Ecosystem EX-3txtxidtdodod
Ecosystem EX-3txtxidtdodod
Ecosystem EX-3txtxidtdodod
on secondary consumers. Decomposers are the ones mean NPP, the ecosystems will be arranged as
that carry out the decomposition of dead organic Temperate coniferous forest (8 tons/ha/year) <
matter. Temperate deciduous forest (12 tons/ha/year) <
Insects are primary consumers because they only eat Tropical deciduous forest (15 tons/ha/year) <
autotrophs (plants). When the frog feeds on an insect, Tropical rainforest (20 tons/ha/year).
it is a secondary consumer as it depends on another
organism for its source of food.
9. Assertion: Amount of organic matter synthesized by
6. An ecosystem that can be easily damaged but can producers per unit time and per unit area during the
recover after some time if the damaging effect stops process of photosynthesis is referred to as net primary
will be having productivity.
(a) Low stability and high resilience Reason: Primary productivity is usually high and
(b) High stability and low resilience sustained throughout the year in temperate areas due
(c) Low stability and low resilience to the abundance of sunlight.
(d) High stability and high resilience (a) If both assertion and reason are true and reason is
Ans. (a) the correct explanation of assertion.
Sol. If an ecosystem is easily damaged, that means it is (b) If both assertion and reason are true but reason is
not very stable. But since it recovers fast when the not the correct explanation of assertion.
damaging effect stops, it certainly has high resilience.
(c) If assertion is true but reason is false
(d) If both assertion and reason are false.
Productivity of Ecosystem Ans. (d)
7. The basic requirement for any ecosystem to function
and sustain is Sol. The total amount of organic matter synthesized by
producers per unit time and per unit area in the
(a) Photosynthesis
process of photosynthesis is called as gross primary
(b) Decomposition
productivity (GPP). Primary productivity is high and
(c) A constant input of solar energy sustained throughout the year in tropical areas while
(d) Unidirectional flow of energy in the food chain it is limited in temperate areas by cold climate and
Ans. (c) small growing period. Maximum sunlight is available
Sol. Generally, the cycle of the ecosystem starts with the in the tropics whereas poles receive minimum
primary producer and then they transfer the energy to sunlight. Due to this, photosynthesis is maximum and
the next trophic levels. But primary producers can net primary productivity (NPP) is highest (>20 t ha-1
trap the energy and produce their biomass if there is a
year-1) in tropics against average (8 t ha-1 year-1) in
constant input of solar energy. Hence, a constant
input of solar energy is the basic requirement for any temperate forests.
ecosystem to function and sustain.
Sol. Net Primary Productivity (NPP) is Gross Primary (iii) Decomposers (e.g., bacteria and fungi) excrete
Productivity (GPP) minus respiratory loss (R). It digestive enzymes and degrade detritus into simpler
depends on the number and efficiency of primary inorganic substances.
producers i.e., plants. In terms of increasing order of
(a) (i) (ii) (iii) (c) (i), (iii) and (iv) are correct
(b) (iii) (ii) (i) (d) (ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct
Ans. (a)
(c) (ii) (i) (iii)
Sol. Statement (iv) is incorrect. The correct statement is:
(d) (ii) (iii) (i) Flow of energy in an ecosystem is from lower to
Ans. (c) higher trophic levels.
Sol. -In the case of fragmentation, detritivores like
earthworms break down detritus into smaller
13. What happens when the food energy passes from
particles. herbivores to carnivores and to the next organism?
-Water-soluble inorganic nutrients go down into the
(a) Amount of energy increases
soil horizon and get precipitated as unavailable salts.
(b) Amount of energy decreases
This process is called leaching.
(c) Energy becomes zero
-Bacterial and fungal enzymes degrade detritus into
simpler inorganic substances. This process is called (d) Energy remains unchanged
as catabolism. Ans. (b)
Sol. The movement of food energy from herbivores to
carnivores and to the next organism leads to a loss of
11. Which of the following is not a characteristic of some energy at each step, i.e. the amount of energy
humus? decreases. According to the 10% energy law, 90% of
(a) It is rich in organic matter such as lignin and total energy at a trophic level is lost during the
cellulose. transfer of energy to the next trophic level in various
processes like respiration, heat, etc. Therefore, only
(b) It is colloidal in nature and serves as a reservoir of 10% of the energy is transferred to each trophic level
nutrients. from the lower trophic level.
(c) It is highly resistant to microbial action and
undergoes slow decomposition. 14. What is the spectral range of solar radiation that
(d) It is further degraded by the process of photosynthetic organisms are able to use in the
process of photosynthesis called?
(a) Photosynthetically Reactive Radiation
Ans. (d)
(b) Photosynthetically Active Radiation
Sol. Humification is the process of partial decomposition
(c) Photosynthetically Deactive Radiation
of detritus to form humus. Humus is a dark coloured
(d) Photosynthetically Trapped Radiation
amorphous substance rich in lignin, cellulose,
tannins, etc. It is highly resistant to microbial action Ans. (b)
and undergoes decomposition at an extremely slow Sol. Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) is the
amount of light available for photosynthesis. It is
rate. Being colloidal in nature, it serves as a reservoir
light in the 400 to 700 nm wavelength range. PAR
of nutrients. Hence, option (d) is not a characteristic changes seasonally and varies depending on the
of humus. latitude and time of day. This spectral region
corresponds more or less with the range of light
visible to the human eye.
Energy Flow
12. Consider the following statements: 15. Which of the following event occurs in an
In ecosystem energy ecosystem?
(i) Movement is unidirectional (a) Unidirectional movement of energy
(ii) Is lost irretrievably (b) Coupled process of cycling of energy and
(iii) Movement is non-cyclic
(c) Independent cycling of energy
(iv) Movement is from higher to lower trophic levels
(d) Both (a) and (b)
Of these statements
Ans. (d)
(a) (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct
Sol. Ecosystems maintain themselves by cycling energy Sol. Predators are the organisms that feed on lower
and nutrients obtained from external sources. At the trophic level organisms. Example: lions, panthers,
first trophic level, primary producers (plants, algae, small fish, etc. These organisms are generally top
and some bacteria) use solar energy to produce
carnivores. Prey are the organisms on which
organic plant material through photosynthesis. Thus,
the cycling of energy and nutrients is a coupled predators feed. Example: rabbits, deer, etc. In the
process. The movement of energy in the ecosystem is above food web, the organisms which are prey as
unidirectional. It starts from the producer and ends at well as predators are tadpoles, water boatman, water
the top consumer. Also, the cycling of energy is not flea, small fish, and larvae.
an independent process, it includes many other
factors. 18. In an aquatic ecosystem, _______ is the major
conduit for energy flow.
Food Chain and Food Web, Trophic Levels (a) GFC (b) Predator
16. Which of the following statements is correct? (c) DFC (d) None of the above
(i) The standing crop is measured as the mass of Ans. (a)
living organisms (biomass) or the number in a Sol. In an aquatic ecosystem, the grazing food chain
unit area. (GFC) is the major conduit for energy flow. As
(ii) Measurement of biomass in terms of dry weight against this, in a terrestrial ecosystem, a much larger
is more accurate. fraction of energy flows through the detritus food
(iii) Detritus food chain may be connected with the chain (DFC) than through the GFC.
grazing food chain at some levels.
(a) (i) and (ii) (b) Only (i) 19. Mr. X is eating curd/yogurt. For this food intake in a
(c) (i), (ii) and (iii) (d) None of the above food chain, he should be considered as occupying
Ans. (c) (a) First trophic level
Sol. -The standing crop is measured as the mass of living (b) Second trophic level
organisms (biomass) or the number in a unit area. (c) Third trophic level
-Measurement of biomass in terms of dry weight is (d) Fourth trophic level
more accurate as fresh weight measurement includes Ans. (c)
water which changes continuously in its quantity. Sol. Curd or yogurt is the product of cow which is a
- Detritus food chain may be connected with the primary consumer and placed at the second trophic
grazing food chain at some levels: some of the level and Mr. X eating this curd will be placed at the
organisms of DFC are prey to the GFC animals, and third trophic level because he feeds on the product of
in a natural ecosystem, some animals like the second trophic level animal.
cockroaches, crows, etc., are omnivores. These
natural interconnection of food chains make it a food 20. Which of the following organisms in the given food
web. web act as secondary consumers?
21. On what does the number of individuals in each will be an inverted pyramid. Hence, the upright
trophic level depend on? pyramid of numbers is absent in the forest.
(a) Number of individuals at upper trophic level
(b) Number of food chains present 24. Match column I with column II and select the correct
(c) Number of individuals at lower trophic level option from the given codes.
(d) Amount of sunlight reaching the Earth’s surface Column I Column II
Ans. (c) A. Bacteria i. Prisere
Sol. Generally, organisms at the lowest trophic level B. Green plants ii. Transducers
are always greater in number. As we move to the C. Primary succession iii. Lithosere
higher trophic levels, the number of organisms D. Succession on bare iv. Micro-
decreases, and the complexity of organisms increases. rock consumers
The number of individuals at each trophic level
depends on the number of individuals at present at the
lower trophic level. Producers are always more in (a) A-iv, B-ii, C-i, D-iii
number than all the consumers. Tertiary consumers (b) A-iv, B-iii, C-i, D-ii
are present in the least number. This helps to maintain (c) A-i, B-iii, C-ii, D-iv
a balance in the ecosystem. (d) A-iv, B-ii, C-iii, D-i
Ans. (a)
Ecological Pyramids, Ecological Succession Sol. Bacteria is a micro consumer in the detritus chain. It
22. Which is not the limitation of the ecological
is responsible for the decomposition of detritus.
Green plants convert light into chemical energy hence
(a) Pyramid does not take into account the same
they act as energy transducers. Prisere is also known
species belonging to two or more trophic levels
as Primary succession. Succession on the bare rock is
(b) Pyramids assume a simple food chain, something
called lithosere.
that almost never exists in nature.
(c) Pyramids accommodate a food web.
(d) Saprophytes are not given any place in ecological 25. The correct sequence of plants in a hydrosere is
pyramids even though they play a vital role in the (a) Volvox ➝ Hydrilla ➝ Pistia ➝ Scirpus ➝
ecosystem. Carex ➝ Quercus
Ans. (c)
(b) Pistia ➝ Volvox ➝ Scirpus ➝ Hydrilla ➝
Sol. There are certain limitations of ecological pyramids Quercus ➝ Carex
such as it does not take into account the same species
belonging to two or more trophic levels. It assumes a (c) Quercus ➝ Carex ➝ Volvox ➝ Hydrilla ➝
simple food chain, something that almost never exists Pistia ➝ Scirpus
in nature; it does not accommodate a food web. (d) Quercus ➝ Carex ➝ Scirpus ➝ Pistia ➝
Moreover, saprophytes are not given any place in Hydrilla ➝ Volvox
ecological pyramids even though they play a vital
Ans. (a)
role in the ecosystem. Hence, option (c) is not the
limitation of the ecological pyramid. Sol. Hydrosere starts from aquatic bodies like ponds,
lakes, etc. The pioneer community is phytoplankton.
The climax community is the forest. The various
23. The upright pyramid of number is absent in stages through which a hydrosere develops are
(a) Forest (b) Lake phytoplankton stage represented by Volvox, rooted
(c) Grassland (d) Pond submerged stage represented by Hydrilla, rooted
Ans. (c) floating plants stage represented by Pistia, reed
swamp stage represented by Scirpus, marsh or sedge
Sol. The pyramid of number represents the number of
meadow stage represented by Carex, woodland stage
individuals per unit area at various trophic levels. It is
and climax forest stage represented by plants like
always upright in grassland, pond, and lake
Quercus (Oak).
ecosystems. But in the forest or single tree ecosystem,
and if the parasitic food chain is considered, then it
28. Limestone and dolomite are the reservoirs of which (a) The rate of piling up of nutrients
cycle? (b) The rate of formation of nutrients
(a) Gaseous cycle (b) Sedimentary cycle (c) The rate of release of nutrients
(c) Ecological cycle (d) None of these (d) The rate of exhaustion of nutrient
Ans. (b) Ans. (c)
Sol. The Earth’s crust is the reservoir for the sedimentary Sol. Environmental factors, e.g., soil, moisture, pH,
type of nutrient cycle. Limestone and dolomite are temperature, etc., regulate the rate of release of
found in Earth’s crust that harbors various elements nutrients into the atmosphere. They are responsible
such as calcium, magnesium, sulfur, phosphorous, for changing environmental conditions leading to
etc. change in the ecosystem. Gaseous and sedimentary
nutrient cycles operate in nature with the support of
29. Match column I with column II and select the correct environmental or physical factors. Soil acts as a
option from the given codes. reservoir for sedimentary cycles and ensures the
recycling of nutrients for the functioning of the cycle.
Column I Column II
Similarly, moisture content, pH, and temperature
A. Standing state i. Fast and nearly perfect regulate the working of the gaseous cycles. In short,
B. Gaseous ii. Amount of nutrients without these factors such as soil, pH, temperature,
cycles present in the soil at a and moisture, the working of the nutrient cycles may
given time get disturbed.
C. Standing crop iii. Slow and less perfect
D. Sedimentary iv. Mass of living matter in
cycles a unit area
(a) A-ii, B-i, C-iv, D-iii (b) A-iii, B-i, C-iv, D-ii
(c) A-i, B-iii, C-ii, D-iv (d) A-ii, B-iii, C-iv, D-i
Ans. (a)
Sol. -The standing state can be defined as the amount of
nutrients present in the soil at a given time.
-The standing crop on the other hand is the mass of
the living matter in a unit area.
-Gaseous cycles are fast and transmission is nearly
perfect as the molecules are spread very far from
each other, and thus such a state helps the elements
to be transferred easily from one place to another.
-Sedimentary cycles involve the elements
predominantly present in the hard rocky substances.
E.g., phosphorus. Hence, they are slow and less
perfect in comparison to the gaseous cycles.