Stamp 07 e

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Documentation on Stamp 0.

7 By Sedykh Max Translation by Shabalin Alexandr

The Contents: 1. 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 2. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. Introduction Why needs Stamp? Where its take? Requirements to system Kit E-mail Description Lines Parameters of lines Centre of stamp Form of stamp Creation and editing


1. Introduction 1.1.Why needs Stamp?

Stamp is intended for making the seal and stamps. It will be useful to the companies and businessman, which want to design their future stamp, also organizations, which concern with making the seal and stamps. The Program spreads gratis and its creator (i.e. I) does not carry any responsibility for its use.

1.2.Where to take?
As a rule, stamp necessary to search for in Internet. For instance, it is possible to find it on my site: In the same way its possible to find it on sites of programs such as

1.3.System requirements
Stamp 0.7 will work at any computer, where Win32 is installed. But orderly it will work at computer with: Pentium processor 8 MB RAM 512 KB Video Mouse & keyboard IQ not less then 50 points

1.4. Kit
The following files enter in kit Stamp 0.7: Stamp07.exe program Stamp Stamp07r.doc documentation itself in Word format Stamp07r.txt documentation in text format Stamp07e.doc documentation in Word formats in English Stamp07e.txt documentation in text format on angel. Rusgerb.bmp Russian blazon Ukrgerb.bmp Ukrainian blazon R1.bmp 1st frame R2.bmp 2nd frame R3.bmp 3rd frame R4.bmp 4th frame History.txt history of making the stamps

1.5. E-mail
[email protected] - my address of e-mail for this program. There you may send the questions of different sort, wishes, offers and their own commentary. Although, I am not able to answer every question, but know, your letters always remain read. I answer just to the most important questions and do not answer to the questions like Where can I take Stamp? or Please, send me your program to my e-mail. Also, if you have questions about program and translation you can write to translators mail. It is [email protected]. You can ask everything you havent understood in this documentation.

2. Description 2.1 Lines

In menu "line" are assigned the texts, going around stamp. There is "upper" and "lower" line. Given version of program supports before 50 lines. In menu "line" in first column is specified the number of line, in the second text of line, and in the third one is a font. The Font is chosen one of the fonts installed in Windows for each line. The Following column to have charge of size of font. The Arrows up and down switch the line on previous and the following.

2.2 Parameters of lines

In menu "parameters of lines" are assigned the parameters of each line and the general parameters for sharing the lines. Here is assigned "thickness of line of underlining" - thickness of line, which will go after line. The Indention overhand and from below will assign the amount of millimetres for indention overhand and from below line. The Inversion - such condition of line, when letters of texts transparent, but line is painted (the inversion is used for registration number, going on the edge of stamp). "Star"- type of asterisk for the given line ("asterisk" in line is marked with symbol "*" (the sign of multiplying)). The Corner of tumbling will assign the corner to which is turned line. Autodistribution" if you chose this parameter, line will be distributed on the whole stamp, otherwise lines will be distributed consecutively, depending on size of letters. The minimum indention will be useful, when, for example, "lower" line on sizes of letters twice larger sizes of letters "upper" lines. Also, there is an option "partition on sides", which will appear if form of stamp will be polygonal, this option automatically splits the text on sides depending on sizes of words and sides. The indention in line assigns the amount of millimetres for indention after each letter, such option useful for consequent distribution.


Center of stamp

In the centre of stamp can be kept both texts and picture. The Parameters of texts are assigned similarly parameters of lines, going around stamp. The option "picture in the centre" defines if picture will be in the centre of stamp. The button "load the picture" loads any picture in BMP format. Option "brightness" defines with what brightness to load picture, this is necessary, because picture in centre always with two colours. "Autosize" installs the automatic size to the picture, which depends on remained place for the stamp, if this option is not chosen, then size of central picture will correspond to its initial sizes in pixels. "Sizes in %" assign the sizes in percent, from chosen by program size on axis X and Y. The enter of picture possible to install for centre of stamp, changing coordinates of the centre. The option "thickness dribble" installs the thickness of line, which dribbles the centre of stamp.


Form of stamp

Form of stamp is shown on screen "model of form". The form of stamp possible to change, having chosen one of the types of form: "broken line" first button under form, "correct polygonal figure", "ellipse", " circumference "," rectangle ". After you have chosen type of form, its is necessary install on screen "model of form" whereupon possible to change its sizes manually, there where is specified radius X and Y. For making the seal with big form is required to change the size of stamp. The frame defines what picture will be drawn on form of stamp. By the Arrows upwards and downwards is possible to switch already ready frames, and with button "load" is possible to open any other picture, which will be a frame. The amount of pictures defines how many pictures will account for the whole form, this option useless for symmetrical frames, for example, as standard. It is possible to change the thickness of frame. The option a protuberance installs on what side from form will inhere the frame if option is chosen, then frame will be for form, otherwise inwardly forms.


Making and editing

In given menu stamp is already edited itself. By the button "Create" stamp is creating by earlier given parameters. After its creation it is possible to edit. There are options of correcting the stamp, where stamps is possible to smudge, add her inexactness and to spoil, as well as possible press the button "auto" and stamp is corrected automatically. The amount of lines is assigned in options "amount of lines" for passing through stamp in process of correction. "Tolerance" will assign the amount of pixels for passage under smudging. Stamp is possible to turn on to given corner, herewith indicate importance of corner and press to button "turn". Also possible to change the colour of stamp, changing importance RGB parameters and press to button "colour". After making the stamp its possible to print from program, having chosen place for printing on sheet and press to button "print". If you have done all that you were needed it is possible to save stamp. Having chosen from menu File "save print" and indicates the filename for BMP drawing. Also, there is possibility for conservation of all parameters of stamp and boot them, which are chosen from menu File in the same way.

After you have read this documentation, you should know the main possibilities of Stamp 0.7. I did not describe program enough in detail, but having experience with function of stamp with the help of it possible to create practically any stamp. If you have any questions, then write me on mail. And good luck to you! By Sedykh Max & Translated by Shabalin Alexandr We are from Russia, Primorsky Krai, City Nakhodka 10.03.2001

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