Swot and Tows
Swot and Tows
Swot and Tows
Understanding the organization’s core strengths allows it to leverage these areas for
3. Addressing Weaknesses
4. Seizing Opportunities
The simplicity of the SWOT framework makes it easy for all members of an organization,
SWOT analysis can serve as a foundation for more advanced strategic tools and
frameworks, such as the TOWS matrix, Porter’s Five Forces, or PESTLE analysis. It sets
7. Continuous Improvement
SWOT analysis is not just a one-time exercise but can be used regularly to reassess an
The TOWS matrix expands on SWOT analysis by connecting the identified factors to
develop strategic plans. It focuses on how an organization can convert weaknesses into
The aim is to make the most of the company’s core capabilities to expand and grow.
Eg : A retail company with a strong brand (Strength) may expand into new markets
strategies focus on how the organization can grow or improve despite its internal
Eg: If a company lacks digital marketing expertise (Weakness) but sees an opportunity in
threats. These strategies aim to use the company’s advantages to reduce the impact of
Eg :ST strategies focus on leveraging strengths to protect the organization from potential
threats. These strategies aim to use the company’s advantages to reduce the impact of
WT strategies are defensive and are designed to protect the organization by minimizing
vulnerabilities and preparing for external risks. These strategies often involve damage