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Introduction to computed tomography

Cantatore, Angela; Müller, Pavel

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Citation (APA):
Cantatore, A., & Müller, P. (2011). Introduction to computed tomography. Kgs.Lyngby: DTU Mechanical

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Introduction to computed

Angela Cantatore

Pavel Müller

March 2011

Manufacturing Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Technical University of Denmark
Since computed tomography (CT) has entered the industrial environment around thirty
year ago, an increasing interest for this technology was shown especially in the non-
destructive testing, thanks to its advantages in comparison with traditional destructive
techniques. The development of powerful systems with more stable X-ray sources and
better detectors aroused the interest of manufacturing and coordinate metrology. The
current challenges of CT is in the quantification of measurement uncertainty, which is not
fully established yet because of multiple factors affecting the traceability of these systems.

This report is an initiative of the project ”Center for the industrial application of CT
scanning - CIA CT: Advanced 3D scanning measurement, quality assurance and product
development in industry”. The four-year CIA-CT project is promoted by a consortium
constituted by nine companies having expertise in the CT field in Denmark with the
aim of creating a national competence center in the industrial application of CT and
conduct research of benefit to the participating firms, Danish industry and Danish society,
focusing on the industrial application of CT as advanced 3D scanning measurement,
quality assurance and product development.

This report focuses on CT applications for industrial and metrological purposes, where
attention is on the current challenges in CT, i.e. establishment of traceability and
uncertainty assessment. An overview of factors influencing CT accuracy is described.
A thorough review of the state of the art, a theoretical analysis and an experimental
investigation in order to assess the influence of reference, instrument, workpiece,
environment and procedure on the precision and traceability of measurement results
from CT, is realized. In particular, experimental investigations concern methods and
techniques to correct and reduce errors and artefacts due to a defined parameter, both as
they can be found in literature and performed by the authors.

Angela Cantatore, Pavel Müller


Foreword i

1 Introduction 1
1.1 State of the art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Structure of the report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2 Non-destructive testing 4
2.1 Magnetic part inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.2 Eddy current testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.3 Ultrasonic testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.4 Optical non-destructive testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.4.1 Holographic interferometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.4.2 Electronic speckle pattern interferometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

3 CT technology 12
3.1 CT principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.2 Medical vs. Industrial CT systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.3 CT systems classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.4 CT applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.5 Advantages and disadvantages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

4 Influence factors 26
4.1 Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
4.1.1 X-ray source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
4.1.2 Rotary table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
4.1.3 X-ray detector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.2 Software/data processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.2.1 3D reconstruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.2.2 Threshold determination and surface generation . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.2.3 Data reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4.2.4 Data correction (scale factor correction) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
4.3 Measurement object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.3.1 Penetration depth (attenuation), dimension and geometry . . . . . 45
4.3.2 Beam hardening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
4.3.3 Scattered radiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
4.3.4 Material composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
4.3.5 Surface roughness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

4.4 Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
4.5 Operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
4.5.1 Magnification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
4.5.2 Workpiece positioning and orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
4.5.3 Number of projections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
4.5.4 Detector exposure time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

5 Conclusion 64

References 65

Chapter 1


This chapter provides a short introduction to computed tomography (CT), covering the
main milestones from the discovery of X-ray till modern applications of CT in the field of
industrial metrology.

1.1 State of the art

X-rays were discovered in 1895 by the German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen,
who earned the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1901. Although their potential applications
in medical imaging diagnosis were clear from the beginning, the implementation of
the first X-ray computed tomography system was made in 1972 by Godfrey Newbold
Hounsfield (Nobel prize winner in 1979 for Physiology and Medicine), who constructed
the prototype of the first medical CT scanner and is considered the father of computed
tomography. CT was introduced into clinical practice into 1971 with a scan of a cystic
frontal lobe tumor on a patient at Atkinson Morley Hospital in Wimbledon (United
Kingdom). After this, CT was immediately welcomed by the medical community and
has often been referred to as the most important invention in radiological diagnosis, since
the discovery of X-rays [1].

The first applications of CT in an industrial context is traced back to the first 1980´s, in the
field of non destructive testing, where small number of slices of the object were visually
inspected. 3D quantitative industrial CT applications appeared in the later 1990s, with
simple volume and distance analysis [2]. Today, thanks to relevant improvements in both
hardware and software, CT has become a powerful and widely used tool among non
destructive techniques, capable of inspecting external and internal structures (without
destroying them) in many industrial applications. Development of more and more stable
X-ray sources and better detectors led to design of more complex CT system, providing
accurate geometrical information with micrometer accuracy. CT is widely used for
geometrical characterization of test objects, material composition determination, density
variation inspection etc. In a relative short time, CT is capable to produce a complete
three-dimensional model and tolerances of the scanned machined parts can be verified.

Because of the growing interest on precision in production engineering and an increasing

demand for quality control and assurance, CT is leading the field of manufacturing
and coordinate metrology. With respect to traditional techniques, CT systems have

Figure 1.1: A picture of Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen (27 March 1845 – 10 February 1923) (left), and
Godfrey Newbold Hounsfield (28 August 1919 – 12 August 2004), (right) [3, 4].

Figure 1.2: First CT scanner prototype developed by Hounsfield [5].

indisputable advantages: internal and external geometry can be acquired without

destroying the part, with a density of information much higher than common tactile and
optical coordinate measuring. A key parameter for reliability of the measurement process
is the establishment of measuring uncertainty. Since there are many influence parameters
in CT, uncertainty contributors in CT and standards dealing with quantification of CT
have not been completely established yet. The assessment of the uncertainty budget
becomes a challenge for all researchers.

1.2 Structure of the report

The general purpose of this report is to give a general introduction to computed
tomography (CT). This report presents state of the art in CT and discuss preliminary
investigations performed by the authors. It is divided into several chapters discussing
various topics concerning CT. The content of individual chapters is briefly described in
the following points:

• From discovery of X-rays to high quality dimensional measurements

• Selected methods of non-destructive testing of materials (Chapter 2)

• Description of CT technology in general, including the principal of CT, comparison

between medical and industrial CT systems, classification of CT systems, their
applications and advantages and disadvantages (Chapter 3)

• Description of influence factors in CT, state of the art, theoretical analysis and
preliminary experimentation on some influence factors performed by the authors
(Chapter 4)

Chapter 2

Non-destructive testing

Industrial CT is referred to so-called NDT technologies. ”Non-destructive testing”

collects all methods and techniques for product quality assurance and inspection without
destroying the part under investigation. The goal of these methods is to analyze
the integrity of a material, component or structure and quantitatively measure some
characteristics of the product in many different industrial applications. Due to two main
advantages with respect to destructive methods (being less expensive and less time-
consuming) they are widely applied methods in the industrial environment.

Besides CT, there are different inspection methods used for specific tasks. In the
following, some of them will be briefly presented. CT will be treated widely in the
following chapters.

2.1 Magnetic part inspection

This method is used to detect surface (or close to surface) defects, mainly in ferromagnetic
materials like steel and iron. The basic principle is shown in Figure 2.1. A magnetic flux
is generated in the part under analysis. If there is a defect, like a crack, the magnetic flux
will leak and the crack edge will work as a magnetic attractive pole. So by applying for
example particles of iron, they will be attracted toward the defect, indicating it. Main
advantage and disadvantages are reported in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1: Advantages and disadvantages of magnetic part inspection [6].

Advantages Disadvantages
• Simplicity of operation • Only for ferromagnetic materials
• Quantitative • Only for surface-near surface defects
• Can be automated • Impossibility to characterize depth and orientation of

Figure 2.1: Principle of magnetic particle inspection [6].

Table 2.2: Advantages and disadvantages of magnetic part inspection [6].

Advantages Disadvantages
• Simplicity of operation • Only for ferromagnetic materials
• Quantitative • Only for surface-near surface defects
• Can be automated • Impossibility to characterize depth and orientation of

2.2 Eddy current testing

The eddy current testing is used to detect little cracks and defects on or near-surface of
the material and to measure coating thickness in an electrically conducting material (such
as stainless steel, aluminum).

The method exploits the principle of the electromagnetic induction: eddy currents are
produced in any electrically conducting material that is subjected to an alternating
magnetic field, generated by a coil. Presence of a discontinuity on the surface (like a
crack) of the material causes a change in the coil impedance, which can be measured and
correlated with the cause of the modification. Coils can also be used in pair to enhance
the signal [6, 7]. Figure 2.3 shows a picture of a crack in a stainless steel disc obtained with
eddy current. Main advantages and disadvantages of eddy current testing are reported
in Table 2.3.

Figure 2.2: Principle of eddy current. Coil with single winding (left), and coil with two windings (right)

Table 2.3: Advantages and disadvantages of eddy current testing [6, 7].
Advantages Disadvantages
• Suitable for determining a wide range • Only for electrically conducting
of condition of the material (presence (metallic) materials
of defects, composition, hardness, • Maximum inspectable thickness
conductivity, etc.) is approx. 6 mm
• Information can be provide in a simple • Inspection of ferromagnetic materials
way is difficult using conventional eddy
• High inspection speeds possible current tests
• Extremely compact and portable unit • Operator skilled required
are available • Use of calibration standards necessary
• Suitable for hugh automation

Figure 2.3: Grey level image of a fatigue crack of a stainless steel disc obtained with eddy current [7].

2.3 Ultrasonic testing

This method is used to detect defects at the surface and internal (in depth) to sound
conducting materials. There are two methods of receiving the ultrasound waveform,
”pulse echo” and ”through transmission”. In pulse echo systems, a short pulse of
ultrasound is generated by the transducer (usually a piezo electric crystal) and sent into
the material. The energy passes into the material, reflects from the back surface, and is
detected by the same transducer, yielding a signal on an oscilloscope with a time base.
The transducer performs both the sending and the receiving of the pulsed waves from
and back to the device. Reflected ultrasounds come from an interface, such as the back
wall of the object or from an imperfection within the object. The oscilloscope normally
shows the original pulse of the ultrasonic transducer (front surface echo), the back
reflection and any extra blip indicating a reflection from a defect in the material. From
the oscilloscope timing, the depth of the defect below the surface can be determined. In
through-transmission systems, a transmitter and receiver unit are separate and placed at
opposite sides of the test object. Imperfections or other conditions in the space between
the transmitter and receiver are sensed as a reduction of intensity of ultrasonic energy by
the receiving unit, thus revealing their presence [7]. Ultrasonic testing can also be used to
detect defects that are not plane oriented but with an angle with respect of the test surface.
Figure 2.4 shows an example of defect detection in steel part using a normal probe (left)
and an example of detection of angled defect in weld inspection using an angle probe.
Main advantages and disadvantages of this technology are listed in Table 2.4.

Figure 2.4: Example of defect detection through ultrasonic testing, using a normal probe (left) and an
angle probe for detection of imperfections with an angle with respect to the test surface (right) [6].

Table 2.4: Advantages and disadvantages of ultrasound testing [6].

Advantages Disadvantages
• Thickness and length up to 9 m can be tested • Indication requires interpretation
• Extremely sensitive • Difficulties with very thin surfaces
• Capable of being fully automated • Skills required to gain the fullest
• No consumable information from the test
• Limited resolution

2.4 Optical non-destructive testing

Optical NDT collects all methods that works by illuminating the object surface with light
and examining the reflected light patterns using visualization systems. These methods
are widely applied in surface analysis for the detection and study of crack propagation,
study of corrosion and deformation analysis and are regarded as the most effective
and least expensive among the NDT techniques [7]. Different systems can be found
but two of the most used are holographic interferometry and electronic speckle pattern

2.4.1 Holographic interferometry

Holographic interferometry is used to measure ”displacements” (such as it occurs
dealing with stress, strain, vibrations) and for other NDT applications (defects analysis,
imperfections analysis, residual stress, etc.). The technique works on the basis of
holography (see Figure 2.5): the light coming from a laser (coherent light source) is split
in two beams: one of it illuminates the object under testing and the other one is used
as a reference. At the recording site, from the interference path originated between the
light reflected by the object and the reference beam it is possible to reconstruct the 3D
picture of the object. In holographic interferometry, the system records the two complete
wave patterns coming from the objects in its original position (taken as a reference)
and in deformed states [8]. The combination of these two wave patterns originates an

interference fringe pattern, called interferogram, related to the movement that has taken
place. The contours of equal displacement are mapped by the fringes with approximately
one-half the wavelength of the light source [9]. An example is showed in Figure 2.6.

Figure 2.5: Principle of optical holography [10].

Figure 2.6: Double exposure hologram of a stressed flat metal plate [11, 12].

2.4.2 Electronic speckle pattern interferometry

Electronic speckle pattern interferometry is based on the ”speckle phenomenon”. It is
a random intensity pattern produced by the interference between the light rays (from
a coherent source as a laser beam) as they are scattered by different points on a rough

surface. The visual result is a grainy image of the illuminated surface. Electronic
speckle pattern interferometry produces an output similar to holographic interferometry:
a fringe pattern is generated from the interference between the speckle pattern formed
by the illuminated surface of the object to be tested and a reference wave. This fringe
pattern is stored as an image and when the object is deformed or moved, the resultant
speckle pattern changes, due to the change in path difference between the wavefront
from the surface and the reference wave. This second speckle pattern is transferred to the
computer and subtracted from, or added to, the previously stored pattern. The resulting
interferogram is then displayed as a pattern of dark and bright fringes, called correlation
fringes, as the fringes are produced by correlating the intensities of the resultant speckle
patterns taken before and after displacement [9]. Two example are shown in Figure 2.7.

Figure 2.7: Longitudinal crack in a steel welding (left); Delamination in a plate (right) [8].

Main advantages and disadvantages of optical NDT testing in general are reported in
Table 2.5.

Table 2.5: Advantages and disadvantages of optical testing [13–15].

Advantages Disadvantages
• Non contact measurement • Indication sometimes requires interpretation
• High resolution • Special safety regulations for laser operation
• Full-field information • Components have to be loaded to see results
• No consumable • Can be applied only for surface or through surface
• Real-time measurements opening

Figure 2.8 shows the classification of chosen NDT techniques (including CT) according
to their penetration depth and their spatial resolution. From this table it is possibile to
assess efficacy of the method in material defect detection. Optical interferometry achieves
the highest resolution but they can basically monitor surfaces or coatings. In contrast,
the best penetration depth combined with a high resolution is usually gained by X-ray
CT [16]. Similar conclusions can be drawn from Figure 2.9, where above techniques are
classified on the basis of geometrical complexity for dimensional measurements. Here,
the emphasis is on the measurement of geometrical parameters, e.g. the geometry of
components as compared to constructed (CAD) data [16]. Among NDT methods, CT
has the best performances in terms of penetration depth and resolution and this explains
many applications of CT in NDT field, as it will be shown in chapter 3.

Figure 2.8: Classification and comparison of chosen NDT techniques and optical measurement techniques
according to detectable defect location and spatial resolution [16].

Figure 2.9: Classification of chosen NDT techniques according to geometrical complexity and
resolution [16].

Chapter 3

CT technology

CT is a powerful tool capable of inspecting external and internal structures in many

industrial applications as well as providing accurate geometrical information with very
high accuracy. This chapter describes principle of CT, pointing out the main difference
between medical and industrial CT scanners, classification of CT systems, applications
of CT as a tool used in industry as well as a powerful tool used in coordinate metrology.
Lastly, advantages and disadvantages of the use of CT are presented.

3.1 CT principle
A CT system consists of an X-ray source‚ a rotary table, an X-ray detector and a data
processing unit for computation, visualization and data anlysis of measurement results
(see Figure 3.1).

Figure 3.1: Industrial cone beam CT scanner [GE Phoenix|X-ray Nanotom].

In principle, CT creates cross section images by projecting a beam of emitted photons

through one plane of an object from defined angle positions performing one revolution.
As the X-rays (emitted photons) pass through the object‚ some of them are absorbed‚
some are scattered‚ and some are transmitted. The process of X-ray intensity reduction,

involving just those X-rays which are scattered or absorbed, is called attenuation. X-
rays which are attenuated due to the interactions with the object do not reach the X-
ray detector. Photons transmitted through the object at each angle are collected on the
dectector and visualized by computer, creating a complete reconstruction of the scanned
object. The 3D gray value data structure gained in this way represents the electron
density distribution in the measured object [17].

A process chain, that is the way a measurement result is obtained, including four different
measuring tasks are described in a draft of a German guideline VDI/VDE 2630 part
1.2 [18]. A general process chain is presented in Figure 3.2 and described as follows:

1. Firstly, the acquisition (scanning) of an object is performed. Several parameters

have to be set prior to scanning, e.g. magnification, orientation of the object, energy
of the X-ray source, detector integration time etc.

2. After scanning and obtaining a set of 2D projections, the volume is reconstructed.

The volume is modeled as a 3D matrix of voxels (abbreviation for volumetric
pixels), where each voxel value represents the corresponding local attenuation
coefficient of the scanned object. In other words, to each voxel a gray value is
assigned representing a local X-ray absorption density. Here, some correction
techniques can be applied on the 2D projections in order to minimize the effect of
scattered radiation and beam hardening (more about influence factors is mentioned
in Chapter 4).

3. Then, the threshold value has to be carefully determined as it is a critical parameter

for accurate image segmentation and surface data determination, thus has a
great influence on the final geometry [19] (more about threshold is discussed in
Section 4.2.2).

4. After a threshold value is determined, either the surface data or volume data
are generated. Surface data are generated in the STL format, characterized by a
polygonal mesh in the shape of triangles, on the surface.

5. Then, direct dimensional measurement (e.g. fitting of geometrical primitives, wall

thickness analysis, nominal/actual comparison) can be performed on either of the
earlier mentioned data sets (volume / surface).

6. Finally, a measurement result is obtained.

There are two main CT systems which can be found in industry. These are: (1) 2D-CT (see
Figure 3.3(a)), and (2) 3D-CT (see Figure 3.3(b)). 2D-CT systems have a fan beam source
and a line detector which enable the acquisition of a slice of a 3D object by coupling a
translation and rotation movement of the object. This sequence of rotation and translation
is repeated depending on number of slices which have to be reconstructed. The main
drawback of these systems is the long scanning times (especially when working with big
parts). This problem is overcome by 3D-CT systems. The system consists of a flat area
detector and a cone beam source, enabling the acquisition of a slide of the object just with
one revolution of the rotary table. No linear translation of the rotary table is needed. This
solution allows significant improvement in acquisition time but, on the other hand, other
problems arise due to the cone beam source. Scattered radiations and reconstruction

Figure 3.2: Process chain for CT measurement.

artefacts at the top and bottom of the geometry can affect the quality of the reconstructed
geometry. In particular, scanning quality deteriorates from the center to the borders of
the detector, because of geometrical reasons [20]. An example is shown in Figure 3.4,
where it can be seen that more noise is present at the border of the scanned sample.
The most recent evolution of 3D-CT is represented by systems exploiting a helical scan
geometry, where rotation of the object is simultaneously performed with a translational
movement along the rotation axis [20, 21], see Figure 3.5. The advantages of this solution
are two. In first instance, there are no restrictions on the sample length (along the rotation
axis direction); the helical trajectory can be prolonged for object bigger than detector
dimension and theoretically object of unlimited length can be reconstructed. In second
instance, with an appropriate shift of the part, a bigger number of slices of the object will
be projected in the middle part of the detector, leading to a more complete acquisition,
and so to a constant resolution along the rotation axis. In this way also top and bottom
areas will be scanned with the same resolution as the central one. An example is shown in
Figure 3.6, where a pen scanned using both a typical CT scanner and a helical CT scanner.
While in the first case resolution at the bottom part is not easy to distinguish single ribs,
the helical CT enables to scan the whole geometry (top, central and bottom part of the
object) with the same quality [20].

(a) 2D-CT using line detector. (b) 3D-CT with flat panel detector.

Figure 3.3: CT scanner principal [Source: Phoenix|X-ray].

Figure 3.4: Scanning of a replica step gauge: artefacts in cone beam CT.

3.2 Medical vs. Industrial CT systems

It is known that CT scanners were first used for medical purposes. The main difference
in the setup of industrial and medical CT systems is that in the case of industrial CT, the
object rotates on a rotary table and the X-ray source is steady, whereas in medical CT,
the X-ray sources rotate and the object (a human body in the most cases) is lying on a
table/bed which is steady. Schematic principal and example of medical and industrial

Figure 3.5: Helical CT geometry [20].

Figure 3.6: Comparison between a scan obtained with a cone beam CT and helical CT of a pen [20].

CT scanners is shown in Figure 3.7. Other important comparisons of the two types of
scanners embody in:

• Material type (tissue, blood and bone for medical and polymers, wood, concrete,
ceramics, metals and composites for industrial CT scanners)

• Applied energy (<200 KeV for medical and up to 15 MeV for industrial CT scanners)

• Achieved resolution of the system (1-2 mm for human subjects in medical and <0.5
mm (macro CT systems) and 10 − 20 µm (micro CT systems) for industrial CT

(a) Principal of a medical CT [22]. (b) Example of a medical CT [23].

(c) Principal of an industrial CT [22]. (d) Example of an industrial CT [GE


Figure 3.7: An example of medical and industrial CT scanners.

5 generations of medical CT scan geometries

Figure 3.8 illustrates classification of medical CT scanners. The classification, depending

on the scanner geometry, is divided into five generations.

First-generation CT systems are characterized by a single X-ray source (pencil beam)
directing across the object and a single detector. Both, the source and the detector,
translate simultaneously in a scan plane. This process is repeated for a given number
of angular rotations. The advantages of this design are simplicity, good view-to-view
detector matching, flexibility in the choice of scan parameters (such as resolution and
contrast), and ability to accommodate a wide range of different object sizes. The
disadvantage is longer scanning times.

Second-generation CT systems use the same translate/rotate scan geometry as the first
generation. The difference here is that a pencil beam is replaced by a fan beam and a
single detector by multiple detectors so that a series of views can be acquired during
each translation, which leads to correspondingly shorter scanning times. So, objects of
wide range sizes can be easily scanned with the second-generation scanners.

Third-generation CT systems normally use a rotate-only scan geometry, with a complete
view being collected by the detector array during each sampling interval. Typically, third-
generation systems are faster than second-generation systems. The detectors here have
incorporated bigger amount of sensors in the detector array.

Fourth-generation CT systems also use a rotate-only scan motion. Here, the system
consists of a fixed ring with multiple detectors and a single X-ray source (fan beam)
which rotates around the scanned object. The number of views is equal to the number of
detectors. These scanners are more susceptible to scattered radiation.

Fifth-generation CT systems are different from the previous systems, in that there is no
mechanical motion involved. The scanner uses a circular array of X-ray sources, which
are electronically switched on and off. The sources project on to a curved fluorescent
screen, so that when an X-ray source is switched on, a large volume of the part is imaged
simultaneously, providing projection data for a cone beam of rays diverging from the
source. Here, a series of two-dimensional projections of a three-dimensional object is

A second-generation scan geometry is attractive for industrial applications in which a

wide range of part sizes must be accommodated, since the object does not have to fit
within the fan of radiation as it generally does with third- or fourth-generation systems.
A third-generation scan geometry is attractive for industrial applications in which the
part to be examined is well defined and scan speed is important. To date, first-, fourth-,
and fifth-generation scan geometries have seen little commercial application [24].

An interesting and valuable review of CT technique, mainly used in the medical area,
is presented in [1]. The paper presents and focuses on technology, image quality and
clinical applications in chronological order. It also describe a novel use of CT such as
dual-source CT, C-arm flat-panel-detector CT and micro-CT.

Because industrial CT systems image only non-living objects, they can be designed to
take advantage of the fact that the items being studied do not move and are not harmed
by X-rays. They employ the following optimizations:

1. Use of higher-energy X-rays, which are more effective at penetrating dense


2. Use of smaller X-ray focal spot sizes, providing increased resolution

3. Use of finer X-ray detectors, which also increases resolution

4. Use of longer integration times, which increase the signal-to-noise ratio and
compensate for the loss in signal from the diminished output and efficiency of the
source and detectors.

(a) 1st generation single pencil beam (b) 2nd multiple pencil beam
translate/rotate scanner. translate/rotate scanner.

(c) 3rd generation rotate/rotate fan beam (d) 4th generation rotate/stationary
scanner. inverted fan beam scanner.

(e) 5th generation cone beam ’cylindrical’


Figure 3.8: Evolution of medical CT scan geometries. 1: detector, 2: X-ray tube, 3: Multiple detectors, 4:
Pulsed fan beam, 5: Detector array, 6: Stationary detector array, 7: X-ray source [24].

3.3 CT systems classification
Industrial CT systems can be basically classified into four groups:

1. LINear ACcelerators (LINAC)

2. Macro CT

3. Micro CT

4. Nano CT

The classification of CT systems is based on their achievable resolution, measuring range

and spot size. Macro CT systems are used for large and micro CT systems for small
measurement objects. Micro CT can be achieved using X-ray tubes with small focal spot
sizes (being in the range 1 − 50 µm) and by positioning the object close to the focus. In
this way a higher geometrical magnification is achieved. The resolution of micro CT is
limited - among other things - by the size of the focal spot. X-ray sources with nanofocus
X-ray tubes (i.e. focal spots smaller than 1 µm) are the most appropriate for scanning
objects of smaller size. Figure 3.9 shows achievable resolution versus measuring range.
It is clear that scanning smaller parts enhances to achieve smaller resolution.

Figure 3.9: Achievable resolution vs. measuring range. Adapted from [25].

3.4 CT applications
The main interest for the industrial application of CT is, as mentioned in Chapter 1,
the non-destructive analysis of faults (e.g. cracks or shrink holes) and the material
composition inside the volume of the scanned part. The latter is mainly used in the
automotive industry for big casting’s inspection and quality control of engine blocks,
gear boxes and other mechanical samples. CT is able to detect density variations within

the percent range. Hence, qualitative statements on material defects can be made. Thanks
to improved technology, industrial CT is now being developed towards a quantitative
inspection technique. Thus, current CT systems are not only able to detect defects, but
can also make statements about the size and distribution of these defects [17]. Among
other important industrial applications belong first article inspection which is important
to detect weaknesses of the product in its early stage and therefore increase productivity
of the process.

Since CT data contain a complete volumetric information about the measured body, it is
possible, by generating surfaces on the scanned volume, to determine coordinates of the
measured body. This means that CT can be used to perform dimensional measurements
like coordinate measuring machines (CMMs). Since some years CT is increasingly used
in industry for dimensional measurements. Applications/measuring tasks are focused
here on the absolute determination of geometrical features like wall thicknesses or on the
comparison of the measured geometry with reference data sets. In most cases nominal
CAD data of the part are used as reference [26]. The latter is done after registration of
both actual and nominal geometries and allow to display a 3D variance map (color map).
CT finds its use in many different industrial fields, such as:

• Material science

• Electronics

• Military

• Medical / food

• Archeology

• Security

• Aerospace

• Automotive

The main CT applications are presented in Table 3.1. As it was mentioned above and in
Chapter 2, Table 3.1 is divided into two categories, NDT and metrology.

Table 3.1: CT applications.

NDT Metrology
• Defect/failure analysis • CAD comparison
• Crack detection and measurement • Nondestructive internal
• Assembly inspection measurements
• Porosity and void detection and analysis • Reverse engineering
• Density discrimination - material • 3D volume analysis
composition • First-Article Inspection (FAI)

The authors would like to point out one important problem which can occur when
comparing the CT data with the CAD data. It is disputable whether the variances in
the CT data set are due to the inaccuracies in the manufacturing process or due to the CT

data itself. Therefore, it is highly recommended to compare the CT measurements with
measurements performed on the optical instrument or even better on the CMM, where
the measuring uncertainty is known. This problem was also described in [27]. Second
disputable problem appears when the CT data points are compared with the CMM data
points. It is very important to choose the correct measuring strategy when both data sets
are compared. This means, that for direct comparison of both data sets, is recommended
to compare exactly the same points on the object, that means to select the same points on
the CT point cloud as were the probed points by the CMM. This was pointed out by Dr.
Oliver Brunke on High Resolution X-ray CT Symposium in Dresden [28]. It was found,
that differences can be in the order of several micrometers. The problem concerning
measuring and evaluation strategy is being part of the ongoing research at DTU.

Some of the applications of CT used in above mentioned industrial fields are described
for example in [25], provided by Phoenix|X-ray, or in [29] presented at the 14th CMM
Danish users club conference on Applications of CT CT in industry at DTU. However, to
show a reader some examples of CT applications, these are illustrated below.

Figure 3.10: Detection of faults on a micro turbine; left: Photography; right: Slice images achieved by
CT [26]

3.5 Advantages and disadvantages

As presented earlier in this chapter, CT brings multiple advantages, but as one will realize
later on, also numerous disadvantages. One of the main advantages is the fact that CT is
being used more and more in the industrial word for non-destructive testing of products.
In the field of metrology, this non-contact technology helps to measure inner and outer
features within very short acquisition time precisely, without destroying the item. A CT
scan consists of a data set of a huge amount of measuring points. Any other measuring
instrument cannot acquire such big amount number of surface points. It will be described
later that traceability of the measurement cannot be however assured due to the lack of
standards. At the moment, first drafts of standards are available. However, several ways
how to achieve traceability exists. This is realized by applying methods valid for tactile
measuring machines, such as CMMs. Advantages, disadvantages and suggestions and
solutions for achieving traceability in CT are summarized below.


• Non-destructive

• Determination of inner and outer geometry

• Volume of data of high density

• Short scanning time


• No accepted test procedures available so far

• Complex and numerous influence quantities affecting measurements

• Reduced form measurement capability due to measurement errors (artefacts)

• Measurement uncertainty in many cases unknown (results are not traceable)

• Problem encountered when scanning multiple materials within one product

Suggestions and solutions

• Apply calibrated standards to correct measurement errors and achieve traceability

• Perform tests to understand the influence of error sources

• Evaluate task specific measuring uncertainty

• Adopt experience from coordinate metrology to CT [30]

Figure 3.11: Actual/Nominal comparison between a CT scan and a CAD model on a diesel injector [23].

Figure 3.12: Reverse engineering; 1: Figure 3.13: Light Emitting Diode (LED).
Manufacturing according to the CAD High resolution of 3D data enables to distinct
drawings; 2: 3D digitizing through CT; 3: different materials: Cu, Au and Si [25].
3D comparison with original CAD; 4: RE:
modification of CAD or manufacturing process
[Source: Rx solutions].

Figure 3.14: Wall thickness analysis on aluminum casting [31].

Figure 3.15: Porosity inspection on a car inlet fan [23].

Figure 3.16: Assembly inspection to monitor correct mechanism/functionality of watches [23].

Chapter 4

Influence factors

There are numbers of influence factors in CT that play an important role in CT

qualification. A visual overview of the most relevant influence factors in CT is shown in
Figure 4.1. This chapter describes some of the most important influence parameters, their
effect on CT quality and presents some techniques for compensating and/or reducing
their effect on CT outputs proposed by different authors. The full overview of all
the influence factors is presented in the German guideline VDI/VDE 2630 part 1.2
- Factors influencing the measurement results and recommendations for dimensional
measurements in computed tomography [18].

Software / data Hardware

processing  X-ray source (spectrum, focus properties, stability)
 3D reconstruction  Detector (stability/thermal drift, dynamics, scattering,
 Threshold determination contrast sensitivity, pixel variance, noise, lateral resolution)
and surface generation  Mechanical axis (geometrical errors, mechanical stability
 Data reduction
 Data corrections (scale
errors) Operator settings
 X-ray source current
MEASUREMENT  Acceleration voltage
Measurement object UNCERTAINTY  Magnification
 Surface roughness  Object orientation
 Penetration depth  Number of views
(attenuation), dimension  Spatial resolution
and geometry Environment (relative distance between
 Beam hardening  Temperature source, object and
 Scattered radiation  Vibrations detector)
 Material composition  Humidity  Detector exposure time

Figure 4.1: Influence factors in CT.

4.1 Hardware
4.1.1 X-ray source
State of the art and theoretical analysis

X-rays are electromagnetic waves with a wavelength smaller than about 10 nm. A smaller
wavelength corresponds to a higher energy according to Equation 4.1. The energy of each
photon, E, is proportional to its frequency, f, and is described as follows:

E = hf = (4.1)
where h is Plank’s constant (h = 6.63 × 10−34 Js), c is a speed of light (c = 3 × 108 ms−1 ),
and λ is a wavelength of the X-ray. Therefore, X-ray photons with longer wavelengths
have lower energies than the photons with shorter wavelengths. The X-ray energy is
usually expressed in eV (1eV = 1.602 × 10−19 J).

X-rays are produced when an accelerated beam of electrons is retarded by a metal object
(target material, usually corresponding to the anode), with emission of X-ray photons.
An X-ray source, shown in Figure 4.2, consists of a hot cathode (tungsten filament) and an
anode inside a vacuum tube, between which an electrical potential is applied. Electrons
ejected from cathode surface are accelerated towards the anode. When these electrons
impinge on the target, they interact with these atoms and transfer their kinetic energy
to the anode. These interactions occur within a very small penetration depth into the
target. As they occur, the electrons slow down and finally come nearly to rest, at which
time they can be conducted through the anode and out into the associated electronic
circuit. The electron interacts with either the orbital electrons or the nuclei of the metal
atoms. The interactions result in a conversion of kinetic energy into thermal energy and
electromagnetic energy in the form of X-rays [32]. Since more than 98% of energy is
turned into heat, the anode has to be water cooled [33]. The emitted X-rays consist of two
components: (1) The first is called Brehmsstrahlung radiation and is the one described
above and originates a continuos spectrum. (2) The second type of radiation is related
to the excess of energy of the accelerated electron collades against an atom with the
expulsion of an electron from the interior electronic orbits of the target atom. Excess of
energy is emitted as a photon of X-ray with constant peak values of the wavelength (often
referred to as characteristic Kα radiation or peak X-ray energy). Since these spectrum
peaks are different from material to material, this kind of radiation is called Characteristic
radiation. An example of emitted spectrum for rhodium target is shown in Figure 4.3.

There are three types of radiation sources used in industrial CT scanners:

1. X-ray tubes

2. LINear ACcelerators (LINAC)

3. Isotopes

The first two are (polychromatic or bremsstrahlung) electrical sources; the third is
approximately monoenergetic radioactive source. One of the primary advantages of

Figure 4.2: Schematic overview of an X-ray source and its components [33].

Figure 4.3: Spectrum of the X-rays emitted by an X-ray tube with a rhodium target, operated at 60kV.
The smooth, continuous curve is due to Bremsstrahlung radiation, and the spikes are characteristic K lines
for rhodium atoms [Source: Wikipedia].

using an electrical X-ray source over a radioisotope source is higher photon flux possible
with electrical radiation generators, which allows shorter scanning times. The greatest
disadvantage of using an X-ray source is the beam hardening effect associated with
polychromatic fluxes (see Section 4.3.2 on beam hardening effect). Typical medical and
industrial CT scanners employ X-ray tubes as X-ray source, but operate at different
potentials (higher for industrial CT scanners). LINACs are used to scan very huge
parts, which require high energy radiations, such as large rocket motors. Isotope sources
offer the important advantage over X-ray sources because they do not suffer from beam
hardening problems since isotopes are monoenergetic sources. Other advantages of

Table 4.1: Characteristics of common anode materials [34].
Material Advantages/Disadvantages
Cr High resolution for large d-spacings, particularly organics/High
attenuation in air
Fe Most useful for Fe-rich materials where Fe fluorescence is a
problem/Strongly fluoresces Cr in specimens
Cu Best overall for most inorganic materials/Fluoresces Fe and Co Kα and
these elements in specimens can be problematic
Mo Short wavelength good for small unit cells, particularly metal alloys/Poor
resolution of large d-spacings; optimal kV exceeds capabilities of most HV
power supplies

using monoenergetic sources are that they do not require bulky and energy-consuming
power supplies, and they have an inherently more stable output intensity. On the other
hand, higher signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) affects source spot size and therefore limits
resolution. For these reasons industrial applications of isotopic scanners are limited to
applications which do not require high scanning time and resolution is not a critical
parameter [35, 36].

The most important variables which determine the quality of X-ray emission spectrum

1. Focal spot size

2. Spectrum of generated X-ray energies

3. X-ray intensity

The focal spot size affects spatial resolution of a CT system by determining the number
of possible source-detector paths that can intersect a given point in the object being
scanned: blurring of features increases as the number of these source-detector paths
increase [37]. Figure 4.4 illustrates the effect caused by the spot size. The smaller
the spot size, the sharper the edges will be. In case of large spot sizes, blurring will
occur, known as penumbra effect. Blurring effect is also connected with the geometrical
magnification and will be discussed later in Section 4.5.1. A disadvantage of a smaller
spot size is the concentrated heat produced at the spot on the target inside the X-ray tube,
requiring cooled targets and limiting the maximum applicable voltage [38]. The target
material (together with the previously mentioned characteristic radiation) determines
the X-ray spectrum generated. The energy spectrum defines the penetrative ability of
the X-rays, as well as their expected relative attenuation as they pass through materials
of different densities. X-rays with higher energy penetrate more effectively than lower
energy ones. Figure 4.6 shows dependency of the X-ray emission spectrum on the chosen
target material. High atomic number elements like gold (Z=79) and tungsten (Z=74)
enable to reach higher penetration (because the spectrum is shifted towards high energy
levels), enhancing the efficiency of X-ray generation [37, 39]. The X-ray intensity is
fundamentally limited by the maximum possible heat dissipation of the X-ray target.
Exceeding a critical material dependent power density will result in evaporating the

target. Therefore, higher intensity requires larger target area and therefore limits the
resolution of the measurement [16]. The X-ray tube current and voltage are variables that
can be chosen by the operator within a machine specific range. While the current affects
only the intensity (amount of radiation), without modifying the quality (penetration) of
emission spectrum, tube voltage has an influence on both. Figure 4.5 shows that a change
of tube current causes a change in the amplitude of X-ray spectrum at all energy levels
but the curve shape is preserved. On the other hand an increase of tube voltage causes
both an increase in amplitude and a shift of the curve towards high energy levels [37].

(a) Small spot size. (b) Large spot size.

Figure 4.4: Influence of the spot size on the sharpness of the edge [38].

Figure 4.5: Influence of the target material on the X-ray emission spectrum [39].

(a) Current. (b) Voltage.

Figure 4.6: Influence of the tube current/voltage on the X-ray emission spectrum [39].

Experimental investigation

One of the first approaches to reduce the effects of the beam hardening was the use of
pre-filters. These filters, made of different materials like aluminum, copper or brass,
are used to harden the X-ray spectrum generated by the X-ray tube. In this way,
the spectrum approximates a monochromatic energy distribution because low energy
photons are filtered out. The emission spectrum is not modified but it increases the
average energy, with an increase of quality and a reduction of quantity (in terms of total
energy). Figure 4.7 shows the emission spectrum of a 420 kV X-ray source with a tungsten
target, filtered with a 3 mm aluminum and in addition with a 5 cm quartz. In the first
case average energy is 114 keV. In the second case the energy average is shifted to 178
keV because of attenuation of low-energy radiation [40].

Figure 4.7: X-ray emission spectrum for a 420 kV X-ray source with a tungsten target and filtered with
3 mm aluminium (upper blue curve) and also been passed through a 5 cm quartz (lower red curve) [40].

A study concerning a CT device with two X-ray sources is presented in [41]. The two
X-ray sources, 450 kV macro focus X-ray source and 250 kV micro focus, are used
for advanced application, requiring characterization of a part, made of two or more
materials. These investigations show that using the micro focus it is possible to obtain
higher level of detail (thanks a lower spot size ranging between 5−200 µm). The problem
is that there are more artefacts, particularly evident when two or more materials are
present in the inspected part. The 450 kV source originates less artefacts but gives lower
resolution (because of a spot size of 2.2 mm). This solution is therefore more indicative if
a high level of details is not requested. Figure 4.8 shows a cross section of in industrial
plug scanned using the two X-ray tubes. Results related to the micro-focus source show
severe artefacts, surrounding the metallic pins, due to the presence of two materials with
different attenuation coefficients. These artefacts are not present if the macro X-ray tube
is used, even if same details of the housing are not visible [41].

(a) 225 kV tube (tube voltage used 200 kV) (b) 450 kV (tube voltage used 300 kV)

Figure 4.8: CT-cross sectional pictures of a commercial plug consisting of metallic pins and a polymeric
housing [41].

4.1.2 Rotary table

State of the art and theoretical analysis

When scanning, the part is mounted on the rotary table. System axis misalignment
can introduce artefacts in the scanned data. The ideal system geometry is shown in
Figure 4.9: The central ray intersect the center of the detector (point O); the rotation
axis is perpendicular to the mid-plane and the mid-plane cuts the detector in the
central row. Because of misalignments of the detector, X-ray source and/or rotary table,
different artefacts can appear on the CT images, reflecting in artefacts in the reconstructed
3D geometry. Some examples of typical misalignment configurations are shown in
Figure 4.10, Figure 4.12, Figure 4.13 and Figure 4.14. Figure 4.10 shows artefacts in the
image arising when the detector shifts along the horizontal transverse direction (X axis).
Figure 4.12, Figure 4.13 and Figure 4.14 show examples of artefacts caused by a tilt of
the detector around its central row (X axis), a twist of the detector around its central
column (Y axis) and a skew of the detector around the central ray. When the detector
twists around its central column, there are no artefacts in the reconstructed images but
the images have smaller resolution. The worst situation occurs when the detector skews
around the central ray (see Figure 4.14(b)), because the effective width and height of
the detector used in the reconstruction algorithm becomes smaller, which makes the
reconstructed images flattened. This phenomenon leads to the most serious distortions
in a CT image [42]. These outcomes are also confirmed in [43].

Experimental investigation

An experiment to quantify the maximum tolerable detector skew around the central axis
using a ball bar and a monochromatic X-ray source in reported in [43]. Skews of the
detector 0, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 and 1/16 were applied. Results, in terms of maximum absolute
differences between the reference volume and the volume after rotation, are shown in
Figure 4.15. By applying a skew to the detector till 1/4 pixels will not affect dimensional

Figure 4.9: Ideal geometry configuration for a cone-beam industrial CT scanner

(a) CT image of a dot without (b) Deviation of the detector (c) CT image of a dot with a
misalignment. from the ideal position. misalignment of 10 pixel.

Figure 4.10: Misalignment effect due to horizontal transversal off-center shift along the detector column
direction [42].

Figure 4.11: CT image without misalignment [42].

measurements since the error will be of the order of magnitude of noise and artefacts of
reconstruction [43].

(a) Deviation of the detector (b) CT image with a
from the ideal position. misalignment with a tilt
around X axis of the detector.

Figure 4.12: Misalignment effect due to tilt of π/10 around detector central row [42].

(a) Deviation of the detector (b) CT image with a twist

from the ideal position. around Y axis of the detector.

Figure 4.13: Misalignment effect due to twist of π/4 around detector central column [42].

(a) Deviation of the detector (b) CT image with a skew

from the ideal position. around the central axis.

Figure 4.14: Misalignment effect due to skew of π/7 around the central axis [42].

It is possible to compute CT system misalignment parameters through a calibration of

the system. A method for calibration of the cone-beam CT system is reported in [42].

Figure 4.15: Maximum tolerable detector skew around X-axis [43].

Through this method it is possible to estimate analytically all misalignment parameters

by using a four-point phantom and with just one angle projection. The calibration
phantom is composed of a plastic cuboid with four small slices of high-density material
attached to its surface. By knowing calibration lengths of the four sides of the square
and the lengths of the four sides on the detector it is possible to estimate all parameters
mathematically. The uncertainty of the method depends on the accuracy with which the
center coordinates of the four calibration points are reconstructed.

4.1.3 X-ray detector

State of the art and theoretical analysis

An X-ray detector is used to measure the transmission of the X-rays through the
object along the different ray paths. The purpose of the detector is to convert the
incident X-ray flux into an electrical signal, which can then be handled by conventional
electronic processing techniques. There are essentially two general types of detectors:
(1) gas ionization detectors and (2) scintillation counters detectors. In the gas ionization
detectors, the incoming X-rays ionize a noble element that may be in either a gaseous or,
if the pressure is great enough, liquid state. The ionized electrons are accelerated by an
applied potential to an anode, where they produce a charge proportional to the incident
signal. A single detector enclosure can be segmented to create linear arrays with many
hundreds of discrete sensors. Such detectors have been used successfully with 2MV X-ray
sources and should be used with higher energies. Scintillator counter detectors exploit
the fact that certain materials has the useful property of emitting visible radiation when
exposed to X-rays. Sensors suitable for CT can be engineered by selecting fluorescent
materials that scintillate in proportion to the incident flux and coupling them to some
type of device that converts optical input to an electrical signal. The light-to-electrical

conversion can be accomplished in many ways. Methods include use of photodiodes,
photo multiplier tubes or phosphor screens coupled to image capture devices (i.e.
Charged Couple Displays (CCDs), video systems, etc.). Most recently, there are area
detectors (panels) that provide a direct capture technique, utilizing amorphous silicon or
amorphous selenium photo-conductors with a phosphor coating, which directly convert
incident radiation into electrical charge. Like ionization detectors, scintillation detectors
afford considerable design flexibility and are quite robust. Scintillation detectors are
often used when very high stopping power, very fast pulse counting, or areal sensors are
needed. Recently, for high resolution CT applications, scintillation detectors with discrete
sensors are reported with array spacings in the order of 25 µm. Both ionization and
scintillation detectors require considerable technical expertise to achieve performance
levels acceptable for CT [36].

Important parameters of X-ray detectors are: quantum efficiency, number of pixels, read
out speed (frame rate) and dynamic range. Quantum Efficiency (QE), or better Detective
Quantum Efficiency (DQE), is described as the ratio between the squared output SNR
to the squared input SNR. It describes the efficiency of transferring. The squared input
SNR quantifies the number of photons and noise impinging the detector and the squared
output SNR describes the output energy (incident photons and noise) from the detector.
DQE affects the quality and intensity of signal of a given X-ray beam because describes
the efficiency of transferring the energy of the input SNR of the incident X-ray beam
out of the detector [36]. X-ray detectors have QE ranging from 2 to 50%, which strongly
depends on the energy of the radiation and decreases with increasing energy. The QE can
be increased by making the detector thicker or using materials which have higher values
for the coefficient of absorption µ [44]. An important milestone in the development
of detectors is the flat panel detector which guarantees geometrical precision of the
pictures and efficient transport of the light from the scintillator to the photodiodes. A
significant improvement in conversion is obtained with the direct conversion of the
photons by semiconductors. The major advantage is the much higher photon sensitivity
(single photon counter) and the capability of resolving photon energy. Currently applied
semiconductor materials for sensors are CdTe, CdZnTe, Si and GaAs [45]. On the other
hand, these are characterized by less quality in some other features, e.g. dynamic
range, hot or dead pixels, and have smaller number of pixels and possible segment
displacement. The improvement of flat panel detectors using scintillation technology
was primarily based on increasing the number of pixels (up to the range of 107 pixels)
and the size of the detector. The dynamic range is the range between the maximum and
minimum radiation intensity that can be displayed. The maximum dynamic range of flat
panel detectors is 16 bit. The frame rate of large area detectors is in the range of 2 to
9fps [16].

4.2 Software/data processing
4.2.1 3D reconstruction
State of the art and theoretical analysis

When the acquisition process of the scanned object is completed, reconstruction

algorithms are used to reconstruct the 3D volume. These reconstructed 3D images are
made of voxels. As can be seen from Figure 4.16, voxels are primitive elements of 3D
structures. The size of the voxel is a function of the pixel size and the distance between
the source-object and source-detector (this will be explained in details in Section 4.5.1
concerning the influence of magnification).

Figure 4.16: Definition of a voxel [29].

During the reconstruction, some errors can arise, such as systematic discrepancies
between the values in the voxels and the attenuation coefficient of the object. This is
mainly due to the beam hardening and movement of the part during acquisition.

4.2.2 Threshold determination and surface generation

State of the art and theoretical analysis

As is was described in Section 3.1, threshold value is a critical parameter in CT and is

used for accurate image segmentation and surface data determination which influence
the resulting reconstructed geometry of the scanned object [19]. Threshold converts a
gray value image into a binary one. The resulting image then comprises of two sets: one
represents the background (e.g. black), the other one the object (e.g. white). In principal,
a threshold determines where are the boundaries between the object and the air, so that
a surface can be assigned to the scanned object. The determination of the threshold takes
place within each of the voxels the 3D model consists of, see a green line in Figure 4.17.

(a) Real image. (b) Ideal image.

Figure 4.17: Application of threshold. The greed line represents an edge segmentation of the
object/material from the air [46].

A clear demonstration of how important is to select a proper threshold value can be

seen in Figure 4.18. Here, a threshold is varied over a certain range and corresponding
diameter of a cylindrical part is measured.

Figure 4.18: Variation in diameter measurements of a cylindrical part for different threshold values.
Diameter is calculated by Gaussian fitting of an ideal cylindrical surface to the resulting CT point
cloud [19].

Using specially designed reference objects, e.g. a hole bar [19], where the threshold value
can be accurately evaluated by the simultaneous measurement of internal and external
features. The dimensions of such features measured on CT data are strongly dependent
on the exported threshold value. It is important to notice that dimensions of inner and
outer features depend on changing threshold in the opposite way, see Figure 4.19. Once
the CT measurements are performed and compared with the calibrated values (e.g. by

CMM), the correct threshold value is determined. This value is then used for a proper
segmentation between the air and the material of the real component with the same or
similar material properties as of the reference object. A study on the application of the
threshold determination is discussed in [47].

Figure 4.19: Representation of the opposite behavior of changing thresholds on CT measurements for inner
(circular hole) and outer (rectangular edge) features: Red and yellow lines represent the edges determined
with two different thresholds (left); Deviations of measured dimensions with respect to calibrated values
(right) [19].

For example, a software VGStudio MAX 2.0 for surface extraction, offers two threshold
methods: advance and automatic. One of the advantages of the advance method against
the automatic is higher precision of the threshold location. On the contrary, this method
is slower and requires longer computation time. Figure 4.20 shows a threshold value
determination for single (Figure 4.20(a)) and multiple (Figure 4.20(b)) materials. The peak
on the left represents the background and the peak on the right represents the material.
The red line then corresponds to the threshold value (so called ISO-surface) determined
to segment the air and material.

Experimental investigation

An investigation different threshold methods was performed in [48], but since this
investigation also concerns influence of the number of projections, it is presented in
Section 4.5.3.

4.2.3 Data reduction

State of the art and theoretical analysis

In the late 80’s, when CT has been introduced to the industrial word and used for non
destructive testing in industrial applications, the size of the image, which was the 2D
cross section of the sample, was in the range of 256x256 pixels. In 90’s, when the sample
could be imaged in full 3D appearance, the image size was increased to 512x512 pixels. In
this period, quantitative measurements within the whole 3D reconstructed model could
have been performed. The accuracy of the CT systems became better as well. When

(a) Single material. (b) Multiple material.

Figure 4.20: Threshold value determination in VGStudio MAX software.

the time passed, the amount of data within a single data set became larger by scanning a
larger number of images. When the flat detectors started to be used later on, the standard
image size became 1024x1024 pixels. Today, a 1024x1024 pixel detector produces a 2
GByte data set within an hour or less. In some cases, a single data set can be produced in
a size up to 8 GByte [2].

Figure 4.21: Increase in CT image sizes and data set size.

One of the main challenges today is to find a way to process a big amount of CT data
going from the CT scanner to the reconstruction cluster and then to the computer’s
memory for visualization and later for complex 3D analysis in a relatively short time.
Today, this task takes several minutes.

As it was mentioned in Section 3.5, one of the main advantages of CT is the fact that the
reconstructed model consists of a high density of measuring points. Other measuring
techniques like optical instruments and CMMs do not offer so high density measuring
points. It was also mentioned in Section 3.1 that after the surface is defined by applying
correct threshold value, the surface is extracted either as a point cloud or as an STL

file in the form of a polygonal mesh, visualized as triangles. The number of triangles
has to be further optimized so that a software for visualization is able to handle this
task. By decreasing the number of triangles, the original geometry is affected and
leads to degradation of the quality of the CT scan. Another possibility how to perform
measurements is to measure directly on the voxel based model, as is also presented
in Figure 3.2. This however means to handle a big amount of data and requires high
performance PC with high memory.

Figure 4.22: Modified process chain for CT measurements.

Experimental investigation

A comparison between voxel and STL data was done in [49]. A plastic component was
scanned using two CT scanners and selected geometrical and dimensional tolerances
were measured and evaluated on either voxel and STL data. Results show deviations up
to 25 µm for some parameters, assessing a significant modification of the original data
due to the STL extraction.

The item under investigation was the housing (cylindrical part) of the FlexPen (see
Figure 4.23). The material of the FlexPen’s housing was polypropylene (PP). Reference
measurements were performed using CMM. The item was then scanned on two CT
scanners. The scanning parameters are summarized in Table 4.2.

After the item was scanned using both CT scanners, a direct measurement on the
voxel model was performed using softwares for 3D reconstruction dedicated to above
mentioned CT scanners, or the surface was extracted on the reconstructed 3D model
and saved as an STL file and the measurements were performed in another inspection
software (GOM ATOS) for analysis of results. Two STL surface extraction methods were

(a) Insulin FlexPen .
R (b) Housing of the FlexPen .

Figure 4.23: Item under investigation - FlexPen .


Table 4.2: Scanning parameters for two CT scanners.

Voltage Current Voxel size No of proj. Int. time
kV µA µm ms
CT scanner M 150 200 134 720 1000
CT scanner N 100 100 50 720 500

applied using one of the softwares: (1) Precise and (2) Precise with simplification. The
difference between both mentioned STL extraction method is in different algorithms for
creation of polygonal mesh.

Since the geometrical measurements can be affected by systematic errors, a scale factor
correction technique was applied (more about scale factor correction in Section 4.2.4) to
all measurements using a ball bar.

Detailed description of all investigated geometrical and dimensional tolerances is given

in [49]. Here, the authors discuss only selected tolerances: parallelism, coaxiality,
distance and diameter. Results are summarized in Figure 4.24. Four important
comparative observations can be analyzed. These are:

1. Measurements on voxel and STL

2. Two STL extraction methods (precise vs. precise with simplification)

3. Performance of both CT scanners

4. Measurements on CMM and CT scanner

It can be seen from Figure 4.24 that measurements performed on the voxel data result
in smaller deviations with respect to the calibrated values compared to measurements
performed on STL. Experimental standard deviations are in all cases smaller for
measurements on voxel data. Measurements performed on CT scanner N are for most

of the verified tolerances smaller than measurements on CT scanner M. The two STL
extraction methods do not present any significant differences.

(a) Parallelism tolerance. (b) Coaxiality tolerance.

(c) Distance tolerance. (d) Diameter tolerance.

Figure 4.24: Deviations of selected dimensional and geometrical tolerances with respect to calibrated
values. Error bars represent experimental standard deviation based on three repeated measurements.

4.2.4 Data correction (scale factor correction)
State of the art and theoretical analysis

Determination of scale factors in all space directions can be performed using reference
objects, e.g. hole bars or ball bars (see Figure 4.25). This is concretely achieved through
the evaluation of the distance between the balls centers (ball bar) or holes axes (hole
bar), respectively. Simply, the distance measured with CT is compared to the calibrated
distance. The use of these reference objects has specific advantages: the distance between
the balls and holes respectively is very easily measurable on CT data points as the
distance of two fitted spheres or cylinders respectively over the corresponding point
cloud portions. Furthermore, the distance of sphere centers or holes axes respectively
measured on CT systems is nearly independent from the threshold applied for the surface
data extraction. This makes the evaluation of scaling factors very robust and independent
from threshold determination [19].

(a) Ball bar [26]. (b) Hole bar [19].

Figure 4.25: Examples of reference objects in CT for scale factor correction.

The CF is based on recalculating of the original voxel size (s0 ) using a reference object.
The CF is calculated as expressed in Equation 4.2.

Reference value
CF = (4.2)
Measured value

After that, the new voxel size s is calculated as follows:

s = s0 · CF (4.3)

It was however mentioned in [50] that a common procedure for CT data correction
applied for industrial CT systems is based on the correction of the nominal voxel size
with the known diameter of the core hole of the micro gear (assessed by tactile micro
CMM measurements), as the micro gear was the item under investigation.

It was investigated in [26] that scaling factors up to 1.01 were observed on different
CT systems as relative length measurement errors, i.e. a sample of 100mm length is
measured with a measurement deviation of up to 1mm. Another observation was
achieved in [26] on an industrial 450 kV 2D-CT system. Scaling factors were found to
change over a long period of time, see Figure 4.26. This was due to changes in the system
geometry. It is therefore required to scan the reference object simultaneously together

with the sample under study and so to evaluate and correct for scaling errors.

Figure 4.26: Change of the scale factor in time [26].

4.3 Measurement object

4.3.1 Penetration depth (attenuation), dimension and geometry
State of the art and theoretical analysis

Interaction of the X-rays (photons) with matter is of electromagnetic nature. In theory, an

interaction can result in only one of three possible outcomes:

1. The incident X-ray can be completely absorbed and cease to exist

2. The incident X-ray can scatter elastically

3. The incident X-ray can scatter inelasitcally

The interaction between the photons and the matter can happen in only four ways:

1. They can interact with atomic electrons

2. They can interact with nucleons (bound nuclear particles)

3. They can interact with electric fields associated with atomic electrons and/or
atomic nuclei

4. They can interact with meson fields surrounding nuclei

Thus, in principle, there are twelve distinct ways in which photons can interact with
matter, see Table 4.3.

Photon absorption is an interaction process when the photons disappear and all their
energy is transferred to atoms of the material. Photon scattering is an interaction process

Table 4.3: X-ray interactions with matter [24].
Matter Effects of interaction
Complete Elastic scattering Inelastic
absorption scattering
Atomic electrons Photoelectric Rayleigh Compton
effect scattering scattering
Nucleons Photo Thomson Nuclear
disintegration scattering resonance
Electric field of atom Pair production Delbruck Not observed
Meson field of nucleus Meson Not observed Not observed

when the photons do not disappear, but changes direction of their propagation. In
addition, the scattered photons may transfer a part of their energy to atoms or electrons
of the material.

The primary important interactions between the X-rays and the matter to X-ray imaging
are shown in Figure 4.27. These are:

• Photoelectric effect

• Compton scattering

• Pair production

Figure 4.27: The three principal interaction regions of X-rays with matter are plotted as a function of the
atomic number versus the radiation energy.

The three principal X-ray interaction mechanisms are schematically illustrated in
Figure 4.28.

• Photoelectric effect: This effect causes an incident X-ray to interact with an electron
within an inner-shell. Hereby the electron will be ejected from the atom (see
Figure 4.28(a)). If the photon carries more energy than is necessary to eject the
electron, it will transfer this residual energy to the ejected electron in the form of
kinetic energy. The X-ray photon is thus completely absorbed. The photoelectric
effect is predominant at low X-ray energies and depends strongly on the atomic
number [32].

• Compton scattering: This process, also known as incoherent scattering, occurs

when the incident X-ray photon interacts with an outer electron. The photon
scatters inelastically, which means that the X-ray loses energy in the process. To
conserve energy and momentum, the electron recoils and the X-ray is scattered
in a different direction at a lower energy (see Figure 4.28(b)). Although the X-
ray is not absorbed, it is removed from the incident beam as a consequence of
having been diverted from its initial direction. Compton scattering predominates
at intermediate energies and varies directly with atomic number per unit mass [32].

• Pair production: The incident X-ray interacts with the strong electric field
surrounding the nucleus and ceases to exist, creating in the process an electron-
positron pair. Pair production predominates at energies exceeding 1.022MeV (see
Figure 4.28(c)) [32].

(a) Photoelectric effect. (b) Compton scattering. (c) Pair production.

Figure 4.28: X-ray interaction mechanisms. 1-Atom, 2-Incident photon, 3-Photoelectron, 4-Atomic
electron, 5-Compton electron, 6-Compton scattered electron, 7-Atomic nucleus, 8-Electron pair [36].

It was mentioned in Section 4.1.1 that a beam of X-rays is characterized by its photon
flux density or intensity and spectral energy distribution. When a beam of X-rays passes
through homogeneous material, the intensity of the rays is decreased due to scattering
and absorption. For monochromatic radiation with an incident intensity, I0 , the X-ray
beam is attenuated after passing through a sample of thickness, s; to yield an attenuated
intensity, I, with a magnitude described by Lambert–Beer’s law. µ in the following
equation is the linear attenuation coefficient (units 1/length).

I = I0 e−µs (4.4)

If the X-rays are traveling through an inhomogeneous material, Equation 4.4 must be
rewritten in more general form:
I = I0 e− µds
Despite of the fact that X-ray sources emit polychromatic X-rays (except of Synchrotron
radiation (more about Synchrotron radiation in Section 4.3.2)) consisting of a spectrum
of different wavelengths, which are subject to preferential absorption of the lower
energy photons, application of the X-ray technique generally assumes that attenuation
is governed by Equation 4.4. As will be discussed later, the preferential adsorption of
low energy photons of the polychromatic beam causes artefacts [22].

A line integral is taken along the direction of propagation and µ(s) is the linear
attenuation coefficient at each point on the ray path. The linear attenuation coefficient
is a measure for the attenuation per unit distance. It is specific for the used X-ray
energy and for the type of absorber. Consequently, Equation 4.5 has to be adapted for
inhomogeneous materials and polychromatic X-rays and can be expressed as follows:
I = I0 (E)e− µ(s,E)ds dE (4.6)

When the CT technique was developed by Housfield in 1973 to determine the spatial
distribution of attenuation values within the object from multiple ray measurements,
CT required the development of mathematical reconstruction techniques capable of
inversely solving a modified version of Equation 4.4, allowing for the estimation of the
spatial variation of attenuation values along the ray path:
I = I0 e− s µ(x)dx
In this equation, the attenuation of each individual voxel is determined by the phase
composition within each voxel.

A value of linear attenuation coefficient accounts generally for the number of atoms in a
cubic cm volume of material and the probability of a photon being scattered or absorbed
from the nucleus or an electron of one of these atoms. The number of photons transmitted
through a material, corresponding to the linear attenuation coefficient, depends on the
thickness, density and atomic number of the material and the energy of the individual
photons, and generally reduces exponentially while traveling through the matter which
can be seen in Figure 4.29. A schematic picture of the influence of atomic number and
density of material on transmitted intensity in the form of X-ray photons is shown in
Figure 4.30. The large circles In Figure 4.30(a) and Figure 4.30(b) represent individual
atoms of high atomic number and small circles represent atoms of low atomic number.
Atoms of high atomic number present higher probability of interaction with the photons
rather than atoms of low atomic number. The attenuation should be higher for ’big
atoms’. In other words, the X-rays have a greater probability of being transmitted
(or penetrate deeper) through the matter for low atomic number. Figure 4.30(c) and
Figure 4.30(d) show that smaller amount of atoms representing low density matter will
give rise to less attenuation than a high density matter since the chances of interaction
between the X-ray photons and the atoms are lower. Therefore, X-rays will penetrate

light materials better than heavy (dense) materials. Heavier, more dense materials offer
greater resistance to X-rays penetration because they absorb more of the energy.

Figure 4.29: Dependence between number of emitted and transmitted photons. Adapted from [51].

(a) High atomic number. (b) Low atomic number.

(c) High density. (d) Low density.

Figure 4.30: A schematic picture of the influence of atomic number and density of material on transmitted
X-ray photons intensity.

More about penetration of the X-rays in different materials will be presented in

Section 4.3.4.

Furthermore, penetration is directly connected to the object’s geometry and dimensions

and therefore, the geometry and dimensions of the scanned object is presented in this
section. The geometry and the thickness of the part have an important influence in
the quantity of radiation absorbed by the part. It was mentioned earlier that complex
geometries can be scanned using CT. For instance, a variation in the objects thickness is an
important parameter for correct image reconstruction and prediction of the uncertainty.
In order to analyze material-specific absorption and to adjust measurement parameters,
reference objects, such as calibrated step cylinders, are used. Here, the measurands are
the diameters and in particular, the cylinder form deviations. A strong gradient of the
form deviation indicates the maximum material thickness that can be measured with a
given CT system. Due to the energy-dependent absorption of X-rays, the low energy part
of the X-ray spectrum is absorbed in the object much more than the high energy part [17].
This behavior is called beam hardening and is in details described in Section 4.3.2.

4.3.2 Beam hardening

State of the art and theoretical analysis

The X-ray beam traversing the matter consists of X-rays with a spectrum of different
energies. Polychromatic X-ray beams with the lowest energies are preferentially
absorbed, as the linear attenuation coefficient generally decreases with increasing energy.
As a consequence, only X-rays with higher energies remain in the beam when passing
the matter. These X-rays are less likely to be attenuated. Also, the longer the X-ray
paths through the object, the more low energy photons are absorbed, resulting in a
more penetrating beam. In other words, the beam becomes harder, i.e. its mean energy
increases, which explains why this is called ”beam hardening”. Hence, for polychromatic
radiation, the total attenuation, given by the logarithm of the ratio of the incoming and
the attenuated X-ray beam, is no longer a linear function of objects thickness. If this
nonlinear beam hardening effect is not compensated, the reconstructed images in X-ray
CT will be corrupted by artifacts1 : edge artifacts, streaks, and environmental artifacts [52–
54]. Beam hardening makes it difficult to interpret the measured data quantitatively
because it changes the attenuation. This complicates the threshold determination
(workpiece surface) and the measurements of density and resolution. Consequently,
higher measurement errors are expected if no beam hardening correction is applied.
Furthermore, the same materials can result in different gray values depending on the
surrounding material, which is known as the environmental density distortion [19, 32].
A typical picture of a beam hardening problem can be seen in Figure 4.31.

Beam hardening artifacts can however be reduced, or even completely eliminated. The
reduction of beam hardening effect is done by:

• Pre-hardening of the beam using a filter (aluminum, copper or brass) (this was
discussed in Section 4.1.1)

• Using smaller samples

• Correction during image reconstruction

An artifact is something in an image that does not correspond to a physical feature in the test object. All
imaging systems, whether CT or conventional radiography, exhibit artifacts.

(a) Aluminum casting. (b) A slice of the 225kV cone (c) A slice of the 450kV cone
beam CT scan. beam CT scan.

Figure 4.31: Beam hardening effect - Artefacts due to lack of penetration [55].

Linearization technique evaluated by Herman [56] is one of the methods to reduce beam
hardening effect in mono-material objects. This technique is based on the estimation of
the relation between a propagated path length within the specimen and an according
measured weakened intensity by means of various estimation algorithms. The resulting
characteristic line can be used to compute beam hardening corrected intensity values
which allow the reconstruction of an artifact free CT image. The characteristic line can be
determined by performing a reference measurement using a reference object, e.g. a step
wedge 4.32. This step wedge has to be composed of the same material as the specimen.
Furthermore, the reference measurement has to be performed for each CT scan under the
same conditions (current, voltage, trajectory, material, etc.) like for the specimen itself.
Alternatively, the characteristic line can be determined out of the reconstructed CT image
itself. For this purpose, a binarization is performed on the CT image. The path lengths
within the binarized CT image are computed with a ray tracing algorithm and assigned
to corresponding measured intensities. The resulting data point cloud is approximated
by a fitting routine and yields the characteristic line. This method has the advantage
that no reference measurement is needed and works fine for almost every homogeneous
object [40].

IAR method
The Iterative Artifact Reduction (IAR) method is an iterative process where several
post-processing steps are applied to the reconstructed volume in order to calculate a
beam hardening correction independently of any reference object. The IAR process
includes a model for estimating scattering called Length Based Scattering Approximation
(LBSA). The IAR method requires the projection (raw) data and currently works only for
homogeneous specimens. Figure 4.33 displays the impact of the IAR correction on the
quality of CT data [27].

To avoid the beam hardening effect totally, monochromatic radiation is used. Such
radiation is provided by synchrotron and is sometimes called ”synchrotron radiation”.
Figure 4.34 show the principal of monochromatic radiation, schematic working principal
of synchrotron and an example of a real synchrotron facility.

Figure 4.32: Step wedge [57].

(a) No correction applied. (b) IAR correction method


Figure 4.33: IAR correction method applied on a ball calotte plate in order to reduce beam hardening
effect [27].

The importance of the problem of correcting/avoiding of beam hardening effect in CT is

reported in many research publications [20, 27, 37, 41, 55, 59–61]. Below, a brief summary
of methods for beam hardening correction is presented along with their advantages and

4.3.3 Scattered radiation

State of the art and theoretical analysis

According to [35], scatter is redirection of radiation beam photons due to interactions

with matter in their path. Photons of the penetrating radiation used in tomography can
interact with the electrons in a material in a manner which changes the direction of the
photon. This scattering process has several implications for tomographic measurements:

1. The photon will generally not interact in the detector toward which it was originally
traveling (causing attenuation of the primary beam)

(a) Principal of monochromatic radiation. (b) Schematic view on synchrotron
working principle.

(c) Diamond Light Source - UK’s national

synchrotron science facility in Oxfordshire.

Figure 4.34: Synchrotron radiation - monochromatic X-ray source [58].

2. The photon will usually transfer some of its energy to an electron in the material
(causing dose in the object or signal in the detector)

3. Such a scattered photon may interact some detector not on its original path
(introducing error into the associated opacity measurement)

The contribution of scattered photons to measurements may be greatly reduced, but not
completely eliminated, in some cases by collimation of the detector array or separation of
the detector from the object; it is sometimes compensated for by subtracting an estimate
of its value from the measurements [35]. Several algorithms exist to reduce the effect of
the scatter. These algorithms can also be reduced by proper thresholding.

Values of scatter and of X-ray attenuation due to scatter can be found in [62].

4.3.4 Material composition
State of the art and theoretical analysis

The material composition will mainly determine the energy-dependent absorption (beam
hardening), obtaining better results for materials absorbing less radiation (for example
plastics). If the measured part is composed by a diversity of materials, unexpected and
important effects can be obtained.

In CT, objects of almost all material composition can be scanned. Anyhow, among
typical materials in CT belong steels, polymers, ceramics, titanium, ruby and composite
materials. The measurement object must be sufficiently penetrable for X-rays to pass
through. For different materials, different linear attenuation coefficients (see Table 4.4)
exist and moreover, depending on the material density, each material absorbs the X-rays
differently. Therefore, influence from the material chosen prior the scanning plays a big
role. Especially, when scanning multi-material components, severe streaking artifacts are
introduced due to major changes in attenuation from one projection to the next. A graph
of an example for maximum material penetration of the X-rays through the matter of iron
(Fe) and aluminum (Al) at 420 keV can be seen in Figure 4.35.

Table 4.4: Linear attenuation coefficient, µ [mm−1 ], of selected materials.

Material Energy
40keV 50keV 60keV 80keV
Gold (Au) 25.1 14 8.75 4.22
Lead (Pb) 16.3 9.11 5.69 2.74
Copper (Cu) 4.36 2.34 1.43 0.684
Nickel (Ni) 4.09 2.2 1.35 0.65
Aluminum (Al) 0.154 0.0995 0.0751 0.0545
Borosilicate glass 0.109 0.0759 0.0607 0.0474
PTFE (Teflon) 0.0577 0.0465 0.041 0.0356

Figure 4.35: Maximum allowable penetration of the X-rays at 420 keV for Fe and Al [29].

4.3.5 Surface roughness

State of the art and theoretical analysis

Surface of the real objects is not perfect and therefore results in difficulties for threshold
value determination. The quantification of the uncertainty caused by surface roughness
is currently under development. In [63], the uncertainty due to the surface roughness
was assessed as:

s 2
b · Rzmean
uwi = (4.8)

Here, the influence of the surface structure was determined by measuring the roughness
at various spots on the workpiece surface. The mean value from this measurement,
Rzmean , was assumed as representative for the whole workpiece. The generation of the
surface after the tomographic imaging poses a low-pass filter with a spatial resolution
of the voxel size. It is estimated that the generated surface lies half within the material
of the part. While roughness peaks cause local shading, roughness valleys let pass more
intensity. As the pixel size (400 µm) is comparatively bigger than the roughness, only
an average shift of the surface point is detected after segmentation. This means that the
error margin is half of Rzmean . For the standard uncertainty based on error margins a
rectangular distribution with the factor b=0.6 is assumed.

4.4 Environment
Temperature, humidity and vibration are the most relevant influence factors, because
they may influence the acquired data by adding further noise. Filtration in this case
is necessary so that unwanted data can be eliminated for further 3D reconstruction. Not
many studies on influence of environment in CT are documented so far. An experimental
investigation on influence of temperature on stability of target material (Mo) is presented
in [64]. As explained in Section 4.1.1, heat is generated at the target material and also
from coils used for moving and focusing electrons. To reduce stability problems due
to temperature changes of the system and the sample, an additional X-ray tube-cooling
(from GE/Phoenix|x-ray) was installed. The results show that the maximum temperature
at the target is lower when the cooling is applied and the temperature stabilizes after 25
minutes, see Figure 4.36.

Figure 4.36: Temperature influence on stability of target material in Nanotom CT scanner [64].

4.5 Operator
The operator has practically no direct influence on the CT measurement results.
However, measuring strategy and its implementation is a matter of the experience of the
operator and moreover, there are parameters that need to be set prior scanning and thus
the user’s experience plays a crucial role in setting up the program for CT measurement.
Process parameters like magnification, orientation of the measurement object, energy
of the X-ray source (source current and acceleration voltage), detector integration time,
etc. are necessary for correct data processing and image reconstruction. Therefore, these
influence quantities has to be analyzed so that a measurement uncertainty of observed
deviations based on the user impact can be assessed.

4.5.1 Magnification
State of the art and theoretical analysis

The resulting voxel size VS influences the resolution of a CT system. The VS depends on
the geometrical magnification, M, the pixel to pixel distance, ddet , of the detector and the
diameter, ds , of the X-ray source. The magnification can be expressed as follows:

M= (4.9)
where FDD is a distance between focus and detector and FOD is a distance between focus
and object. Figure 4.37 shows that the magnification can be increased by moving the
sample closer to the X-ray source and vice versa. In the ideal case, one obtain small voxel
size (higher magnification and resolution) by choosing a low value of FOD or a high value
of FDD and thus a large geometrical magnification. Voxel size is then only determined
by the pixel to pixel distance of the detector and the magnification [16] resulting in the
following equation:

VS = (4.10)
In order to make an accurate reconstruction of the volumetric data, the entire sample
must remain within the field of view, FOV, and cone beam during the rotation. The
maximum magnification is limited by the ratio of the effective detector width, D, and the
sample diameter, d, and can be expressed as:

M= (4.11)
When short measurement times are required, lower magnifications are chosen to image
the part entirely on the detector during a single measurement cycle. By scanning selected
ROI, small features in large parts can be measured and increase in resolution can be
achieved [60] (see Figure 4.38).

A limit for the resolution in CT is the size and the shape of the X-ray focus. For X-ray
tubes the minimum focus size increases with tube power and tube voltage. For larger
parts, tubes of higher voltage have to be employed. Therefore, the achievable resolution
deteriorates with the size of the scanned object [19]. The influence of the spot size on the
image blurring is shown in Figure 4.4 in Section 4.1.1.

Experimental investigation

An experimental investigation on influence of magnification was performed using

replica step gauge and since this investigation also concerned workpiece positioning and
orientation, it is presented in Section 4.5.2.

Another study on workpiece orientation was performed in [48], but since this
investigation also concerns influence of the number of projections, it is presented in
Section 4.5.3.

Figure 4.37: Influence of magnification and blurring effect (penumbra) caused due to the spot size. Small
magnification obtained when moving the object further from the X-ray source (top) and high magnification
obtained when moving the object closer to the X-ray source (bottom).

Figure 4.38: CT setup for a cone beam [Source: Phoenix|x-ray].

4.5.2 Workpiece positioning and orientation

State of the art and theoretical analysis

The workpiece is positioned and fixed on the rotary table so that it does not move or
turn while scanning. The orientation of the measurement object influences the variation

of the length of the way the rays pass through the object during the rotation while
the object is being measured. In bigger variation of the length of the object (as it
occurs when there are big variations of workpiece sections during acquisition) one can
expect weak and improper image reconstruction, because of not-correct exposure of
reconstructed projections. Some images can be outshined and others too dark because
of different lengths of X-rays [48]. Both situations have to be avoided and well exposed
projections are required for a proper reconstruction of the volumetric model. If this is not
achieved, artefacts caused by wobbling occur on the volumetric model. Therefore, the
user positions the scanned object, if possible, in the way that the length the rays travel
through the object is equally distributed along all angle positions.

It was reported in [60] that for simple geometries like hollow cylinders, the influence of
the object position on the rotary table is not important as for real complex shaped objects.

Experimental investigation

The authors performed an investigation concerning influence of workpiece orientation,

magnification, source-object-detector distance and surface extraction method on performances
of a CT scanner. A 42 mm replica step gauge used for optical scanner verification [65, 66]
was used to evaluate accuracy of a Nanotom CT R scanner from GE Phoenix|X-ray,
situated at Novo Nordisk . R Experimental tests were performed orienting the workpiece
in two directions, vertical and at 45◦ , as shown in Figure 4.39. Accuracy of the CT system
was evaluated computing the error of indication for size measurement, E, as suggested
in the VDI/VDE 2617-6.2 [67].

(a) Vertical position. (b) 45◦ with respect to the rotation axis.

Figure 4.39: Orientation of the step gauge in the scanning volume.

According to the standard, the error of indication for size measurement can be computed
either through a bidirectional path or a unidirectional one. In latter, it is necessary
to correct it by adding the probing errors (probing error form, PF, and probing error
size, PS). PS and PF are usually computed using spheres (ball bars, ball plates). In the
following, the list of computed parameters is reported:

• PF: probing error found in the ball bar spheres

• PS: calculated error in the diameter of the ball bar spheres

• E: error for size measurement

• LM : measured distance between two teeth side of the step gauge (on the scans)

• LC : calibrated distance between two teeth side of the step gauge (with the CMM)

Probing errors were evaluated using the ball bar. Error of indication for size measurement
was computed using the replica step gauge by applying a unidirectional strategy. For
more details see [67].

The characteristic probing error form, PF, is the range of radial deviations between
the measurements points and the calculated regression sphere. This is identical to the
difference between the maximum Rmax and minimum Rmin distances of probing points
from the center of the regression sphere (see Figure 4.40(a)). The probing error of form
measurement is expressed in Equation 4.12. Probing error size, PS, is determined from
the difference between the measured DM and calibrated Dr diameters of the reference
sphere (see Figure 4.40(b)). The probing error of size measurement is expressed in
Equation 4.13.

(a) Probing error form, PF. (b) Probing error size, PS.

Figure 4.40: Definition of probing errors.

P F = Rmax − Rmin (4.12)

P S = Dm − Dr (4.13)

Eunidirectional = LM − LC + P S ± P F (4.14)
Four incremental distances on the step gauge grooves were measured unidirectionally.
The overall E was computed as the maximum absolute value of the four obtained
distances for each setup. Reference measurements were taken using a tactile CMM.
Having the step gauge mounted vertically, three setups were considered: two with the
same magnification, corresponding to a voxel size (s) = 20 µm and the third setup
applying magnification, corresponding to a s = 30 µm. In the two cases with the same
magnification, different distances between the X-ray source and the detector were chosen

Figure 4.41: Example of unidirectional measurement between groove 1 and groove 6 using step gauge.

(FDD parameter, see Table 4.5). In the first case the detector was closer to the X-ray source
and in the second case farther from the X-ray source. The other parameter considered
was the threshold technique applied to extract the surface (global and local thresholding

Errors of indication for size measurement, E, in the considered setups are reported in
Figure 4.42. Results show that the higher magnification does not assure the best accuracy.
This is due to two effects: (1) in the first instance, noise at the borders of the step gauge is
present because of interaction between the X-ray cone beam source and straight surfaces
perpendicular to the rotation axis. The effect is more severe when the incidence angle
is bigger (i.e. workpiece and X-ray source are closer), even if the same magnification
(voxel size) is chosen. (2) Another effect is introduced due to blurring. As the workpiece
is moved closer to the X-ray source (higher magnification), more blurred images will be
obtained because of the finite dimension of the X-ray spot size, see Figure 4.37. Both
effects were also pointed out in [38]. Concerning surface extraction, results obtained
with local thresholding are generally more accurate than with global thresholding. Only
in Setup 1, E values obtained with global threshold were sometimes better. This could be
due to amplification of local noise that takes place with local thresholding, as it can be
seen on the CT scans for Setup 1.

Further tests were accomplished by positioning the step gauge tilted 45◦ with respect to
the rotation axis of the scanner. A comparison to results obtained with the step gauge
positioned vertically for the first two setups (same magnification) was made. All results
(see Figure 4.43) show that by positioning the step gauge at 45◦ it is possible to improve
values of E by more than 50% with respect to the vertical position, because of a significant
reduction of border noise on the flat surfaces of the steps.

Optimization of positioning of a workpiece in the CT scanner cabinet is important to

enhance accuracy of CT measurements. Influences of the workpiece orientation, system
magnification, source-object-detector distances and surface extraction method on an
industrial CT scanner performance were evaluated using a replica step gauge, already
used for optical scanner verification. Results show that the position of the workpiece
in the measuring volume is fundamental to obtain reliable measurements. Important
improvements of accuracy are obtained by positioning the workpiece at 45◦ with respect
to the rotation axis.

Table 4.5: Parameter setup for experiments.
Parameter Setup 1 Setup 2 Setup 3
Magnification 2.5 2.5 1.667
FDD [mm] 275 500 500
s [µm] 20 20 30

Figure 4.42: Errors of indication for size Figure 4.43: Comparison of results for Setup
measurements with step gauge positioned 1 and Setup 2 with the step gauge positioned
vertically by applying global and local vertical and 45◦ by applying global and local
thresholding. thresholding.

4.5.3 Number of projections

State of the art and theoretical analysis

The number of projections (angle positions) is directly connected with scanning time and
data acquisition time and therefore, it is of the industrial interest to reduce the number of
projections to minimum for speeding up the scanning process. In this way, the associated
cost can be efficiently reduced.

Experimental investigation

It was shown in [48] that number of projections does not play a vital role in connection
with resulting image quality and therefore belong to less important uncertainty
contributors. A bigger amount of projections within one revolution of the scanned
object increases the quality of the reconstructed data set but increases the necessary
measurement time. As more than 800 projections reduce the deviations by less than 5%
it seems sufficient to use 400-800 projections for accurate reconstruction of the object.
A four factor experimental design at two levels was built (see Table 4.6), evaluating
the diameter of a cylinder made of different materials (Aluminum, PMMA and PVC).
Results presented in Figure 4.44 show that the threshold is the most important influence
parameter. Also magnification and orientation of the workpiece have a significant effect.
The least important is the number of projection, as discussed in 4.5.3.

Table 4.6: Factor settings for evaluation of measurements [48].
Factor - +
Magnification 1x 2x
Orientation parallel to rotation axis perpendicular to rotation axis
Number of projections 400 1600
Threshold method global local adaptive

(a) Results for outer diameter. (b) Results for outer diameter.

Figure 4.44: Influence of threshold method, object orientation, number of projections and magnification
on measurements of diameter of the hollow cylinder made of PVC [48].

4.5.4 Detector exposure time

State of the art and theoretical analysis

The total time for to perform a CT scan depends on different factors, like number of
projections, number of skipped images and the detector exposure (or integration) time.
By increasing the detector exposure time, the scanning time increases but the image
noise is reduced [68]. The number of remaining X-ray photons reaching a single detector
element increases with the increase of integration time [69].

Chapter 5


This report focuses on CT applications for industrial and metrological purposes, where
attention is on the current challenges in CT, i.e. establishment of traceability and
uncertainty assessment. A complete overview of factors influencing CT accuracy is
described in details. A thorough review of the state of the art, a theoretical analysis and
an experimental investigation in order to assess the influence of reference, instrument,
workpiece, environment and procedure on the precision and traceability of measurement
results from CT, is realized. In particular, experimental investigations concern methods
and techniques to correct and reduce errors and artefacts due to a defined parameter,
both as they can be found in literature and performed by the authors.


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