Jipmer 2010 Rapid Review: Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research
Jipmer 2010 Rapid Review: Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research
Jipmer 2010 Rapid Review: Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research
Saraswatastar Solved Paper Series
JIPMER 2010 Rapid Review
non dominant parietal lobe 21.immune complex disease seen in which
temporal lobe hypersensitivity?
Ans: dominant parietal lobe type 1
type 2
14.Most common cause of Pseudocyst? type 3
Pancreatitis type 4
trauma Ans: type 3
Ans: Pancreatitis 22.all are seen in dermatomyositis except
gottrons papules
15.Amount of calories need to be reduced by an shawl sign
obese calcinosis cutis
person to lose 1/2kg in a week ? mechanic's hand
150 Ans: shawl sign
500 23.rieters disease is associated with
1.pseudomanas aeruignosa
Ans:500 2.staph aureus
3.strept pyogenes
16.Fishnet appearance in immunoflorescence is 4.chlamydia
seen in Ans: 4.chlamydia
a.pemphigus vulgaris
b.bullous pemphigoid 24.true abt t/t squamous cell cancer of anal canal
c.dermatitis herpetiformis 1.abdominoperineal resection
Ans: a.pemphigus vulgaris 2.wide excision with chemotherapy
3.chemo n radiotherapy combined
17.which of these wil kill spores? Ans: 3.chemo n radiotherapy combined
phenol 25.all of the following are required for glycogen
chlorine phosphorylase iin glycogenolysis?
aldehyde thiamine
Ans: aldehyde riboflavin
18.superficial inguinal ring is a defact in THFA
a.EO aponeurosis Ans.the options are wrongly recalled
b.IO aponeurosis
c.transeversalis fascia 26.assessment of thyroid program effectiveness?
d.transversus abdominis 1 neonatal thyroid level
Ans: a.EO aponeurosis 2 urinary thyroxin level
3.serum thyroxine level
19.60 yrs diabetic,swelling ankle joint ,xray shows Ans: 1 neonatal thyroid level
soft tissue swelling,loose bodies and bony
sclerosis.diagnosis is 27.drug used by all route oral nasal IV
a.OA thiopent
b.neuropathic joint diazepam
c.gouty arthritis ketamine
d.RA Ans: Diazepam
Ans: b.neuropathic joint
28.drug used to prevent post op nausea and
20.Methotexate is an vomiting?
a.antimetabolite propofol
b.alkylating agent etomidate
c.antibiotic ketamine
Ans: a.antimetabolite thiopentone
Ans: Propofol (Etomidate causes post op nausea and
Saraswatastar Solved Paper Series
JIPMER 2010 Rapid Review
vomiting) 36.which of the following is given to prevent
29.Anaesthetic drug produced haematological after IUCD
problem aspirin
halothane progesterone only pill
nitrous oxide combined oral pills
xenon tranexamic acid
enflurane Ans: tranexamic acid
Ans: nitrous oxide
37.OCpills prevent all xcept
30.which of the following not a glycoprotein? ca colon
FSH ca endometrium
LH ca breast
TSH Ans: ca breast
ADH It protects from benign breast diseases & not from ca
Ans: ADH breast.
31.colour of urine in phenol poisoning? 38.short head of biceps atttached to
red coracoid process
green supraglenoid tubercle
yellow acromion process
blue bicipital groove
Ans: Green (it is due to oxidation of hydroquinone Ans: coracoid process
and pyrocatechol)
39.fracture of 1st metacarpal
32.a doctor leaves a swab in abdomen during a.boxer
surgery. under which doctrine wil a criminal suit b.barton
be filed against c.Bennett fracture
him? Ans: c.Bennett fracture
criminal negligence
civil negligence 40.least common joint affected by ankylosing
res ispa loquitor spondylitis
vicarious liability temporomandibular joint
Ans: Res ipsa loquitor sacroiliac joint
hip joint
33.a civil suit against a doctor must be filed within lumbar spine
6 months Ans: Temporomandibular joint
1 year
2 years 41.Snuff box not formed by
4 year ext pollicis longus
Ans: 2 years ext pollicis brevis
abd pollicis longus
34.disease produced due to cell wall fragility? abd pollicis brevis
PNH Ans: abd pollicis brevis
G-6-P-D deficiency
Ans: HS 42.primary amenorrhoea is seen in all except
a.kallman syndrome
35.not present at birth? b.rokitansky syndrome
malleus c.ashermann syndrome
incus d.turner's syndrome
stapes Ans: Asherman syn causes secondary amenorrhoea.
petrous temporal bone
Ans: petrous temporal bone 43.type of anemia in H.PYLORI infection?
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JIPMER 2010 Rapid Review
b.iron def. 51.vitamin B12 and folic acid absorption occurs in
c.macrocytic duodenum
d.normocytic jejunum
Ans: b.iron def. ileum
44.Middle ear cavity is connected anteriorly to Ans: Ileum
a.nasal cavity
b.pharynx 52.which amino acid undergoes hepatic
c.mastoid antrum deamination?
d.mastoid air cells alanine
Ans: b.pharynx glutamate
45.scarpa's fascia merges with glycine
a.inguinal ligament Ans: Glutamate
b.conjoint tendon
c.tensor fascia lata 53.uncommon tumor in vagina among the
d.-pubic creast following
Ans: c.tensor fascia lata mets from cervix
mets from endometrium
46.not a branch of facial nerve? mets from choriocarcinoma
chorda tympani primary vaginal tumor
lingual nerve Ans: Primary vaginal tumour
greater superficial petrosal nerve
nerve to stapedius 54.tumor marker for dysgerminoma
Ans: Lingual nerve CEA
ca 19
47.chronic myeloproliferative disorder includes all ca 125
except Ans: LDH
b.polycy.vera 55.sinus located in falx cerebelli
c.ess.thrombocytosis a) sigmoid sinus
d.myelodysplasia b) straight sinus
c) occipital sinus
Ans: d.myelodysplasia d) superior petrosal sinus
Ans: c) occipital sinus
48.not a content of adductor canal
femoral artery
femoral vein 57.muscle not supplied by ansa cervicalis?
saphenous nerve stylohyoid
Nerve to vastus lateralis sternothyroid
Ans: Nerve to vastus lateralis sternohyoid
49.True regarding Warthin's tumor Ans: Stylohyoid
a.shows hot spot on tc scan
b.most common tr of minor salivary glands 58.inhibin secreted by
c.most malignant tumor a) granulosa cell
d.treatment is radiotherapy b) theca cell
Ans: a.shows hot spot on tc scan c) corpus leuteum
d) deciduas
50.nerve supply of tensor facia lata? Ans: a) granulosa cell
sup gluteal nerve
inf gluteal nerve 59.most common cause of spontaneous abortions
n. to obturator internus in first trimester
n.to rectus femoris a) chromosomal anomalies
Ans: superior gluteal nerve
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JIPMER 2010 Rapid Review
b) uterine anomalies 67.most common cause of congenital
c) intrauterine infections hypothyroidism
d)abruptio placenta thyroid dysgenesis
Ans: a) chromosomal anomalies maternal ab's
inborn errors of thyroid hormone defects
60. reverse splitting of S1 seen in? Ans: thyroid dysgenesis
severe MS
sever AS 68.most common site of ca stomach?
sever PS lesser curvature
Ans: Severe MS greater curvature
61.A question about CTEV?? fundus
narrow heel Ans: antrum (Repeat from AIIMS June 93)
increased dorsiflexion 69.gamma knife
forefoot adduction and supination.. cs 127
Ans:Still searching co 60
iridium 92
62.drug c.i in severe triglyceridemia Ans: co 60
simvastatin 70.m.c cause of pseudopancreatic cyst?
niacin pancreatitis
cholestyramine trauma
Ans: cholestyramine Pancreatic surgery
Pancreatic malignancy
63.lepidic cells are seen in Ans.A.Pancreatitis (Repeat from AI 94)
rhabdomyoma of heart
myxoma of heart 71.pt with v.s.d develops pulmonary htn. which is
lepromatous leprosy not
glioblastoma true?
Ans: myxoma of heart cyanosis
initial resolution of symptoms
64.schiller duval bodies seen in return of the ventricle to original size
endodermal sinus tumour Pruning of peripheral pulmonary arteries
yolk sac tumour Ans: return of the ventricle to original size
brenner tumour
72.non motile clostridia
Ans: endodermal sinus tumour cl.tetanomorphum
65.wich is mc ovarian tumor seen in pregnancy cl.septicum
Dermoid tumor, cl perfringens
mucinouscystadenoma Ans: cl perfringens
serous cystadenoma All clostridia are motile except cl perfringenes and cl
granulosa cell tumour tetani type IV
Ans: Dermoid tumour
73.sucralfate has got significant interaction with
66.mosaic pattern of lamellar bone is classically phenoxy methyl penicillin
seen in ciprofloxacin
pagets ds phenytoin
osteoporosis digoxin
osteosarcoma Ans: Digoxin
Ans: Pagets ds It causes reduced absorption of quinine,digoxin and
Saraswatastar Solved Paper Series
JIPMER 2010 Rapid Review
74.ivermectin is indicated in all except rpgn
ascaris Ans: HSP
malaria 82.cranial end of wolfian duct
oncocerciasis epoophoron
Ans: malaria paraepoophoron
gartner cyst
75.dicrotic pulse is seen in bartholin cyst
as with ar Ans: Epoophoron
dilated cardiomyopathy 83.brucellosis all except
Ans: dilated cardiomyopathy d.o.c cephalosporin
Transmitted by taking milk
76.all of the following are seen in cardiac causes undulant fever
tamponade g (-)ve bacillus
except. Ans: DOC cephalosporin
pulsus paradoxus DOC – IM Steptomycin + Doxycycline
warm periphery
equal lt and rt atrial pressures
84.tall t waves seen in
Ans: warm periphery hyperkalemia
77.nocturnal angina with diaphoresis hypocal
ac severe MR hypercal
ac severe AR
Ans: hyperkalemia
ch severe MR
ch severe AR
85.hypocalcemia causes
Ans: ch severe AR QT prlongation
decreased qt interval
78.derivatives of urogenital sinus all except widening of qrs
bladder prolonged pr interval
ejaculatory duct
Ans: QT prolongation
prostatic urethra
membranous urethra
86.scala tympani and vestibuli is drained by
Ans: ejaculatory duct aqueduct of cochlea
vestibular aqueduct
79.kerley b lines basilar membrane
pulmonary edema Ans. Still searching
pulmonary hypertension
bronchogenic ca 87.Gold standard test for pulmonary embolism...
pleural effusion CT Angiography
Ans: pulmonary edema ventilation perfusion scanning
80.hyaline membrane deposition is seen in chest x-ray
ARDS , Ans: CT Angiography
Pul edema
CCF 88. left upper post part of peritoneal cavity
bronchiectasis k/a
Ans: ARDS a.lesser sac
Hyaline membrane formation is seen in ARDS in b. hepato renal pouch
adults & in c. upper end of supra colon ?
newborns d. upper end of infr colon?
Ans. Still searching
81.ig A deposition in glomeruli is seen in
HSP 89.what is not true about case fatality rate?
alports a. its a ratio
Saraswatastar Solved Paper Series
JIPMER 2010 Rapid Review
b. not use for acute cases Ans: acetazolamide
c.represent killing power of disease
d.useful epidemiological indicator 97.not seen in thiazide diuretics
Ans:d. uesful epidemiological indicator metabolic acidosis
90. a drug wich is alpha agonist and orally glucose intolerance
used produg used for autonomic insufficiency hyperuricemia
and postural hypotension Ans: metabolic acidosis
b. mitodrine
98.dyslipedimia not seen with
c. phenylephrine amprenavir
d. verapamil atazanavir
Ans.A.Mephenteramine saquinavir
91.ac otitis media in chidren Ans: atazanavir
str pneumoniae
strep pyogenes 99.during vigorous exercise respiration is limited
staph aureus inorganic phosphates
h.influenza (incompletely recalled)
Ans: Str pneumonia
100.all are seen with cocaine except
92.l4-l5 disc prolapse seizures
absent ankle jerk mi
absent knee jerk amantidine is the drug of choice
absent abdominal reflex Ans: amantidine is the drug of choice
101.rheumatic chorea all are seen except
93.cachetin other name absent in sleep
tumor necrosis factor, occurs in 3-4th decade
lasts for 4 to 10 wks
IL-12 resolves spontaneously
Ans: TNF Ans: occurs at 3-4th decade
Cachetin/TNF is one of the major products of
activated macrophages
102.False about hartnup's disease
94.determining factor for preload defect in neutral aminoacid transport
end diastolic volume mental retardation is the common presentation
contractility of heart most children are asymptomatic
sympathetic innervation to heart photosenitivity
vascular resistance Ans: mental retardation is the common
Ans: end diastolic volume presentation
Saraswatastar Solved Paper Series
JIPMER 2010 Rapid Review
112.false about pathological myopia
105.string sign of cantor a. ass with cataract
crohn's ds b. ass with retinal degenaration
Ischemic bowel c. shallow ant chamber
irritable bowel syndrome d.large eyeball
peptic ulcer disease Ans: c. shallow ant chamber
Ans: crohn’s ds
113.topical glucocorticoids in eyes causes
a. cataract
106. In which of the tubercular infection steroid
a. Lymphadenitis
d.corneal anaesthesia
b. Osteomylitis
c. Endobronchial TB Ans: b,glaucoma
d. pulomary TB
Ans: c. Endobronchial t. 114.characteristic of diabetic papillopathy
bulging optic disc with telengiectatic vessels
multiple hemorrhagic spots
107. max limit of cardiothoracic ratio in chidren
optic disc pallor
below 2 yrs
cupping of optic disc
a. 0.40
b. 0.45 Ans: bulging optic disc with telengiectatic vessels
c. 0.50
d. 0.55 115.vasectomy leads to A/E
Ans: d. 0.55 scrotal hematoma
decreased libido
108. diaphyseal tumor among the following
anti spermin antibody
a. chondromyxofibroma
b. giant cell tumor Ans: decreased libido
c. chondroblastoma
d.ewing's sarcoma 116.Basophilic inclusion Bodies Seen In –
Ans:d.ewing's sarcoma a. Adeno Virus ,
b. Herpes.
109. bone to bone mets seen in
d.pox viruses
a. osteosarcoma
b.chondrosarcoma Ans: a. Adeno Virus
c.ewing's sarcoma
d.enchondroma 117.Which drug doesn’t causes neutropenia
Ans: c.ewing's sarcoma methotrexate
110.changes not seen when during accomodation
to near reflex
a. increase in curvature of lens Ans: methotrexate
b. contr of ciliary muscle
c. convergence of visual axis 118.Which cell doesn’t take part in atherogenesis
d. dilation of pupils a..Neutrophil
Ans. d. dilation of pupils b. Platelet
c. Monocyte
111.most common malignant intraorbital tumor in d. smooth muscle
adults? Ans: b.platelet
a. malignant melanoma choroid
b. retinoblastoma 119.Which Type Of Cell is not Increased By
c.haemangioma Steroid
d.rhabdomyosarcoma a. Rbc
Ans: a. malignant melanoma choroid b. Platelets
c. Monocyte
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JIPMER 2010 Rapid Review
d. Netrophil 126.best tt for relieving pain during intrapartum
Ans: d.neutrophil a.neuraxial block
b.topical anaesthesia
120. hpv vaccine employs all except? c.local anaesthesia
a. 6, d.GA
b. 11, Ans. a.neuraxial block
c. 16,
d. 32 127.True about delirium
Ans: d. 32 a.it is behavioral change due to alteration in cerebral
b.not associated with alcohol withdrawal
121. thyroid binding proteins is increased by c.treatment is with analgesics
a. androgens d.it is a progressive condition
b. estrogens Ans: a.it is behavioral change due to alteration in
c. asparginase
d. glucocorticoids cerebral metabolism
Ans: b. estrogens
128.In starvation last change seen
a.depletion of buccal fat
122.Which Is Not A Risk Factor For Hcc
b.depletion of subcutaneous fat
a.Focal nodular hyperplasia
c.loss of appetite
b.hepatic adenoma
c.OCP d.pedal edema
d.hep B Ans. a.depletion of buccal fat
Ans: a. Focal nodular hyperplasia
129.For the short time of starvation which organ
doesntuse ketone bodies
123.not true regarding inhaled glucocorticoids a. brain
and beta2 agonists b.heart
a. glucocorticoids are superior to beta 2 agonists for c.muscles (skeletal)
symptomatic relief d.kidney
b.beta 2 agonists are available as both lo9ng and Ans. brain
short acting
preparations 130.sample of spinal cord preseved in...
c.glucocorticoids are used in management of acute a.oleander poisoning
severe b.war gases
asthma. c.Strychnine poisoning
d.combination of inhaled steroids and inhaled beta2 d.arsenic poisoning
agonists Ans: c.Strychnine poisoning
can be used in treatment of asthma.
Ans: a. glucocorticoids are superior to beta 2 131.vesthbulo-ocular reflex mediated by
agonists for symptomatic relief a.neocerebellum
b.flocculonodular lobe
124.primary ammnorhea not seen in? c.spinocerbellum
a. Asherman synd, d.neocortex
b.kallman synd Ans: b.flocculonodular lobe
c.turner's syndrome
d.testicular feminisation 132.not seen in hypervitaminosis A
Ans: a. Asherman synd, a. alopecia
b. polyurea
125.Staphylococal toxic shock syndrome toxin is.. c. pseudotumor cerebri
a. Superantigen d. Hyperostosis
b.erythrogenic toxin Ans: b. polyurea
d.heat labile toxin 133.wernicke psychosis is due to
Ans: a. Superantigen a.alcohol dependency
b.thiamine defeciency
Saraswatastar Solved Paper Series
JIPMER 2010 Rapid Review
c.pyridoxine deficiency 141. most common complication of mumps in
d.opium toxicity children?
Ans: b.thiamine defeciency a.Meningoencephalitis
134.wernicke hemianopic pupil is seen in lesion of c.arthralgia
a. optic radiation d.otitis media
b. optic tract Ans: b.orchitis
c. optic chiasma
d. afferent tract 142. post polio deformity of hip
Ans: b. optic tract a.adduction,flexion
b. abduction,flexion,external rotation
135.ATRA (all trans retinoic acid) is used in the c.abduction,flexion,internal rotation
treatment of d.adduction,flexion,internal rotation
a.ALL Ans: b. abduction,flexion,external rotation
c.M4 AML 143. all except are features plummer vinson
d.acute promyelocytic leukaemia syndrome
Ans: d.acute promyelocytic leukaemia a.hypertrophy of oral mucosa
AML-M3 b.postcricoid esophageal webs
c.female predeliction
136.vitilgo is most commonly ass with d.association with esophageal carcinoma
a. diabetes mellitus Ans: a.hypertrophy of oral mucosa
b. addisons ds
c. hypothyroidism 144. PUVA treatment is not used in
d. diabetes insipidus a.melasma,
Ans: c. hypothyroidism b.psoriasis,
c.cutaneous lymphoma
137.not true regarding poems syndrome d.vitiligo
a. multiple osteolytic lesion are seen
b.associated with neuropathy Ans: a.melasma
c.plasma cell dyscrasia
d.treated with steroids 145. leukonychia is seen in
a.hypoalbuminemia ,
Ans: a. multiple osteolytic lesion are seen b.Fe def anemia
c.chronic renal
138.spider leg appearence is seen in d.melanoma
a. adult polycystic kidney ds , Ans: a.hypoalbuminemia
b.cong multicystic kidney ds
c.uretocoele 146. In starvation last change seen
d.horse shoe kidney a.depletion of buccal fat
Ans: a. adult polycystic kidney ds b.depletion of subcutaneous fat
c.loss of appetite
139.EBV causes all except d.pedal edema
a. kaposi sarcoma , Ans: a.depletion of buccal fat
b.infectious monocytosis
c.burkit lymphoma 147. drug used for treatment of hypercricemia in
d.Duncan's disease excess
Ans: a. kaposi sarcoma producers
140. marker for peroxisomes b.probenecid
a. glutamate dhase c.allopurinol
b. glu 6 phosphatase d.furosemide
c. 5' nucleotidase Ans: c.allopurinol
d. uric acid oxidase
Ans: d. uric acid oxidase 148. drug not acting on cell wall
Saraswatastar Solved Paper Series
JIPMER 2010 Rapid Review
b.bacitracin 156. First sinus to develop in a growing fetus
c.fosfomycin Maxillary
d.penicillin Frontal
Ans: a.dactinomycin Ethmoid
149. m.c cause of death in 1-4 years of age in Ans: Maxillary
developing countries
malnutrition 157. which is more common in a paper mill
diarrheal ds worker
respiratory infection bagassosis,
prematurity byssinosis
Ans: diarrheal ds silicosis
150. pincer grasp is seen at Ans: bagassosis
5-6 months
7-8 months 158.which of the following denotes “no of live
9-11 months births/no of females 15-45 in population” denotes
>12 month a.gfr
Ans: 9-11 months b.tfr
151. cremastric reflex afferent is d.asfr
genitofemoral n Ans: a.gfr
femoral n. TFR=sum of age-specific fertility rate (15-49 years)
Obturator n
Ilioinguinal n 159.Decreased erythropoietin levels are seen in
Ans: genitofemoral n advanced
Liver diseases
152. not a content of adductor canal Lung ds
femoral v Cardiac disease
femoral a renal failure
saphanous n Ans: renal failure (renal failure>liver ds)
n to vastus lateralis
Ans: n to vastus lateralis 160.feature of tb otitis media
Painful purulent dischage
153. Treatment of incisional hernia asoc with least Single,central perforation
recurrence Ear ossicles never involved
Kelly’s procedure mutliple perforations of tm
intraperitoneal mesh Ans: mutliple perforations of tm
intramuscular mesh
Ans: intraperitoneal mesh 161.which is true regarding treatment of
154. Most common gene abnormal in Follicular ca a.surgery and observation
thyroid. b.preop chemo and surgery
c.surgery and postop radio
1.H RAS.. d.removal of dura
2.K RAS.. Ans: c.surgery and postop radio
3. N RAS..
4..NTRK1 162.kartagener's syndrome includes all except
Ans: 3. N RAS a.situs inversus
155. parkland formula c.cong.emphysema
%of burn area*body wt*8 d.ciliary dysfunction
%of burn area*body wt/4 Ans: c.cong.emphysema
%of burn area/(body wt*4) "Kartagener's syndrome accounts for 20% of all cases
%of burn area*body wt*4 of congenital bronchiectasis
Ans: %of burn area*body wt/4
Saraswatastar Solved Paper Series
JIPMER 2010 Rapid Review
163.decrease in BP causes 1 year
a.inhibits vasoconstictor center 7-8 months
b.disinhibits vasoconstrictor center Ans: 4-5m,
c.decrease in heart rate
d.peripheral vasodilatation 172.Level of tracheostomy determined by
Ans: b.disinhibits vasoconstrictor center Cricoid cartilage,
1st tracheal ring,
2nd tracheal ring
165. insulin acts through all except Thyroid cartilage
a.tyrosine kinase receptor Ans: Cricoid cartilage
b.membrane na-k atpase
c.inducing hexokinase activity 173. bone destruction due to increased
d.inhibiting lipolysis osteolysis is
Ans: c.inducing hexokinase activity osteoporosis
166.ca cervix with inv of upper 1/3 vagina but Osteomalacia
not the parametrium is Mets from ca prostrate
a.stage IIA
b.IIIA, Ans: osteoporosis
d.IVB 175. tractional retinal detqchment cause?
Ans: a.stage IIA Proliferative diabetic retinopathy
Choroidal melanoma
167. bladder injury is most common after Retinoblastoma
a.abd.hysterectomy Pathological myopia
b.vag.hysterectomy Ans: Proliferative diabetic retinopathy
176. hypercalcemia is caused by all except
Ans. c.lap.hysterectomy a.breast ca
168. acute emphysematous cholecystitis is caused c.milk alkali syndrome
by d.frusemide
a.pseudomonas Ans: d.frusemide
c.e.coli 177. acetyl co a carboxylase is stimulated by
d.klebsiella Thymine pyrophosphate
Pyridoxal phosphate
Ans: b.clostridium
169. which is an enzyme inhibiter
griseofulvin Ans: Biotin
Since Biotin is responsible for Carboxylation
Ans: disulfiram
178. superior mesentric artery syndrome –causes
are all except?
170. which occurs in phase 1 reaction
Sudden loss of wt
Long mesentry
highly attached lig. of traitz
conjugation seat belt injury
glucuronidation Ans: long mesentry,
Ans: hydration
179. not a branch of ophthalmic artery
171. cleft lip is repaired at sup orbital,
2-3month supra trochlear,
4-5m, sup. Temporal
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JIPMER 2010 Rapid Review
ethmoidal artery DES,
Ans: sup. Temporal inapprapiate esophageal contraction
schatzki ring
180.Clue cells are seen in Ans: Achalasia,
Bact vaginosis, "Achalasia is the most common esophageal motility
candida, disorder,with 0.5 new cases per 100000 population
trich. per year"
Ans: Bact vaginosis, 188. testesterone secreted by
setoli cells
181.grey colour teeth yellow flurosence leydig cells
Tetracycline granulose cells
Porphyria adrenal medulla
Sulphonamides Ans: leydig cells
Ans: Tetracycline, 189. one of the following is receptor defect-
Huntington’s disease
182. function of ubiquitin Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy
Destruction of intracellular protein familial Hypercholesterolemia
Endocytosis niemann pck disease
Takes part in apoptosis Ans: familial Hypercholesterolemia
Plays an important role in acute inflammation
Ans: Takes part in apoptosis 190. rntcp target level
80%detection n 85% cure
183.mc site of fracture of mandible 70%detection 85% cure
Neck of mandible, 50%cure rate and 50% detection
Condyle of mandible 100% cure rate and 100% detection
Angle of mandible
Body of mandible Ans.b.The target level is actually 70% detection &
Ans: Condyle of mandible 85% cure rate..
184. m/c cause of acute otitis media in children 191. advanced life support.drugs used except
Strept pyogen, ca
strept pneumonia vasopressin
staph nor adrenaline
h.influenza amiodarone
Ans: strept pneumonia Ans: vasopressin
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JIPMER 2010 Rapid Review
Rose spots seen in 2nd week of illness 202. not an epithelial tumour?
Ans: Mostly affect 3-4th decades a.serous cystadenoma
b.clear cell carcinoma
195.fungal spores formed by condensation of c.mucinous cystadenoma
hyphal elements d.hilus cell tumour
Arthrospore, Ans: d.hilus cell tumour
Basidiospores 203. in sicle cell anaemic crisis a/e
Ascospores Bone pain
Ans: Arthrospore Can cause dactylitis
increased spleen size
196.rotator cuff injury –which is true? acute lung syndrome
Active abd affected more than passive Ans: increased spleen size
Passive >active abd Autosplenectomy is seen in sickle cell anemia.
Both active and passive abduction equally affected
Doesn’t affect abduction 204. child with recurrent fracture + wormian
Ans: Active abd affected more than passive bones
a.osteogenesis imperfecta
197.which is responsible for depolarisation of b.Down’s syndrome
cochlea c.cong. hypothyroidism
a. potassium influx d.battered baby syndrome
b.sodium influx Ans: a. osteogenesis imperfect
c.potassium efflux
d.sodium influx 205. general public at risk due to -
a. uranium
Ans: a. potassium influx b.thorium
198. drug used in alzheimers disease Ans: radium
Neostigmine 206. Pitutary stalk damage-all of following can
Rivastigmine occur except?
Edrophonium a.hypothyrodism
Ans: Rivastigmine b.diabetes insipidus
199.cyclic trend of influenza is mainly due to? d.cushing’s syndrome
antigenic drift Ans: d.cushing’s syndrome
antigenic shift
Von Magnus phenomenon 207. menieere’s disease –true?
High herd immunity a. low freq SNHL
Ans: antigenic drift b.high freq SNHL
c.surgery is the only treatment available
200. av nodal delay is due to d.more common in females
Secondary to SA nodal delay Ans: a. low freq SNHL
AV node is refractory to fast impulses
Low rhytmicity of AV node 208. which is not an action of disulfuram
Junctional fibres of the AV node are very small in a. it inhibits phosphodiesterase
size. b.inhibits aldehyde dehydrogenase
Ans: Junctional fibres of the AV node are very c. The combination of naltrexone plus disulfiram
small in Size should be
201. clergymans knee – d. The drug inhibits the metabolism of many other
Infrapatellar bursitis therapeutic
Suprapatellar bursitis agents, including phenytoin, oral
Prepatellar bursitis anticoagulant
Ischial bursitis
Ans: Infrapatellar bursitis ans:a. a. it inhibits phosphodiesterase
Saraswatastar Solved Paper Series
JIPMER 2010 Rapid Review
216.All are true components of Saint’s triad?
209. migratory thrombophelebites-mc cause? a.gall stones
Pancreatic ca b.renal stones
Prostrate ca c.diverticulosis
Bronchogenic ca d.hiatus hernia
Breast ca Ans: b.renal stones
Ans: Pancreatic ca
218.A mount of Fluid for maintanence in a child
210. ambylopia and blindness..which poisoning? <10kgs
a.opioid poisoning a)1ml/kg/hr
b.metanol b)2ml/kg/hr
c.cocaine c)5ml/kg/hr
d.aconite poisoning d)10ml/kg/hr
Ans: c)5ml/kg/hr
Ans: b.metanol