vsurg411 Ptest
vsurg411 Ptest
vsurg411 Ptest
6. The site for lumbosacral anesthesia: 16. Suture material of choice for subcutis:
a. L6, L7 c. L7, S1 a. silk c. synthetic absorbable
b. S1, S2 d. L5, L6 b. surgical gut d. nylon
7. Absorbable suture material is degraded within the 17. The simplest less expensive and most important
tissue and loss their tensile strength by: component of shock treatment:
a. 10 days c. 30 days a. fluid therapy c. dexamethasone
b. 20 days d. 60 days b. blood transfusion d. narcotic drugs
8. The recommended suture size for muscle and fascia: 18. This drug is anti-cholinergic and used to lessen
a. 4-O to 3-O c. 3-O to O salivation during anesthesia & and to prevent
b. 5-O to 2-O d. 4-O to 2-O choking:
a. Atropine sulfate c. both a & b
9. In suturing the skin, the suture bite should be placed b. Glycopyrrolate d. none
how many millimeter from the edge of the skin
incision? 19. What kind of suture pattern is recommended in
a. 2 mm c. 4 mm closing the viscera to prevent adhesion:
b. 3 mm d. 5 mm a. Everting c. Appositional
b. Inverting d. all of the above
10. Natural absorbable sutures is absorbed by
phagocytosis while synthetic absorbable sutures is 20. Which of the following is considered an inverting
absorbed by: suture pattern?
a. the same process c. diffusion a. horizontal mattress c. lembert
b. hydrolysis d. enzyme degradation b. simple continuous d. cruciate mattress
24. The most commonly used mechanical restraint device 34. The stage of anesthesia where surgery should
in dogs and cats: commence:
a. body brace c. Elizabeth collar a. stage 1 c. stage 3
b. side bar d. hock hobbles b. stage 2 d. stage 4
25. Which of the ff. is recommended as analgesic/pain 35. Surgical operation where local anesthetic agent could
reliever in dog? be an option:
a. meperidine HCl c. paracetamol a. Castration c. Cesarean section
b. ibuprofen d. all of the above b. Tail docking d. all of the above
26. Respiratory rate of animals usually decrease when 36. Which of the ff. items could not be sterilized in an
they are under gen. anesthesia. In dogs from 20-40 autoclave?
breath per minute when they are awake, it reduces a. catheters c. drapes
to: b. gauze d. glassware
a. 5-8 c. 10-15
b. 8-10 d. 9-20 37. Surgical anesthesia is produced by a controlled
reversible depression f the CNS. It has 4 recognizable
27. During intra-operative period, fluid administration is aspects; reduction in reflex activity, narcosis sensory
needed to prevent hypovolemic shock. The normal block and:
infusion rate in animal is: a. loss of memory c. motor block
a. 10 ml/kg/hr c. 20 ml/kg/hr b. hallucination d. all of the above
b. 15 ml/kg/hr d. 25 ml/kg/hr
38. One of the following statement is not true:
28. The normal PCV in cats ranges from 30-45%, while a) Cheiloschisis is the same with harelip
dog has: b) Orchidectomy is different from castration
a. 35-40% c. 55-68% c) Otoplasty is the new term for ear cropping/ear
b. 38-55% d. 65-70% trimming
d) The letter “O” is the abbreviation of the term
29. The normal circulating blood volume in dogs: “ought” which signifies a particular size of suture
a. 150 ml/kg BW c. 110 ml/kg BW material.
b. 120 ml/kg BW d. 50 ml/kg BW
Test II - Enumeration
30. The most common IV anesthetic available in the 1-3 Attributes of a good surgeon
market today for small animals: 4-6 Classification of suture pattern according to function
a. Ketamine HCl c. Barbiturates 7-10 The main principles of managing clean surgical
b. Zoletil d. Pentobartital sodium wound