Meat Processing Technology
Meat Processing Technology
Meat Processing Technology
structure, biochemistry) Sources of meat, fat and animal by-products Meat, fat and other carcass parts used as raw materials for the manufacture of processed meat products are mainly derived from the domesticated animal species cattle, pigs and poultry and to a lesser extend from buffaloes, sheep and goats. In some regions other animal species such as camels, yaks, horses and game animals are used as meat animals but play only a minor role in meat processing. In this context, meat can be defined as the muscle tissue of slaughter animals. The other important tissue used for further processing is fat. Other edible parts of the slaughtered animal and often used in further processing are the internal organs (tongue, heart, liver, kidneys, lungs, diaphragm, esophagus, intestines) and other slaughter by-products (blood, soft tissues from feet, head). A special group of internal organs are the intestines. Apart from being used as food in many regions in particular in the developing world, they can be processed in a specific way to make them suitable as sausage casings (see chapter on Casings, page 249). Some of them are eaten with the sausage; others are only used as container for the sausage mix and peeled off before consumption. The skin of some animal species is also used for processed meat products. This is the case with pork skin and poultry skin, in some cases also with calf skin (from calf heads and legs). For more details on the utilization of animal tissues for processed meat products see also chapter Selection and grading of meat materials for processing. 1) With the emergence of BSE (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy), some edible animal tissues from ruminants, in particular brain, have been declared specified risk materials (SRM) and have to be condemned in BSE affected areas. Muscle meat Chemical composition of meat In general, meat is composed of water, fat, protein, minerals and a small proportion of carbohydrate. The most valuable component from the nutritional and processing point of view is protein. Protein contents and values define the quality of the raw meat material and its suitability for further processing. Protein content is also the criterion for the quality and value of the finished processed meat products. Table 1 shows the chemical composition of fresh raw and processed meats. Table 1: Content of water, protein, fat, ash (in percent) and calories (approximate values for selected raw and processed food products) Product F R E S H Beef (lean) Beef carcass Pork (lean) Pork carcass Veal (lean) Water 75.0 54.7 75.1 41.1 76.4 Protein 22.3 16.5 22.8 11.2 21.3 Fat 1.8 28.0 1.2 47.0 0.8 Ash 1.2 0.8 1.0 0.6 1.2 Calories / 100g 116 323 112 472 98
Chicken Venison (deer) Beef fat (subcutaneous) Pork fat (back fat) Beef, lean, fried Pork, lean, fried Lamb, lean, fried Veal, lean, fried Raw-cooked sausage with coarse lean particles (ham sausage) Raw-cooked sausage finely comminuted, no extender Raw-cooked sausage
75.0 75.7 4.0 7.7 58.4 59.0 60.9 61.7 68.5 57.4 63.0
22.8 21.4 1.5 2.9 30.4 27.0 28.5 31.4 16.4 13.3 14.0
0.9 1.3 94.0 88.7 9.2 13.0 9.5 5.6 11.1 22.8 19.8
3.7 0.3
277 240
45.8 (liver sausage) Liver pate Gelatinous meat mix (lean) Raw-fermented sausage (Salami) Milk (pasteurized) Egg (boiled) Bread (rye) Potatoes (cooked) 53.9 72.9 33.9 87.6 74.6 38.5 78.0
As can be seen from the table, water is a variable of these components, and is closely and inversely related to the fat content. The fat content is higher in entire carcasses than in lean carcass cuts. The fat content is also high in processed meat products where high amounts of fatty tissue are used. The value of animal foods is essentially associated with their content of proteins. Protein is made up of about 20 amino acids. Approximately 65% of the proteins in the animal body are skeleton muscle protein, about 30% connective tissue proteins (collagen, elastin) and the remaining 5% blood proteins and keratin (hairs, nails). Histological structure of muscle tissue The muscles are surrounded by a connective tissue membrane, whose ends meet and merge into a tendon attached to the skeleton (Fig. 1(b)). Each muscle includes several muscle fiber bundles which are visible to the naked eye (Fig. 1(c)), which contain a varying number (30-80) of muscle fibers or muscle cells (Fig. 1(d) and Fig. 2) up to a few centimeters long with a diameter of 0.01 to 0.1 mm. The size and diameter of muscle fibers depends on age, type and breed of animals. Between the muscle fiber bundles are blood vessels (Fig. 1(e)) as well as connective tissue and fat deposits (Fig. 1(f)). Each muscle fiber (muscle cell) is surrounded by a cell membrane (sarcolemma) (Fig. 2, blue). Inside the cell are sarcoplasma (Fig. 2, white) and a large number of filaments, also called myofibrils (Fig. 1(g) and Fig. 2, red). The sarcoplasma is a soft protein structure and contains amongst others the red muscle pigment myoglobin. Myoglobin absorbs oxygen carried by the small blood vessels and serves as an oxygen reserve for contraction of the living muscle. In meat the myoglobin provides the red meat color and plays a decisive role in the curing reaction. The sarcoplasma constitutes about 30 percent of the muscle cell. The sarcoplasmatic proteins are water soluble. About 70 percent of the muscle cell consists of thousands of myofibrils, which are solid protein chains and have a diameter of 0.001 0.002 mm. These proteins, which account for the major and nutritionally most valuable part of the muscle cell proteins, are soluble in saline solution. This fact is of utmost importance for the manufacture of certain meat products, in
particular the raw-cooked products and cured-cooked products. A characteristic of those products is the heat coagulation of previously liquefied myofibril proteins. The achieved structure of the coagulated proteins provides the typical solidelastic texture in the final products.
Changes of pH Immediately post-mortem the muscle contains a small amount of muscle specific carbohydrate, called glycogen (about 1%), most of which is broken down to lactic acid in the muscle meat in the first hours (up to 12 hours) after slaughtering. This biochemical process serves an important function in establishing acidity (low pH) in the meat. In the live animal glycogen is the energy reserve for the muscles used as fuel for muscle contraction. The so-called glycolytic cycle starts immediately after slaughter in the muscle tissue, in which glycogen, the main energy supplier to the muscle, is broken down to lactic acid. The build up of lactic acid in the muscle produces an increase in its acidity, as measured by the pH. The pH of normal muscle at slaughter is about 7.0 but this will decrease in meat. In a normal animal, the ultimate pH (expressed as pH24 = 24 hours after slaughter) falls to around pH 5.8-5.4. The degree of reduction of muscle pH after slaughter has a significant effect on the quality of the resulting meat (Fig. 3). The typical taste and flavour of meat is only achieved after sufficient drop in pH down to 5.8 to 5.4. From the processing point of view, meat with pH 5.6-6.0 is better for products where good water binding is required (e.g. frankfurters, cooked ham), as meat with higher pH has a higher water binding capacity. In products which lose water during fabrication and ripening (e.g. raw ham, dry fermented sausages), meat with a lower pH (5.65.2) is preferred as it has a lower water binding capacity. The pH is also important for the storage life of meat. The lower the pH, the less favorable conditions for the growth of harmful bacteria. Meat of animals, which had depleted their glycogen reserves before slaughtering (after stressful transport/handling in holding pens) will not have a sufficient fall in pH and will be highly prone to bacterial deterioration. PSE and DFD (see Fig. 3) In stress susceptible animals pH may fall very quickly to pH 5.8 5.6 while the carcass is still warm. This condition is
found most often in pork. It can be recognized in the meat as a pale colour, a soft, almost mushy texture and a very wet surface (pale, soft, exudative = PSE meat). PSE meat has lower binding properties and loses weight (water) rapidly during cooking resulting in a decrease in processing yields. A reverse phenomenon may arise in animals which have not been fed for a period before slaughter, or which have been excessively fatigued during transportation and lairage. In these cases, most of the muscle glycogen has been used up at point of slaughter and pronounced acidity in the meat cannot occur. The muscle pH24 does not fall below pH 6.0. This produces dark, firm, dry (DFD) meat. The high pH cause the muscle proteins to retain most of their bound water, the muscle remain swollen and they absorb most of the light striking the meat surface, giving a dark appearance. Dark meat has a "sticky" texture. Less moisture loss occurs during curing and cooking as a result of the higher pH and the greater water-holding capacity but salt penetration is restricted. Conditions for growth of microorganisms are therefore improved resulting in a much shorter "shelf life". DFD conditions occur both in beef and pork. DFD meat should not be confused with that resulting from mature animals through the presence of naturally dark pigmentation. PSE and DFD conditions can to a certain extend be prevented or retarded through humane treatment and minimization of stress to animals prior to slaughter. PSE and DFD meat is not unfit for human consumption, but not well suited for cooking and frying (PSE loses excessive moisture and remains dry due to low water binding capacity while DFD meat remains tough and tasteless due to the lack of acidity). Nevertheless, for meat processing purposes, PSE and DFD meat can still be utilized, preferably blended with normal meat. PSE meat can be added to meat products, where water losses are desirable, such as dry-fermented sausages, while DFD meat can be used for raw-cooked products (frankfurter type) where high water binding is required.
Fig. 3: Changes of pH Meat colouring The red pigment that provides the characteristic color of meat is called myoglobin. Similar to the blood pigment hemoglobin it transports oxygen in the tissues of the live animal. Specifically, the myoglobin is the oxygen reserve for the muscle cells or muscle fibers. Oxygen is needed for the biochemical process that causes muscle contraction in the live animal. The greater the myoglobin concentration, the more intense the color of the muscle. This difference in myoglobin concentration is the reason why there is often one muscle group lighter or darker than another in the same carcass. Myoglobin concentration in muscles also differs among animal species. Beef has considerably more myoglobin than pork, veal or lamb, thus giving beef a more intense colour (Fig. 4). The maturity of the animal also influences pigment intensity, with older animals having darker pigmentation. The different myoglobin levels determine the curing capability of meat. As the red curing colour of meat results from a chemical reaction of myoglobin with the curing substance nitrite, the curing colour will be more intense where more muscle myoglobin is available.
Water holding capacity The water holding capacity (WHC) of meat is one of the most important factors of meat quality both from the consumer and processor point of view. Muscle proteins are capable of holding many water molecules to their surface. As the muscle tissue develops acidity (decrease of pH) the water holding capacity decreases (Fig. 5, 429, 430).
Fig. 5: Compression test1, different water holding capacity of muscles. Left: Sample with low WHC. Right: Dark meat sample with good WHC (less water pressed out) Water bound to the muscle protein affects the eating and processing quality of the meat. To obtain good yields during further processing including cooking, the water holding capacity needs to be at a high level (except for uncooked fermented and/or dried products which need to lose water during processing, see page 115, 171). Water holding capacity varies greatly among the muscles of the body and among animal species. It was found that beef has the greatest capacity to retain water, followed by pork, with poultry having the least. Tenderness and flavor Meat tenderness plays an important role, where entire pieces of meat are cooked, fried or barbecued. In these cases some types of meat, in particular beef, have to undergo a certain ripening or ageing period before cooking and consumption in order to achieve the necessary tenderness (Fig.6). In the fabrication of many processed meat products the toughness or tenderness of the meat used is of minor importance. Many meat products are composed of comminuted meat, a process where even previously tough meat is made palatable. Further processing of larger pieces of meat (e.g. raw or cooked hams) also results in good chewing quality as these products are cured and fermented or cured and cooked, which makes them tender. The taste of meat is different for different animal species. However, it may sometimes be difficult to distinguish the species in certain food preparations. For instance, in some dishes pork and veal may taste similar and have the same chewing properties. Mutton and sometimes lamb has a characteristic taste and smell, which originates from the fat. Even small quantities of fat, e.g. inter- and intramuscular fat, may imprint this typical smell and taste on the meat, particularly of meat from old animals. Feed may also influence the taste of meat (e.g. fish meal). In addition, the sex of the animal may also give a special taste and smell to the meat. The most striking example is the pronounced urine-like smell when cooking old boars meat. Meat fit for human consumption but with slightly untypical smell and flavour, which may not be suitable for meat dishes, can still be used for certain processed meat products. However, it should preferably be blended with normal meat to minimize the off-odour. Also intensive seasoning helps in this respect. The typical desirable taste and odor of meat is to a great extend the result of the formation of lactic acid (resulting from glycogen breakdown in the muscle tissue) and organic compounds like aminoacids and di- and tripeptides broken down from the meat proteins. In particular the aged (matured) meat obtains its characteristic taste from the breakdown to such substances. The meaty taste can be further enhanced by adding monosodium glutamate (MSG) (0.05-0.1%), which can reinforce the meat taste of certain products. MSG is a frequently used ingredient in some meat dishes and processed meat products in particular in Asian countries. Animal fats
Fatty tissues are a natural occurring part of the meat carcass. In the live organism, fatty tissues function as
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Energy deposits (store energy) Insulation against body temperature losses Protective padding in the skin and around organs, especially kidney and heart.
Fatty tissue (Fig. 8) is composed of cells, which like other tissue cells, have cell membranes, nucleus and cell matrix, the latter significantly reduced to provide space for storing fat. Fats, in the form of triglycerides, accumulate in the fat cells. Well fed animals accumulate large amounts of fat in the tissues. In periods of starvation or exhaustion, fat is gradually reduced from the fat cells.
Fig. 9: Intermuscular fat (a) (around individual muscles) and intramuscular fat (b) (inside muscle tissue) In the animal body there are subcutaneous fat deposits (under the skin) (Fig. 10(a/b)) and Fig. 14(a)), fat deposits surrounding organs (e.g. kidney, heart) (Fig. 10(d) and Fig. 16(a)) or fat deposits between muscles (intermuscular fat, (Fig. 9(a)). Fat deposits between the muscle fibre bundles of a muscle are called intramuscular fat (Fig. 9(b)) and lead in higher accumulations to marbling. Marbling of muscle meat contributes to tenderness and flavour of meat. Many consumers prefer marbling of meat for steaks and other roasted meat dishes. For processed meat products, fats are added to make products softer and also for taste and flavour improvement. In order to make best use of animal fats, basic knowledge on their selection and proper utilization is essential. Fatty tissues from certain animal species are better suited for meat product manufacture, fats from other species less or not suited at all. This is mainly for sensory reasons as taste and flavour of fat varies between animal species. Strong differences are also pronounced in older animals, with the well known example of fat from old sheep, which most consumers refuse. However, this aspect is to some extent subjective as consumers prefer the type of animal fat they are used to. Availability also plays a role when fatty tissues are used for processing. Some animal species have higher quantities of fatty tissue (e.g. pigs), others lesser quantities (e.g. bovines) (Table 1). Pig fat is favoured in many regions for processing purposes. It is often readily available but and has a suitable tissue structure, composition and unpronounced taste which make it readily usable. Fresh pork fat is almost odour- and flavourless. Body fats from other animal species have good processing potential for the manufacture of meat products, but the addition of larger quantities is limited by availability and some undesirable taste properties.
Pork fat The subcutaneous fats from pigs are the best suited and also most widely used in meat processing, e.g. backfat (Fig. 10(a), Fig. 12), jowl fat (Fig. 11(b), Fig. 12) and belly (Fig. 10(b) and Fig. 12). These fatty tissues are easily separated from other tissues and used as separate ingredients for meat products. Also the intermuscular fats occurring in certain locations in muscle tissues are used. They are either trimmed off or left connected (e.g. intermuscular fat in muscle tissue) and processed together with the muscle meat. Subcutaneous and intermuscular fats are also known as body fats. Another category are the depot-fats, located in the animal body around internal organs. These fats can also be manually separated. In rare cases mesenterical (intestinal) fats of pigs are used for soft meat products (e.g. liver sausage), but only in small quantities as they cause untypical mouthfeel in final products. The kidney fat (Fig. 10(d)) and leafe fat (Fig. 10(c), Fig. 12) of pigs are not recommended for processed meat products due to their hardness and taint, but are used for lard production.
Fig. 11: Jowl fat removed from pig head (a) and cut into strips (b). Behind: Rest of pork carcass with back fat
Fig. 12: All fatty tissues from the pork carcass: Jowl fat, back fat (above); leafe fat, belly and soft fat (below) Beef fat
Fig. 13: Brisket fat (a) on beef cut (brisket) Beef fat is considered less suitable for further processing than pork fat, due to its firmer texture, yellowish colour and more intensive flavour. When used for processing, preference is usually given to brisket fat (Fig. 13(a) and Fig. 14(b)) and other body fats preferably from younger animals. Such fats are used for specific processed beef products when pork fats are excluded for socio-cultural or religious reasons. Some tropical cattle breeds have a large subcutaneous fat depot in the shoulder region known as hump. Fat is the predominant tissue of the hump together with stabilizing connective
tissue and muscle meat. The hump tissue (Fig. 15(a)) is often cut into slices and roasted/barbecued as a delicacy or used for processed products. Buffalo fat has a whiter colour than beef fat and is therefore well suited for processing. The limiting factor for utilization of beef/buffalo fat is its scarce availability, as beef/buffalo carcasses do not provide high quantities of body fats suitable for the manufacture of meat products such as frankfurters, bologna etc., where amounts of fatty tissues in the range of 20% are required. However, for the manufacture of products with a lower animal fat content, e.g. burgers, fresh sausages for frying etc., mixtures of beef and beef fat are well suited.
Fig. 14: Beef carcass, front part with external subcutaneous fat (a) and brisket fat (b)
Mutton fat of adult animals is for most consumers absolutely unsuitable for consumption due to its typical unpleasant flavour and taste. Fats from lamb are relatively neutral in taste and commonly eaten with lamb chops. Lamb fat can be used as a fat source when producing Halal meat products. Fat from chicken Chicken fat is neutral in taste and well suited as a fat component for pure chicken products. Chicken fat adheres as intermuscular fat to chicken muscle tissue and is processed without separating it from the lean meat (see page 56). However, the majority of chicken fat derives from chicken skin (Fig. 17, 84) with its high subcutaneous fat content. For processing, chicken skin is usually minced (see page 56) and further processed into a fat emulsion before being added during chopping.
Fig. 17: Chicken skin to be removed from cuts and used as fat ingredient The nutritional value of meat and meat products a. Proteins The nutritional value of meat is essentially related to the content of high quality protein. High quality proteins are characterized by the content of essential aminoacids which cannot be synthesized by our body but must be supplied through our food. In this respect the food prepared from meat has an advantage over those of plant origin. There are vegetable proteins having a fairly high biological value (see page 431), for instance soy protein, the biological value of which is about 65% of that of meat. Soy protein concentrates are also very useful ingredients in many processed meat
products, where they not only enhance the nutritional value but primarily the water binding and fat emulsifying capacity (see page 80). The contractile proteins or myofibrillar proteins are quantitatively the most important (some 65%) and are also qualitatively important as they have the highest biological value. Connective tissues contain mainly collagen, which has a low biological value. Elastin is completely indigestible. Collagen is digestible but is devoid of the essential aminoacid tryptophan. Blood proteins have a high content of tryptophan but are nevertheless of a lower biological value than meat due to their deficiency of the essential aminoacid isoleucine. b. Fats Animal fats are principally triglycerides. The major contribution of fat to the diet is energy or calories. The fat content in the animal carcass varies from 8 to about 20% (the latter only in pork, see table 1). The fatty acid composition of the fatty tissues is very different in different locations. External fat (body fat) is much softer than the internal fat surrounding organs due to a higher content of unsaturated fat in the external parts. The unsaturated fatty acids (linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic acid) are physiologically and nutritionally important as they are necessary constituents of cell walls, mitochondria and other intensively active metabolic sites of the living organism. The human body cannot readily produce any of the above fatty acids, hence they have to be made available in the diet. Meat and meat products are relatively good sources, but in some plant sources such as cereals and seeds, linoleic acid is usually present at about 20 times the concentration found in meat. In recent years it has been suggested that a high ratio of unsaturated / saturated fatty acids in the diet is desirable as this may lower the individuals susceptibility to cardiovascular diseases in general, and to coronary heart disease in particular. There is evidence to indicate that a diet which predominantly contains relatively saturated fats (such as those of meat) raises the level of cholesterol in the blood. To avoid possible health risks from the consumption of the meat, vulnerable groups should reduce the animal fat intake. In this context, the hiding of high fat contents in some processed meat products can be a dietary problem. Improved processing equipment and techniques and/or new or refined ingredients has made it possible to produce meat products with relatively high fat contents, which may be difficult to recognize by consumers. In particular in products like meat loaves, frankfurter type sausages or liver pate, where meat and fat are finely comminuted and the fat particles are enclosed in protein structures, the fat is difficult to detect visibly. Fat contents of up to 40% may be hidden this way, which is profitable for the producer as fat is a relatively cheap raw material. For some consumer groups, such diets are not recommended. On the other hand, there are many physically active hard working people or undernourished people, in particular in the developing world, where meat products with higher fat content may be beneficial in certain circumstances, predominantly as energy sources.
Fig. 18: Meat loaves with different fat contents; Left lower fat (20%) and right high fat (35%) c. Vitamins
Meat and meat products are excellent sources of the B-complex vitamins (see table 2). Lean pork is the best food source of Thiamine (vitamin B1) with more than 1 mg / 100 g as compared to lean beef, which contains only about 1/10 of this amount. The daily requirement for humans of this rarely occurring vitamin is 1-1.5 mg. Plant food has no vitamin B12, hence meat is a good source of this vitamin for children, as in their organisms deposits of B12 have to be established. On the other hand, meat is poor in the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, K and vitamin C. However, internal organs, especially liver and kidney generally contain an appreciable percentage of vitamin A, C, D, E and K. Most of the vitamins in meat are relatively stable during cooking or processing, although substantial amounts may be leached out in the drippings or broth. The drip exuding from the cut surface of frozen meat upon thawing also contains an appreciable portion of Bvitamins. This indicates the importance of conserving these fractions by making use of them in some way, for example through direct processing of the frozen meat without previous thawing (which is possible in modern meat processing equipment). Thiamine (vitamin B1) and to a lesser extent vitamin B6 are heat-labile. These vitamins are partially destroyed during cooking and canning. Table 2: Average content of vitamins in meat (micrograms per 100g) Food Beef, lean, fried Pork, lean, fried Lamb, lean, fried Veal, lean, fried Pork liver, fried d. Minerals The mineral contents of meat (shown as ash in table 1) include calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, chlorine, magnesium with the level of each of these minerals above 0.1%, and trace elements such as iron, copper, zinc and many others. Blood, liver, kidney, other red organs and to a lesser extent lean meat, in particular beef are good sources of iron. Iron intake is important to combat anaemia, which particularly in developing countries is still widespread amongst children and pregnant women. Iron in meat has a higher bio-availability, better resorption and metabolism than iron in plant products. PRINCIPLES OF MEAT PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY MEAT PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY Meat processing technology comprises the steps and procedures in the manufacture of processed meat products. Processed meat products, which include various different types and local/regional variations, are food of animal origin, which contribute valuable animal proteins to human diets. Animal tissues, in the first place muscle meat and fat, are the main ingredients, besides occasionally used other tissues such as internal organs, skins and blood or ingredients of plant origin. All processed meat products have been in one way or another physically and/or chemically treated. These treatments go beyond the simple cutting of meat into meat cuts or meat pieces with subsequent cooking for meat dishes in order to make the meat palatable. Meat processing involves a wide range of physical and chemical treatment methods, normally combining a variety of methods. Meat processing technologies include:
y y y y y y y y
A 20 10 45 10 18000
C 1 1 1 1 24
Cutting/chopping/comminuting (size reduction) Mixing/tumbling Salting/curing Utilization of spices/non-meat additives Stuffing/filling into casings or other containers Fermentation and drying Heat treatment Smoking
EQUIPMENT USED IN MEAT PROCESSING In modern meat processing, most of the processing steps can be mechanized. In fact, modern meat processing would not be possible without the utilization of specialized equipment. Such equipment is available for small-scale, medium-sized or large-scale operations. The major items of meat processing equipment needed to fabricate the most commonly known meat products are listed and briefly described hereunder.
Meat grinder (Mincer) Fig. 19: Schematic drawing of grinder A meat grinder is a machine used to force meat or meat trimmings by means of a feeding worm (auger) under pressure through a horizontally mounted cylinder (barrel). At the end of the barrel there is a cutting system consisting of starshaped knives rotating with the feeding worm and stationary perforated discs (grinding plates). The perforations of the grinding plates normally range from 1 to 13mm. The meat is compressed by the rotating feeding auger, pushed through the cutting system and extrudes through the holes in the grinding plates after being cut by the revolving star knives. Simple equipment has only one star knife and grinder plate, but normally a series of plates and rotary knives is used. The degree of mincing is determined by the size of the holes in the last grinding plate. If frozen meat and meat rich in connective tissue is to be minced to small particles, it should be minced first through a coarse disc followed by a second operation to the desired size. Two different types of cutting systems are available, the Enterprise System and the Unger System:
Fig. 20: Grinder: Worm feed (feeding worm/auger) and cutting set with plates and knives (system "Unger")
The Enterprise System (Fig. 19) is mainly used in smaller meat grinders with orifice diameters up to 98 mm and consists of one star knife, sharpened only on the side facing the disc, and one grinder plate. Hole diameters can vary from 13 to 5 mm. The Unger System (Fig. 20) is used in meat grinders with orifice diameters up to 440 mm and consists of the kidney plate, one or two star knives sharpened on both edges and one or two grinder plates. For a final particle size above 8 mm the recommended setting is kidney plate star knife grinder plate. For a final particle size <8 mm the recommended setting is kidney plate star knife grinder plate (13 mm) star knife grinder plate (6 to 1 mm) (Fig. 21).
Fig. 21: Grinder plates of different hole size, star knives and spacer rings for tightening of cutting assembly The smallest type of meat grinder is the manual grinder (Fig. 22) designed as a simple stuffing grinder, i.e. meat material is manually stuffed into the feeder. For all these small machines the Enterprise cutting system is used with one star knife and one grinder plate. These machines are very common everywhere in food processing but their throughput and production capacity is limited due to the small size and manual operation. The intermediate size meat grinder, also designed as a stuffing grinder, has orifice diameters up to 98 mm. It is driven by a built-in single-phase electrical motor (250 V) and available as both a table and floor model. The meat is put onto the tray and continuously fed by hand into a vertical cylindrical hole leading to the feed auger. The meat or fat is forced by its own weight into the barrel with the rotating feed auger. This type of meat grinder is the most suitable for commercial smallscale operations. Some brands use the Enterprise cutting system, others the Unger system (Fig. 23, 24). Large industrial meat grinders are driven by a three-phase electrical motor (400 V) and equipped with the Unger cutting system. The orifice cylinder diameter of this type of grinder ranges from 114 - 400 mm. Industrial grinders are either designed as stuffing grinders with either tray or hopper or as an automatic mixing grinder. The automatic mixing grinder has a big hopper and the meat falls automatically onto the mixing blades and the feeding worm (auger). The mixing blades and feeding worm can be operated independently with mixing blades rotating in both directions but the feeding worm only towards the cutting set. Most of the industrial meat grinders are also equipped with a device for separating tendons, bone particles and cartilage. Bowl cutter (bowl chopper) The bowl cutter (Fig. 25, 26, 28, 29) is the commonly used meat chopping equipment designed to produce small or very small (finely comminuted) lean meat and fat particles. Bowl cutters consist of a horizontally revolving bowl and a set of curved knives rotating vertically on a horizontal axle at high speeds of up to 5,000 rpm. Many types and sizes exist with bowl volumes ranging from 10 to 2000 litres. The most useful size for small- to medium-size processing is 20 to 60 litres. In bigger models bowl and knife speed can be regulated by changing gears. Bowl cutters are equipped with a strong cover. This lid protects against accidents and its design plays a crucial role in the efficiency of the chopping process by routing the mixture flow. Number, shape, arrangement, and speed of knives are the main factors determining the performance of the cutter (see page 304). Bowl cutters should be equipped with a thermometer displaying the temperature of the meat mixture in the bowl during chopping.
Fig. 29: Bowl cuttergrinder combination (twin model) with bowl cutter (60 liters capacity) and meat grinder (114 mm orifice diameter)
Modern large scale bowl cutters may have devices to operate under a vacuum (Fig. 30), which helps to improve colour and texture of the meat products by keeping oxygen out of the meat mixes and avoid air pockets. Cutter knives should be adjusted to a distance of 1-2 mm from the bowl (Fig. 27) for optimal cutting (check the manufacturers recommendations for each model). Most of the large and high-speed bowl cutters are equipped with mechanical discharger devices for emptying the cutter. The process of chopping in a bowl cutter is used for producing fine comminuted products such as frankfurters, bologna, liver sausage etc., and enables processors to offer a much wider range of products. Filling machine (sausage stuffer) These machines are used for filling all types of meat batter in containers such as casings, glass jars, cans etc. The most common type of filling machine in small and medium size operations is the piston type. A piston is moved (Fig. 31) inside a cylinder forcing the meat material through the filling nozzle (funnel, stuffing horn) into the containers. Piston stuffers are either attached to the filling table (Fig. 32; manual) or designed as floor models (Fig. 33; hydraulic). In small-scale operations manual stuffers are usually sufficient, sometimes even simple hand-held funnels are used (Fig. 412) to push meat mixes into casings.
Fig. 32: Manual pistion stuffer (10 litres) Modern filling machines for larger operations are designed as continuous vacuum stuffers (Fig. 34). During the filling process a substantial part of the enclosed air is removed from the product, which helps to improve colour and texture of the finished products. These models are usually equipped with a portioning and twisting devise and have a casing grip devise attached for filling of shirred (folded) uncut collagen and plastic casings. This type of continuous filling equipment is relatively expensive and is thus not used in small- to medium-size operations. Clipping machine
Fig. 35: Manually operated sausage clipping machine with clip rails (left) Clipping machines place small aluminum sealing clips on the sausage ends and replace the manual tying of sausages. They can be used for artificial or natural casings. Clipping machines can also be connected to filling machines. Such machines work with so called casing brakes, which are devices for slow release of the shirred casings from the filling horns ensuring tight filling. Then the filled casing segments are clipped in portions. So called double clipping machines place two clips next to each other, which ensures that the individual sausage portions remain clipped on both ends and easy separation of the sausage portions is possible. When using shirred casings (see page 263), the time consuming
loading of pre-cut casings is no longer necessary. Wastage of casings can be reduced to a minimum by tight filling and leaving only as much casing for the sausage end as needed for the placing of the clips. Clipping machines are mainly used in larger operations and in most cases operated by compressed air. For medium-scale operations manually operated hand clippers are available (Fig. 35). Smokehouses Simple smokehouses are used for smoking only (Fig. 36, 37). In traditional and small-scale operations the most common methods of smoke generation include burning damp hardwood sawdust, heating dry sawdust or heating pieces of log. But technological progress has changed the smoke generation and application techniques. Methods used in modern meat processing include the following:
Fig. 36: Arrangement of sausages for smoking inside smokehouse, schematic Burning/smoldering of saw dust (Fig. 38)
In modern smokehouses (1), smoke generation takes place outside the smoking chamber in special smoke generators with electrical or gas ignition (4). Separate smoke generators allow better control of the quantity and temperature of the smoke produced. The sawdust or chip material (3) is moved from the receptacle to the burning zone (4) by a stirrer or shaker (3). It is ignited by means of an electrically heated plate or by gas flame. A smoke stripper, which is basically a cold water spray, can be placed in the initial part of the smoke pipe and serves to increase the purity of the smoke as undesirable substances are washed out. Smoke with a high degree of desirable smoke components can be obtained in the low temperature range of thermal destruction of saw dust beginning at around 230C and not exceeding 400C. The smoke is conveyed directly from the generator to the smoking chamber (Fig. 38(1), 41) via a smoke pipe (2). The burned sawdust is collected at the bottom (5).
Fig. 38: Smokehouse with generator for sawdust smoldering Smoke generation through friction (Fig. 39) Timber (3), which is pressed (1) against a fast-rotating steel drum (4) results in pyrolysis of the wood in the favourable temperature range of 300C to 400C. The flameless, light, dense and aromatic smoke contains a large proportion of desirable smoking substances and a low proportion of tars. The smoke is conveyed (2) into the smoking chamber. The creation of smoke can be commenced and completed in a matter of seconds. The operation of this type of smoke generators is usually carried out in a discontinuous manner. The smoke quantity and quality can be regulated by changing the speed and time of rotation. As this type of smoke can be produced at relatively low temperatures, it does not carry high amounts of hazardous substances such as benzopyrene (see page 40).
Fig. 39: Friction smoke generator Smoke generation through steam (Fig. 40) Overheated steam (3) at approximately 300C is injected into a compact layer of sawdust (4), which causes thermal destruction of the wood and smoke is generated. This method allows the control of smoke generation temperature by choosing the adequate steam temperature. Impurities in the smoke caused by particles of tar or ash are minimal. The steam-smoke mixture condensates extremely quickly and intensively on the surface and inside the sausage products and produces the desired smoking colour and flavour. No connection to the chimney is required as smoke particles not entering the products settle down in the condensing steam. The condensed water is conducted to the effluent system. Other details of the system are: Hopper and conveyer for sawdust (1,2), smoke duct to smoking chamber (5), ashes (6).
Fig. 40: Unit for generation of smoke by steam Combined equipment Modern facilities can combine smoking, cooking and cooling operations for meat products in one continuous process. By means of automatic stirring systems processing parameters such as smoke generation, temperature (up to 100C) and relative humidity (up to 100%) required to dry, smoke, or steam-cook any type of product, can be pre-set. With additional refrigerated units installed in the smokehouse, it is also possible to use it as a fermenting/ripening room for the first crucial steps in production of fermented sausages or raw ham products, where air temperature and air humidity have to be accurately controlled (see page 123, 177).
Fig. 41: Small smokehouse, inside view, Fig. 42: Smokehouse with sausages ready air/smoke circulation forced by extraction for smoking fan on top (arrow) and recirculated through openings in double jacket side wall (arrow)
Brine injector This equipment serves for the injection of brine into meat. Brine is water containing dissolved salt and curing substances (nitrite) as well as additives such as phosphates, spices, sugar, carrageenan and/or soy proteins (see page 179). The injection is done by introducing pointed needles into the muscle tissue. Brine injection is mainly used for the various types of ham, bacon and other whole muscle products. Brine injectors are available in different sizes from manually operated single-needle devices (Fig. 43, 44) for small-scale operations to semi-automated brine injectors with up to 32 needles and more (Fig. 45, 46). In large machines the quantity of brine injected into the fresh meat can be determined by pre-setting of pressure and speed. It is very important that all parts of the brine injectors are thoroughly cleaned after every working session and disinfected regularly. Before the injector is used again all hoses and needles should be rinsed with warm water as particles left in the system can block the needles. Absolute cleanliness is necessary as microorganisms remaining in the system would be injected deep into the meat pieces during the operation. Tumbler or Massager Tumblers (Fig. 47) are used for the processing of meat products such as whole-muscle or reconstituted hams. Such machines resemble in principle a drum concrete mixer. A rotating drum with steel paddles inside slowly moves the meat pieces thus causing a mechanical massaging effect. This mechanical process is assisted by the addition of salt and phosphates to achieve equal brine distribution and liberates muscular protein from the meat tissue (protein extraction). The semi-liquid protein substances join the meat pieces firmly together during later heat treatment (see page 184, 185). For hygienic reasons it is important to place the tumbler below 10C to avoid excessive microbial growth during lengthy tumbling times (more then 4 hours or even over night). In specific cases it is recommended that the tumbler should be operated refrigerated (Fig. 48, 49) or inside a cold room below -1C, as these temperatures are best to extract as much soluble protein as possible from the muscle meat.
Fig. 47: Tumbler, schematic Vacuum packaging machine For vacuum packaging the meat product has to be placed into a vacuum bag (multi-layer synthetic bag, see page 270). Air is removed from the bag by means of the vacuum packaging machine (Fig. 50) and the bag then sealed (see page 273). Special vacuum packaging machines can operate with so called gas-flushing, where a mixture of gas is injected after evacuating the air. Such protective gas atmospheres inside the product package inhibit bacterial growth and stabilize the meat colour. The gas mixtures usually contain CO2 and N2. Mixer / blender Mixers are used to blend meat and spices, or coarse and finely chopped meat. The machine generally consists of a rectangular or round bottom vessel through which two parallel shafts operate (Fig. 51). Various paddles are mounted on those shafts to mix the meat. The mixer is discharged through tilting by 90 degrees. Some mixers are designed as vacuum mixers (Fig. 52), as the mixing under vacuum (exclusion of oxygen) has advantages for the development of desirable product color and texture.
Fig. 52: Blender with lid for hermetic closure for vacuum treatment; can be declined for emptying
Fig. 53: Emulsifying machine, schematic The emulsifier (Fig. 53, 54) serves for the preparation of very fine meat emulsions. Its functional parts are a perforated plate, attached to which two edged blades are rotating (rotor blade) (Fig. 55). Next to the blades there is a centrifugal pump that forces the pre-ground meat through the perforated plate. Most emulsifiers are vertical units. Compared to the bowl cutter the emulsifier operates at much higher speed, producing a finer emulsion-like mix. The emulsifier is also perfectly suited to produce semi-processed products such as pig skin emulsions.
In these machines (Fig. 56) ice flakes are continuously produced from potable water. Ice is needed in meat processing for some types of meat products. Water, added in the form of ice, is an important ingredient in order to enhance protein solution and to keep the temperature of the meat batter low. Ice flakers with in-built UV-water-disinfection device are available for areas with unsafe water supply. Frozen meat cutter
Fig. 57: Frozen meat cutter with rotating round knives for cutting out pieces/chips from frozen meat blocks The purpose of cutting frozen meat blocks into smaller pieces is to make frozen meat suitable for immediate comminuting in grinders, bowl cutters etc. without previous thawing. There are two types of machines for the cutting of frozen meat blocks, working either with knives cutting in vertical direction (guillotine principle) or using rotating drums with attached sharp knives. In the guillotine-type machines a knife head is driven hydraulically and even the hardest frozen products can be cut into small pieces, either meat cubes or meat strips. Rotary frozen meat cutters (Fig. 57) operate according to the principle of carving out particles from the frozen meat blocks. The rotary drums can be equipped with knives capable of cutting out pieces of frozen meat from large fist-size to small chip-size. MEAT PROCESSING TECHNOLOGIES STANDARD PRACTICES Meat processing technologies include on the one hand purely technical processes such as
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Cutting, chopping, comminuting Mixing, tumbling Stuffing/filling of semi-fabricated meat mixes into casings, synthetic films, cans etc. Heat treatment
On the other hand, chemical or biochemical processes, which often go together with the technical processes, are also part of meat processing technology such as
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Salting and curing Utilization of spices and additives Smoking Fermentation and drying
These processes are described hereunder and in the following chapters. 1. Cutting (reducing meat particle size) There are five methods of mechanical meat cutting for which specialized machinery is used: Mincing (grinding) of lean and fatty animal tissues (Fig. 58) Larger pieces of soft edible animal tissues can be reduced in size by passing them through meat grinders. Some specially designed grinders can also cut frozen meat, others are equipped with devices to separate hard tissues such as tendons and bone particles from the soft tissues (minced muscle meat particles) (see page 18, 301).
Chopping animal tissues in bowl cutter (discontinuous process) (Fig. 59) Bowl cutters are used to chop and mix fresh or frozen lean meat, fat (and/or edible offal, if required) together with water (often used in form of ice), functional ingredients (salt, curing agents, additives) and extenders (fillers and/or binders)
Chopping animal tissues in emulsifying machines (continuous process) The animal tissues to be emulsified must be pre-mixed with all other raw materials, functional ingredients and seasonings and pre-cut using grinders or bowl cutters. Thereafter they are passed through emulsifiers (also called colloid mills) in order to achieve the desired build-up of a very finely chopped or emulsified meat mix. Frozen meat cutting Boneless frozen meat blocks can be cut in slices, cubes or flakes by frozen meat cutters or flakers. The frozen meat particles (2-10 cm) can be directly chopped in bowl cutters without previous thawing thus avoiding drip losses, bacterial growth and discoloration which would happen during thawing. For small operations the manual cutting of frozen meat using cleavers or axes is also possible. Cutting of fatty tissues Back fat is cut in cubes of 2-4 cm on specialized machines to facilitate the subsequent chopping in cutters/emulsifiers. In small-scale operations this process can be done manually. 2. Salting / curing Salting Salt (sodium chloride NaCl) adds to the taste of the final product. The content of salt in sausages, hams, corned beef and similar products is normally 1.5-3%. Solely common salt is used if the cooked products shall have a greyish or greyish-brown colour as for example steaks, meat balls or white sausages. For production of a red colour in meat products see Curing. Chemical aspects of salting The water holding capacity of meat can be increased with the addition of salt up to a concentration of about 5% in lean meat and then decreases constantly. At a concentration of about 11% in the meat, the water binding capacity is back to the same level as in fresh unsalted meat. Sodium chloride has only a very low capacity to destroy microorganisms, thus almost no bacteriological effect. Its preserving power is attributed to the capability to bind water and to deprive the meat of moisture. The water loosely bound to the protein molecules as well as free water will be attracted by the sodium and chloride ions causing a reduction of the water activity (aw) (see page 323) of the product. This means that less water will be available and the environment will be less favourable for the growth of microorganisms. Bacteria do not grow at a water activity below 0.91, which corresponds to a solution of 15g NaCl/100 ml water or about 15% salt in the product. These figures explain how salt has its preservative effect. Such salt concentrations (up to 15%) are too high for palatable food. However, for the preservation of natural casings this method is very useful Heat treatment of meat salted with NaCl results in conversion of the red meat pigment myoglobin (Fe+2) to the brown metmyoglobin (Fe+3). The colour of such meat turns brown to grey (see Fig. 60, 61). Besides adding to flavour and taste, salt also is an important functional ingredient in the meat industry, which assists in the extraction of soluble muscle proteins. This property is used for water binding and texture formation in certain meat products. The preservation effect, which is microbial inhibition and extension of the shelf-life of meat products by salt in its concentrations used for food (on average 1.5-3% salt), is low. Meat processors should not rely too much on this effect (see box page 33) unless it is combined with other preservation methods such as reduction of moisture or heat treatment. Curing Consumers associate the majority of processed meat products like hams, bacon, and most sausages with an attractive pink or red colour after heat treatment. However experience shows that meat or meat mixes, after kitchen-style cooking or frying, turn brownish-grey or grey. In order to achieve the desired red or pink colour, meat or meat mixes are
salted with common salt (sodium chloride NaCl), which contains a small quantity of the curing agent sodium nitrite (NaNO2). Sodium nitrite has the ability to react with the red meat pigment to form the heat stable red curing colour. Only very small amounts of the nitrite are needed for this purpose (Fig. 60, 61, 88).
Fig. 60: Pieces of cooked meat (pork) 4 pieces with common salt only (right) and 3 with common salt containing small amounts of nitrite (left)
Fig. 61: Two sausage cuts One produced with salt only (right) and the other with salt and small amounts of nitrite (left)
Nitrite can be safely used in tiny concentrations for food preservation and coloring purposes. Traces of nitrite are not poisonous. In addition to the reddening effect, they have a number of additional beneficial impacts (see below) so that the meat industries widely depend on this substance. Levels of 150 mg/kg in the meat product, which is 0.015%, are normally sufficient. To reduce the risk of overdosing of nitrite salt, a safe approach is to make nitrite available only in a homogeneous mixture with common salt generally in the proportion 0.5% nitrite and the balance of sodium chloride (99.5%). This mixture is called nitrite curing salt. At a common dosage level of 1.5-3% added to the meat product, the desired salty flavor is achieved and at the same time the small amount of nitrite needed for the curing reaction is also provided. Due to the sensory limits of salt addition (salt contents of 4% are normally not exceeded), the amounts of nitrite are kept low accordingly. Chemical and toxicological aspects of curing In meat or meat mixes to be cured the nitrite curing salt must be evenly distributed (relevant techniques see page 37, 38, 39, 134, 173, 179)). During mixing the nitrite is brought in close contact with the muscle tissue and its red meat pigment, the myoglobin. Due to the acidification in meat after slaughter (see page 4), the pH of such meat or meat mixes is always below 7, which means slightly acidic. The acidity may be enhanced through curing accelerators such as ascorbic acid or erythorbate. Nitrite (NaNO2), or rather nitrogen oxide, NO, which is formed from nitrite in an acid environment, combines with myoglobin to form nitrosomyoglobin, a bright red compound. The nitrosomyoglobin is heat stable i.e. when the meat is heat treated the bright red colour remains. The addition of nitrite curing salt in quantities of approximately 2%, which is the usual salt level, generates a nitrite content in the meat products of approximately 150ppm (parts per million or 150 mg/kg). This nitrite content is not toxic for consumers. Upon reaction of the nitrite with the myoglobin (which is the genuine curing reaction), there will be on average a residual level of nitrite of 50-100ppm remaining in the product. In any case the amount of residual nitrite in the finished product should not exceed 125ppm. The maximum ingoing amount for processed meat products is normally up to 200mg/kg of product (Codex Alimentarius, 1991). Apart from its poisoning potential (which is unlikely when using nitrite curing salt), there is a debate concerning the possible health hazards of nitrite curing as under certain conditions nitrite can form nitrosamines, some of which can be carcinogenic in the long term. However, nitrosamines can only be found in strongly cooked or fried meat products which were previously cured with nitrite. Fresh meat for cooking (see page 90) and fresh burgers or sausages for frying (see page 103) do usually not contain nitrite but salt only. Hence the risk of formation of nitrosamines does not exist in such products. One product, where such conditions may be met, is bacon. Keeping the residual nitrite content low in bacon minimizes the risk of formation of nitrosamines.
Sodium or potassium nitrate (Na/KNO3) (saltpetre) may also be used for curing but it is limited to certain dry cured products such as raw hams, which require long curing and aging periods. Nitrate must be broken down by bacteria to nitrite, which is the substance to react through its NO with the muscle pigment myoglobin. The bacterial process is rather slow and time consuming. As most products require an immediate curing effect, the nitrite is the substance of choice in most cases and there is little use for nitrate. A great deal of research has been done with regard to the utilization of nitrite and it can be said that nitrite in meat products is safe if basic rules (see box page 35) are adhered to. Nitrite is now recognized a substance with multifunctional beneficial properties in meat processing:
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The primary purpose of nitrite is to create a heat resistant red colour in a chemical reaction with the muscle pigment, which makes cured meat products attractive for consumers. Nitrite has a certain inhibitory effect on the growth of bacteria. This effect is particularly pronounced in canned meat products which are usually stored without refrigeration, where small numbers of heat resistant bacteria may have survived but their growth is inhibited by the presence of nitrite (see also page 77). Nitrite has the potential of attributing a specific desirable curing flavour to cured products. In the presence of nitrite fats are stabilized and rancidity in meat products retarded i.e., an antioxidant effect.
Many attempts have been made to replace nitrite by other substances, which would bring about the same beneficial effects as listed above. Up to now no alternative substance has been found. As the above desirable effects are achieved with extremely low levels of nitrite, the substance can be considered safe from the health point of view. Currently the known advantages of nitrite outweigh the known risks. Curing of chopped/comminuted meat mixtures Curing is applied for most chopped meat mixtures or sausage mixes for which a reddish colour is desired. The curing agent nitrite is added in dry form as nitrite curing salt (Fig. 62). The reaction of nitrite with the red meat pigment starts immediately. Due to homogenous blending the meat pigments have instant contact with the nitrite. Higher temperatures during processing, e.g. reddening of raw-cooked type sausages at 50C or scalding/cooking of other products at 7080C, accelerate the process. Another accelerating or catalytic effect is the addition of ascorbic acid, which slightly lowers the pH of the meat mixture. However, the dosage of ascorbic acid must be low (0.05%), just to provide the slightly acid conditions for the reduction of NaNO2 to NO. A pronounced reduction of the pH would negatively affect the water binding capacity of the product which is not desirable. Curing of entire meat pieces Besides the curing of chopped meat mixtures, entire pieces of muscle meat can be cured. However, due to size the curing substances cannot instantly react with the meat pigments as is the case in chopped meat mixes. Hence various curing techniques are applied. The final products of curing entire meat pieces are either cured raw fermented products or cured cooked products (see page 98). The curing system to be used depends on the nature of the final product (uncooked or cooked). There are two systems for curing entire meat pieces, dry curing and wet curing (pickling) and the type of the final product determines which system will used. In dry curing a curing mix is prepared containing salt or nitrite curing salt, together with spices and other additives. The pieces of meat are rubbed with this curing mix (Fig. 63, 64, 214, 215) and packed in tanks. The curing mix gradually permeates into the meat, which can be a lengthy process ranging from several days to several weeks. Dry curing is exclusively used for the fabrication of cured raw fermented products, in particular those with a long ripening period.
Fig. 63: Application of dry curing mix Fig. 64: Ham is uniformly (curing salt, curing accelerators, spices) covered by curing mix on fresh ham (pork leg) The second method of curing meat pieces is wet curing, also called pickling, which involves the application of curing brine to the meat. For the manufacture of the brine, curing salt and spices, and other additives if required are dissolved in water (see page 179). The meat cuts are packed in tanks and brine is added until all pieces are completely covered (Fig. 65). A temperature of +8 to +10C for the curing room is recommended as lower temperatures may retard curing. For equal penetration of the brine, the meat is cured for periods ranging from several days to two weeks depending on the size of the cuts and curing conditions. After completion of the curing, ripening periods for the products follow for taste and flavour build-up.
Fig. 65: Wet curing Wet curing by immersion of meat pieces in brine is primarily used for the fabrication of cured raw fermented products with shorter ripening periods. An alternative and quick way of wet curing is to accelerate the diffusion of the curing substances by pumping brine into the meat tissue (injection curing). For this purpose brine injectors with perforated hollow needles are used. The injection of brine into the muscles can be done manually by using simple pumping devices (Fig. 43, 44, 66, 67). At the industrial level semi-automatic multi-needle brine injectors (Fig. 45, 46, 68) are used which achieve very even distribution of the curing ingredients and can reduce the curing period (equal distribution of the curing substances or resting period) to less than 48 hours.
Fig. 67: Brine injection with a Fig. 66: Manual brine injection using a large syringe manual curing pump
Fig. 68: Multi-needle brine injection (principle) In addition, most injection cured meat pieces which are to be processed into cured-cooked products (such as cooked hams etc), are submitted to a tumbling process (see page 28, 184). Tumbling further accelerates the brine penetration throughout the meat prices and resting periods are not necessary. Wet curing by brine injection is used for the fabrication of cured cooked products 3. Smoking Smoke for treatment of meat products is produced from raw wood. Smoke is generated through the thermal destruction of the wood components lignin and cellulose. The thermal destruction sets free more than 1000 desirable or undesirable firm, liquid or gaseous components of wood. These useful components contribute to the development of the following desirable effects on processed meat products:
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Meat preservation through aldehydes, phenols and acids (anti-microbial effect) Antioxidant impact through phenols and aldehydes (retarding fat oxidation) Smoke flavour through phenols, carbonyls and others (smoking taste) Smoke colour formation through carbonyls and aldehydes (attractive colour) Surface hardening of sausages/casings through aldehydes (in particular for more rigid structure of the casing)
The most known undesirable effect of smoking is the risk of residues of benzopyrene in smoked products which can be carcinogenic if the intake is in high doses over long periods. With normal eating habits, a carcinogenic risk is normally not associated with moderately smoked food such as smoked meat products. Depending on the product, smoke is applied at different temperatures. There are two principal smoking techniques:
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The principle of both methods is that the smoke infiltrates the outside layers of the product in order to develop flavour, colour and a certain preservation effect. Cold Smoking This is the traditional way of smoking of meat products and was primarily used for meat preservation. Nowadays it serves more for flavour and colour formation, for example in sausages made from precooked materials such as liver sausage and blood sausage (see page 153, 161). The combination of cold smoking and drying/ripening can be applied to fermented sausages (see page 124) and salted or cured entire meat pieces (see page 176), in particular many raw ham products. In long-term ripened and dried hams, apart from providing colour and favour, the cold smoking has an important preservative effect as it prevents the growth of moulds on the meat surfaces. The optimal temperature in cold smoking is 15 to 18C (up to 26C). Sawdust should be burned slowly with light smoke only and the meat hung not too close to the source of the smoke. Cold smoking is a long process which may take several days. It is not applied continuously, but in intervals of a few hours per day. Hot Smoking Hot smoking is carried out at temperatures of +60 to 80C. The thermal destruction of the wood used for the smoking is normally not sufficient to produce these temperatures in the smoking chamber. Hence, additional heat has to be applied in the smoking chamber. The relatively high temperatures in hot smoking assure a rapid colour and flavour development. The treatment period is kept relatively short in order to avoid excessive impact of the smoke (too strong smoke colour and flavour). Hot smoking periods vary from not much longer than 10 minutes for sausages with a thin calibre such as frankfurters to up to one hour for sausages with a thick calibre such as bologna and ham sausage and products like bacon and cooked hams (see pages 142, 143). Products and smoking Cold smoking is used for fermented meat products (raw-cured ham, raw-fermented sausage) and precooked-cooked sausage (liver and blood sausages). Hot smoking is used for a range of raw-cooked sausages, bacon and cooked ham products. Smoke treatment can only be applied, if meat the products are filled in casings permeable to smoke (see page 248, 261). All natural casings are smoke permeable, as are cellulose or collagen basis synthetic casings. Smoke permeable casings can also be treated using a new technology, where a liquid smoke solution is applied on the surface. This can be done by dipping in solution, showering (outside chamber) or atomization (spraying inside chamber). Polyamide or polyester based synthetic casings are not permeable to smoke. If smoke flavour is wanted for products in such casings, small quantities of suitable smoke flavour (dry or liquid) are added directly to the product mix during manufacture. Production of liquid smoke Liquid smoke can be used as an ingredient to sausages in smoke impermeable casings in order to achieve a certain degree of smoke flavour. As impermeable casings do not allow the penetration of gaseous smoke, liquid smoke can be added to the sausage mix during the manufacturing process. The starting point for the production of liquid smoke is natural smoke, generated by burning/smoldering wood under controlled temperatures with the input of an air supply. There are
basically two different methods used for the subsequent processing of liquid smoke:
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direct condensation of natural wood smoke to liquid smoke penetration of the smoke into a carrier substance on the basis of water or oil and using this "smoked" carrier substance as an ingredient for meat products
SELECTION AND GRADING OF RAW MATERIALS FOR MEAT PROCESSING The two main components of processed meat products are animal muscle meat and animal fat. Apart from pure muscle tissue, muscle meat (see page 2) also contains some connective tissue and inter- and intra-muscular fat, which determine the quality of muscle meat. Animal fats (see page 10) are of firmer or softer texture depending on their location in the animal body. In addition to the animal species, the texture of fats determines their processing quality. Edible animal byproducts such as skin, internal organs and blood also play a role as raw materials for meat processing. By-products are not generally used; they are part of specific processed meat products (described in Precooked-cooked meat products. The first preparatory step for processing of meat into meat products is the product-oriented selection of raw animal materials, taking into account their quality and processing suitability and the characteristics of the meat products to be fabricated. Some meat products require lean meat without adhering fat or connective tissue, while others have a higher fat and/or connective tissue contents. Other products require firm animal fats, for others soft fats are better suited. Choosing appropriate raw materials is indispensable for efficient meat processing and is best done by visual selection and grading according to the tissue-specific properties. Meat processors are advised to develop enterprise-specific standards of raw material composition for each meat product fabricated. The proper grading of raw materials, which needs skills and experience, has a decisive impact on the quality of the meat products and resulting revenues which can be generated. For the needs of small to medium sized meat processing plants, simple grading schemes are described hereunder, with raw materials from pigs, cattle/buffaloes and other ruminants as well as poultry. Selection and grading of manufacturing meat from pigs The below proposal for selection and grading of pig meat refers to the utilization of the entire carcass for meat processing. Naturally, in many meat plants, valuable meat cuts may be excluded from further processing and marketed as fresh meat.
In these cases only the remaining carcass meat is used for further processing. Common cuts for fresh meat sales are tenderloin, loin, rump, the entire ham or parts of the ham (topside, silverside, knuckle) and parts of the neck and shoulder (Fig. 71, 72). The proportion of carcass meat going into fresh meat sales or into further processing is decided by the operator on a caseby-case basis. If higher amounts of lean meat are required for further processing, more primal cut meat will be used for this purpose and vice versa. Hereunder, a grading scheme for manufacturing-meat from pigs consisting of six grades is proposed (Fig. 73). This standard can be refined or simplified as determined by consumer demand. Selection and grading of manufacturing-meat from cattle
Fig. 74: Beef carcass schematic Similar to pork, valuable meat cuts (choice cuts) from beef are usually excluded from further processing and marketed as fresh meat. The most common fresh meat cuts are tenderloin, sirloin, topside, silverside, rump and parts of the neck and shoulder (Fig. 74, 75). The rest of the carcass meat as well as trimmings derived during the preparation of the above mentioned choice cuts are used as manufacturing-meat for all types of processed products.
The functional properties of beef are influenced to a large extend by the age of the animal. Meat from younger animals has a much higher water binding capacity than meat derived from a carcass of an older animal. For this reason meat from younger animals should be used for products requiring high binding and water holding capacity and meat from older animals is more suited for products undergoing a drying and fermentation process. Similar to the grading scheme for pig meat, a simple scheme is proposed for the selection and grading of beef, which is considered suitable for small and medium operations. For beef, three grades of manufacturing meat (Fig. 76) are sufficient to cater for the needs of small to medium-size manufacturing. Beef fat and skin are usually not a raw material for meat processing. Selection and grading of manufacturing-meat from poultry In global meat production poultry meat is taking the second place after pork. Due to its widespread availability and popularity and its mostly very competitive production cost, poultry meat has an increasing share as a raw material in processed meat. Turkey and chicken meat is very suitable for further processing purposes.
Fig. 77: (Scheme): Turkey carcass and its cuts a/b leg (a=thigh, b= drumstick), c1/c2 breast meat (c1=breast, c2=filet), d=wing Turkey meat, which has darker and brighter muscle components deriving from the same carcass is well suited for processed meat products. In some developed countries there are sizeable turkey meat industries, with outlets for processed turkey meat products, such as bologna/frankfurters/ham sausage type sausages, and cooked turkey hams. Such products are similar to the equivalent ones fabricated with beef and pork, but they are usually leaner. A widely practiced approach is to classify turkey carcasses in two grades. Grade A is top quality with no defects on the meat surface and general appearance. Entire frozen carcasses as retail goods belong to this category. Grade B is the lower category and this meat is usually taken for further processing. When producing turkey cuts (Fig. 77), those cuts not needed or suitable for fresh meat sales, can also go into further processing. In developing countries, the production of chicken meat is by far more important than the production of turkey meat. Chicken meat can be produced industrially around population centres and it is in high demand, particularly where pork is not consumed for socio-cultural or religious reasons. The most popular processed products from chicken meat are chicken frankfurters, hotdogs, chicken hams and the various breaded and fried products of the chicken nugget type.
Fig. 78: Muscle meat of chicken carcass a/b leg (a=thigh, b= drumstick); c1/c2 breast meat (c1=breast, c2=filet); d=wing For the production of meat from chicken for processing, the same principles apply as in the beef and pork sector. Either the entire carcass meat is used for further processing, or some of the cuts go in fresh meat sales and the remaining into the manufacture. Chicken carcasses are usually cut in wings, legs and breast (Fig. 78). Legs can be further subdivided into thighs and drumsticks. The breast consists of the larger superficial breast muscle and the smaller profound breast muscle, the latter is also called filet (see Fig. 80, 84).
Examples for chicken cutting Industrial method In large industrial operations, chicken are usually cut in the hanging position. Carcasses are suspended by the neck on a conveyor and pass though working stations. At each station a specific cut is made and a certain part removed, until finally only the bone-carcass structure remains. The following is a widely practiced industrial cutting method: First the skin is incised around the body above the legs (Fig. 79). Then the wings are loosened, by cutting between wings and carcass through the wing joint. Following minor incisions using a knife, the wings are pulled-off together with the breast meat. The legs are then pulled off the carcass and finally the fillets are removed (Fig. 80). Only the bone-carcass structure with neck remains. Small-scale method In small-scale operations more attention is usually paid to obtaining intact parts for individual sales. Conveyor systems are in most cases not available and therefore chicken carcasses are usually cut-up on a cutting board or table. Many different cutting styles have been developed. The following is one example. First the chicken carcass is positioned on the cutting board with the breast muscle facing downwards. Then a deep cut is made just above the legs following the leg line (Fig. 81). The two carcass parts are pulled apart and the legs are separated with a knife by splitting the backbone. Next the wings are cut off through the lower wing joint (Fig. 82). If the breast and filets muscles are wanted separately, they are now removed from the upper carcass part and trimmed (Fig. 84). Lean meat can now be trimmed off the carcass parts for further processing; skin and fat are also obtained. Grading of chicken meat for large operations Chicken manufacturing-meat for larger processing operations is usually categorized in four different grades. The four grades of chicken meat are either used for pure chicken meat products or for mixed products. In Halal products made from red meat (beef, mutton), the fat portion may partially or fully be chicken skin. Also in customary mixed red meat products (like frankfurter, bologna, breakfast sausages, luncheon meat, etc.) normally made of lean pork and beef or lean pork only, and pork fat, part of the lean pork may be substituted by lean chicken meat. This is usually done for cost-cutting reasons i.e. when cheaper chicken meat is available), but also to satisfy the growing demand for lower fat meat products. The four grades are described below (Fig. 83): GRADE Chicken 1 (CH1) Chicken white muscle meat with visible fat, connective tissue and skin removed For this grade mainly breast and filet meat is used. As meat of this grade is used for reconstituted chicken hams and chicken sausages with visible coarse meat parts, all fat and skin must be removed from the lean meat. GRADE Chicken 2 (CH2) Chicken muscle meat with adhering subcutaneous and intermuscular fat Deboned and skinless meat from all chicken cuts (breast, legs, wings) can be used. This meat is usually ground or chopped during further processing. Smaller quantities of subcutaneous and intermuscular fat are usually not removed and incorporated in the final product. GRADE Chicken 3 (CH3) Chicken skin/fat Chicken skin is removed from the carcass or individual cuts and collected separately. Chicken skin has a high fat content and is ground prior to being added to processed meat products. Chicken fat serves as the fat portion in all-chicken processed meat products such as chicken frankfurters or chicken bologna. It can also be used as fat in lean beef or mutton
products, such as Halal frankfurters etc. Chicken skin is added to meat products for the same purpose as pork fat in pork/beef products, namely to contribute to product flavour and softer product texture. GRADE Chicken 4 (CH4) Mechanically deboned chicken meat (MDM) This grade is manufactured in industrial chicken plants by mechanically separating remaining muscle tissue from the chicken carcasses after removing legs and wings and the breast muscles including skin. Chicken necks are also used for MDM. MDM contains muscle meat, connective tissue and some fat remaining on the bones after removing the meat cuts. MDM is a typical industrial product and not produced in small operations. However, it is available on the meat market and can be purchased by smaller producers as frozen blocks for further processing. Chicken MDM is an ingredient for lower-cost meat products for partial substitution of the lean meat. However, MDM addition is limited as high amounts of chicken-MDM will affect the quality of products (deficiencies in texture and taste) and may in some countries result in products which are not in line with national food regulations. NON-MEAT INGREDIENTS Categories of non-meat ingredients Along with the main components meat and animal fat, a wide range of substances of non-meat origin are used as ingredients in processed meat products. Some of them are absolutely necessary, such as salt and spices. Others are used for specific products.
Fig. 85: Store room for non-meat ingredients One way of categorizing non-meat ingredients is by source (Fig. 86). They are either
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Other classification criteria for non-meat ingredients are, whether they are additives or full foods (food by itself) or whether they have functional properties or not. Additives (Fig. 87 right) are usually substances, which are not normally consumed as food by itself, but which are added to develop certain technological and quality characteristics (for examples salt, curing agents, spices, water binding and gelation enhancing substances). In contrast, vegetables, flours, eggs, etc. (Fig. 87 left) could be considered as full food ingredients. Most ingredients are functional, which describes their ability to introduce or improve certain quality characteristics. The functional properties of ingredients include their impact on:
y y y y y y y y
taste flavour appearance colour texture water binding counteracting fat separation preservation
Ingredients which are solely functional without any other effect such as filling or extending the volume of the product, are normally used in small amounts (e.g. common salt 1,5-3%, nitrite 0.01-0.02%, phosphates 0.05-0.5%, ascorbic acid 0.03%, isolated soy protein or non-fat dried milk proteins 2%) (Fig. 88, 89 right).
Fig. 88: Example of effect of functional ingredients Meat loaf cut, left with curing colour, centre without colour, right with artificial colour The criteria for the utilization of functional non-meat ingredients are:
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safe for consumers, and improve of processing technology and/or sensory quality of the products.
In contrast to the exclusively functional substances, there is another group of ingredients that are not primarily intended for change of appearance or quality improvements but serve to add volume to the meat products. They are called meat extenders and fillers. Their main purpose is to make meat products lower-cost. Meat extenders and fillers include cereals, legumes, vegetable, roots and tubers and are used in larger quantities, on average between 2 and 15% (Fig. 89 left and center). Meat extenders are primarily plant proteins from legumes, with soybeans as the major source. TVP (Textured Vegetable Protein, see page 80) is the most common soy bean extender. These cheaper plant proteins extend the more expensive meat proteins, resulting in acceptable overall protein contents of lower cost meat products. Extenders are added in sizeable amounts that increase the bulk of the meat products, but this may also alter their quality. From animal protein sources, whole milk and eggs can be considered as meat extenders. In some countries, replacement of meat by fish is gaining popularity resulting in fish products which may be meat and fish mixes or entirely made of fish materials, e.g. fish viennas, made using the same technology and process as viennas made of meat (Fig. 90).
Fig. 90: Fish sausage Fillers are also mostly plant substances, low in protein and high in carbohydrates such as cereals, roots, tubers and vegetables and some refined products such as starches and flours. Pure meat products are very low in carbohydrates. Hence the addition of carbohydrate-rich substances is not an extension of the protein mix, but some new components fill-up the product volume. Apart from their volume-filling capacity, some fillers, in particular starches and flours, are also used for their capability to absorb extensive quantities of water. Extenders and fillers are not standard ingredients in processed meats, in fact high quality products are often manufactured without them. But they are useful tools in cost reduction enabling the manufacture of lower-cost but still nutritive meat products. Such products are particularly suitable to supply valuable animal proteins in the diets of consumers who cannot regularly afford expensive meat and meat preparations (see page 195). As another definition for specific non-meat ingredients, the term binder is used for substances of animal or plant origin, which have a significant high level of protein that serves for both water and fat binding. Such substances include highprotein soy, wheat and milk products, such as soy isolate, wheat gluten, milk protein (caseinate). They are not extenders in the first place due to the low quantities added (approx. 2%), but act through their high quality proteins that are instrumental in water binding and protein network structuring. On the other hand, some substances with little or no protein
level, like starches and flours mentioned above under fillers, can bind water and fat by means of physical entrapment and could also be considered binders. The above aspect illustrates that clear definitions in the wide range of non-meat ingredients are difficult to establish. While most substances have one dominating effect, there are in many cases also desirable side effects that, however, complicate their clear grouping. Even those substances like textured vegetable protein/TVP, which are primarily intended for non-functional purposes, namely meat extension, have a water binding effect, which qualifies them also as moderately functional. Also soy isolates or dried milk powders, which are used as binders, also have a slight extension effect as the amounts added (approx. 2%) moderately increases the protein level. Most substances have double or even multiple effects. Therefore, in order to provide an overview of the most common substances used as non-meat ingredients, they are listed hereunder according to their origin, namely chemical (a) or of animal (b) or plant origin (c): a) Chemical substances used as ingredients There are various chemical substances approved for the different kinds of food processing, but in the specific case of meat processing the number of approved chemical substances is rather limited in most countries. The following are of significance:
y y y y y y y y
Salt (for taste, impact on meat proteins, shelf-life) Nitrite (for curing colour, flavour, shelf-life) Ascorbic acid (to accelerate curing reaction) Phosphates (for protein structuring and water binding) Chemical preservatives (for shelf-life) Antioxidants (for flavour and shelf-life) Monosodium glutamate MSG (for enhancement of flavour) Food colouring substances (synthetic and of plant origin)
Chemical additives have exclusively functional properties, they are used in small amounts usually below 1% (with nitrate as low as 0.05%). Only salt is in the range of 2% (with up to 4% in some fermented dried products). b) Non-meat ingredients of animal origin Ingredients of animal origin are not commonly applied but may be useful for specific meat preparations. They all have functional properties (except whole milk), in particular improvement of water binding and prevention of fat separation during heat treatment. Apart from their functional properties, some of them can also be considered meat extenders, as mentioned below.
y y y y y y
Milk caseinate (90% protein; used in small quantities (2%); have functional water and fat binding properties) Whole milk or non-fat dried milk (=skim milk) (sometimes used in indigenous meat preparations as a protein extender) Gelatine (binding properties and meat extender) Blood plasma (predominantly binding properties) Eggs (extender and binding ingredient for meat pieces and fried sausages) Transglutaminase* (exclusively binding properties)
c) Ingredients of plant origin All spices (see page 83) are of plant origin. They are predominantly functional and used in small quantities to provide or add flavour and taste to meat products.
Another group of predominantly functional substances of plant origin with high protein content are used as binders (see page 80) to increase water binding and fat retention, in particular in intensively heat treated products (see page 158). The most commonly used substances are
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isolated soy protein (90% protein) and wheat gluten (80% protein)
and, less importantly, protein isolates from other legumes. A third group of ingredients of plant origin are used as meat extenders (if rich in proteins) or fillers (if rich in carbohydrates) for meat product and sausage formulations. The purpose is to replace expensive meat for lower- or medium-grade products by cheaper ingredients of plant origin for cost reduction and volume increase. Meat extenders / Plant products with high protein content are
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Soy flour (50% protein) Soy concentrate (70% protein) Other food legumes (beans, peas, lentils), used for special products only.
Fillers / Carbohydrate products with low protein content (usually added in quantities of 2%-15%, some of them in particular roots and vegetable up to 50%). These are the typical fillers. Apart from cost reduction and adding to volume, some flours and starches belonging to this group of fillers also act to some extend as binders. This property serves important functions such as increasing water binding for more juiciness or fat binding for improved texture.
y y y y y y y y y
Cereal flours from wheat, rice and corn Starches from wheat, rice, corn, potato and cassava Breadcrumbs Rusk (derived by mixing and baking wheat flour) Cereals to be added without milling, e.g. rice, corn Roots and tubers, e.g. cassava, sweet potato Vegetable and fruits, e.g. onions, bell pepper, carrots, green vegetables, bananas Polysaccharides (Hydrocolloids): Carrageenan (is the only hydrocolloid product of this group popular in meat processing, added in quantities of max. 1%, improves sliceability and cohesiveness). The substance can be considered both binder and filler.
Application of non-meat ingredients For the application of ingredients listed above to meat products, various methods are deployed, depending upon the properties of the ingredient and the meat product. A uniform distribution is crucial for equal intensity of flavour, colour, texture or any other quality characteristic expected from the product. Methods of application a) During grinding Chemical additives and smaller quantities of other fine or coarse non-meat ingredients or granulated substances (such as TVP) are easily incorporated in ground meat products by mixing them with the raw meat materials prior to grinding. In small scale operations, the mix of meat and non-meat ingredients is then simply passed through the grinder plates (Fig. 58). Manual or mechanical blending can be added if necessary. In larger industrial operations and for heavily extended products, ground meat materials, chemical additives and other non-meat ingredients are usually combined in a blender. b) During chopping In finely comminuted or chopped meats, non-meat ingredients are easily dispersed by mixing them with the rest of the batter in comminuting equipment (e.g. bowl cutter, see Fig. 62, 91, 92). Non-meat ingredients such as binders (isolated
soy protein/ISP, milk caseinate) are preferably added in emulsion form (Fig. 95, 109), finely milled fillers (flours, starches) in dry form. In smaller calibre low-cost sausages such as hotdogs, also larger quantities of extenders (e.g. rehydrated TVP) and coarse fillers (rusk, breadcrumbs, etc) are incorporated during the chopping process. c) Application to non-comminuted meat The addition of non-meat ingredients to larger meat pieces or intact muscles is more complex. Injection of ingredients as part of the curing brine, if they are water soluble or can be dispersed in water (salt, nitrite, spices, ascorbate, phosphates, soy products, Carrageenan), is the most rapid method of equal distribution (Fig. 63, 65, 66, 67, 93). The surface application of such dry substances (e.g. nitrite curing salt, spices) (see Fig. 63, 64, 94) or immersion of meat in salt/curing salt and flavouring solutions (Fig. 65) is another way of application, but requires days or weeks to diffuse throughout the muscle tissue. Treatment before application Finely milled fillers of plant origin (flours, starches) are added dry (Fig. 91, 251), coarse fillers such as breadcrumbs or rusk and cereals are usually re-hydrated. Granulated extenders of plant origin (TVP) are also re-hydrated before blending them to the product mix (Fig. 92). Some binders (e.g. milk caseinate, isolated soy protein) are either added as dry powder or as a fat/water/protein emulsion (see Fig. 109). Many manufacturers attribute better binding properties to prefabricated emulsions rather than using the dry powder. On the other hand, the preparation of an emulsion is labour-intensive and may be dispensable when using some highly effective comminuting equipment (e.g. colloid mill, high-speed cutter). Important non-meat ingredients in meat processing and their properties Key characteristics of non-meat ingredients used in the meat industries are provided below for guidance. They are listed by highlighting some of the most commonly used substances first with the rest roughly grouped in the order of frequency of use on meat processing. Common salt (sodium chloride) Levels used: 1.5 3.0% Salt is the main agent used in meat processing and it contributes to basic taste characteristics of the final product. In processed meat products it usually ranges from 1.5 to 2.2%. Apart from improving the taste, salt in combination with water assists in opening up the structure of proteins (solubilises myofibrillar proteins). These proteins gel upon heating and by entrapping moisture and fats give form, structure and firmness to the finished product. Salt used at the above levels also improves the water holding capacity of meat (for more details see page 33, 147). Seasonings (spices) Seasonings are indispensable for the manufacture of processed meat products. Due to their importance and complexity they are described in a separate chapter (see page 83). Water Water is the main component of meat (up to 80% in lean meat). Therefore typically all meat products contain lower or higher amounts of natural water. Besides its natural presence, water is used in many processed meat products also as an ingredient. However, the assumption by some consumers that water is added to meat products only to increase product weight and manufacturers profits is incorrect. In fact, there are many types of meat products where the addition of water is needed for technical reasons (see page 133) or to compensate for cooking losses (see page 151). The addition of water is essential during the manufacture of raw-cooked meat batters (meat loaves, frankfurter sausages etc). In this case water acts together with salt and phosphates to solubilize muscle proteins (see page 128), thus creating a strong protein network structure holding the product together after heat-treatment.
In the case of precooked-cooked meat mixes, water is added to compensate for the cooking loss, as precooking of raw meat materials generates cooking losses of approximately 30%. In order not to make the final products too dry, water losses are supplemented in the final meat mix. Care must be taken that no excess water is added, as this could lead to fat and jelly separation in the final product (see page 151). Water is also needed as a substrate for curing substances or other non-meat ingredients and for re-hydration of meat extenders. For cured-cooked products, solutions of curing salt, which may also contain spices, phosphates and other ingredients, are injected into larger meat pieces for quick and equal distribution. In these cases the volume of the product will be increased by the injection of the curing brine, but will be reduced again during subsequent cooking. Technologies such as tumbling in combination with addition of phosphates and other substances make it possible to increase the yield further. Ideally, cooking losses are equivalent to the water previously injected. However, in the specific cases of cheaper cured-cooked reconstituted ham, tumbling in combination with addition of phosphates and binders (see page 69, 70, 71, 72, 184) can make it possible to retain higher amounts of water in the product. Sodium Nitrite Levels used: 0.01 0.03% The addition of relatively small quantities of sodium nitrite produces the development of the desired colour pickling red in processed meat products. Without nitrite meat products turn grey in colour when heated. Of special importance for canned meat products is the potential of nitrite to inhibit microbial growth. Furthermore, it retards the oxidative rancidity by stabilizing fats. The common commercial form of nitrite is nitrite curing salt or pickling salt, a mixture of 0.5 0.6% nitrite and 99.4 - 99.5% sodium chloride (see also page 34). Ascorbic acid, sodium ascorbate, erythorbate Level used: 0.03% Ascorbic acid is perhaps better known as vitamin C. Its more stable salt form is sodium ascorbate or the chemically equivalent but cheaper sodium erythorbate. These so-called cure accelerators are used in curing-salt for processed meats because of their reducing properties. These substances accelerate the reaction of nitrite with the red muscle pigments resulting in the development of the red curing colour. Meat products to be heat-treated during manufacture instantly develop a uniform red colour, which can be intensified in the presence of cure accelerators. Similar reactions take place in non-heat-treated products such as raw-cured hams or sausages, but are considerably slower. Another effect of cure accelerators is that the chemical curing reactions will be more complete and hence less residual nitrite will be left in the product (for more details see page 37, 134, 137, 179). Phosphates Levels used: 0.05 0.5% Phosphates have a wide application in the meat processing industry and improve binding and texture in processed meat products. They directly increase the water-holding capacity by raising the pH as their own pH is alkaline (above 7.0). Phosphates also stabilize the texture of meat products by increasing protein solubility in connection with salt and reduce lipid oxidation/rancidity and hence the occurrence of negative flavours. Phosphates have also shown the ability to reduce microbial growth. The most common phosphates used in meat processing are: Sodium tripoly-phosphate STPP (pH 9.8) Sodium di-phosphate SDP (pH 7.3) For meat preparations such as sausage mixes, where phosphates are added as dry powder, phosphates with moderate alkaline effect are preferred, in particular di-phosphates. The usual dose is 0.03 % (see page 134). Di-phosphates are the most effective form of increasing water binding. However, di-phosphates have a low water solubility. Thus, for meat curing brines containing phosphates (see page 179), the more soluble poly-phosphates can be used.
Milk protein Similar to isolated soy protein, milk protein (= milk caseinate) has the ability to interact with meat proteins or complement deficits in meat protein available in extended meat mixes. Due to the small amount required (2%) and its relatively high price, milk protein is primarily not a meat extender for volume increase but a functional binder to increase water holding and fat binding and reduce cooking losses. These properties can be used in all types of heat treated meat products (see page 160). Milk protein can impart a pale colour and soft texture to meat products, which is viewed as a disadvantage by some meat processors. In intensively heated products, this disadvantage is outweighed by the good binding properties and prevention of jelly and fat separation. The levels of milk protein used should not exceed 2%. Milk protein (caseinate) is added to meat mixes as dry powder or as a prefabricated emulsion. The emulsion is usually composed of milk protein/fatty tissue/water in ratios of 1:5:5 to 1:8:8. Emulsions can easily be made in the bowl cutter, where ingredients are mixed and emulsified under high-speed rotation (Fig. 95). The emulsifying process is supported by using hot water (80-100C). Skim milk powder is dried defatted milk and is sometimes used in extended raw-cooked meat products (see page 127, 204). It can be considered an extender with binding properties. Gelatine Gelatine is an edible jelly composed of collagen proteins extracted from animal tissues (mainly skins, also bones) through boiling. Commercially available gelatine is a dry powder of various granule sizes, which is first dispersed in cold water and then completely solubilized in water of 50-60C. The protein molecules of the gelatine absorb water and form a gel when cooling down. If meat pieces are mixed with the liquid gelatine, the cohesive properties, which are gradually strengthened with lowering the temperature, result in a solid, elastic and sliceable product (Fig. 96, 97). Another technology sometimes practiced is to blend small amounts of dry gelatine with moist meat mixes. Here the gelatine will absorb the liquid surrounding the meat particles during heating and solidify during cooling down and hold the product together. If commercial gelatine is not used, similar effects regarding water absorption and gelling can be achieved when using collagen rich animal tissues as part of the meat mixture, such as pork skin, skin from calf/cattle head and feet or other meat trimmings rich in connective tissue (with tendons, ligaments, fasciae etc.). Blood proteins Blood is not used everywhere for human food. Where its consumption is accepted, a great variety of meat products is possible, where whole blood is one of the major components (see page 161). If the solid parts (blood cells) are separated from the blood, the liquid fraction called blood plasma remains, which is rich in protein (8-9%). Some people even call this slightly yellowish fluid liquid meat. Such a protein solution can play a valuable role in meat processing. In many locations, specialized enterprises produce blood plasma by centrifugation of hygienically obtained blood in slaughterhouses immediately after slaughter. Due to its hygienically sensitive nature the blood plasma is best frozen or freeze-dried (Fig. 98) immediately after centrifugation. Flakes of plasma ice are the ideal form for further processing in meat products. This form of plasma is particularly suitable for raw-cooked meat products (frankfurter, hot dog, meat loaves etc.), where water or ice has to be added. If such water/ice is partly substituted by blood plasma the protein content of the product will be higher and the water binding capacity is increased. This is due to the good water binding of blood proteins, which is higher than that of meat proteins. Moreover, the ph of blood plasma is slightly alkaline (7.5-7.8), which is also beneficial for the water binding capacity. Carrageenan Carrageenan is a hydrocolloid (often known as gum) derived from aquatic plants (seaweed). Carrageenan is available as a refined powder (Fig. 99), which is water soluble and has strong water-binding and gelling properties. Upon cooling it forms an elastic gel which remains stable during refrigerated storage. Carrageenan, needed only in small quantities of up to 1% and added as a dry powder, can provide improved cooking yield and better sliceability and cohesiveness. It not only
increases the water retention in cooked hams or raw-cooked products, but also contributes to a desired stability and juiciness in products with reduced fat content (such as corned beef in jelly). Transglutaminase This is an enzyme needed in living animal organisms to repair lesions of body tissues and create stable structures by extensively cross-linking protein molecules. The recently introduced synthetic form of this substance develops similar effects in meat. It has the capacity to form bonds between superficial protein structures of individual smaller or larger muscle meat pieces. This effect can be used in various meat processing phases, from tumbling and reconstituting cooked hams to creating protein network structures in raw-cooked meat products (see page 127, 147, 184). The substance is expected to have an impact on specific meat processing technologies, for example, tumbling procedures could be considerably shortened or the utilization of phosphates and other binding substances in raw-cooked or cured-cooked products reduced or completely substituted. Even in raw-fermented sausages, consisting of a mix of coarsely chopped meat and fat particles (see page 115), the built-up of a firm cohesion of such particles during ripening can be strengthened by the presence of transglutaminase. Vegetable oil Vegetable oil can be used to replace animal fat, in particular pork fat for Halal products. Vegetable oil can be considered a meat extender as it replaces part of the animal tissue. It also assumes the function of the animal fat to make the meat mix soft and juicy after heat treatment. Thus the oil has also functional properties. Vegetable oil is added in the same way as animal fat to comminuted meat batters (Fig. 100). It is important that the oil be cooled down (+1C) before adding in order to keep the temperature of the meat mixes low. Best results can be achieved with vegetable oils displaying a pasty structure at this temperature. Sugars Levels used: 0.5 - 4.0 % Sugars (sucrose1, dextrose2 or corn syrup) may be added to meat products to provide specific flavour and counteract salty taste, lower the aw-value, which may be important for dried and canned products, and act in dry fermented sausages (page 120) and raw hams (page 174) as a nutrient source for microbes, which convert sugars into organic acids (lactic, acetic) resulting in souring. Substantial amounts of sugars are particularly common in Asian style traditional products (up to 8%, see page 214), where they are instrumental in lowering water activity aw and extending the shelf-life. With the introduction of Western style products, this tradition continues in many places by using sugar for taste purposes, thereby altering taste and flavour as compared to the original products. Flavour enhancer These substances must not be confused with seasonings. They are intended to intensify flavour characteristics in specific meat preparations. Food proteins such as soy, milk or blood proteins or yeast extracts are partially hydrolyzed, i.e. broken down to simpler components (mainly peptides) which may have meat flavour or the property to strengthen meat flavours. One well known substance to strengthen meat flavour is monosodium glutamate (MSG). It is particularly popular in Asia where it is widely used in most meat dishes but also in many processed meat products (0.5% or higher). Food colourings Changing the colour of fresh and processed meats by means of food colourings is not common practice. The usual way of providing an attractive red colour to the great majority of processed meat products is by curing (see page 34). The principle of curing is not dyeing the product, but chemical reaction of the red muscle pigment with nitrite resulting in a stable red colour that does not change during heating and storage. In certain circumstances, in particular in case of poor formulations with low muscle meat and therefore reduced muscle pigment contents, and supplemented by extenders and fillers of plant origin, manufacturers sometimes opt for the use of food colourings to intensify the product colour (Fig. 88, 101, 102).
1) 2)
Sugar obtained from sugar cane or sugar beet Sugar obtained by hydrolysis of starch, source of energy in living organisms
Food colourings may be derived from natural sources (e.g. orange-yellow beta-carotene from green plants, red oleoresin from paprika, red colour from red beet juice). Others are made synthetically (also beta-carotene derives now mainly from synthetic sources). Many of them are restricted for use only in particular food products. The debate over the safety of some substances, in particular the synthetic ones, is ongoing. Some countries allow only limited utilization of food colourings for meat products. Some colourings not to be used for processed meat are, however, permitted for application on inedible sausage casings, which are not eaten with the sausage products. Apart from toxicological considerations, there are concerns that quality failures and hygienic shortcomings in processed meats could be masked using colorants. In other countries, there seem to be less restrictions on the use of food colorants in the meat sector and colorants are readily available and applied. In meat processing, red and yellow colour types are preferred, with brand names such as red blood, orange yellow or sunset yellow. Ready-to-use solutions may be on the basis of tartrazine (E 102, yellow), cochineal extract (E 120, red) or carnoisine (E 122, red). Apart from not posing immediate health risks, food colourings must meet a few technological requirements if applied in meat products. They need to be heat-stable to some extend, at least to endure pasteurization temperatures around 80C. Colours should not change during exposure of the treated meat products to light or oxygen, nor should they be negatively affected through pH-changes. Preservatives In meat processing, the preferable preservation methods are application of good slaughter, meat handling and processing hygiene and submission of semi- and fully-fabricated products to an uninterrupted cold chain. In complying with these requirements, bacterial counts in meat can be kept low and chemical preservatives are actually not needed. Interestingly, traditional slaughtering and meat marketing, which still takes place without sophisticated slaughter facilities and without cooling, can reap satisfactory results. In this case, the factor time plays a major role. Animals are slaughtered during the cooler night time and the meat is marketed a few hours later, so that it arrives in the consumers households before lunchtime for cooking. Due to the short periods of time elapsed between obtaining and preparing the meat, deterioration/spoilage does not occur and preservatives are not needed. Unfortunately, it is a different story in todays mega-cities in developing countries, which are in many cases still supplied by traditional meat marketing methods. Inevitably, the distribution channels have become longer and the absence of cooling gives rise to an increased risk of meat deterioration and spoilage. In these conditions, meat handlers and processors may resort to chemical preservatives of dubious quality and safety. Chemical preservatives are a sensitive issue, but can play an important and valuable role when properly applied during meat handling and processing in order to extend the shelf life of meat and meat products and reduce losses. Manufacturers may rely on the antimicrobial properties of such substances added and, trusting their good effect, neglect slaughter and processing hygiene and cold storage. In particular in tropical regions with a higher risk of meat spoilage, chemical preservatives are often used on a routine basis to keep bacterial growth at bay. Even worse, some manufacturers may chose substances, which in their views are effective and cheap to suppress bacterial growth, but which may be hazardous to human health, as they may produce toxic residues in meat. Such substances, no longer used on a widespread basis include for example formalin1 or borax2. Some other compounds, known as bleach and chemically chlorine3 or hydrogen peroxide4, as they have the potential of whitening materials such as textiles, hair etc., have also been wrongly used for meat surface decontamination. The application of antibiotics5 to animals before slaughter (e.g. sulfomethazine) or to the meat (e.g. nisin) has also been a continuing illegal practice for meat preservation. Another method, aiming at the improvement of the visual quality but with risks for consumers, is the treatment of minced meats with sulphur dioxide6, which can reverse the dark unattractive colour of overstored products to bright-red.
Thanks to growing consumer awareness also in countries with less stringent sanitary controls, hazardous methods to extend the shelf-life of fresh and processed meat are gradually being phased out. By taking advantage of the highly sensitive analytical methods nowadays available, such illegal practices can be completely eliminated by official sanitary control measures. Malpractices in meat preservation
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Formalin or Formaldehyde is a strong disinfectant (see page 372); if illegally used to control bacterial growth on meat surfaces, it may get into the food chain, may cause kidney damage and is carcinogenic in the long term. Borax = Sodiumtetraborate, an ingredient in washing powders and used in paper and leather manufacture; is harmful by ingestion if illegally used for meat surface treatment or in meat mixes. Chlorine (Cl2) is an effective disinfectant e.g. for drinking water (0.4-0.6 ppm), also sometimes used for microbial control of water for spin chillers in poultry slaughter (up to 20 ppm). Bleach which is calcium hypochlorite (CaOCl2), reacts with water and releases chlorine ions, which may affect taste and create harmful residues. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), when applied to meat surfaces etc. it disintegrates into oxygen and water, whereby the oxygen develops the antimicrobial and bleaching effect. It causes colour changes on meat surfaces, sometimes used for bleaching cattle stomachs (tripes). Another substance used for bleaching tripes is Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) Antibiotics such as nisin (= bacteriocin deriving from Strept. lactis bacteria), suppresses bacterial growth, used for some foods (dairy industries), but generally not allowed and discouraged for use in meat industries; or sulphamethazine used as an antibiotic in pigs with possible residues occurring in the meat. Sulphur dioxide, is widely legally used in food manufacturing (fruits, juices), but use in the meat sector discouraged or forbidden, as it would further add to the daily intake by consumers and, most importantly, it may make poor quality products open to adulteration. The substance has a notable effect on raw red meat, in particular on the hygienically very sensitive minced meat, as it can reverse dark brownish colours of over-stored products causing them to lighten and reddening in colour. Moreover, also the beginning bacterial spoilage can be masked through the substances inhibitory effect on microorganisms.
Nevertheless, also in the meat sector a number of antimicrobial substances are used, which are very beneficial for product quality and safety. Some common additives, primarily used for purposes such as reddening, binding or flavouring, also develop moderate antimicrobial effects, in particular nitrite (see page 35, 68) and phosphate (see page 68). Also the common salt has antimicrobial effects, in high concentrations direct, and in lower concentrations indirectly through reduced water activity (see page 33). However, these impacts alone cannot substitute strict meat hygiene and cooling, but are useful in combination with them. Other chemical preservatives are also officially authorized in most countries and applied in specific hygienically sensitive situations in the meat sector. Amongst these specific chemical preservatives, organic acids such as lactic, citric or acetic acids are the most common. They are natural food components and therefore permitted in any type of food processing. They can reduce microbial growth on fresh meat surfaces, when sprayed on. For processed meat products they are less suitable as they will have a negative impact on water binding (produce low ph) and taste (sour). Sodium salts of the mentioned acids are better suited for meat products, in particular sodium lactate (approximately 1-1.5% added). Also sodium acetate or di-acetate are used, mostly in low concentrations in combination with sodium lactate. Potassium sorbate is an effective mould inhibitor. It is only intended for dipping sausage casings (for dry sausages) and for surface treatment of dried meat (concentrations of 2%) to avoid mould growth during drying and storage. Addition to meat mixes is generally not allowed although it seems to be practiced in some places, but it should be discouraged because of possible health risks to consumers. Para-hydroxybenzoates (PHB) are substances mainly used for preservation of certain pasteurized fish products (1% or less). It is also used as a preservative for meat products, mainly sausages. In some countries it is still officially allowed, but there is a tendency to prohibit it for meat due to residue problems. The same applies to sodium benzoate (less than 1%).
Antioxidants Meat products are susceptible to rancidity, which is fat oxidation. Some commonly used meat processing ingredients moderately counteract oxidation, e.g. nitrite, ascorbic acid, phosphates and also some spices. Normally the presence of some of the above substances nitrite, ascorbic acid/erythorbate and/or phosphates will provide sufficient protection in the short term. For longer storage, the products should be vacuum-packed, not exposed to light and kept under good refrigeration, all measures, which can help to protect against oxidation. In industrial meat processing, additional chemicals antioxidants (such as tocopherol/chemically equivalent to vitamin E) may be used in particular for products with high fat content. Cereals, Legumes, Roots, Tubers and Vegetables General Unprocessed cereal grains, common legumes, vegetable, roots and tubers are sometimes used as fillers to increase volume and decrease costs. They are commonly used for simple meat preparations, some of them being rural or ethnic specialities (see page 82, 213). Refined products of this group such as flours, starches and soy concentrates are used in the meat industry for simple ground products blended with the meat and also for more sophisticated products for filling and extension purposes. Lastly, some products from this group, processed with very high protein content (isolated soy protein, wheat gluten), are applied as water and fat binder mostly in raw-cooked products including canned products of this type. Cereals Maize is a common food crop, which can be used as filler in low-cost meat products. After harvesting, the grains are stripped from the cob and dried. These dried grains are milled and usually added as flour. In isolated cases they are added whole. Ground maize bread is also used as cheap filler. Wheat is usually added as flour (milled whole grain or grain with seed coat removed) as filler. A common filler product is rusk, which is flour mixed with water and little salt, baked and finally crushed. Rusk is a good agent to absorb water and contributes to a better binding in low-cost products. For similar applications, breadcrumbs may be used. Breadcrumbs are ground and roasted wheat bread particles, which have undergone two heat treatments (baking and roasting) and hence have a strong water absorption capacity. Rice is a widespread stable food in developing countries, especially in Asia, and acts as good filler for low-cost meat products. If plain white rice is added (Fig. 103), it needs to be precooked or at least soaked in water. The high water absorption property has to be considered when formulating the recipe of the product. Rice can also be added as flour. Food Legumes The most important examples of this group are beans, peas, lentils, cow-peas and chick-peas. Whole seeds are used only for certain indigenous products. Care must be taken that the legumes are free of impurities (dirt, sand, insects etc). They are usually soaked in salted water for 1 to 2 hours prior to processing. Products with whole seeds should undergo immediate heat treatment at the processors level in order to avoid possible product spoilage caused by enzymatic reactions if stored without heat treatment. Apart from the indigenous sector, legumes are used in meat processing in refined form. The most common and most valued legume products derive from soy beans. A variety of soy protein products are used as extenders in processed meats. The most important are the following: Soy grits (pressed dehulled and de-oiled soy beans) or soy flour, finely ground, contain 50 percent protein. It is used in meat loaves and minced meat products to add protein and help hold the meat juices. Its main limitation is taste (beany) and texture of the final product. Amounts to be added vary, but should not exceed 5% (dry).
Soy concentrate, contains about 70 percent protein. It may be used in flour or granular form for finely comminuted meat products. If its structure is changed to granular form to duplicate the texture of ground meat, it is called textured vegetable protein (TVP) (Fig. 104, 105, 107). Soy concentrates are almost neutral in taste and cause much less beany flavour in processed meats than soy flour. Amounts to be added to heavily extended products may be as high as 15% (dry) for hamburger type goods and up to 6% (dry) for raw-cooked goods. Before processing, re-hydration at a ratio of 1:3 is needed. Soy isolate, contains 90 percent protein. It is the only soy product that functions like meat (it interacts with meat protein) in forming protein network structures and binding water and fat. It is particularly useful in weak formulations, where the meat protein content is low. Soy isolate is usually applied in quantities around 2% and is a binder (Fig. 106, 107). For soy protein isolates fat/water/soy protein solution (gels) can be fabricated and these gels are added to the meat mixes (Fig. 109). Soy concentrate may be texturized by extrusion and heating to produce a meat-like texture (Fig. 108). If the necessary flavour (chicken or beef or pork) is added, such products serve as meat supplements. Fig. 109: Production steps for soy protein emulsion
Composition of protein emulsion (water, vegetable oil, soy isolate) Roots and Tubers
Roots and tuber crops originate from swollen roots or underground stems of plants, in which large quantities of starch are stored. They present a major source of calories for rural populations in developing countries. The most common types in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa are cassava (manioc), cocoyams (taro and tania) and sweet potato. In some areas the Irish potato was also successfully introduced. Cassava (manioc) can be added as an extender to processed meat products in different forms. Precautions should be taken during the selection of fresh cassava as raw material as some cassava varieties can contain high levels of toxic components (cyanide). For this reason, the use of the bitter variety is discouraged. Fresh The fresh cassava is peeled by hand. Fresh and peeled cassava tubers can be stored refrigerated for 2 to 4 days if kept in fresh, slightly salted water. The peeled tubers are washed with fresh water and cut in smaller pieces. These pieces can then be minced through the 8 mm disc of a grinder or grated/rasped by hand (Fig. 110). Flour Cassava flour, which is dried and milled cassava, can be a cheap alternative to the more expensive and often imported wheat and maize flour and used in a similar way, either added as powder (page 202) or further processed into a product like rusk. Starch In rural processing cassava starch is made from fresh peeled cassava, which is washed, grated and put into baskets for de-watering. The starch is derived by sedimentation in the water. Gari The cassava mash (low in protein, high in fibres) remaining from cassava starch production can be stir-fried until granules are formed. This product can now be stored in a dry and cool place and is a good and low-cost extender for all types of cooked meals and fresh sausages (Fig. 111).
Sweet potato, Irish potato will be added mainly fresh and peeled. The preparation is similar to the one for fresh cassava. Potatoes are an ideal supplement to cassava as fillers for simple meat preparation as the taste of the final product is refined. Fresh and peeled potatoes can be stored refrigerated for 2 to 4 days if kept in fresh, slightly salted water. Vegetables and Fruits (Fig. 112) Onions present well-suited filler and act as seasoning in fresh or precooked-cooked meat products. Due to the high water content and often very high microbial load the processed products must be prepared and consumed immediately or is cooked and refrigerated. Banana or Plantain (green fruits) can also be added to precooked-cooked sausage mixtures and fit surprisingly well into the taste of the final products. Together with cassava and potato up to 50 % of the meat can be replaced in a blood sausage. Banana and plantain need to be washed prior to peeling. After peeling, the fingers are cut into small dices and added to the mixture. They are always added raw as cooking would destroy the structure. SEASONINGS USED IN MEAT PROCESSING Seasonings are normally parts of plants which flavour food. The trade in and the processing of spices has developed into an important support industry for food processing enterprises in order to meet consumer preferences. Mixtures of seasonings were developed in order to serve as flavouring agents for various meat products. Natural spices, herbs and vegetable bulbs are the main groups of seasonings and are described hereunder. Natural spices The term natural spices includes dried rootstocks, barks, flowers or their parts and fruits or seeds of different plants. The most important natural spices used in processed meat products are pepper, paprika, nutmeg, mace, cloves, ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, chilli, coriander, cumin and pimento. The most common natural spice in sausage making is pepper. Spices are mainly used in the ground form with particle sizes from 0.1 to 1 mm. Herbs Herbs are dried leaves of plants grown in temperate climates. The major herbs used in processed meat products are basil, celery, marjoram, oregano, rosemary and thyme. Vegetable bulbs The main natural seasonings originating from vegetable bulbs and used in processed meat products are onions and garlic. Extracts Natural spices are often contaminated with high numbers of microorganisms, in particular spores, due to their production process. This may become a problem for the stability of the meat products. The microbial load of spices can be reduced by irradiation or fumigation. Such treatments are not allowed everywhere. Another option is the use of spices extracts. Extracts are produced by separating the flavour-intensive fractions through physico-chemical procedures (e.g. steam distillation) which results in germ-free flavouring substances. Extracts are preferably used in viscous liquid or oily form. Due to the absence of microorganisms, extracts are specifically recommended for the production of microbiologically sensitive processed meat products, such as cured-cooked hams or cured-cooked beef cuts. Procession and handling Most spices used in meat processing are milled or ground. The milling method used affects the quality of the spices. Spices are normally cold-milled at low temperatures. The raw spices are deep-frozen thus avoiding the loss of oleoresins, aqua-resins and essential oils, which are the active flavour components.
Spices (whole or ground, natural or extractives) should always be kept in a cool, dark and dry place.
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They must be stored in tightly sealed containers or bags to avoid loss of flavour. For processing purposes, spices should only be removed from the storage container using a spice spoon. Under no circumstances should spices be removed by hand as the adhering moisture and germs will lead to contamination, loss of flavour and clotting of the dry mixes. For all production, spices should be added by exact weight in order to standardize flavour and taste of the product. Products, which are consumed hot should be spiced mildly, as in the hot product higher amount of flavouring agents (oleoresins, aqua-resins and essential oils) will be released. If spices are added to a product mix under high temperature, the seasoning should be strong. In case of cold consumption of this product less spice will be released and taste and flavour will be weak if there is not enough seasoning.
Table 3: Common Seasonings used in processed meats Description and origin A. SPICES Black/white pepper Fruits seed Paprika (Fruit seed) Chilli (Fruit seed) Pimento (Fruit seed) Uses (in gram per 1 kilo of product) Used in a variety (almost all) meat products 12.5 g / 1 kg. Used in frankfurters, minced specialties and other products. Sometimes used as a colouring agent. 1-5 g / 1 kg. For spicy products It has an aroma similar to a mixture of nutmeg, cinnamon and cloves. Used in a variety of sausage products. Sometimes used as a partial replacement for black pepper in frankfurters and some smoked products. 0.3-3.0 g / kg Used in liver sausages, frankfurters and bologna and similar. 0.4-1.0 g / kg Used in frankfurters and similar products. 0.3-0.5 g / kg Used in bologna and minced ham sausages, frankfurters, liver sausage and gelatinous meat mixes. 0.3-1.0 g / kg Used in bologna, gelatinous meat mixes and in blood and liver sausage. 0.3-0.5 g / kg Astringent and sweet, used in some countries in mortadella and bologna sausage. 0.1-0.2 g / kg Rapid loss of aromatic constituents during storage. Used in liver sausage and gelatinous meat mixes. 0.3-5.0 g / kg Used in fresh pork sausages. 0.3-2.0 g / kg Contains about 13% of fatty matter and a trace of tannin. It is used in frankfurters, minced ham, luncheon meat. 0.3-1.0 g / kg Used for meat specialties with distinct flavour. 0.2-0.3 g / kg Used in liver and white raw-cooked sausages and gelatinous meat mixes. 0.5-2.0 g / kg Used in liver sausage, gelatinous meat mixes, meat loaves. Sometimes replace garlic. 2.0-10.0 g / kg Used in many types of raw-cooked sausages. 0.1-0.2 g /kg
Mace (Flower) Ginger (Rhizome) (Root) Nutmeg (Fruit seed) Clove (Flower) Cinnamon (Bark) B. AROMATIC SEEDS Cardamom Celery seed Coriander seed Cumin C. CONDIMENTAL HERBS Marjoram Thyme D. CONDIMENTAL VEGETAB. Onion (Bulb)
Garlic (Bulb)
MEAT PRODUCTS WITH HIGH LEVELS OF EXTENDERS AND FILLERS Introduction Meat extenders are non-meat substances with substantial protein content, whereas fillers are high in carbohydrates (see page 60). Meat extenders and fillers are primarily used with the objective of making meat products lower-cost. In the upmarket sector there was traditionally less demand for highly extended products as their sensory properties could not fully match full-meat products. However, much progress has been made in recent years in improving the sensory qualities of extended meat products by using better balanced spice mixtures or other suitable additives of plant origin such as flavouring herbs (parsley, oregano, rosemary, leeks) or bulbs, roots and tubers (onions, garlic, ginger, raddish). These facts make the low-cost market more attractive and may contribute to its further development. Interestingly, in recent years also in the upmarket sector some new developments regarding increased utilization of nonmeat additives can be noted. In this case it is not based on price considerations but on health-consciousness of consumers. New additives (coming from dairy, bakery and other food industries) have recently been introduced into the meat sector, with the intention of promoting the production of healthy food. Some of these additives are advertised with the potential to increase the fibre1 content (dietary fibre fortification) of meat products (e.g. wheat, bamboo, cotton seed, red beet, chicory). Also functional properties are attributed to the fibre additives (see page 60), in particular binding of water and creating a creamy product texture. Other additives are recommended to increase the level of certain minerals1 in meat products (fortified iron, magnesium enriched, calcium improved). Some of these additives are by no means cheap fillers and may even increase the costs of the products. Specific target groups of consumers are prepared to pay for these relatively high-priced wellness-products, which are gaining increased market share. In countries with low purchasing power, some meat processors intend to reduce their production costs by adding disproportionately high amounts of cheap extenders and fillers (e.g. flours, starches, breadcrumbs, soy concentrate, MDM, also water) to meat products. More transparency is needed in this part of the meat sector, particularly in developing countries, where relevant food regulations are often incomplete or poorly applied. Such transparency can be best achieved by greater public access to information on the safe use of non-meat extenders and fillers. Proper labelling is therefore a key area to be addressed by national food control authorities. In addition to extenders and fillers of non-meat origin, mechanically separated cheaper materials from animal carcasses also known as mechanically deboned meats (MDM) are widely used in meat processing. This refers in particular to poultry meat2 (chicken, turkey). The use of such materials, separated as the remaining meat on bones, certainly contributes to the integration of all edible parts from carcasses into the food chain without wastage of valuable animal proteins. However, MDM must be hygienically generated and processed and its incorporation as raw material for meat products should be well balanced.
Additives containing fibre, minerals etc. have prebiotic properties, which assist the organism in creating favourable conditions for good health. It must not be confused with additives with probiotic properties, where living bacteria (mostly Lactobacillus strains) are added, e.g. to yoghurt and more recently also to fermented meat products such as dry fermented sausages. It is believed that the microorganisms have a direct positive impact on the human digestive system.
Mechanically separated meat from cattle, sheep and goat is not currently produced because of possible BSE-risk.
Traditional extended meat products This is the Thai name for a product popular in Thailand and some other South-East Asian countries. The roduct is manufactured using raw-cooked technology (see page 127) by finely chopping all ingredients with ice. It is composed of pork (85-90%), sugar (1.5%), fish sauce, common salt and pepper (each 1%), and flour (5-10%) is used as a filler. Due to the high flour content air bubbles are produced during the cooking, which are characteristic for Moo-Yoh. Moo-Yoh has a grey to whitish colour (Fig. 252). In Africa the main traditional meat processing methods are meat salting, drying and smoking. In the past these three methods allowed semi-nomadic or nomadic herdsmen to preserve meat from livestock or game in higher temperatures. Such traditional products were later developed into biltong, kilishi, etc. (see page 237, 241). The manufacture of mixtures containing cereals, mainly beans, grains and/or cassava (manioc) with meat, fat, blood, internal organs and even milk, falls in the category of extended products (see also page 112). Such products can on the one hand be considered as processed meats, on the other hand they are related to kitchen style cooking, as these mixtures are usually consumed as part of the meals immediately after preparation. In recent years some of these traditional cooking mixes have been commercially produced in cans and used as food supplies with extended shelf life for emergency situations, for remote regions and for refugee camps. These mixed meat/plant products offer a convenient outlet for otherwise highly perishable animal products and are nutritious, particularly due to the animal protein. The content of extenders may be high, in some cases exceeding the content of animal tissues. More advanced processing methods were imported into Africa over the years from other parts of the world. The preparation of meat/plant mixes as fillings for samozas (dough pouch with filling) and spring rolls originated in Asia while the preparation of coarse and fine breakfast sausages (see below)and meat rolls were introduced from Europe. In Europe there are a number of extended traditional meat products, mostly based on adding cereals to mixes of meat, fat, blood, pork skin or other carcass parts with high connective tissue content. Typical examples are the French pate de champagne and boudin de bretagne; the Scandinavian blodpolse and blodkorv; the Irish black pudding; the German gruetzwurst and pfaelzer saumagen; the Spanish morcilla de calabaza and morcilla sencilla de arroz, the Polish kiszka kaszana wyborowa and kiszka kaszana gryczana. All these belong to the group of pre-cooked-cooked meat products (see page 149). The breakfast sausage is another highly extended meat product. These sausages can be categorized as raw-cooked sausages, but are sold in fresh or frozen form and heat treated in restaurants or by the consumer directly at home. One common composition is approx. 60% animal tissue (meat, fats), 15% water, 25% extenders and fillers (wheat flour, rusk, corn starch) (Fig. 253). The most typical extended European meat product on the market is the lower quality type Italian Mortadella (Fig. 254). Its fabrication follows the principles of raw-cooked meat products, with meat, animal fats and water as basic raw materials and extenders. The meat component does usually not only include lean meat, but also offals such as spleen, oesophagus and sometimes even udder. Smaller fat dices are also often embedded in the batter in combination with green peas, pistaccio nuts or black peppers. The fillers used are usually starches and flours. The cohesiveness of the mortadella is achieved partly by the network of muscle proteins (see page 129), but to a certain extend also through the stickiness of the fillers. Mortadella is stuffed in large calibre casings (up to 200 mm). In order not to expose the outer zone of the sausage too long time to excessive temperatures, a special heat treatment (delta-t cooking) is required. In the delta-t method, the heat treatment usually starts with water temperatures of +60C. This temperature is maintained until the core temperature in the sausage has reached +35C. From then on the water temperature is raised continuously, always maintaining a certain difference with the core temperature (usually 25C) until the final water (cooking) temperature (in this example +78C) is reached. The heat treatment is continued at this water temperature until a core temperature of +68C is reached in the product (see page 444). Most mortadella products are to a certain extend shelf stable at moderate ambient temperatures due to the long heat treatment and the low a w achieved by the high share of extenders. They are often stored without refrigeration. Although mortadella is considered a low cost product, it has an attractive appearance and taste and is now considered a delicacy.
Extended Western style meat products (A, B, C, D below) The groups of fresh (page 103), raw-cooked (page 127) and precooked-cooked meat products (page 149) of comminuted Western style meat products are well suited for replacing part of the expensive meat by cheaper meat extenders and fillers. These practices, dictated by the need to produce lower cost products, are much more common in developing regions because of the lower purchasing power. In the past few decades Western style meat products have been introduced in the meat sector of most developing regions. Western style products such as frankfurters, cooked ham, luncheon meat etc. often rapidly overtake the production and sales the traditional indigenous meat products. Inevitably, there is the risk of exaggerated and unprofessional application of extenders and fillers. The basic rule should be that meat products with elevated amounts of extenders and fillers should be marketed as low-cost, but must still be recognizable as typical meat preparations and clearly labelled as to composition and nutrient content. Within the existing framework of experience, guidelines are given hereunder on extender and filler utilization. The cost of the individual extenders, which may widely vary from country to country, plays an important role in the economics of producing extended meat products. Extender and filler utilization can reduce the cost of full meat products by 10-30%. These figures refer to moderately extended products, which still maintain the characteristics of processed meat. Where consumers are used to extended products, it is the experience of meat processors that the majority of consumers prefer slight to medium extended meat products over full-meat products. The situation is different in countries where high quality standards prevail. Here consumers usually even dislike relatively small amounts of extenders. Apart from the overall quantity of extenders and fillers to be added, the right proportion of substances has to be used that give products a more granular texture (e.g. breadcrumbs, coarse TVP, page 64, 80) and those that provide a more soft texture (starches, flours, fibre products, page 79, 80, 81). Also the proportion of substances with higher water absorption capacity (fillers such as starches, flours or fibres) and lower water absorption capacity (extenders such as soy products or other legumes) has to be established. There are a number of product formulas available taking the above aspects into account, but they normally have to be tailored to local consumer tastes and needs. Hereunder, selected groups of Western style meat products and their suitable extenders and fillers are discussed (see also chapter: NON-MEAT INGREDIENTS, page 59). For comparison, the common formulas of such not extended products are listed in Annex I Recipes. Extenders, fillers and binders suitable for heavily extended meat products: Extenders (definition see page 61): Soy concentrate (70% protein) is available as a flour-like product. In coarse granular form it is called TVP (Textured Vegetable Protein). It can be added re-hydrated for meat product manufacture at a re-hydration ratio of 1:3. Fillers: Cereal flours from wheat, rice and corn Added dry Starches from potato, corn, wheat, rice Added dry Whole grains of rice Added cooked Breadcrumbs, rusk Added dry, in isolated cases also re-hydrated Cellulose fibres derived from bamboo and other plants Added re-hydrated, re-hydration rate 1:9 Other fillers (e.g. vegetable) are dealt with in chapter: Non-meat ingredients (page 59). Binders: Most binders (e.g. isolated soy protein, milk protein) used in non-extended and extended raw-cooked sausages do not serve for volume increase. The binding substance carrageenan (page 71) can provide significant volume increase as it is highly water absorbent. Its positive role is mainly in the manufacture of coarse products such as burgers or coarse skinless sausage products and in
cooked hams. It may also be of use for improved cohesiveness in the case of high extender utilization in raw-cooked products.
Fig. 255: TVP of different granulation and colour Burger products are simple mixtures of ground meats, including the traditional hamburger consisting of pure beef only without any extender or binder and with low fat content. The name burger is used for all kinds of simple mixtures of ground meat and animal fats (beef, pork, poultry meat, fish, or mixes of several). Burgers have always been considered suitable for using meat extenders even in high quantities, as no stringent requirements for product cohesiveness or colour exist. In industrial meat processing of burger patties the most commonly used extender is soy concentrate in medium to coarse granular shape as TVP (page 80). When rehydrated it has a meat-like texture. TVP in its dry form should be of slightly smaller particle size than the ground lean meat (3-5 mm disc), as the granules increase in size upon re-hydration. Moderately extended burger products are softer and juicier and have a pleasant but not too intensive meat flavour. Fullmeat products often have a tougher texture and in some cases the meat flavour might be too dominant. In burgers relatively large amounts of up to 15% TVP (re-hydrated) are tolerated even by quality-conscious consumers. But when TVP contents are in the range of 30% (re-hydrated), this causes almost complete loss of meat flavour and makes products dry.
Fig. 256: Burger patties, cooked, (a) with meat only, (b) with TVP and cassava, (c) with TVP. Up to a certain level no sensory differences In some low-cost burger formulations breadcrumbs, cassava, potato, or rice are used as fillers, often in combination with TVP as extender. In regions where most consumers are used to extended meat products, hamburgers with 7.5% TVP, or 7.5% TVP plus up to 10% cassava starch were still rated equal to full-meat burgers in consumer acceptability tests. Products with cassava starch also showed reduced cooking losses. Also the addition of carrageenan in low doses (0.5%) to low-cost burgers contributes to higher yield and less cooking losses without altering the sensory attributes. Cellulose fibre additives, such as bamboo and potato fibres are also increasingly used for burger type products, mostly in combination with extenders such as TVP. Moderate quantities up to 2.0% (dry) facilitate a smoother mouth-feel, as long as enough water for re-hydration is added. Instead of TVP some regional recipes use fibres (up to 2.0% dry) together with potato (mix of fresh pieces, flakes and flour) and water as extenders for burgers. In this case the re-hydration potential of fibres of 1:9 can be helpful in absorbing most of the excess water.
Chicken burgers Due to recent consumer concerns about red meat, chicken burgers have become more popular, in particular in the fastfood market. Top quality products are preferably made of leg meat, which is juicier than breast meat and without significant quantities of extenders or fillers (Fig. 246). For lower-cost products, substantial amounts of extenders and fillers are common and are basically the same as for red meat burgers described above. In addition, some manufacturers incorporate certain levels of mechanically deboned chicken meat (MDM) (page 196) in the mix. Chicken burgers are of pale colour and food colouring (page 73) may also be used but is not a general practice. Extended chicken burgers, like all other burgers, are usually moulded fresh and stored and distributed frozen. Alternatively, burger mixtures can be stuffed into artificial casings of a desired diameter (65-90 mm), frozen and sliced to individual patties of desired thickness (5-10 mm). Meat balls (coarse) Coarse meat balls have a similar composition as burgers and are mainly added to and consumed with soups. The roundshaped mixture (30-40 mm diameter) is stabilized when the meat balls are cooked in water or steamed. The additional heat treatment differentiates the meat balls from burgers (sold uncooked) and also limits the amount of extenders. Meat balls need a more cohesive texture, hence the extender content is usually kept lower than in burgers, but fillers in particular starches and flours are used at high levels. Due to the heat treatment (cooking/steaming) of the meat balls, high amounts of extenders would result in an atypically pale colour and lead to loss of meat flavour. The moderate use of cellulose fibres as a filler for coarse meat balls can be useful as these fibres re-hydrate at a ratio 1:9. However, excessive use of cellulose fibres in meat balls results in dry sandy products, as much of the water absorbed is probably lost during cooking. Coarse meat balls are sometimes also extended with green and red vegetables, such as parsley, carrots and bell pepper. Apart from the slight extending effect, smaller particles of such colourful ingredients can make the usually grey-coloured meat balls more attractive (Fig. 237). Meat rolls, ground kebabs Also meat rolls (meat mixes in a cylindrical shape) and ground kebabs (see page 106) are made as extended products. Some of them are sold frozen raw and others are heat treated prior to marketing. Production processes and the selection of suitable extenders, fillers and binders are based on the same technologies as ground burgers and ground meat balls. B. Rawcooked meat products - extended Raw-cooked meat products made of finely comminuted meat batter (see page 127) are particularly well suited to incorporate certain amounts of extenders and fillers for cost reduction and are always used in combination with binders. The most commonly used binders are isolated soy protein (ISP) and milk protein (caseinate), both usually added as water/fat/protein emulsion (see page 69, 80). In typical extended western-style products, especially in larger calibres used for cold cuts, only flours and starches are used as fillers and to a rather limited extent also cellulose fibres. TVP is not used as its light-brown colour and granules would show in slices of cold cuts. Similarly also small calibre sausages such as extended hotdogs or frankfurters are mostly fabricated using this technology and composition. In less demanding markets, where mainly low-cost hot dogs are the most common extended products, several other extenders and fillers, often combined with flours and starches, are used. If available, soy concentrate (TVP) is the preferred extender, due to its standard quality, user-friendly properties and relatively high protein addition to the product. In many places, manufacturers have resorted to other, readily available and cheaper fillers for low-cost hot dogs such as breadcrumbs, rusk, gari, cassava and boiled rice (see page 64, 78, 81).
Phosphates (see page 69), are particularly useful common additives for raw-cooked meat products. They assist in the development of comprehensive protein network structures. In this respect some fillers will develop complementary functions, for example some starches (e.g. potato starch) start absorbing increasing amounts of moisture at the temperature range of 50-70C, at which some of the loosely bound water is expelled from the protein structure networks. Hence, liquid purge can be decreased or avoided. Negative effects of extenders and fillers can arise when excessive doses are applied, particularly in terms of appearance, cohesiveness and taste. Limitations have been indicated for the individual products discussed hereunder, but consumer expectations vary widely. Hot dogs, Vienna sausages Both sausage types are of a small-calibre, i.e. characterized to be filled in narrow (18-22mm) casings. Hot dogs usually contain high amounts of extenders. In contrast, in demanding markets, Vienna sausages are known as pure meat/fat products. In many places around the world this quality pattern is not strictly adopted and various extenders and fillers are used, always in combination with binders. Naturally, these products cannot be extended up to such levels possible for burgers. The addition of up to 3% (rehydrated) TVP as extender combined with up to 2.5% starch as filler with binding potential 1 will improve the cohesiveness and results in reasonable products not very different from full-meat products. Levels of TVP up to 6% (rehydrated) result in less meaty products and demanding consumers may dislike them. But even levels of up to 10% (rehydrated) TVP could be acceptable to certain consumer groups, in particular when sold at a lower price and consumed as part of a sandwich or in soups.
Fig. 258: Extended hotdogs (no colorant). Colour pale, for more attractive appearance food colouring is commonly used (see also Fig. 260, 265) When using cellulose fibres (see page 195) in combination with TVP and starches/flours/skim milk, only moderate quantities of such fibre products (not exceeding 2.5%) should be applied. This is due to the fact that the cellulose fillers are re-hydrated at a ratio of 1:9, which means that 200 g dry powder (= 2% of a 10 kg batch of sausage mix) result in a wet mass of 1800 g in the 10 kg sausage mix. During the heat treatments (reddening, smoking, cooking) of these smallcalibre sausages, part of this water may be released, leading to dry sandy final products. For the same reason, TVP, which is also a re-hydrated ingredient, should be reduced in quantity, when used in combination with cellulose fibres.
Potato starch is the most common, followed by corn starch, sometimes cassava starch is used.
Chicken viennas, Chicken hotdogs Poultry products in small-calibre casings are recently in highly demand as snacks or whole meal foods particularly in regions where for cultural or religious reasons beef and/or pork are not eaten (Fig. 259, 260). In such products, the fat component also derived from chicken in the form of the fat-rich chicken skin. Alternatively vegetable oil may be used. From the socio-cultural point of view filling the sausage mix into removable cellulose casings does not raise any concerns regarding the animal tissues involved. Many of the regions with preference for chicken sausages are in the developing world with low purchasing power. Hence addition of extenders and fillers is widespread.
For better quality products mainly chicken leg meat is used. In low-cost formulations the major or entire part of lean meat derives from mechanically deboned chicken (or turkey) meat (MDM). Mechanically deboned chicken meat is not entirely lean but contains on average 20% fat, therefore quantities of fat-rich chicken skin or replacement vegetable oils need to be adjusted. The binding capacity of chicken meat is only slightly inferior to beef or pork. Therefore the application of extenders and fillers is possible in practically the same way as for beef/pork hotdogs and viennas. Up to 3% (re-hydrated) TVP as extender combined with 2.5% starch results in attractive chicken sausages. Vegetable oil as a fat component produces slightly juicier products than chicken skin added as the fat component (non-extended formula see Annex I, page 402). More intensive meat flavour can be achieved by replacing some of the lean chicken meat with lean beef. However, this option can be considered only if consumers accept beef and local regulations permit certain amounts of red meat in food labelled as chicken meat products. Chicken meat is very pale and higher amounts of extenders will also have an additional adverse effect on good product colour. In many countries it is common practice to use food colourings (red or red and yellow type combined) to give the products a more attractive appearance (Fig. 260, 265). In some countries, highly extended chicken hotdogs are produced in order to cater for consumers with very limited purchasing power. Formulations with more than 20% of extenders and fillers (mainly TVP, balanced amounts of breadcrumbs, flours and starches), up to 25% water and lean chicken meat (MDM) in the range of 30% and fats (fatrich chicken skin, vegetable oil) in the range of 20% are common. In such mixtures, the meat protein network cannot integrate the whole amount of extenders, fat and water (see page 127). The absorptive functions of the fillers play the major role to limit fat and water separation in these cases. This can usually be managed to a satisfactory level, but sensory properties (taste, texture) remain atypical in meat products.
Fig. 259: Raw materials for Fig. 260: Extended chicken extended chicken vs pork/beef viennas (cellulose casings hotdogs. Above left chicken removed). Left smoked, centre skin/chicken meat. Above right pork unsmoked, right unsmoked with fat/lean beef, centre TVP food colouring In Fig. 261 the different manufacturing stages of such a heavily extended product are shown. During the first stages the quality of the semi-fabricated product remains high. At the stage of adding the bulk of the extenders, which is instrumental for lowering the product price, the drop in quality occurs. (In order to clearly demonstrate the different stages of the batter, the batter was filled into wider casings than those normally used for hotdogs. All samples were heat-treated.) For reasons of cost reduction, the quality decrease particularly from step d) to e) (Fig. 261) is unavoidable, but such products can still play a vital role in basic animal protein supply for low-income population groups, as long as they are made available at a low and affordable price. The animal protein content may still be kept in the range of 7-8%. To improve the sensory quality of such products, parts of their cheapest ingredient, which are the breadcrumbs (besides the water), can be replaced by other cheap locally available foods such as cassava (starch, gari) or rice (flour, boiled). This contributes to softer texture and better taste. The processing technology will also contribute to the improvement of heavily extended meat products. In particular coarse extender particles should be further reduced in size. Sharp and efficient bowl cutter knives are essential (page 304). After chopping all ingredients in the bowl cutter, passing the mixture through colloid mills (page 30) will further promote the better integration and binding of all extender and filler materials.
Fig. 261: Different stages of production of highly extended chicken raw-cooked product. a) Mix of lean meat, phosphate, salt and water. Compact texture, pink colour, no purge of fat and water. b) Addition of binders (isolated soy protein, milk protein). Texture remains compact, colour becomes significantly paler. c) Addition of fat (chicken skin). Texture becomes slightly softer, colour slightly paler. d) Addition of starch and flour, some vegetable oil and artificial colouring. Colour turns pink but not like typical curing colour, texture softer but still good. e) Addition of high amounts (15%) TVP and breadcrumbs. Significant change in colour to brownish-yellowish, water exudation, change in taste towards only slightly meat-like. Larger-calibre sausages of the raw-cooked type There are different product names for larger calibre raw-cooked sausages depending on their origin, size and sensory properties (appearance, colour, taste etc.). Products such as Lyonese or Bologna are finely comminuted and stuffed in casings of 40-80 mm diameter; Polony can contain some coarse material and is stuffed in casings of 30-40 mm diameter. Often the name Salami is also used around the world for a more coarse product, but this may be misleading as this definition has been used for centuries for the European type dry-fermented sausages (see page 115). The large-calibre products contain basic sausage mixes (lean meat, fat and water) manufactured with the same technology and raw materials used for hot dogs. They share the same characteristic protein network structure (see page 127) and the typical firm-elastic texture. Similarly to extended hotdogs, this protein network is often supported by an emulsion made with isolated soy protein (ISP) or milk protein (caseinate) (page 69, 80) and has the capability to embed and keep in place not only fat and water droplets but also particles deriving from non-meat additives. In these types of products, the addition of extenders (e.g. soy concentrates) and fillers (e.g. starches, flours, cellulose fibres) must be carefully balanced and overdoses avoided in order to retain meat products characteristics as much as possible (Fig. 261, 262, 263, 265).
Fig. 262: Extended bologna Fig. 263: Highly extended bologna Good appearance and cohesiveness type sausage Excessive levels of extenders and insufficiently comminuted, visible coarse TVP particles Moreover, an effective comminuting technology (use of a higher number of chopper knives, additional use of colloid mill for the fine batter component of the sausage mix) is crucial for larger calibre extended products, as for their consumption they are usually cut up into thin slices. In these slices any deficiencies in colour or cohesiveness become rapidly apparent and can be easily detected. Lumps of excess extender would be visible and also result in separation of fat and/or jelly after cooking and insufficient texture combined with dry and coarse mouth-feel. Therefore extender and filler quantities in large diameter sausages are usually kept more moderate than in hotdogs (Fig. 262, 263).
Experience shows that for satisfactory large-calibre raw-cooked sausages the overall level of extenders and fillers in dry form should not exceed 10% and an adequate proportion of various filler, extender and binder substances is helpful (see page 204). As some substances with high re-hydration ratios (e.g. TVP, cellulose fibres) are used, the dry extender level should be kept slightly below the 10% mark to avoid excessive overall extender contents. In Asia, precooked rice (Fig. 264) is used not only in hotdog type products, but also for medium-calibre raw-cooked sausages, as rice grains have strong cohesive properties. In order to make the rice grains less visible in slices of larger calibre sausages, colloid mills are very useful in the manufacturing process.
Fig. 264: Large-calibre raw-cooked Fig. 265: Colouring of heavily sausage with higher (centre) and extended product. Use of food lower (right) levels of rice grains colorant (left) and with rice flour (left) The addition of small quantities of carcass parts rich in connective tissue, such as pork skin, tendons or gelatine (product derived from skin or bones) in the recipe will also facilitate efforts to make products with high quantities of extenders and fillers appear more acceptable. Connective tissue proteins swell and take up water and enter a gelatinous phase upon heating. This helps product components to stick firmly together after the process of cooking and cooling is completed. Luncheon meat Luncheon meat is known worldwide as a canned product (Fig. 266). (see page 127). The product mixes are in principle similar to the ones used for the above described extended sausages of the raw-cooked type. But while those are usually manufactured from pork and/or beef, luncheon meat may also contain other meat types. Cheap luncheon meat products often contain mechanically deboned meat (MDM), mostly from chicken, as part of the lean meat ingredients. Canned luncheon meat, also in its cheapest versions, should not show excessive separation of water and/or fat after sterilization. Therefore, absorbing non-meat ingredients are used such as starches, flours, soy proteins (concentrate and isolate) and also carrageenan. C. Cooked ham In its original manufacture, cooked ham is made of one large piece of meat or few combined entire muscles (see page 182, 183). It does not undergo any comminuting process and is traditionally produced without any extender or filler. No yield is expected from such products as the curing brine injected will be lost again during cooking. In moderately priced industrial cooked hams made of one large piece of meat or few combined entire muscles, the yield is usually increased using modified fillers and binders in the curing brine, which allow retention of some of the injected brine even after cooking. These products still meet the expectations of quality-conscious consumers but enable manufacturers to reduce costs and adjust the pricing. Reconstituted cooked hams (see page 183) are produced in large quantities. These products are made of muscle meat, which is trimmed, cut or ground into medium to small chunks and reshaped to resemble an entire larger piece of meat. In such products modified soluble binders including isolated soy protein, gelatine, carrageenan and modified starches (Fig. 225) with a high binding capacity have become popular production ingredients. Before reconstitution through heat coagulation, curing salt, spices and substances assisting in water-binding (commonly phosphates and optionally the mentioned binders, see pages 69-72, 80, 180) are injected or mixed into the lean meat components and the entire mix is mechanically treated by tumbling (see page 184).
Insoluble extenders or fillers in dry powder form (flours, starches) or re-hydrated (TVP, cellulose fibres) are not suitable as they would hamper the reconstitution process which is based on gluing together the individual muscle particles by means of heat-coagulated protein (see page 184). Hence the main filling substance for cost reduction used for cooked hams is water. As cooked ham is made of pure muscle meat, the water binding capacity is relatively high. The water absorption is further increased by the tumbling process, which releases additional amounts of myofibrillar protein with strong water binding capacity. The utilization of phosphates, soy isolates etc. strengthens this process further. Such products can achieve yields up to 150% and are, with corresponding pricing, affordable also for low-income consumers. Maximum water retention can be achieved, if, in addition to the above treatments, carrageenan is used as a binder. Carrageenan powder (see page 71) dissolved in hot water, has the potential to absorb and hold moisture and significantly reduces cooking losses. Tests revealed 4% cooking loss with 1g carrageenan per kg meat mixture, 1.8% with 2.5 g/kg and very low 0.5% with 5 g/kg. Use of carrageenan up to 5g/kg ham gives a neutral taste. The transglutaminase products recently introduced in the food sector are particularly efficient in cooked ham as their main function is strengthening the linkages between proteins (see page 72). Small quantities (0.1%) dissolved in the curing brine injected or added to the mix in the tumbler are sufficient to significantly improve cohesion between the meat pieces. D. Corned beef There are two groups of Corned beef
y y
Original Corned beef fabricated from cooked beef only and canned/sterilized (see page 169). Corned beef with jelly, fabricated from beef and gelatinous substances such as gelatine or carrageenan or carcass parts with high connective tissue content (skin, tendons) and small amounts of water added, filled in casings and pasteurized or filled in cans and sterilized (see page 168). In particular carrageenan is a popular ingredient for corned beef in jelly, as it forms a gelatinous matrix, which can absorb substantial amounts of water. This jelly remains stable also at higher storage temperatures, where gelatine jelly could become liquid.
Although corned beef with jelly is considered the extended low cost version, many people prefer this product over the original corned beef, which is, due to the intensive cooking and sterilizing, dry and not particularly tasty. In contrast, corned beef with jelly is due to its gelatinous texture much juicier and suitable spices contribute to good flavour and taste, in particular when products were processed with moderate heat treatment (pasteurized). In sterilized products product quality can also be maintained. Fig. 267: Corned beef in jelly A small up-market niche exists in Europe where corned beef with jelly is produced with such a high quality and firm jelly texture, that it is usually sold and consumed as cold cuts. In some countries, low-cost corned beef in jelly is produced, which however still has a satisfactory protein content due to the fact, that the lean meat content is still relatively high and the extending substances (TVP) also contain protein (Fig. 267).