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1. Explain the IMF and its objective and functions.

2. What are the new challenges for the International Financial Management?
3. What are the gains from the international financial market?
4. What do you mean by globalization and what are the reasons of integration of
financial integration.?
5. What do you mean by balance of Payment?
6. Explain the basic framework of Foreign exchange market?
7. What do you mean by forfeiting and what are the benefits of the forfeiting?
8. Explain the Market rate Quotations and discuss the currency rate fluctuation?
9. What do you mean by purchasing power parity?
10. What do you mean by country Risk?
11. “The changing international financial system poses new challenges for financial
managers in developing countries”. Elaborate.
12. Briefly explain different methods of exchange rate forecasting. Discuss their
suitability in the Indian context.
13. Briefly discuss the principal elements of an exposure management information
system suitable for a Bombay Based Indian Exporter.
14. Highlight the special problems of developing countries in financing foreign trade.
Also indicate possible ways out.
15. “Centralised cash management is a double-edged sword for international working
capital management”. Discuss with the help of suitable examples.
16. Compare the context of lending programmes of EXIM Bank and Export Credit
guarantees of ECGC.
17. In which countries of currencies would you like to retain a higher portion of your
learnings for reinvestment? Explain with reasons.
18. What is a documentary credit? What are the exchange control restrictions, if any in
opening a documentary credit?
19. What is systemic risk? Can it be reduced by international diversification? Explain in
20. Distinguish between the following: a) Terms of Payment and Types of Credit b)
Documentary Bills and Letter of Credit
21. Explain the objective of multinational financial management?
22. What are various aspects of world economy which have given rise to international
financial management?
23. “In globalised era the functions of finance executives of an MNC have become
complexed”. In your view what are the factors responsible for decision making in
international financial management?
24. Discuss the nature and scope of international financial management by a
multinational firm.
25. How international financial management is different from financial management at
domestic level.
26. Why international financial management is important for a globalised firm.
27. Define International Financial system. Explain the various parties in international
financial system with their interrelationships?
28. What do you mean by international monetary system? "Exchange rate is the focal
point to understand the whole mechanism of monetary system." Justify the
statement with illustration?
29. Describe in detail the evolution of international monetary and financial systems?
30. Write notes on the following: • Crawling peg • Gold standard • Bretton Woods
System • International Monetary Fund (IMF) • Special Drawing Rights (SDRs)
31. There is a conflict between the proponents of fixed rate and floating rate currency
regimes. In your opinion which should be preferred and why?
32. What are long-term sources of funds for a multinational company?
33. Distinguish between official sources of long-term funds and nonofficial sources of
long term funds.
34. What you understand by Euro-Issue? Explain the different kinds of Euro-issues.
35. What do you mean by Global Depository Receipts? Explain the advantages and
disadvantages of issuing GDR to issuing company.
36. What do you mean by internationalisation of capital markets? Explain the benefits
of internationalisation of capital markets.
37. What factors cause some firms to become more internationalised than others?
38. Describe the constraints that interfere with the MNC’s objective.
39. Briefly describe the motivations for International Business.
40. “Because of its broad global environment, a number of disciplines (geography, history, political
science, etc.) are useful to help explain the conduct of International Business.” Elucidate with
41. “The conflict between the MNCs and their environment is real and frequently very intense.”

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