EP-GP 62-01 - Valves - 0900a86680aacc0e

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EP-GP 62-01


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15 May 2015
Engineering Technical Practice

Table of Contents
Foreword ............................................................................................................................................7
Scope .................................................................................................................................................8
2 Normative references ...............................................................................................................8
3 Terms and definitions .............................................................................................................10
4 Symbols and abbreviations.....................................................................................................11
5 General topics.........................................................................................................................13
5.1 Connection to piping ....................................................................................................13
5.2 Construction and commissioning conditions ...............................................................14
5.3 Maintenance considerations ........................................................................................16
5.4 Isolation .......................................................................................................................17
5.5 Testing - general ..........................................................................................................20
5.6 Specific additional tests ...............................................................................................21
5.7 Design and stress/strain considerations ......................................................................23
5.8 Weight and cost minimisation ......................................................................................24
5.9 Auxiliary connections in valve bodies ..........................................................................25
5.10 Fugitive emissions .......................................................................................................27
5.11 Actuation (operation) ...................................................................................................28
5.12 Fire safety ....................................................................................................................30
5.13 Relief of cavity overpressure .......................................................................................31
5.14 Valve leak detection in service ....................................................................................32
5.15 Nondestructive examination (NDE) .............................................................................32
5.16 Welding ........................................................................................................................33
5.17 Weldment and casting repair .......................................................................................34
5.18 Electrical isolation and continuity .................................................................................34
5.19 The European Pressure Equipment Directive (PED)...................................................34
6 Valve type selection ................................................................................................................35
6.1 General ........................................................................................................................35
6.2 Factors affecting selection ...........................................................................................35
6.3 Selection charts ...........................................................................................................36
7 Service description .................................................................................................................38
7.1 General ........................................................................................................................38
7.2 Clean service ...............................................................................................................38
7.3 Dirty service .................................................................................................................39
7.4 Fouling or scaling service ............................................................................................40
7.5 Slurry service ...............................................................................................................40
7.6 Solids service ..............................................................................................................40
7.7 Hazardous service .......................................................................................................40
7.8 Searching service ........................................................................................................40
7.9 Solidifying service ........................................................................................................41

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7.10 Corrosive service .........................................................................................................41

7.11 Viscous service ............................................................................................................42
7.12 Vacuum service ...........................................................................................................42
7.13 High temperature service ............................................................................................42
7.14 Low temperature service from 0°C to -50°C (32°F to -58°F) .......................................43
7.15 Cryogenic service (below -50°C [-58°F]) .....................................................................44
7.16 Anhydrous ammonia service .......................................................................................44
7.17 Chloride service ...........................................................................................................44
7.18 Sour (wet H2S) service ................................................................................................44
7.19 Hydrogen service .........................................................................................................45
7.20 Hydrofluoric acid (HFA) service ...................................................................................45
7.21 Wet CO2 and chlorine service ......................................................................................45
7.22 Oxygen service ............................................................................................................45
8 Valve function and description ................................................................................................46
8.1 Isolation (block) valves ................................................................................................46
8.2 Valve types for prevention of flow reversal (check) .....................................................85
9 Special valve applications.......................................................................................................97
9.1 Shutdown valves .........................................................................................................97
9.2 Automatic blowdown valves ........................................................................................99
9.3 Flow diversion ............................................................................................................100
9.4 Bellows sealed valves ...............................................................................................103
9.5 Valves for cryogenic service ......................................................................................103
9.6 Vacuum service valves ..............................................................................................105
9.7 Deluge service valves ................................................................................................105
9.8 Excess flow and slam shut valves .............................................................................105
9.9 Dosing valves ............................................................................................................106
9.10 Valves associated with pig launchers/receivers ........................................................106
9.11 Subsea applications ..................................................................................................106
10 Seals, packings, and gaskets ...............................................................................................111
10.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................111
10.2 Elastomer O-rings ......................................................................................................112
10.3 Polymer lip seals .......................................................................................................112
10.4 Proprietary seal designs ............................................................................................112
10.5 Gland packings ..........................................................................................................112
10.6 Chevron seals/packings ............................................................................................113
10.7 Diaphragm seals ........................................................................................................113
10.8 Thrust seals ...............................................................................................................113
10.9 Metal seals/gaskets ...................................................................................................113
10.10 Pressure seal joint .....................................................................................................113
10.11 Metal bellows .............................................................................................................114
11 Materials ...............................................................................................................................114
11.1 Pressure boundary (shell) materials ..........................................................................114
11.2 Material composition of welding end valves ..............................................................117
11.3 Metallic valve trim materials (obturator, seat, and stem) ...........................................118

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11.4 Bolting ........................................................................................................................119

11.5 Plating ........................................................................................................................120
11.6 Hard coating ..............................................................................................................121
11.7 Ceramics ...................................................................................................................121
11.8 Elastomers (rubber) and polymers (plastic) ...............................................................121
11.9 Graphite packing and seals .......................................................................................122
11.10 Asbestos replacement materials ...............................................................................122
11.11 Material temperature limitations ................................................................................124
11.12 Temporary coatings, lubricants, etc. ..........................................................................124
Annex A (Informative) Glossary of valve terminology ....................................................................127
Annex B (Informative) EEMUA recommended valve test requirements ........................................147
Annex C (Normative) Minimum design rules for the design of valve to actuator mountings, including
valve drive train calculations .................................................................................................148
C.1 Scope....................................................................................................................................148
C.2 Load conditions.....................................................................................................................148
C.3 Component design................................................................................................................148
Bibliography ...................................................................................................................................152

List of Tables

Table 1 - Minimum size of valve body vent/bleed connections/valves .............................................19

Table 2 - Recommended seat leak rates .........................................................................................21
Table 3 - Recommended minimum bypass size ..............................................................................26
Table 4 - Size at which gear operator to be supplied .......................................................................28
Table 5 - Isolating (block) valve selection ........................................................................................37
Table 6 - Check valve selection .......................................................................................................38
Table 7 - Methods to achieve valve shutoff .....................................................................................46
Table 8 - Minimum bore diameter of reduced bore ball valves ........................................................47
Table 9 - Typical ASTM specifications and applications of valve shell materials...........................116
Table 10 - ISO 10434 seating surface trim selection .....................................................................119
Table 11 - Typical application of metallic trim materials ................................................................119
Table 12 - General application data for nonmetallic materials .......................................................123
Table 13 - Temperature limits of valve shell materials ...................................................................125
Table 14 - Temperature limits of metallic trim materials ................................................................125
Table 15 - Temperature limits of nonmetallic materials .................................................................126
Table C.1 - Allowable stresses for components .............................................................................151

List of Figures

Figure 1 - Isolation arrangements ....................................................................................................18

Figure 2 - Wedge gate valve (outside screw) ..................................................................................49

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Figure 3 - Flexible wedge .................................................................................................................50

Figure 4 - Parallel expanding gate valve ..........................................................................................51
Figure 5 - Slab gate valve (outside screw) .......................................................................................53
Figure 6 - Slab gate valve (internal screw) ......................................................................................53
Figure 7 - Downstream sealing slab gate valve ...............................................................................54
Figure 8 - Upstream and downstream sealing slab gate valve ........................................................56
Figure 9 - Parallel slide gate valve ...................................................................................................57
Figure 10 - Venturi pattern gate valve ..............................................................................................58
Figure 11 - Knife edge gate valve ....................................................................................................59
Figure 12 - Rotary disk gate valve ...................................................................................................59
Figure 13 - Fluid catalytic cracking unit (FCCU) gate valve .............................................................60
Figure 14 - Floating ball valve (single piece body) ...........................................................................61
Figure 15 - Floating ball valve (three piece body) ............................................................................62
Figure 16 - Top entry trunnion mounted ball valve ..........................................................................63
Figure 17 - End entry trunnion mounted ball valve ..........................................................................64
Figure 18 - Single piston seat - pressure differential from pipe to body cavity ................................65
Figure 19a - Double piston seat - pressure differential from pipe to body cavity .............................66
Figure 19b - Double piston seat - pressure differential from body cavity to pipe .............................66
Figure 20 - Eccentric (Orbit) ball valve .............................................................................................68
Figure 21 - Butterfly valve (concentric disk, lined) ...........................................................................70
Figure 22 - Double offset butterfly valve ..........................................................................................71
Figure 23 - Plug valve patterns (round opening, regular, and venturi) .............................................73
Figure 24 - Lubricated taper plug valve ...........................................................................................74
Figure 25 - Pressure balanced plug valve .......................................................................................75
Figure 26 - Sleeved plug valve ........................................................................................................76
Figure 27 - Expanding plug valve ....................................................................................................77
Figure 28 - Wedge plug valve ..........................................................................................................78
Figure 29 - Weir type diaphragm valve ............................................................................................79
Figure 30 - Straight pattern diaphragm valve ...................................................................................80
Figure 31 - Standard (straight) pattern globe valve .........................................................................81
Figure 32 - Oblique (Y pattern) globe valve .....................................................................................82
Figure 33 - Angle pattern globe valve ..............................................................................................82
Figure 34 - Needle pattern globe valve ............................................................................................83
Figure 35 - Pinch valve ....................................................................................................................84
Figure 36 - Flush bottom valve ........................................................................................................84
Figure 37 - Lift check valve (ball type) .............................................................................................86
Figure 38 - Lift check valve (disk type) ............................................................................................87
Figure 39 - Lift check valve (piston type) .........................................................................................87

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Figure 40 - Screwdown stop and check valve .................................................................................88

Figure 41 - Swing check valve .........................................................................................................89
Figure 42 - Tilted disk swing check valve ........................................................................................90
Figure 43 - Duo disk wafer check valve ...........................................................................................91
Figure 44 - Diaphragm check valve .................................................................................................92
Figure 45 - Axial flow (nozzle) check valve ......................................................................................93
Figure 46 - Plate check valve ...........................................................................................................93
Figure 47 - Foot valve ......................................................................................................................94
Figure 48 - Swing check with supplementary loading ......................................................................95
Figure 49 - Diverter globe valve .....................................................................................................102
Figure 50 - Four way diverter expanding plug valve ......................................................................102
Figure 51 - Bellows seal gate valve ...............................................................................................103
Figure 52 - Cryogenic globe valve .................................................................................................104
Figure 53 - Excess flow valve ........................................................................................................105
Figure 54 - Slam shut valve ...........................................................................................................106
Figure 55 - Seal types ....................................................................................................................111
Figure 56 - Pressure seal joint .......................................................................................................114

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ETPs document engineering practice. They are not BP Requirements documents because the person
issuing them has not mandated their use. As a result, an entity, business, region, site, or project is only
required to apply an ETP if an applicable document such as an ETP/STP Control Procedure requires it
to do so.

This is the first issue of ETP EP GP 62-01 and is a revision of GP 62-01 issued as an Upstream
segment specific document. Due to extensive changes, revisions are not identified by a bar in the left
margin, as is normal practice.

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a. This GP
G provides requirementts, recommenndations, and d permissionss for commoon types of
isolatiing (block), check,
c and diverter
d valvees for oil andd gas producttion facilitiess, both
onshoore and offshore, includinng subsea appplications.
b. Pipeliine valves aree specificallyy addressed by
b GP 43-355, which is suupplementaryy to this
c. This GP
G excludes detailed con nsideration off valve actuaators, modulaating control valves,
pressuure relief valvves, choke valves,
v wellheead Christmaas tree valvees, and valvess for
marinne, road, and rail tankers, and buildingg services.

2 mative refferences

The following
f documents are referenced in i one or morre requiremeents in this doocument. For dated
refereences, only thhe version ciited applies. For undatedd references, the latest verrsion of the referenced
docum ment (includding any ameendments) appplies.

GIIS 36-320 Materials Sellection for 222% Cr and 25%
M 2 Cr Duplex Stainless Steel.
GIIS 43-352 S
Subsea Pipelline Valves (E EN ISO 14723).
GIIS 62-015 G
Gate, Globe, and Check Valves
V (API 602).
GIIS 62-016 B
Ball, Plug, annd Other Quaarter Turn Valves
V - Common Requireements.
GIIS 62-017 C
Check and Rising
R Stem V Valves - Commmon Requirrements.
GIIS 62-035 S
Specification n for Actuatoors and Mounnting Kits forr Pipeline Vaalves (BS
ISO 12490).
P 12-70 E
Electric Actuuators for Mootor Operated d Valves.
P 36-20 M
Materials Sellection for Suubsea Equipment.
P 36-25 M
Materials forr Sour Servicce in Exploraation and Prooduction Opeerations.
P 36-26 M
Materials forr Sour Servicce in Petroleuum Refining Environmennts.
P 42-10 P
Piping System ms (ASME B31.3).
P 42-30 F
Flanged Joinnts - Design.
P 43-35 V
Valves for Piipelines.
P 43-50 P
Pigging, Pig Launchers, and a Receiverrs.
P 44-40 I
Isolation of Equipment
E foor Maintenannce and Emeergency.
P 78-05 O
Onshore Testting for Subssea Equipmeent (FAT, EF FAT, and SITT).
P 78-06 T
Technology Q
n for Subsea Projects.

Amerrican Petrolleum Institu

ute (API)
PI Spec 6A Wellhead andd Christmas Tree Equipm
W ment.
PI Spec 6FAA F Test for Valves.
PI Std 594 C
Check Valvees: Flanged, Lug,
L Wafer and
a Butt-wellding.
PI Std 603 C
Corrosion-Re esistant, Boltted Bonnet Gate
G Valves - Flanged annd
Butt-Welding g Ends.
PI Std 607 T
Testing of Vaalves - Fire Type-testing
T Requiremennts.
PI Std 609 B
Butterfly Vallves: Doublee Flanged, Luug- and Wafefer-Type.
PI Std 622 T
Type Testingg of Process VValve Packinng for Fugitiive Emissionns.

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3 EP-GP 62-01
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American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section VIII - Rules for
Construction of Pressure Vessels.
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section IX - Welding and
Brazing Qualifications.
ASME B16.34 Valves Flanged, Threaded and Welding End.
ASME B31.3 Process Piping.

American Society for Non-Destructive Testing (ASNT)

ASNT SNT-TC-1A Personnel Qualification and Certification in Nondestructive Testing.

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)

ASTM A105/A105M Carbon Steel Forgings for Piping Applications.
ASTM A126 Gray Iron Castings for Valves, Flanges, and Pipe Fittings.
ASTM A182/A182M Forged or Rolled Alloy and Stainless Steel Pipe Flanges, Forged Fittings,
and Valves and Parts for High-Temperature Service.
ASTM A216/A216M Steel Castings, Carbon, Suitable for Fusion Welding, for
High-Temperature Service.
ASTM A217/A217M Steel Castings, Martensitic Stainless and Alloy, for Pressure-Containing
Parts, Suitable for High-Temperature Service.
ASTM A350/A350M Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel Forgings, Requiring Notch Toughness
Testing for Piping Components.
ASTM A351A351M Castings, Austenitic, for Pressure-Containing Parts.
ASTM A352/A352M Steel Castings, Ferritic and Martensitic, for Pressure-Containing Parts,
Suitable for Low-Temperature Service.
ASTM A395/A395M Ferritic Ductile Iron Pressure-Retaining Castings for Use at Elevated
ASTM A494/A494M Castings, Nickel and Nickel Alloy.
ASTM A564/A564M Hot-Rolled and Cold-Finished Age-Hardening Stainless Steel Bars and
ASTM A890/A890M Castings, Iron-Chromium-Nickel-Molybdenum Corrosion-Resistant,
Duplex (Austenitic/Ferritic) for General Application.
ASTM B62 Composition Bronze or Ounce Metal Castings.
ASTM B164 Nickel-Copper Alloy Rod, Bar, and Wire.
ASTM B348 Titanium and Titanium Alloy Bars and Billets.

British Standards Institute (BS)

BS 6755-2 Testing of valves. Specification for fire type-testing requirements.

Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association (EEMUA)

EEMUA 192 Guide for the Procurement of Valves for Low Temperature
(Non-cryogenic) Service.

International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

ISO 5208 Industrial valves - Pressure testing of valves.
ISO 5210 Industrial Valves - Multi-turn valve actuator attachments.
ISO 5211 Industrial valves - Part-turn actuator attachments.

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ISO 9712 Non-destructive testing - Qualification and certification of NDT

ISO 10423 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Drilling and production
equipment - Wellhead and christmas tree equipment.
ISO 10434 Bolted bonnet steel gate valves for the petroleum, petrochemical and
allied industries.
ISO 10497 Testing of valves - Fire type-testing requirements.
ISO 12490 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Mechanical integrity and sizing of
actuators and mounting kits for pipeline valves.
ISO 13628-4 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Design and operation of subsea
production systems - Part 4: Subsea wellhead and tree equipment.
ISO 14313 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Pipeline transportation systems -
Pipeline valves.
ISO 15156 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Materials for use in
H2S-containing environments in oil and gas production.
ISO 15848 Industrial valves - Measurement, test and qualification procedures for
fugitive emissions.
ISO 15848-1 Industrial valves - Measurement, test and qualification procedures for
fugitive emissions - Part 1: Classification system and qualification
procedures for type testing of valves.

NACE International (NACE)

NACE MR0103 Standard Material Requirements - Materials Resistant to Sulfide Stress
Cracking in Corrosive Petroleum Refining Environments.
NACE MR0175 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Materials for use in H2S-containing
environments in oil and gas production.

The European Pressure Directive (PED).

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this GP, the following terms and definitions apply:

Double block and bleed valve

A valve with two seating surfaces that, in the closed position, provides a seal against pressure from
both ends of the valve with a means of venting/bleeding the cavity between the seating surfaces.

Double isolation valve

A single valve with two seating surfaces, each of which provides a seal against pressure originating
from a single source. This feature may be provided in one direction or in both directions.

Double isolation and bleed valve

A single valve with two seating surfaces, each of which provides a seal against pressure from a single
source, with a means of venting the cavity between the seating surfaces.

Final component of the valve drive train regulating the flow or pressure and closing against the seat
(e.g., ball, disk, gate, piston, or plug). Synonymous with closure member.

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Passive sealing action valves

Valves that rely primarily on the presence of differential pressure to create a seal.

Positive sealing action valves

Valves in which the sealing force is applied mechanically as part of valve operation.

4 Symbols and abbreviations

For the purpose of this GP, the following symbols and abbreviations apply:

ABS Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene.

AIT Autoignition temperature.

CE Carbon equivalent.

CE European conformity.

CFD Computational fluid dynamics.

CP Cathodic protection.

Cv Flow coefficient.

DC Direct current.

DPS Double piston seat.

DU® A registered trade mark of GGB

ECO Epichlorohydrin.

ED Explosive decompression.

ENP Electroless nickel plated.

EPDM Ethylene propylene diene monomer.

ESD Emergency shutdown.

ESDV Emergency shutdown valve.

FAT Factory acceptance test.

FCCU Fluid catalytic cracking unit.

FEA Finite element analysis.

FEPM Fluoroelastomer - tetrafluoroethylene propylene.

FKM Fluoroelastomer (fluorocarbon).

H2SO4 Sulphuric acid.

HB Brinell hardness.

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HF Hydrogen fluoride.

HFA Hydrofluoric acid.

HIP Hot isostatic pressing.

HIPPS High integrity pressure protection system.

HNBR Hydrogenated nitrile rubber.

HP High pressure.

HRC Rockwell hardness “C” scale.

LNG Liquid natural gas.

LP Low pressure.

LPG Liquid petroleum gas.

MSDS Materials safety data sheet.

NBR Nitrile rubber.

NDE Nondestructive examination.

NDT Nondestructive testing.

NGL Natural gas liquids.

OS&Y Outside screw and yoke.

PEEK Polyetheretherketones (also known as polyketones).

PCD Pitch circle diameter

PCTFE PolychlorotrifluoroethylenePH Precipitation hardened.

PP Polypropylene.

PQR Procedure qualification records.

PSV Pressure safety valve.

PTCFE Polytrifluorochloroethylene.

PTFE Polytetrafluoroethylene.

PVDF Polyvinylidene fluoride.

QL Quality level.

ROV Remotely operated vehicle.

RTJ Ring type joint.

SG Spheroidal graphite.

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YS Specified minimum
m yield stress

V Subsea isoolation valves.

V Thermoplaastic.

UT Ultrasonicc testing.

WPS Welding procedure

p speecifications.

5 Gen
neral topic

5.1 Connectio
on to pipin

5.1.1 Flanges
a. Flanged end valvees shall be innstalled adjaccent to equipm
ment on whiich blinds aree required orr
if freq
quent valve m
maintenance or replacemeent is expectted.
b. A valvve with integgrally forgedd/cast flangess should be selected in lieeu of a valve with
weldeed on flangess.
c. For welded
w on flannge valves:
1. Joints
J shall be
b full penetrration butt weeld.
2. The
T followinng should be carefully connsidered andd reviewed by
y the Compaany
r e
a Weldingg details.
b Weldingg proceduress.
c Postwelld heat treatm
d Examinnation and insspection.

5.1.2 Welded ends

a. If post weld heat treatment
t is required
r on bbutt weld endd valves incoorporating sooft seals:
1. Valves
V shoulld have pipe pups and be heat treated at the manufacturer works before
a unnless the mannufacturer caan demonstraate that there is absolutelyy no risk of
s degradattion by the welding
w operaation.
2. Pups
P should have:
a Minimuum length of 150 mm (6 in)
i or the DN
N (NPS), whiichever is grreater.
b Maximuum length off 500 mm (200 in).
3. Manufacturer
M r should be required
r to coonfirm that the
t length is adequate to prevent
d to sooft seals if the valve is weelded to the pipe.
b. ments relatingg to the valvee body shouldd apply to thhe pups, as a minimum.
Materrial requirem
Pups designed
d to the
t pipeline code
c can havve more onerrous requirem ments.
c. Valvees with butt w
welding endss may be wellded togetherr if there is adequate cleaarance
betweeen handwheels, levers, etc.
d. Butt welding
w end vvalves manuufactured by machining th he flanges offf a flanged end
e valve
shall not
n be alloweed, unless sppecifically aggreed to by BP
B responsiblle engineer aand the
detaileed manufactuuring sequennce and NDE E methods are carefully controlled.

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5.1.3 Compact clamp con

Consideration should be b given to thhe use of propprietary com
mpact connecttors for weigght/cost
savings, paarticularly if expensive materials
m are used
u or if maaximum easee of removal is required
for maintennance.

5.1.4 Other con

a. Threaaded connectiions and proprietary com
mpression fitttings sometim
mes used in small
s bore
valvess shall confoorm to GP 42
b. Threaaded connectiions shall noot be used onn the followin
1. Toxic
T servicee.
2. Flammable
F liiquids abovee their flashpoint.
3. Hydrocarbon
H n gas service.
4. Hydrogen.
5. Seawater.
6. Produced
P waater.
7. Methanol.
8. Boiler
B feedw
9. Steam
S service.
c. Comppression fittinngs may be used
u on sizess up to DN 255 (NPS 1) annd are subjecct to the
same limitations as
a threaded connectors, exxcept that steeam service is allowed.
d. Waferr style checkk and butterflly valves shaall be the throough drilled lug
l type.
e. Shaft pins of check valves shaall not be secuured by threaaded fittings, unless the service
s and
g specificatioon allows scrrewed pipingg fittings.

5.2 Construc
ction and co
ning condittions

5.2.1 General
a. Upon receipt onsitte, valves shaall be inspeccted for damaage and cleannliness.
b. As a minimum, thhe following checks shalll be performed:
1. Verify
V the foollowing:
a Valve nameplate
n preesent.
b Manufaacturer clearly
y identified.
c Valve serial numberr clearly idenntified.
d Pressuree class and size consistennt with requirrements.
e End connnections connsistent withh requirements.
f Means of o operation consistent with
w requirem
ments (bare sttem, gearboxx, actuator,
or leverr).
2. Carefully
C remmove bore prrotectors andd verify the valve
v is in thee fully open pposition. If
e witth fail safe cllose actuatorrs, valves shoould be fully closed. Repllace
p unnless valve iss to be installled immediattely.
3. Check
C the vaalve/actuator for any signn of damage, defect, or daamage to painntwork.
C any piipework for sign
s of damaage or defectt.
4. Check
C for anny missing fitttings, such as
a plugs, draiins, or injecttors.

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5. Check (where appropriatee) that hydraaulic connecttions are cleaarly identifiedd and
plugged to avvoid contamiination. Verify (where appplicable) thaat compensattors are
filled and oil level is corrrect. Verify thhat any hydrraulic valves have been suupplied to
t required cleanliness
the c leevels prior too “hookup”. It might be desirable
d to remove
sample from actuator for testing priorr to installatioon.
6. Check
C for anny packing/teemporary suppports (e.g., check
c valvess if they are sshipped withh
t clapper teemporarily lo ocked closedd or locked open).
7. For
F valves with
w rising steems and adjuustable packinng, ensure thhat status of packing
p is
e b
because somme suppliers ship
s valves with
w slack in the t gland packing for
f adjustm
ment onsite.
c. Any mounting
m stoools providedd with ports and/or
a cutoutts for stem seeal adjustment shall be
proteccted with pluugs and/or tappe to preventt water ingreess.
d. Once the checks inn b. have beeen performedd, any valve not required d for immediaate
installlation (withinn 24 h) shall be repackagged to a standdard that is provided
p by tthe original
suppliier. Repackaging shall innclude the folllowing:
1. All
A end connnections shalll be resealed to original requirements
r s.
2. Stem
S area off bare stem vaalves or valvves with openn stem shall be
b resealed to
t original
r s
3. Actuator
A connnections shaall be sealed with
w suitablee metal or plaastic plugs.
4. Parts
P listed inn c. shall be protected.
e. t use, valvees that are insstalled in pipping or pipeliines shall be protected froom
Prior to
constrruction and commissionin
c ng debris. Prrotection shaall include thee following:
1. Critical
C valvees should nott be installedd in piping orr pipeline systems until thhe system is
2. Valves
V shall be protected d from any acctivity (e.g., grinding,
g weelding, shot blasting,
b and
s blastingg) that could result in dam
mage to internnal sealing surfaces.
f. Valvee installation
1. Valves
V shoulld not be insttalled in pipeelines until th h been cleaned of
he pipeline has
c debris.
2. By
B ensuring upstream
u o launching end of the pipeline may
pippework is cleean, valves on
b adequatelyy protected.
3. Receiving
R vaalves shall bee removed.
g. If possible, valvess should be leeft open, partticularly in vertical
v lines where dirt and
a debris
can acccumulate onn the sealing surfaces.
h. Valvees should be llocked open during comm
i. Valvees that have fail
f safe closee actuators and
a have conttrol systems which are noot fully
functiional should have actuato
ors removed, and the valv
ve should be left open.
j. Measu ures should be
b taken to protect
p valvess during consstruction, lin
ne flushing, aand plant
startupp. These meaasures includ
de the follow
1. Selecting
S meetal seated, ettc., valves thhat are suitable for dirty service.
2. Replacing
R thee valve with a temporaryy pipe spool and
a installingg critical valves after
f is coompleted.
3. Fitting
F a tempporary internnal sleeve, which
w may bee considered for critical valves
v that
c be subjjected to pigging. Considderation shouuld be given to the cost/tiime
a wiith the sleevee removal.

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4. For
F soft seateed ball valvees of moderatte to large sizze, applying silicone seallant to the
joints betweeen seat/body and seat/ball.
k. Every
y project/operration shouldd:
1. Have
H a formaal procedure covering recceipt, storagee, and protecction of valvees prior to
2. Take
T the stepps necessary to ensure thaat 1. is impleemented.

5.3 Maintenance consid


5.3.1 General
Maintenancce strategy for
fo valves on the facility shall
s be estab
blished early
y in the selecttion

5.3.2 Valves maintained in situ

The follow
wing should be
b carefully investigated, especially foor large valvves:
a. Ease with
w which innternals can be withdraw
b. Equip
pment, craness, and onsite skills needed to withdraw
w internals.
c. Valvee designs thatt require adjuustment of sttem seals shaall have eitheer or both of the
1. Provision
P andd lifting equiipment to rem
move actuatoors/gearbox.
2. Access
A windoows cut into the mountinng stool to alllow adjustment.

5.3.3 Valves re
emoved to a workshop
p for mainttenance
Spares holddings shouldd consider thee need to proovide compleete replacemeent valves.

5.3.4 Operation
nal mainten
In service maintenance
m procedures should be formalised andd take accounnt of the following:
a. Operaating conditioons.
b. Enviroonmental connditions.
c. Frequuency of operration.
d. Valvee type.
e. Trim selection.
f. Other design detaiils, such as sttem seals.

5.3.5 Block valves

a. Blockk valves withh rising stemss and packedd glands that are used in hydrocarbon
h or toxic
servicce should be periodically inspected foor stem seal leakage.
b. Hand held leakagee detection devices
d measuring ppm of methaane) should
or gass analysers (m
be useed in hydrocaarbon servicee to identify gland packeed valves thatt require atteention.
c. Valvees with signifficant leaks (greater
( than 500 ppm) shhould be adju usted or idenntified for
packinng replacemeent at the nexxt opportunitty (plant turnnaround, etc.).
d. Quarter turn lubriccated taper plug
p valves normally
n havee an injectedd graphite com
ng, and this should
s be repplenished, ass necessary.

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e. Quarter turn valvees with self energising

e steem seals
1. Quarter
Q turn valves (ball and butterflyy) that have self
s energisinng (O-ring, lip seal, etc.)
s seals shhould not reqquire routine maintenancee.
2. If
I an intoleraable stem seaal leak is deteected and thee valve has in
njection facillities, an
a c
compound shhould be injected.
3. Stem
S sealant injection should not be performed,
p e
except in the case of an inntolerable
l becausee the subsequuent sealing efficiency
e (ee.g., after valvve operationn) is likely to
b adversely affected.
f. Lubriccated taper plug
p valves shhould be reinnjected with lubricant im
mmediately prrior to
operattion (isolatioon) or annuallly (whicheveer is shorter)). As a minim
mum, valves should be
reinjected at plant turnaround.
g. Valvees that fulfil a safety funcction should be
b periodicallly tested to demonstrate
d acceptable
operattion. (Refer 9.1.6
9 and related clauses..)
h. Valvees with a polyymer or elasttomer seat innsert (e.g., so
oft seated balll valves) shoould not be
openeed against an unbalanced differential ppressure, unlless it is unavvoidable. Thhis
particuularly appliees to gas servvice.
i. Valvees that fulfil a safety funcction may havve to be periodically testeed to demonnstrate
accepttable shutofff capability (refer to 9.1.66 and related
d clauses). Leeakage and oother key
meters, such as a operating times and acctuator pressuures, should be recorded and
monittored, such thhat trends can n be ascertaiined and futu
ure maintenannce/replacem ment
j. Isolatiion valves shhould not norrmally be tessted but shalll demonstratte an acceptaable shutoff
k. Leakinng soft seateed ball or gatte valves thatt have seat seealant injectiion facilities should be
injecteed with an apppropriate coompound, ass necessary.
l. Lubriccated taper plug
p valves shhould be injeected as desccribed in f.
m. Ball and
a slab gate valves that haveh accessibble body draain and vent connections
c or dedicatedd
flushinng ports shouuld be flusheed with hot oil,
o methanoll, or other appropriate sollvent. The
chosenn fluid shall be compatibble with the soft
s seals in the
t valve.
n. Valvees that have dedicated
d steeam purging facilities sho
ould be “steaam lanced” too clear
accrettions/obstrucctions. Such a procedure shall never beb applied to soft seated valves
v or
valvess containing polymer or elastomer
e seaals.

5.3.6 Check va
a. Most check valve designs requ
uire no routinne maintenannce.
b. Valvees that fulfil a safety funcction and havve an extendeed shaft shou
uld be manuaally
operatted, at least annually,
a to confirm
c free movement of o the disk.

5.3.7 Preservattion
Steps shoulld be taken to preserve valves that aree in service

5.4 Isolation

5.4.1 Terminolo
ogy Double bllock isolation

a. The foollowing shaall conform too their approopriate definiition provideed in 3:

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1. Double
D blockk and bleed valve.
2. Double
D isolattion valve.
3. Double
D isolattion and bleeed valve.
b. The accceptability of any valvee or valves foor a given iso
olation is outside the scoppe of this
documment and is covered
c in GPP 44-40. Alsso, some appllications requuire a block and
“moniitor” functionn where the bleed,
b as shoown in Figurre 1, is closedd once the prressure
reachees zero. The pressure is thhen monitoreed.

Figure 1 - Isolation arrrangements

Prressure Block Block Open End/

ource Equipm

e Isolation and Bleed

Prressure Block Block Pressurre

ource Source


e Block and
d Bleed Positive and

a passiv
ve sealing action
Positive seaaling action valves and passive
p sealinng action vallves shall connform to the applicable
definitions provided in 3.

5.4.3 Double bllock isolation Alternativ
a. Doublle block isolaation, if requ
uired by the isolation
i phillosophy, mayy be achieved in the
wing order off precedence:
1. Two
T single valves
v in series with a vennt connectionn from the coonnecting pippe. All
b valve types
t may bee used in thiss arrangemennt.
2. An
A integral body
b (or mannifold) with ttwo isolatingg valves and a vent valve.. In
a sizze ranges, suuch arrangemments should conform to EEMUA
E 1822. Vent
v shall be
b needle typ pe. In larger sizes, it may
y be possible to combine two valves
i one bodyy, using the standard
s valvve design.
3. A single “douuble isolation
n and bleed valve”
v (in acccordance wiith definitionn), including
t followingg three possibbilities:
a Positivee sealing typees in which the
t seat load is applied mechanically
m to both
upstreamm and downsstream seats simultaneouusly (e.g., exp panding gatee, expanding
plug) arre the most suuitable. Splitt wedge gatee valves may also be conssidered, but

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sealing might not bee as effectivee. Expandingg plug valves having a thiick section
mer seal shoulld not be useed in gas servvice above Class
elastom C 300 rating because
of the riisk of ED dam
b Valves that
t rely on thet fluid diffferential presssure to provide a seal onn both seat
faces sim
multaneouslyy shall be thee second cho oice for this duty.
d One poossibility is
an “upsttream plus downstream
d s
sealing” slab type gate vaalve, in which the
second seat is loaded by the diffferential pressure acting across
a the gaate, but the
cavity iss sealed by th
he upstream seat. Autom matic venting of body cavity
overpressure is norm mally preservved and an exxternal relieff valve is nott necessary.
c Trunnioon mounted ball
b valves with
w “double pistonp effectt” seats shall be the third
choice. The second (downstream m) seat is only energised if the cavity has been
pressuriised (unlike the
t slab typee gate valve),, although soome spring looading of
seat to ball
b is always provided (ttypically suff
fficient to seaal a differentiial pressure
of approoximately 6 bar
b [90 psi]).
b. In all arrangementts, the vent (bbleed) valve and pipeworrk should be of sufficientt size to
vent thhe body caviity or spool quickly
q (espeecially imporrtant in gas service)
s and ccarry away
anticippated leakagge past the uppstream valvee or seat withhout incurrinng a pressuree rise in the
body cavity.
c This connection should
s have a double block and bleed d valve arranngement if
accesss may be reqquired in servvice (e.g., forr hot oil flush
hing of leaking valves).
c. Minim
mum size of vvalve body vent
v (bleed) valves
v and pipework shoould conform
m to the sizes
given in Table 1.
d. Valvees other than those listed in a. are not suitable for double block
k or double block
b and
bleed duty if a single valve is required.

e 1 - Minimum size of va
alve body ve
ent/bleed co

nal size of va
alve No
ominal size of
o vent/bleed
15 to 40
4 1/2 to 1 1/2 8 1/4
50 to 10
00 2 to
o4 15 1/2
150 to 200
2 6 to
o8 20 3/4
200 to 600
6 8 to
o 24 25 1
> 600
0 24
4 50 2 Applicatio
a. The decision
d whetther to speciffy double bloock valve isoolation should be based on
o criticality,
takingg into accounnt the type off hazard conssequence of leakage
l and mitigation avvailable.
b. GP 444-40 provides recommend
dations for new
n plant dessigns.
c. Typiccally, double block isolatiion to isolatee equipment or atmospheric connectioons should
be appplied in the following
f serrvices:
1. Toxic
T fluids.
2. Highly
H flamm
mable and seearching fluidds, such as hyydrogen.
3. Fluids
F above flashpoint at
a operating temperature.
4. If
I fluid contaamination needs to be preevented.
5. If
I it is necesssary to prevent the formaation of exploosive mixturees.
6. Drains
D conneected to closeed drain systtems.

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7. If
I it is necesssary to remov
ve essential equipment
e frrom service for
f cleaning or repairs
w the proocess continu
ues in operatiion.

5.4.4 Pig launc

er valves
a. Pig laauncher/receiiver primary pipeline isollation valvess shall conforrm to GP 43--35.
b. Pig traap kicker vallves and vennt valves
1. Pig
P trap kicker valves andd vent valvess should be capable
c of wiithstanding high
v (e.g., on gas service) in throottling modee against a differential preessure when
p openn, as well as providing accceptable shuutoff.
2. Soft
S seated ball
b valves shhould not be specified forr this duty.
3. Lubricated
L baalanced plugg valves shalll be very suittable, providded that procedures are
i place to ennsure reinjecttion of lubriccant at appro
opriate intervvals.
4. For
F LP appliccations (Classs 600 or low
wer rating), trriple offset metal
m seated butterfly
v may be
b consideredd if the servicce is known to be clean.
5. Globe
G valvess can be apprropriate for gas
g vent dutyy, but, ideallyy, an on/off shutoff
s valvee
( soft seaated ball) in series
s is requuired.
c. Receivver drain vallves should be b quarter turrn valves witth a high deggree of abrasion
resistaance (e.g., tuungsten carbiide coated baalls, Stellite/ccarbide coateed balanced plugs).

5.5 Testing - general

5.5.1 Recomme
ended factory accepttance tests
s (FATs)
a. The foollowing testts shall be recommendedd for all valvee types:
1. Hydrostatic
H s
shell test at 1,5
1 times rateed pressure.
2. Hydrostatic
H s leak testt at 1,1 times rated pressu
seat ure or, depennding on valvve type, LP
g seat test (e.g.,
( ISO 14
4313 Annex B3.3
B [API Sppec 6D], B3.3).
3. Gate
G and globbe valves thaat have a bacck seat should also be subbjected to a hydrostatic
b seat testt, if appropriiate.
4. If
I valves are being used for
f gas servicce, a represenntative sampple (e.g., 10%%, minimum
o of each unique type,, size, and prressure rating
g should be subjected
s to a gas:
a Shell test at rated prressure.
b Seat leaak test at rateed pressure.
5. If
I valves havving a sealed body cavity are on liquid d service andd not buried or
o located
s a representative sample
s (e.g., 10%) of eacch unique typpe, size, and pressure
r shouldd be subjected
d to a cavity relief test (ee.g., ISO 143
313 [API Speec 6D], B.7).
b. For vaalves with jooints perpenddicular to the pipe axis (e.g., split boddy [end entry] ball
valvess), at least onne such valvee of each uniique materiall/size/rating on the order should be
testedd with blank flanges,
f weld
ded end capss, etc., to dem
monstrate thee adequacy ofo the
speciffied bolt torqque.

5.5.2 Recomme
ended factory accepttance test (FAT)
( seat leak rates
Recommen ded in procurrement specifications as
nded leak rates shown in Table 2 shouuld be includ
factory accceptance criteeria.

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able 2 - Reco
ommended seat
s leak rates

Valve type
e H
Hydro seat te
est LP gas seeat test HP
P gas seat test
aximum leak rate (API Spec 6DD, App. C) 1,1 x rated pressure (1)
(ISO 5208) 6±1
6 bar (90 ps si ± 15 psi) Maximumm leak rate (IS
SO 5208)
Maximum leak
l rate
(ISO 52
Gate (2) Soft seat: A Slab typpe: C Slab type: C
Metal seat: B Exp. typpe: B Exp.
E type: 5 x B
Wedge tyype: B Weedge type: 5 x B
Parallel slide:
s C Parallel slide: 3 x D
Soft seat: A Soft seat: B
Ball Soft seat: A Soft seat: A Soft seat: B
Metal seat: B eat: C
Metal se Metal
M seat: 2 x C
Check Soft seat: A Soft seat: A Soft seat: B
Metal seat: F Metal se
eat: E Metal seat: E
Globe (2)) Soft seat: A Soft seat: A Soft seat: B
Metal seat: B Metal se
eat: B Metal
M seat: 5 x B
Butterfly Soft seat: A Soft seat: A Soft seat: B
Metal seat: B Metal se
eat: B Metal seat: C
Balanced pllug
1. These acceeptance standarrds are arbitrarily chosen and may
m require adjustment to suit particular circu umstances. For most
applicationns, leak rates up
p to Rate D wouuld be acceptabble but might inndicate quality problems
p in cerrtain valve typess.
2. The leakagge rate for the backseat
b test on gate and globee valves shall bee the same as thhat of the leakagge rate for the hydrostatic
seat test.

5.5.3 Test dura

a. The teest duration shall
s be speccified to ensuure that any leakage of vaalve componeents is
identified during test.
b. As a minimum,
m thhe test duratioons shall be the
t duration stated in the applicable standard.
c. If pracctical (e.g., valves
v that arre made to orrder), the test durations of
o ISO 143133
(API Spec
S 6 D) shhall be used if
i these valuees are greaterr than the appplicable stanndard.

5.6 Specific additional

a t

5.6.1 Single va
alves requirred for dou
uble isolatio
on and fun
Valves requuired for douuble isolationn and bleed or
o monitor fuunction, withh capability pprovided in
one valve (e.g.,
( expandding gate valvve, slab gate valve, and double
d pistonn ball valve, subject
s to
BP responssible engineeer agreementt) shall be tessted, at a minnimum, in thee following sequence
s to
mimic operrating condittions:
a. With valve
v open, pressure
p balaance the valvve throughouut upstream, cavity,
c and downstream.
Ensurre that gages//monitors aree provided att upstream, downstream,
d and cavity positions.
b. Close valve, checkking for adeqquate operatiion.
c. Slowlly depressurise the downsstream end of
o the valve, monitoring
m pressures
p in uupstream
and caavity.
d. Depreessurise cavitty
1. Slowly
S depreessurise cavitty and monittor upstream and downstrream pressurres.

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2. Monitor
M presssure until it reaches zeroo in the cavityy.
3. Observe
O any communicattion betweenn cavity and downstream
d or upstream
m side.
e. Repreessurise cavitty
1. Repressurise
R cavity, and monitor presssure upstreaam and downnstream.
2. Ensure
E that upstream
u pressure is consstant and dow
wnstream preessure stays at
a zero
f. Depreessurise cavitty again, monnitoring upsttream and doownstream prressure.
g. Pressuurise downsttream side off valve simulltaneously with the upstreeam pressuree still
h. Vent the
t valve, annd, if approprriate, test thee valve in thee reverse direection.

5.6.2 Cavity rellief test

Valves inteended to selff relieve cavitty overpressuure (e.g., in the
t event of a fire) shouldd be type
tested on liiquid during FAT (one peer size/ratingg), commenciing with the entire valve at rated

5.6.3 Electricall insulation

n test
Soft seatedd ball and pluug valves shoould be type tested duringg FAT (one per
p size/ratinng) to
demonstratte good condduction betweeen ball/plugg/stem and vaalve body.

5.6.4 Low temp

perature test
a. If valvves will be suubjected to significant
s loow temperatu ures that are not
n a transiennt condition
and arre then required to seal, a type test suuch as that reccommended by EEMUA A 192 should
be connsidered. Actual service temperatures
t s should firstt be accurately determineed (i.e., not
the im
mpact test temmperature of the body maaterial.
b. Valvees used in serrvice temperaatures below
w -50°C (-58°°F) should un
ndergo a fulll cryogenic
type test in accorddance with BS 6364 or a comparable
c standard.

5.6.5 perature te
High temp est
a. For vaalves that expperience susttained high temperatures
t s, a type test may be conssidered.
b. For vaalves that expperience susttained high temperatures
t s, a type test should be coonsidered
for eitther of the foollowing connditions:
1. Soft
S seals miight be operaating near theeir limit.
2. The
T valve abbility to shut off
o may be inn question.

5.6.6 Gas seat leak testin

a. Gas seeat leak testing method may
m be selectted from threee common options:
1. LP
L tests (e.g.., 4 bar to 6 bar
b [60 psi too 90 psi]) appplied as an allternative to HP liquid
2. LP
L tests appllied in additioon to HP liquuid tests (e.gg., as a qualitty check).
3. HP
H tests (at rated
r pressure) applied inn addition to HP liquid tests (and, som
metimes, in
l of liquidd tests if the valve
v should remain dry).
b. To evvaluate test apppropriateness, consideraation should be given to the t valve typpe and how
seatinng force is appplied (e.g., by
b fluid presssure or externnal force), ass follows:

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1. If
I closing forrce is appliedd by the workking fluid pressure (e.g., as in all balll valves), thee
a off an LP gas seat
s test is apppropriate (particularly onn smaller, lower
p valvves).
2. As
A an additioon to an HP liquid
l seat teest, the LP gaas seat test allso represents a useful
a quuality check, indicating thhat there are no major prooblems with assembly,
s facings, etc.
3. If
I closing forrce is mechannically applieed (e.g., weddge gate, exppanding gate,, globe,
b valvves), HP seatt testing is more
m appropriiate.

5.6.8 Applicatio
on of high pressure (HP)
( gas te
a. Valvees for liquid service
s shoulld not be subbjected to HP
P gas testing..
b. Valvees for HP gass service shou
uld be subjeccted to HP gas testing.
c. For reeasons of tim
me and cost, HP o a randomly chosen
H gas testinng should be performed on
samplle and fully integrated wiith manufactuurer other testing.

5.6.9 Leak rate

es for high pressure (HP) gas tes

5.6.10 High pres

ssure (HP) gas shell leak test
This test sh
hould be conducted underrwater.

5.6.11 Helium le
eak testing
a. Valvees intended foor service wiith searchingg fluids (e.g., hydrogen) might
m be subj
bjected to
type or
o sample tessting using heelium or a mixture
m of nitrrogen plus 1% helium ussed as a
“traceer” to prove a high degreee of leak tighhtness.
b. Detaills of the heliuum leak test should be suubject to agreeement with the valve maanufacturer.

5.6.12 Fire type testing

Refer to 5.12.2.

5.7 Design an
nd stress/s
strain cons

5.7.1 Valve she

a. For vaalves to funcction correctlly (open, closse, seal, etc.)), deflectionss and deform
shouldd be restricteed.
b. Valvee stress desiggn should be conservativee.
c. Use of weld end valves
v with sppecial class or
o intermediaate ratings in
n accordancee
ASME E B16.34 shoould be apprroved by BP responsible engineer
e appproval.
d. Use of fabricated vvalves shoulld be subject to approval by Companyy responsiblee engineer.
e. In sub
bsea applications, duplex and superduuplex valves shall conform
m to GP 36-20.

5.7.2 Bolted joiints

If valves usse bolted joinnts, either as part of the pressure
p bounndary or for attachment of
o operators
and actuatoors, the followwing appliess:
a. Bolt preload
p shoulld be sufficieent to prevennt leakage in service.
b. Bolts should alwayys be preloadded to at leasst 50% of theeir yield stress.

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5.7.3 Drive train

a. For saafety shutdow
wn valves, suubsea valves, and other critical
c appliccations, the
manuffacturer design calculatio
ons for the drrive train andd force/torquue reaction paath
(mounnting stools, actuator boltting, etc.) should be revieewed for adeequacy.
b. Valvee drive train and
a force/torrque reactionn path design
n, in all casess, should be such
s that:
1. Stresses
S undeer normal opperating condditions (durinng which the valve is beinng opened
o closed agaainst design differential
d p
pressure) rem
main within design
d allowaable limits.
O torrque/force may
m increase after some years
y in service and shoulld be
2. T “weak point” (point at which faillure will occu
The ur) should bee outside thee pressure
b of the valve.
3. Actuator
A has sufficient margin
m to operate valve accceptably thrroughout the life of the
4. Valve
V stem and
a other drivve train compponents can withstand maximum m outtput of the
a (e.g.., if operatingg against a jaammed valvee) without suustaining perm manent
d For valve trrains with eleectric actuatoors, the torquue switch settting is
a throuughout the strroke.
c. Positivve sealing vaalves fitted with mined for the risk of
w actuatorrs/gearboxes shall be exam
fatiguue loading (reefer to 5.7.5).

5.7.4 Stress lev

vels for vallve drive trrains
Stress levells for valve drive
d trains are
a defined inn Annex C.

5.7.5 Fatigue
a. Desiggns for valvess used in high cycle appliications shouuld include fatigue
f stress analysis or
g to confirm valve suitabbility.
b. Analyysis or testingg should, in particular,
p bee performed if wide therm
mal variationns or thermall
shockk occur.

5.8 Weight an
nd cost minimisation
To minimisse weight annd cost, particcularly if vallves are beingg procured in
n expensive alloys,
techniques that should be
b considereed include thee following:
a. o clamp connnectors in pllace of standdard flanges, such as ASM
Comppact flanges or ME standard
b. Corroosion resistannt overlays (sselectively).
c. Butt welding
w of vaalves to pipework.
d. Weldeed constructiion trunnion mounted balll valves. Thhis particular technique ussually
precluudes refurbishment at othher than the manufacturer
m r works.
e. Pressuure seal jointts at the bodyy/bonnet inteerface of HP gate, globe, and check valves.
f. Threaaded and seall welded bonnnet/cover for valves less than or equaal to DN 50 (NPS
( 2) in
noncoorrosive serviice.
g. Reducced bore valvves if piggingg is not a reqquirement.
h. Luggeed wafer buttterfly valves and duo diskk lugged wafer check valves.
i. ASME E B16.34 inttermediate raating valves forf high presssures and larrge pipe sizees, if design
condittions fall bettween two staandard ratinggs (e.g., betw
ween Class 900 and Classs 1500).

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j. Stresss analysis.
k. Plug valves.
l. A singgle valve (e.gg., expandingg gate) to proovide doublee block and bleed
b isolatioon instead off
two inndependent valves,
v as apppropriate, coonsidering op
perating condditions.

5.9 Auxiliary connections in valve

e bodies

5.9.1 General
a. Penetrrations of thee pressure reetaining bounndary, such as
a auxiliary bleed/vent/dr
b rain points,
d be minimissed.
b. If valvve body connnections are necessary foor operational or testing reasons:
1. On
O larger sizze valves, con
nnections shoould be term
minated with a blind flangge or a
f with block
b and bleeed valve arrangement.
2. Alternatively
A y, and on smaaller sized vaalves, butt weld
w or sockett weld conneections
s be speecified.
3. Pipe
P nipples should be at least one schhedule heaviier than requuired by the ppiping line
c for reassons of robusstness.
c. Location of conneections in vallve bodies shhould conformm to general requirementts of
ASME E B16.34. Iff unnecessary
y for operatioonal reasons,, these conneections shoulld be
d. Vent connection
c tyypes that incclude a needlle seated in a threaded pluug should bee avoided,
particuularly on gass service. A valve
v with a plugged or capped
c outleet should be used
u instead.
e. Threaaded connectiions that are required forr factory acceeptance testinng and are noot needed
thereaafter should have
h a plug seal
s welded in i position inn accordancee with an appproved
weldinng proceduree, as follows:
1. Minimum
M liggament length of the seal weld shouldd be 1/3 timees nominal size of the
p and not less than 5 mm
m (3/16 in)), but should,, in no case, exceed 13 m
mm (1/2 in).
2. Exposed
E threeads should first
f be grounnd off.
f. Sockeet welded connnections sho
ould not be used
u in the fo
ollowing servvices:
1. Seawater.
2. Produced
P waater.
3. Methanol.
4. HF.
5. H2SO4.
6. Steam.
7. Services
S for which
w particulate or sluddge can accum
mulate in thee crevice behhind the pipe
g. Threaaded connectiions should not
n be used in
i the follow
wing services,, except by agreement
with BP
B responsibble engineer.:
1. Toxic
T servicee.
2. Flammable
F liiquids abovee their flashpoint.
3. Hydrocarbon
H n gas service.
4. Hydrogen.

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5. Seawater.
6. Produced
P waater.
7. Methanol.
8. Steam
S service.
h. PTFEE tape should not be used to seal taperr threads. An
naerobic sealiing compounnds may be
i. If threeaded connecctions are agrreed to and there
t is a risk
k of crevice corrosion,
c threads
should d be protecteed by approppriately houseed O-rings.
j. If an external
e presssure relief vaalve is provided to relievve body cavitty overpressuure (e.g., on
a paraallel expandinng gate valvee), valve shoould:
1. Be
B a properlyy set and certtified type.
2. B separatedd from the valve body by a (normally locked openn) ball valve to
Be t facilitate
i service tessting.
3. Have
H set presssure betweeen 1,1 times and
a 1,33 tim
mes rated presssure.

5.9.2 Bypasses
a. Bypasss piping proovided to equualise differential pressurre or warm up
p downstream
m piping
and eqquipment cann be an integgral part of thhe valve.
b. An isoolating gate valve
v shouldd be providedd in the bypaass line of gatte valves witth a
metalllurgy and preessure ratingg at least equal to that of the
t main gate valve.
c. i accordancce with assocciated piping or pipeline
Bypassses shall be designed and inspected in
d. Bypassses should be
b sized in acccordance wiith Table 3, unless
u process requiremeents dictate
wise, and pippes and assocciated fittings should connform to the applicable
a piiping design

Table 3 - Recomm
mended minimum bypas
ss size

e pressure ra
Valve size
e Cla
ass 150 Class
C 300 Class 600 Class 900 Class 150
<250 <10 --- --- ---- --- 20 3/4 20 3/4 20 3/4
0 and 300 10 and 12
250 25 1 2
25 1 25 1 25 1 25 1
50 to 500 14
35 4 to 20 40 1 1/2 4
40 1 1/2 40 1 1/2 40 1 1/2
2 40 1 1/2
>500 >20 50 2 5
50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2

5.9.3 Vent, draiin, and oth

her valve bo
ody connec
ction valve
a. Vent, drain, and other valve boody connectiion valves shhould be sizeed and selecteed, not only
ding to the quantity
q of flu
uid to be disccharged (whiich is usuallyy small), but also with a
view to
t their robustness.
b. Generrally, these valves
v shouldd not be smalller than DN 20 (NPS 3/4

5.9.4 Sealant in
a. Seat sealant
s injecttion may be used
u to achieeve isolation of a soft seaated ball valvve that has
damag ged seats.

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b. Seat sealant
s injecttion should not
n be specifiied for hard metal
m seated ball valves or
o for safety
shutdoown valves.
c. Arranngements for hot oil flushhing the seatss of metal seaated and shu
utdown ball valves
v may
be connsidered. If provided,
p succh connections should bee labelled, “F
Flushing portts. Not for
sealannt injection”, in accordannce with GP 43-35).
d. Operaational advanntages should
d be weighedd against the number of additional
a pottential leak
paths being introdduced.
e. Lubriccated, balancced plug valvves should, periodically,
p be sealant in
1. If
I valves are infrequently
y operated (iddeally, immeediately beforre closure).
2. At
A every plannt turnaround
d, as a minim
f. Plant operation annd maintenannce procedurees should forrmally addreess requiremeents in e.
g. Seat sealant
s injecttion fittings that
t inject intto the valve seats
s shall haave two checck valves
and a pressure conntaining cap over the fittiing, which seerves as a telltale indicatoor of
leakagge from the fitting.
h. To alllow grease guun removal in i emergenciies or to alloww isolation of
o a leaking fitting,
considderation shouuld be given to the provission of a blocck valve (e.gg., needle or ball type)
betweeen the fittingg and the vallve for the foollowing:
1. On
O HP servicce.
2. If
I valves are connected directly to pippelines.
i. Injection ports on stems shouldd have two check
c valves. If space preecludes such a feature,
the injjection port shall
s be abovve the primarry stem seal.
j. If injeection of seallant/lubricannt systematicaally in servicce is intendedd, considerattion should
be givven to any pootential advan ntage in requuiring valve tot be injectedd when suppplied.

5.10 Fugitive emissions


5.10.2 Purchasin
ng and spe
ecification recommen
a. If purcchasing risinng stem valvees with packed glands, ev
vidence shouuld be soughtt that the
1. Has
H previoussly performedd emission teesting of the proposed paackings and range
r of
v sizes annd ratings.
2. Can
C demonsttrate acceptabble results.
b. Emisssion tests for high or low temperaturee service shou
uld include a limited num
mber of
tempeerature cycles.
c. Mechanical aspectts of rising sttem valves (stem straighttness, runoutt and surfacee finish,
gland guidance, ettc.) should bee controlled.
d. Manuufacturers shoould be requiired to providde a 5 yr guaarantee of peerformance of
o the seal

5.10.3 Fugitive emissions

e testing
a. If usedd, fugitive em ves should bee performed with helium
mission testing for glandd packed valv
in acccordance withh API Std 62 22. ISO 158448 shall be by
y agreement or where loccal
requirrements stipuulate its use.
b. The leeak rate of 1000 ppm shouuld be used for
fo tests in acccordance with API Std 622.
c. Test results
r shouldd be adjustedd based on exxperience.

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d. Existiing testing peerformed in accordance

a w standard
with ds other thann API Std 6222 and
ISO 15848 may bee acceptable,, subject to agreement
a annd if allowed
d by local reqquirements.
e. API Std
S 622 may be
b specified for:
1. Valves
V with PTFE
P lip seaals or chevroons.
2. Valves
V sealedd by elastom
mer O-rings.
f. Sample productionn testing for valves qualified in accorrdance with ISO
I 15848 shhall be
conduucted in accoordance with ISO 15848-1. Sample prroduction vallves testing for
f valves
qualiffied to API Std
S 622 shoulld be conduccted in accord dance with Draft
D API 6244.

5.10.4 Bellows seal

s valves
a. For tooxic and otheer critical serrvices, bellow
ws seal valvees should be considered.
b. A seco
ondary packed gland or other
o sealingg system shouuld be providded.

5.10.5 BP emiss
sions testin

5.11 Actuation
n (operation

5.11.1 Position indication

The positioon of the valvve obturator (ball, gate, etc.)
e and direction of clossure should be
b clearly
indicated, regardless
r off the method of operationn.

5.11.2 Hand ope

a. b closed by turning the handwheel
Hand operated vallves should be h o lever clockkwise.
b. Slab gate
g valves with
w internal travel stops should be baacked off a sm mall amountt from the
fully closed
c position, unless thhe valve is reeverse acting and a backseat is requireed.
c. Handw
wheel/lever force
1. The
T handwheeel/lever forcce required too operate new
w valves shoould be restriicted to
3 N (80 lbff).
2. If
I the force exceeds the values
v in 1., a geared operrator should be provided.
3. Minimum
M sizzes and ratinggs for whichh a gear operaator should normally
n be supplied
s are
s in Tabble 4 and aree subject to manufacturer
m recommenddations.

Table 4 - Size at whiich gear ope

erator to be supplied

e type C 150
Cl Cl 300 Cl 600 Cl 900 C 1500
Cl C 2500
Ga ate 3500 14 25
50 10 2000 8 1550 6 80 3 5
50 2
Glo obe 2000 8 20
00 8 1550 6 1000 4 80 3 5
50 2
Ball (1) 2000 8 15
50 6 800 3 50 2 50 2 5
50 2
Buttterfly 2000 8 15
50 6 - - - - - - - -
Plug 1500 6 15
50 6 1550 6 1000 4 1000 4 5
50 2
1. Th hese sizes repressent full bore vaalves, and for reduced bore vaalves, one size higher
h than this may be
connsidered in Claass 150 and Classs 300 only. Sizzes in Class 6000 and above rep present both redduced and
fulll bore.

d. If fastt closing valvves (e.g., ball valves) are located in syystems in wh

hich rapid cloosure could
produuce water ham mmer gear, operators
o shoould be consiidered.

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e. Gear operators
o shoould be:
1. Totally
T encloosed.
2. Made
M from stteel or ductille iron.
3. Be
B suitable for
fo the site co
onditions (e.gg., onshore, offshore,
o andd subsea).
f. Lubriccants used with
w gear operrators shouldd be suitable for use at sitte ambient teemperatures.
g. Bypassses
1. Gate
G and balll valves (partticularly soft ft seated desiggns) should not
n be openeed against ann
H differentiial (e.g., a hig
gh proportioon of the ratedd pressure).
2. If
I no other way
w of equalissing pressuree is availablee, a pressure equalising bypass
s be proovided aroun
nd the valve.
3. Parallel
P slidee gate valves for steam seervices normally have inttegral bypasss
c i size DN 200
in 2 (NPS 8) and a above.
4. Requirement
R t for a bypasss is subject too operating pressure
p and manufactureer
r ations.
h. Valvees operated by
b h and via a gearbox or ROV
1. For
F valves thhat are operatted by hand via
v a gearboxx (or subsea by ROV), thhe number
o turns required for an open/close opperation shou
uld be ascertaained.
2. The
T number of turns can be significannt for large valves,
v particcularly at higher
o preessures.
3. If
I the numberr of turns is significant,
s C
Company shoould consideer fitting an eelectric
m gear opperator or prroviding porttable pneumaatic or hydraaulic wrenchees.
i. Gearbboxes shouldd be sufficien
ntly low on gearing to preevent back drriving from the
t valve.
High efficiency
e geearboxes (e.g
g., epicyclic type)
t might require
r an allternative meeans of
lockinng the valve.
j. Position indicatorss
1. Gearboxes
G shhall have opeen and closedd position inddicators.
2. The
T indicatorrs shall be:
a Rigidly secured to thhe gearbox shaft.
b Designeed such that false
f positionn cannot be achieved.
3. For
F designs ini which the final position has to be set
s during build (e.g., epiccyclic type
g t indicator shall be pinnned or bolted
the d to the gearb
box indicatorr shaft.
k. Handw wheels on geearboxes shaall be securelyy attached to
o the input shhaft by eitherr roll pins or
througgh drilled boolts. Handwheels shall noot be attachedd using frictioon fit grub sccrews.
l. If porttable pneumatic or hydraaulic wrenchees are used, operating
o preessure shouldd be limited
to a vaalue that doees not cause damage
d to thhe valve or gearbox. The final part off the
operattion should beb completedd by hand.
m. Handw wheel keys should
s only beb used in emmergencies or
o if handwheeels are know wn to be
inadeq quately sizedd. Handwheeel keys, if useed, should bee used with caution,
c partiicularly in
the caase of valves with a slidinng type closuure.
n. Chain
nwheel operaators
1. Chainwheel
C o
operators shoould be avoidded, if possibble.
2. Chainwheel
C o
operators shoould not be used
u for:

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a Valves in
i threaded lines.
b Valves with
w threadeed bonnets orr other bonneets that couldd be unscrew
wed by the
c Valves smaller than DN 50 (NPS
S 2).
3. Clamp-on
C typpe chainwheeels should noot be used.
4. Protective
P caable should be
b provided and
a arranged such that the wheel, if itt becomes
l does not
n drop signiificantly.

5.11.3 Electric motor

m gear actuator
a. Refer to GP 12-700 for detailedd requiremennts.
b. Electrric motor geaar actuators should
s not bee used for shutdown valv

5.11.4 Hydraulic
c actuator
a. Doublle acting pistton cylinder arrangementt should not be
b used for shutdown
s vallves.
b. Spring
g to close/oppen may be used
u for shutddown valves.
c. Gas over oil may be
b used for shutdown
s vallves.
d. Doublle acting rotaary vane shouuld not be ussed for shutddown valves.
e. Hydraaulic piston with
w helical spline
s (and similar) shoulld not be useed for gate vaalves.

5.11.5 Pneumatiic actuatorr

a. Doublle acting pistton cylinder arrangementt should not be
b used for shutdown
s vallves.
b. Spring
g to close/oppen may be used
u for shutddown valves.

5.11.8 Blocking devices

a. If a mechanical
m blocking devicce (“lock andd lock stop”) is used to prrevent actuatted gate
valvess (slab or exppanding typee) from changging positionn on loss of power,
p all coomponent
parts of
o the devicee shall be subbject to the saame design, constructionn, and testingg
requirrements, as reecommendedd for valve drive
d trains.
b. Lock devices shall, as a minim mum, be desiggned for maxximum stem ejection thruust (based
on fulll design presssure) and sh
hould be desiigned for fulll actuator ouutput withoutt exceeding
allowaable stress.
c. The devices
d described in a. shaall not be useed for shutdoown valves.

5.12 Fire safetty

5.12.1 General
a. Soft seated valvess (e.g., ball, plug,
p and buttterfly valvess), including valves incorrporating
soft seeals that are used
u in hazaardous areas, where they could
c be subbjected to firee, shall be off
a fire type tested design.
b. Metall seated valvees containingg elastomer or
o polymer seeat to body seals,
s stem seeals, etc.,
that arre used in haazardous areaas in which thhey could bee subjected to
o fire shouldd be of a fire
type tested design.
c. For vaalves requireed to be operaated during a fire:
1. Valves
V shall be capable of
o remote opeeration from outside the fire
f risk areaa.
2. Complete
C vallve assembly y, including motor,
m actuaator, and cablling, shall bee fire
p (e.gg., by applicaation of intum
mescent coattings or physsical shieldinng).

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d. Graphhite shall not be used for primary sealls in seawateer service butt may be used as
secondary/firesafee seals in acccordance withh GP 36-15.

5.12.2 Fire type testing

a. For vaalve designs that have soft (elastomerr or polymer) seating com
mponents or soft body
seals, stem seals, or
o seat to boddy seals, the following ap
1. Valves
V shoulld be subject to fire type testing
t in acccordance witth ISO 104977.
2. Valves
V shoulld have appro opriate certiffication, dem
monstrating ap
pplicability of
o the tests
t the valves that are beinng offered.
3. Preexisting
P d
designs alreaddy qualified in conformaance with ISOO 10497, AP PI Spec 6FA,
B 6755-2, oro API Std 6007 shall also be allowed, except that qualification
q n of sizes
s than the test valve allowed in the 4th editiion of API 6007 is not alloowed.
b. If a vaalve incorporrates no soft seals or otheer parts that could
c be affeected by a firre, the valve
may beb consideredd to be “fire safe” and dooes not usuallly require a fire
f type test.
c. Firesaafe graphite seals
s on the seats
s of largee ball valves should be avvoided, particularly in
double piston typee valves. Thee Supplier shhall demonstrrate that the valve
v can perform
adequuately during the fire test without the graphite sealls on the seatts.
d. Fire tyype tests shoould be condu
ucted by or witnessed
w by an independdent agency.

5.12.3 Fire type test standa

ype tests shouuld be conduucted in accoordance with ISO 10497.
New fire ty

5.12.4 Materials
a. If fire is a possibillity, the folloowing materiials should noot be used fo
or valve commponents in
flamm mable or toxic service or if i integrity needs
n to be maintained
m duuring a fire (ee.g.,
1. Cast,
C malleabble, wrought, or nodular iron.
2. Brittle
B materiials or low melting
m pointt materials, su
uch as alumiinium, brass,, or plastics,
e that coomposite vallves that havve passed a fiire type test may
m be used in
a a
applications (
(e.g., water systems).
b. Low melting
m pointt alloy valvees, such as brrass or bronze, should nott be used forr services in
whichh failure of thhe valve in a fire would prevent
p flow to any proceess pump, steeam header,
or em
mergency steaam line.

5.13 Relief of cavity

c overrpressure
a. Certaiin valve arranngements, prredominantlyy double seatted valves, can c trap liquid in the
body cavity.
c If thee liquid (or anny fluids havving a high thhermal capaccity) are trappped in a
valve body cavity and are subjject to heatinng (due to staartup, mode of o operation,, radiant
heatinng from fire exposure,
e sollar gain or otther source, e.g., steam accessing
a a cllosed
branchh), the potenntial exists to exceed the design
d pressuure of the vaalve. If a liquuid
complletely fills thhe cavity, thee thermal exppansion of thhe liquid can cause a rapidd increase inn
the hyydrostatic preessure. In all such cases for
f which thiis could be a possibility, cavity
overprressure proteection shall beb provided.
b. Standard trunnionn mounted baall valves, slaab gate valvees, and most ballb valves withw floating
seats normally
n offfer automaticc relief of cavvity overpresssure via the seats into thhe pipe. The
wing are not self relievingg, and an extternal overprressure relieff arrangemennt, such as ann
equaliising pipe, noonreturn valvve, or a relief valve, shalll be providedd:
1. Some
S ball vaalves (e.g., iff both seats arre double pisston type).

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2. Expanding
E pllug valves.
3. Split
S wedge gate
g valves.
4. Expanding
E paarallel gate valves.
5. Parallel
P slidee gate valves..
c. Valvees that are noot self relievin
ng on liquid service shalll have a relieef provision as
a described
in b., unless
u a full engineering study/assesssment can deemonstrate th hat the pressuure in d. is
not exxceeded for all
a operating conditions.
d. Set prressure for thhe relief valvve shall be caalculated for the d operating conditions
t specified
and shhall not exceed 1,3 times the main vaalve pressure rating at opeerating temperature.
Any relief
r valves shall be incluuded in a PSV register annd the approppriate mainteenance
philossophy and isoolations appllied. This miight require thet inclusionn of additionaal valves to
allow for removal, isolation, annd testing.

5.14 Valve leak

k detection
n in service

5.14.2 Physical measurem

ment of valv
ve leakage
a. Physiccal measurem
ment of valvee leakage shoould be usedd for the follo
1. To
T establish leakage of crritical valvess on new plan
2. F periodic checks in whhich the acouustic techniqque is used (refer to 5.14.33).
b. Leakaage can be iddentified by isolating the pipework an
nd monitoringg pressure deecay from orr
pressuure rise of a known
k closed volume ovver time.

5.14.3 Leak dete

ection usin
ng acoustic
c emission
Leak detection by acouustic emission
n should be used:
a. If an initial
i physiccal measurem
ment of leakaage has been made.
b. For monitoring
m leaakage trends.

5.14.4 Comparis
son of tech
Initial acou
ustic emissionn readings sh
hould be takeen in conjunction with a pressure deccay type test
under contrrolled condittions to provide a basis foor future com

5.14.5 Acceptab
ble leak rate
For valves leaking to fllare, environm mental and economic
e connsiderations based on thee cost of lost
product andd the cost off interventionn should be aassessed to deetermine accceptable leak rates.

5.15 Nondestrructive examination (N


5.15.1 General
a. The leevel of NDE will dependd on the criticcality rating of
o a valve. Valve
V GIS speecifies the
requirred NDE, deppending on the
t valve critticality ratingg. The appliccable valve GIS
G shall be
refereenced, dependding on valvve type (GIS 62-016 for quarter
q turn valves
v and GIS 62-017
for rissing stem vallves.)
b. If surfface examinaation is speciified:
1. Magnetic
M parrticle examinnation in twoo mutually peerpendicular directions shhould be
a to ferrromagnetic materials.
2. Magnetic
M parrticle examinnation in 1. shhall be prefeerred to liquidd penetrant techniques,
u accesss makes this method impoossible.

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3. The
T yoke meethod shall bee used, if praactical.
4. The
T dry powder method should
s not bee used.
5. Permanent
P m
magnets shall not be used..
c. Visuaal examinatioon shall:
1. Be
B performedd on the entirre, visible, innternal and external
e surfaace area of thhe
2. Include
I veriffication of miinimum walll thickness of valve bodiees, if practicaal.
d. If voluumetric exam
mination is sppecified:
1. Radiography
R y should normmally be appllied to carboon and alloy steel
s castingss and also to
a andd duplex castings and forrgings.
2. UT
U is preferrred for carboon and alloy ssteel forgings, bar, plate, and HIPingss.
e. Full penetration
p w
welds shall bee subject to:
1. Volumetric
V e
examination b ultrasoniccs or radiogrraphy.
2. Visual
V and suurface examiination.
f. Fillet welds shouldd be subject to:
1. Visual
V examiination as a minimum.
2. Surface
S exam
mination (preeferably).
g. Some defects are notn always easily detecteed by convenntional NDE (e.g., micropporosity that
has beeen noted in superduplexx castings), annd consideraation should be
b given to alternatives
(e.g., an LP air tesst under wateer).
h. The coommercial aspects
a of any
y decision shhould be bornne in mind. For
F example,, if
radioggraphy of “crritical sectionns” is specifi
fied, foundry methods aree sometimes adjusted to
ensuree that these areas
a are souund to the dettriment of othher areas of the
t casting. Sample
g to 100% cooverage shouuld be considdered as poteentially more effective.
i. NDE operators shall be qualifiied in accorddance with eiither ISO 971
12 or
T SNT-TC-1A for the rellevant test method.

5.16 Welding
The referennce standard and the GIS detail the reequirements for f welding anda weld reppairs. In
addition, welding
w requiirement shalll be establishhed, considerring the follo
owing as a minimum:
a. Use of qualified welders
w and in
n accordancee with a quallified proceddure.
b. Revieew and approoval of WPS and PQR shoould be provvided.
c. Materrial included in ASME Boiler and Preessure Vessel Code Section IX, qualiffied using
Table of “P” numbbers.
d. Qualiffication of material
m speciifications nott included inn ASME Boiller and Presssure Vessel
Code Section IX, Table of “P”” numbers, ass applicable.
e. Sour service
s requiirements in accordance
a w ISO 15156 (or NACE
with E MR0103 aas specified),,
includding hardness checks.
f. Hard facing
f weldiing requirem
g. Desiggn of structurral welds in pressure
p bounndary parts.

Note: These
T shoulld be full pe
enetration bu
utt welds.

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h. Pre weld
w and post weld heat trreatment requuirements.
i. Dupleex and superdduplex stainlless steel maaterials supplementary weelding requirrements,
includding ferrite/aaustenite anallysis and conntrol of deleterious phasees.
j. Repaiirs of weldmeents and castting shall connform to GIS
S 62-016 andd GIS 62-0177, as

5.17 Weldmen
nt and castiing repair
a. Repaiir of structuraal welds shouuld conform to the requirrements of thhe piping dessign code
(ASMME B31.3, AS SME B31.1, etc.), includding any limittations on im
mperfections in repairs.
Repaiir of castingss for commoddity valves shhould be in accordance
a w the mateerials
speciffication. Welld repairs shoould be mappped.
b. Throuugh wall defeects
1. For
F more crittical applicattions, limits should
s be plaaced on the extent
e of repair.
2. Castings
C conntaining throu
ugh wall defeects should normally
n be considered
c u
f the most critical
c appliications.
3. Through
T wall defects in castings
c mayy be repaired in QL3 appllications, butt repairs
s conform
m to the referrence materiaal specificatiion. Approprriate requirem
ments are
i in GIS
G 62-016 (for quarter tuurn applications) and GIS S 62-017 (for rising
4. Minor
M defectts that do nott impinge on the minimum m required wall
w thicknesss may be
g out annd blended innto the adjoiining surfacee.
5. Body
B castinggs shall not be
b repaired byy peening or impregnatio
c. Repaiirs to carbon steel castinggs should be post weld heeat treated, exxcept if excaavations are
ower than alloowed by the reference material
m speciffication. Reppaired austennitic or
duplexx stainless stteel castings should be soolution anneaaled and wateer quenched..
d. Castin
ngs that leak through the body of the casting durin
ng hydrostatiic or gas testting should
normaally be rejectted and no reepairs alloweed.
e. Castin
ngs requiringg defect remooval of greateer than 50% of the wall thickness
t shaall be
reportted. Repair methods,
m if appplicable, shhall be subjecct to BP respoonsible enginneer
f. Weld repair of maaterial manuffacturing deffects in forginngs and platees is only allowed,
subjecct to BP respponsible engiineer agreem
ment, on a casse by case baasis.

5.18 Electricall isolation and

a continuity

5.18.1 Isolation
a. Actuaators of valvees that are caathodically prrotected (e.gg., buried valvves) should bbe isolated.
b. Alternnatively, the actuator may
y be electricaally bonded to
t the valve but
b with all eelectrical
and coontrol pipewwork suitably isolated.

5.18.2 Continuitty
Valves thatt are cathodiccally protectted should haave electricall continuity between
b mettallic parts.

5.19 The European Press

sure Equip
pment Direc
ctive (PED))
a. The European
E Preessure Equipm ment Directivve (PED) appplies to valvves that are inntended for
use inn the countriees of the Euroopean Econoomic Area (E EEA) and theeir territorial waters,
regarddless of the ccountry of orrigin.

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b. Valvees in a. should be certifiedd as complyiing with the relevant

r esseential requireements of
the dirrective and be
b CE markeed, as approppriate.
c. The PED
P does nott apply to vallves procuredd within the EEA but intended for usse
d. Two important
i exclusions thatt affect valvees for which the PED shaall not apply are the
1. Valves
V w control equipment up
assocciated with well pstream of annd including the
p m
manifold of an
n oil or gas production
p faacility.
2. Valves
V that are
a part of a pipeline.
e. Valvees associated with subseaa processing facilities
f thatt may be inteerposed betwween the
Xmass tree and maanifold or bettween the maanifold and pipeline
p shalll have to be shown
s to
complly with the essential requuirements of the PED.
f. Purchhase orders, eetc., should reequire that thhe PED categgory be markked on the naameplate
and th
he Declaratioon of Conform mity.

6 Valv
ve type selection

6.1 General
a. A seleection chart (refer
( to 6.3) is provided that, in its sp
preadsheet foorm, speedilyy identifies
approppriate valve types for a given
g set of selected
s operrating conditiions.
b. Valvee manufacturrers should allways be askked to confirm
m suitability of a particullar valve
type for
f the requirred service, and
a specialistt advice shou uld be soughht in the moree
compllicated casess.
c. New projects
p shouuld create a project
p speciffic valve typpe selection chart
c or matriix that lists:
1. Principal
P servvices.
2. Service
S condditions.
3. Appropriate
A v
valve type (iincluding trim

6.2 Factors affecting

a se

6.2.1 General
Valve type selection shhould take account of:
a. Requiired functionn.
b. Servicce conditionss.
c. Fluid type and conndition.
d. Fluid characteristiics.
e. Frequuency of operration.
f. Isolatiion requirem
g. Mainttenance requuirements.
h. Enviroonmental connsiderations..
i. Past experience
e inn comparablee conditions.
j. Weigh
ht and size.
k. Cost.

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6.2.3 Service conditions

If the service is definedd as hazardouus, the follow
wing should not
n be used:
a. Cast iron valves.
b. Coppeer alloy valves.
c. Plasticc valves.

6.2.6 Frequenc
cy of opera
Selection of
o valves whiich are frequently operateed should takke into accouunt the fact thhat:
a. Shutooff capability is likely to deteriorate.
b. The fiitting of anotther valve (nnormally openn) in series might
m be necessary to enssure
uate isolationn.

6.2.7 Isolation requirements

a. Very few valve types can main ntain compleetely tight shuutoff over a significant period
p of
operattion. This nuumber is reduuced still furtther if the woorking fluid is gas or if itt contains
abrasiive particles.
b. n (e.g., somee valve types offer a
The faacts in a. shoould be takenn into accounnt in selection
double isolation inn a single bod dy) and systeem design (m multiple valv
ves, provisionn of
uately sized venting
adequ v faciliities, etc.).

6.2.10 Previous experience

Previous exxperience (goood and bad)) should always be takenn into accounnt, because exxperience
relates to comparable seervice condittions. Somettimes, howev ver, local exp
pectations are
conditioned d by a lack oof knowledgee of availablee alternativess.

6.2.11 Weight an
nd size
Weight and b allowed to determine valve type iff they do nott represent a
d size factorss should not be
constraint (e.g.,
( in new,, onshore connstruction). In
I some appllications, thoough, it is neccessary to
try to minim
mise one or both.

6.2.12 Cost
Whole life cost should be considereed, not just purchase price.

6.3 n charts
a. Table 5 and Tablee 6 may be ussed for assisttance with seelection of bllock and check valve
types for more commmon servicce requirements.
b. The taables providee assistance only,
o and useers should asscertain that service condditions are
n valve manuufacturer reco ommendatioons for any paarticular valvve type.

GN 62
2-001: Valve
type se
election sheet

c. If a vaariety of valvve types appeear to be suittable, the useer should con

nsider the folllowing:
1. Past
P experiennce for the seervice.
2. Additional
A faactors that afffect valve chhoice, such as:
a Speed of
o operation.

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b Availabbility.
c Factors listed in 6.2 that are not considered in the tables.
d. If anyy required box in a table is
i blank, the valve type shhould be disccounted from
e. Furtheer assistance can be obtaiined from more detailed information provided thrroughout
this GP.
f. In moore difficult ccases, speciallist advice shhould be soug

ble 5 - Isolatting (block) valve selection

heck Valves selection
Please enter op
perating requireme
ents by clicking drrop-down boxes be
elow: table
Pressure Temp Fluid F
Fluid Fluid Flow Long-term Leak Tig
ndition Characteriistics Resistance

Pressure Temp Fluid F

Fluid Fluid Flow Long-term
ndition Characteriistics Resistance Leak Tightness

GAS-Moderate Leakage Acceptable

LIQUID-Low Leakage Acceptable

GAS-Low Leakage Acceptable

LIQUID-Moderate Leakage

(highest total indicates

Low to med. -50 to + 150C

preferred selection)
Possible Selections
Solid (powder etc.)
Med Cl 300/600

High Cl 900 +

Cryo. < -50C

High > 150C

Low CI 150






Valve Type
Wedge gate 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 B 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
Soft seated wedg ge gate 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
Slab gate (hard metal
m seated) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
Slab gate (soft seeated) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
Parallel expandin ng gate 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
(hard metal seate ed)
Parallel expandin ng gate 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
(soft seated)
Parallel slide gate 1 A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
Knife gate 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 B 2 1 1 1 1 0
Rotary disk gate 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
(metal seated)
Floating ball (metaal seated) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 B 2 1 1 1 1 1 0
Trunnion mounted d ball 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
(metal seated)
Eccentric ball (“O
Orbit”) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 B 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
(metal seated)
Floating ball (soft seated) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
Trunnion Mounted d ball 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
(soft seated)
Eccentric ball (“O
Orbit”) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
(soft seated)
Sleeved plug 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 B 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
Lined plug 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
Lubricated semi-b balanced plug 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
Lubricated balanc ced plug 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
Lifting (wedge) plug 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 B 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
Expanding plug 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
Full bore diaphraggm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
Weir diaphragm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
Pinch 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
Iris 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
Straight pattern globe
g 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
Angle pattern glob be 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
Oblique pattern ('YY' type) globe 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
Concentric rubbe er lined butterfly 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
Concentric other lining butterfly 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
Double offset buttterfly (rubber seat) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
Double offset buttterfly 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
(plastic or metal seat)
Triple offset butte
erfly 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
(metal seat)

A May be availab ble but seek specialist advice
B May be suitable – consult manufacturrer
C Will usually req
quire steam jacket/tracee heating – consult manu
D Valves should d incorporate spring. Ma ay need heating – conssult manufacturer
E All check valv es likely to give poor pe

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Table 6 - Check
C valve
e selection

ECTION TABLE Go to Isolating (Block) Valves
selection table
Please enter op
perating requirem
ments by clicking drop-down
d boxes below:
Size Flow Pressure Temp Fluid F
Fluid Fluid
d Flow Pig
Condition Characteristics e

e Flow Pressure Temp Fluid F
Fluid Fluid
d Flow Pig
Condition Characteristics e

(highest total indicates

Low to med. -50 to + 150C

preferred selection)
Possible Selections
> DN 50 to DN 200

Med. Cl 300/600

DN 50 or less

g flow

High Cl 900 +
Unstable flow

Cryo. < -50C

High > 150C

Low Cl 150


> DN 200






Valve Type
Lift check - ball 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C1 D E 1 1 0
Lift check - disk 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 E 1 1 0
Lift check - pisto
on 2 1 A 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
Swing check (std
d) 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 C E 1 1 1 1 1 0
Swing check (wa
afer) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 E 1 1 1 0
Tilting disk check
k 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 E 1 1 1 1 0
Duo- disk check 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 C1 D E 1 1 1 0
Duo-disk check (wafer)
( 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 D E 1 1 1 0
Axial flow nozzle check 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 D E 1 1 1 1 0
Diaphragm check 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 0
Screw-down stop & check 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 E 1 1 0
Foot 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
Plate check 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0

A May be availa able but seek specia alist advice
B May be suitable – consult manufa acturer
C Will usually require
r steam jacket/ t/trace heating – conssult manufacturer
D Valves shoulld incorporate spring g. May need heating – consult manufactu urer
E All check valvves likely to give poor performance

7 Serv
vice descrription

7.1 General
a. Charaacteristics andd condition of
o the processs fluid shall be carefully defined.
b. Charaacteristics of a fluid may fit one or moore categoriees of service.

7.2 Clean serrvice

a. The teerm “clean seervice” is useed to identify
fy fluids free from solids or contaminaants.
b. Cleann fluids shoulld be assumeed to include:
1. Instrument
I aiir.
2. Nitrogen
N andd other manuufactured gases.
3. Potable
P and demineralise
d ed water.
4. Steam.
5. Lube
L oil.
6. Diesel
D oil
7. Methanol.
8. Most
M dosing and injectionn chemicals.

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c. Valvees for fluids, such as oxyggen, hydrogeen peroxide, and sometim mes treated water
w or lube
oil, shhall require sppecial attentiion to cleanliness of the valve.
d. Valvees for potablee water shall comply withh local regulaations.
e. Process fluids mayy be defined as clean, deppending on which
w part off the process is being
considdered (e.g., ddry hydrocarbbon gas dow
wnstream of scrubbers
s andd dryers).
f. If the fluid servicee has no entraained solids or particles, attention sho
ould be givenn to
proteccting valves during
d consttruction and during
d flushiing operationns that are unnlikely to be
clean,, as follows:
1. This
T protectioon might req
quire the tem
mporary replaacement of vaalves by spoool pieces.
2. Alternatively
A y, a valve typ
pe may be sellected that iss suitable forr dirty servicee.

7.3 Dirty serv


7.3.1 General
a. The general term “dirty
“ service” is used to identify fluiids with susp
pended solidss that can
seriouusly impair thhe performannce of valvess, unless the correct type is selected.
b. Charaacteristics of dirty servicee that should be considereed include th
he following::
1. Dirty
D servicee is often of major
m significance, since many valvess are very sensitive to
t presence of solids.
2. Dirty
D servicee may be furtther classifiedd as generallly abrasive or
o sandy.

7.3.2 Generally
y abrasive service
a. The teerm “generallly abrasive service”
s is ussed to identiffy the presennce of abrasivve
particuulate in pipinng systems. Such
S particuulates includee pipe rust, sccale, weldingg slag, sand,
yst fines, andd grit.
b. If abraasive conditiions are likelly to persist dduring normaal operation, a valve suitaable for
dirty services
s shouuld be selecteed.

7.3.3 Sandy service

a. The teerm “sandy service”
s is ussed to identiffy severe abrrasive and ero
osive conditiions
occurrring in oil annd gas producction in whicch formationn sand is carrried through ffrom the
well. Sand
S particlee sizes are ty
ypically 50 µm to 450 µm m (0,002 in to
o 0,018 in), and
relativvely low conncentrations canc result in wear and jam mming of inaappropriatelyy selected
b. The foollowing shoould be consiidered:
1. Severe
S erosioon of valve trrims and boddies can occu ur if pressuree drop is greaat and
v is hiigh (e.g., in chokes
c and seeparator leveel control vallves).
2. In
I block valvves, damage is
i usually as a result of abrasion
a (weaar of seat inserts,
b etc.).
c. Soft seated ball vaalves shall noot be used in sandy servicce.
d. In som
me cases, verry fine sand can
c be carrieed right throuugh the proceess to oil expport, and
produuced water syystems almosst always conntain sand.
e. Isolatiing valves inntended for thhis service shhould ideallyy be type testt qualified byy a sand
slurryy test, such ass those specified in API Spec
S 6A (ISO O 10432) andd API Spec 6AV1.6

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7.4 Fouling or
o scaling service
a. The general terms “fouling serrvice” and “sscaling servicce” are used to identify liiquids or
elemeents of liquidds that form a deposit on surfaces.
s Succh deposits can
c vary widely in
naturee, with varyinng hardness, strength of adhesion,
a annd rates of buuildup.
b. Compponents for valves
v in foulling or scalinng service shall be selecteed to resist foouling or
scale buildup.
c. Chemmical injectionn, heat tracinng, steam jaccketing, or steeam purgingg should be considered to
mitigaate scaling teendency in thhis service.

7.5 Slurry serrvice

a. The teerm “slurry service”
s is ussed to define liquids withh substantial solids in suspension.
Often, the productt is the solid,, and the fluid is primarilyy the means of transportaation (e.g.,
coal slurries and catalyst
c services).
b. ful considerattion should be
Carefu b given to valve
v designss for slurry seervices.

7.6 Solids se
a. The teerm “solids service”
s is ussed to refer too solids that may be pressent in the forrm of hard
granules, crystals, soft fibres, or
o powders.
b. Solidss service trannsporting meedia may be liquid
l or gas.
c. Air orr fluidised beed systems may
m be used for
f some partticulates.
d. o these servvices, but devvelopment work might
Speciaalised valvess are availablle for many of
somettimes be neceessary.

7.7 Hazardou
us service
a. The teerm “hazardoous service” is used to innclude the folllowing:
1. Valves
V ME B31.3, shall conform, as a
in cattegory M serrvice, as definned by ASM
m too ASME B31.3, clause 3007.
2. Liquids
L abovve their AIT or
o 210ºC (4110°F), if the AIT
A is not knnown.
3. Flammable
F liiquids flashinng on leakagge to form a substantial
s v
vapour cloud.. This
G, LNG, and NGL condensate.
4. Flammable
F fl
fluids at Class 900 rating and above (ee.g., hydrocaarbon gas).
5. Fluids
F liable to cause a haazard by blocckage due too hydrate form
mation, solidds
d o coking.
6. Toxic
T substannces (chlorin
ne, HFA, hyddrogen sulphhide, sodium hydroxide, etc.).
7. Hydrogen
H serrvice, defineed as service in contact with
w hydrogenn or gaseous mixtures
c hyydrogen in which
w partial pressure of hydrogen
h is 5 bar (abs) (772,5 psia) orr
8. Highly
H corrosive fluids, such
s as acidss and caustic alkalis.
b. Any of
o the listed hazardous
h services can exxist in combiination with other servicees listed in
7.2 thrrough 7.6.

7.8 Searching
g service
The term “searching service” is useed to identifyy the followinng:
a. Fluidss with a highh propensity for
f leakage that
t require special
s attenttion in valve design and
manuffacture to preevent leakagge through prressure contaaining compoonents, seats,, and seals.

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b. Gassees of low mollecular weighht, such as hydrogen

h andd helium, andd liquids of loow
viscossity, such as Dowtherm™™.

7.9 Solidifyin
ng service
a. The general term “solidifying
“ service” is used
u to identiify fluids thaat change from
m liquid to
solid, unless mainntained at the correct condditions of tem
mperature, prressure, and flow.
b. Solidiifying servicee is generallyy associated with the folllowing:
1. Fluids,
F such as
a liquid sulpphur and phtthalic anhydrride, in which
h valves of steam
jacketed desiign may be reequired.
2. Heavy
H fuel oil,
o in which valves
v often require heatt tracing to maintain
m tempperature and

7.10 Corrosive
e service
a. The teerm “corrosivve service” is
i used to gennerally identify fluids conntaining corrrosive
constiituents that, depending
d onn concentratiion, pressuree, and temperrature, can caause
corrossion of metalllic componeents. Corrosivve fluids include:
1. Sulphuric
S aciid.
2. Acetic
A acid.
3. HFA.
4. Wet
W acid gass (wet CO2).
5. Wet
W sour gass (wet H2S).
6. Chlorides
C (e.g., seawater)).
b. Manyy chemicals are
a highly corrrosive, incluuding concen
ntrations of some
s corrosiion
c. Corroosion resistannt materials or
o overlays foor valve presssure contain
ning componeents and
trim should be choosen to preveent the integrrity or perforrmance of thee valve from
m being
d. Overlays
1. The
T judicious use of overrlays (e.g., inn the seat pocckets and seaal surfaces off trunnion
m balll valves and slab gate vallves) is recom
mmended annd can be extrremely
e a effectivee, even if the service cond
and ditions are noot normally corrosive.
2. Corrosion
C ressistant overlaays should be used for piiping systems in which thhe corrosion
a exxceeds 3 mm m (0,12 in).
3. Fully
F overlayyed valves shhould be connsidered as ann alternative if the use off thick
s of duuplex or superduplex is rrequired in piping systemms, typically ata high
p and//or large sizee. The anticippated cutoff is 8 NPS (DN
N 200).
e. The foollowing typpes of corrosiion should bee consideredd in selecting valve materrials and
1. Corrosion
C ressulting in genneral wastagge (typical wiith wet CO2).
2. Crevice
C corroosion.
3. Galvanic
G corrrosion betweeen dissimilaar materials.
4. Pitting
P corrossion.
5. Sulphide
S streess corrosionn cracking (e..g., of compoonents in wett H2S) and chhloride
s corrosiion cracking (depending on concentraation, pressuure, and tempperature).

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f. Materrials for sour (H2S) servicce shall confo

form to ISO 15156
1 (NAC CE MR0175) or, if
speciffied for refinery service, NACE
N MR00103, and shaall generally conform to GP
G 36-25 or
GP 366-26.

7.11 Viscous service

a. The teerm “viscouss service” is used
u to geneerally identify
y a wide rangge of fluids with
pronoounced thicknness and adhhesive properrties. These fluids
f includee:
1. High
H viscositty oils (lube and heavy fuuel oil).
2. Non
N Newtonnian fluids, su
uch as waxy crude, gels, and pastes.
b. Valvee operating foorces/torquess may be increased.
c. Speciaal attention should
s be giv
ven to check valves in wh
hich sluggish
h response caan cause
operatting difficultties and evenn hazardous conditions.

7.12 Vacuum service

a. The teerm “vacuum m service” is used to idenntify systems in which preessure is perm
manently or
mittently beloow atmospheeric. This cann include valves in gas piipelines wherre vacuum
dryingg of the pipelline is requirred before prroduction.
b. Valvees in vacuumm service shou
uld be capabble of sealingg in both directions with regard
r to
glandss, body jointts, etc.
c. Systemms that havee the potentiaal to create ann unwanted vacuum
v (e.g.., condensingg vapours,
tanks)) should norm
mally have a vacuum breeaker valve thhat admits aiir automaticaally if a
um occurs.
d. Valvees required foor vacuum seervice shall innclude testin
ng under vacu
uum conditioons.

7.13 High temp

perature se

7.13.1 Temperattures from 120°C to 200°C

2 (248°°F to 392°F)
a. High temperature
t services at teemperatures from 120°C C to 200°C (2248°F to 392°°F) are
considdered “high temperature”
t ” in exploratiion and prodduction appliccations.
b. Care should
s be takken in the sellection of poolymer and ellastomer seaals and seats, particularly
towards the high temperature
t e of the raange, in whicch most gradees are unusabble and for
whichh valve pressuure ratings may
m be reducced. The effective limit off PTFE is 2000°C

7.13.2 Temperattures from 200°C to 400°C

4 (392°°F to 752°F)
a. For teemperatures above
a 200°C
C (392°F) andd below 400°°C (752°F), the
t only polyymer or
elastoomer materialls that may be
b used are PEEK
P and Kaalrez and theen only at thee lower end
of the range.
b. Valvee seat sealingg should norm
mally be hardd faced metaal to metal.
c. Graph
hite stem seals should norrmally be used.

7.13.3 Temperattures above 400°C (75

a. For hiigh temperatuures generallly above 4000°C (752°F) (e.g., power station steamm services),
creep resisting steels shall be chosen.
c Exammples of thesse steels inclu
ude 2 1/4% C
Cr 1% Mo
or 1/22% Cr, 1/2% Mo, 1/4% V. V
b. Seats and disks shhall require hard
h facing with
w alloys off cobalt, chro
omium, and tungsten.
c. A diffference betw
ween the harddness of the disk
d and seat should be prresent to avooid galling.

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d. m seals shouldd normally be graphite, except in situations in which this is likkely to

oxidisse, which cann occur at tem
mperatures above
a 450°C (842°F) if thhere is access to air or

7.14 Low temp

perature se
ervice from
m 0°C to -50
0°C (32°F to
o -58°F)

7.14.1 Impact te
a. At tem
mperatures frrom 0°C to -229°C (32°F to t -20°F), coonsideration should
s be givven to
Charppy impact tessting ferritic, martensitic, and duplex alloys to dem
monstrate addequate
toughnness at the minimum
m dessign temperatture or beloww.
b. At tem
mperatures below -29°C (-20°F),
( ferriitic, martensitic, and dup
plex alloys shhall be
impacct tested.
c. The foollowing poiints should be consideredd in making a decision:
1. Will
W the plannt be depressuurised (shut down) or at operating
o preessure when the low
t o
2. Would
W the pllant be restarrted immediaately after thee low temperrature has occcurred,
s that resiidual low tem
mperature annd HP stress could
c occur simultaneously?
3. Is
I the source of raw mateerials for presssure boundaary parts onee that has histtorically
b shown to
t be able to provide nonnbrittle materrials without testing?
d. Impacct testing shoould always form
f part of welding proccedure qualifications if either
e of the
wing is true:
1. Impact
I testinng of the material to be jooined is requiired.
2. For
F ferritic annd duplex materials,
m minnimum designn temperaturre is below 0°C (32°F).
e. If valvves will be put
p into servicce in the EEA
A, the particuular requirem
ments of the PED
regardding demonstration of addequate toughhness shall be met.
f. The foollowing is a guide to thee minimum Charpy
C V-no
otch impact energy
e valuess that shouldd
be exppected from carbon and alloy
a steel material:
1. Average
A (J) = minimum specified
s yieeld (or 0,2% proof)
p streng
gth (MN/m2))/10
( psi/10).
2. Individual
I (J)) = 0,75  Average.
g. If matterials are to be welded, the
t average impact
i energ
gy value shouuld be increaased by 10 J.
h. Materrials for low temperature service
1. Most
M nonferrrous materialls, such as coopper, coppeer alloys, alum
minium, andd nickel
a may be
b used for loow temperatuure service and
a need not be tested.
2. 2 1/2% nickeel steels may be used dowwn to -57°C (-71°F).
( Low
wer temperatuures may be
o withh increased nickel
n contennt.
i. Austeenitic stainlesss steels retaiin acceptablee properties, even under cryogenic
c coonditions,
and sh
hall not needd to be tested.
j. Dupleex stainless steels
s generallly exhibit reelatively high
h toughness. Test requireements and
impacct energies shhall conform
m to GIS 36-3320.

7.14.2 Cast Iron

a. Cast iron should not
n normally be used for low
l temperaature service.

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b. If usin
ng cast iron in
i such service is unavoiddable (e.g., gearbox
g cases at low ambbient
tempeerature), onlyy nodular (SGG) grades of iron should be used that incorporate impact
g in the mateerial specification or are otherwise
o tessted.

7.14.3 Elastome
a. Speciffying a minimmum system m design tempperature equaal to the imppact test tempperature of
the pip
ping materiaal (a practice frequently adopted
a by prrocess enginneers) should be avoided.
b. Speciffication shouuld be the higghest minimuum temperatture consistennt with safe operation.
c. If a chhoice has to be
b made betw ween ED ressistance and lowl temperatture resistancce in gas
servicce, the safer choice
c should
d be made. Decompressi
D on resistancee is usually the
t safer
choicee, unless loww temperaturees are persisttent or permaanent.

7.15 Cryogenic service (below -50°°C [-58°F])

a. Valvees for cryogennic applications should cconform to annd be type teested in accorrdance with
BS 63364 or an equuivalent standdard.
b. Carboon, low alloy, and duplexx steels shoulld not be used
c. Nonm
metallic materrials should be
b restricted to PTFE andd graphite.
d. Depennding on the service fluid
d, valves shoould be degreeased and asssembled in cllean

7.16 Anhydrou
us ammoniia service
a. Coppeer and coppeer based mateerials shouldd not be used in anhydrou
us ammonia service.
b. Steelss should havee a maximum mm2 (50 ksi) (i.e.,
m yield strenggth 350 N/m ( low streength steel),
and alll welds in stteel componeents should be
b stress relieeved.
c. Weldss in steel com
mponents shoould be stress relieved.

7.17 Chloride service

a. The ch
hloride conteent of test waater for stainnless steel vallves should be
b as followss:
1. Limited
L to 300 ppm.
2. Less
L than 30 ppm if evap
poration and cconcentration is likely.
b. pH shhould be conttrolled betweeen 6 and 8,55.
c. If it iss known that the service temperature
t w not exceeed 50°C (1220°F), chloridde content
may be b increased to 200 ppm maximum.
d. Austeenitic and maartensitic staiinless steel inn seawater seervice should
d be cathodiccally

7.18 Sour (wett H2S) service

a. Sour (wet
( H2S) service can cauuse sulphide stress corrossion crackingg of metallicc materials,
particuularly if surfface hardnesss is not stricttly limited.
b. Materrials for sour service
1. Materials
M forr sour servicee shall conform to ISO 155156 (NACE
E MR0175) or,o if
s for refining servvice, NACE MR0103, annd shall geneerally conform
m to
G 36-25 or GP 36-26.
2. This
T conform mance limits the hardnesss of all steels, requires auustenitic steells to be
s anneealed, proscrribes the use of certain materials for pressure
p retaiining

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b parrts (includingg valve stems), and proviides special requirements
r s for bolting,
w etc.
c. ASTM M A564/A5664M, Grade 630 6 (17/4 PH H), precipitation hardeninng stainless steel shall
not bee specified orr used for neew valve stem
ms or shafts in
i sour servicce applicatioons.
d. Valvees with 17/4 PH
P SS stemss
1. Valves
V with 17/4 PH SS stems alreaddy in service may continuue in use if exxperience
h been goood and if it caan be confirm
med that the sourness of the
t service has
h not
r increeased.
2. Valves
V in stoock with 17/44 PH stems shall only be used as replaacements forr valves in
s if thee sourness off the service is
i not expectted to increasse.
e. Confoormance to NACE
1. The ACE dependds on the detaailed design of the
T need for bolting to coonform to NA
f joint.
2. If
I the joint haas open boltiing (similar to
t a conventiional raised face
f and uninnsulated
f arranggement) and where any flluid leaking from
f the joinnt is able to disperse
d to
a t bolting shall
the s not needd to conform
m to NACE.
3. However,
H any “captive boolting”, suchh as a face to face body jooint on two/tthree piece
b valve wiith elastomerr seals or anyy insulated jo
oint, shall reqquire conform
mance to

7.19 Hydrogen
n service
a. Carboon steel may be used for hydrogen
h serrvice up to a maximum teemperature of
o 230°C
b. Materrial should bee selected in accordance with API RP
P 941 (Nelsoon curves).
c. Particcular attentionn should be paid
p to glandd and other external
e sealss.

7.20 Hydrofluo
oric acid (H
HFA) servic
a. To haandle HFA seervice successsfully, valvees should be restricted to those types that have
been demonstrated
d d in service or
o by test.
b. Generrally, valve tyypes that do not provide opportunitiees for the acccumulation of solid
matterr shall be preeferred.

7.21 Wet CO2 and

a chlorin
ne service
If choosing o wet chlorinne service, sppecialist advvice should bee sought.
g materials foor wet CO2 or

7.22 Oxygen service

a. For oxxygen service, valves shoould be thorooughly degreeased, cleaneed, and assem
mbled in
clean conditions.
b. Bronzze or Monel bodyb and trim
m materials shall
s be reco
ommended too prevent spaarking and
ignitioon as a resultt of high eneergy mechaniical impact.

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8 Valv
ve function
n and des

8.1 Isolation (block) vallves

8.1.1 General
a. Valvees intended foor starting annd stopping flow
f or for issolation of eq
quipment shoould
generaally be selectted to providde:
1. Low
L resistannce to flow (LLP drop) (e.gg., by means of a straight through flow
c n that may allso facilitate line clearing
2. Bidirectional
B l sealing (prooviding goodd shutoff if thhe flow or prressure differrential is
f either direction).
b. If flow
w is not neceessary (e.g., isolation
i of innstrument piiping), valve types, such as needle
and gllobe, which have
h a high resistance
r to flow may bee used, as folllows:
1. These
T valve types
t may bee used to proovide crude flow
f control.
2. Such
S valves should
s not be used in fouuling or soliddifying servicce.

8.1.2 Isolation efficiency

a. Soft seated valvess should norm
mally be seleected only:
1. For
F clean serrvice.
2. If
I they can bee protected from
f the abraasive conditio
ons associateed with line clearing
c and
b. Hard metal
m seatedd valves shou
uld normally be selected if
i either:
1. The
T service is
i not clean.
2. Protection
P off soft seated valves
v cannoot be guarantteed.
c. For hiigh temperatuure service (greater
( than 200°C [390°°F]), only meetal seated valves should
be useed.
d. For stteam service::
1. Parallel
P slidee valves shalll be the prefeerred option in which higgh temperaturre swings
o after vaalve closure,, at battery liimits, or as issolating valvves in which eequipment
o plant may be taken outt of service.
2. Wedge
W gate valves
v may be
b used as ann alternative for general isolation dutyy or if good,
L leak tighttness is requiired.
e. The methods
m to acchieve valve shutoff are summarised
s in Table 7.

Table 7 - Metho
ods to achiev
ve valve shutoff

Valve typ
pe Sh
hutoff by:
ce Position
Ga ate (wedge, exxpanding) √
Ga ate (slab, paraallel slide) √
Ball (ffloating, trunnion mounted) √

Butterflyy √
Plug (slleeved, lubrica
ated balanced d) √
Plug (exp
panding and wedge
w (lift) typ
pe) √

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Globe √
Diaphragm/pinch √

8.1.3 Reduced bore valve

a. Reducced bore or vventuri patterrn valves shoould be seleccted if minim
mum weight, ccost, and
operatting time aree required.
b. The seeat (throat) ddiameter of reeduced bore valves should not be less than shownn in Table 8.

able 8 - Miniimum bore diameter
d of reduced bo
ore ball valv

DN (NPS) < 80 (3)) 80 to
o 300 (3 to 12)) 350 to 600
6 (14 to 24) > 600 (2
nimum bore By agreem
ment One line size less Two lin
ne sizes less By agreem
an DN (NPS)
tha than DN (NPS)

c. The seeat (throat) ddiameter of reeduced bore ball valves up

u to DN 4000 (NPS 16) should
s not
be less than the vaalue specifiedd in ISO 172292 for singlee reduced boore valves.
d. Doublle reduced boore ball valvves should noot be used.
e. If reduuced bore vaalves are usedd, the follow
wing additionnal criteria shhould be satissfied:
1. Increased
I preessure drop is consideredd in design off piping.
2. Reduced
R secttion moduluss is considereed in piping flexibility deesign.
3. Reduced
R boree valves are not to be useed in horizon
ntal lines thatt are sloped for
c d
4. Drains
D are innstalled at all additional loow points caaused by instaallation of reeduced bore
5. Reduced
R boree valves are not to be useed in erosive applicationss, such as sanndy service,
s or fluidised solidds, without ann analysis off the effects of
o erosion.
6. Reduced
R boree valves are not to be useed in severe fouling,
f solid
difying, or cooking
7. Reduced
R boree valves are not to be useed in lines sp
pecified to bee mechanicallly cleaned
o “pigged”.
8. Reduced
R boree valves are not to be useed as block valves
v associated with preessure relief
d and flare
f pipe heaaders.
9. Use
U of plug valves
v shall be
b subject to approval off Company reesponsible enngineer.

f. Reducced bore waffer type check valves mayy only be useed if flow reggimes/velociities have
been established
e w the manuufacturer.

8.1.4 Gate valv

ves General
a. Extennded bonnets are availablee (and shouldd be specifieed) for cryogenic service..
b. Gate valves
v shouldd not be usedd:
1. I horizontal lines transpoorting heavyy or abrasive slurries in which
In w sedimeent may
b trappped in the poocket below the
t valve seaat, preventing g closure.
2. For
F throttlingg duties, as th
he valve is very inefficiennt at controllling flow.

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Valves Operating
g arrangem
a. utside screw, rising stem valve normaally should bee first choicee, because it is easier to
An ou
maintain, allowingg access for lubrication
l o the thread. In marine ennvironmentss, the rising
stem and
a threads should
s be prootected againnst corrosion
b. If heaadroom is limmited, an inside screw, noonrising stem m type valve may
m be speciified. The
stem thread
t is withhin the body, exposed to the line fluidd, and can bee susceptiblee to seizure
in dirtty or sandy services.
c. nal screw dessigns should not be speciffied for any of
Intern o the follow
wing conditioons:
1. If
I frequent opperation is likkely.
2. Horizontal
H piipes in which
h the valve sttem is also horizontal.
3. Service
S havinng significannt solids conttent.
4. Corrosive
C or searching flu
5. Dry
D gas serviice.
d. For crritical applicaations of inteernal screw ddesigns, eviddence of adeq
quate cycle liife in the
propoosed operatinng conditionss should be obtained.
e. Gear operated
o gatee valves can take many handwheel
h tuurns to open or
o close. Thee following
d also be connsidered:
1. Supplier
S shouuld be askedd to advise the number off turns requireed.
2. If
I the numberr of turns woould lead to unacceptably
u y long operatting time, connsideration
s be givven to the proovision of a pneumatic
p tuurning devicee or an electrric motor
a (refeer to 5.11).

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Valves Wedge gate valve (Figure 2 and Figure 3)

Figure 2 - Wedge gate valve (outside screw)

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Figure 3 - Flexible
e wedge

a. Standard steel weddge gate valvves normallyy should be sppecified with

h the followiing:
1. OS&Y.
2. Rising
R stem.
3. Nonrising
N haandwheel.
4. Bolted
B bonneet.
b. Valvees smaller thaan DN 50 (N
NPS 2) normaally should have
h solid weedges.
c. Largeer valves for ggeneral serviice normallyy should havee flexible weedges.
d. Split wedges
w shouuld be reserveed for the folllowing appllications:
1. Steam
S appliccations in wh w differentiall pressure sealing is requuired.
hich good low
2. Comparable
C applications in which a parallel
p slide valve cannoot be used.
e. Split wedge
w gate valves
v in liquuid or condennsing servicee that might be
b subject too heat
(proceess, fire, etc.)) if the valvee is closed shhould have a means of rellieving presssure built up
in the body cavity.
f. If connforming to thhe requiremeent in e. invoolves making
g the valve unnidirectionall, the flow
direction shall be cclearly markked.
g. Servicces with abraasive particlees or applicattions in whicch wire draw
wing is possibble require
hard faced
f wedgess and seats.

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h. Slab or
o expandingg gate valves shall be prefferred for HP
P gas servicee.
i. If larg
ge wedge gatte valves are mounted with stems horrizontal in a horizontal
h pipe, gate
guidess should havve a minimumm length of 50%
5 of the vaalve DN (NPPS).
j. If flex
xible or solidd wedge gate valves are innstalled belo
ow the horizo
ontal, the valvve bonnet
shouldd have a draiin.
k. Split wedge
w and double
d disc gaate valves shhall be installled with the valve
v stem vertical,
unlesss additional guides
g are prrovided in the valve for thhe particularr application..
l. Cast iron valves shhould not be used, exceppt for undergrround water service in whhich
freezinng is not a possibility and
d piping speccification peermits.
m. API Std
S 603 allow ws reduced wall
w thicknesss on the grouunds that the material doees not
corrodde. If Class 150
1 stainless steel wedge gate valves are specified
d in accordannce with
S 603, the general
g requiirements of GIS
G 62-011 should
s be meet.
n. API Std
S 603 valvees should nott be used if thhe specified corrosion alllowance of thhe
conneecting pipe exxceeds 0,7 mm
m (0,03 in) or for pressuure ratings grreater than Class
C 150. Parallel expanding

e g
gate valve (Figure 4)
a. In orddering, the fuunctionality required
r shalll be clearly stated,
s includ
ding the folloowing:
1. Gates
G that seal against thee seats in thee closed position only.
2. Gates
G that seal against thee seats in thee open and cllosed positioons.
3. Unidirectiona
U al sealing.
4. Bidirectional
B l sealing.
b. Expannding gate vaalves shall noot be recomm
mended for frequent
fr operration in sanddy/abrasive
servicce. Designs with
w ENP gattes shall be suitable
s for clean service only.

gure 4 - Para
allel expand
ding gate va

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c. If freqquent operatiion is likely, internal screew designs shhould not be used.

d. Expannding gate vaalves should not be used on steam serrvice.
e. In liquuid or condennsing servicee, an externaal thermal rellief valve (isoolated by a loocked open
block valve) and set
s between 1,11 times andd 1,33 times the valve ratted pressure should be
providded to prevennt body cavitty overpressuure.
f. The reequirements of Annex C – ‘Minimum m design rulees for design of valve to actuator
mounttings, includding valve driive train calcculations’ shaall be met.

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Valves Slab gate valve (Figure 5, Figure 6, Figure 7, and Figure 8)

Figure 5 - Slab gate valve (outside screw)

Figure 6 - Slab gate valve (internal screw)

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a. Valvees with tungssten carbide coated

c gates and seats should be speccified for dirtty or
abrasiive service. Designs
D withh ENP gates or
o polymer seat
s ring inseerts are suitabble for clean
servicce only.
b. Flat siided, fabricaated designs are
a economiccal in terms of o space andd cost, but theeir use
shouldd normally be b restricted to
t the lower pressure ratiings (Class 600 or lower)), unless the
designn is justified by FEA.

e 7 - Downstream sealin
ng slab gate
e valve

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Fiigure 8 - Upstream and downstream

m sealing slab gate valve Parallel slide valves

s (Figure 9))
a. Paralllel slide gate valves are reecommendedd for steam isolation, feed water isolaation, and
blowddown applicaations (they should
s be useed in tandem
m with a sacriificial globe valve).
b. Paralllel slide gate valves (like split wedge and expandiing gate valv ves) in liquid or
condeensing service that might be subject too heat (proceess, fire, etc.)) if the valvee is closed
shouldd have a meaans of relieviing pressure built up in thhe body caviity.
c. If connforming to thhe requiremeent in b. invoolves makingg the valve unnidirectionall, the flow
direction shall be cclearly markked.
d. If smaall (DN 50 [NNPS 2] and smaller)
s paraallel slide vallves are used
d on liquid syystems,
pressuure relieving measures sh
hould be takeen to relieve cavity overppressure regaardless of
heat consideration
c ns.
e. Drillin
ng of discs too obtain caviity relief shalll not be acceeptable.

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Figure 9 - Parallel slide gate valve Venturi design gate valve (Figure 10)

This is the name sometimes given to reduced bore gate valves (particularly parallel slide type).

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Figure 10 - Venturi pattern gate valve Knife edge gate valve (Figure 11)

Knife edge gate valves should not be used on hazardous service or at other than low pressure.

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Figure 11 - Knife edge gate valve Rotary disk gate valve (Figure 12)

Figure 12 - Rotary disk gate valve

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a. Gate seat
s faces aree usually carrbide coated, and all desiggns shall be recommende
r ed for dirty
b. The siingle disk typpe in particu
ular shall be considered
c ex
xcellent with
h abrasive sluurries or
scalinng service. Fluid cata

alytic crack
king unit (F
FCCU) gate
e valve (slid
de valve) (F
Figure 13)

Figure 13 - Fluid cataly

ytic cracking
g unit (FCCU
U) gate valve

FCCU gatee valves (slidde valves) aree a specialiseed design of gate valve foor use at highh
temperatures and low pressures
p on FCCU
F gas seervice contaiining catalysst fines.

8.1.5 Ball valves General
a. The majority
m of baall valves hav
ve soft seat inserts
i and ellastomer or polymer
p sealls. Such ball
valvess shall be:
1. Recommende
R ed for clean service only.
2. Unsuitable
U foor dirty/abrassive service.
3. Unsuitable
U foor high temperatures.
b. Hard metal
m seatedd ball valves
1. Hard
H metal seated ball vaalves shall bee suitable forr abrasive and scaling serrvice.

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2. Versions
V of these
t valves that
t have graaphite stem, etc., seals may
m be used at
a elevated
3. In
I small partiicle slurry seervice, speciffic measures should be taaken to excluude solid
m from
m seat pocketts, trunnion bearings,
b etc.
c. Reducced opening valves shoulld normally bbe specified for lines thatt do not havee to pass
pigs and
a if the incrreased veloccity and presssure drop can
n be accommmodated.
d. Reducced opening valves are noot recommennded and sho ould not be used
u for fluidds containing
solidss in which thee resulting hiigh velocity could cause erosion.
e. Minimmum bore sizze determines size, weighht, and cost, so competitivve offers of rreduced
bore valves
v shouldd always be compared
c onn this attributte.
f. Leverrs should be mounted
m succh that in the open positio i parallel to the pipe
on the lever is
g. Becauuse smaller valves
v are levver operated (fast open/cllose), the pottential for acccidental
operattion should be
b consideredd.
h. If watter hammer would
w be unaacceptable onn liquid systeems, valves should
s be geear operated. Body des

sign (Figure
e 14, Figure 15, and Figure
F 16)

Figure 14 - Floating
g ball valve (single piec
ce body)

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Figure 15 - Floating ball valve

e (three piec
ce body)

a. The ceentral sectionn of three pieece valves shhould be rem

moved only in
n small sizes and low
b. If larg
ger size (e.g.,, greater than
n DN 150 [N
NPS 6]) end entry
e valves are
a manufacttured to
order,, at least one valve of eacch unique sizze and rating should be hy
ydrotested w
with blank
flangees or welded end caps to load the boddy joints. Bollting torque for
f other valvves should
then be
b confirmedd as being ideentical.
c. Hard metal
m seatedd designs withh all-weldedd bodies shouuld normally be avoided because
b of
the rissk of experieencing seat seealing probleems during FAT,
F which may
m necessittate cutting
open the
t welds.

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Figure 1
16 - Top enttry trunnion mounted ball valve Ball supp

a. Seat supported
s (flooating ball) type
t (Figure 14 and Figuure 15)
1. Seat
S supporteed valves sho
ould be usedd in clean serv
vice in the foollowing maxximum sizess
a ratings:
a Class 1550, full bore:: DN 150 (N
NPS 6).
b Class 3000, full bore:: DN 100 (N
NPS 4).
c Class 6000 and higheer ratings: DN
N 50 (NPS 2).
d Reducedd bore floatin
ng ball valvees may be used up to onee line size larrger.
2. Hard
H metal seated floatin
ng ball valvess are availablle and recommmended for use in high
t s
service only (i.e., if operaating temperrature precluddes use of elastomer or
p sealing materialss in trunnionn mounted vaalves).
3. Valves
V with precompress
p sed seats shouuld have feattures to allow
w relief of thhe body
c pressuure.
b. Trunnnion supporteed (trunnion mounted) tyype (refer to Figure
F 16 annd Figure 17)).

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Figure 17
1 - End enttry trunnion mounted ball valve Double piiston seat trunnion

t ball valves (Figure
( 18, Figure 19a
a, and Figu
ure 19b)
a. A douuble piston seeat shall be recommende
r d to one side only (“downnstream”
d to be fitted
seat) in
i liquid or condensing
c seervice and HP
H gas servicce. Valve shoould be markked in
accorddance with ISSO 14313 (A API Spec 6D) to indicate the directionnality.
b. Doublle piston seatt designs thaat rely on a siingle large seection O-ringg to provide the
differeential annulaar areas shou
uld be avoideed in gas servvice in whichh the large sizze O-ring is
vulnerrable to ED damage.
c. Lip seeals
1. Arrangement
A ts involving two
t back to back lip sealls with the op pen ends facing each
o should also be avoided, becausee they can traap HP fluid between
b the seals.
2. Designs
D usinng lip seals with
w open endds away from m each other may
m be acceptable, but
t design shhall be fully proven,
p incluuding, as a minimum,
m a reepeat test to demonstrate
t seals are not crushed.
d. Doublle piston seatts present a difficult
d desiign/manufactturing probleem at high prressure and
are no
ot recommennded above Class
C 1500 raating.

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Figure 18 - Single piston seat - pressure differential from pipe to body cavity

Pressure (P)

Sealing Force = 0,785 P (Do2-Ds2)

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Figure 19a
a - Double piiston seat - pressure differential fro
om pipe to body
b cavity

Pressure (P) Di

Sealiing Force = 0,785

0 P (Do2-Ds2)

Figure 19b
b - Double piiston seat - pressure differential fro
om body ca
avity to pipe

Preessure (P)


2 2
Sealing Force = 0,785 P (Ds -Di
- ) Valve trim

m materials
a. Unplaated valve baalls (soft seatted valves) shhould be staiinless steel (n
normally 3166 SS grade).
b. Chrom me plated carrbon steel baalls and stems should not be used because of the danger
d of
pittingg corrosion caused
c by tesst water, etc.
c. ENP plated
p carbonn steel balls (and stems, if m be used for soft
i integral wiith the ball) may
seatedd valves in nooncorrosive service or if water mightt be present for f only a lim
mited period
(e.g., inert or treatted line test water
w but nott untreated seeawater.).
d. If valvves are beingg refurbishedd, a proprietaary ENP conttaining chrom
me carbide particles
p may
be useed to increasee wear resisttance (Hy-Chhrome).
e. If softt seated valvees are speciffied, the mannufacturer shoould normallly be allowedd to choose
the sooft seat insertt material.

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f. Virginn PTFE shouuld never be used

u at high pressure, annd PEEK shoould never bee used at low
g. Nylonn should not be used if eitther:
1. Water
W is pressent in the wo
orking fluid.
2. Prolonged
P exxposure to test water is likkely followeed by service at a temperaature above
1 (212°F F).
h. b fully ratedd up to their maximum teemperature liimit.
Valvees with soft seals should be
i. Metall seated ball valves
v shall require
r the use
u of hard cooatings.
j. If opeerating tempeeratures are below
b 150°CC (302°F), co
oating on mettal seated balll valves
should d normally be
b tungsten carbide, althoough other caarbides (e.g., chrome carbbide) are
somettimes used foor specific appplications.
k. At eleevated tempeeratures (e.g., in refinery applications)), cobalt or nickel
n based alloys
(e.g., from the Steellite or Colm
monoy range)) should be chosen
c (with a suitable diifferential
hardness between ball and seatt to prevent galling
g or seiizing).
l. Metall seated ball valves
v shall be
b chosen:
1. For
F dirty or abrasive
a servvice.
2. If
I protection of soft seateed valves durring construcction and com
mmissioning operations
c be guaranteed.
m. For hiigh temperatuure service (greater
( than 200°C [392°°F]):
1. Metal
M to metal seats and graphite
g stem
m/body sealss should be sppecified.
2. Trunnion
T moounted designns are normaally not suitab
n. Brass or bronze materials
m for bushings
b or other
o wetted parts shall not
n be acceptaable.
o. Bearin
ngs used in ball
b valves shhall normallyy be PTFE im
mpregnated material
m (typically, DU®
type) with a suitabble metallic backing
b mateerial.
p. Backiing material
1. The
T lowest acceptable grade of backinng material shall s be gradde 316 SS, if valve trim
i carbon steeel with ENP or austeniticc stainless steeel.
2. For
F all servicces using eithher duplex, superduplex, or alloy 6255 overlay, baccking
m shall be alloy 6225. Other ball valve des

signs (Figu
ure 20)
A number of o special baall valve desiigns, some m
made by only a single man nufacturer, hhave design
features maaking them suitable
s for particular
p appplications. Onne example is
i the eccentrric (Orbit)
ball valve.

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Fiigure 20 - Ec
ccentric (Orrbit) ball valve Welding ends

a. Soft seated sockett or butt weldd end valves for sizes lesss than DN 500 (NPS 2) shhould have
pipe nipples
n (pupss) welded in place (and, iif necessary, heat treated)) by manufaccturer beforee
valve assembly.
b. Lengtth of pups shhould be at leeast 150 mm (6 in).
c. Largeer weld end valves
v shouldd have pipe pups
p with minimum lengtth equal to thhe DN
(NPS)) or 150 mm (6 in), which hever is greaater, and a maximum
m leng
gth of 500 mm
m (20 in). Short patttern valves

a. If Claass 150 short pattern ball valves in sizzes DN 300 (NPS
( 12) andd DN 400 (N
NPS 16) are
speciffied, the ball may protrudde beyond thee body end flange
f faces when
w the vallve is
b. Such valves
v cannoot be used if spading is ennvisaged andd cannot be easily
e removeed if in the
closedd position annd should be avoided.

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Valves Fire hazard

a. Ball valves
v for usee in fire hazaard areas, inccluding thosee used on firee water service, should
be a fire
fi type testeed design andd have an anttistatic devicce. During annd after a firee, valves
mightt leak to somme extent.
b. The fiire type test requirement
r should not apply
a to burieed valves andd should not be included
in subbsea valves. Rapid and

d large tem
mperature changes
If metal seaated ball valvves (particulaarly of large size) are subbject to rapid
d and large teemperature
changes aftter closing, thhe manufactturer should be b asked to make
m proposals (thermal analysis
plus strain analysis, testting, etc.) forr demonstratting continueed sealing caapability. Thiis process is
likely to bee a difficult and
a time consuming exercise. Lined ball valves

a. Linedd valves cannnot pass a firee type test annd should nott be used in hazardous
h seervice.
b. Linedd ball valves shall not be used
u in abrassive servicess, such as aluuminium chlooride.

8.1.6 Butterfly valves General
a. Valvee and actuatoor position stoops should be
b set with caare.
b. Butterrfly valves shhould not be specified in small sizes or
o for high pressures
p (greeater than
Class 600).
c. Application requirrements shou uld be made clear when ordering,
o beccause, althouugh butterfly
valvess are generallly suitable foor bidirectionnal sealing, they
t always have
h a preferrred sealing
d. Type B rubber lineed butterfly valves
v f critical 1 or critical 2 isolation
shall not be used for
valvess on firewateer systems. However,
H Typpe A high peerformance valves
v may be used for
this appplication. Butterfly valve types (Figure 21

2 and Figu
ure 22)
a. Butterrfly valves arre of three baasic designs::
1. Concentric
C d
disk, lined typpe butterfly valve
v (Figuree 21).
2. Double
D offseet (API Std 609 Type B) (Figure
( 22).
3. Triple
T offset..
b. Butterrfly valve: cooncentric dissk, lined typee
1. Concentric
C d
disk, lined typpe butterfly valves,
v as folllows:
a These valves
v shall be
b suitable foor isolation or control serv
b These valves
v shall not
n be recommmended abov ve Class 1500 rating and
approximately 120C (248C) (ddependent onn resilient lin
ning materiall).
c These valves
v should
d not be usedd on hydrocarrbon service or in hazarddous areas.
d These valves
v should
d normally bee restricted to
o undemanding water serrvice.
2. Lined
L valves should not be
b used in coorrosion resisstant alloy piiping system
3. Rubber
R lininggs should alw
ways be speccified as vulccanised to thee body.

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4. Iron
I valves should not bee used for proocess duties, hazardous service, or if freezing is a
5. Lined
L wafer type
t butterfly valves in which
w the ressilient seat iss extended too serve as a
f gaskett should onlyy be installedd between weeld neck or socket
s weld ppipe flanges.
6. Lined
L valves should not beb specified for sticky fluuid services but
b may be specified
s on
s or abraasive servicees in proven designs.
7. Larger
L size valves
v should
d have self loocking gearinng.

Figure 21
2 - Butterfly valve (con
ncentric dis
sk, lined)

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gure 22 - Do
ouble offset butterfly va

c. Doublle offset (AP

PI Std 609 Tyype B) butterrfly valves (F
Figure 22).
1. Double
D offseet (API Std 609 Type B) butterfly
b valv
ves shall be recommende
r ed for use in
C 150 to Class 600 raating.
2. Double
D offseet (API Std 609 Type B) butterfly
b valv
ves shall be recommende
r ed for
i or control
c in cleean service.
d. Triplee offset
1. Triple
T offset butterfly vallves shall be recommended for isolatiion or controol in clean
2. Triple
T offset butterfly vallves shall be recommended for elevatted or low tem
3. Triple
T offset butterfly vallves shall be recommended for use inn Class 150 too Class 600
r Specifica
a. Succeessful butterffly valve application requuires close atttention to thee operating conditions,
and th
he following should alwaays be specifiied:
1. Process
P nd composition (gas
fluidd specific graavity, viscosity, any solidds content, an

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2. Flowrate.
3. Maximum
M annd minimum temperaturee.
4. Pressure,
P including upstreeam, downsttream, and maximum
m diff
fferential in each
d (Thhe possibility
y of either paartial reduction or total lo
oss of differeential
p due to any abnorrmal conditioons shall be considered.)
5. Maximum
M peermissible prressure drop or required Cv.
6. Piping
P momeents (flangedd valves).
b. Butterrfly valve shafts shall be “blowout prroof” withoutt relying on the
t means off attachment
to the disk.
c. Shaft retention shoould not rely
y on the preseence of the valve
v operatoor (hand lever, gear
operattor, or actuattor).
d. If waffer butterfly valves
v are sppecified for double
d t installation should
isolation service, the
consisst of two valvves with a sppool piece annd bleed valv
ve between thhem.
e. Valvees in which thhe gasket conntact area is reduced by counterbored
c d or countersunk holes
t valve body should
for rettaining ringss or screws used to securee seat ring asssemblies in the
not bee used. The ffollowing shoould also be considered:
1. If
I specified, these
t h gasket mannufacturer recommended
valves should only be used with
g contaact area, and surface finissh.
2. Spiral
S woundd gaskets sho
ould not be used.
f. If valvves are intennded to be useed with flat ssheet gasketss, retaining riings that enccroach on
the gaasket sealing area should not be allow wed to protrud de beyond thhe surroundinng body
gaskett contact surface.
g. On liqquid service, manually opperated valvees located suuch that rapidd closure couuld produce
water hammer shoould be gear operated.
h. Seat energising
e rinngs of rubberr lined valvees should be confirmed
c too be compatibble with the
processs fluid.
i. Experrience indicaates wide variiations betweeen manufaccturers approoach to drive train
designn. Standardissation requireements are inncluded in th
he relevant GIS
G (GIS 62-0016 for
quarteer turn appliccations, GIS 62-017 for rrising stem, and
a GIS 62-0035 for actuaators) and
shouldd be followed. Deadend service

a. Valvees with seat rretainers or other
o parts thaat impinge on
o the flange sealing gaskket face
shouldd not be instaalled with thhe seat retaineer on the LP side.
b. Waferr type valvess should not beb used in deeadend servicce, because these
t valves do not
allow installation of a blind addjacent to thee valve.
c. Lug tyype valves with
w tapped holes should not
n be used. Refer to 8.1..6.5h. regardding the
effect of corrosionn in bolt holees. pe butterfly
Wafer typ y valves
a. Waferr style butterrfly valves shhould not be used for linee sizes DN 500 (NPS 2) annd smaller.
b. If futuure replacem
ment by other valve types might be reqquired, flangeed butterfly vvalves with
an oveerall length equivalent
e too that of a gatte or ball vallve (long patttern) should be selected.
c. Disk, if fully or paartly open, shhall not foul adjacent valvves, fittings, or connected pipework.
d. Short pattern valves should noot be specifieed for lined pipe
p applicatiions.

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e. If used
d in process or firewater systems in which
w a fire risk
r is presennt, valves shoould be
througgh drilled lugg style to pro
otect flange bolting
b durinng a fire.
f. If buttterfly valves with exposeed bolts are used
u on such services, a light gage sheeet stainless
steel shroud
s shall be wrapped around the valve
v and expposed bolts.
g. Boltinng should be thermally coompatible wiith the valve body materiial and conneected
h. Luggeed wafer valvves with tappped holes in the lugs and with bolts innserted throuugh from
each adjacent
a pipee flange shalll not be recommended.
i. Waferr butterfly vaalves should not be used in the follow
wing servicess:
1. Service
S contaaining 25% or
o greater volume of free hydrogen.
2. Liquids
L abovve their AIT.
3. Steam
S service.
4. Temperature
T s above 260°°C (500°F).
5. As
A the first block
b valve against
a storagge tanks or vessels contaiining hazardoous
6. Reciprocatin
R g compressoor or pump seervice.

8.1.7 Plug valv

ves General
a. Valvees with paralllel solid pluggs are availabble but shoulld not normaally be speciffied.
b. If used
d on liquid service, manuually operateed valves sho
ould be gear operated if rapid closure
could produce watter hammer.
c. Plug valves
v shouldd be shippedd in the open position. Body pattterns (Figu

ure 23)

Figure 23 - Plug valve

v patterrns (round opening,
o reg
gular, and ve

Plug valvess are made inn five body patterns,

p withh port shapess and areas as follows:
a. Round
d opening paattern.

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b. Regullar pattern.
c. Ventuuri pattern
1. Flow
F resistannce of venturri pattern valves should be
b checked, particularly
p oon liquid andd
m syystems.
2. Velocity
V shouuld be checkked if erosionn is a possibiility.
d. Short pattern - Noot recommendded in largerr sizes on flow applicatioons, because tthe short
lengthh results in abbrupt changee of throat shhape between
n the flanges and plug.
e. Doublle plug patterrn
1. Flow
F resistannce should bee checked, particularly onn liquid systems.
2. Because
B of thhe variety off types and ovverall lengthhs, it is imporrtant to checkk the
s suppplier cataloguue for face too face and ennd to end dimmensions andd port areas
( vary between
b man nufacturers for
f a given ty ype). Pressure balanced lubricated plug valve

es (Figure 24
2 and Figu
ure 25)

Figure 24 - Lu
ubricated taper plug vallve

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Figure 25 - Pre
essure balan
nced plug va

a. Most manufactureers of pressurre balanced lubricated

l pluug valves use a low frictiion
ment on the plug
p surface to
t reduce fricction.
b. Succeessful operatiion relies on occasional injection of sealant,
s as follows:
1. Ideally,
I sealaant should bee injected beffore operatioon.
2. As
A a minimuum, sealant sh
hould be injeected during plant turnaroound.
3. If
I it is intendded not to lubbricate valvess, Supplier sh
hould be advvised to enabble taking
a of thhe increased operating
o torrque and the potential forr corrosion.
4. Valve
V relubriication shoulld be addresssed in plant operating
o and
d maintenancce
c. Sealan
nt should be compatible with
w but resiistant to the process
p fluidd.
d. The operating tem
mperature rannge should bee determinedd by the sealaant.
e. Each lubricated
l pllug valve ordder should fuully specify:
1. Service
S fluidds.
2. Operating
O preessure and teemperature.

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Valves Sleeved and

a lined plug
p valves (Figure 26

Figure 26
6 - Sleeved plug
p valve

a. Sleeveed and lined plugged valvves should be:

1. Operated
O reggularly or exccercised.
2. Used
U in causttic, chlorine,, and similar services.
b. Valvees for chlorinne service shoould have a drilling
d to veent the plug and
a any bodyy cavity to
the up
pstream port.
c. Sleeveed plug valves should alw ways have a positive metthod of lockiing the sleevee into the
body, such as raiseed locking riibs.
d. Sleeveed or lined plug
p valves shhould have an
a antistatic device.

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Valves Semibala
anced, lubricated type
e (Texsteam
m, etc.) valves Expandin
ng plug valv
ve (Figure 27)

Figure 27 - Expanding
g plug valve

a. Expannding plug vaalves shouldd be avoided in gas servicce at pressurees above 70 bar b
(1 0000 psi), because seal sectioon sizes are large
l and elaastomer sealss are at high risk
r of
sufferring ED, regaardless of forrmulation.
b. Expannding plug vaalves provide double block isolation in a single body. Wedge (o
or lift) plug valves (Fig
gure 28)
Soft seatedd lift type pluug valves mayy be consideered for tight shutoff appllications.

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Figure 28
8 - Wedge plug
p valve

8.1.8 Diaphragm valves General
a. A “traavel stop” shhould be speccified as an accessory,
a paarticularly if temperatures
t s exceed
80°C (175°F).
b. For flaammable, coorrosive, or tooxic service,, a special bo
onnet should be specifiedd with a
secondary stem seeal to preventt leakage in the
t event of diaphragm failure.
fa A bonnnet vent
hould be speecified to proovide a safe method
port sh m of ch
hecking diaphhragm integrrity,
includding when thhe valve is unnder pressuree. Specifica
a. In orddering diaphrragm valves, Company shhould list:
1. The
T process fluid.
2. Fluid
F concenntration, if appplicable, andd special chaaracteristics to
t which atteention needs
t be directedd.

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3. Operating
O preessure and teemperature.
4. Whether
W a seecondary stem
m seal is requuired.
b. If used
d in an atmoospherically corrosive
c envvironment orr subjected to
o corrosive spillage, a
protecctive externaal coating shoould be speciified.
c. Diaphhragm valvess should not normally
n be used on hyddrocarbon serrvice. Body con

a. Standard body connfigurations are:
1. Weir
W type vaalve.
2. Straight
S throuugh type valv
b. Weir type
t valves (Figure
( 29) shall
s not be suitable
s for slurries or visscous liquidss.

Fiigure 29 - Weir
W type dia
aphragm valve

c. Straig
ght through tyype valves (F
Figure 30) shhall be suitabble for viscouus fluids, thicck slurries,
and fluids containing deposits..

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Figurre 30 - Straight pattern diaphragm valve

8.1.9 Globe vallves General
a. For seevere throttlinng service orr if close conntrol is requirred, conventtional controll valves
with a hand operattor should bee used.
b. The coonfigurationn of the flow path is norm mally only suiitable for uniidirectional flow.
f Globe
valvess should be mounted
m in thhe line such that flow is in
i a direction
n from beneaath the disk.
c. High unbalanced
u f
forces can prrevent openinng against reeverse pressuure differential. If this
factorr is importantt, the requireement shouldd be specifiedd. Body des

Globe valvve body typess include:
a. Standard (Figure 31).
b. Obliquue (Y patternn) (Figure 32
c. Anglee pattern (Figgure 33).

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Figure 31 - Standard (straight) pattern globe valve

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Figure 32 - Oblique (Y pattern) globe valve

Figure 33 - Angle pattern globe valve

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Valves Disk varia

a. Globee valve disk types
t availabble include:
1. Types
T with a flat seat/disk interface (m
metal to mettal seat or with a soft seall ring
i ).
2. Types
T in whiich the disk has
h a taperedd or sphericall seating surfface and provvides
n line contact
c againnst a conical seat.
3. Needle
N type with
w a long tapered
t plug type disk (Figure 34).
b. Globee valve disk types
t that haave a flat seatt/disk interfaace (metal to metal seat or
o with a soft
seal riing incorporaated) shall noot be suitablee for flow coontrol applicaations.
c. Globee valve disk types,
t in whiich the disk has
h a taperedd or sphericall seating surfface and
providdes narrow liine contact against
a a coniical seat, are recommend
ded if crude flow
f control
is requuired.
d. Needlle type globee valves that have a long tapered
t plug Figure 34) are
g type disk (F
mmended for fine flow coontrol.

Fiigure 34 - Ne
eedle patterrn globe valve Stem variiations

a. Only OS&Y versiions should be
b consideredd.
b. On rotating and rising stem typpe globe valvves, the backkseat of valvees should be
mechaanically lockked or weldedd in place to prevent rotaation.

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8.1.10 Pinch valves (Figure

e 35)
a. Pinch valves may be used for flow
f control and can havve good contrrol characterristics, but, iff
used in
i this way, tight
t shutoff cannot be guuaranteed. Piinch valves may
m also be usedu for
um service, suubject to maanufacturer appproval.
b. Full seervice details should be provided
p to enable
e manufacturer to seelect an apprropriate
sleevee material.

Figure 35 - Pinch
h valve

8.1.11 Flush botttom and sampling va

alves (Figu
ure 36)
a. Flush bottom and sampling vaalves should be b used for drain
d and sam
mpling in sluurry or liquidd
and soolids servicess (i.e., in which a convenntional valvinng arrangemeent is not suiitable
becauuse of the riskk of pluggingg).
b. The seeat in a disk type valve iss part of the vessel
v outlett nozzle, and the valve shhall be
providded to vessell fabrication before the veessel is fabriicated.
c. Pistonn type may be selected foor either flushh bottom or penetrating
p o

Figure 36
6 - Flush botttom valve

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d. Operaation may be manual or reemotely conttrolled.

8.1.13 Float ope

erated valve
a. Valvees may confoorm to either::
1. BS
B 1212-1, BS
B 1212-2, and
a BS 1212--3.
2. Manufacturer
M r standards.
b. Valvees that conforrm to manufa
facturer standdard may be either inline or angle typpe and range
from small
s threadeed connectioon valves to flanged
f typess up to DN 450
4 (NPS 18)).
c. Surfacce turbulencee should be prevented
p byy installing a separate floaat tank or baffle plate.
d. Float operated vallves should always
a be baccked up by leevel alarms and
a a seconddary means
of preeventing overrfilling becau
use of low reeliability of thhe valve.

8.2 Valve types for prev

vention of flow
f revers
sal (check)

8.2.1 General
a. The obturator (cloosure membeer) of swing checkc valvess is variouslyy described as a
“clappper”, “plate”, or “disk”. InI this GP, foor consistenccy and to avooid confusionn, the
obturaator is referreed to as a “diisk”.
b. Checkk valves are intended
i to prevent
p grosss backflow of
o fluid and sh
hould not bee relied on to
providde effective isolation.
c. Shaftss that penetraate the pressuure containm
ment should normally
n be avoided,
a unleess required
for revverse flow annd/or intelliggent pigging applications. Such shaftss should be of
o an
antiblowout designn and secureed by a shoullder on the shhaft.
d. Checkk valves otheer than diaphhragm type shhould not be used in slurrry service.

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8.2.2 Check va
alve types
Characterisstics vary connsiderably annd should bee considered in selecting valves for paarticular

8.2.3 Lift check

k (Figure 37
7, Figure 38, and Figu
ure 39)
a. Lift chheck valves should be selected for appplications th
hat could resu
ult in surge problems
p for
other types of valvves.
b. Use of lift check valves
v with union
u bonnetts should be limited
l to po
ortions of pipping systems
in whiich pipe unioons are allow
c. Pistonn and disk typpes should be
b avoided inn dirty or visccous service and reservedd for clean
liquidds and nonconndensing gasses.
d. Ball checks
c with metal
m ball sho
ould not be used
u in gas or
o vapour serrvice becausee of the
potenttial for ball/sseat damage as a result off irregular floow.
e. Ball checks
c shouldd not be usedd in sizes greeater than DN
N 50 (NPS 2)).
f. Pistonn type may be used in larger sizes in which
w pulsinng flow is preesent (e.g., att the outlet
of reciprocating puumps).
g. Ball check
c valves should not be
b used with widely varyiing pressuress, pulsing floow, and
frequeent flow reveersals.

Figure 37 - Lift check valve (ball typ


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Figure 38 - Lift check valve (disk type)

Figure 39 - Lift check valve (piston type)

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8.2.4 Screwdow
wn stop an
nd check (F
Figure 40)
The screwddown stop annd check valvve is a variannt of the lift check
c in whiich the disc iis held
closed by a valve stem that can be retracted
r to permit
p free movement
m of the disc.

Figurre 40 - Screw
wdown stop
p and check valve

8.2.5 Swing check - conv

ventional ty
ype (Figure
e 41)
a. g check valvees should be used in sizes greater thaan DN 50 (NP
Swing PS 2).
b. The tw
wo piece stem
m design vallve in which the shaft pennetrates the body
b has the potential to
blow the
t shaft outt and should be
b designed to be blowou ut proof.
c. If an external
e lift mechanism
m is required onn the check valve
v for opeerational reassons, a
designn that incorporates a lost motion deviice should bee included su uch that any dynamic
movem ment of the clapper
c undeer flow is nott transferred into shaft moovement.
d. Swing g check valvees may be sp pecified for horizontal
h or vertical upw
ward flow (reefer to
8.2.144) on low vellocity or highhly viscous fluids.
e. Swing
g check valvees are unsuittable for any of the follow
wing applicattion types:
1. Frequent
F flow
w reversal.
2. Wide
W velocitty variations.
3. Pulsating
P flow

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Figure 41
1 - Swing ch
heck valve

f. wing check valve

If a sw v is installed in a systtem liable to sudden flow
w reversal, a
counteerbalance weeight or dashhpot should beb specified tot prevent slaamming.
g. The foollowing shoould not normmally be speccified and shhould only bee fitted after ccareful
analyssis and discuussion with thhe manufactuurer:
1. Balance
B weigghts.
2. Spring
S loadedd cylinders.
3. Oil
O filled dasshpots.
h. If possible, the anggle between the seat and fully open position
p of thhe disk shouldd be
restriccted from 65 degrees to 70
7 degrees.
i. If piggging is a requuirement, special variantts of the conv
ventional vallve should bee used that
incorpporate shapedd disks.
j. Althouugh widely used,
u swing check
c valvess are generallly best suitedd to gravity flow
f and
pumped (liquid) syystems in whhich flow vellocities are relatively low
k. Speciffic requiremeents for subssea applicatioons are given
n in GIS 43-3352.

8.2.6 Swing check - tilting

g disk type
e (Figure 42
k check valvees shall not be
Tilting disk b used if piggging is a req

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gure 42 - Tiltted disk swing check va

8.2.7 Swing check - duo disk

d type (F
Figure 43)
a. nals of Type A valves (Tyype A as defi
Intern fined by API Std 594) thaat are securedd by screws,
pins, or
o bolts (i.e.,, retainerless design) shalll have featurres and assem
mbly methodds to preventt
the coomponents frrom vibratingg loose.

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Figure 43 - Du
uo disk wafe
er check vallve

b. Duo disk
d check vaalves are recoommended inn preferencee to conventioonal swing checks
c in
whichh high flow velocities
v occcur (e.g., in gas
g service).
c. Duo disk
d check vaalves dependd on internal spring loadinng for closurre and are theerefore the
most suitable
s typee of check vaalve for locattion in verticaal pipes with
h upward flow
d. If retaainerless desiign is supplieed, a check should
s be maade to ensuree that there arre no
unacceptable interrruptions of thet gasket seealing face.

8.2.8 Swing check - wafer style (Fig

gure 43)
a. Both single
s plate and
a dual platte swing checck valves aree available in n wafer stylee for
mountting betweenn flanges usinng the flangee bolting. Thhis valve stylee makes extrremely
omical use off expensive material.
b. Waferr style swingg check valvees should nott be used for line sizes DN
N 50 (NPS 2)
2 and
c. The valve
v may not be suitable for end of thhe line appliccations, unless it has luggged and
d holes.
d. Valvee installation design shouuld ensure thaat the plates do
d not foul adjacent
a valvves or
conneected pipewoork.
e. Singlee disk wafer check valvess are not recoommended, because
b diskk opening is usually
severeely restrictedd, resulting in
n HP drop.
f. Singlee disk wafer checks shouuld not be useed on low floow or LP gass services in which
w the
disk position
p may oscillate.

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g. If usedd in process or fire waterr systems in w

which fire risk is presentt, wafer checcks should
be thrrough drilled lug style to protect flangge bolting duuring a fire.
h. Boltinng should be thermally coompatible wiith the valve body materiial and conneected
flangees. If wafer check
c valves with exposeed bolts are used,
u a light gage
g stainlesss steel
shroudd should be wrapped
w arouund the valvve and exposeed bolts to prrovide fire prrotection.
i. Waferr valves withh tapped holees in the lugss and with maachine bolts inserted throough from
each adjacent
a pipee flange are not
n recommeended.
j. Waferr check valvees should nott be used in the
t followingg services:
1. Service
S contaaining 25% or
o greater volume of free hydrogen.
2. Liquids
L abovve their AIT.
3. Steam
S service.
4. Temperature
T s above 260°°C (500°F).
5. As
A the first block
b valve against
a storagge tanks or vessels contaiining hazardoous
6. Reciprocatin
R g compressoor or pump seervice.

8.2.9 Swing check valve stability

Swing checck valves shoould be avoidded if unstabble conditionns are likely (e.g.,
( wide veelocity
variations, pulsing flow
w, and frequeent flow reveersals). Underr certain con
nditions, frettting of hingee
ven mechaniccal failure caan occur.
pins and ev

8.2.10 Diaphragm check (F

Figure 44)

Figure 44 - Diaphragm check valve


Diaphragmm check valvees provide stable operatioon with presssure variationns, pulsing flow,
fl and
frequent floow reversals. Location may
m be in eithher horizontaal or vertical lines.

8.2.11 Axial flow

w (nozzle) check
c (Figu
ure 45)
a. Axial flow (nozzlee) check valvves are recom mmended forr preventing excessive prressure
surge and providinng stability iff wide pressuure variation
ns, pulsing flo
ow, and freqquent flow
reverssals are likelyy.
b. Axial flow nozzle check valvees shall be reccommended for use in co ompressor diischarge
lines subject
s to puulsating or low
w flow condditions in whiich a tilting disk
d type vallve may

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c. Axial flow nozzle check valvees shall not be recommennded for recipprocating pum

ure 45 - Axia
al flow (nozzzle) check valve

8.2.12 Plate che

eck valves (Figure
( 46))
Plate checkk valves are:
a. Generrally limited to applicatio
ons in which there is a low
w differentiaal pressure accross the
b. ble for mounnting either horizontally or
Suitab o vertically.

8.2.13 Foot valv

ves (Figure 47)
Foot valvess are generallly installed at
a the suctionn inlet of a pu
ump to mainntain prime.

Figure 46 - Plate che

eck valve

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Figurre 47 - Foot valve

8.2.14 Applicatio
on guidanc
ce Pigging
a. Only special desiggns of swing type check valves
v with contoured
c dissks and (normmally) seat
faces at right anglees to the flow
w should be selected for services thatt are requiredd to pass
b. Checkk valve desiggn type discuussed in a. shhould be avoiided if pigginng is not a reequirement.
c. If inteelligent piggiing is expected, some meeans of mech
hanically liftiing the disk should
s be
necesssary. Refer too GIS 43-352. Dynamic response (Figure

( 48))
a. Swing g check valvees that facilittate pigging are also mosst susceptiblee to inducingg pressure
surge.. If pigging is not a requirement and HP H drop cann not be toleraated, the folloowing
alternatives, listedd in the orderr of their “antti slam” perfformance, shhould be conssidered:
1. Axial
A flow, nozzle
n check.
2. Dual
D plate chheck.
3. Tilting
T disk ccheck.
4. Swing
S checkk with seat inclined to verrtical and a maximum
m anggle between disk and
s from 65 degrees to 70 7 degrees.
b. If LP drop is not rrequired, pistton type checck valves maay be used.
c. Pressuure surge efffects should be
b consideredd if:
1. Normal
N fluidd velocities ex
xceed 4,5 m//s (15 ft/s) foor liquids.
2. Normal
N fluidd velocities ex
xceed 27,5 m/s
m (90 ft/s) for
f gases.
3. Operating
O preessures are close
c to the design
d pressuure of the pipping system.
d. In connsidering preessure surge effects,
e the following
f shoould be noted
1. Longer
L closinng times mayy be acceptabble under cerrtain conditioons (e.g., on single
p system
ms for long piipelines in which
w the term
minal backprressure and maximum
e are low).

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2. Shorter
S closinng times migght be necesssary on paralllel pumpingg systems to prevent
b intoo a failed pump.

Figure 48
8 - Swing ch
heck with su
upplementarry loading Unstable and pulsatting flow

a. Standard swing chhecks shouldd be avoided if wide veloccity variationns, pulsating flow, and
frequeent flow reveersal are likely.
b. Tiltingg disk and duuo disk valvees shall be prreferred to sttandard swinng checks beccause they
are beetter at copinng with unstaable flows.
c. Axial flow nozzle check desiggns are betterr than tilting disk and duoo disk valvess and should
ys be used at compressor outlets, unleess there are pressing
p reassons for doinng
d. Axial flow nozzle check desiggns are not noormally suitaable for fittin
ng downstreaam of
reciprrocating pum
e. For ap
pplications downstream
d o reciprocating pumps annd other app
of plications invvolving
pulsatting flow, pisston type liftt checks are particularly
p s
suitable and can
c be obtainned with
adjusttable dampinng.
f. In all cases, the chharacteristicss of check vaalves in comp
pressor pipinng systems shhall be
compaatible with thhe compressoor manufactuurer requirem ments. Frequent flow reverrsal

Numerous flow reversaals can have an
a adverse affect on weaar and reliability of valve
componentts, and manuufacturers sho
ould be advissed if this is likely to be the
t case.

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Valves Installatio
a. Checkk valves shouuld be mountted at least 3 pipe diametters downstreeam of pipe ffittings.
b. A verttical locationn adversely affects
a the response of moost types of check
c valvess and should
be avooided, if posssible.
c. Lift tyype and swinng type checkk valves shouuld never be fitted in verttical pipes. The
wing should also
a be consiidered:
1. If d designs are installedd in vertical pipes,
I swing checck or tilting disk p designn should
p the disk
d reaching g a “stalled” position
p if fu
ully open.
2. In
I the fully open
o vertical position, thee disk/hinge arm has a veery small clossing
m furtther reducingg response, unless
u suppleementary loadding is used with the
p com
mplication off damping.
3. Lift
L check vaalves mounteed in vertical pipes shouldd have springgs.
d. No chheck valve shhould be mouunted in a pippe with flow
w vertically doownward, exxcept axial
flow nozzle
n type and
a duo disk type, and thhen only withh the full knoowledge and agreement
of maanufacturer.
e. If a veertical locatioon is contem b fully apprraised and asked to
mplated, Suppplier should be
confirrm that the obbturator willl not remain open
o to perm
mit reverse flow.
f. Lift chheck valves ini horizontall pipes shoulld always be mounted witth their bonnnet axis in
the veertical plane. Sizing
a. Checkk valves shouuld ideally bee selected suuch that, undeer normal floow conditionns, they are
fully open
o against the stop. Maanufacturer should
s be advvised of the minimum
m floow velocity
at whiich the valvee is required to
t be fully oppen. The folllowing shoulld also be coonsidered:
1. If
I swing checck valves aree used in piggged pipeliness, it may not be possible to ensure
t the valvee is open agaainst the stopp, particularlyy in gas serviice. In such cases,
d shouldd ensure thatt hinge pin annd bearing design
d are adeequate for thhe constant
m thhat can resultt.
2. For
F critical appplications, manufactureer should be asked
a to:
a Advise the flow veloocity necessaary to keep thhe valve fullly open.
b Predict the position of valve diskk under norm
mal and minim
mum flow coonditions.
b. Applications in gaas or steam liines or in liquuid lines witth low or unssteady flow should
s be
fully described
d in the purchasee specificatioon such that the
t manufactturer can evaaluate the
bility of the valve
v design. Shutoff
a. If diffferential presssure in the shutoff directtion is very loow, supplem
mentary loadiing might
need tot be consideered.
b. Suppllemental loadding can be achieved
a in some
s designss by additionnal weightingg (e.g.,
externnal in the casse of swing checks)
c or strronger springg loading.

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9 Special valve applicatio


9.1 Shutdown
n valves

9.1.1 Emergenc
cy shutdow
wn valves (ESDVs)
a. An ES SDV shall close if asked to do so undder any likelyy conditions of operation. To
demonnstrate this, performance
p e, periodic tessts involving
g full or partiial closure off the valve
shall be
b required. Tight shutofff is generallyy a secondaryy consideratiion.
b. For diirty service aand if operatiing temperatuures allow th he use of elasstomers and//or polymer
seals, slab gate valves should be b the first chhoice if the height
h of the gate valve can
c be
accommmodated in the piping/p pipeline systeem. Trunnion n mounted baall valves aree the second
choicee if dimensioons of the gatte valve cannnot be toleratted
c. Floatiing (seat suppported) ball valves
v should not be usedd for ESD seervice, unlesss metal
seatedd versions aree necessary in
i high temperature (greaater than 2000°C [392°F] LPL service.
In succh cases, a metal
m seated, graphite
g sealled butterfly valve may be
b chosen as an
d. Soft seated ball vaalves may bee used in cleaan service.
e. Hard coated
c metall seated valves should bee selected forr services thaat are likely to
t have any
of the following:
1. Sand.
2. Pipescale.
3. Corrosion
C prooduct.
4. Valves
V that have
h to pass pigs.
f. If softt seated valvees are used, protection
p ded during liine flushing and
shhall be provid
comm missioning opperations (reffer to 5.2).
g. Seat sealant
s injecttion facilitiess
1. ESD
E ball valves should not
n normally have seat sealant injectioon facilities.
2. For
F metal seaated valves, seat
s sealant iinjection faciilities are ineeffective andd usually
3. Soft
S seated valves
v shall not
n be injecteed with sealant after the valve
v is closeed on
4. Seat
S sealant injection
i faciilities can bee useful for solvent flushiing of soft seeated valves
i service forr which expeerience has shhown this to be beneficiaal.
h. Ball valves
v with double
d sealing piston typee seats may be
b used to prrovide two seeals in
series. The follow
wing should also
a be considdered:
1. If
I ESDVs have a preferreed isolation direction,
d onlly the “downnstream” seatt should
h this featture.
2. DPSs
D shouldd not be speciified in ball vvalves abovee Class 2500 rating, unlesss agreed
o byy the BP responsible enginneer.
3. IIf double pistton valves arre required too provide douuble isolationn and bleed function,
f as
described in this
t GP and ISO I 14313 (API
( Spec 6DD), the abilityy of the valvve to seal
from cavity to
t downstream m side shall be demonstrrated by detaailed design analysis,
including FEA, to demonnstrate the doownstream seeal capabilityy of the valvee,
particularly w
when the cavvity is at veryy low pressurre.
i. If lubrricated plug valves are sppecified, the operational maintenance
m e programmee shall
includde regular rellubrication, preferably
p prrior to each operation.

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j. Sleeveed plug valves should noot be used forr ESD appliccations becauuse of the tenndency for
operatting torque too increase.
k. Doublle or triple offfset butterflly valves mayy also be useed in clean gaas or liquid service
s up to
Class 600 (PN 1000) rating. In highh temperaature servicee, metal seateed graphite seealed
versioons might be the best cho oice.
l. Expannding type gaate valves annd wedge typpe gate valvees should not be used in shutdown

9.1.2 Emergenc
cy shutdow
wn valve (E
ESDV) actu
a. V actuators shhould normaally be failsaffe hydraulic type.
b. For sm
maller size, LP
L applicatio ons that can accommodat
a te the greatly
y increased siize, ESDV
actuattors should be
b failsafe pnneumatic typee.
c. ESDV V actuators inn hazardous areas shall beb protected against
a fire and
a blast to ensure
e that,
duringg a limited fiire, they can function as required,
r as follows:
1. Protection
P m be providded by screenns, casings, or
may o applicationn of intumesccent
2. Access
A requirements (forr maintenance, testing, etcc.) should bee considered during
d. To en
nsure an acceptable operaating temperaature in high temperaturee service appllications,
one off the followinng may be performed, if necessary:
1. Mounting
M acttuators on exxtended spoools or yokes.
2. Providing
P exxtended valvee bonnets.

9.1.3 Actuator safety facttor

a. Actuaators of slab type
t gate vallves and buttterfly valves should be caapable of appplying a
torquee/force at leaast 1,5 times the maximum m requiremeent advised by
b manufactuurer (and
recordded during FA ATs) throughout the opeen/close cyclee.
b. For baall and plug valves,
v the actuator
a marggin in a. shouuld be increased to a factoor of 2.

9.1.4 High integ

grity press
sure protec
ction system
m (HIPPS) valves
a. In genneral, closuree times shoulld be maxim
mised, or if tim
mes have to be
b short, testts should be
perforrmed (refer to 9.1.5).
S applicationns have the following
fo chaaracteristics:
1. High
H pressurre always avaailable at tim
me of emergen
ncy closure. (This characcteristic mayy
n be true off test closurees.)
2. Low
L differenntial pressuree during closuure.
3. High
H differenntial pressuree after closurre.
4. Requirement
R t for periodicc closure (or partial closuure) and seat leakage testiing.
5. (Occasionally
( y) fast closurre.
c. Charaacteristics listted in b.1. an
nd b.2. presennt particularlly benign opperating condditions, and
the incclination to specify
s an unnnecessarily high differenntial pressuree during clossure should
be ressisted.
d. If pipee size is less than DN 400 (NPS 16), hard metal seated
s slab ty
ype gate valvves should
be thee first choice for HIPPS application.

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e. If piggging is required, hard meetal seated slaab type gate valves and trunnion
t mouunted ball
valvess should be selected.
f. If piggging is not a requirementt (the usual case),
c consideeration shoulld be given to
1. Reduced
R boree gate or ball valves.
2. Axial
A flow bllock valves (e.g.,
( Mokveeld type).

9.1.5 Speed of operation

a. Fast operation
o is nnot required by
b most shuttdown appliccations and shhould be avooided, if
ble. Generallly, the operatting time of ball
b and slabb gate valves should equaal or exceed
DN/255 (NPS) in seeconds (e.g.,, a DN 250 [N NPS 10] valv
ve should noot close faster than 10 s).
b. Instanntaneous veloocities occurrring at particcular points in
i the closingg stroke mayy be higher
than thhat specifiedd in a., depennding on the actuator typee.
c. If fastter closure thhan specifiedd in a. is requuired and a manufacturer
m does not havve directly
compaarable and thhoroughly tessted experiennce of the maaterial, load, speed, and operating
enviroonment combbination propposed, pin annd disk abrassion testing should
s be commmissioned
from ana appropriaate laboratoryy.
d. Fast closure
c timess also mean th
hat some forrm of hydrauulic damping is necessaryy at the end
of travvel. This dam
mping shouldd ideally be aarranged as an
a integral paart of the pistton/cylinder
e. Contaact load/operaating speed combination
c s arising durring factory acceptance
a teesting of a
valve should not eexceed those that will occcur in servicee.
f. If gatee valves are required
r in rapid closure liquid servicce, checks shhall be made during
FATs to ensure thhat the valve seats relieve the excess pressure
p as thhe gate comppletes the
travel into the full up and dowwn positions.

9.1.6 Testing
a. Shutddown valves should
s be peeriodically closure tested..
b. A testt frequency of
o 2 times perr yr is usuallly defendablee, and frequeencies greateer than
4 timees per yr shouuld be avoidded.
c. Systemm design shoould make prrovision for periodic
p seatt leak tests off HIPPS valvves and
imporrt/export pipeeline isolatioon valves to support
s a saffety case or comply
c with regulatory
requirrements. Theere are only two
t possible methods:
1. Monitoring
M p
pressure decaay from or prressure rise in a known closed volum
me over time.
2. Acoustic
A leakk detection.
d. Ideally
y, initial readdings shouldd be performeed in conjuncction with a pressure deccay type test
(refer to 5.3.5 for more
m details).

9.2 Automatic blowdow

wn valves

9.2.1 General
Gas blowdo
own duty shaall require th
hat the valve has the folloowing characcteristics:
a. Quickk opening typpe.
b. Norm
mally closed and
a fail openn.
c. mal system opperating pressure.
Openss against a diifferential prressure equall to the norm
d. Withsstands sonic velocity
v acrooss the seat during
d openin

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e. Mechanically robuust and insen

nsitive to vibration.

9.2.2 Valve types

a. At relatively low pressures
p g., up to Class 600), stan
(e.g ndard ball vallves (soft or metal seat
ding to fluid conditions) and metal seeated butterflly valves maay be specifieed.
b. In HP
P service, a siingle seated valve
v designn, such as an axial flow tyype (e.g., Mookveld,
Fluid Control Techhnologies [F FCT]), or a baalanced, lubrricated plug valve shouldd be
speciffied. If a trunnnion mounteed ball valvee is selected, the downstreeam seat ringg should be
c. If no controlling
c o
orifice is in thhe downstreaam pipe or iff HP drops coould exist across the
valve for long perriods, a contrrol valve withh a low noisee trim shouldd be specifiedd. The
degree of seat tighhtness that caan be obtaineed and mainttained shouldd be ascertainned, becausee
it migght be necesssary to fit a faail open actuuated block valve
v in seriees to achieve the requiredd

9.3 Flow dive


9.3.1 Multiport valves

a. Speciaal multiport designs of gllobe, plug, annd ball valvees are availab
ble and may be used thatt
allow the diversionn of a comm mon source too two differennt outlets or crossover sw
witching of
flow streams
s (refeer to Figure 49
4 and Figuree 50). Multip port options include:
1. Port
P arrangem ments such thhat one channnel closes beefore anotherr begins to open,
p m
mixture of flu
uids or loss of pressure.
2. Valves
V that have
h greater port
p width suuch that, in tuurning the pllug, a new chhannel
b to opeen before thee former channnel is comppletely closed
d. This alternnative may
b used if neccessary to peerform switching operatioon without sttopping flow w at any
b. me cases, theese designs can provide good
In som g isolationn, as well, buut this shouldd not
normaally be reliedd on, unless the
t manufactturer includes good isolattion as a prinncipal
designn feature.
c. Comm
mon applicatiions include:
1. Spared
S pressuure relief vallve isolation.
2. Meter
M loop sw
3. Coker
C plant switching.
d. Requiirements willl vary widelyy, dependingg on the naturre of the servvice, and norrmal
selection procedurres should bee used for maaterials, sealss, hard coatinngs, etc.

9.3.2 alves
Single va
a. In theory, any apppropriate blocck valve can be used wheere individuaal valves are used to
achievve flow direcction switching. In practice, the operaation might have
h to be peerformed in
accorddance with a careful sequ uence to avoiid process prroblems or valve problem ms (such as
those that might reesult from reepeated opening against high
h differenntial pressure).
b. If fastt operating times are neceessary, quartter turn desiggns (ball and plug) shouldd be chosen
with trim
t appropriiate to the service.
c. If opeerating times do not need to be fast, gate valves may
m be selecteed.
d. Becauuse frequent operation is often a charaacteristic of diverter
d servvice, diverter valves
d not be relieed on as the sole
s means ofo isolation iff intervention n is envisageed.

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e. For oiil and gas prooduction/testt manifolds, a switching valve

v in the flowline to each
separaator should be
b supplemennted with a separate highh integrity bloock valve loccated in the
commmon flowline from the weell to be operrated only if intervention
i is required.

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Figure 49 - Diverter globe valve

Figure 50 - Four way diverter expanding plug valve

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9.4 Bellows sealed

s valv
a. Bellowws sealed vaalves (Figure 51) should be
b used if esccape of any fluid
f to the atmosphere
is unddesirable for health, safety
y, or econom
mic reasons. The
T followinng should alsso be
1. A bellows prrovides the prrimary sealinng of the stem
m during opeening and cloosing, but a
p glandd or other apppropriate stem
m seal shoulld always be provided forr secondary
s in casse of bellowss failure.
2. T bellows is housed in an extendedd bonnet that can be weldded or bolted to the valve
3. The a its lower ennd and sealed to the
T bellows should be welded to the valve stem at
v bonnett at its upper end.
b. ws should bee used in lineear action vallves of the gate and globe design for sizes
DN 1550 (NPS 6) and
a smaller. This may alsso be appliedd to special ball
b valve dessigns.
c. Bellow
ws seal gate and globe vaalves should be procuredd in accordannce with ISO 15761,
whichh includes miinimum requuirements forr bellows lifee and a type qualification
q n test.

Figure 51 - Bellows sea

al gate valve

9.5 Valves for cryogenic service

a. Valvees for cryogennic applications (below -50°C
- [-58°F
F]) should:
1. Be
B type qualiification testted in accorddance with BS
S 6364 or an
n acceptable alternative.
2. Normally
N havve extended bonnets (reffer to Figure 52).

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Figure 52 - Cryogenic globe valve


b. Soft seated floatinng ball valvess and other valves

v that haave a closed body cavity should
requirre one of the following:
1. Demonstratio
D on of automaatic relief of cavity overppressure caussed by thermaal
e off fluids.
2. External
E relieef valves.
c. Valvees should norrmally be insstalled with stems
s at not more
m than π//4 radians (455 degrees)
to the vertical to maintain
m a low
w thermal coonductivity vapour
v lock in
i the bonnett.
d. Valvees for cryogennic service should
s be cleeaned to a higgh standard (free
( of moissture and
greasee) and assem
mbled in cleann conditions..
e. The foollowing shoould be speciified to preveent galling:
1. Bronze
B stem bushing.
2. Polymer
P or hard
h faced seats.
3. Special
S coatings.
4. Solid
S film lubbricants.
f. Valvees that are subbject to subzzero but not cryogenic
c co
onditions (i.e., down to -550°C
F]) shall confform to EEM MUA 192.

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9.6 Vacuum service

s valves
a. If valvves might bee subject to vacuum,
v this fact should be
b made cleaar to Supplierr at time of
b. Stem seals or packking should be mospheric preessure in the reverse
b capable off sealing atm
direction. Bellowss stem seals may
m be speciified if the cyycle life is coompatible wiith the
appliccation. Seconndary stem packing shoulld be specifieed in such caases.

9.7 Deluge se
ervice valv
a. Delugge service valves are used
d on firewateer deluge servvice.
b. Propriietary delugee valves usinng rubber diaaphragms, sleeeves, etc., sh
hall be preferrred to
processs control vaalves for this service, because:
1. Deluge
D valvees operate virrtually instanntaneously. A process control valve can
c require
s seconnds to operatte.
2. Deluge
D valvees fail safe (oopen) despitee damage to the
t pneumatiic detection oor actuation
s This failsafe mayy not be true in the case of
o process coontrol valves..
3. Process
P contrrol valves are liable to seeize if they sttand inactivee for extended periods of
t as in delluge service.. Proprietary deluge valves are design ned to avoid this
4. For
F any givenn line size, deluge
d valvess save space and weight as
a compared with
a proccess valves.

9.8 Excess flow and sla

am shut valves
a. Excesss flow valvees (Figure 53) or slam shuut valves (Fig
gure 54) shoould be installled if fluid
dumping from a ruuptured line would be unnacceptable.
b. For evvaluating floww, effects off piping, fittinngs, and valv
ves downstreeam of the vaalve should
be takken into accoount.
c. Valvees should be iinstalled as near
n as possible to the prootected vesseels or tanks to
t avoid
water hammer or surge
s on clossure.
d. Valvees should havve closing flo
owrate at least 10% to 155% greater thhan anticipateed normal
flow. Otherwise, they
t can chattter or slug closed if surg
ges occur in the
t line.
e. The cllosure speedd of larger sizzed valves may
m be reduceed by the adddition of a daashpot that
uses th
he working fluid.
f This daashpot should be used on
nly on large liquid
l lines too avoid
hydrauulic shock.
f. Slam shut valves dod not responnd automaticcally to changes in flow and
a require aan external
controol system to provide
p a cloosing signal.

Figure 53
3 - Excess fflow valve

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Figure 54
5 - Slam sh
hut valve

9.9 alves
Dosing va

9.10 Valves as
ssociated with
w pig lau
a. Valvees associated with pig lauunchers/receiivers shall coonform to thee general reqquirements
of thiss GP.
b. Pig laauncher/receiiver primary pipeline isollation valvess shall conforrm to GP 43--35.
c. Pig laauncher auxilliary valves shall
s conform
m to GP 43-550.

9.11 Subsea applications

a s

9.11.1 Valve sele

a. The general princiiples of this GP
G should appply to subseea valve seleection. More detailed
speciffic subsea reqquirements will
w be availaable in subsea valve addeendum GP 622-01-XX
[Holdd] and subseaa manifolds GP
G 78-10.
b. Avoiddance of mainntenance and d unscheduleed interventioon is paramo ount. For thiss reason,
only the
t most robuust, reliable, and wear ressistant valve types should d be considerred. Soft
seatedd valves shouuld be avoideed, except inn very specifiic applicationns (refer to e.). Seals
shouldd be long lifee, maintenan
nce free, and not subject tot degradatioon by the proocess.
c. In the light of experience to daate, hard coatted, metal seeated slab gatte, or trunnioon mounted
ball vaalves shouldd normally bee selected.
d. For baall valves, a cchoice of body pattern shhould be mad
de, as follow
1. Top
T entry and all-welded
d designs shoould be choseen for either of the follow
a It is inteended to lay valves with the
t pipe.
b Externaally applied forces
f and mooments durinng operation will be highh.
2. End
E entry boolted body deesigns shouldd normally bee reserved fo
or either of thhe

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a Applicaations in whicch externallyy applied loaads are low.
b If the coonsequences of environm
mental leakagge are not sev
e. Valvee selection shhould take intto account thhe particular process cond
ditions and mode
m of
f. The need
n to prevent (or mitigaate) hydrate formation
f should be conssidered if vallves have to
isolatee a water filled system frrom process gas
g (e.g., durring commissioning). Sm mall amounts
of leakkage across the
t valve oveer a long perriod can resuult in hydrate.
g. Theree are specific applicationss in which thhe use of softt seated ball valves
v can bee justified.
Valvees provided too facilitate tiie-ins are often required to
t seal only until
u after thee tie-in is
made,, after whichh they functio on only as a piece
p of pipee. Welded bo ody, soft seatted valves
suppliied (and left)) in the closeed position might
m be suitaable for this service.
h. For ch d disk typee, conventionnal or tilting disk swing
heck valves, axial flow nozzle type, duo
type, and
a piston lift type are alll possible, as follows:
1. Only
O axial floow type and duo disk typpe should be mounted in vertical pipee sections
( only witth upwards flow).
2. If
I conventionnal swing cheecks are to be
b vertically mounted,
m vallve opening should be
r andd tests or CFD analysis used
u to confirrm that closuure occurs beefore
b commmences.
3. If
I pigging is a requiremennt, full openiing swing ch
hecks are the only possibiility, and
t should not be mounnted in verticcal pipe sections.
i. ROV opening or position
p indiccation requirrements
1. I ROV openning or positiion indicationn is requiredd, check valvees should have a shaft
e ouut through thee pressure booundary, andd the shaft shall be sealedd.
2. Such
S arrangeements as desscribed in 1. should be av
voided, if poossible.
3. Stops
a Shaft shhall be design
ned with a sttop in the geaarbox/ROV input
i shaft.
b Stop shaall be design
ned for full ROV
R torque.
c Stop maay be provideed inside thee valve for clapper lift, buut it shall actt after the
gearboxx/ROV input stop.
4. The
T weak linnk of the shafft shall be ouutside the preessure bounddary area.
j. Subseea applicationns of small auxiliary
a valvves, such as ball,
b needle globe,
g and rootating disk
types,, should alwaays use desig
gns specifically intended and type quaalification tested for
subseaa use.
k. Integrral block andd bleed arranggements should be speciffied in accorrdance with GIS
G 62-021,
whichh addresses suubsea appliccation.
l. If stanndard type vaalves (e.g., flloating ball vvalves) are used for temp
porary subseaa duty (e.g.,
duringg the deploym ment of subssea structuress), the proposed design shhould be revviewed to
confirrm that:
1. Environment
E tal seals havee the necessaary reverse seealing capability.
2. Material
M seleection is apprropriate for operating
o con
nditions (e.g.., untreated seawater)
a that CP arrangements
a s are fully unnderstood.
3. Graphite
G sealls in contact with seawateer and carbon steel or 13% chrome SS are

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9.11.2 Design
a. Valvees equal to orr greater thann DN 50 (NP PS 2) from Class 150 to Class
C 2500 raating should
conforrm to EN ISO O 14723, QL L1, taking innto considerattion the follo
1. Pipe
P loads duuring operation and installlation (e.g., pipelay).
2. Operating
O forrces and facttors.
3. If
I design connforms to a vessel
v a increased design presssure to allow safe
code, an
a o the hydrosttatic shell tesst pressure.
b. In the interests of conservatism minal sizes less than or eqqual to
m, valve bodiies with nom
DN 3000 (NPS 12) and a ratingg less than orr equal to Claass 2500 shouuld also confform to the
minimmum wall thickness requiirements of ASME
A B16.334 for the speecified ratingg, nominal
size, and
a material..
c. EN IS SO 14723 allows design to t pressure vessel
v codes that
t might noot provide addequate
limitaation of defleections/strainns in the valvve shell to guarantee efficcient valve fuunction.
d. If the method of annalysis that is
i used (e.g., finite elemeent) is sufficiiently detaileed to providee
confiddence that deeflections aree acceptably restricted, th
he requirement in c. may be waived.
e. Weld end
1. Compact
C connnector and compact
c flannge valves greater than Cllass 900 ratinng and
g than DN
D 250 (NP PS 10) may be designed too an intermediate ASME E rating, if
t is advanttageous.
2. Such
S limitations of pressuure or tempeerature shall be
b marked on
n the valve nameplate.
f. Valvees of higher rating
r than ASME
A Class 2500
2 should conform to ISO 13628-44 and
ISO 10423 (API Spec
S 6A), exccept that for austenitic, suuperaustenitiic, duplex, annd
superdduplex steel shells, the deesign allowaable stress inttensity shoulld be the low
wer of 2/3 Sy
at design temperatture or 1/3 Su u at design teemperature.
g. Integrral block andd bleed maniffolds should conform to GIS
G 62-021.
h. Body joints and sttem sealing arrangements
a s should havee seals desiggned to excluude seawater
at the applicable hydrostatic
h prressure.
i. Glandd packings thhat might reqquire periodicc adjustment shall be prohibited.
j. In higgh cycle applications, fatiigue should be
b consideredd.
k. Graphhite “fire” seaals should bee avoided.
l. Valvees that do nott automaticallly relieve boody cavity ovverpressure should
s not haave pressure
relief arrangementts.
m. In deeep water appllications (3000 m plus [1 000
0 ft plus]), the effect of
o external hyydrostatic
pressuure should bee fully considdered (in parrticular, the effect
e on opeerating force//torque and
valve position andd sealing, if thhere is only atmospheric pressure in thet valve).

9.11.3 n
a. Leverr and handwhheel operatinng forces of hand
h operatedd valves should be restriccted to less
than th
he values alllowed for toppsides valvess to allow forr diver operaation.
b. Desiggn of levers and
a handwheeels should taake into acco
ount the restrictions assocciated with
diver operation.
c. ROV interfaces shhould conform t standard arrangementts specified in
m to one of the i
ISO 13628-8. Valvve suppliers should be assked to advisse on the folllowing:
1. Number
N of ROV
R turns to fully stroke the valve.

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2. Normal
N maxiimum operatting torque/fo
force requiredd.
3. Maximum
M opperating forcce/torque thatt will not cau
use allowablee stress limitts to be
e anyywhere in thee drive train or force/torqque reaction path.
4. Minimum
M opperating forcee/torque thatt will cause th
he onset of permanent
p deeformation
a in the drive train or force/toorque reactio
on path.

9.11.4 Materials
a. Materrial selectionn should confform to GP 36-20.
b. Materrials, includinng bolting an
nd other fasteeners, in con
ntact with seaawater and pootentially
expossed to a CP syystem should d be subject to
t a hardnesss limitation of
o 34 HRC.
c. Largee surface areaa austenitic stainless steell componentts and all dupplex stainlesss steels
shouldd be painted to prevent drain
d on the CP
C system annd hydrogen embrittlemeent,
d. If the product is coorrosive:
1. Overlaid
O allooy steel valvees are preferrred to duplexx or superdupplex stainlesss steel.
2. If
I duplex or superduplex
s valves are unnavoidable, valves manuufactured by the HIP
p are preferred
p to castings
c and forgings.
e. Gate and
a ball valvves having piiston type seaats should haave their seatt pockets, seaal housings,
and flange face seal areas overrlaid with corrosion resistant alloy reggardless of service.
f. Valvee bodies and pressure conntaining partss - carbon, lo
ow alloy, andd duplex stainnless steels
used for
f pressure containing
c parts in valves with a speccified designn temperaturee below 0°C
(32°F) should be impact
i testedd at or below
w minimum design
d temperature to demmonstrate
accepttable ductilitty.
g. Gearbbox and actuaator housing materials shhould preferaably be steel. Ductile ironn, if allowed,,
shall be
b subject to impact testing.
h. Threaads of fasteneers should noot be coated, and the undeerside of nutts should not be sealed
with O-rings,
O or siimilar sealing
g device.

9.11.5 Testing
a. Continnuity
1. All
A parts of thhe valve andd actuator andd gearbox asssembly, inclluding fastenners and
b shoould be show
wn to preservee electrical continuity.
2. Resistance
R beetween any two
t points orr components should not exceed 10 Ohms
O if
m usiing a 12 V maximum
m DCC power sourrce.
b. Hand and ROV opperated valvees should be shown to bee capable of operation
o agaainst the
designn differentiall pressure, while
w conform
ming to specified operatinng force restrrictions.
c. Indiviidual testing of primary seals
1. Critical
C appliications in which
w there iss more than one
o seal in seeries should have
p foor primary seeals to be inddividually tessted during FAT
F (e.g., byy monitoring
l via a temporary port
p that is thhen plugged and sealed, preferably
p byy welding).
2. Individual
I seeal tests shou
uld be conduccted on a typpe test basis, as a minimuum.
d. If sing
gle valves aree required fo
or double isolation, the teest sequence in 5.6.1 shalll be
e. Testinng of full subbsea system shall
s conform
m to GP 78-005.
f. Subseea system quaalification teesting shall coonform to GP 78-06.

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9.11.6 Qualificattion type te

a. One sample of eacch unique typ pe, size, and rating of subbsea valve annd actuator and
a one
samplle of each unnique type, siize, and mateerial of seal intended
i for subsea servicce should bee
shownn to have beeen subjected to appropriaate qualificatiion type testiing.
b. As a minimum,
m quualification ty
ype testing should
s includde:
1. Sealing
S and functionality
f y.
2. Hyperbaric
H teesting.
3. Endurance
E teesting.
4. Gear
G operatoors and actuattors tested inn accordancee with ISO 133628-4.
c. Additional testing in accordannce with ISO 13628-4 andd ISO 10423 (API Spec 6A),
Appenndix F, PR2, might be apppropriate.
d. If testts in b. and c. do not provvide adequatee confidencee of acceptable field life
perforrmance, addiitional requirrements shouuld be consid dered (additioonal endurannce cycles,
thermmal cycles, etcc.).
e. Previoously conduccted tests maay be consideered in lieu of
o test requireements.
f. A sam
mple of each unique type,, size, and ratting should have
h one of the
t followingg:
1. Subjected
S to a hyperbaricc test in accoordance with an agreed prrocedure.
2. Shown
S to havve previouslyy passed such a test.
g. Hyperrbaric test prressure shoulld be at least 1,1 times the hydrostaticc pressure at design
h. If valvve stems or bonnets
b are sealed
s with a multiple (reedundant) seaal arrangemeent or have a
seawaater exclusionn seal, qualiffication tests should be coonducted on each seal, mounted
m in a
valve or suitable teest fixture, too demonstratte acceptablee function off each separatte sealing
i. If a seeal could be subjected
s to reverse pressurisation inn a nonpreferrred directionn (e.g., if a
relief,, check valvee, etc., is fitteed to relieve production fluid
f to sea), this conditioon should be
simulaated at a presssure equal to t or greater than
t 1,5 timees the design
n hydrostatic pressure.
j. A seall tested in the reverse dirrection that passes
p fluid shall
s be allow
wed, providedd that:
1. It
I seals againn if retested in
n the normall direction.
2. There
T is no permanent
p visible damagee.
k. Gearbboxes and acttuators shoulld be endurannce type testted through an
a appropriatte number
of cyccles.

9.11.7 Maintenance
a. Subseea valve appllications shouuld normallyy aim to avoid any mainteenance throuugh the life
of fielld, and, as suuch, leak path
hs created byy such fittinggs as grease injection
i poinnts shall be
b. If valvves are likelyy to experiennce particularrly severe op
perating condditions or theeir function
is critiical to continnued operatioon, consideraation should be given to making
m themm retrievable
or locating them inn assembliess that are retrrievable.

9.11.8 er applicatiions
The actual differential pressure
p connditions experienced by in
ndividual seaals should alw
ways be
d and, if possible, tested before
established b deployyment.

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10 Sealls, packings, and ga


10.1 Introduction
a. Speciffication and selection of seal type andd material is extremely im
mportant, funndamentally
affects valve perfoormance, andd requires atttention to dettail.
b. Seals should generrally be one of the follow
wing types:
1. Elastomer
E O--ring.
2. Polymer
P lip seal
s (spring energised
e forr LP sealing)).
3. Proprietary
P seal designs.
4. Packed
P glandd.
5. Chevron
C arraangement.
6. Diaphragm.
7. Thrust
T seal.
8. Metal
M gaskett.
9. Pressure
P seall.
10. Metal
M bellow
11. Combination
C ns of 1. throuugh 10.
c. Figuree 55 shows O-ring,
O lip seeal, chevron packing,
p andd woven packking rings.

Figurre 55 - Seal types

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10.2 Elastome
er O-rings

10.2.1 General
a. Diameetral clearancces should be minimisedd if extrusion is to be avoiided. At presssure ratings
abovee Class 600, rigid
r plastic backing
b ringgs (filled PTF
FE or PEEK)) with scarf cut
c joints
d be specifieed.
b. The reequired elasttomer formullation dependds on the proocess conditiions, includinng
tempeerature, presssure, process media, and trace process fluids, suchh as inhibitorrs. NBR or
FKM materials shhould be seleccted for mosst conditions in hydrocarbbon service.
c. The practice of specifying gas application minimum deesign temperrature equal to t the pipe
or valve material impact
i test teemperature (e.g.,
( -46°C [-51°F])
[ or thhe lowest trannsient
tempeerature expeccted to occurr across a cloosing ESD vaalve should be
b avoided foor the
wing reasons:
1. This
T practicee is unnecessarily conservvative and caauses problem
ms for seal material
2. A more accurrate assessm
ment of minim
mum temperaature (and itss duration) iss necessary.

10.2.2 Explosive
e decompre
ession (ED
a. a pressures above 70 barr (1 000 psi). These
Speciaal formulatioons are availaable for use at
materials have a reelatively highh hardness (990+ durometter) and incluude a filler too reduce gas
permeeability. Thesse materials should norm mally be usedd with high sttrength polym mer backup
b. In all gas applicatiions at Classs 600 and aboove, in which h seals can be
b at risk fromm ED, the
O-ringg section shaall be limited
d to 5,33 mm m (0,21 in), exxcept that, iff Supplier dem
high squeeze
s and ffill by detaileed calculatioon, the sectio
on size of up to 6,99 mm (0,28 in)
may beb used. Highh squeeze annd fill normallly requires profiled
p backkup rings or similar.
c. If suchh seals are coontemplated, specialist advice
a shouldd be sought. Alternatively
A y, polymer
lip seaals, etc., shouuld be used.
d. Excesssive conservvatism shouldd be avoidedd in determinning minimum
m design tem
on gass service.

10.3 Polymer lip

l seals
If a lip seall can potentiaally be subjeected to a diff
fferential presssure in the reverse
r direcction, the
seal shouldd have a PEE EK or metal support
s ring to
t prevent crrushing.

10.4 Proprietary seal des


10.5 ckings
Gland pac
a. Excesssively long packing
p mbers shouldd be avoided.
b. If excessively longg packing chhambers cannnot be avoideed (e.g., existting valves),
replaccement of supperfluous paacking by a riigid spacer shhould be con
c. If sealling integrityy is of prime importance (e.g., toxic service), one of the follow
wing might
be neccessary:
1. Packing
P sets comprising specially shaaped packing
g rings using an element of
o pressure
2. Sets
S containing variable density
d ringss.
3. Techniques,
T such as live (spring) loadding.

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d. The foollowing affeect sealing effficiency andd should be carefully

c conntrolled:
1. Valve
V stem finish,
f straigh
htness, and ruunout.
2. Packing
P cham
mber finish.
3. Gland
G and steem clearancees.
e. d are included in GIS 62
Approopriate requirrements for d. 2-016 for quaarter turn appplications
and GIS
G 62-017 foor rising stem m.
f. Split packings
p incorporating a lantern ring should be avvoided.
g. If an intermediate
i lantern ring is provided, the primaryy packing set should be thhe lower of
the tw
wo, and the uppper packingg set should be
b of minimuum length (nno more thann a single
graphite ring with antiextrusio
on rings abovve and beloww).
h. Glandd packings shhould not be replaced witth the stem on
o the back seeat and the valve
v under

10.6 Chevron seals/pack


10.7 Diaphragm seals

m valves in seervices in wh
hich retainingg the processs fluid (toxic, flammable,, etc.) is
important should
s have a secondary stem seal.

10.8 Thrust se
Thrust sealls should only be used wiith ball valvees of small siize and shoulld be avoidedd in HP gas
service (greeater than Cllass 600).

10.9 Metal sea

a. Metall seals may beb used to seaal static jointts in the formm of ring typee gaskets, preessure
energiised gaskets (e.g., Techlook, Grayloc type),
t filled, spiral woundd gaskets, orr proprietary
corruggated gasketss. In addition
n, flat graphite sheet gaskkets should always
a have a stainless
steel sheet
s to provvide strength..
b. RTJs should be ussed for gate, globe, and chheck valves class 1500 and
a higher rattings.
c. RTJs may be usedd for gate, gloobe, and check valves doown to class 600
6 rating

d. Generrally, the grooove surface of RTJs shouuld be harderr than the gaasket.
e. Spirall wound, grapphite filled gaskets
g t Class 900 rating in
shoulld be used foor valves up to
whichh temperaturees above 200 0°C (392°F) have
h to be acccommodateed.
f. Flat shheet graphitee/metal gaskeets may be used
u for the following:
1. Class
C 150 ratting.
2. Class
C 300 ratting.

10.10 Pressure seal joint

Valves conntaining presssure seal joinnts (Figure 56) should bee subjected too an LP (6 baar [90 psi])
test after asssembly and hydrotest.

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Figure 56
6 - Pressure seal joint

10.11 Metal belllows

a. Bellowws sealed vaalves should be
b required to
t undergo faatigue type qualification
q testing.
Testinng shall confform to GIS 62-015.
b. ws sealed vaalves shall haave a secondaary stem seall that can be used in the event
Bellow e of
ws rupture.

11 Mate

11.1 Pressure boundary (shell) matterials

11.1.1 General
a. For nooncorrosive duties
d from -50°C
- (-58°F
F) to 400°C (752°F),
( carbbon steel shoould
normaally be speciffied for the pressure
p retaiining boundaary.
b. For hiigh temperatuure applicatiions (greater than 400°C [752°F]), creeep resistingg grades of
alloy steel should be specified.
c. For loow temperatuure applicatioon (down to -50°C [-58°F F]), impact teested grades of carbon
steel should
s preferrably be speccified (test teemperature equal to or lesss than the minimum
designn temperaturre).
d. C [-58°F]), austenitic staiinless steels, nickel
For crryogenic appplications (lesss than -50°C
alloyss, or aluminiuum alloys (alll of which reetain ductilitty at very low
w temperaturre) shall be
e. Materrials for corroosive servicee shall be oveerlaid carbonn or alloy steeel, stainless steel
(marteensitic, dupleex, or austennitic, accordinng to the servvice fluid used), nickel alloys,
plasticcs, or other special
s materrials. Alternaatively, lined
d valves may be used in certain
corrossive applicattions.
f. Cast iron should only
o be used for valves inn undergrounnd water or seewerage servvice.
g. In decciding whethher to requiree impact testiing, the following factorss should be considered:
1. History
H and performance
p of proposedd materials su

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2. Operating
O coonditions (preessurised/nott pressurisedd at low temp
3. Wall
W thickness (thicker seections are m
more susceptiible to brittlee behaviour at
a a given
4. Local
L legislaation (e.g., PE
ED in Europeean applicatiions).
h. Valvee body materials should be b compatiblee with the piipe material. A particularr material or
grade,, if required, should be sppecified.
i. For soour service, valve
v n contact witth the process fluid and bolting
parts in b materrials of
insulaated or buriedd valves (refe
fer to 7.18e.)::
1. Shall
S conform
m to GP 42-330.
2. Should
S confoorm to ISO 15156 (NACE
E MR0175), unless speciified for refinnery
3. If
I specified for
f refinery service, shoulld conform to NACE MR
j. Austeenitic stainlesss steel, inclu
uding Alloy 20,
2 should bee supplied in
n the solutionn annealed
k. “Free cutting” (e.gg., resulphuriised) steels should
s not bee used for:
1. Pressure
P bouundary parts.
2. Parts
P in contaact with the process
p fluidd.
3. Parts
P that aree welded.
l. Parts forged
f from rectangular block
b billet should
s be subbject to a miinimum overrall hot work
reducttion ratio of 4:1. The miccrostructure of
o the forginng should be fully wroughht.
m. Dupleex and superdduplex forgeed materials should
s not bee used if secttion thicknesss is greater
than 80
8 mm (3 in).
n. Dupleex stainless steel
s castingss and forginggs should be supplied
s in accordance
a w
GIS 36-320, as apppropriate forr the chemisttry (25% chrrome or 22% chrome) andd product
o. Plate that
t is used forf process-wwetted and/orr pressure coontaining parrts in which sour
s service
is speccified shall be
b “Z” qualitty and suppliied in accord
dance with GP
G 36-25.
p. Table 9 provides a list of comm
monly used valve
v shell materials
m withh typical appplications.

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Table 9 - Typical ASTM specifications and applications of valve shell materials

Material Typical specifications Typical application

Forgings Castings
Carbon steel ASTM A105/ ASTM A216/ Noncorrosive process hydrocarbons, produced water,
A105M A216M Gr. WCB slurries, deaerated seawater, air, steam.
Low temperature ASTM A350/ ASTM A352/ As above, but for service between 0°C (32°F) and
carbon steel A350M Gr. LF2 A352M Gr. LCB, -50°C (-58°F) if toughness needs to be demonstrated.
(impact tested) LCC
Chrome-Moly ASTM A182/ ASTM High temperature steam and process. Good resistance to
alloy steel A182M A217/A217M sulphur and hydrogen, good mechanical properties at
1 1/4 Cr - 1/2 Mo Gr. F11 elevated temperatures (creep resistant).
2 1/4 Cr - 1 Mo Gr. F22 Gr. WC6
5 Cr - 1/2 Mo Gr. F5 Gr. WC9
Gr. C5
Type 304 SS ASTM A182/ ASTM A351/ Corrosive service, low temperature service, services
A182M Gr. F304, A351M Gr. CF8, requiring cleanliness. Unsuitable for seawater service. Not
F304L CF3 to be used if chlorides exceed 30 ppm.
Type 316 SS ASTM A182 ASTM A351/ Highly corrosive service. Not recommended for seawater.
Gr. F316, F316L A351M Not to be used where chlorides exceed 30 ppm.
Gr. CF8M, CF3M
13% chrome ASTM A182/ ASTM A217 Corrosive hydrocarbon service (e.g., wet gas and CO2).
stainless steel A182M Gr. F6 CA15 Not recommended for seawater. Pressure-temperature
ratings not included in ASME B16.34.
Duplex stainless ASTM Corrosive hydrocarbon service.
steel (22% Cr) A182/A182M
Gr. F51
Superduplex ASTM A182/ ASTM A890/ Seawater service, very corrosive hydrocarbon service.
stainless steel A182M Gr. F55 A890M Gr. 5A Extreme sour service.
(25% Cr)
Bronze - ASTM B62 Black sewage, brine, fire water, air, steam, water. Leaded
bronze has poor resistance to seawater.
Nickel aluminium - Seawater, black sewage, brine, firewater. Good for high
bronze velocities. Unsuitable for sulphide polluted water.
Titanium ASTM B348 Gr. 2 Sodium hypochlorite and ferritic chloride solutions.
Grey cast iron ASTM A126 May be used for underground water service but should
Class B otherwise be avoided. Should not be used if freezing may
occur. Do not use for hydrocarbons or hazardous service.
SG (ductile) cast ASTM A395/ As grey cast iron but with increased ductility. May be used
iron A395M at higher pressures and temperatures. Useful for gearbox
housings, etc.
Monel 400 ASTM B164 ASTM A494/ Seawater, brackish water, brine. Good resistance to all
(nickel-copper Class A A494M or acids except oxidising types.
alloy) A744-M-35-1
Hastelloy Alloy C ASTM A494/ Hypochlorites, acetic acid chlorine, hydrogen.
(Cr-Mo alloy) A494M or
Thermoplastics Land locations or inside modules only if no fire hazard. LP
UPBV water and utility services only.
Glass filled epoxy As above, plus firewater, etc., if valves have been fire type

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11.1.2 ve product forms, etc

Alternativ c.
a. If steeel castings arre specified, forgings cann usually be substituted.
b. If forg
gings are speecified, substtitution of caastings or plaates should noot normally be
b allowed.
c. If forg
gings or castiings are speccified, substitution of wellded construction valves should be
subjecct to approvaal by Companny responsibble engineer.
d. Hot issostatic presssing (HIP)
1. HIP
H providess better integ
grity than casstings and a better
b microsstructure thann either
c or foorgings.
2. HIP
H is recom mmended as the t best optioon for duplex
x or superausstenitic stainlless steels iff
c off size and coomplexity do not prevent its use.
3. NDT
N should be the same as that requiired for forgiings.
e. Type 316 SS valvees are usually acceptablee in place of Type
T 304 SS
S. Substitutioons should
be sub
bject to approoval by Com
mpany responnsible engineeer.

11.2 Material compositio

c on of weldin
ng end valv

11.2.1 General
Chemical composition
c (by ladle anaalysis) of vallve bodies with
w butt weld
d or socket weld
w ends
should be restricted
r in aaccordance with
w 11.2.2 thhrough 11.2..5.

11.2.2 Carbon and carbon--manganes

se steels
Carbon and
d carbon-mannganese steeels shall havee chemical co
omposition as
a follows:
a. Carboon content: 0,25% maximum
m (byy weight).
b. Sulphhur content: 0,035% m
maximum (bby weight).
c. Phospphorous conteent: 0,035% m
maximum (bby weight).
d. Carboon equivalentt (CE): 0,43% maximum
m (byy weight), whhere:

Mn Cr  Mo  V NNi  Cu
CE  C   
6 5 15

11.2.3 Chromium
enum steels
m steels shalll have chem
mical composition, as folloows:
a. Steelss with 2% Crr and less:
Carboon content: 0,20% maaximum by weight
w (forgiings and casttings).
b. Steelss with more than
t 2% Cr:
Carboon content: 0,15% maaximum by weight.
c. Residuual elementss:
1. Copper:
C 0,30% maximum.
2. Nickel:
N 0,40% maximum.
3. Tungsten:
T 0,10% maximum.
4. Tin:
T 0,03% maximum.

11.2.4 Austenitic
c stainless
s steel
Austenitic stainless steeel shall have chemical coomposition, as
a follows:

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a. Gradees 304 and 3116 should bee restricted too a carbon coontent of 0,0335% maximuum by
weighht. Ideally, mechanical
m prroperties of thhe “normal” carbon grad de should alsoo be met.
b. Alternnatively, a staabilised gradde (e.g., 321)) may be used.

11.2.5 Monel
a. Nickeel-copper Moonel alloy shoould be of a weldable com
b. t results inncluded in tesst qualification records.
Weld bend tests shhould be perfformed and the

11.3 Metallic valve

v trim materials
m (o
obturator, seat,
s and stem)
a. Materrials used forr valve trim should
s be suiitable for exp
posure to:
1. The
T process fluid.
2. Any
A treatmennt chemicals.
3. The
T proposedd test conditiions.
b. Base material
m for oobturators annd seats shouuld normallyy be corrosionn resistant.
c. An exxception to b. is the plugss of balancedd, lubricated plug
p valves that
t are usedd in oil
servicce or dry gas service. Theese plugs mayy use the maanufacturer proprietary
p suurface
d. Materrials should be
b selected too avoid galvaanic action between
b dissiimilar materiials.
e. Seatinng componennts of metal seated
s valvess should be faced
f with orr manufacturred from a
hard material
m (e.g.., tungsten caarbide, satelllite) to withsttand wear, abbrasion, and erosion.
f. Materrials for valve stems shouuld be chosenn to avoid gaalling if in coontact with glands,
trunniion bearings,, etc.
g. If dupplex and supeerduplex staiinless steel iss used for trim
m componennts, requirem
ments of
11.1.11 shall apply.
h. Alloy 718 (UNS N07718)
N usedd for trim coomponents shhould be proccured in accoordance
with GIS
G 36-200 (based
( on APPI Spec 6A718).
i. Trim material
m commbinations fo d check valvees should be selected
or wedge gatee, globe, and
from the
t alternativves listed in the
t referencee standard wiith regard to service condditions and
requirred operatingg characteristtics.
j. If trim
m materials are
a not listed in the standaard or if unussual service conditions
c exxist,
selection should taake into accoount previouss experience and manufaacturer
recom mmendations.
k. For wedge
w gate, globe, and cheeck valves, sseating surfacce trim selecctions of Tabble 10 are
usuallly acceptablee. Typical appplications off valve trim are
a listed in Table
T 11.
l. Hardnness differenttial between seating surfafaces should beb 50 HB miinimum, except if both
seatinng surfaces arre Stellite or tungsten carrbide coated.. The seat shaall have the harder
m. 17Cr-4Ni PHSS (ee.g., ASTM A564/A564M
A M, Grade 630):
1. Should
S not be used for neew valve stem
ms in sour seervice that arre required too conform too
I 15156 (NNACE MR0175).
2. If
I used for otther parts in sour
s service::
a Shall coonform to GP
P 36-25 or GP
G 36-26.
b Should conform to ISO
I 15156, except
e in refiinery servicee.

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c For refinnery service should confform to NAC
CE MR0103, including haardness
n. Nickeel copper allooy 400 (“mon nel 400”) maay be used att temperaturees less than 150C
(300FF) in sour service, but allloy 500 (“moonel K500”) should not be
b used.
o. Aluminium bronzee alloy and nickel
n aluminnium bronze alloy may be used in souur service.

11.4 Bolting
a. This clause
c providdes requiremments and recoommendations for valve--body boltingg. GP 42-30
providdes the underrlying requirrements for liine bolting and
a should bee used in connjunction
with requirements
r s in this clausse.
b. ws, nuts, and other fasteners should bee selected to be
Materrial for bolts,, studs, screw
compaatible with thhe flange maaterials and conditions
c off service.
c. Bolt materials
m for attachment of o valves to piping
p flangees are normaally determinned by the
g specificatioon sheet. Furrther requirem
ments for bollt material seelection are given
g in the
Bolt selection
s tablles in GIS 62
2-016 and GIIS 62-017.
d. If waffer style valvves are propoosed, studs, and/or
a bolts, may be longg and should be selected
to enssure that the coefficient
c of
o linear therm mal expansioon of the boltt material is not greater
than thhat of the vaalve body andd pipe flangees.

Table 10
0 - ISO 10434
4 seating su
urface trim selection

Service Trim combination

c Trim
m description
Dirty/abrasive. 5 Hard face
ed with Stellite, etc.
Steam (above 3 bar [40 0 psig]).
Gass service for which
w high integ
grity is require
Duties for which there is risk of
o wire drawing g,
ng, or high rattes of wear.
seizure, gallin
Class 1500 rating and above.
Isolation of hazardouss fluids.
Wet H2S. 10 316 austenitic SS
HFA. 9 (or 6) Monel (or Monel
M and 13% Cr)
Amine. 10 (7) 316 austen
nitic SS (or 13% Cr)
Water. 1 (7) 13% Cr
nstrument air. (5 and
a 8 also
Inert gas. accceptable)
Clean hydrocaarbon liquid an
nd noncritical
hydroccarbon gas serrvice.

Table 11 - Typical app

plication of metallic
m trim
m materials

Material No
13% Chrom
me steel (1) Geneeral service, gases, oil, stea am. Note: Stem
ms can be sub bject to
graphhitic attack if graphite
g packing not efficien
ntly inhibited.
13% C
Chrome with nickel
n alloy faccing (1) Geneeral service, stteam, water, air,
a gas, fuel oil
o nonlubricating,
nonccorrosive low viscosity
v oils.

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% Chrome stee el, hard faced with Gene eral services, steam
s wire drawing applica ations, gas, oil, and
Stellite, Collmonoy, etc. oil va
Abrassion resistant trim (e.g., tungsten Dirty//abrasive servvice, etc. (incluuding “front en
nd” oil and gass
ccarbide, carbidde, and Stellite
e) produ uction), or critical valves forr which commiissioning/line
clearring conditionss are onerous..
Austtenitic stainlesss steel 18-10--2 (1) Corroosive service, cryogenic serrvice.
17/4 PH H SS (1) Corroosive service that
t requires high
h strength. Not to be useed for
new valve
v stems in n sour service.
onze Cold//hot water, ma arine applicatio ons, and low temperature
t s
Nickel alumiinium bronze Seaw water, brine, firewater unsuittable for sulph hide polluted water.
Duplex stainless steel (1) Corroosive service.
Superduplex stainless steel (1)
( Seaw water, very corrrosive service e.
oy alloy C Hypo ochlorites, chloorine, hydroge en sulphide, se eawater, brinee.
Nickel alloy (mo
onel and incon
nel) Corroosive servicess.
nium Sodiu um hypochloriite, seawater.
ENNP Used d for ball valve
es on clean se ervice or to pro
ovide galling
1. If uused for obturattor or seats, neeeds hard facing for dirty/abrasiive service.

e. For soour service appplications, refer

r to GP 442-30. The fo
ollowing valvves shall alsoo conform
to souur service reqquirements:
1. Buried.
2. Fitted
F with fllange protecttors.
3. Otherwise
O deenied atmosppheric condittions in the evvent of joint leakage, inccluding
v flangess that make face
f to face contact
c adjacent to bolts.
f. For buuried or subssea valves, reestricted harddness (less thhan 34 HRC)) should be specified
s to
avoid hydrogen em mbrittlementt from CP.
g. For offfshore and other
o areas att risk from ennvironmentaal corrosion, high strengthh bolting,
such as
a Class 12.99 and ASTM A574 (hardnness range 39-45 HRC), shall not be used for
any prressure contaaining or load bearing appplications duue to the risk
k of hydrogenn
h. For loow temperatuure applicatioons, refer to G
GP 42-30.
i. For boolt coating opptions, requiirements andd recommenddations, referr to GP 42-300.
j. Boltinng for subseaa applications should not be coated orr plated. Suchh processes as
phospphating are alllowed to preevent corrosiion prior to entering
e service.

11.5 Plating
a. Platinng, such as EN
NP, may be used,
u if neceessary, to pro
ovide limitedd wear/erosioon resistance
and too prevent galling of parts in sliding coontact.
b. Platinng should nott be used as the
t primary means
m of pro
oviding corro
osion resistannce.
c. If pittiing corrosionn is to be avooided (in corrrosive servicce), the base material shoould be
corrossion resistantt (e.g., marteensitic, austenntitic, or dup
plex stainlesss steel, as apppropriate),
or a nonporous fouundation layer should be applied firstt. If service is i noncorrosiive, ENP is
recommmended to protect
p carboon steel trim from corrosiion during hyydrotesting.
d. Only established sources
s that have
h upply should be used for ENP.
a good history of su
e. Theree should be a written proccedure speciffying the folllowing:
1. Surface
S prepaaration.

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2. Plating
P 2 m to 75 m
thicknness (from 25  [0,001 in
n to 0,003 in]]).
3. Crack
C and poorosity detecttion.
4. Adhesion
A streength.
5. Phosphorous
P s content (8%
% to 11%).
6. A limit on eleements otherr than nickel or phosphorrous.
7. Organic
O bathh stabilisation
n (i.e., as oppposed to stabbilisation usin
ng lead, sulpphur, or
8. Heat
H treatment.
f. The base material of plated components inn sour servicee should confform to ISO 15156. The
plating itself should be compattible with soour service. Cadmium
C andd zinc platingg shall not
be useed.

11.6 Hard coatting

a. Application of fussion welded coatings
c of thhe Stellite (ccobalt based)) or Colmonooy (nickel
based) type shouldd be coveredd by qualifiedd welding proocedures.
b. Qualiffied weldingg procedures should incluude hardness checks and surface
s iron content
analyssis to determ
mine the degreee of dilutionn at the finish
hed machineed thickness.

11.7 Ceramics
d be avoided (or
If significant solid objeects might bee present in thhe flow, ceraamics should
protected) (e.g.,
( as a ressult of mechaanical failuree upstream). Ceramics arre usually briittle and,
therefore, vulnerable
v too damage by impact.

11.8 Elastome
ers (rubber)) and polym
mers (plasttic)
a. Elastoomer and pollymer materiials should bee confirmed to be compaatible with all anticipatedd
operatting, test, andd dosing fluiids.
b. If the chemical ressistance of a nonmetallic material is in
i doubt, speecialist advicee should be
c. Soft seated valve seat
s inserts
1. Soft
S seated valves
v shouldd have a polyymer or elasto
omer seat inssert.
2. The
T followinng polymers shall
s be acceeptable:
a PTFE (ttypically Claass 150 and Class
C 300 only).
b Filled PTFE.
c Nylon.
3. The
T most usuual elastomerrs are NBR and
a FKM in the form of a trapped O-rring.
4. Elastomer
E seat inserts sho
ould be a speecially shapeed section to prevent “rollling” during
v operatiion.
d. Most valve manuffacturers pubblish pressuree/temperature rating curvves for their valves,
v and
these should be coonsulted. Vallves having reduced
r pressure ratings below
b the uppper
tempeerature limit should be avvoided.
e. Pressuure boundaries
1. Valves
V havinng pressure boundaries
b m
made from theermoplastic material
m shouuld be used
o in building services and similar applications.
a .

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2. Valves
V with pressure
p bouundaries madde from reinfforced thermoosetting mateerial and
s presssure temperature ratingss may be usedd on chemicaals, utility, and firewater
a including offfshore.
f. If a firre hazard exiists, appropriate fire typee test certification, relatinng to the nonnmetallic
materials that are uused, should d be suppliedd by the valvee supplier.
g. In the case of noveel application
ns, specialistt advice shouuld be soughht. General appplication
mation for the more comm mon materialls is provided d in Table 122.

11.9 Graphite packing an

nd seals
a. The packing materrial for generral service block valves should
s be low
w to mediumm density,
high purity
p graphiite incorporatting a nonmeetallic, inorganic, phosphhorous basedd,
passivvating, corrossion inhibito
or to prevent graphitic attack of 13% Cr.
C steel valvve stems in
the prresence of waater.
b. The co
orrosion inhiibitor shouldd be impregnnated before die
d forming.
c. Densiity of compreessed rings before
b n normally exceed 1 6000 kg/m2
assembbly should not
(100 lb/ft
l ).
d. Braideed antiextrussion rings sho
ould be provvided at the toop and bottoom of the set..
e. Graphhite should not be used with
w the follow
1. Chemical
C oxiidisers.
2. If
I the packingg is exposed to air at tem
mperatures abbove 450°C (842°F).
f. Other graphite seaals (e.g., fire seals in ball valves) shouuld be passivvated as requuired in a.
and b..

11.10 Asbestos
s replaceme
ent materia
a. Asbesstos packing should not be
b used.
b. The use
u of so calleed “asbestos replacementt” materials (e.g.,
( in the limited
l numbber of cases
in whiich graphite is not approppriate) shoulld be restricteed to those applications
a f which
tests have
h shown that
t the requiired perform mance is attainned.

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Table 12 - General application data for nonmetallic materials

Material Application
Chlorinated polyethylene Good resistance to acids and solvents. If softening can be tolerated, can be used to
(Penton) 90°C (194°F).
Chloroprene rubber Suitable for some process services, good oil resistance with some grades. Good
(Neoprene) resistance to sunlight and weather. Suffers from compression set if hot. Not the most
useful elastomer for hydrocarbon service.
Chlorosulphonated Similar to neoprene but with higher temperature capability. Good resistance to
polyethylene (Hypalon) chemical attack (e.g., acids, alkalis, oxidising agents, mineral and vegetable oils), poor
resistance to aromatic and chlorinated hydrocarbons.
Ebonite Good chemical resistance. Most grades soften above 70°C (158°F). Becomes brittle at
low temperatures.
ECO Good oil and methanol resistance. Poor resistance to acids and aromatic
EPDM Good mechanical properties, good resistance to phosphate ester based hydraulic
fluids and minerals. Good hot water and weather resistance. Not suitable for
hydrocarbon service. Good temperature range.
FKM (Viton) Water and hydrocarbon process service. Suitable for sour service. Good resistance to
some acids, petrol, and solvents. Should not be used with esters and keytones. Poor
flexibility at low temperatures. Viton A has poor methanol resistance, Viton B and GF
are unaffected by methanol diluted by at least 2% water and are the most useful
grades for hydrocarbon service. GLT Grade will go down to -40°C (-40°F). Filled, ED
resistant grades available.
FEPM (Aflas) Not suitable for use at low or room temperature. Good resistance to amine based
corrosion inhibitors at high temperature.
Fluorosilicone Good H2S and methanol resistance. Reasonable resistance to acids and aromatic
HNBR Usable at lower temperatures than Viton. Suitable for sour service applications. ED
resistant grades available.
Natural rubber Suitable for cold water and some chemical and abrasive service. Has low resistance to
solvents, oils, and sunlight
NBR Good general service material, good resistance to oil, solvents (but not aromatics) and
chemicals, LP hydrocarbon gas. Subject to swelling if used with deionised water. Not
to be used for sour service. Poor resistance to sunlight and weather. Not to be used on
gas service above Class 600 rating.
Nylon (polyamide) Insoluble in hydrocarbons, good resistance to alkalis but attacked by mineral acid.
Absorbs water and swells (hydrolysis). Should not be used above 70°C (158°F) if there
is or has been exposure to water or methanol.
Low coefficient of friction. Most commonly used grade for valves is Nylon 6. Grades 11
and 12 slightly less prone to hydrolysis.
Perfluoroelastomer (Kalrez, Excellent resistance to aggressive chemicals with an extended upper temperature
etc.) limit. Attacked by refrigerants. Not normally available in ED resistant grades.
Polyethylene Good resistance to mineral acids, alkalis, and solvents. Suffers embrittlement if subject
to polar solvents, esters, alcohols, and keytones.
PP Good resistant to chemical attack, similar to polyethylene but not so subject to stress
Polyurethane Excellent resistance to oils, solvents, fats, grease, petrol, ozone sunlight, and weather.
Good properties at low temperatures. Some reduction in properties at high
temperatures susceptible to hydrolysis should not be used with hot water, acid, or
methanol. Swells on contact with keytones, esters, and aromatics.
PEEK Rigid, hard polymer with high degree of chemical inertia. Good wear resistance for a
polymer. Can be used in steam and hot water service. Higher coefficient of friction than
PTFE but not prone to cold flow.
PTFE Excellent for most process services. Virtually inert. Maximum temperature limit 200°C
(392°F). Strength can be increased by adding fillers, such as glass and carbon.
Maximum allowable temperature depends on seal/valve design. Very low coefficient of
friction, subject to creep and cold flow under moderate loads.

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Material Applicatio
PTCFE Similar chemical resistance to PTF
FE but harder and stronger. Lower operatting
temperaature range.
Silicone rub
bber Poor ph hysical properrties, lack of re
esistance to ch
hemical attackk. Not resistan
nt to acids or
alkalis. Aromatic andd chlorinated solvents
s and petrol
p cause sw welling. Best lo
tempera ature resistance of any elasstomer.
1. Most elaastomers are subbject to swellingg if used with deionised
d water (particularly NBR).
2. Viton annd neoprene elasstomers should not be considerred for hot wateer applications because they arre susceptible too blistering
but may be used for hott oil applicationn.
3. EPDM (pperoxide cured)) may be considdered for hot waater applicationns up to 130°C (266°F).
4. Hydrocarrbon gas servicce above 70 bar (1 000 psig) reequires elastomeer compounds thatt have been demonstrated
d too be resistant
to ED.

11.11 Material temperatur

t re limitation
a. Maximmum and minnimum operaating temperratures given n in Table 13, Table 14, and
a Table 15
d be used onnly as a generral guide for noncorrosivve conditions.
b. o condition of the fluid can
Corroosive nature or c restrict th
he allowablee operating teemperature
range and service life of the material.
m If in doubt, a matterials speciaalist should be
c. For Taable 15, the ffollowing appply:
1. All
A materialss can withstan nd temperatuures 25°C (45°F) above the t specified upper limit
f short periiods. This noote applied too all materialls in table above.
2. At
A temperatuures below thhe lower limiit, elastomerss tend to losee resilience, leading
l to
l If thhe temperaturre is increaseed, the materrial recovers..

11.12 Temporarry coatings

s, lubricantts, etc.
Dependingg on local reggulatory or siite requiremeents, informaation might have
h to be suupplied
relating to any temporaary coatings, insulating oiils, corrosionn inhibitors, antifreeze
a soolutions,
desiccants, or other cheemical or hyddrocarbon suubstances (e.gg., provisionn of MSDS), as follows:
a. In succh cases, valvves and actuaators should be prominenntly tagged ata openings too indicate
the naature of conteents. Precauttions for shippping, storage, and handling should be
b provided.
b. Any such
s requirem
ments shouldd be indicatedd on the purcchase order.
c. Exceppt for lubricaated plug valvves, valves may
m be built using
u a thin film of light lubricating
oil, tyypically SAE 30.
d. Greasse shall not be used, unlesss approved by
b BP responnsible engineer.
e. Speciffic antigall compounds
c u
used on metall seals and gaskets shall be
b chosen too be
compaatible for vallve materialss and service conditions, including hyydrotest.

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Table 13 - Temperature limits of valve shell materials

Materials Temperature (6)

Minimum Maximum
°C °F °C °F
Carbon steel (nonimpact tested) -29 -20 425 797
(3) (3)
Carbon steel (impact tested) (e.g., LLC/LF2) -50 -58 343 650
Chromium moly (1-1/4 Cr, 1/2 Mo) -29 -20 593 1 100
(3) (3) (1) (2) (1) (2)
Chromium moly (5 Cr, 1/2 Mo) -29 -20 593 1 100
(3) (3) (1) (1)
Type 304 SS -196 -321 538 1 000
Type 316 SS -196 -321 538 1 000
Bronze -196 -321 260 500
Aluminium bronze -196 -321 260 500
Titanium -30 -22 315 600
(4) (4)
Grey cast iron 5 41 204 400
SG cast iron 5 41 343 650
(5) (5)
Monel 400 -196 -321 425 797
Hastelloy Alloy C -196 -321 425 797
13% Chrome steel (impact tested) -50 -58 600 1 112
Duplex stainless steel (impact tested) -50 -58 315 600
1. Class 150 flanged valves 540°C (1 000°F) maximum.
2. Scaling may occur above 565°C (1 050°F).
3. ASME materials only, used in conjunction with ASME B31.3.
4. Particular grades can go lower.
5. Or lower, with impact tests.
6. All temperature limits might have to be modified to suit trim and sealing materials.

Table 14 - Temperature limits of metallic trim materials

Materials - metallic Temperature

Minimum Maximum
°C °F °C °F
Aluminium bronze -196 -321 260 500
Austenitic stainless steel (with or without hard facing) -196 -321 450 842
Bronze -196 -321 288 550
13% Chromium steel -50 -58 600 1 112
13% Chromium with hard facing (depending on facing -50 -58 450 to 842 to 1 112
material) 600
Duplex stainless steel -50 -58 315 600
Hastelloy Alloy C -196 -321 425 797
Inconel 625 and 718 -196 -321 650 1 202
Monel -196 -321 425 797
Stellite hard facing -196 -321 650 1 202
Tungsten carbide -50 -58 150 (1) 302 (1)
1. If resin filled. If unfilled, 650°C (1 200°F).

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Table 15 - Temperature limits of nonmetallic materials

Material Temperature (1)

Minimum Maximum
°C °F °C °F
Chlorinated polyethylene (Penton) -10 14 90 194
Chlorosuphonated polyethylene (Hypalon) (depends on grade) -15 5 200 392
Ebonite (depends on grade) 0 32 57 to 135 to
149 300
EPDM -30 -22 150 302
ECO -30 -22 150 302
FKM (Viton) (depends on grade) -40 to -40 to 200 392
-5 23 (2) (2)
Fluoroelastomer FEPM (Aflas) 30 86 220 428
Fluorosilicone -45 -49 175 347
HNBR (depends on grade) -40 to -40 to 150 302
-20 -4
Natural rubber -50 -58 70 158
NBR -20 -4 120 248
Nylon (Devlon V) -196 -321 120 248
(3) (3)
Perfluoroelastomer (Kalrez/Chemraz etc.) (depends on grade) 0 32 230 to 446 to
260 500
Polychloroprene (neoprene) -20 -4 100 212
Polyethylene -40 -40 60 140
Polyproplene 0 32 100 212
Polyurethane -30 -22 90 194
PEEK -196 -321 250 482
PTFE (virgin) -196 -321 260 500
(4) (4)
Silicone rubber -60 -76 170 338
1. For continuous exposure. Most materials can withstand brief excursions to 5°C (9°F) lower and 10°C/20°C
(18°F/36°F) higher. For marginal applications, specialist advice should be sought.
2. Unless special arrangements are made to prevent extrusion, an upper limit of 180°C (356°F) is recommended.
3. 100°C (212°F) if material has had significant exposure to water.
4. If fully contained. This material tends to extrude, and a safer upper limit is 200°C (392°F).

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Annex A
Glossary of valve terminology

This annex lists many common terms used in valve specification and description.

Wear of valve trim caused by rubbing of one surface over another exacerbated by hard particulate in
the process fluid.

Powdered valve operator energised by electric, pneumatic, or hydraulic power sources.

Air/vacuum relief valve

Refer to Pressure/vacuum safety valve.

Angle valve
Globe valve design with valve ends at right angles to each other. Normally, the inlet in the vertical
plane and outlet in the horizontal plan, but well chokes use the opposite configuration.

Antiblowout stem
Valve stem with a shoulder, positively retained by the body or bonnet, that prevents ejection of the
stem by pressure.

Antistatic device
Device providing electrical continuity between the valve body and internal components to prevent
ignition of flammable fluids by static discharge.

Automatic control valve

Actuated valve automatically regulating the flow, pressure, or temperature of a fluid in response to a
process signal.

Axial flow valve

Valve of the globe type with seat and plug axis on the pipe axis. Available in check, on-off, and
control valve versions (also known as a nozzle valve, inline globe, or [in-check version] antislam

Back pressure
Pressure at the outlet, downstream of the valve. For safety valves, back pressure can affect operation
and is often expressed as a percentage of the set pressure.

Back pressure controller

Automatic control valve with an internal sensing element that maintains a constant pressure in the
upstream pipework.

Back seat
In globe or gate valves, a face on the valve stem, seating on the underside of the gland stuffing box,
providing a metal to metal seat in the full open position. Intended to reduce gland leakage should this

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Balanced safety valve

Safety valve in which the back pressure is balanced such that it does not affect the set point (generally
by means of a bellows).

Refer to Closure.

Ball check valve

Lift check valve with a free or spring loaded ball closing on a spherical seat (refer also to Check

Ball valve
Quarter turn, rotary action valve with spherical obturator and seats. (Sometimes called a ball plug

Convoluted cylindrical component, usually metal, providing axial flexibility combined with pressure
containment. Used as a hermetic gland seal (in bellows sealed valves) or for equalising back pressure
in balanced safety valves. Occasionally used for loading seats in some designs of ball and gate valves
for high temperature.

Bellows sealed valve

Valve having a bellows sealed gland.

Bidirectional valve
Valve designed to seal against flow or pressure from either direction.

Block valve
General term for valves used to shut off flow and pressure. Other terms used are isolation valve,
shutoff valve, and stop valve.

a. If applied to safety valves, means the difference between set pressure and reseating
pressure, usually expressed as a percentage of set pressure.
b. If applied to gas or steam service, the depressurisation of a piping system, etc.

Blowdown valve
Valve often specially designed for rapid depressurising of an HP system. Automated versions are
linked to the ESD.

Body (valve)
Main pressure containing component of a valve shell. The body can be of a single piece construction
or consist of several sections.

Bolted bonnet
Term specifying that the bonnet is bolted to the body (not screwed or welded).

Bolted gland
Term specifying that the gland is bolted to the bonnet (not screwed or a union type).

The pressure containing top cover containing the gland. The term cover is used for check valves.

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Bonnet assembly
The bonnet and valve operator.

Bonnet packing
Refer to Gland packing.

Bonnetless valve
Term for a valve with all internal parts inserted into a one piece body.

Bottom flange
Term used if a pressure containing plate covers an opening on the bottom of a valve.

Breakout torque or force

Torque or force required at the valve stem to initially move the obturator from the fully closed

Bronze trim or bronze mounted

Specifies that trim (internal components [e.g., closure, stem, seat ring]) are of bronze.

Bubble tight
No visible leakage (bubbles of air) during a gas seat test.

Builtup back pressure

Pressure occurring at a safety valve outlet during discharge as a result of discharge line flow
resistance. Normally expressed as a percentage of the set pressure.

Butterfly valve
Quarter turn valve with a circular, disk like obturator mounted on a shaft transverse to the axis of the
pipe. If rotated, the disk shuts off the pipe at right angles to the flow.

Bypass valve
Valve intended to divert flow around part of a system through which flow normally passes.

Cage trim
Cylindrical component with multiple holes intended to improve regulation of flow and minimise wear
and noise in control and choke valves.

Phenomenon that can occur in partially closed valves in liquid service if pressure at the vena
contractor is reduced below vapour pressure. Subsequent increases in static pressure cause vapour
bubbles to suddenly collapse or implode, causing erosion damage.

Cavity relief
Relief to prevent pressure rise in valve body cavities due to temperature changes affecting trapped
fluids. Internal relief can be provided by the seat design, but external relief might be necessary in some
designs, requiring a body mounted relief valve with its inlet connected to the cavity.

Rapid reciprocating motion of safety valve disks contacting the seat. Typically, a result of oversizing,
in which high pressure occurs, but there is insufficient volume to fully lift the valve.

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Check valve
Self acting valve type allowing forward flow and preventing reverse flow. Other terms used include
nonreturn valve, reflux, and retention valve.

Choke valve
Control valve for flow and pressure reduction, specifically located immediately downstream of an oil
or gas well or upstream of a water or gas injection well. The design is similar to a globe valve, the
closure being conical or plug shape seating in a circular orifice.

Clamp gate valve

Gate valve having body and bonnet held together by a U-bolt clamp that facilitates stripdown for

Class rating
Number denoting a range of temperature and pressure combinations at which a valve may be used.

Clean service
Classification used to denote that the process fluid and piping system are essentially clean and free of
solids or debris.

Closing torque or force

Torque or force required at the valve stem to close the obturator onto the seat.

Closure member
Final component of the valve drive train regulating the flow or pressure and closing against the seat
(e.g., ball, disk, gate, piston, or plug). Synonymous with obturator.

Small quarter turn, rotary action valve with a taper plug closure, generally used for LP
instrumentation, drains, and vents.

Combined stop and check valve

Refer to Globe stop and Check valve.

Compact gate valve

Gate valve of small nominal size with compact dimensions. Normally conforms to ISO 15761 or
API Std 602. May be supplied with one extended end for threaded or welded attachment to pipe
(formerly addressed by API Std 606).

Conduit gate valve

Parallel gate valve with a continuous uninterrupted port through the valve when fully open. Also
known as a through conduit gate valve. Also refer to Slab gate valve and Split wedge gate valve.

Control valve
A valve that regulates flow, pressure, or temperature. Also refer to automatic control valve and manual
control valve. Other terms include regulating valve and throttling valve.

Corrosion allowance
Addition to the design wall thickness of pressure containing components that can be subject to
corrosion in service.

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Graduated adjustment of the set pressure of a spring loaded safety valve from below normal to normal
after the spring temperature has been raised by discharged fluid.

Cryogenic valve
Valve designed to operate within the temperature range -50°C to -196°C (-58°F to -320°F). Typical
valve types used include ball, butterfly globe, wedge gate, and check valves.

Device for dampening the movement of the closure member, particularly of check valves.

Flexible disk of metal, polymer, or elastomer that provides limited movement for valve operation or is
used to sense pressure. Applications include diaphragm check valves, diaphragm block valves,
pressure regulators, and control valve actuators.

Diaphragm actuator
Control valve actuator consisting of a diaphragm in a pressurised housing. Usually pneumatic
operation with spring return.

Diaphragm check valve

Valve in which the closure element is a specially shaped diaphragm allowing forward flow but
preventing reverse flow.

Diaphragm valve
Block/control valve using a resilient diaphragm as the closure element. Can be either weir or straight
through type.

Differential pressure
Difference in pressure between any two points in a piping system. For valves, usually the difference in
pressure between the upstream (inlet) and downstream (outlet) of a fully closed valve. Also known as
pressure differential.

Discharge coefficient
Ratio of the measured relieving capacity of a pressure relief valve to the theoretical relieving capacity.

Dirty service
Denotes that the process fluid and piping system contain particulate that can damage valves unless
specially selected for the conditions (e.g., hard metal seated slab gate and ball valves for oil and gas

Diverter service
Process requirement to direct flow from one stream to two or more streams. Several block valves or a
single diverter valve may be used.

Diverter valve
Valve with multiple ports intended to divert flow from one stream to two or more alternative streams
while preventing intermixing. Also called multiport valve, switching valve, or changeover valve. The
term is sometimes used to describe several valves used in combination for directing flow streams.

Double block
Provision of double isolation either by means of two separate valves installed in series or by means of
a single valve having two seats, each of which provides a seal.

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Double block and bleed valve

Specifically, as defined by ISO 14313 (API Spec 6D), a single valve with two seating surfaces that, in
the closed position, provides a seal against pressure from both ends of the valve with a means of
venting/bleeding the cavity between the seating surfaces. Note that this does not provide double
isolation of equipment from a single source of pressure. A standard trunnion mounted ball valve meets
this definition.

Double disk butterfly valve

Uncommon design with two disks to isolate flow and pressure, usually provided with cavity bleed for
double block and bleed.

Double isolation and bleed valve

Specifically, as defined by ISO 14313 (API 6D), a single valve with two seating surfaces, each of
which, in the closed position, provides a seal against pressure from a single source, with a means of
venting/bleeding the cavity between the seating surfaces. This feature can be provided in one direction
or in both directions and facilitates a double isolation of equipment from a single source of pressure
using a single valve.

Double piston effect seat

Trunnion mounted ball valve seat that is designed to seal with pressure applied from the body cavity.

Downstream seated valve

Valve in which the upstream line pressure loads the obturator against the downstream seat with
differential pressure across the valve. Typical examples include gate valves, floating ball valves, globe
valves, and butterfly valves.

Drag valve
Control valve with a cage trim having multiple perforations, providing a high resistance flow path for
HP drop, low noise application.

Drive train
Components that transmit operating force or torque from the input device (handwheel, actuator, etc.)
through the pressure retaining boundary to the valve seat.

Drop tight
Term specifying that no liquid droplets should be visible through a closed valve.

Dual plate check valve

Swing check valve with a central shaft that supports two spring loaded half disks.

Eccentric ball valve

Quarter turn, rotary action valve providing a cam action against the seat and closing by application of
mechanical force.

End entry ball valve

Strictly, a ball valve with a single piece body, in which the ball is assembled from one end of the bore
and held in position by a seat/retainer ring fastened to the body. The term is often used
interchangeably with “side entry ball valve”.

Damage to the valve/trim caused by high velocity flow of fluids that usually contain solids.

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Excess flow valve

Valve designed to close automatically if flow exceeds a specified rate.

Expanding gate valve

Parallel gate valve with two gate halves with inclined mating faces such that operation results in
mechanical loading of each gate half against its seat.

Expanding plug valve

Parallel plug valve with two plug halves separated by an internal wedge such that operation results in
mechanical loading of each plug half against its seat.

Face to face dimensions

Dimension from end face of the inlet port to end face of the outlet port of a valve or pipe fitting.

Finish of the gasket contact surface of flanged end piping materials and valves.

Firefighting valve
Generally, a globe valve specifically for fire hydrants having an outlet for a hose coupling.

Fire safe
Misleading and incorrect term used to describe a valve suitable for service in fire hazardous areas.

Fire type test

Standardised test that can be performed on a valve or range of valves to provide an indication of how
they might behave if subjected to a real fire.

Fire type test certified valve

Valve covered by fire type test certification in accordance with an accepted fire type test standard.

Fixed seats
Seats fixed to the valve body, often by welding.

Flap valve
LP swing check valve with a hinged disk or flap, sometimes leather or rubber faced.

Flash point
Temperature at which a fluid first releases sufficient flammable vapour to ignite in the presence of a
small flame or spark.

Flat faced bonnet joint

Jointing surface between a valve body and bonnet if the bonnet is not recessed into the body but is
seated on a flat surface. Suitable for LP service only.

Flat full face gasket

Flat gasket covering the entire surface of parts to be joined.

Flexible wedge gate valve

Valve with a slotted gate allowing flexing, improving seat alignment, and reducing breakout and
closing force (torque) with high pressures and high temperatures. Only effective in larger sizes.

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Float valve
Automatic flow control valve of globe or piston type, usually operated by a float mechanism for
regulating or maintaining liquid level in a tank.

Floating ball valve

Valve with a ball supported by seat rings without a trunnion. Also called a “seat supported ball valve”.

Floating seats
Valve seats with limited axial movement, energised by line pressure to seal against the obturator and
sealed against the valve body.

Flow coefficient (Cv)

Flow capacity of a valve at a specified opening position in U.S. gpm of water at a temperature of 60°F
with a pressure loss of 1 psi.

Flow coefficient Kv)

Flow capacity of a valve at a specified opening position in m3/h of water at 15°C with a pressure loss
of 0,981 bar.

Rapid reciprocating or oscillating motion of a valve disk during which the disk does not contact seat
(applicable to check valves).

Foot valve
Lift or swing check valve with an open inlet for total immersion on a pump suction line, always fitted
with a filter or strainer.

Full bore/port
Valve bore approximately equivalent to pipe bore, minimising pressure drop and facilitating pigging.

Full bore diaphragm valve

Diaphragm valve with straight through full bore. Refer to diaphragm valve and weir diaphragm valve.

Full bore plug valve

Plug valve with full bore through valve, as opposed to standard patterns having trapezoidal ports.

Full lift safety valve

Valve that modulates open over a small portion of the lift and then opens rapidly to the fully open

Tendency to seizure of two metallic components in sliding contact, usually if there is insufficient
difference in relative hardness or if identical materials are used.

Obturator of a gate valve.

Gate valve
Linear action, multiturn (if hand operated) valve. The obturator is a gate or disk closing against flat
faced seats.

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Gear operator
Gearbox fitted to a valve for manual or actuated operation to reduce operating effort. Increases
operating time.

Flanged or screwed component fastened to the bonnet to compress and retain the gland packing.

Gland follower
Integral or separate gland component in direct contact with the packing.

Glandless valve
Valve not requiring a gland (e.g., diaphragm valve or pinch valve).

Gland packing
Refer to Packing.

Globe stop and check valve

Globe valve with disk that is disconnected from the stem such that, in the open position, the valve acts
as a check valve. Also called a “combination stop check valve”.

Globe valve
Linear action, multiturn (if hand operated) valve with a disk or plug type obturator seating on a flat or
shaped seat.

Hammer blow handwheel

Handwheel that has lost motion and designed to provide a sudden load to start opening of a valve for
which a plain handwheel is inadequate but a geared operator is not justified. Generally only used with
globe valves and wedge gate valves.

Manually operated component used to open and close a valve.

Hand operated valve

Valve without a powered actuator.

Hard faced seats

Seats or seating with a hard facing or coating to provide good sealing surfaces resistant to wear, wire
drawing, galling, and abrasion. Materials generally used include cobalt bearing alloys (Stellite,
Colmonoy) and carbides (tungsten, chromium).

Hard seated valve

Valve with hard faced seats and obturator.

Height (valve)
Usually the distance from pipe centre line to top of valve handwheel or the top of a gear operator or
powered actuator. Refer to Overall height.

High performance butterfly valve

Imprecise term historically used for double and triple offset butterfly valves.

Hose end valve

Valve for utility services that has fittings for connection to a hose.

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Corrosion resistant fusion welded coating applied to valve body internal surfaces.

Inlet port
Port connected directly to the upstream pipework.

Inside screw, nonrising stem

Gate valve design in which the gate rises on a threaded portion of the stem within the valve body and
below the stem seal. The stem rotates but does not rise.

Iris valve
Valve design in which the closure moves towards the centre of the valve bore to seat.

Isolation valve
Refer to Block valve.

Kicker valve
Specific term for the valve used on pig traps to initiate pig launching and to stop flow on pig reception.

Knife gate valve

Valve having a narrow parallel gate with a shaped edge for cutting through glutinous media or slurries.
Normally limited to low pressure, the gland normally seals directly onto the gate.

Lantern ring
A metallic ring that forms a chamber between upper and lower sets of compression packings in a
stuffing box. A port from the bonnet can connect with the lantern ring, which can have several

a. An injection chamber for gland sealant.

b. A pressure chamber for preventing external loss of (e.g., toxic process fluid).
c. A leakage collection chamber.

Process of rubbing and polishing surfaces (e.g., obturator and seats) to obtain a smooth seating surface
and minimise leakage.

Leak tight
Term confirming there is no leakage through or from a valve.

Lever operated valve

Quarter turn, rotary action valve (e.g., ball, butterfly, and plug types). Usually small, low rated valves.

Lift check valve

Check valve in which the obturator is lifted from the seat during forward flow.

Lifting plug valve

Valve in which the plug is lifted clear of the seat during rotation from open to close to reduce
operating torque.

Line blind valve

Method of positive isolation that uses a plate arranged to rotate between flanges that are clamped
against the plate to seal off. Also called a “goggle and spectacle valve”.

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Line pressure
Pressure in the piping system.

Lined valve
Ball, plug, or butterfly valve whose body is internally lined, typically with PTFE or elastomer. The
lining is used to seal valve.

Lubricated plug valve

Plug valve with grooved seating areas and passage ways for lubricant and sealant injection. Refer to
Pressure balanced plug valve.

Lugged pattern
Term for butterfly and check valves of wafer pattern that have lugs through drilled for flange bolting.
Other terms used include “lugged wafer pattern”, “wafer lugged pattern”, and “single flanged valve”.

Manual control valve

Valve for regulating flow or pressure that is not part of a feedback control loop. Globe, needle, ball,
butterfly, and diaphragm valves are extensively used.

Manual operation valve

Valve supplied for operation by hand.

Manual override
Operation by handwheel of a powered actuator in the event of power failure and for setting of the
actuator travel stops, etc.

Manual valve operator

Valve operator consisting of a hand lever, handwheel, or T-bar.

Mechanically seated valve

Valve designed to achieve primary seating by application of mechanical force (e.g., expanding gate
valve, wedge gate valve, expanding plug valve, globe valve, butterfly valve).

Metal seated valve

Refer to hard seated valve.

Mixing valve
Control valve, usually self operating, that uses a control element to regulate flow from more than one
input. Multiport designs (e.g., globe type) may be used to mix different fluids and are sometimes
called “blending valves”. Mixing valves are also used for temperature control in conjunction with a

Modulating safety valve

Pilot operated valve designed to modulate opening according to the degree of overpressure.

Needle valve
Globe valve with a conical plug (needle) closing into a small seat. Used for flow metering and
damping pressure fluctuations on instruments (e.g., pressure gages). Also called an “instrument

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Nominal diameter (DN) and nominal pipe size (NPS)

Number denoting the size of a pipe, fitting, or valve. Units of DN is millimetres (approximate). Units
of NPS are inches (approximate). The actual bore can vary considerably from the DN or NPS

Nonlubricated plug valve

Plug valve that does not depend on the injection of lubricant or sealant for operation and seating (e.g.,
lined and sleeved plug valves and lifting plug valves).

Nonrising stem
Refer to Inside screw, nonrising stem.

Nozzle check valve

Refer to axial flow valve.

Oblique pattern
Globe valve body pattern with the closure at an angle to the port to reduce pressure drop. Also called a
“Y” pattern valve.

Outlet Port
Port connected directly to the down stream pipework.

Outside screw and yoke (OS&Y)

Rising stem design for linear action valves (gate and globe). The threaded portion of the stem is
outside the valve body and isolated from the process media by the gland packing. The stem is operated
by a threaded nut in the yoke.

Outside screw, rising stem

Refer to Outside screw and yoke (OS&Y).

Overall height
Valve height plus the distance below the valve bore centreline to the base of the valve.

Fusion welded alloy applied to valve bodies (for corrosion resistance) and trim (for wear resistance).

Safety valve term for pressure increase above the set pressure after the valve has lifted (expressed as
percentage of set pressure).

Material used to effect a seal between the valve stem and the bonnet in a packed gland valve.

Packing assembly
Gland, gland follower, packing nut, and packing components of a valve.

Packing box assembly

Bonnet gland stuffing box and packing assembly used to seal against leakage from the valve body
stem area.

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Parallel gate valve

Gate valve with a parallel faced, sliding gate, or disk closure. Typically slab gate, parallel slide gate,
and expanding gate.

Parallel plug valve

Valve with a cylindrical plug closure that uses various methods of sealing (lubricated, expanding plug,
eccentric, and O-ring sealed designs).

Parallel slide valve

Parallel gate valve with two disks separated by a spring. Generally used for power generation and
steam service applications.

Small solid contaminants in the process fluid that can be abrasive and damaging to the valve

Penstock valve
Gate valve with the gate mounted in a frame fixed to a wall or bulkhead. Used for handling large
volumes of LP water. Also called a sluice valve.

Pig ball valve

Ball valve designed to hold and launch or receive pigs or spheres.

Piggable valve
Full bore block valve suitable for the passage of pigs and spheres. Valves used are trunnion mounted
ball valves and conduit gate valves of slab and expanding design.

Pilot operated safety valve

Valve consisting of a main valve and a pilot valve. The pilot valve senses the pressure of the system
and, if opened, vents pressure from a cylinder that normally holds the main valve closed.

Pinch valve
Valve in which the closure is a flexible tube, either exposed or enclosed in a body. The tube is pinched
to close mechanically or by application of control fluid pressure between the body and the tube.

Piston check valve

Check valve with a free or spring loaded piston closure.

Piston valve
Globe valve in which a cylindrical obturator enters or withdraws from a seat bore to start, stop, or
regulate flow. The seat bore contains packing to create a seal against the obturator. In addition to the
standard straight pattern design, other variants are available (e.g., tank bottom outlet valves and
sampling valves).

Plate check valve

Valve with an arrangement of metallic or plastic plates allowing forward flow but preventing reverse
flow. Used for air and gas compressors.

Valve obturator that can be tapered or cylindrical shape.

Plug valve
Quarter turn, rotary action valve in which the obturator is a plug closing against a downstream seat.

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PN rating
Number denoting a range of temperature and pressure combinations at which a valve may be used.

Poppet valve
Linear action valve (derivative of globe valve) in which the closure is a stem mounted disk often with
an angled edge closing on an angled seat. Frequently found solenoid operated in control systems.

Passage through a component (e.g., the inlet and outlet through an open valve). Also, sometimes, the
valve seat opening.

Preferred flow direction

Term for a design of valve in which line pressure aids closure in one direction and tends to unseat
from the other direction. Valves with preferred flow directions include butterfly, eccentric ball, and
eccentric plug valves.

Pressure balanced plug valves

Lubricated plug valve with internal passageways pressurised by the process fluid to reduce operating
friction and make it more predictable.

Pressure control valve

Automatic valve with a pressure sensing element to control pressure within specified limits (refer to
Pressure maintaining valve and Pressure reducing valve).

Pressure differential
Refer to Differential pressure.

Pressure drop
Pressure lost between the inlet and the outlet of an open valve owing to its resistance to flow.

Pressure energised seat

Floating seat with limited movement that is energised by line pressure against the obturator. Common
in trunnion mounted ball valves and slab gate valves.

Pressure maintaining valve

Control valve that maintains the level of upstream line pressure. Also called a “back pressure

Pressure reducing valve

Automatic control valve that reduces the upstream line pressure to a set level downstream and
maintains the reduced pressure irrespective of changes in upstream pressure.

Pressure relief valve

Refer to Safety valve.

Pressure sealed bonnet

Valve in which the bonnet is in the form of a cylindrical plug retained inside the valve body by a
segmented ring that reacts the pressure load on the bonnet and transfers to the valve body. Sealing is
provided by a separate gasket.

Pressure/vacuum safety valve

Valve that automatically releases excess pressure or admits pressure to prevent a vacuum forming if
filling or emptying a pipeline or tank.

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Raised face (RF) flange

Pipe flange or valve body flange in which the gasket contact surface is raised relative to the flange

Raised face (RF) gasket

Gasket with dimensions matching an RF flange face.

Reduced bore
Valve in which the diameter of the flow passage is reduced at the seat. Generally, the reduction is to
the next standard pipe size down. Saves weight, size, and cost at the expense of additional pressure
drop. (Refer to Venturi throat valve.)

Regular pattern
U.S. term for a valve design in common usage, as opposed to less common designs. Also specifically
used for plug valves in which the port commonly used is trapezoidal. Synonymous with “standard

Relief valve
Also known as a pressure relief valve or safety valve. Strictly a design of safety valve that is direct
acting and intended for liquid service only. Designs include full lift relief valve and modulating relief

Reseating pressure
Pressure at which a pressure relief valve or safety valve reseats after discharge.

Resistance coefficient
Coefficient defining the friction loss through a valve in terms of velocity head or velocity pressure.

Reverse acting gate

Term used for conduit gate valves in which the gate is ported through the upper half such that the gate
is raised to close. This design uses internal pressure to close the valve and therefore minimises the size
of actuators for shutdown valves, etc. Also avoids problems in closing as a result of any
solids/particulate that might have entered the body cavity where the process fluid is dirty.

Ring type joint (RTJ) flange

Pipe or valve body flange with a machined groove into which a metal ring gasket is fitted.

Ring type joint (RTJ) gasket

Metal ring gasket of oval or octagonal section.

Rising stem
Valves in which the stem (but not necessarily the handwheel) rises during valve opening.

Rotary disk valve

Form of quarter turn gate valve design in which an offset shaft slides a disk shaped obturator across
the valve seat to open or close. Upstream pressure loads the disk against its seat. Also called a rotary
gate valve and a lever gate valve if manually operated by a lever.

Rotary valve
General term sometimes used to describe valves with a rotary action (e.g., ball, butterfly, plug valves).
Term is also used specifically for a design of valve used to dose precise quantities of powders or
liquids into a process stream. The obturator is machined with a series of cups to hold the dose and can

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be continuously rotated through 360 degrees or reciprocated through 180 degrees to provide dosing. A
particular design is the cup ball valve typically used in chemical plants.

Rubber lined butterfly valve

Quarter turn rotary action valve of conventional design in which the disk is mounted concentrically
with the shaft axis. The rubber lining of the body forms the valve seat. The lining may be vulcanised
to the body or be replaceable in the form of a lining or insert.

Rubber seated wedge gate valve

Valve with a rubber coated wedge closure that seals against the valve seat. This design eliminates the
cavity in the bottom of the valve but is limited by pressure and temperature.

Running torque or force

Torque or force required to stroke a valve over the majority of its travel. This torque or force is always
less than the breakout and closing torque/force.

Safety relief valve

Direct acting pressure relief valve intended for gas, vapour, and liquid service.

Safety valve
In Europe, term for any automatic valve that relieves overpressure in a pressurised system. In the U.S.,
it is specifically a full lift pressure relief valve intended for gas service only. Also sometimes used for
valves that perform a safety related function (e.g., shutdown valves).

Sampling valve
Globe valve intended for taking a sample from a vessel or piping system. Sampling valve is usually
mounted on the bottom of a vessel or pipe (refer to piston valve).

Screwed bonnet
Bonnet screwed into the valve body, rather than flanged or bolted. Generally used on small bore LP
valves for nonhazardous industrial applications. The bonnet is sometimes seal welded to prevent
external leakage from the threaded portion.

Screwed (threaded) end

Valve (and pipe) with ends machined with an internal or external screw thread.

Screwed (threaded) gland

Gland with an external screw thread and screwed into the bonnet stuffing box, rather than flanged and
bolted. Generally used on small bore valve (e.g., instrument valves). A locking device is sometimes
fitted to prevent rotation in service due to vibration or other cause.

Sealant injection
Injection through a nonreturn valve of a viscous sealing compound to seal the stem and/or seats of a
valve either by design (lubricated plug valve) or for use in an emergency.

Part of a valve against which the obturator is loaded to provide shutoff and through which process
fluid flows in the open position. The seat can comprise one or more components of metallic or
nonmetallic materials.

Seat bush
Refer to Seat ring.

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Seat contact pressure

Force per unit area required to prevent leakage across the contact surface of a valve seat and obturator.
Can be applied by line pressure and/or mechanical force.

Seat holder
Metallic component, usually corrosion resistant, with a seat insert of another material (e.g., elastomer
or polymer). Specifically, the term is used for valves with floating seat designs. Seat holders are
typically used in trunnion mounted ball valves and slab (parallel) gate valves.

Seat housing
Counter bore in the body of floating seat valve in which the seat holder is located.

Seat insert
Ring shaped sealing element generally of elastomer or polymer that is fitted in a seat holder, seat ring,
or closure. Also called a “soft seat insert”.

Seat pocket
General term for the counterbores within a valve body that house or locate a seat holder or seat ring.
Seat pockets can be left plain or overlaid with corrosion resistant materials if required.

Seat ring
Synonymous with seat if a separate component from the valve body.

Seat supported ball valve

Refer to Floating ball valve.

Seat to body seal

Seal preventing leakage around an inserted seat. In fixed seat valves, the seal usually depends on a
screwed or swaged joint. In floating seat valves, a dynamic seal (O-ring, etc.) is required to allow float
of the seat assembly.

Set pressure
Pressure at which a pressure relief valve opens.

Synonymous with “stem” but usually associated with rotary valves.

Short pattern valve

Valve in which the face to face dimension is less than normal. Several standards include short pattern
dimensions for different types of valves. Generally, valves are of reduced bore.

Shutoff valve
Valve designed to operate either fully open or fully closed but not at intermediate positions.

Side entry ball valve

Strictly, a two piece or three piece body ball valve in which the ball is assembled via the bore of one of
the body pieces. The term is often used interchangeably with “end entry”.

Single flanged valve

Normally, a wafer pattern valve provided with lugs for bolting to pipe flanges.

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Single piece ball valve

Ball valve with the body in one piece, with the ball assembled from one end and held by a retainer ring
that can also include a valve seat. Generally used for small bore valves.

Size of a valve usually refers to the nominal size (DN or NPS) of the connecting piping. Sometimes
the actual internal diameter is given (e.g., for wellhead gate valves). Reduced bore/venturi valves
normally reference the size of the reduced internal diameter (e.g., NPS 6 by NPS 4) (also refer to Full
bore/part and Reduced bore.)

Slab gate valve

Conduit gate valve with a single parallel sided gate normally sealed by floating seats, with line
pressure energised with supplementary mechanical loading (springs) at low pressure. Fixed seats are
sometimes used for small bore valves.

Sleeved plug valve

Same as a lined plug valve, except that the sleeve of PTFE or similar polymer material is machined
and press fitted or keyed into the valve body rather than moulded in place.

Slide valve
Generally, term for the knife gate valve and the parallel slide valve. Specifically, the term is used for
specialised parallel gate valves working at high temperature and low pressure on FCCUs in refineries.
Valve bodies are normally internally insulated.

Product consisting of solids mixed with liquid to assist transportation through piping systems. The
solids vary widely and can be abrasive, nonabrasive, hard, or fibrous materials.

Small bore valve

Term generally used for valves of DN 50 (NPS 2) and smaller.

Socket weld end

Valve with counter bored ends into which piping is fitted and fillet welded to make a joint.

Soft seat insert

Refer to seat insert.

Soft seated valve

Valve with primary seating elements manufactured from elastomer or polymer.

Soft seated wedge gate valves

Wedge gate valve in which primary soft seating is used. Seating can be a solid PTFE seat or a soft seat
insert, either in the valve body or in the wedge gate closure.

Solenoid valve
Linear action block valve, generally of globe type, fitted with a solenoid actuator. Generally, quick

Solid wedge disc

Disc or wedge of one piece.

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Split wedge gate valve

Gate valve with a wedge consisting of two separate halves to provide flexibility and resistance to
thermal wedging.

Component of a valve that transmits force or torque from the operator to the obturator.

Stop check or screw down nonreturn valve

Valve that automatically closes when flow reverses and that can be screwed down into a stop or closed

Stuffing box
Gland packing chamber within a valve bonnet.

Swing check valve

Valve that has an obturator consisting of a swinging disc which opens with forward flow and closes
automatically when forward flow ceases.

Lever handle extending on both sides of the stem/shaft centreline.

Regulation of pressure or flow across a valve.

Internal components isolating or regulating the flow (e.g., wetted parts). Includes seating surfaces,
obturator, cage, stem, bearings, guides, and associated parts.

Unidirectional valve
Valve designed to seal in only one flow direction.

Upstream seated valve

Valve that, when closed, seals by line pressure acting on the upstream seat.

V-port plug or ball

Type of valve closure member (plug or ball) with a “V” shaped orifice giving good throttling

Valve closure member

Synonymous with “obturator”.

Valve operator
Valve part or parts by means of which a force is applied to move the obturator.

Valve port
Usually the passages adjacent to the inlet or outlet openings of the valve.

Venturi throat valve

Valve with a reduced port opening at the seat and a graduated transition to the valve ends. Intended to
minimise pressure drop through the valve.

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Wiper ring
Ring that removes extraneous material (e.g., from a gate valve stem) by a wiping action to protect the
stem seal.

Y pattern globe valve

Refer to Oblique pattern.

Part of a valve that connects the valve actuator to the valve body and reacts to the force on the stem.

Yoke bush
Screwed bush retained in the yoke (often in bearings) to which the handwheel or actuator is connected.
It is threaded onto the valve stem such that rotation of the bush causes valve stem to move up or down.

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Annex B
EEMUA recommended valve test requirements

Nomenclature: Y = Test recommended A = Discretionary according to service conditions

N = Test not recommended T = Type test
Test description Commodity valves Critical service valves
Gate Globe But’fly Plug Ball Gate Globe But’fly Plug Ball
(1) (1)
Shell strength (liquid) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Shell tightness (liquid) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Shell tightness (LP gas) N N N N N A (2) A (2) A (2) A (2) A (2)
HP seat (liquid) Y Y Y Y A Y Y Y Y Y
LP seat (gas) A (2) A (2) A (2) A (2) Y A (2) A (2) A (2) A (2) Y
HP seat (gas) (4) N N N N N A A A A A
(2,5) (2,5) (2,5) (2,5) (2,5)
Obturator strength N N N N N N N Y6 N N
HP backseat (liquid) Y Y N N N Y Y N N N
(5) (5)
LP backseat (gas) N N N N N N N N N N
Operability (function) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Torque/force N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y
measurement (5) (5) (5) (5) (5)
Antistatic N N N Y Y N N N Y Y
(7) (7) (7) (7)
Fire test (8) Y N Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y
(7,9) (7,9) (7,9) (7,9) (7,9) (7,9) (7,9) (7,9)
Body cavity relief test Y N N Y Y Y N N Y Y
(5,10) (5,10) (5) (5,10) (5,10) (5)
1. Wedge gate, expanding gate, and slab gate.
2. Gas service applications. Allowable leak rate for HP test should be agreed with manufacturer: is normally several times LP rate.
3. Strongly recommended if sealing force is mechanical (e.g., “Orbit” type valves).
4. May be substituted for HP liquid seat test.
5. Sample.
6. “A” for sizes below DN 350 (NPS 14).
7. Type test.
8. Not applicable to buried or subsea valves.
9. If polymer or elastomer seals used.
10. Only types that can lock liquid inside body cavity if in closed position and that may subsequently be heated.

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Annex C
Minimum design rules for the design of valve to actuator mountings,
including valve drive train calculations

C.1 Scope

a. Design requirements and standards

1. This annex defines minimum design rule requirements for the strength of mounting
brackets, spools, and bolting that are used to connect valves to actuators.
Manufacturer and design standards might require additional requirements greater than
these minimum values.
2. Details of valve and actuator sizing are given in ISO 12490 and GIS 62-035.
b. The topics that are addressed in this annex are as follows:
1. Valve bonnet/top plate to valve body design.
2. Valve top plate to actuator design.
3. Actuator mounting stool design.
4. Valve stem, actuator drive adapter, and other cylindrical parts under torsional loads
that are driven by keys or splines.

C.2 Load conditions

a. In all calculations, the design pressure that is used shall be the ambient temperature class
rating pressure of the valve or, subject to Company agreement, the maximum service
b. Design torque shall be the maximum value of torque that:
1. Can be delivered by the actuator for all load conditions.
2. Is based on maximum hydraulic/pneumatic supply pressure and/or spring maximum

C.3 Component design

C.3.1 Valve bonnet/top plate to body design
a. The design may be by bolts only or a combination of bolts and dowels.
b. For pressure containing bolting (i.e., without torque loading), the bolting design shall
conform to the valve design standard (i.e., either ASME B16.34 or the specified pressure
vessel code).
c. If bolting is required to resist the torque reaction of the actuator in addition to providing a
pressure containment function, the following conditions shall apply:
1. Maximum bolt stress/preload shall be 50% of yield.
2. Bolt stress shall produce a clamping load sufficient to hold the top plate/bonnet in a
stable and secure position on the valve body and without movement.
3. Torque reaction
a) Torque reaction shall be considered to act at the bolting circle.

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b) Maximum coefficient of friction used for design purposes shall be 0,2.

c) Valve design pressure shall be assumed to act simultaneously with the maximum
4. Bolting used for pressure containment shall not be exposed to shear stress across the
threaded section by actuator torque.
d. Bolts used for actuator loads only (i.e., no pressure containment) shall be designed on the
basis of the following:
1. Maximum tensile stress/preload shall be 50% of yield.
2. Bolt stress shall produce a clamping load sufficient to hold the top plate/bonnet in a
stable and secure position on the valve body and without movement.
3. Torque reaction shall be considered to act at the bolting circle, and the maximum
coefficient of friction used for design purposes shall be 0,2.
e. If dowels are used in the design of the valve, the following rules shall apply:
1. Dowel load shall be assumed to act on the dowel PCD.
2. Maximum allowable shear stress acting across the dowel shall be 0,5 times the tensile
yield stress of the dowel material.
3. Bearing stress
a) Bearing stress of the dowel in the machined hole shall be calculated for all parts,
including housings and dowels.
b) Maximum allowable stress shall be tensile yield for all parts.
f. If bolts and dowels are used in parallel, the load capacity of the dowels and the load
capacity of bolting may be summed.

C.3.2 Valve top plate to actuator design

a. The mounting plate should conform to ISO 5211 for sizes that are applicable.
b. The torque capability of ISO 5211 shall be adopted if ISO 5211 flanges are used.
c. For other sizes of top plate flange, the design shall be based on the following assumptions:
1. Maximum bolt tensile stress/preload shall be 50% yield.
2. Torque shall be assumed to react at either the bolt PCD if the flange is flat face or at
the mean raised face diameter if the flange is raised face.
3. Maximum coefficient of friction used for torque transfer shall be 0,2.
4. If dowels are used, the design rules in C.3.1 shall apply.

C.3.3 Valve stem, actuator drive adapter, and other cylindrical parts under torsional loads
driven by keys or splines
a. Plain torsional sections shall be calculated using standard shear stress formula.
b. The maximum shear stress of plain sections under design actuator output shall be
0,53 times tensile yield stress.
c. Keyed sections shall be analysed by Roark methods or alternative design methods, subject
to approval by Company responsible engineer. The following applies:
1. For calculations conducted in accordance with the keyed shaft sections of Roark, the
maximum allowable shear stress shall be 58% of the tensile yield of the stem or
adapter material.

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2. For other methods agreed with Company, the reduction of the section due to the key
shall be at least 10% of the section modulus for one key and 15% for two keys.
d. Allowable shear stress across key sections shall be 0,53 times tensile yield stress.
e. Allowable bearing stress on the sides of keys and the mating surfaces of the stem and/or
adapter shall be the yield stress of the relevant material.
f. Fillet welds
1. The use of fillet welds in drive adapters shall be avoided.
2. If welds are used, the design shall be based on a maximum allowable shear stress of
0,53 times tensile yield stress.
3. A maximum joint efficiency factor of 0,7. shall be used.
g. Splined shafts
1. Splined shafts shall be designed on the basis of calculating shear stress based on the
minimum section.
2. Maximum allowable shear stress shall be 0,58 times tensile yield.
3. Maximum allowable bearing stresses on the sides of splines shall be tensile yield of
the relevant materials.

C.3.4 Linear actuated valves - typically slab and expanding type gate valves
Due to the many design variations in drive train s, this GP only covers the design basis for
allowable stresses for components as shown in Table C.1.

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Table C.1 - Allowable stresses for components

Item Load case Allowable stress Notes

Pressure containing Pressure only. In accordance with design Depending on
bolting in the drive code. design, this can
train. include bonnet
Pressure containing Combined pressure plus 50% SMYS of bolts. Depending on
bolting in the drive maximum actuator design, this can
train. loading. include bonnet
Nonpressure Maximum actuator output 50% SMYS of bolts.
containing bolting in loading.
drive train.
Other flange joints Maximum actuator output In accordance with
and drive train. loading. ISO 5210
Components in Maximum actuator Two thirds SMYS of
tension in drive train, loading. component.
other than welds.
Components in Maximum actuator 53% SMYS. Based on 0,8 x 0,67
shear in drive train, loading. SMYS (similar to
other than welds. ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel
Code Section VIII).
Components in Maximum actuator output. SMYS. Based on 1,5 x 0,67
bending in drive SMYS (similar to
train, other than ASME Boiler and
welds. Pressure Vessel
Code Section VIII).
Fillet welds in shear Maximum actuator output. As components in shear,
in drive train. except that joint efficiency
of 70% shall be used.
Butt welds in Maximum actuator output. As components in tension, In common with
tension. except that joint efficiency ASME Boiler and
of 70%, if not subjected to Pressure Vessel
radiography, or 100%, if Code Section VIII.
subject to radiography.
Components Maximum actuator output. SMYS.
exposed to bearing
Components in Maximum actuator output. SMYS. Shafts and stems
compression. shall also be checked for
Euler buckling.

Note: The information in Table C.1 is based on operations at

ambient temperature and might require modifications for
higher temperature operations.

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[1] GIS 36-200, High Strength Precipitation Hardened (PH) Nickel Based Corrosion Resistant Alloys
(CRAs) for Production Environments.

[2] GIS 43-351, Nonsubsea Pipeline Valves (ISO 14313 or APi 6D).

[3] GIS 62-011, Wedge Gate Valves (API 600).

[4] GIS 62-021, Integral Block and Bleed Valve Manifolds (EEMUA 182).

[5] GN 62-002 Valves - Material Receipt, Handling, Storage, Preservation, and Protection During

[6] GN 62-003 Valve Leak Detection Using Acoustic Emission.

[7] GN 62-028 (TB0028), Avoiding Gas Decompression Damage of Rubber Seals.

[8] GP 36-15, Materials Selection for Surface Equipment (Onshore and Offshore Topsides in Oil and
Gas Production Facilities.

[9] GP 62-01-xx, Subsea Valve Addendum.

[10] GP 78-10, Design, Fabrication, Transportation and Installation of Subsea Manifolds.

American Petroleum Institute (API)

[11] API 624, Type Testing of Rising Stem Valves Equipped with Flexible Graphite Packing for
Fugitive Emissions.

[12] API RP 941, Steels for Hydrogen Service at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures in Petroleum
Refineries and Petrochemical Plants.

[13] API Spec 6A718, Nickel Base Alloy 718 (UNS N07718) for Oil and Gas Drilling and Production

[14] API Spec 6AV1, Specification for Verification Test of Wellhead Surface Safety Valves and
Underwater Safety Valves for Offshore Service.

[15] API Spec 6D, Pipeline Valves.

[16] API Std 602, Steel Gate, Globe and Check Valves for Sizes DN 100 and Smaller for the
Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries.

[17] API Std 606, Compact Carbon Steel Gate Valves.

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

[18] ASME B 16.5, Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings: NPS 1/2 through NPS 24.

[19] ASME B31.1, Power Piping.

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)

[20] ASTM A574, Alloy Steel Socket-Head Cap Screws.

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British Standards (BS)

[21] BS 1212-1, Float operated valves. Specification for piston type float operated valves (copper
alloy body) (excluding floats).

[22] BS 1212-2, Float operated valves. Specification for diaphragm type float operated valves (copper
alloy body) (excluding floats).

[23] BS 1212-3, Float operated valves. Specification for diaphragm type float operated valves
(plastics bodied) for cold water services only (excluding floats).

[24] BS 6364, Specification for valves for cryogenic service.

[25] BS EN 1564, Founding. Ausferritic spheroidal graphite cast irons.

[26] BS EN 12570, Industrial valves. Method for sizing the operating element.

[27] BS EN ISO 14723, Petroleum and natural gas industries - Pipeline transportation systems -
Subsea pipeline valves.

Det Norske Veritas (DNV)

[28] DNV-RP-F112, Design of Duplex Stainless Steel Subsea Equipment Exposed to Cathodic

Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association (EEMUA)

[29] EEMUA 182, Specification for Integral Block and Bleed Valve Manifolds for Direct Connection to

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

[30] Method 21, Determination of Volatile Organic Compound Leaks.

Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society (ISA)

[31] ISA 93.00.01, Standard Method for the Evaluation of External Leakage of Manual and Automated
On-Off Valves.

International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

[32] ISO 5208, Industrial valves - Pressure testing of valves.

[33] ISO 10432, Petroleum and natural gas industries - Downhole equipment - Subsurface safety
valve equipment.

[34] ISO 13628-8, Petroleum and natural gas industries - Design and operation of subsea production
systems - Part 8: Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) interfaces on subsea production systems.

[35] ISO 15761, Steel gate, globe and check valves for sizes DN 100 and smaller, for the petroleum
and natural gas industries.

[36] ISO 17292, Metal ball valves for petroleum, petrochemical and allied industries.

Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry (MSS)

[37] MSS SP-81, Stainless Steel, Bonnetless, Flanged Knife Gate Valves.

[38] MSS SP-91, Guidelines for Manual Operation of Valves.

Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (Society of German Engineers) (VDI)

[39] VDI 2440, Emission control - Mineral oil refineries.

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