Most Common Dermatological Diseases in India
Most Common Dermatological Diseases in India
Most Common Dermatological Diseases in India
Among the myriad of skin disorders prevalent in India, several stand out for their
widespread occurrence and impact on individuals’ quality of life. Dermatitis,
psoriasis, eczema, and vitiligo are among the most commonly reported conditions,
each presenting unique challenges and symptoms.
Vitiligo: This skin disorder results from the destruction of melanocytes, the cells
responsible for producing pigment. While the precise cause remains uncertain,
autoimmune factors, genetic predisposition, oxidative stress, and environmental
triggers like sun exposure or trauma are thought to contribute to its
Understanding the underlying causes of these skin diseases is crucial in
developing targeted treatment approaches. Now, let’s explore the symptoms
associated with each condition.
Decoding the Signs: Recognizing Symptoms of Common Skin Diseases
Dermatitis: Symptoms of dermatitis can vary depending on the type and severity
of the condition. Common signs include redness, itching, swelling, and rash
formation, often localized to the area of skin in contact with the triggering agent.
In severe cases, blistering, cracking, and oozing may occur, causing discomfort
and potential complications.
Eczema: Individuals with eczema may experience intense itching, dryness, and
redness of the skin, accompanied by the formation of small, fluid-filled blisters
that may burst and crust over. Persistent scratching can lead to skin thickening,
cracking, and secondary infections. Eczema flare-ups can be triggered by factors
like stress, allergens, climate changes, or certain skincare products.
Maintain Good Skin Hygiene: Regularly cleanse your skin with mild, fragrance-
free soaps and moisturize daily to prevent dryness and irritation.
Avoid Triggers: Identify and avoid potential triggers such as harsh chemicals,
allergens, stress, and extreme temperatures that may exacerbate skin conditions.
Protect from Sun Exposure: Wear sunscreen with a high SPF, protective
clothing, and seek shade to shield your skin from harmful UV rays, which can
worsen conditions like psoriasis and vitiligo.
Manage Stress: Practice stress-reducing techniques such as mindfulness, yoga,
or deep breathing exercises to help minimize flare-ups associated with stress-
induced skin conditions.
Treatment Options:
Topical Treatments: Dermatologists often prescribe topical corticosteroids,
calcineurin inhibitors, or emollients to alleviate symptoms and reduce
inflammation in various skin diseases.
Phototherapy: Light therapy, or phototherapy, involves exposing the skin to
controlled amounts of natural or artificial ultraviolet light, which can help improve
symptoms of psoriasis, eczema, and vitiligo.
Immunosuppressants: For severe cases of psoriasis or eczema, oral or
injectable immunosuppressive medications may be prescribed to modulate the
immune response and reduce inflammation.
Surgical Options: Surgical interventions such as skin grafting or depigmentation
therapy may be considered in select cases of vitiligo to restore pigment or
achieve uniform skin colour.
Biologic Therapies: Biologic drugs target specific components of the immune
system involved in inflammatory skin diseases like psoriasis, offering targeted and
effective treatment options for individuals resistant to conventional therapies.
While common skin diseases pose significant challenges in India, proactive
measures such as maintaining good skin hygiene, avoiding triggers, and seeking
timely medical intervention can help manage symptoms and improve overall
quality of life. By fostering awareness, implementing preventive strategies, and
embracing innovative treatment modalities, individuals can embark on a journey
towards healthier, happier skin.
All About Skin Disorders: Here are the 20 most common ones
March 24, 2021
Skin care
Skin disorders are common and most of us have them at some point in time. This
blog will help you know about the most common skin disease in India people have
and their conditions, symptoms, and their severity.
It is important to note the following things about skin disorders –
They can be a temporary affliction or a permanent condition.
They can also be painless or painful.
The causes could be situational for some and genetic for others.
Remember that skin conditions could be inconsequential as well as life-
While most skin diseases are minor, others can indicate a more serious
Here is a list of 20 common skin disorders – Common Skin Disease in
1. Carbuncle
This condition can cause skin crustiness or ooze. It is red, very painful, and
appears as an irritated lump under the skin. A carbuncle can have symptoms like
fever, body aches, and fatigue.
Also read: Non-Surgical Skin Treatments Every 30 Something Should Try!
2. Acne
The most common skin disease in India. This skin disease appears on your skin
and can have blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, or deep, painful cysts and
nodules. It affects the face, shoulders, neck, upper back, and chest. If left
untreated, acne might leave scars or darken your skin.
3. Cold sore
The cold sore is red and painful. It will appear as a fluid-filled blister in the area
near your mouth and lips. If afflicted with a cold sore you will get a tingling or
burning sensation before its appearance. Other symptoms include low fever,
swollen lymph nodes, and body aches.
Related Read: Finding a Good Dermatologist | What Do Dermatologists do
4. Measles
Another common skin disease in India. Measles is a very common skin disorder
and are red rashes that gradually spread from your face down the body. Often
very small red spots having blue-white centers also occur inside the mouth.
Symptoms include fever, sore throat, red, watery eyes, loss of appetite, cough,
and runny nose.
5. Blister
This skin disease appears on the skin anywhere on the body and looks watery,
clear, and fluid-filled. The size is normally less than one cm (vesicle) or larger than
one cm (bulla) and can occur singly or in groups.
Also read: Here are 5 Easy Ways to Reduce Skin Inflammation
6. Chickenpox
Chickenpox is another very common skin disease where clusters of itchy, red,
fluid-filled blisters appear all over the body. This condition needs various stages of
Symptoms include fever, body aches, sore throat, and loss of appetite.
Chickenpox is infectious till blisters get crusted over.
7. Eczema
Eczema is yellow or white, and white ears are like scaly patches that often flake
off. The areas affected with Eczema might look red, greasy, or oily and are often
itchy. Remember, Eczema could also lead to hair loss in the affected areas.
8. Melasma
This one is another very common skin disease in India where dark patches appear
on the face and at times on the neck, chest, or arms.
Melasma is very common in pregnant women and those with darker skin color or
individuals greatly exposed to the sun.
Remember Melasma will not have any other symptom except skin discoloration
and will either disappear automatically within a year or will become permanent.
9. Hives
Hives occur after exposure to an allergen and have itchy, raised welts that are red
in color, warm, and mildly painful when touched. They could either be small,
round, ring-shaped, or large, randomly shaped.
10. Psoriasis
This skin disease appears as scaly, silvery, and distinctly marked patches on your
scalp, elbows, knees, or lower back. It could be scratchy or without any
11. Actinic keratosis
Actinic keratosis appears on body parts that are exposed to the sun, which include
hands, arms, face, scalp, and neck. The sizes are normally less than two cm or
nearly the size of an eraser. They are thick, scaly, or like crusty skin patches,
typically pink in color with a brown, tan, or gray base.
12. Wart
Wart is caused by HPV or human papillomavirus. It could appear on the skin or in
mucous membranes and might occur singly or in groups. It is important to note
that Wart is infectious and could infect others.
13. Rosacea
Rosacea is a chronic skin disease that follows a cycle of fading and relapsing.
Reappearances normally happen from spicy foods, alcohol, sunlight, stress, or
Helicobacter pylori, an intestinal bacterium.
Rosacea can be of four types and have diverse symptoms like facial flushing,
raised, red bumps, facial redness, skin dryness, and skin sensitivity.
14. Melanoma
This is known as the most severe kind of skin cancer which is more common in
fair-skinned individuals. Melanoma will have moles in any part of the body and will
have irregular edges, asymmetrical shapes, and multiple colors. It could also be a
mole that has changed color or grown bigger with time. The size is generally
bigger than a pencil eraser.
15. Latex allergy
This skin disease is a latex allergy, commonly found in medical gloves and you
might need urgent care. Under this condition, rashes can appear within minutes or
even hours after exposure to a latex product. It is typically warm, and itchy, with
red wheels appearing at the site of contact. It might look dry and crusted and
happens with repeated exposure to latex.
16. Cellulitis
Cellulitis is hot and painful to touch and is caused by bacteria or fungi that enter
through cracks or cuts in your skin. It is red in color, painful, and with swollen skin
that might or might not ooze.
Symptoms could include fever and chills. In any case – one must seek medical
17. Basal cell carcinoma
This skin condition could resemble a scar and is raised, firm, and pale. They are
dome-shaped, pink, or red. These scars often look shiny and pearly and are with a
sunk-in center, like a crater.
Basal cell carcinoma is often accompanied by easy bleeding or oozing wound
refusing to heal. Also once healed it could reappear.
18. Lupus
Lupus is a scaly, warm, red, disc-shaped rash that doesn’t itch or hurt. Common
signs are fatigue, headaches, fever, and swollen or painful joints. It appears as
scaly red patches or ring-shaped on the shoulders, forearms, neck, or upper part
of the body. The conditions aggravate with exposure to the sun.
19. Contact dermatitis
This skin condition occurs a few hours to some days after contact with an
allergen. The condition will have marked borders and will occur where the skin has
come in contact with the irritating substance. The skin afflicted with Contact
dermatitis will be itchy, red, scaly, and raw. It might cause blisters that ooze out or
become crusty.
20. Vitiligo
The last common skin disorder in India people suffer from vitiligo. Vitiligo is the
loss of skin pigment from autoimmune damage to the cells giving skin its color.