Saes W 014
Saes W 014
Saes W 014
Summary of Changes.................................................................................................... 3
1 Scope ...................................................................................................................... 4
3 References .............................................................................................................. 4
4 General ................................................................................................................... 6
Summary of Changes
1 Scope
1.1 This standard specifies the requirements for welding and testing of:
This entire standard may be attached to and made part of purchase orders.
1.4 This standard is generally not applied retroactively to the maintenance and
repair of existing facilities unless there are safety, environmental protection,
health, or security concerns.
Any conflicts between this document and other applicable Mandatory Saudi
Aramco Engineering Requirements (MSAERs) shall be addressed to the
EK&RD Manager.
Any deviation from the requirements herein shall follow internal company
procedure SAEP-302.
3 References
API RP 582 Welding Guidelines for the Chemical, Oil, and Gas
API RP 934-C Materials and Fabrication of 1¼Cr – ½Mo Steel Heavy Wall
Pressure Vessels for High-pressure Hydrogen Service
Operating at or Below 825°F (441°C)
4 General
4.1 All corrosion-resistant weld overlays, including clad restoration, shall conform
with ASME SEC VIII requirements (Div. 1 or Div. 2, as appropriate) and the
requirements of this standard.
4.2 The minimum deposit thickness shall be specified in the engineering design but
shall not be less than 3.2 mm for corrosion-resistant overlays.
4.3 The direction of overlay deposition shall be circumferential. Only in the case of
components whose shape and dimensions prevent the use of circumferential
welding, longitudinal welding may be used subject to approval obtained through
WPS review and approval process. Supporting documentation such as
Inspection and Test Plan or Manufacturing Performance Qualification Test or
method statement shall be submitted to support the review.
Some components and geometries, such as small diameter nozzles, or special
applications may not permit welding in a circumferential direction.
4.4 The weld deposit chemistry shall be specified in the engineering design. Where
a nominal alloy designation for the overlay or cladding is listed (e.g., 316L);
then, the overlay deposit shall meet the equivalent filler metal composition
requirements unless otherwise specified or exempted in this standard. Non-low
carbon grades E/ER308 and E/ER316 are not permitted, refer to API RP 582,
Table B1 for guidance.
4.5 The cladding restoration portion of weld joints between clad materials or
attaching clad materials to other materials shall meet the requirements for weld
4.6 Joint preparation and details for weld joints in clad vessels (including weld
overlays) shall be in accordance with Standard Drawing AB-036367.
4.7 Repairs to integrally clad material shall not be done unless the WPS (meeting the
requirements for weld overlays) is approved explicitly through WPS review and
approval process. Supporting documentation such as Inspection and Test Plan
and method statement shall be submitted to support the review.
4.9 Single layer overlay is not permitted unless explicit approval of pWPS with full
matrix of procedure qualification testing, prior to procedure qualification is
obtained. Testing in addition to that specified by the Code may be requested,
depending on the application. Previously qualified WPSs will not be accepted.
Supporting documentation such as Inspection and Test Plan and method
statement shall be submitted to support the review.
4.10 All welders and welding operators for weld overlays shall be qualified in
accordance with ASME SEC IX.
4.12 PWHT shall be carried out for clad and weld overlaid vessels and components
when mandated by the design and construction code (ASME VIII D1 or D2).
PWHT due to service is not required for clad and weld overlaid vessels.
5.1 All weld overlays shall be qualified in accordance with ASME SEC IX.
The Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) shall include a listing of the
specified range for the deposit chemical composition, including all of the
elements specified in paragraph 5.6. Repair of weld overlay using original weld
overlay process after complete removal of existing overlay can be carried out
using the original procedure. Weld overlay procedures shall be separately
qualified for repair of weld overlay with a process different from the original
overlay process or when the repair is on remaining overlay thickness of less
than 3 mm from the fusion line.
5.2 The WPS shall indicate the minimum deposit thickness qualified and the
minimum number of layers required. The number of layers used for the
Procedure Qualification Record (PQR) shall be recorded and shall be the
minimum number of layers specified on the WPS and used in production.
5.3 For all processes and all layers, the heat input and welding current specified on
the WPS shall not exceed the heat input and welding current recorded on the
PQR by more than 10%.
5.4 For the SAW and Electro-slag processes, any change in the flux brand, trade
name, or designation shall be considered an essential variable.
5.5 For single layer weld overlays, any increase in spacing between adjacent beads
(i.e., any decrease in overlap) shall be requalified. The overlap or spacing must
be measured and recorded on the PQR and specified on the WPS.
5.6 The following elements shall be analyzed and specified for the deposit
chemistry for all stainless steel and nickel-based alloy weld metal overlays:
C, Ni, Cr, Cu, Mo, Mn for all weld metal overlays and Fe (for nickel-based alloy
weld metal overlays only), plus any other significant elements that are
intentionally added to either the base metal or filler metal (e.g., Nb or Ti for
stabilized stainless steel grades).
5.7 For welding procedure qualification, the chemistry of the overlay shall be
measured at 1.5 mm below the minimum specified overlay thickness (refer to
clause 4.2). This is regardless of the thickness of the as-welded deposited
thickness in the procedure qualification. Alloy 625 overlays shall have a
maximum iron content of 10%. Alloy 400 overlays shall have a maximum iron
content of 4.5%.
5.8 The chemical composition of weld deposit shall be within the range specified for
the UNS number of the CRA clad material except for the iron.
5.9 For austenitic stainless-steel weld overlays, the ferrite content shall be checked
in the as-welded condition as per AWS A4.2. The Ferrite Number shall be
between 3 and 10 FN.
b) The location of the HAZ indents nearest the fusion line can be
demonstrated (by specification or actual measurement) to be
within 0.2 mm of the fusion line.
5.11 For SAW, with the exception of compensation of losses of alloying elements
due to the welding arc, deliberate additions of principal alloying elements
through the flux is prohibited.
5.12 When PWHT is required for base materials with austenitic stainless-steel weld
overlay, weld procedure qualifications shall include corrosion testing according
to ASTM A262 Practice E.
5.13 Test coupons for corrosion testing shall be heat treated prior to testing for at
least the maximum PWHT time specified for the equipment plus two additional
6.1 Production welding shall conform to the WPS, including all supplementary
essential variables and restrictions specified in this standard, such as heat input
restrictions (see 5.3), flux brand (see 5.4), and overlap (see 5.5).
6.2 The base metal shall be cleaned and this requires removal of the mill scales
and any adhering corrosion products.
6.3 The actual overlay thickness achieved, after any machining, shall be measured
by ultrasonic methods or by physical measurement. At least one thickness
measurement shall be made for each head, shell course, or other component.
Additional measurement locations shall be made at any changes in geometry or
cross-section (e.g., for a flange, the flange face and the bore would require
separate measurements). The method of measurement shall be submitted to
Inspection for review and approval. The minimum final thickness shall not be
less than the thickness specified in the engineering design.
6.4 The final weld overlay surface shall have the chemical composition checked
prior to final Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) or hydrotest. The chemistry
shall be tested using either:
All elements specified for the deposit chemistry shall be analyzed and
reported, except for carbon when using the X-ray fluorescence method.
The analysis method and accuracy limits for each element shall be
submitted to Inspection for review and approval. The repair method for
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6.5.1 Automatic welding - One analysis for each overlay area or clad joint.
Separate analysis shall be made for each heat/batch of filler metal or
6.5.2 Manual welding - One analysis for each 1 m² of area or one analysis
at intervals of 2 m or less for overlay restoration of clad joints.
6.6 Ferrite measurements shall be made for austenitic stainless-steel welds when
the design temperature exceeds 427°C (800°F). The ferrite content shall be
checked in the as-welded condition. The Ferrite Number shall be between 3
and 10 FN. The ferrite number checks shall be performed at the same
frequency as specified above (see 6.5) for chemical composition analyses.
For service temperatures below 427°C (800°F), the chemical analysis results
shall be used to calculate the ferrite content using the DeLong diagram. If the
calculated ferrite content is not between 3 and 10 FN; then, actual ferrite
measurements shall be taken on the production piece. The measured Ferrite
Number shall be between 3 and 10 FN.
6.7.2 The final layer, including single layer overlays, shall be examined by
liquid penetrant over the entire area (100%) in accordance with
ASME SEC VIII D1, Appendix 8 or ASME SEC VIII D2 Part 7, as
applicable. The examination shall be conducted on the surface in its
final condition, i.e., as-welded or machined. The examination shall be
conducted after the final PWHT, if PWHT is specified.
The fabricator will normally perform an additional examination prior to PWHT in
order to find and repair any defects prior to PWHT.
6.9 The finished overlay surface shall be free of overlaps, undercutting, and
notches and shall be relatively smooth. All flux and slag shall be completely
removed. Only stainless steel brushes, ceramic (glass) beads, iron-free grit, or
stainless steel grit shall be used to mechanically clean the overlay surfaces.
6.10 Weld overlay to clad/overlay weld joints (see Standard Drawing AB-036367)
The base metal cladding or overlay shall be stripped back at least 10 mm from
each side of the weld joint prior to welding the base metal portion of the weld.
Complete removal of the cladding/overlay shall be verified by a suitable etching
test or chemical analysis of the stripped back surface.
Suitable etchants include nitric acid or nital.
After welding the base metal portion of the joint, the side of the weld to be
overlaid shall be ground flush using mechanical methods.
The overlay of the weld joint area shall be performed using a qualified overlay
procedure and shall comply with all of the other overlay requirements in this
7.1 General
7.1.2 The general principles of ASTM G146 shall be followed, with the
following modifications and requirements as specified below.
Alternative test procedures may be submitted to CSD for
consideration. CSD has the sole approval authority to accept any
alternative test procedures or methods. Submission of any such
proposals shall include details of the test procedure and
representative data from previous test results.
7.1.3 Testing shall be performed specifically for each vessel (or set of
vessels if manufactured at the same time using the same materials
and welding procedures) as part of the welding procedure
qualification testing or, if existing procedure qualifications are to be
used, as a supplementary qualification test. Evidence of previous
disbonding tests on similar material using identical welding
procedures may be submitted for consideration. CSD has the sole
approval authority to accept previous test results.
7.1.4 All welding of the test specimens must be performed by the fabricator
using production equipment. The disbonding tests shall be
conducted by an organization experienced with such tests. The
fabricator shall nominate the testing organization to be used for
approval by CSD.
7.2.2 At least six (6) test specimens shall be removed from the coupon,
with the size and shape as appropriate for the testing apparatus,
however, the minimum sizes shall be 50 mm diameter for round
specimens and 50 mm for length and width for rectangular
specimens. Half the number of specimens shall include the overlap
region between adjacent passes of the weld overlay across the
nominal center of the specimen surface. The results of all specimens
prepared or used shall be considered and shall be included in the test
7.3.3 After the charging period, the specimen shall be cooled to room
temperature at a minimum cooling rate of 200°C/hr for conventional
materials and 300°C/hr for V-modified steels.
7.4.4 For acceptance, none of the specimens shall show any disbonding by
either UT or cross-section methods.
7.4.5 Retests are not permitted unless specifically authorized by CSD and,
if authorized, may include additional restrictions or requirements as
determined by CSD.
Document History
30 August 2022 Major revision to include corrosion test requirmen for heat treated stainless steel
weld overlay materials.
21 April 2019 Editorial revision to confirm the content.
4 September 2019 Major revision.
1 January 2018 Editorial revision to modify and/or delete paragraphs 4.3, 4.7, 4.9, 5.10.2, and 6.4
29 September 2016 Major revision to clarify the minimum specified overlay thickness, the welding
current limitation, chemistry test, the repair welding procedure, and the hydrogen
disbonding test.
11 March 2013 Editorial revision to clarify the iron dilution requirement in weld overlay for Alloy
625 (UNS N06625) 625, and Monel 400 in paragraph 5.7, renumbered
subsequent paragraphs, and changed the primary contact person.
13 December 2011 Revised the "Next Planned Update." Reaffirmed the contents of the document,
and reissued with minor revisions.