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Cover Page

 Course Title: Assessment of Learning 1

 Your Name
 Date
 Instructor’s Name

2. Table of Contents

 Introduction
 Planning the Test
 Selecting and Constructing Test Items and Tasks
 Improving Classroom-Based Assessment Test
 Grading and Reporting of Assessment Results
 Reflection on Assessment Practices
 References

3. Introduction

 Overview of the importance of assessment tests in education.

 Brief explanation of the purpose and scope of the assessment tests.

4. Planning the Test

 Importance of table of specifications in test construction.

 Role of table of specifications in test construction.

5. Selecting and Constructing Test Items and Tasks

 Describe the process of aligning the test types with the learning outcomes.
 Sample test items of the following test types (2 samples each):

 Completion Type
 Short Answer
 Extended Essay
 Restricted Essay
 Multiple Choice
 True-False Test

 Importance of Aligning test types with learning outcomes.

6. Improving Classroom-Based Assessment Test

 Describe the following:

 Judgmental Item-Improvement
 Empirically-Based Procedures

7. Grading and Reporting of Assessment Results

 Sample Grade Computation in MAPEH. (Present in tabular form with 10 written works and 7 performance tasks)

8. Reflection on Assessment Practices

 Personal reflections on the effectiveness of different types of tests.

 Challenges faced and lessons learned in test construction.
 Future goals for improving test construction.

9. References

 List of scholarly articles, books, and other resources used to inform your assessment practices.
 Proper citation format (APA, MLA, etc.).
 Online Sources

1. Overall Portfolio Quality Rubric

Criterion Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1)

Well-organized, logical flow, Organized with minor Some organization issues, Poorly organized, difficult
easy to navigate issues in navigation hard to follow to navigate
All required elements Most elements included, Some elements missing or Many elements missing or
included and well-developed adequately developed underdeveloped incomplete
Clarity of Content is clear, concise, and Content is mostly clear Some content is unclear or Content is unclear and
Content well-explained with minor issues confusing confusing
In-depth, insightful Good reflections with Basic reflections, limited Minimal or superficial
reflections minor areas lacking depth reflections
Highly professional Generally professional Some issues with Unprofessional presentation
presentation and formatting presentation professionalism and formatting

2. Assessment Tools and Techniques Rubric

Criterion Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1)

Wide variety of assessment Several types of Limited variety of Very few assessment
Variety of Tools
tools demonstrated assessment tools shown assessment tools tools demonstrated
Alignment with Tools are clearly aligned with Most tools align well with Some tools do not align Tools are not aligned
Objectives learning objectives objectives with objectives with objectives
Tools are effectively Tools are adequately Implementation and Poor implementation
implemented and described implemented and described descriptions are unclear and descriptions
Innovative Demonstrates innovative and Some innovation shown in Limited innovation, mostly No innovative
Techniques creative assessment techniques assessment techniques standard techniques techniques demonstrated
Criterion Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1)
Comprehensive documentation Good documentation with Basic documentation, Poor or minimal
of assessment tools minor gaps missing some details documentation

These rubrics provide a structured and objective way to evaluate various aspects of a portfolio in the "Assessment of Learning" course,
ensuring that students receive clear feedback on their performance and areas for improvement.

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