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Gen Math DLL Week 8

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Grades 1 to 12 School SAN LUIS NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Grade Level 11 – ABM /11 – HUMSS

Daily Lesson Log Teacher NI-KHE G. MARQUEZ Learning Area GENERAL MATHEMATICS
Teaching Dates and Time September 16 - 20, 2024 Quarter 1st Quarter (WEEK 8)
11 – ABM (7:30 – 8:30 AM)
11 – HUMSS (10:50 – 11:50 AM)

Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4

A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates understanding of The learner demonstrates
understanding of key concepts of understanding of key concepts of key concepts of inverse functions, understanding of key concepts of
inverse functions, exponential inverse functions, exponential exponential functions, and logarithmic inverse functions, exponential functions,
functions, and logarithmic functions. functions, and logarithmic functions. functions. and logarithmic functions.
B. Performance Standard The learner is able to apply the The learner is able to apply the The learner is able to apply the
The learner is able to apply the concepts of
concepts of inverse functions, and concepts of inverse functions, and concepts of inverse functions, and
inverse functions, and logarithmic functions
logarithmic functions to formulate and logarithmic functions to formulate and logarithmic functions to formulate and
to formulate and solve real-life problems
solve real-life problems with precision solve real-life problems with precision solve real-life problems with precision
with precision and accuracy.
and accuracy. and accuracy. and accuracy.
C. MELC and MELC No. M11GM-Ig-2 M11GM-Ih-1 M11GM-Ih-2 M11GM-Ih-i-1
Solves problems involving exponential Represents real-life situations using Distinguishes logarithmic function, Solves logarithmic equations and
functions, equations, and inequalities logarithmic functions. logarithmic equation, and logarithmic inequalities. exponential function
M11GM-Ih-1 inequality.
Represents real-life situations using
logarithmic functions.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages 112-113 122 125-132 134
2. Learner’s Material pages 103 124
3. Textbook pages General Mathematics by Orlando General Mathematics by Orlando General Mathematics by Orlando Oronce General Mathematics by Orlando
Oronce Series 2016 Oronce Series 2016 Series 2016 Oronce Series 2016
4. Additional Material from Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s Material Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s Material Worksheet/Activity Sheet Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s Material
Learning Resource (LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Resources General Mathematics, Diwa General Mathematics, Diwa Publishing, General Mathematics, Diwa Publishing, General Mathematics, Diwa Publishing,
Publishing, Senior High School Series. Senior High School Series. 2016 Senior High School Series. 2016 Senior High School Series. 2016
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Direction: (show the expression on the Direction: have a short game of your Direction: Direction:
presenting the new lesson. board)(answer orally) choice in which the loser will be the one
to recall the previous lesson after As a review from the lesson yesterday, (select some students to do this)
Review the exponents by asking the which, state the objective of the day. provide meta cards to all students and ask
class to simplify the given expressions them to paste on the board which the Let the students enumerate and illustrate
and find the value of x in each case. the logarithmic laws on
content of the of the metacard belongs
1.) 24=x 2.) 43=x (logarithmic function, logarithmic equation, the board
Guide Question: logarithmic inequality)
What if the exponent is missing?

Sample Content:
Present the lesson objectives 1. Log 10 = 1
2. log 3 ( x−2 ) >5
3. y=log 6 x

State the lesson objectives

B. Establishing a purpose for the new Guide Questions: Guide questions: Guide Questions: Guide Questions:
(select 1 student to answer orally) (select 1 student to answer orally) Why we need to follow rules especially in (select 1 student to answer orally)
1.What is the essence of learning
logarithms based on your observation
on the expression I have showed Why we need to familiarize logarithmic What is the Purpose why we need to
earlier?? functions, equations and inequality? solve for logarithmic equation?

(Answer: in order to find the exponent

of the base.)
C. Presenting Examples/ instances of Direction: Ask the students to figure out Direction: (by group) Direction: (Teacher’s Task) Direction: (Teacher’s Task)
the new lesson the missing number in the following
expression. Ask the student about the difference of Introduce by discussing the basic Introduce by discussingsome strategies
5x=625 2. 7x=0 the following: properties of logarithm including change- for solving logarithmic equations:
of-base (see TG page 125) 1.rewriting to exponential form, 2.using
a.log 3 ( x−2 ) =5 logarithmic properties and 3. one-to-one
property of logarithmic function (see
b.ln x ≥ 9 page 134.

c.y =
log 1 x
D. Discussing new concepts and Guide Questions: Guide Questions: Direction: Show examples on basic Direction: (by group)
practicing new skills #1 properties of logarithm (see TG page 126-
(Ask the students orally) Which of the following is Logarithmic 127) Let the students answer example 1 in
function, equation and inequality? TG page 134-135
How do we solve for x, aside from your
E. Discussing new concepts and Direction: Guide Questions: From your own Direction: Group the students into 3 and Direction: Asks the group to present the
practicing new skills #2 perspective, what is the relationship assign 1 law of logarithm each and its solution on the board.
(Teacher’s task) among its variables? example. In a buzz session. Let them
create another example.

Mention(sort of review) about the (see TG page 128-131)

inverse function; logarithmic is the
inverse of exponential.
F. Developing mastery (Leads to Direction: Introduce the logarithm Direction: Present the table shown in Direction: Each group will present their Guide Question: Ask the some students
Formative Assessment 3) concept.(see TG page 113) TG page 122 (b) work on the board and explain what is their
how the strategies help them in
observation on the assigned tasked.
answering the logarithmic equation.

G. Finding practical applications of Direction: Do the example 1, 2 and 3 in Direction: (same grouping) Direction: The group who presented their Direction: Let the students give another
concepts and skills in daily living TG page 113. (let the students answer work will asked the remaining group to give example of logarithmic equation by
the odd numbers only) Let the students provide another 1 example each to check if they have writing it on the board?
example of logarithmic function, understood the law presented.
equation and inequality.

Note: introduce natural and common

H. Making generalizations and Guide Questions: Direction: Direction: (in unison) Direction:
abstractions about the lesson (to be answered orally)
Since logarithm is an inverse of (select some students to answer orally) State all the laws of Logarithm including Let some students enumerate the
exponential, can we say that the change of base strategies in solving logarithmic
application of exponential is true to equations suggested earlier.
logarithm? State the definitions of logarithmic
function, equation and inequality.
I. Evaluating learning Direction: Give a word problem or Direction: Do the LM lesson 18 Direction: Answer seatwork 1 in TG page Direction: Answer LM Lesson 21
situation and ask the students to supplementary exercises page 103. 132.
supplementary exercises page 124
represent the problem into logarithmic
function.(use internet if possible or look number 1 and 3.
for other reference.)
J. Additional activities for application Guide Questions:(by pair) Direction: (same group) Direction: Answer seatwork 2 in TG page Direction: (by pair)
or remediation 132.
Which of the following represents Distinguish which is logarithmic Solve the unknown variable of the given
logarithmic Function in real-life function, equation and inequality based logarithmic equations:
situation? of the following statements.
1. 2log 3 x = 4
a. Decibels problems 1.x variables have restrictions ln (2x-4) = 4
b. Earthquake magnitude
problems 2. x is considered as 1 value of the
c. Radio active decay variable
d. Depreciation of stocks
work problems 3. x values corresponds to certain y

A. No. of learners who earned 80% on A. ____ No. of learners who earned A. ____ No. of learners who earned A. ____ No. of learners who earned 80% in A. ____ No. of learners who earned
the formative assessment 80% in the evaluation 80% in the evaluation the evaluation 80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who scored below B. ____ No. of learners who require B. ____ No. of learners who require B. ____ No. of learners who require B. ____ No. of learners who require
80% (needs remediation) additional activities for remediation additional activities for remediation additional activities for remediation additional activities for remediation
C. No. of learners who have caught up C. Did the remedial lessons work? C. Did the remedial lessons work? C. Did the remedial lessons work? _____ C. Did the remedial lessons work?
with the lesson. _____ No. of learners who have caught _____ No. of learners who have caught No. of learners who have caught up the _____ No. of learners who have caught
up the lesson. up the lesson. lesson. up the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to D. ___ No. of learners who continue to D. ___ No. of learners who continue to D. ___ No. of learners who continue to D. ___ No. of learners who continue to
require remediation require remediation require remediation require remediation require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well:
worked well? Why did these work?
___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration

___ Games ___ Games ___ Games ___ Games

___ Poweerpoint presentation ___ Poweerpoint presentation ___ Poweerpoint presentation ___ Poweerpoint presentation

Answering preliminary Answering preliminary Answering preliminary Answering preliminary

activities/exercises activities/exercises activities/exercises activities/exercises

___ Discussion ___ Discussion ___ Discussion ___ Discussion

___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Differentiated Instruction

___ Case Method ___ Case Method ___ Case Method ___ Case Method
___Role Playing /Drama ___Role Playing /Drama ___Role Playing /Drama ___Role Playing /Drama

___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS)
___ Doscivery Method ___ Doscivery Method ___ Doscivery Method ___ Doscivery Method

___ Rereading of ___ Rereading of ___ Rereading of ___ Rereading of

Paragraphs/Poems/Stories ___ Lecture Paragraphs/Poems/Stories ___ Lecture Paragraphs/Poems/Stories ___ Lecture Paragraphs/Poems/Stories ___ Lecture
Method Method Method Method

Why? Why? Why? Why?

___ Complete Ims ___ Complete Ims ___ Complete Ims ___ Complete Ims

___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials

___ Pupil’s eagerness to learn ___ Pupil’s eagerness to learn ___ Pupil’s eagerness to learn ___ Pupil’s eagerness to learn

___ Group member’s cooperation in ___ Group member’s cooperation in ___ Group member’s cooperation in doing ___ Group member’s cooperation in
doing their tasks doing their tasks their tasks doing their tasks
F. What difficulties did I encounter ___ Bullying among learners ___ Bullying among learners ___ Bullying among learners ___ ___ Bullying among learners
which my principal or supervisor can ___ Equipment (AVR/LCD) ___ Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD) ___ Equipment (AVR/LCD)
help me solve?
___ Learner’s behavior/attitude ___ Learner’s behavior/attitude ___ Learner’s behavior/attitude ___ ___ Learner’s behavior/attitude
___ Science/Computer/Internet Lab ___ Science/Computer/Internet Lab Science/Computer/Internet Lab ___ Science/Computer/Internet Lab

___ Colorful Ims ___ Colorful Ims ___ Colorful Ims ___ ___ Colorful Ims
___ Additional Clerical Works ___ Additional Clerical Works Additional Clerical Works ___ Additional Clerical Works

___ Unavaailable Technology ___ Unavaailable Technology ___ Unavaailable Technology ___ ___ Unavaailable Technology
___ Reading Readiness ___ Reading Readiness Reading Readiness ___ Reading Readiness
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted:


Teacher I, Subject Teacher Master Teacher I Principal IV

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