PPE=Real Gas Turbine

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Real Gas Turbine Power

Plant Analysis

Instructor: Prof. Vinod M Makwana

Assistant Professor
Govt. Engg. College, Bhuj
Learning Outcomes
After completion of this topic, students will able to

 General objective
 describe factors associated with real gas turbine plant
 discuss performance of real gas turbine cycles
 discuss bleed flow
 Explain combined Gas and Steam powerr plant

 Specific objectives
 define specific fuel consumption, stagnation properties,
compressor efficiency, turbine efficiency and heat exchanger
 explain effect of kinetic energy, pressure loss, variable specific
heats, varying mass flow rate and incomplete combustion in
analysis of GTP
 sketch T-S diagram of real brayton cycle.
Real Gas Turbine
Performance of Real Cycle
The performance of real cycles differs from that of ideal cycles
for the following reasons.
(a) Because fluid velocities are high in turbo machinery the
change in kinetic energy between inlet and outlet of each
component cannot necessarily be ignored.
(b) A further consequence is that the compression and
expansion processes are irreversible adiabatic and therefore
involve an increase in entropy.
(c) Fluid friction results in pressure losses in combustion
chambers and heat exchangers, and also in the inlet and
exhaust ducts. (Losses in the ducts connecting components
are usually included in the associated component losses.)
Performance of Real Cycle
d) If a heat-exchanger is to be of economic size, terminal
temperature differences are inevitable; i.e. the compressed
air cannot be heated to the temperature of the gas leaving the
turbine. (Complete heat exchange is not possible in heat
exchanger )
e) Slightly more work than that required for the
compression process will be necessary to overcome bearing
and 'windage' friction in the transmission between compressor
and turbine, and to drive ancillary components such as fuel
and oil pumps.
f) The values of cp and γ of the working fluid vary throughout
the cycle due to changes of temperature and, with internal
combustion, due to changes in chemical composition.
Performance of Real Cycle
g) With internal combustion, the mass flow through the turbine
might be thought to be greater than that through the
compressor by virtue of the fuel added. In practice, about 1-2
% of the compressed air is bled off for cooling turbine discs and
blade roots. For many cycle calculations it is sufficiently accurate
to assume that the fuel added merely compensates for this loss.
We will assume in the numerical examples which follow that the
mass flows through the compressor and turbine are equal. When
turbine inlet temperatures higher than about 1350 K are used, the
turbine bleeding must be internally cooled as well as the disc and
blade roots. We then have what is called an air-cooled turbine. Up
to 15 per cent of the compressor delivery air might be bled for
cooling purposes. and for an accurate estimate of cycle
performance it is necessary to account explicitly for the variation
of mass flow through the engine.
Performance of Real Cycle
h) The definition of the efficiency of an ideal cycle is
unambiguous, but this is not the case for an open cycle with
internal combustion. Knowing the compressor delivery
temperature, composition of the fuel, and turbine inlet
temperature required, a straight forward combustion
calculation yields the fuel/air ratio necessary; and a
combustion efficiency can also be included to allow for
incomplete combustion. Thus it will be possible to express
the cycle performance unambiguously in terms of fuel
consumption per unit net work output, i.e in terms of the
specific fuel consumption. To convert this to a cycle
efficiency it is necessary to adopt some convention for
expressing the heating value of the fuel.
Real Gas Turbine
Cycle Analysis
1.Stagnation Properties
 The kinetic energy terms in the steady flow energy equation
can be accounted for implicitly by making use of the concept
of stagnation. Physically, the stagnation properties are those
properties when a gas stream having enthalpy h, Temperature
T and velocity C , that would brought to rest adiabatically and
without work transfer.

h0  h  C 2

1.Stagnation Properties
• Stagnation Enthalpy: It is enthalpy when a fluid flow were
brought to rest adiabatically at zero elevation at any point into
stream (C2 = 0). Stagnation properties (which are identified by
subscript 0). During a stagnation process, kinetic energy is
converted to enthalpy.
Consider steady flow energy equation per unit mass becomes
2 2
C1 C2
q1  w1  h1   gz 1  q 2  w2  h2   gz 2
2 2
2 2
h1  1  h2  2
2 2
h  h0
1.Stagnation Properties
Use of stagnation enthalpy in compression process
Consider steady flow energy equation becomes
2 2
C1 C2
q in  w in  h1   gz 1  q out  w out  h 2   gz 2
2 2
Applying the concept to an adiabatic compression and neglecting
change in potential energy, steady flow energy equation becomes
2 2
C1 C2
w in  h1   h2 
2 2
 C2
  C1

W c   h 2     h1 
 
  h 02  h 01

 2   2 
1.Stagnation Properties
When the fluid is a perfect gas, cpT can be substituted for h, and
the corresponding concept of stagnation (or total) temperature T0 is
defined by
W c  c p T 02  T 01   c p T 02  T 01  1 
      Compression Process
Stagnation Stagnation

Stagnation (or total) temperature T0 is defined by

h  h0
1 2 C 2
c p T0  c p T  C T0  T 
2 2c p
1.Stagnation Properties
C2/2cp is called the dynamic temperature and, when it is necessary to
emphasize the distinction, T is referred to as the static temperature.
An idea of the order of magnitude of the difference between T0 and T
is obtained by considering air at atmospheric temperature, for which
cp = 1·005 kJ /kg K, flowing at 100 m/ s. Then

C2 100 2
T0  T   5 K
2c p 2  1 . 005  10 3
1.Stagnation Properties
Use of stagnation enthalpy in varying cross sectional area (steady
flow case)
2 2
E in  E out qin  win  h1 
 gz1  qout  wout  h2 
 gz2
2 2
• Steady adiabatic flow through duct with no shaft/electrical work
and no change in elevation and potential energy
2 2
c1 c2
h1   h2 
2 2
h 0 ,1  h 0 , 2
1.Stagnation Properties
h 0 ,1  h 0 , 2 c T  c T
p 01 p 02
Stagnation Stagnation

The values of cp and γ of the working fluid do not vary throughout

the cycle (independent of temperature)

T 01  T 02
 
Stagnation Stagnation

If the duct is varying in cross-sectional area, or friction is degrading

directed kinetic energy into random molecular energy, the static
temperature will change (T)-but T0 will not.
1.Stagnation Properties
Use of stagnation enthalpy in combustion chamber
2 2
C1 C2
q in  win  h1   gz 1  q out  wout  h2   gz 2 {S.F.E.E.}
2 2
If there is no work transfer, and neglecting change in potential
energy, steady flow energy equation becomes
2 2
C1 C2
q in  h 1   h2 
2 2
 C2  

q in   h 2     h1    h 02  h 01
 2   2 

q in  c p T 02  T 01  2 
   Heat Addition in CC
1.Stagnation Properties
Use of stagnation enthalpy in expansion process
2 2
C1 C2
q in  win  h1   gz 1  q out  w out  h2   gz 2 {S.F.E.E.}
2 2
If there is work transfer (turbine) and neglecting change in potential
energy, steady flow energy equation becomes
2 2
h 1  1  w out  h 2  2
2 2
 C1  

W T   h1     h2    h 01  h 02
 2   2 

W T  c p T 01  T 02  3 
   Expansion Process
1.Stagnation Properties
Thus if stagnation temperatures are employed there is no need to
refer explicitly to the kinetic energy term. A practical advantage is
that it is easier to measure the stagnation temperature of a high-
velocity stream than the static temperature.

When a gas is slowed down and the temperature rises there is a

simultaneous rise in pressure. The stagnation (or total) pressure
p0 is defined in a similar way to T0 but with the added restriction
that the gas is imagined to be brought to rest not only
adiabatically but also reversibly, i.e. isentropically. The stagnation
pressure is thus defined by

p 0  T0   1
  4 
p T 
1.Stagnation Properties
Stagnation pressure, unlike stagnation temperature, is constant in a
stream flowing without heat or work transfer only if friction is
absent: the drop in stagnation pressure can be used as a measure of
the fluid friction
Thus p0 and T0 can be used in the
same way as static values in isentropic
p-T relations. Stagnation pressure and
temperature are properties of the gas
stream which can be used with static
values to determine the combined
thermodynamic and mechanical state
of the stream. Such state points can be
represented on the T-s diagram, as
shown in Fig.
1.Stagnation Properties
Fig. which depicts a compression process between 'static' states 1
and 2; the differences between the constant p and p0 lines have been
exaggerated for clarity.

The ideal stagnation state which

would be reached after isentropic
compression to the same, actual,
outlet stagnation pressure is
indicated by 02'. Primes will be
attached to symbols to denote such
ideal states.
2. Compressor and Turbine
Compression: Actual simple gas turbine cycle is shown in fig.
During compression process a considerable amount of energy
supplied to the compressor is wasted in churning up of the working
fluid. This energy does not contribute to the pressure rise but is
converted into heat by friction.
So temperature of the working fluid
is higher at the end of the
compression than it would have been
had the process been fully and truly
isentropic. Because of this, more
work input to the compressor is
required and thereby efficiency of
the compressor comes into picture.
2. Compressor and Turbine
Isentropic Compressio n Work
C 
Actual Compressio n Work
In actual gas turbine change in kinetic
energy are appreciable and therefore
we must consider stagnation properties
for calculating work done in various
components. For constant cp and γ.
h2 '  h1 T2 '  T1
C   ( Neglecting k .e.)
h2  h1 T2  T1
h02 '  h01 T02 '  T01
C   ( Including k .e.)
h02  h01 T02  T01
2. Compressor and Turbine
Let, rc = compression stagnation
pressure ratio, then in the isentropic
process (1-2’)
 1
 rc  
 T02 ' 
 1 T01  rc    1
  1
T01 
C   T01 
  
T02  T01 T02  T01
T01   1 
T02  T01   rc    1 5
C  
2. Compressor and Turbine
Expansion: Actual expansion process in gas turbine cycle is shown
in fig. During expansion process a considerable amount of energy in
turbine is wasted in churning up of the working fluid as well as
friction with turbine blade. This energy does not contribute to the
pressure reduction but is converted into heat by friction.
So temperature of the working fluid
is higher at the end of the expansion
than it would have been had the
process been fully and truly
isentropic. Because of this, less work
output from turbine and thereby
efficiency of the turbine comes into
2. Compressor and Turbine
Actual Expansion ( Actual Turbine Output )
T 
Isentropic Expansion ( Isentropic Turbine Output )

In actual gas turbine change in kinetic

energy are appreciable and therefore
we must consider stagnation properties
for calculating work done in various
components. For constant cp and γ.
h3  h4 T3  T4
T   ( Neglecting k .e.)
h3  h4 ' T3  T4 '
h03  h04 T03  T04
T   ( Including k .e.)
h03  h04 ' T03  T04 '
2. Compressor and Turbine
Let, rt = expansion stagnation pressure ratio, then in the isentropic
process (3-4’)
 1
 rt  
T04 '
T03  T04 T03  T04
T  
 T04'   

T03 1  
 T  1 
1 
03 
 T03   r   
 1
 t 
 
T03  T04  T T03 1   6
 r   
 1
 t 
2. Compressor and Turbine
Net Work Done = WN =WT - WC
WN  c p T03  T04   c p T02  T01 

  T01   1 
 
WN  cpTT031  1   cp  rc   1
 r    C  
 t 
If WN = 0, compressor work is equal to turbine work. Minimum
temperature ratio T03 / T01 can be calculated for which no net work
output is possible.
 

c p T T03  1 
1   c T01  r  1  1 
 1   c 
 C  

 rt   
2. Compressor and Turbine
  T
  01  
 1
 T T03  1 
 1 
   r    1
 rt    C  

Assuming specific heats are same in both process and r = rt = rc
 r  1  1  T
  01  
 1
 T T03   1     r    1 
 r     C  
 
 1
T03 r 
7 

t min  
T01  C T
For r = 5 and ηT = ηC = 0.85 with γ = 1.4 then tmin = 2.94
2. Compressor and Turbine
If T01 = 300 K , T03 must be above 882 K. Equation (7) suggest that
why gas turbine has not been developed into satisfactory prime
mover, even many years after it had been first demonstrated.

For r = 5 and ηT = ηC = 0.70 with γ = 1.4. If T01 = 300 K , T03 must

be above 970 K.
If T03 < 970 K , power absorbing device
T03 = 970 K , Net power output is zero
T03 > 970 K , power producing device

Smaller variation in efficiency of compressor and turbine, have

considerable effect on overall performance.
2. Compressor and Turbine
Note: Steam power plant efficiency is better than gas
turbine power plant. It can be explained. If steam power
plant and gas turbine power plant operating at the same
temperature then compression work is very small in
steam power plant since working fluid is in liquid state
and thus compression efficiency is a negligible factor.
For gas turbine, the negative work of compression is a
considerable fraction of the total turbine work so
compression efficiency is very significant.
2. Compressor and Turbine
Work Ratio = WN /WT
cp T03  T04   cp T02  T01  cp T02  T01 
WR   1
cp T03  T04  cp T03  T04 
T01   1 
T01 r   1
  1
cp  rc   1  1

WR 1
C  
 1    1
r   T01
   r   1
 1
cpTT031  1  CTT03 
 r   
 1
 r   
 t   
c 1 
WR  1    8
t  CT 
3. Pressure Loss
Pressure losses divided into the
following losses:
1) Air side intercooler loss.
2) Air side heat exchanger loss (Δphea)
3) Combustion loss (In the combustion
chamber a loss in stagnation
pressure (Δpcc) occurs due to the
aerodynamic resistance of flame-
stabilizing and mixing devices, and
also due to momentum changes
produced by the exothermic
3. Pressure Loss
4) Gas side heat exchanger loss (Δpheg)
5) Duct loss between components and air
intake and exhaust.
6) Reheater combustion loss
These losses are measured as difference
of pressure from the ideal value.
p03  p02  pcc  phea and p04  pa  pheg

The frictional pressure losses will be roughly proportional to the

local dynamic head of the flow (1/2ρC2 for incompressible flow), as
with ordinary pipe flow.
3. Pressure Loss
It might therefore be expected that the pressure drops Δphea and Δpcc
will increase with cycle pressure ratio because the density of the
fluid in the air-side of the heat-exchanger and in the combustion
chamber is increased. Even though ρ is not proportional to p
because T increases also, a better approximation might be to take
Δphea and Δpcc as fixed proportions of the compressor delivery
All losses up to turbine inlet may be considered as being equivalent
to a reduction of pressure ratio during the compression and all those
following the turbine being equivalent to a reduction of pressure
ratio during the expansion.
Due to loss of pressure, pressure ratio for compressor and
turbine are not equal. (rc ≠ rt)
4. Heat Exchanger Effectiveness
For ideal cycle, regeneration was
taken 100%. Means the air from
compressor was assumed to be
heated up to the turbine discharge
temperature. (T05 = T04) and as
constant specific heat and constant
mass flow rate.
For ideal cycle,
T04  T06  T05  T02 hence T06  T02
Heat transfer process require temperature difference. To maintain heat
transfer, if temperature difference is small then it need large surface
area. For actual heat exchanger device the required surface area
increases very rapidly as available temperature difference decreases.
4. Heat Exchanger Effectiveness
For economic reason, we can not made huge surface area heat
exchanger for longer length. Hence regeneration is limited.
For practical cycle,
T05  T04 and T06  T02

The effectiveness of heat exchanger

(thermal ratio) is defined as the
ratio of the temperature rise of air
(T05 - T02) to the maximum
temperature difference available
(T04 = T02). T05  T02
T04  T02
5. Varying Mass Flow
The compressor handles a mass flow rate, ṁa taken from
atmospheric air and sent to combustion chamber. Mass of fuel ṁf
added in combustion chamber. Product of gas enter into turbine
which has mass flow rate ṁg which is greater than ṁa
If f is the fuel air ratio by mass

m g m f
m g  m a  m f   1  1 f
m a m a

For hydrocarbon fuel, stoichiometric air fuel ratio is 15:1, but we

maintain 200% to 400% of theoretical air which represent air-fuel
ration of about 30:1 to 60:1. It is for cooling purpose.
5. Varying Mass Flow
In practice, about 1-2 % of the compressed air is bled off for cooling
turbine discs and blade roots. For many cycle calculations it is
sufficiently accurate to assume that the fuel added merely
compensates for this loss. We will assume in the numerical examples
which follow that the mass flows through the compressor and turbine
are equal. When turbine inlet temperatures higher than about 1350 K
are used, the turbine bleeding must be internally cooled as well as
the disc and blade roots. We then have what is called an air-cooled
turbine. Up to 15 per cent of the compressor delivery air might be
bled for cooling purposes. and for an accurate estimate of cycle
performance it is necessary to account explicitly for the variation of
mass flow through the gas turbine.
6. Variable Specific Heat
The values of cp and γ of the working fluid vary throughout the
cycle due to changes of temperature and changes in chemical
composition. The specific heat of air is independent of pressure
within operating limits of gas turbine.
Ex: At 300 K cp = 1.005 kJ/kg. K but at 1000 K it would be 1.140
kJ/kg.K It increases 13.4%.

Internal combustion of fuel causes the expanding exhaust gas which

contains product of combustion, principally H2O vapour and CO2
both having higher value of specific of heat than air.
Ex: At 1000 K cpg = 1.147 kJ/kg.K but in ideal analysis, it is
considerred constant equal to .005 kJ/kg.K
It create error, it would be above 15%.
6. Variable Specific Heat
Although there is an error, it is much less than this value, because
of the compensating effect of the decrease in value of γ with
temperature. The effect of increased cp is neutralized to some extent.

cp and γ for air and typical combustion gases

6. Variable Specific Heat
Following value more appropriate as this does not introduce any
significant error un the calculation.

cpa = 1.005 kJ/kg K used for compression

cpg = 1.147 kJ/kg K used for heating and expansion

Actually the specific heat for air and gases, changes continuously
during compression and expansion. For precise calculation, an
integration process is required.

Keenan and Kaye have provided gas table of air and gas
properties at various air-fuel ratio in their “Gas Tables” which can
be used for precise calculation.
6. Variable Specific Heat
Considering effect of mass flow rate and variable specific heat then
heat balance during regeneration (heat exchanger)
Heat gain by working fluid (air) =
Heat loss by working fluid (product
of gas)

m a c pa T05  T02   m g c pg T04  T06 

If you ignored mass of fuel addition

m a c pa T05  T02   m a c pg T04  T06  Heat transfer in heat exchanger
(Regeneration process)
7. Mechanical Loss
In all gas turbines, the power necessary to drive the compressor is
transmitted directly from the turbine without any intermediate
gearing. Any loss that occurs is therefore due only to bearing
friction and windage. This loss is very small and it is normal to
assume that it amounts to about 1 per cent of .the power necessary
to drive the compressor. If the transmission efficiency is denoted by
ηm we have the work output required to drive the compressor given
c pa T02  T01 
WC  WN  WT  WC  WA
Any power used to drive ancillary components such as fuel and oil
pumps can often be accounted for simply by subtracting it from the
net output of the unit.
8. Loss due to Incomplete
Combustion efficiency can be defined as the ratio of enthalpy
released to available enthalpy of fuel. But in practice combustion is
so nearly complete-98-99 per cent-that the efficiency is difficult to
measure accurately and the three definitions of efficiency yield
virtually the same result.
Once the fuel f air ratio is known, the fuel consumption ṁf is
simply f x ṁa , and the specific fuel consumption can be found
directly from
SFC  kg / kWh
Since the fuel consumption is normally measured in kg/h, while WN
is in kW per kg/s of air flow, the SFC in kg/kW.h
Bleed Flow
Turbine inlet temperatures, however, are limited by metallurgical
considerations and many modem engines make use of air-cooled
blades to permit operation at elevated temperatures. It is possible
to operate with uncooled blades up to about 1350-1400 K; and then
it can be assumed that the mass flow remains constant throughout
as explained earlier.
At higher temperatures it is necessary to extract air to cool both
stator and rotor blades. The required bleeds may amount to 15 per
cent or more of the compressor delivery flow, and must be
properly accounted for in accurate calculations. The overall air
cooling system for such an engine is complex, but the methods of
dealing with bleeds can be illustrated using a simplified example.
Bleed Flow
A single-stage turbine with cooling of both the stator and rotor
blades will be considered, as shown schematically in Fig.; βD, βS
and βR denote bleeds for cooling the disc, stator and rotor
respectively. Bleeds are normally specified as a percentage of the
compressor delivery flow. Note that bleed βD acts to prevent the
flow of hot gases down the face of the turbine disc, but it does
pass through the rotor.
The stator bleed also passes through the
rotor and both contribute to the power
developed. The rotor bleed, however,
does not contribute to the work output
and the reduction in mass flow results in
an increase in both temperature drop and
pressure ratio for the specified power.
Bleed Flow
Useful work would be done by the rotor bleed only if there was
another turbine downstream.
If the airflow at compressor delivery is ma, then the flow available to
the rotor, mR , is given by mR  ma 1   R   m f
The fuel flow is found from the fuel/air ratio required for the given
combustion temperature rise and combustion inlet temperature.
air available for combustion
ma 1   D   S   R 
Hence the fuel flow is given by
m f  ma 1   D   S   R . f
Combined Gas and Steam Power
 The continued quest for higher thermal efficiencies has
resulted in rather innovative modifications to conventional
power plants.
 A popular modification involves a gas power cycle
topping a vapor power cycle, which is called the
combined gas–vapor cycle, or just the combined cycle.
 Gas turbine cogeneration systems can produce all or a part
of the energy requirement of the site, and the energy
released at high temperature in the exhaust stack can be
recovered for various heating and cooling applications.
Combined Gas and Steam Power
 It makes engineering sense to take advantage of the very
desirable characteristics of the gas-turbine cycle at high
temperatures and to use the high-temperature exhaust
gases as the energy source for the bottoming cycle such as
a steam power cycle. The result is a combined gas–steam
 The combined cycle increases the efficiency without
increasing the initial cost greatly. Consequently, many
new power plants operate on combined cycles, and many
more existing steam- or gas-turbine plants are being
converted to combined-cycle power plants.
 Thermal efficiencies over 50% are reported.
Gas-Vapor Power Cycle
Gas-Vapor Power Cycle
Gas-Vapor Power Cycle
Education is the manifestation of perfection already in man

Swami Vivekananda

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