who are unable to take oral iron.
Ferric hydroxyide sucrose (Venofer), iron dextran (Cosmofer), ferric carboxymaltose (Ferinject)
and iron isomaltoside (Monofer) are useful to treat iron deficiency anaemia and replenish iron
stores. In the United States ferumoxytol (Feraheme) is also used.
Other investigations
Tests for cause (especially in males and postmenopausal females) include occult blood
tests, upper and lower gastrointestinal endoscopy, capsule (camera) endoscopy, tests for
hookworm, malabsorption and urine haemosiderin.
a refractory anaemia in which the marrow shows iron present as granules arranged in a
ring around the nucleus in developing erythroblasts (ringed sideroblasts)
In hereditary forms the anaemia is characterized by
An X-linked genetic defect in haem synthesis (eg. ALA-S gene mutations on the X
chromosome, ataxia mitochondrial defects, thiamine-responsive and other autosomal
In the primary acquired type (a type of myelodysplasia), which is the most common, the
anaemia is characterized by
ringed sideroblasts (less than 15%) may also occur with other haematological disorders
and with alcohol, isoniazid therapy and lead poisoning.
Pyridoxine therapy
Repeated blood transfusion and iron chelation are often required (severe cases)
Lead poisoning
blood film shows basophilia stippling in Rowansky stain (blue staining dots is
undegraded RNA)
hypochromic or haemolytic
Normal or raised serum ferritin with adequate iron stores in the bone marrow but
stainable iron absent from erythroblasts.
1) Normochromic, normocytic or mildly hypochromic red cells
Malignant disease
Related to reduce iron absorption and iron release by macrophages into plasma due to