Lecture 9(2)
Lecture 9(2)
Lecture 9(2)
Dummy variables
Qualitative choice models
Dummy variables
• For example: House prices can be influenced by other factors not directly
quantitative, such as: the presence of a driveway, basement, or air
• D1= 1 if the house has a driveway; 0 otherwise
• D2= 1 if the house has a basement; 0 otherwise
• D3= if the house has air conditioning; otherwise
• You can also include interactions between dummy variables. For example
you maybe interested in studying if house prices can be influenced by the
presence of a driveway and a basement: D4=D1*D2
House prices dataset: dummy variables
• We can say that houses with air-con tend to be worth £25,996 more than houses
without air-con.
• Houses without air-con are worth in average £59,885, and houses with air-con are
worth in average £85,881 (59,884+25,995).
House prices dataset: multiple regression
with dummy variables
• Dummy variables: Driveway and air-con
• We can say that having air-con adds an extra value to the house price of £17,283
(holding constant the rest of the variables).
• Dummy trap: drop one of the dummy variables as there are problems of
multicollinearity (example: male and female)
Appendix: Excel
1 0
• The logit/probit coefficients do not directly measure marginal effects and
so it is hard to interpret them. We can interpret the signs on the
The logit and probit model: example
• Cross-sectional data for 601 individuals.
Observations 601
Standard errors in parentheses
*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1
The logit and probit model: example
• The fact that the coefficients of “religiousness” or “self rating of marriage” are negative
means that individuals who are either religious or happily married are less likely to have
an extra marital affair.
• The coefficient of “number of years married” is statistical significant and positive, this
means that individuals who have been married longer are more likely to have affairs.
• However we can not interpret the magnitude of the coefficients. We need the marginal
VARIABLES Coefficients s.e.
Sex 0.189 (0.130)
Observations 601
Standard errors in parentheses
*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1
The logit and probit model: example
• Marginal effect of the “number of years married”: if the length of a marriage increases by
one, then the probability of having an affair goes up by 0.016, holding other explanatory
variables constant. Probabilities can be interpreted as percentages so we say that: every
extra year of marriage increases the probability of having an affair by about 1.6%, holding
other explanatory variables constant.
• Being religious tends to lower the probability of having an affair by 5.6%, ceteris paribus.