Test 1 May 2021 - Se Aini Set C

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DATE : 15TH JUNE 2021
TIME : 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM (2 HOURS)

1. The Online Test 1 is an open-book assessment. Students can refer to
online resources, learning materials, textbooks, and other reading
materials to answer the questions posted in the assessment.
2. Answer ALL questions.
3. The duration to complete the test is TWO HOURS.
4. Students are allowed ONE (1) attempt to do the test successfully
where only ONE (1) duly completed test submission is permitted.
Multiple submissions are NOT allowed.
5. MAXIMUM file size for your test submission to be uploaded to ULearn
is 50MB.
6. Please upload your answers in ONE (1) PDF file.
7. Please make sure your answer in the PDF file is clear and readable
and name your file as follows: “your name_your ID_Test 1 Answer”
8. Late submission and unclear/unreadable answer will not be accepted.

Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS


1. The development of infrastructure is an important factor to sustain economic

growth and the power sector is one of the most impotant constituents of
infrastructure. Global warming caused by greenhouse gas emission from
conventional source of energy is also a major concern. Illustrate the push factors
and the pull factors which leads to minimize pollution, promote sustainability, and
protect human health without sacrificing economic viability and efficiency. State
and explain the principle as the reference to counteract the needs of change or
shifting. Justify clearly at every steps of your selection process or system.
[20 marks]


2. Renewable resources, their use and modifications are involved in a multitude of

important processes with a major influence on our everyday lives. This can be
related to sustainability and sustainable development that relate to three main
pillars: economic, environmental and social, which are interrelated to each other.

a. Illustrate and discuss the interrelation between the three pillars with an
example of oil and gas industry that would explain the need and concept of
sustainable development.
[10 marks]

b. Based on the interrelation between the three pillars, propose measures that
can be used to evaluate the success of sustainable development in relation
to energy security. Justify your answer.
[10 marks]

c. Materials conversion from byproducts supports aspiration of sustainable

development. With regards to the three pillars, using an example of
byproduct from oil and gas industry, justify how conversion technology can
be correlated with sustainable development of a region. How green
engineering principles can be applied in achieving sustainable technology
for this case?
[10 marks]


3. a. Humans have created massive sustainability problems for future

generations. Unnecessary amount of energy and materials have been
utilized by industrial activities, which also resulted in abundant of waste
production and environmental problem. Fortunately, solutions to these
mentioned problems are all around us, the nature.

Discuss the above statement. Provide appropriate examples to support

your discussion.
[20 marks]

b. Aeromix company produces a wide range of sprays systems that can meet
the United State demand. The company has found that the current design
of the spray system does not produce higher ejection velocities that are
needed for certain applications like drug delivery inhalers, fuel injectors and
fire-fighting water mists. Therefore, the company has started an initiative to
search for a spray system design that can offer an effective mass ejection.
One of the researchers in Aeromix suggested to look into the existing
nature models that may have solutions for their problem.

Following the given suggestion, as one of Aeromix production designers

working in the search, propose (with illustration) a new design of the spray
system and plan in detail the design procedures to create the needed bio-
inspired spray system. Evaluate the appropriateness of the bio-inspired
spray system.
[30 marks]


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