The Ultimate
3D Scan-to-CAD Solution
Dx Geomagic Design X
Geomagic Design X, the industry’s most comprehensive reverse engineering software,
combines history-based CAD with 3D scan data processing so you can create feature-
based, editable solid models compatible with your existing CAD software.
Instead of starting from a blank screen, start from data Many designs are inspired by another. Easily scan into your
created by the real world. Geomagic Design X is the easiest CAD system. Learn from it. Reuse it. Improve on it. Easily rebuild
way to create editable, feature-based CAD models from a 3D your old parts into current CAD data, create drawings and
scanner and integrate them into your existing engineering production designs.
design workflow.
Do the Impossible
Seamlessly add 3D scanning into your regular design process Save significant money and time when modeling as-built and
so you can do more and work faster. Geomagic Design X as designed parts. Deform an existing CAD model to fit your 3d
complements your entire design ecosystem, with native output Scans. Reduce tool iteration costs by using actual part
to SolidWorks®, Siemens NX®, SolidEdge®, Autodesk geometry to correct your CAD and elimination part springback
Inventor®, PTC Creo® and Pro/ENGINEER®. problems. Reduce costly errors related to poor fit with other
The Fastest Path from
software, including SOLIDWORKS®, Siemens NX®, Solid Edge, Geomagic Design X’s extensive toolset combines CAD tools,
Autodesk Inventor® and PTC Creo®. Using unique industry-leading scan processing tools, and all the firepower
LiveTransfer™ technology, Design X transfers complete models, you need to take on the most challenging projects. It handles
including feature trees, so you can quickly create solid and billions of scan points and has a complete host of features to
surface models from 3D scans.
fix data issues, letting you skip scan cleanup and begin
creating CAD models immediately.
Geomagic Design X is purpose-built for converting 3D scan Works Like Your CAD Software
data into high-quality feature-based CAD models. It does If you can design in CAD, you can start using Geomagic Design
what no other software can with its combination of automatic X right away. It’s fully-renewed user interface and workflow
and guided solid model extraction, incredibly accurate exact tools make it easer than ever before to quickly and accurately
surface fitting to organic 3d scans, mesh editing and point create as-designed and as-built 3D CAD and model data.
cloud processing. Now, you can scan virtually anything and
create manufacturing-ready designs.
Points Cloud or Mesh
Process Points Cloud Water Tight Mesh
Get In Touch
Contact us for a demo at [email protected]