Year 2021
Please give the answer to the question in NO MORE THAN 250 words.
1. Explain some of the important measures that corporate firms in India should initiate
in order to deal with the global warming problems?
2. Critically analyse the role of ‘public interest litigation’ (PIL) in improving the
environmental quality in India. How do we strengthen it?
3. Critically analyse the following statement: ‘There is a huge governance failure in the
area of pollution control in India’. What alternative governance mechanism would
you suggest?
4. How could local elites influence the outcomes of community-based management of
common pool resources?
5. Critically explain the definition and scope of the Environmental Kuznet Curve.
6. In the context of environment-poverty linkage, explain the difference between
livelihoods environmentalism and lifestyle environmentalism.
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Part B: Essay Type Questions
Please give the answer to the question in NO MORE THAN 1000 WORDS.
Question 1. Most of water bodies in India experience depletion and degradation due to multiple
institutional failures. Explain how do you use the following instruments to manage the
water bodies in an efficient and sustainable manner? Use appropriate diagrams and
numerical examples.
What are the various contextual conditions that defines the scope for achieving positive
outcomes through community based natural resource management? Mention a list of
Design Principles that contributes to successful collective action for management of
common pool resources. (8 marks +7 marks)
Question 2. “Payment for Ecosystem Services’ (PES) can effectively contribute to sustainable
management of environmental resources and bring in win-win outcomes for all
the stakeholders”. Critically analyze this statement by taking the case of water
scarcity (or Air Pollution) in India.(15 marks)
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