Daa r22 Unit-1 Qb Answers Key
Daa r22 Unit-1 Qb Answers Key
Daa r22 Unit-1 Qb Answers Key
1. Define an algorithm.
Ans: An algorithm is a finite set of instructions which, if followed, accomplish a particular task.
10. Give the formula for Strassen’s matrix multiplication.
Ans: The recurrence formula for Strassen’s matrix multiplication is given by:
Unit No Question Taxonomy
a) Differentiate between algorithm and pseudocode.
1 b) Write the procedure to be followed to convert a problem into L2
pseudocode with an example.
a) Discuss algorithm and its criteria.
b) Develop an algorithm to determine the minimum and maximum
2 values in an array a[1: n] of integers n 1 and entries in the array
used need not be distinct. Determine the worst-case complexity
function for the algorithm.
a) Illustrate how time complexity is calculated for the algorithms. L2
b) Write a recursive algorithm to find the factorial of a number. L3
4 Explain asymptotic notations with neat sketch. L2
a) Discuss the Master’s method.
b) Solve the récurrence relations : L2
Unit 1 i) T(n) = 2T(n/2) + cn and L3
ii) T(n) = 2T(n/2) + nlogn with T(1) = 1.
a) Explain control abstraction for divide and conquer method. L2
b) Write an algorithm to find sum of n-numbers. L3
a) Solve the recurrence relation using backward substitution L3
7 method: T(n) = 2T(n/2) + n with T(1)=1.
b) Derive the time complexity of binary search in worst case. L3
a) Explain Merge sort with algorithm. L2
b) Apply merge sort and sort the elements: 8,3,2,9,7,1,5,4 L3
9 Write pseudocode to sort the elements using quick sort. L2
a) Explain binary search algorithm.
10 b) Sort the elements using binary search with key=60;
10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60.
1. a) Differentiate between algorithm and pseudocode.
b) Write the procedure to be followed to convert a problem into pseudocode with an example.
a) Ans:
Sno. Algorithm Pseudocode
This solution would be translated to machine There is no specific syntax which is actually
4. code, which is then executed by the system to present in other programming languages. This
give the relevant output. means it can't be executed on a computer.
1. b) Write the procedure to be followed to convert a problem into pseudocode with an example.
Ans: Procedure to be followed for writing Pseudo code:
1. Pseudo code is a procedure consisting of head and body sections.
2. The head section consists of keyword “Algorithm” and name of the algorithm, followed by parameter
list, given as follows:
Algorithm name (<Parameter list>)
3. The body section contains various programming constructs such as “if, for, while” or some
assignment statements.
4. Comments begin with // and continue until the end of line.
5. Blocks are indicated and matching braces: { and }.
6. An identifier begins with a letter & not by a digit.
7. Assignment of values to variables is done using the assignment statement
<variable>:= <expression>
8. There are two Boolean values: true and false. In order to produce these values, the logical operators
“and”, “or”, “not(!)”, and relational operators are used.
9. Elements of multi-dimensional array are accessed using [ and ].
10. The following looping statements are employed: for, while and repeat – until.
11. A conditional statement has the following forms: if <condition> then <statement>;
12. Input and output are done using the instructions: read and write.
Example: Write an algorithm to find sum of n numbers.
Pseudocode: 1 Algorithm sum(n)
2 {
3 res: = 0.0;
4 for i:=1 to n do
5 res:= res + i;
6 return res;
7 }
Algorithm: Pseudocode to find sum of n-numbers
2. a) Discuss algorithm and its criteria.
b) Develop an algorithm to determine the minimum and maximum values in an array a[1: n] of
integers n 1 and entries in the array used need not be distinct. Determine the worst-case
complexity function for the algorithm.
Ans: Algorithm:
An algorithm is a finite set of instructions that, if followed, accomplish a particular task.
The word algorithm comes from the name of a Persian author, Abu Ja’far Mohammed ibn
Musa al-Khwarizmi (c. 825 A.D.), who wrote a textbook on mathematics.
Criteria or Characteristics of an algorithm are:
i. Input : Zero or more no. of quantities are given to the algorithm.
ii. Output : The algorithm should produce atleast one quantity, as an output.
iii. Definiteness : Each instruction in algorithm should be clear and unambiguous.
iv. Finiteness : If we trace out the instructions of an algorithm, then for all cases, the algorithm
terminates after a finite number of steps.
v. Effectiveness : Every instruction must be very basic so that it can be carried out, in principle, by a
person using pencil and paper.
2. b) Develop an algorithm to determine the minimum and maximum values in an array a[1: n] of
integers n 1 and entries in the array used need not be distinct. Determine the worst-case
complexity function for the algorithm.
Algorithm MinMax (a, n)
min:=a[1]; -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
max:=a[1]; --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
for i:=1 to n do --------------------------------------------------------------------- n+1
if a[i] min then --------------------------------------------------------------------- n
min:= a[i]; --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
if (a[i] max then --------------------------------------------------------------------- n
max:=a[i]; --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
write(“The minimum element is” +min); --------------------------------------------- 1
write(“The maximum element is” +max); --------------------------------------------- 1
Algorithm: Finding minimum and maximum elements in an array Total Steps: 3 n + 7
By eliminating constants and coefficients from the total steps, we can write the worst-case
complexity function is given as T(n) = O (n)
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3. a) Illustrate how time complexity is calculated for the algorithms.
b) Write a recursive algorithm to find the factorial of a number.
3. a) Time Complexity :
The time complexity of an algorithm is the amount of computer time it needs to run to completion.
The time T(p) taken by a program P is the sum of the compile time and the run time(execution time),
T(P) = c + tp
3. b) Recursive algorithm:
Algorithm RFactorial ( n )
// n is the number to be given as input
if ( n ≤ 1 ) then
return 1;
return n*RFactorial (n-1);
Algorithm: finding factorial of a number
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4. Explain asymptotic notations with neat sketch.
Ans: Asymptotic Notations are languages that allow us to analyse an algorithm’s running time by identifying
its behaviour as the input size for the algorithm increases. This is also known as an algorithm’s growth rate.
Asymptotic notations are the mathematical notations used to describe the running time of an algorithm
when the input tends towards a particular value or a limiting value.
Asymptotic Notation is used to describe the running time of an algorithm - how much time an
algorithm takes with a given input, n.
Asymptotic notations are the shorthand way to represent time complexity.
There are five different kinds of Asymptotic notations used to represent the time complexity:
1. Big Oh notation (O)
2. Big Omega notation ( Ω )
3. Theta notation ( θ )
4. Little oh notation ( o )
5. Little omega notation ( ω )
1. Big Oh notation (O) :
The function f(n) = O(g(n)) if and only if there exist positive
constant c and n0 such that f ( n ) c * g(n) for all n, n n0 .
Big-O notation represents the upper bound of the running time of an
algorithm. Thus, it gives the worst-case complexity of an algorithm.
2. Big Omega notation ( Ω ) : t
The function f(n) = Ω (g(n)) if and only if there exist positive
constant c and n0 such that f ( n ) ≥ c * g(n) for all n, n n0 .
Omega notation represents the lower bound of the running time of
an algorithm. Thus, it provides the best-case complexity of an
3. Theta notation ( θ ) :
The function f(n) = θ (g(n)) if and only if there exist positive
constants c1, c2 and no such that
c1*g(n) f(n) c2*g(n) for all n, n n0.
The above definition states that the function f(n) lies between c 1
times the function g(n) and c2 times the function g(n) where c1
and c2 are positive constants.
4. Little oh notation ( o ) :
The function f(n) = o(g(n)) if and only if for all n, n ≥ 0 .
5. Little omega notation ( ω ) :
The function f(n)= ω (g(n)) if and only if for all n, n ≥ 0 .
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5. a) Discuss the Master’s method.
b) Solve the recurrence relations :
i) T(n) = 2T(n/2) + cn and
ii) T(n) = 2T(n/2) + nlogn with T(1) = 1.
5. a) Master’s Theorem/Method:
Any recurrence relation can be solved using Master’s method with the following steps:
Step 1: Compare the given equation with T(n) = aT(n/b) + f(n)
Step 2: Take h(n) =
𝒏𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝒃 𝒂
Step 3: Find u(n) using the following table:
h(n) u(n)
(𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒏 )𝒊+𝟏
θ((logn)i), i 0 θ
In the above algorithm, DAndC(P), “P” is the problem to be solved.
Small (P) is a Boolean-valued function which determines whether the input size is small enough so
that the answer can be computed without splitting.
If this is true, function ‘S’ is invoked, otherwise, the problem ‘P’ is divided into smaller sub problems.
These sub problems P1, P2, . . . , Pk are solved by recursive application of DAndC.
Combine () is a function which determines the solution to P using the solutions to the k-subproblems.
6. b) Algorithm to find sum of n-numbers:
1 Algorithm sum(a, n)
2 {
3 res: = 0.0;
4 for i:=1 to n do
5 res:= res + i;
6 return res;
7 }
Algorithm: Pseudocode to find sum of n-numbers
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7. a) Solve the recurrence relation using backward substitution method: T(n) = 2T(n/2) + n with T(1)=1.
b) Derive the time complexity of binary search in worst case.
7. a) Solution: (also you can refer class notes)
[∵ T(1) = 1]
Therefore, T(n) = 𝑛 + 𝑛𝑙𝑜𝑔2𝑛
By eliminating smaller inputs from above equation, the time complexity is given as
T(n) = O (𝑛𝑙𝑜𝑔2𝑛 )
1 when n 1
T(n) =
T ( ) + 1, otherwise
Consider T (n) = T ( ) + 1 ------------ equation 1
Solve the above eq. 1 using backward substitution method, we get
Therefore, the binary search time complexity in worst case is T (n) = O (𝑙𝑜𝑔2𝑛 )
8 3 2 9 7 1 5 4
8 3 2 9 7 1 5 4 Divide
8 3 2 9 7 1 5 4
8 3 2 9 7 1 5 4
3 8 2 9 1 7 4 5
2 3 8 9 1 4 5 7 Merge/Combine
1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9
Figure: Merge sort
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9. Write pseudocode to sort the elements using quick sort.
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10. a) Explain binary search algorithm.
b) Sort the elements using binary search with key=60;
10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60.
10. a) Binary Search :
Binary search is a process of searching an element in a sorted list (array) of elements.
The Pseudocode for Binary search is:
1 Algorithm BinSearch (a, n, x)
2 //Given an array a[1:n ] of elements in nondecreasing
3 // order, n > 0, determine whether x is present, and
4 // if so, return j such that x:=a[j], else return 0.
6 low : = 1;
7 high : = n;
8 while (low ≤ high) do
9 {
10 mid : = ( low + high ) / 2 ;
11 if( x < a[mid] ) then high:= mid - 1;
12 else if (x > a[mid]) then low:=mid + 1;
13 else return mid;
14 }
15 return 0;
16 }
Algorithm: Iterative Binary Search
a) Give the strategy to represent the solution vector for 4-Queens problem with
neat sketch.
b) In a class, there will be only one “three-seater” bench is available. 2 boys and
5 1 girl must sit in that bench. Explain the following using backtracking with
state space tree
1) What are the possibilities of seating arrangements?
2) If “girl must not sit in between 2 boys” means, what are the possibilities?
a) Explain n-queens problem with algorithm.
b) Draw the complete/full state-space tree for the 4-queens problem.
a) Solve the sum of subset problem:
b) Given weights w[1:6] = {5, 10, 12, 13, 15, 18}. Sum of weights for subset (m)
should be 30. Draw the portion of state-state space tree that is generated using
SumOfSubsets algorithm.
a) Explain recursive backtracking algorithm.
8 b) Write a short note on:
i) Live node ii) E-node iii) Dead node
a) Discuss Graph-coloring problem.
b) Draw a state-space tree for the below 4-node graph for m-
colorability problem.
c) Two sets S1 and S2 are given as S1={1, 2, 4, 6} and S2 = {7, 8}.
i) Draw disjoint sets for S1 and S2 using trees.
ii) Draw disjoint set S3 using trees such that S3=S1 U S2.
a) Explain sum of subsets problem with algorithm.
10 b) Draw three graphs, among which, two graphs must have Hamiltonian cycle
and one cannot have it.
1. a) Describe disjoint sets with its various representations.
b) Write Simple union and find algorithms.
1. a) Disjoint Set:
If Si and Sj, i ≠ j are two sets, then there is no element that is in both Si and Sj.
Various Representations of Disjoint sets are:
1. Tree Representation
2. Data Representation
3. Array Representation
Example: Let n = 10 elements can be partitioned into three disjoint sets as follows:
S1 = { 1, 7, 8, 9 }, S2 = { 2, 5, 10 } and S3 = { 3, 4, 6 }
1. Tree Representation:
The Tree Representations for these disjoints are:
Figure: Possible Tree representations for the disjoint sets S1, S2, S3
2. Data Representation:
To perform Union or Find operations efficiently on sets, it is necessary to represent the set
elements in a proper manner.
The data representation for S1, S2, S3 take the following form:
Here “FindPointer” is a function that takes a set name and determines the root of the tree that
represents it.
This is done by an examination of the “[setname, pointer]” table.
In many applications, the “setname” is just the element at the root.
The Find(i) operation now becomes:
˗ Determine the root of the tree containing element “i”.
3. Array Representation:
Since the set elements are numbered 1 through n, we represent the tree nodes using an array
p[1:n], where n is the maximum no. of elements.
The ith element of this array represents the tree node that contains element i.
This array element gives the parent pointer of the corresponding tree node.
The below figure shows the array representation of the sets S1, S2 and S3 of above tree
The root nodes have a parent of -1.
Algorithm :
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2. a) Explain weighting rule for union with example.
b) Write a short note on: i) Explicit constraints and ii) Implicit constraints.
2. a) Weighted Union:
To improve the performance of union and Find algorithms and avoiding the creation of degenerate
trees, the “Weighting rule for Union (i, j)” is used.
Definition: If the number of nodes in tree with root “i” is less than the number of nodes in tree root
“j”, then make j the parent of i, otherwise make i the parent of j.
When we use the weighting rule to perform the sequence of set unions given before, we obtain the
trees of below figure.
The trees are obtained in above figure using the Weighting rule to perform the sequence of set
unions given before.
In this figure, the unions have been modified so that the input parameter values correspond to the
roots of the trees to be combined.
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4. a) Discuss the backtracking technique.
b) Explain the constraints that are used to solve any problem using backtracking.
4 a) Backtracking:
In solving some problems, a situation may arise where there are different ways leading from a
given position but unfortunately, none of them known to lead to a solution.
After trying one path successfully, we return to the previous position and try to find a solution
using another path.
However, we must ensure that, we must ensure that such a return is possible and all paths can be
tried. This technique is called “Backtracking”.
The solution vector (xi, ..., xn) is treated as a global array x[l:n].
All of the possible elements for the kth position of the tuple which satisfy B k are generated, one by
one, and adjoined to the current vector (x1, ..., xk-1).
Each time xk is attached a check is made to determine if a solution has been found. Then the
algorithm is recursively invoked.
When the for loop is exited, no more values for xk exist and the current copy of Backtrack ends.
The last unresolved call now resumes, namely the one which continues to examine the remaining
elements assuming only k – 2 values have been set.
Note that this algorithm causes all solutions to be printed and assumes that tuples of various sizes may
make up a solution. If only a single solution is desired, then a flag can be added as a parameter to
indicate the first occurrence of success.
4. b) Explain the constraints that are used to solve any problem using backtracking.
Ans: Backtracking is a Depth-First Search (DFS) with a bounding function known to be criterion function.
Criterion Function: It is a function P(x1, x2, … , xn) which needs to be maximized or minimized for a
given problem.
Many problems while solving by backtracking are required to satisfy a complexity set of constraints.
For any problem, these constraints are categorized into two types: Explicit and Implicit constraints.
Explicit constraints:
Explicit constraints are the rules that restrict each xi to take on values only from a given set.
Common Examples:
iv) xi ≥ 0 or si={all non-negative real numbers}
v) Xi=0 or 1 or Si={0, 1}
vi) li ≤ xi ≤ ui or si={a: li ≤ a ≤ ui }
Explicit constraints depend on a particular instance I of the problem being solved.
All tuples that satisfy the explicit constraints define a possible “solution space” for I.
ii) Implicit constraints:
Implicit constraints are the rules that determine which of the tuples in the solution space of
Instance characteristics I satisfy the criterion function.
Thus implicit constraints describe the way in which the xi must relate to each other.
The implicit constraint for n-queens problem is that no two queens can be on the same row, same
column or same diagonal.
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5. a) Give the strategy to represent the solution vector for 4-Queens problem with neat sketch.
b) In a class, there will be only one “three-seater” bench is available. 2 boys and 1 girl must sit in
that bench. Explain the following using backtracking with state space tree
1. What are the possibilities of seating arrangements?
2. If “girl must not sit in between 2 boys” means, what are the possibilities?
5. a) 4-Queens Problem:
Consider a 4x4 chessboard. Let there be 4-queens.
The objective is to place these 4-queens on a 4x4 chessboard in such a way that no two queens should be
placed in the same row, same column or same diagonal positions.
The explicit constraints are 4-queens have to be placed on 4x4 chessboard.
The implicit constraint is that – no two queens are to be placed in the same row, same column or diagonal.
Solving 4-queens problem:
Consider 4-queens and a 4x4 chessboard.
Let (x1, x2, x3, x4) be the solution vector, where xi – column on which the queen-I must be placed.
Start with an empty chessboard and place first queen in first row and first column.
The second queen Q2 should not be placed in 1 st row and 2nd column. But it can be placed in 2 nd
row and, in third or fourth columns.
If we place in 2nd column, Q1 and Q2 will be in same diagonal, so let us place in 3 rd column.
We cannot place the third queen Q3 in 3rd row, so we should go back to second queen and place it in 4th
The third queen now, can be placed in second column.
Now, the fourth queen Q4 cannot be placed in fourth row. So, trace back and try to change the position of
So, go back to second row and try to change the position of Q2. But Q2 is already in last column, and
cannot move further. So, backtrack to Q1 and change the position of first queen Q1 to second column.
In above figure, we placed the remaining queens-Q2, Q3 & Q4 in their appropriate positions.
Hence the solution vector for the 4-Queen’s problem is (x1, x2, x3, x4) = (2, 4, 1, 3).
[which means that Q1 is placed in 2nd column, Q2 in 4th column, Q3 in 1st column and Q4 is placed in
3rd column].
5. b) In a class, there will be only one “three-seater” bench is available. 2 boys and 1 girl must sit in
that bench. Explain the following using backtracking with state space tree
1. What are the possibilities of seating arrangements?
2. If “girl must not sit in between 2 boys” means, what are the possibilities?
Given that there is a three-seater bench, with two boys and a girl must sit on it.
There are total of 3! = 6 possibilities. We will try all the possibilities and get the possible solutions.
Let B1, B2 and G be two boys and a girl respectively.
The above state-space tree represents all the possible seating arrangements of the two boys and a girl
on a three-seater bench.
ii) The possible State-space tree for “girl must not sit in between 2 boys”:
Here the given constraint is that “The girl must not sit in between two boys”.
In the above state-space tree, whenever G comes in between B1 & B2, there the further nodes get
killed, as it is a bounding function.
6. a) Explain n-queens problem with algorithm.
b) Draw the complete/full state-space tree for the 4-queens problem.
6. a) Answer:
n-queens Problem:
Given n-queens and a nxn chessboard.
The objective is to place these n-queens on a nxn chessboard in such a way that no two queens should be
placed in the same row, same column or same diagonal positions.
The explicit constraints are n-queens have to be placed on nxn chessboard.
The implicit constraint is that – no two queens are to be placed in the same row, same column or diagonal.
The solution vector (xi, ..., xn) is treated as a global array x[l:n].
All of the possible elements for the kth position of the tuple which satisfy B k are generated, one by one,
and adjoined to the current vector (x1, ..., xk-1).
Each time xk is attached a check is made to determine if a solution has been found. Then the algorithm is
recursively invoked.
When the for loop is exited, no more values for xk exist and the current copy of Backtrack ends.
The last unresolved call now resumes, namely the one which continues to examine the remaining elements
assuming only k – 2 values have been set.
8. b) Write a short note on:
i) Live node ii) E-node iii) Dead node
Ans: i) Live node: Live node is a node that has been generated but whose children have not yet been
ii) E-node: The live node whose children are currently being generated is called the E-node (node being
iii) Dead node: It is generated node that is either not to be expanded further or one for which all of its
children have been generated.
9. a) Discuss Graph-coloring problem.
b) Draw a state-space tree for the below 4-node graph for m-colorability problem.
c) Two sets S1 and S2 are given as S1={1, 2, 4, 6} and S2 = {7, 8}.
i) Draw disjoint sets for S1 and S2 using trees.
ii) Draw disjoint set S3 using trees such that S3=S1 U S2.
9. a) Graph-coloring problem:
Let G be an undirected graph and ‘m’ be a given positive integer.
The graph coloring problem is assigning colors to the vertices of an undirected graph with the restriction
that no two adjacent vertices are assigned the same color yet only ‘m’ colors are used.
The optimization version calls for coloring a graph using the minimum number of colorings.
The decision version, known as m-coloring asks whether a graph is colourable using at most m-colors.
Note that, if ‘d’ is the degree of the given graph then it can be colored with ‘d+1’ colors.
The m-colorability optimization problem asks for the smallest integer ‘m’ for which the graph G can be
colored. This integer is referred as “Chromatic number” of the graph.
9. b) State-space tree for the given 4-node graph is:
Ans: Given graph:
9. c) Two sets S1 and S2 are given as S1={1, 2, 4, 6} and S2 = {7, 8}.
i) Draw disjoint sets for S1 and S2 using trees.
ii) Draw disjoint set S3 using trees such that S3=S1 U S2.
Solution: Given two disjoint sets S1={1, 2, 4, 6} and S2 = {7, 8}.
i) The possible tree representation for the disjoint sets S1 and S2 is:
S1 S2
S3 = S1 U S2
10. a) Explain sum of subsets problem with algorithm.
b) Draw three graphs, among which, two graphs must have Hamiltonian cycle and one cannot have it.
10. a) Ans:
Sum of Subsets Problem:
Given n-distinct positive numbers, usually called weights, wi, 1 ≤ i ≤ n, and m, this problem requires for
finding all subsets of wi whose sums are ‘m’.
The implicit constraints require that no two xi be the same and that the sum of the corresponding wi ‘s
be “m”.
To avoid generating multiple instances of the same subset (for instance, (1, 2, 4) and (1, 4, 2) represent
the same subset). So another implicit constraint that is imposed is that xi < xi+1, 1 ≤ i ≤ n.
Algorithm: Recursive backtracking algorithm for Sum of Subsets problem.
10. b) Draw three graphs, among which, two graphs must have Hamiltonian cycle and one cannot have
No Hamiltonian Cycle
End of Unit-II