Probable Questions Sent to Jannat Mam

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Chapter 1: Introduc on to Treasury Management

1. What is the conceptual defini on of treasury management, and

why is it important?
2. List the func ons and roles of treasury managers in financial
ins tu ons.
3. Describe the organiza on structure of the Treasury Front, Middle,
and Back Office.
4. How does the rise of digital currencies impact treasury
5. What challenges are commonly faced by treasury managers today?
6. Explain the benefits of treasury management for organiza ons.
7. Discuss the contemporary issues of treasury management.
8. How does a treasury management system work?
9. What types of treasury management services in the market?
10. Short note:
Cryptocurrency, Digital Currency, Machine Learning

Chapter 3: Treasury Products, Services & Regulatory Provisions

1. What are the key treasury products and services offered by banks
and financial ins tu ons?
2. Name some tradi onal and modern treasury products.
3. How does outsourcing treasury management services work?
4. What are T-bills and T-bonds, and how are they significant in
treasury management?
5. Describe the role of Bangladesh Bank in issuing treasury service
6. What are the regulatory provisions for treasury products?

Chapter 4: Asset Liability Management (ALM)

1. What is Asset Liability Management (ALM), and why is it significant
for financial ins tu ons?
2. What are the main components of ALM in banks?
3. List the roles and responsibili es of the ALM desk in financial
ins tu ons.
4. What is the purpose of an Asset Liability Management Commi ee
5. Describe the key parameters used for ALM assessment.
6. Answer the following ques on:

7. Answer the following ques on.

A company has an asset base of Rs. 2,000 crores out of which, 75
per cent carry 100 per cent risk weight and the remaining have a 50
per cent risk weight. Compute Capital Adequacy Ra o (CAR), Risk-
Weighted-Asset (RWA), Total Capital Ra o (TCR) of the company, if
it has a capital of Rs. 300 crores and comment on the credit risk
posi on of the company.

Chapter 5: Liquidity Risk Management

1. Define liquidity and liquidity risk management in the context of
treasury opera ons.
2. What are the internal and external factors that lead to liquidity risk
3. Explain some key techniques used in managing liquidity risk.
4. What are the main causes and impacts of a liquidity crisis?
5. How can cash forecas ng help in managing liquidity risk effec vely?
6. What strategies can treasuries adopt for managing liquidity risks?
7. What are the prime causes of bank’s liquidity crisis and what
policies banks may take to overcome this crisis?
8. Discuss the type of liquidity risk and liquidity management tools.

Chapter 6: Market Risk and Credit Risk

1. What is market risk, and what are its primary sources?
2. How is credit risk different from market risk, and what are its types?
3. Describe the importance of risk ra ng and grading in managing
credit risk.
4. What are the tools used for measuring market risk in financial
ins tu ons?
5. Explain the concept of interest rate risk and its approaches for
6. What are the key problems faced in managing credit risk in
prac ce?
Chapter 7: Opera onal Risk
1. Define opera onal risk and its components.
2. What are the process of opera onal risk management?
3. What is the difference between opera onal failure risk and
financial crisis risk?
4. List the top opera onal risks faced by banks and financial
ins tu ons.
5. How can banks develop effec ve opera onal risk management
6. Explain the methods used to iden fy and assess opera onal risks.
7. What are the causes and sources of opera onal risk in the banking

Chapter 8: Foreign Exchange Opera ons and Risk Management

1. Why is foreign currency risk big problem for bank management?
2. How does currency risk work?
3. Types of risk exposure?
4. What are the steps of risk management?

Chapter 9: Treasury Market

1. What is the role of the domes c treasury market in financial
2. Explain the instruments used in the money market and their
func ons.
3. What is the difference between spot prices, forward contracts, and
futures in the deriva ves market?
4. How do so and hard commodi es impact treasury market
opera ons?
5. Describe the trading of government securi es in the treasury
6. What are the func ons of the forex treasury market as per ALM

Today’s CT Ques ons:

Q No-01:
a. Define the term treasury management. Discuss the importance of
treasury management to sound and sustainable banking system.
b. Who may be treasurer? What are the func ons and responsibili es
of treasurer.
c. Write down the structures of treasury management Department?

Q No-02:
a. Write down various treasury products from the view point of-
i. Money market
ii. Capital market
iii. Forex market
b. Write down various provisions eligibility to purchase on inves ng
gov't treasury instrument.
c. From the view point of digitalized banking system, write down
various modern treasury services.

Q No-03:
Explain the following issues:
a. Liquidity Risk Measurement Tools
b. Liquidity Risk Measurement Strategy Taken by the treasury
c. Current Challenges faced by the treasury managers to mi gate
liquidity risk

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