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Studying Abroad
met, to the amazing sights you have seen. You will also be able to pull out
some amusing anecdotes about your attempts to deal with culture shock.
You Get to Learn a New Language
If you study abroad in a country where they don’t speak your native
language, you will have an excellent opportunity to learn theirs. There is
nothing like living in a country to learn its language. If you already know the
basics of the language, this is your opportunity to improve your fluency.
It Looks Good on Your Résumé/ CV
Having a period spent studying abroad on your CV tells employers that you
are a well-travelled person who is open to different cultures and different
points of view. It also suggests that you have the ability to be independent
and that you likely possess valuable language skills.
Better Learning Opportunities
Studying abroad makes it easier for you to receive the best possible
teaching in your chosen field of study. This is because you can apply to
study at the leading institutions in the world for your subject, rather than
settling on what institutions are close to home.
It Takes You Out of Your Comfort Zone
Moving abroad to study forces you to be independent and not rely on family
members for support. You will have to work out for yourself how everything
works in your host country. This gives you the opportunity to confront any
social anxieties you may have and become a more confident person as a
result. You will realise that you can do much more for yourself than you
previously thought.
You Can Create Social Networks Around the World
Not only will you mix with people who come from your host country, but you
will also meet lots of other international students from around the world.
You will hopefully create contacts and friends for life, whom you can visit
whenever you are in their neck of the woods.
Disadvantages of Studying Abroad
More Intense Homesickness
Studying away from home can be tough enough even if you have only
moved across the country or to another state. So consider how much
tougher it might be to study in a place that is miles away from home and in
a country that is vastly different to what you are used to. Being halfway
around the world will also make it more difficult to go home for the holidays
or for the weekend. But don't worry too much about homesickness; it will
come and go.
High Cost
It is often the case that tuition fees are higher for international students.
Plus, you may not be entitled to the same student loans that you would
receive back at home. In addition, you will have to factor in considerable
moving costs when you choose to study abroad.
Your Family Will Miss You
Not only might you miss home, but your parents and the rest of your family
may find it hard to adjust to you being so far from home. But, being far away
geographically doesn’t mean you can’t stay in regular contact. Download
top apps for studying abroad, which include great ways to keep in contact
and share your experiences abroad.
Language and Cultural Barriers
While studying abroad is an excellent opportunity to learn a new language,
you may initially have some problems with language barriers. This is
especially likely at the beginning when you need to arrange things like a
bank account and accommodation. It is also possible that you could come
up against cultural barriers to do with religion, gender roles, or
communication differences.
Longer Travelling Time
Studying abroad inevitably entails longer travelling times, potentially with
connecting flights and/or stop overs. An exhausting and time-consuming
journey could turn into something you dread.
Higher Risk
If you are unlucky enough to dislike your course, or if you come up against
some personal issues and need to return home prematurely, you will have
wasted a lot more time, effort and money than if you had chosen to study
at home.
There are both advantages and disadvantages to studying abroad, but the
disadvantages tend to be worst-case scenarios, or they can be easily
overcome. So don’t let the disadvantages of studying abroad put you off
making an important life decision that will bring you a wealth of benefits.