IJMEIR Paper Template

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International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research, Vol. x(x), Mar. 2004.

(pISSN: 2541-5972, eISSN: 2548-1479)

Title – 16 Words at Max Capitalize the Initial

Letter of Each Word
Author1, Author Author 2, Author A. Author 3
Abstract this is a digest of the paper describing in brief the background, problems, methods, findings, and conclusion.
Written in English with approximately 200 words. The abstract should state briefly the context of the problem
(background), purpose of the research, the principal methods, the results and major conclusion (contribution). An abstract
is often presented separately from the article, so it must be able to stand-alone. For this reason, References should be
avoided. Also, non-standard or uncommon abbreviations should be avoided, but if essential they must be defined at their
first mention in the abstract itself. The abstract must concise only in 1 Paragraph.

Keywordsnot more than 10 words used as the operational words in the paper, it would be preferable not to use words in the title.
It must be written in sequence based on their first letter.

I. INTRODUCTION1 introduction should contain the background, state of the

art of the research that was previously conducted in the

T his chapter suggests the basic rules:

same topic and gap analysis to show where the research
contributions were made to the development of the topic
discourse (novelty). The Introduction section concludes
1) Present the material simply and concisely.
2) Use single spacing on A4-sized paper. the objectives of the research to be achieved. The entire
3) Cross-check several times to eliminate errors, introduction should be presented in a straightforward and
superfluous material and repetition. concise manner with a portion of no more than 20
4) Use figures and tables sparingly; plan their format to percent of the total pages.
use page space economically. All pages should be numbered consecutively not less
5) Put figures and tables at the proper position in the than 8 pages and not more than 20 pages. Tables and
text. Figure should be titled and numbered consecutively in
6) All pages should be numbered consecutively not less Arabic numerals and placed on separate sheets at the end
than 8 pages and not more that 20 pages. of the manuscript.
7) The equality, the main body of the paper should be Please submit MS-Word file as completed
numbered in consecutive order a: manuscripts (camera-ready manuscripts) including the
I. INTRODUCTION diagrams and photographs. The proceedings will be
II. METHOD printed in black only. Keep it in mind when the use of
color is unavoidable. The full paper should be written in
REFERENCES All script should be typed on A4-sized (210mm x
297mm) white paper, single spaced. Keep proper
IJMEIR can receive and publish a journal that meets margins such as left (2.5 cm), right, top and down (1.69
the criteria as cm). Article must be typed justified formation and first
1) original and significant research in Marine paragraph has to be dragged 0.25 cm to the right side.
Engineering Greece symbol has to be original like β (beta), γ
2) in-depth review and research that can enhance mutual (gamma) and etc. Chemical notation has to go with
interest to find the right application, standard rule, such as BaTiO3 and Mg(OH)2.
3) article has not been published in proccedings or other
journals, and the article must be original and do not B. Font
contain any plagiarism and/or data fraud. Use the “Times New Roman” font with the size of 10
The introduction covers about research background. pt for the body text, size 9 for Abstract ad Abstrak, size
This chapter must describes the arguments on why the 11 for Authors name, dan size 8 for Reference, Table,
submitted article contains an interesting research and and Figure.
why it is important to be conducted. To answer that, the
Author name is with Departement of …., University/Institution, City, Postal Code, Country. E-mail: ………………….
Author Author name is with Departement of …., University/Institution, City, Postal Code, Country. E-mail: ………………….
Author A. Author name is with Departement of …., University/Institution, City, Postal Code, Country. E-mail: ………………….
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research, Vol. x(x), Mar. 2004. xx-xx
(pISSN: 2541-5972, eISSN: 2548-1479)

C. The Title II. METHOD

Avoid titles that are too long (maximum 10 Word); the A. Description
titles should be in capitals for all words except for Write the complete author’s name without academic
conjuctive (see the example). degrees for all of authors.

Methods that must be written in the manuscript includes:

1) the types and sources of data that describes data
D. The Name(s) of The Author(s) and information collection techniques, and
Write complete author’s name without academic 2) data analysis methods (example: contains data
degrees. retrieval techniques (sample) and analysis of the
data used and contains the framework of
E. Affiliation research in the form of a flow chart of
Add affiliation description for all authors and the research).The overall methods should be
affiliations are cited by superscripts as shown in the presented in a straightforward and concise
above example. Add an asterisk to the corresponding manner with at least 20 percent of the total
author and denote his/ her e-mail address in the pages.
affiliation descriptions (footnote). B. Numerals
1) Numerals of five or more digits are grouped in
F. Headings three-digit blocks by spaces, e.g. 12,345 (if
Four ranks of heading may be used chapter, section, written in English) or 12.345 (if written in Bahasa
subsection, and sub-subsection. Use the heading styles: Indonesia).
1. Chapter, 1.1 Section, and (1) Subsection and (a) Sub- 2) Pay attention a significant figure and avoid an
subsection. Put a space line before each heading. Put a unnecessary long digit number.
single space line after only the chapter headings.
C. Units
G. Paragraphs Use SI unit or SI derived units.
Please put a single space line between paragraphs.

Put a figure in this space surrounded by broken line. This line is not necessary in your manuscript .

Figure. 1. Put the caption for figure 1 here. Use an appropriate and as clear as possible caption for the figure.

Put a figure in this space surrounded by broken line. This line is not necessary in your manuscript.

Figure. 2. Put the caption for figure 1 here. Use an appropriate and as clear as possible caption for the figure.
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research, Vol. x(x), Mar. 2004. xx-xx
(pISSN: 2541-5972, eISSN: 2548-1479)

not only present the story behind the data but also
compare the results obtained with those of the previous
studies. Comparison with other research results also
D. Mathematics serves to indicate the position of the research conducted
Extreme care should be taken in preparing in the middle of the discourse of relevant topics. At the
mathematical typescripts. All mathematics should be end section, the managerial implications of the results
legible, precise and carefully aligned. The following and discussions should be presented, especially for the
shows an example of putting an equation in the text: business world. The overall Results and Discussions
should be presented in a straightforward and concise
(1) manner with at least 50 percent of the total pages. For the
Figures and Tables :
1) Figures, photographs and tables should appear at
where Y and X are the output and input variables, proper places in the text.
respectively; A and B are constants. Italic character 2) The width of figures, photographs and tables
should be used as variable. On the other hands, the should be full width.
“Times New Roman” character should be used as 3) For references to them belonging to the paper,
function e.g. sin, exp, log. use, e.g. “Figure 2., and Table 4.”
As in above, equations should be at the left-hand 4) The captions are put under that for figure and the
margin; while the equation number displayed photograph and put on that for the table (please
expressions with Arabic numerals in parenthesis should see the example).
be at the right-hand margin. Put space lines both before 5) It is recommended that the tables and graphs are
and after the equation(s). not in the form of picture (image). Try creating
tables and graphs in Microsoft Office Excel and
6) Decimal indicated by a point and not a comma
Consist of two major parts of the results and the (eg 10.5 cm instead of 10,5 cm); number of
discussions without having to firmly separate between thousands/millions are indicated by a comma, not a dot
the parts. Divisions of sub-sections in Results and
Training Network size Iteration Training
Method Data Set (units)* (epoch) Time (s)

Data 1 105 31095 37.181

Fixed 1
Data 2 72 21221 18.834

Discussions should illustrate and follow the sequence of (eg Rp10,500 instead of USD 10.500); Large numbers
the research objectives. The results present the empirical can be replaced with the title word (eg 2 million instead
findings of the research conducted, while the discussions of 2,000,000)
discuss the findings obtained. Discussions of findings do

IV. CONCLUSION Times New Roman 8.The following is the example of how to wrote the
Every manuscript must be make a conclusion from this research in
the end of manuscript. Conclusion is made based on the research Books:
results or finding. Conclusion should be in the form of response from [1] G. O. Young, “Synthetic structure of industrial plastics,” in
the intended purpose and is not intended as a summary of the results. Plastics, 2nd ed., vol. 3, J. Peters, Ed. New York: McGraw-Hill,
Advice is in the form of follow-up (implication) to be done in 1964, pp. 15–64.
connection with the findings or conclusions of the author. The overall [2] W.-K. Chen, Linear Networks and Systems.Belmont,CA:
conclusions and recomendations should be presented in a Wadsworth, 1993, pp. 123–135.
straightforward and concise manner with at least 10 percent of the total Periodicals:
pages. [3] J. U. Duncombe, “Infrared navigation—Part I: An assessment of
feasibility,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol.ED-11, pp. 34–39,
[4] E. P. Wigner, “Theory of traveling-wave optical laser,”Phys. Rev.,
Containing a thank you to those who deserve (donors/sponsors), vol. 134, pp. A635–A646, Dec. 1965.
materials contributor, and research facilities. Papers Presented at Conferences (unpublished):
[5] D. Ebehard and E. Voges, “Digital single sideband detection for
REFERENCES interferometric sensors,” presented at the 2nd Int.Conf. Optical
Fiber Sensors, Stuttgart, Germany, 1984.
Every text citation must be listed under the heading “References” Standards/Patents:
centered at the end of the text. IEEE format is selected as the reference [6] G. Brandli and M. Dick, “Alternating current fed power supply,”
to write the citations used in the paper. Referencing is written using U.S. Patent 4 084 217, Nov. 4, 1978.
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research, Vol. x(x), Mar. 2004. xx-xx
(pISSN: 2541-5972, eISSN: 2548-1479)

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