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Real-Time Systems, 5, 1??

c 1999 Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston. Manufactured in The Netherlands.

Fast and Precise WCET Prediction by Separated Cache

and Path Analyses
   [email protected]
Department of Computer Science, University of the Saarland, Germany
     [email protected]
AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH, Saarbrücken, Germany
   [email protected]
Department of Computer Science, University of the Saarland, Germany


Abstract. Precise run-time prediction suffers from a complexity problem when doing an integrated analysis.
This problem is characterised by the conflict between an optimal solution and the complexity of the computation
of the solution.
The analysis of modern hardware consists of two parts: a) the analysis of the microarchitecture’s behaviour
(caches, pipelines) and b) the search for the longest program path. Because an integrated analysis has a significant
computational complexity, we chose to separate these two steps. By this, an ordering problem arises, because the
steps depend on each other.
In this paper we show how the microarchitecture analysis can be separated from the path analysis in order
to make the overall analysis fast. Practical experiments will show that this separation, however, does not make
the analysis more pessimistic than existing approaches. Furthermore, we show that the approach can be used to
analyse executables created by a standard optimising compiler.

Keywords: Run-time analysis, hard real-time systems, abstract interpretation, integer linear programming (ILP),
phase ordering problem.

1. Introduction

Caches are used to improve the access times of fast microprocessors to relatively slow
main memories. By providing faster access to recently referenced regions of memory, they
can reduce the number of cycles a processor is waiting for data. Caching is used for more
or less all general purpose processors and, with increasing application sizes, it becomes
increasingly relevant and used for high performance microcontrollers and DSPs.
Programs with hard real-time constraints have to be subjected to a schedulability ana-
lysis. It has to be determined whether all timing constraints can be satisfied. The degree
of success for such a timing validation (see [26]) depends on tight WCET estimations.
For example, for hardware with caches, the typical worst-case assumption is that all ac-
cesses miss the cache. This is an overly pessimistic assumption which leads to a waste of
hardware resources.
For this reason the cache behaviour must be taken into account when finding the WCET.
Earlier work (see [2, 8–10]) describes how a cache analysis can efficiently be implemented
using abstract interpretation (AI).

Modern high performance real-time systems not only make use of caches, but also of
pipelined processors. With the same reasoning as for caches, their pipeline behaviour must
be predicted before run-time in order to obtain tight WCET estimations.
To find the worst-case execution path of the program under examination, integer linear
programming techniques have become popular, because they yield very tight results and
they are capable of handling the problem of infeasible paths very well.
The results of the cache and pipeline analyses must be combined with the results of
a worst-case program path analysis. Existing approaches either neglect the analysis of
modern hardware, or use integrated methods which make the analysis very complex and,
therefore, infeasible for large programs.
In our approach we use the fine grained results of the cache and pipeline analysis by AI
for the generation of an integer linear problem (ILP) to find the worst-case program path.
In this way, each technique is used to solve the problem it can handle best.
There is a dependency problem between the two steps of the analysis, however. The
cache and pipeline analyses—the microarchitecture analysis—perform better when know-
ing about infeasible paths which can then be ignored. On the other hand the program path
analysis only performs well if the results of the microarchitecture analysis are known.
For the practical experiments, we used executables produced by a standard optimising
compiler in order to provide WCET bounds for executables that meet the goal of exploiting
system resources best.

2. Program Analysis by Abstract Interpretation

Program analysis is a widely used technique to determine runtime properties of a given

program without actually executing it. Such information is used for example in optimising
compilers (see [1, 30]) to detect the applicability of program optimisations. A program ana-
lyser takes a program as input and attempts to determine properties of interest. It computes
an approximation to an often undecidable or very hard to compute program property.
There is a well developed theory of program analysis, abstract interpretation (see [5,
20]). This theory states criteria for correctness and termination of a program analysis. A
program analysis is considered an abstraction of a standard semantics of the programming
language. Abstract interpretation amounts to performing a program’s computations using
value descriptions or abstract values in place of concrete values.
One reason for using abstract values instead of concrete ones is computability: to ensure
that analysis results are obtained in finite time. Another is to obtain results that describe
the result of computations on a set of possible (e. g., all) inputs.
The behaviour of a program (including its cache and pipeline behaviour) is given by the
semantics of the program. A standard (operational) semantics of a language is given by a
domain of data and a set of functions describing how the statements of the language trans-
form data. To predict the run-time behaviour of a program, we approximate its ‘collecting
semantics (In [5], the term ‘static semantics’ is used for this.)’. The collecting semantics
gives the set of all program (cache and pipeline, resp.) states for a given program point.
Such information combined with a path analysis can be used to derive WCET bounds of
programs. This approach has successfully been applied to predict the cache behaviour of

programs (see [4, 8, 27]) and can naturally be adapted to predict the pipeline behaviour
(see [8, 22, 23]).
The approach works as follows:
In a first step, the concrete semantics of programs is defined. The concrete semantics is
a simplified (auxiliary) semantics that describes only the interesting aspects of compu-
tation but ignores other details of execution, thereby abstracting away from all aspects
except for those that are subject to the analysis to be designed. E. g., for the cache
analysis, the concrete cache semantics only determines the resulting cache state for a
given path in the program, but ignores for example register values. In this way each
real state is represented by a concrete state.
In the next step, an abstract semantics that ‘collects’ all possibly occurring concrete
states for each program point is defined. An abstract semantics consists of an abstract
domain and a set of abstract semantic functions, so called transfer functions, for the
program statements computing over the abstract domain. They describe how the state-
ments transform abstract data. They must be monotonic to guarantee termination. An
element of the abstract domain represents sets of elements of the concrete domain. The
subset relation on the sets of concrete states determines the complete partial order of
the abstract domain. The partial order on the abstract domain corresponds to precision,
i. e., quality of information.
To combine abstract values, a join operation is needed. In our case this is the least

upper bound operation, , on the abstract domain, which also defines the partial order
on the abstract domain. This operation is used to combine information stemming from
different sources, e. g. from several possible control flows into one program point.
The abstract semantics is constructed in such a way that an abstract state at a given
program point ‘represents’ at least all concrete states that are included in the collecting se-
mantics (see [8]). An abstract state at a program point may additionally represent concrete
states that can not occur in any real execution at this point, due to infeasible paths. This
can reduce the precision of the analysis but does not affect the correctness (see [8]).
The computation of the abstract semantics can be implemented with the help of the
program analyser generator PAG (see [16]), which allows to generate a program analyser
from a description of the abstract domain and of the transfer functions.

3. Cache Memories

A cache can be characterised by three major parameters:

capacity is the number of bytes it may contain.
line size (also called block size) is the number of contiguous bytes that are transferred
from memory on a cache miss. The cache can hold at most n capacity line size  
associativity is the number of cache locations where a particular block may reside.

n associativity is the number of sets of a cache.

If a block can reside in any cache location, then the cache is called fully associative. If
a block can reside in exactly one location, then it is called direct mapped. If a block can
reside in exactly A locations, then the cache is called A-way set associative.
The fully associative and the direct mapped caches are special cases of the A-way set

associative cache where A n and A 1 resp. 
In the case of an associative cache, a cache line has to be selected for replacement when
the cache is full and the processor requests further data. This is done according to a re-
placement strategy. Common strategies are LRU (Least Recently Used), FIFO (First In
First Out), and random.
The set where a memory block may reside in the cache is uniquely determined by the
address of the memory block, i. e., the behaviour of the sets is independent of each other.
The behaviour of an A-way set associative cache is completely described by the behaviour

of its n A fully associative sets (This also holds for direct mapped caches where A 1.). 
For the sake of space, we restrict our description to the semantics of fully associative
caches with LRU replacement strategy. More complete descriptions that explicitly describe
direct mapped and A-way set associative caches can be found in [2] and in [8].

4. Cache Semantics

In the following, we consider a (fully associative) cache as a set of cache lines L 

l1  ln  , and the store as a set of memory blocks S

s1  sm  .
To indicate the absence of any memory block in a cache line, we introduce a new element

I; S S I  .

Definition 1 (concrete cache state). A (concrete) cache state is a function c : L S.

Cc denotes the set of all concrete cache states.

If c lx 
sy for a concrete cache state c, then x describes the relative age of the memory
block according to the LRU replacement strategy and not the physical position in the cache
hardware (see Figure 1).
The update function describes the side effect on the cache of referencing the memory.
The LRU replacement strategy is modelled by putting the most recently referenced memory
block in the first position l1 . If the referenced memory block sx is in the cache already, then
all memory blocks in the cache that have been more recently used than s x increase their
relative age by one, i. e., they are shifted by one position to the next cache line. If the
memory block sx is not in the cache already, then all memory blocks in the cache are
shifted and the oldest, i. e., least recently used memory block is removed from the cache.

Definition 2 (cache update). A cache update function U : Cc  S Cc describes the new

cache state for a given cache state and a referenced memory block.

Updates of fully associative caches with LRU replacement strategy are modelled as in
Figure 1.

z s young
y z
x y age
t x old

z s
s z
x x
t t

Figure 1. Update of a concrete fully associative (sub-) cache. On the left the old cache is depicted, on the right
the new cache after access to s. The picture on top shows an access where s was not in the old cache, the picture
on the bottom shows what happens if s was already in the cache.

Control Flow Representation We represent programs by control flow graphs consisting

of nodes and typed edges. The nodes represent basic blocks. For each basic block, the
sequence of references to memory is known (This is appropriate for instruction caches
and can be too restricted for data caches and combined caches. See [2, 8] for weaker
restrictions.), i. e., there exists a mapping from control flow nodes to sequences of memory
blocks: L : V S .
We can describe the working of a cache with the help of the update
function U . Therefore, we extend U to sequences of memory references:
U c  sx1  sxy  U  U c  sx1   sxy .
The cache state for a path k1  k p in the control flow graph is given by applying U to
the initial cache state cI that maps all cache lines to I and the concatenation of all sequences
of memory references along the path: U cI  L k1     L k p  .

Abstract Semantics The domain for our AI consists of abstract cache states:

Definition 3 (abstract cache state). An abstract cache state ĉ : L 2 S maps cache lines
to sets of the memory blocks. Ĉ denotes the set of all abstract cache states.

We will present three analyses. The must analysis determines a set of memory blocks
that are in the cache at a given program point under all circumstances. The may analysis
determines all memory blocks that may be in the cache at a given program point. The latter
analysis is used to guarantee the absence of a memory block in the cache. The persistence
analysis determines memory blocks that will never be removed from the cache after having
been loaded into it.
The analyses are used to compute a categorisation for each memory reference that de-
scribes its cache behaviour. The categories are described in Table 1.

Table 1. Categorisations of memory references.

Category Abbrev. Meaning

always hit ah The memory reference will always result in a cache hit.
always miss am The memory reference will always result in a cache miss.
persistent ps The memory reference could neither be classified as ah nor am. But the second and
all further executions of the memory reference will always result in a cache hit.
not classified nc The memory reference could neither be classified as ah, am, nor ps.

 x   s young
s, t t age
y y old


Figure 2. Update of an abstract fully associative (sub-) cache.

The abstract semantic functions describe the effects of a control flow node on an element
of the abstract domain. The abstract cache update function Û for abstract cache states is
an extension of the cache update function U to abstract cache states.
On control flow nodes with at least two (Our join functions are associative. On nodes
with more than two predecessors, the join function is used iteratively.) predecessors, join-
functions are used to combine the abstract cache states.

Definition 4 (join function). A join function Ĵ : Ĉ  Ĉ  Ĉ combines two abstract cache


4.1. Must Analysis

To determine whether a memory block is definitely in the cache we use abstract cache states
where the positions of the memory blocks in the abstract cache state are upper bounds of
the ages of the memory blocks. ĉ lx 
sy   sz  means the memory blocks sy   sz
are in the cache. sy  sz will stay in the cache at least for the next n x references to 

memory blocks that are not in the cache or are older than sy  sz , whereby sa is older
than sb means: lx  ly : sa ĉ lx  sb ĉ ly  x y.


We use the abstract cache update function depicted in Figure 2.

The join function is similar to set intersection. A memory block only stays in the abstract
cache if it is in both operand abstract caches states. It gets the maximal age if it has two
different ages (see Figure 3A).
The solution of the must analysis computed by the PAG(see [17, 28]) generated analysers
by fixpoint iteration is interpreted as follows: Let ĉ be an abstract cache state at a control

 a   c young  a  c young
   e  c, f   e
c, f a age a age
d d old d  d old

 intersection  union
   a, c 
+ maximal age e, f  + minimal age
 a, c   
d d 
(A) (B)

Figure 3. A) Join for the must analysis. B) Join for the may analysis.

flow node k that references a memory block sx . If sx ĉ ly for a cache line ly then sx is 

definitely in the cache. A reference to sx is categorised as always hit (ah).

4.2. May Analysis

To determine whether a memory block sx is never in the cache we compute the set of all
memory blocks that may be in the cache. We use abstract cache states where the posi-
tions of the memory blocks in the abstract cache state are lower bounds of the ages of the
memory blocks. ĉ lx

sy   sz  means the memory blocks sy   sz may be in the
cache. A memory block sw sy  sz  will be removed from the cache after at most

n x 1 references to memory blocks that are not in the cache or are older or the same

age than sw , if there are no memory references to sw . sa is older or same age than sb means:
 lx  ly : sa ĉ lx  sb ĉ ly  x y.

We use the following join function: The join function is similar to set union. If a memory
block s has two different ages in the two abstract cache states then the join function takes
the minimal age (see Figure 3B).
The solution of the may analysis computed by the PAG generated analysers is interpreted
as follows: Let ĉ be an abstract cache state at a control flow node k that references a
memory block sx . If sx is not in ĉ ly for an arbitrary ly then it is definitely not in the cache.
A reference to sx is categorised as always miss (am).

4.3. Persistence Analysis

To improve the prediction we use the classification ps (persistent) (This improvement is

described in [8]), which means that a first execution of a memory reference may result in
either a hit or a miss, but all non-first executions will result in hits (This is similar to the
‘first miss’ classification as found in [19].). An abstract cache state ĉ at a control flow node
k that

references a memory block sx is interpreted in the following way: If sx ĉ ly for 

1     n  then sx would not have been replaced if it had been in the cache. If a reference
to sx cannot be categorised as ah, then it is categorised as ps. When a memory block gets

 e  c young
 b  e, f 
c a age

d old
a b possibly removed

e, f  + maximal age


a, b 

Figure 4. Join for the persistence analysis.

too old, it is moved into an additional virtual cache line l which holds those cache lines 

that could once have been removed from the cache.

The join function is similar to set union. If a memory block s has two different ages in
the two abstract cache states then the join function takes the maximal age (see Figure 4).
The solution of the persistence analysis is interpreted as follows: Let ĉ be an abstract
cache state at a control flow node k that references a memory block s x . If sx is not in ĉ l , 

it can definitely not be removed from the cache. A reference to s x is categorised as ps.

4.4. Termination of the Analysis

There are only a finite number of cache lines and for each program a finite number of
memory blocks. This means the domain of abstract cache states ĉ : L 2 S is finite. Hence,
every ascending chain is finite. Additionally, the abstract cache update functions Û and
the join functions Ĵ are monotonic. This guarantees that our analysis will terminate.

5. Analysis of Loops and Recursive Procedures

Loops and recursive procedures are of special interest, since programs spend most of their
runtime there.
A loop often iterates more than once. Since the execution of the loop body usually
changes the cache contents, it is useful to distinguish the first iteration from others.
For our analysis of cache behaviour we treat loops as procedures to be able to use existing
methods for the interprocedural analysis (see Figure 5).
In the presence of (recursive) procedures, a memory reference can be executed in differ-
ent execution contexts. An execution context corresponds to a path in the call graph of a

proc loopL ();

. if P then
while P do BODY
BODY  loopL (); (2)
end; end
.. ..
. .
loopL (); (1)

Figure 5. Loop transformation.

The interprocedural analysis methods differ in which execution contexts are

distinguished for a memory reference within a procedure. Widely used is the callstring
approach whose applicability to cache behaviour prediction is limited (see [8]).
To get more precise results for the cache behaviour prediction, we have developed the
VIVU approach (see [18]) which has been implemented with the mapping mechanism
of PAG as described in [3]. Paths through the call graph that only differ in the number of
repeated passes through a cycle are not distinguished. It can be compared with a combin-
ation of virtual inlining of all non-recursive procedures and virtual unrolling of the first
iterations of all recursive procedures including loops. The results of the VIVU approach
can naturally be combined with the results of a path analysis to predict the WCET of a

6. Program Path Analysis

A problem formulated in ILP consists of two parts: the objective function, and constraints
on the variables used in the objective function. Our objective function represents the num-
ber of CPU cycles in the worst case. Correspondingly, it will be maximised. Each variable
in the objective function will represent the execution count of one basic block of the pro-
gram and will be weighted by the execution time of that basic block. Additionally, we will
use variables corresponding to the traversal counts of the edges in the control flow graph.
Looking at the control flow graph of the program under examination, integer constraints
describing how often basic blocks are executed relative to each other can automatically be
generated. Figure 6 shows how constraints can be generated for a simple if-statement.
However, additional information about the program provided by the user is usually
needed, as the problem of finding the worst-case program path is unsolvable in the gen-
eral case. In our approach the user only needs to provide bounds for loop iterations and
recursion depths.
The ILP approach for program path analysis has the advantage that users are able to
describe in precise terms virtually anything they know about the program’s control flow.
In our system arbitrary integer constraints can be added by the user to further improve the

n b1  n e1
n b1  n e2 n e3
 e2 e3

b2 n b2 n e2 n b3 n e3
n b2  n e4
b2 b3
n b3  n e5

b3 e4 e5
END n b4 n e4 n e5

b4 n b4 n e6

Figure 6. Constraints that can automatically be generated from the control flow graph. b 1  b4 are the basic
blocks whose execution counts are nb1  nb4 . The basic principle is that the execution count of a basic block
equals the sum of the traversal counts of its incoming edges and also traversal counts of its outgoing edges.

As an example, the recursive isprime function in one of our test programs was annot-
ated as follows.
 isprime (int i)

if (i<2) return false;

if (i==2) return true;
if (i % 2==0) return false; 
for (int o=3; o*o<=i; o+=2)
if (i % o == 0)
 return false; //$ (iterations (floor (/ (1- (sqrt i)) 2)))

 return true;

In our program path analysis we use the VIVU approach described in [8–10, 18] to dis-
tinguish first iterations of loops (or calls to functions) and all other iterations (or recursive
The system first generates the obvious constraints automatically and then adds user sup-
plied constraints to tighten the WCET bounds.

6.1. Generating Constraints

A description of how to generate constraints for program path analysis with ILP is given
in [12]. In the following we will show how to use this technique together with our VIVU
analysis to distinguish execution contexts, i. e., how the objective function can be gener-
ated, how to generate the constraints that describe the relation between basic blocks and
thereby bounding the objective function, and how to incorporate the microarchitecture ana-
lysis by AI.
In our approach a basic block is considered in different contexts for which separate con-
straints are generated. A context is determined by the execution stack, i. e., the function
calls and loops along the corresponding path in the control flow graph to the instruction.
It is represented as a sequence of first and recursive function calls (C  c and R  c ) and first

e1 ε
bH VIVU h1 F

h1 f1 g1 bI
g1 f1
bS g1
h1 f1  
Special edges bI
ei : entry edges
f1 : back edge
g1 : exit edge bS ε

Figure 7. A simple loop (left). Virtually unrolled once on the right.

and other executions of loops (F    and O    ) for each basic block c calling a function and
each (virtually) transformed loop  of a program.

Definition 5 (Context). Let calls P be the set of basic blocks of program P that contain
a call to a function of P . Let loops P be the set of loops of P . The set T of all contexts
is a sequence (denoted by * ) of context distinctions, thus it is defined as follows:

 C  c  R  c  F     O   

calls P   
loops P 

context distinctions

In Figure 7 a simple loop is shown that will be used to demonstrate the generation of

Definition 6. Let nb be the execution count of basic block b and let τ b  T be the
set of distinguished execution contexts of b. Let nbϑ be the execution counts for each
context ϑ τ b and let neϑ be the traversal count for an edge e in a context ϑ.

Generally, each simple constraint for nb , like those in Figure 6, will be generated for
each nbϑ . Following this general rule, we obtain the following simple constraints for basic
block bH in Figure 7:

n bH
n h1 
n g1
n bH
n h1 
n g1

At basic block bS we generate the following constraint for its incoming edge:

nbεS  ngε1

An edge has the same contexts as the corresponding basic block. Therefore, g 1 is con-
sidered in two different sets of contexts depending on the basic block it belongs to when
the constraint is generated (see (7)).

6.2. Objective Function

The cache analysis presented earlier in this paper calculated a categorisation (ah, am, nc
or ps) for each basic block in each VIVU context. This categorisation together with the
results of the pipeline analysis define a worst-case execution time for each basic block in
all of its contexts. These execution times are the basis for the objective function of the
generated ILP to weight the basic blocks on the paths in the program.
Let tbϑ be the execution time of basic block b in any of its contexts ϑ τ b . 

The objective is to maximise the execution time given in CPU cycles of the whole pro-
gram. Thus, for a given worst-case execution path b1  ϑ1  bk  ϑk and their corres-

ponding execution times tbϑi i  i 1  k this time is

fmax ∑ tbϑi i  (1)
i 1

To make this function suitable for an objective function in an ILP, a technique called
implicit path enumeration (see [11]) is used. The execution counts will be used to represent
the above formula. These execution counts are related to the worst-case execution path in

the following way:

τb : nbϑ   i 

1  k 

b i  ϑi  b ϑ   (2)
Then (1) can be written as
 ∑ ∑ tbϑ  nbϑ 
b ϑ τb   (3)

The next two sections deal with constraints to describe the control flow between blocks
with different contexts.

6.2.1. Loops For loops, special constraints are generated. Let b H be the first basic
block executed in a loop  , called the head of the loop.
Let ei be the edges that enter the loop  . For each context ϑ of an arbitrary e i there must
be two contexts of bH which have the same prefix but either F    or O    appended:
ϑ  F   (4)
ϑ  O  
The constraints generated for control flow entering  are distinguished by the first and all
other iterations. The first iteration of  is naturally entered from outside  . So the constraint
for each ϑ looks like this:
n bH
ϑ F  
∑ neϑi (5)

In our example we obtain:

n bH  neε1  neε2
Let fi be the back edges of  , i. e., those edges that jump back to the beginning of the
loop from inside the loop. All non-first iterations of loop  are entered from inside the loop
via these back edges either from the first or from other iterations. This is described by the
following constraint:

n bH
ϑ O  
∑ n fi

ϑ F  
 n fi

ϑ O  


In the example in Figure 7 there is only one back edge, correspondingly, we generate the
following constraint:
n bH  n f1
 n f1

We also need special constraints for exiting a loop, so we introduce a constraint for each
exit edge gi of loop  and for each context ϑ:

ngϑi  n gi

ϑ F  
 n gi

ϑ O  

The context ϑ outside our example loop is the empty context, so we obtain:

ngε1  F  
n g1 
n g1
This constraint links together the two views on the exit edges from inside and outside the
loop  .

6.2.2. Loop Bounds First, we have to define what it means when a loop is executed k
times. We used an executable produced by an optimising standard compiler as input for
our analysis so this issue is not as easy as it may appear at first sight. In fact we have to
identify some inner basic block, i. e., one that does not belong to the loop’s exit condition
check which is usually executed once more than the whole loop. There are various types
of loops, those that test the condition at the beginning, e. g. while()   in the

C programming language, those that test the condition at the end of the loop, e. g. do
  while() loops in C, or even in the middle of the loop, e. g. if the loop contains a
statement like if (  ) break;.
There are two factors that complicate the analysis. Firstly, C programmers usually like
to use break and return inside loops and, secondly, the compiler sometimes optimises
quite fancily. The first problem can be solved by user provided additional constraints.
There are still some open problems with optimising compilers, as can be seen from the
experimental results. The compiler optimisation problem could perhaps be solved by the
help of the compiler itself. In our case the compiler very often inferred that the first iteration
is always executed and, therefore, either unrolled it once or moved the condition test from
the beginning to the end of the loop.
Because the problem of finding an inner basic block of a loop couldn’t be solved in all
the cases, and because we have to guarantee that the analysis doesn’t calculate time bounds

that are below the WCET, we had to leave the problem of defining which basic block is
an inner basic block of the loop with the user. We will therefore assume that b I is the
first basic block of the body of the loop. Then bI is executed as many times as the loop is
Let ei be the entry edges to  . Let k be the maximal number of iterations of  . Then we
use the following constraint for each context ϑ of ei to bound the number of iterations of  :

n bI

ϑ F  
 n bI

ϑ O  
k ∑ neϑi (8)

Assuming our example loop will be executed 10 times at the most, we generate the follow-
ing constraint:

10  neε1 neε2
F   O  
n bI  n bI 

6.2.3. Functions We now describe the generation of the constraints necessary to link
together functions.
Without loss of generality we assume that the first basic block of a function is executed
as many times as the function is called. This is not the case if the first basic block of the
function is also the first basic block of a loop in that function. But in that case we can
simply introduce an empty basic block not belonging to the loop at the beginning of such
a function.
We now generate the constraints for the fact that each function’s first basic block is
executed as many times as the function is called. We distinguish each context according to
the VIVU analysis.
Let bC be an arbitrary basic block from which the first basic block bϕ of a function ϕ
is called. For each context ϑ τ bC there is at least one context ϑ  C  bC  of bϕ . If ϕ is

called recursively, there is also a context ϑ  R  bC  . For each context ϑ of bC we generate

one constraint:

nbϑC  n bϕ

ϑ C  bC 

For recursive calls we need a recursion bound b which must be supplied by the user.
In many cases, b could be found by a data flow analysis. If the compiler optimises by
inlining functions we meet similar problems as for loop unrolling. In order to overcome
these problems, we had to switch off function inlining.
For each ϑ τ bC we generate the following constraint which bounds the number of

calls to ϕ:

n bϕ

ϑ C  bC 
 n bϕ

ϑ R  bC 
b  nbϑC (10)

6.2.4. Handling the Categorisation ps To handle ps correctly we have to change the

objective function and add additional constraints, because a basic block in a context ϑ has
two different execution times, one for the first execution that might be a miss, and one for
all other references which will be hits.

We define n̂bϑ to count all but the first execution of b in context ϑ. The relation between
nbϑ and n̂bϑ is:
nbϑ  n̂bϑ  0 nbϑ  0  n̂bϑ  nbϑ  1 
Since this relation contains an operator, the formulation in ILP is not straightforward.
However, n̂bϑ will have a negative coefficient in the objective function and the above con-
straints will be the only ones for n̂bϑ . Therefore, we can formulate (11) as follows:
n̂bϑ  nbϑ  1 (12)
Next we introduce tˆbϑ
to be the time that b executes faster in all non-first executions
compared to the first execution in context ϑ.
The new times must be incorporated into the objective function. Its definition changes
as follows.
Let ki be the number of distinguished contexts for basic block i and m the number of
basic blocks in the program. Then the objective function is

 ∑ ∑ tbϑ  nbϑ t̂bϑ  nbϑ

b ϑ τb


6.2.5. Tightening the Bounds The previous sections introduced the basic constraints
our technique uses. However, there are some possibilities of further tightening the bounds
by additional constraints. The implemented groups of constraints are:
Whenever lower bounds for loop iterations and recursion depths are known constraints
will be introduced for them.
When it is known that a loop is executed at least once, the infeasible path traversing
the loop exit of the first iteration is excluded by an additional constraint. This is easily
possible, because we use the VIVU-approach which virtually unrolls the first iteration,
thereby introducing an additional edge for the loop exit in the first iteration.
For mutually recursive functions additional constraints are introduced which are sim-
ilar to the back edge constraints (6) for loops. These are slightly more complex because
recursive function calls might be deeply nested and therefore many different contexts
are possible.

6.2.6. Reducing the Problem Size Two simple optimisations concerning the problem
size of the ILP have been implemented in our approach.
Equations of the form A  B are removed and A is substituted by B in the whole ILP.
In the same way, a pair of constraints A  X, B  X is replaced by B  X and A is
replaced by B in the whole ILP.
These simple optimisations lead to a quite significant reduction of the size of the gener-
ated ILPs. Our tool issues an additional variable block execution/edge traversal count
mapping to enable subsequent analysis steps to evaluate the ILP solution easily.

7. Interpretation of the Relaxed Problem

It is well-known (see [24]) that the problem of solving ILPs is N P -complete. Fortunately,
the ILPs our approach creates are similar to network flow problems, which usually can be
solved fast.
Still, the threat of user provided constraints that destroy the integer nature of the linear
problem remains. It is quite unpredictable how arbitrary user constraints interact with the
automatically created constraints. In any case, it is safe and only a source of overestimation
to solve the relaxed problem, i. e., leaving out the demands for integrality of the execution
count variables, as any solution to the ILP is also a solution to the relaxed problem. This
way, solving the relaxed problem is suitable whenever there is no need to find execution
counts of basic block, but only the worst-case execution time.
During our experiments we found that all of the test problems only needed one step in the
branch-and-bound algorithm of lp solve (written by Michel Berkelaar and freely available
at ftp://ftp.es.ele.tue.nl/pub/lp solve) and could, therefore, be solved as fast as the relaxed

8. Implementation

The cache analysis techniques are implemented with the help of the program analyser
generator PAG. The cache analyser gets the executable and a specification of the instruction
cache as input and produces a categorisation of the instruction/context pairs in the input
The program path analysis consists of about 10 000 lines of C++ code. It includes a
C++ and C parser to read the user annotations and an interpreter for a Lisp-like language
that provides an easy way of specifying loop and recursion bounds as well as additional
The frontend of our analyser reads a Sun SPARC executable in a.out format. The Sun
SPARC is a RISC architecture with a uniform instruction size of four bytes. Our imple-
mentation is based on the Executable Editing Library (EEL) of the Wisconsin Architectural
Research Tool Set (WARTS) (see http://www.cs.wisc.edu/˜larus/warts.html).
The profiles used for comparison with our program path analysis were produced with the
help of qpt2 (Quick program Profiler and Tracer) that is part of the WARTS distribution.
To solve the integer constraints generated by the program path analyser we used the
freely available constraint solver lp solve.
For our experiments we used parts of the program suites of Frank Müller, some of the
programs of Yau-Tsun Steven Li, and some additional programs (see Table 2). The pro-
grams were compiled using the GNU C compiler version 2.7.2 under SunOS 4.1.4 with
either -O0 or -O2.

9. Experimental Results

To test the accuracy of our system we first predicted the hits and misses for each instruction
in the test programs. We assumed an instruction cache with a size of 1k byte, a level of
associativity of 4, and a line size of 16 bytes.

Table 2. List of the test programs we used. The number of lines of the source code and the number of bytes
of the compiled code when compiling with -O2 are given.

Name Description #lines #bytes

fac recursive calculation of factorials 16 96
prime test of several numbers to be prime 34 228
sort Bubble sort implementation 123 236
matmul 5 5 matrix multiplication 46 240

circle circle drawing routine 200 1240

jfdctint JPEG forward discrete cos transform 392 1476
stats two array sums, mean, variance, standard derivation, and linear correlation 186 1512
ndes data encryption 287 1944
with worst-case input

prime unoptimized
sort optimized

80% 100% 120% 140% 160% (A)

prime unoptimized
sort optimized

99% 100% 101% 102% (B)

Figure 8. Prediction accuracy of the WCET of several test programs. A) Combined I-cache analysis and program
path analysis. B) Program path analysis alone (assuming uniform instruction execution time).

For each instruction in each context the cache analyser predicted whether the instruction
execution will always result in a cache hit (ah), or always result in a cache miss (am),
whether it will be persistent (ps) or not classified (nc). For the experiments we assumes an
idealised virtual hardware that executes all instructions that result in an instruction cache
hit in one cycle and all instructions that result in an instruction cache miss in 10 cycles.
For each basic block b in each context ϑ τ b we defined tbϑ to be the sum of the
instruction execution times of the idealised hardware and tˆbϑ the sum of the speed-up in all

non-first executions. With this information the program was then first traced with worst-
case input (as far as applicable) and then analysed by generating the set of constraints and

the objective function described in Section 6. The resulting set of constraints was then
solved using the ILP solver.
The results of the objective function which represents the worst-case execution time are
compared to the measured cache behaviour (the number of hits and misses) obtained by
simulation. Figure 8 presents the overestimation of the analysis. The overestimation is
caused by unknown cache behaviour (classifications nc and ps) on the one hand and by
misprediction of worst-case paths in if-statements and loops (mainly for the loop condi-
tion checks) on the other hand. For technical reasons, calls to library functions are not taken
into account by the simulation and are, therefore, also ignored by the objective function in
the practical experiments.
Figure 8 shows that the prediction does not always become worse when using compiler
optimisation. This is quite surprising as the generated set of constraints is definitely more
pessimistic when the compiler optimises the code due to unrolled loops and the like which
the analyser is not aware of. However, it seems that because the code shrinks with optim-
isation, the cache analysis becomes better, so that the more pessimistic set of constraints
does not lead to worse analyses. Comparing the execution counts of the trace with our
prediction, without taking into account the cache behaviour, our prediction is only slightly
worse. For ndes, the cache prediction yielded many nc classifications due to the bigger
executable at compiler optimisation level -O0. This is the reason for the overestimation.
For other test programs, like jfdctint, the cache prediction for the optimised execut-
able was slightly worse than for the non-optimised one. The path analysis alone predicts
the worst-case exactly (100%). An interface to the compiler that provides information
about the compiler optimisations would help to eliminate this overestimation.
For programs without conditionally executed code apart from the loops like matmul,
stats, etc. the overestimation of our analysis is very small. The path analysis alone
predicts the worst case perfectly. Except for loop bounds, no additional user constraints
were necessary. For sort and ndes we had to add additional constraints to reach good
results. E. g. the triangular loop structure in sort looked like this:
FOR i:= 1 TO N-1 DO
FOR j:= N DOWN TO i+1 DO
This can be described by the following constraint:


na (14)

The complete analysis, cache prediction plus path analysis, of any of the test programs
takes only a few seconds (less than five in all cases) on an AMD K6-2 with 300 MHz.
Table 3 shows an overview of the test results with a compiler optimisation level of -O2.

10. Related Work

The work of Arnold, Müller, Whalley, and Harmon has been one of the starting points
of our work. [19] describes a data flow analysis for the prediction of instruction cache
behaviour of programs for direct mapped caches.

Table 3. Results of the program path analysis with optimisation level -O2.

problem size CPU cycles accuracy

Name variables constraints predicted traced [%]
fac 61 53 25756 25600 100.61
prime 274 238 62507 61940 100.92
sort 110 104 2503726 2503646 100.00
matmul 123 103 1908 1879 101.54
circle 53 49 1945 1912 101.73
jfdctint 49 46 4587 4259 107.70
stats 148 135 150592 150578 100.01
ndes 625 540 54148 51478 105.19

In [11–13] Yau-Tsun Steven Li, Sharad Malik, and Andrew Wolfe describe how in-
teger linear programming can be used to solve the problem of finding worst-case pro-
gram paths and how this can be extended to cache memories and pipelines (See http://
www.ee.princeton.edu/˜yauli/cinderella-3.0/). Their work inspired us to use integer con-
straints for finding worst-case program paths because of the users being able to formulate
nearly everything they know about the program. In our approach we can additionally take
advantage of the VIVU analysis. This enables the user to provide constraints separately for
different contexts. In the approach of Li, Malik and Wolfe, the cache behaviour prediction
with integer constraints leads to quite large sets of constraints when the level of associativ-
ity is increased, and leads to prohibitively high analysis times (see [13]). Our approach is
virtually independent of the level of associativity. Everything between 1 and 8 has been
tested without significant changes of analysis times.
By using the results of the cache analysis based on AI (which performs very well for
independent of the associativity level) the dramatic increase in complexity can be avoided.
The sets of constraints are smaller than those reported in [13] and the estimated WCETs are
equally tight. Furthermore, there are no automatically generated long-distance constraints
in our approach, which can be introduced by cache conflict constraints.
Widely based on [13], Greger Ottoson and Mikael Sjödin [21] have tried to develop
a framework to estimate WCETs for architectures with pipelines, instruction and data
caches. Unlike the approach of Li, Malik, and Wolfe, they are not restricted to linear
constraints but use logical constraints (formulas) to model microarchitectural properties.
Nevertheless, they experience the same problems. In an experiment to predict the cache
behaviour of a very small program they report analysis times of several hours.
In [14], Lim et al. describe a general framework for the computation of WCETs of pro-
grams in the presence of pipelines and cache memories. Two kinds of pipeline and cache
state information are associated with every program construct for which timing equations
can be formulated. One describes the pipeline and cache state when the program con-
struct is finished. The other can be combined with the state information from the previous
construct to refine the WCET computation for that program construct. The set of timing
equations must be explicitly solved. An approximation to the solution for the set of timing
equations has been proposed. The usage of an input and output state provides a way for
a modularisation for the timing analysis. The method is extended to multi-issue machines

in [15]. However, the analyses in this paper only take into account the multi-issue pipeline
and the results are, therefore, incomparable to ours.
In [7], Ermedahl and Gustafsson present a method of computing annotations about loops
and paths automatically. This technique uses abstract interpretation. It could be used
to replace and check some of the user annotations. The work of Sicks (see [25]) about
determining value ranges of registers does similar computations and will be incorporated
into our tool.
In [29], Tice and Graham present a method of retrieving better information about com-
piler optimisations. The source program is passed through the compiler and optimisations
that are interesting for the user in order to understand the behaviour of the executable are
represented by source code modifications. Our approach could profit from this idea by
letting the user annotate this modified source code instead of the original source code. By
this the user immediately sees whether, e. g., the compiler has moved the loop condition
test to a different code position and this would enable them to supply our tool with this
information. The disadvantage is that the user has to annotate the source code each time
the program is compiled.
In [6], Engblom et al. present a method of making the compiler produce an additional
description of the optimisations performed. A description language for optimisation trans-
formations is defined which is used as an exchange format between the compiler and the
analysis tool. The paper does not present precision results so the method cannot be com-
pared easily to ours. The approach, however, is likely to have the potential of improving
our source-target code mapping as well.

11. Conclusion and Future Work

We have shown how it is possible to separate the microarchitecture analysis from the pro-
gram path analysis by using the results from a microarchitecture analysis by AI for the
calculation of worst-case program paths using integer linear programming. This phase or-
dering performs very well with regard to WCET estimations. Our implementation can be
used even for optimising compilers and uses the VIVU analysis to distinguish different
execution contexts. By using WCETs for basic blocks as input it is not limited to cache
analyses but can use results from any microarchitecture simulation.
We solved the phase ordering problem that occurred by preceding the path analysis with
the microarchitecture analysis without noticeable loss of precision. The separation into
phases makes it possible to integrate additional analyses into our tool without the threat of
inducing unpredictable computational problems by interaction of the analysis steps.
There is still room for further research. We have developed a pipeline analysis that will
be integrated into the existing analysers.
Another area of research is the development of an appropriate interface to the compiler.
Several ways of retrieving more information about compiler optimisations exist and will
be further examined.
Furthermore, we are developing a value analysis to automatically retrieve bounds for
loops and recursions, thus minimising the amount of necessary user annotations. In our
experiments many loops had a fixed start and end value for the iteration counter. Again an

interface to the compiler would help, since it must obviously use such information when
rearranging the code.

12. Acknowledgements

We would like to thank Mark D. Hill, James R. Larus, Alvin R. Lebeck, Madhusudhan
Talluri, and David A. Wood for making available the Wisconsin architectural research tool
set (WARTS), Thomas Ramrath for the implementation of the PAG frontend for SPARC ex-
ecutables, Yau-Tsun Steven Li and Frank Müller for providing their benchmark programs,
Martin Alt for an early implementation of the cache analysis, and Joanne Capstick for her


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