Easy Medium Hard Easy Medium Hard Easy Medium Hard
Unit 1 1. Algorithm analysis: a. Time and space complexity b. Asymptotic Notations and its properties Best case, Worst case and average case analysis 2. Recurrence relation: substitution method 3. Searching: linear search, binary search and Interpolation Search 4. Pattern search: The naïve string- matching algorithm - Rabin-Karp algorithm - Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm. 5. Sorting: Insertion sort – heap sort Unit 2 1. Graph algorithms: Representations of graphs 2. Graph traversal: DFS – BFS 3. - applications - Connectivity, strong connectivity, bi-connectivity 4. Minimum spanning tree: Kruskal’s and Prim’s algorithm 5. Shortest path: Bellman-Ford algorithm - Dijkstra’s algorithm - Floyd-Warshall algorithm 6. Network flow: Flow networks - Ford-Fulkerson method – Matching: Maximum bipartite matching Unit 3 1. Divide and Conquer methodology: a. Finding maximum and minimum b. Merge sort c. Quick sort 2. Elements of dynamic programming a. Matrix-chain multiplication b. Multi stage graph c. Optimal Binary Search Trees 3. Greedy Technique: Elements of the greedy strategy a. Activity-selection problem b. Optimal Merge pattern c. Huffman Trees. Unit 4 1. Backtracking: a. n-Queens problem b. Hamiltonian Circuit Problem c. Subset Sum Problem d. Graph colouring problem 2. Branch and Bound a. Solving 15-Puzzle problem b. Assignment problem c. Knapsack Problem d. Travelling Salesman Problem Unit 5 1. Tractable and intractable problems: Polynomial time algorithms – Venn diagram representation - NP- algorithms - NP-hardness and NP-completeness 2. Bin Packing problem 3. Problem reduction: TSP – 3- CNF problem. 4. Approximation Algorithms: TSP 5. Randomized Algorithms: concept and application - primality testing - randomized quick sort - Finding kth smallest number ORDER OF UNITS PREPARATION
CS8451 PYQ https://n.stucor.in/qp/STUCOR_QP-CS8451.pdf?_gl=1*1csn0b6*_ga*MTQ1MDMz NzE5My4xNjcxOTM4MDU3*_ga_D6D5Z4RF97*MTY4MzM0ODI0OC4zNi4xLjE2 ODMzNDg4MDEuMC4wLjA.*_ga_N9LJVDX1HR*MTY4MzM0ODI0OC4zNS4xLjE 2ODMzNDg4MDEuMC4wLjA.*_ga_54331VJR2D*MTY4MzM0ODI0OC4zNC4xLjE 2ODMzNDg4MDEuMC4wLjA.&_ga=2.95052572.14298984.1683348248-1450337 193.1671938057 AD8351 https://drive.google.com/file/d/10LEPqgexYpVdGpOQDT_wyyWag87lWdqB/view Resources with Video Link Asymptotic Notation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3Pnr-uccq Recurrence Relation substitution M&list=PLR4Rlu17MDY4mzyAs0KcpzB9peeuhY Linear and Binary Search 1Zg&index=2&t=21s Naive string Matching and KMP
MST- Prims and Kruskal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRAL44RTF
Insertion sort Uw&list=PLR4Rlu17MDY7SGvgxtRW7Z7NO5Ft N0Lma&index=1&t=3s&pp=gAQBiAQB From Abdul Bari https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IAPZzG SbME&list=PLDN4rrl48XKpZkf03iYFl-O29szj Trs_O&index=1
Topic Video number
Rabin Karp 9.2
Dijkstra 3.6
Merge,quick sort 2.7.2,2.8.1
Matrix Chain 4.3
Multi Stage,Optimal BST 4.1.1,4.6
Merge Pattern,Huffman Coding 3.3,3.4
N queen, hamiltonian,subset,graph coloring 6.1 to 6.4
Knapsack TSP using branch bound 7.2 and 7.3
Bin Packing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbuMPi44bVQ