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Apex public school

X (2024-25)


1. Make catchy posters on A3 size sheet, on the following topics:

a) World Environment Day (Roll no. 1-8)
b) International Yoga Day. (Roll no. 9-16)
c) Child Abuse. (Roll no. 17-24)
d) World Population Day. (Roll no. 25-30)
e) World Tobacco Day. (Roll no. 30 onwards)

2. Read a Book/Novel of your interest. Write a Book Review on it. Following points
should be included to make it attractive.
a. "Name of the book, Date and year of publication Summary of the story you read.
b. "Write about any two characters.

3. Write a Report/Travelogue of your visit to an attracting place in about 100- 120 words.
Paste pictures

4. Prepare a project report on life and history of ROBERT FROST with two examples of
short poems.

5. Read the English newspaper daily for 15 days. Paste any one news article along with
pictures and paste it in your Scrap Book with Day, Date and Time.

NOTE: The Homework must be compiled in a Spiral Notebook, except Poster.


नोट:- ग्रीष्मकालीन अवकाश गह

ृ कार्य हे तु एक अलग कॉपी बनाएं।
कार्य सुंदर ढं ग से पूरा करें |

1. कबीर के दोहे समाज के लिए दर्पण का कार्प करते है । आर् इस बात से ककतना सहमत है ? अर्नी बात को
वतपमान के उदाहरणों के साथ बताइर्े।

2. प्रेमचंद की चर्चपत ककनहहं भी दो कहाननर्ों का अध्र्र्न करें । साथ हह उनका सारांश अर्ने शब्दों में लिखे।
3. "हररहर काका" ग्रामीण र्ररवेश की बदिती संस्कृनत एवं ररश्तों की कहानी है । आर् अर्ने अनुभव के आधार
र्र बदिते ग्रामीण र्ररवेश के मूल्र्ों एवं ररश्तों की चचाप करें । ( गांव का नाम जरूर िक्षित करें )।
4. '1947 से र्हिे हह भारत आजादह का उत्सव मना चुका था' "डार्रह का एक र्नना" र्ाठ के आधार र्र इस
कथन की र्ुष्टि कीष्जए।
5. समाज में चेतना जागत
ृ करने हे तु ननम्न से ककसी एक ववषर् पर ववज्ञापन तैर्ार करें :- (ए3 शीट का प्रर्ोग
करें )
क. लशिा का महत्व
ख. िैंर्गक समानता
ग. र्र्ापवरण संरिण
घ. जनसंख्र्ा ननर्ंत्रण
6. ग्रीटमकािहन अवकाश का आनंद आर्ने ककस तरह से उठार्ा? अर्ने अनुभवों को अर्ने शब्दों में साझा
करें । साथ हह सद
ंु र तस्वीरें भी र्चर्काएं।
7. आस र्ास के वातावरण से प्रेररत होकर ककसी भी ववषर् र्र स्वरर्चत कववता का सज
ृ न करें ।
8. मीराा के र्द र्र सचष्ात्र र्ररर्ोजना कार्प (मीराा का जीवन र्ररचर्, भाषा शैलाी, पद आदद)तैर्ार
कीष्जए |


A. Make a project on any one of the following:

Sustainable Development
Consumer Awareness
Social issues

Guidelines for Project-

Project to be completed on an A-4 size sheet.
Project should be handwritten.
On the first page student Performa to be given.
Content or Index
Newspaper cuttings, maps and diagrams are a must.
The project should be strictly based on India.

B. Complete your written work.

C. Revise chapters done in class.
D. Complete given worksheet in notebook.
E. Learn question answers of all the chapters done in class and prepare for PA 1
F. Do practice of the following Map work:
a) Regions covered under Laterite soil
b) Regions covered under Black soil
c) Regions covered under Alluvial soil
d) Soil found mainly in hilly areas


PART I- Find out at least 10 different chemical reactions happening in your daily life. Write
down their balanced chemical equations and categorise them according to the type of

PART II- “Art of using mirrors

& lenses in different fields of life”

Mirrors & Lenses have a wide range of applications in our day to day life……. People often
confuse these devices as they look similar but in reality, they are entirely different from each
other in terms of functionality & performance.

· For decorating purpose

· In the field of fashion design
· Scientific apparatus
· Photography
· Medical Use
· Architecture
· For security Purpose
· During personal grooming, and many more….

Explore any two such fields & show your investigation about mirrors & lenses which
may include introduction, ancient history of them, your creativity & scientific relevance.


(A)Draw neat and well labelled diagram of the following: -

➢ Open and closed stomata

➢ Nutrition in Amoeba
➢ Human alimentary Canal
➢ Human respiratory system
➢ Schematic sectional view of the human heart
➢ Excretory system in human beings
➢ Structure of a nephron

NOTE: Attempt on white A-4 size sheets and prepare separate folders for section A and B.

(B)Prepare working models on:

1) Human Digestive System Roll no. 1 to 5
2) Human Heart Roll no. 6 to 10
3) Respiratory System Roll no. 11 to 15
4) Hemodialysis Roll no. 16 to 20
5) Acid Rain Roll no. 21 to 25
6) Neurons Roll no. 26 to 30
7) Rain water Harvesting Roll no. 31 to 35
8) Working of Eye Roll no. 36 to 40



Do the following questions in your classwork notebook.

(Chemical Reactions and Equations)

1. A solution of potassium chloride when mixed with silver nitrate solution, an insoluble
white substance is formed. Write the chemical reaction involved and also mention the type of
the chemical reaction?

2. Why do fireflies glow at night?

3. What does slaking of lime stand for? Why is there a hissing sound during this process?
Write the chemical equation for the reaction involved.

4. Why is silver chloride stored in dark coloured bottles?

5. Write the chemical formula of compounds formed on passing excess of CO2 through lime

6. Write a balanced chemical equation when ferric oxide reacts with dilute Sulphuric acid to
give ferric sulphate and water.

7. Grapes hanging on the plant do not ferment but after being plucked from the plant can be
fermented. Under what conditions do these grapes ferment? Is it a chemical or a physical
change?8. Why is photosynthesis considered an endothermic reaction?

9. You are provided with four solutions dil.HCl, dil.HNO3and ZnCl2 and two containers
made up of copper and aluminium .In which of these containers the given solutions are kept?
10. During the chemical reaction between dil HCl and zinc metal, a gas is evolved. How the
presence of the gas be determined?

(Life Processes)

11.If a plant is releasing carbon dioxide and taking in oxygen during the day, does it mean
that there is no photosynthesis occurring? Justify your answer

12. Name the component of food not digested in the stomach.

13. Stomata of desert plants remain closed during the day time. How do they take up carbon
dioxide and perform photosynthesis?

14. Why is blood clotting useful?

15.” Breathing cycle is rhythmic whereas the exchange of gases is a continuous process
“Justify this statement.

16. Leaves of a healthy potted plant were coated with vaseline. Will this plant remain healthy
for long? Give reasons for your answer.

17. Arteries have thick walls whereas veins have valves. Explain.

18. Why are valves needed in the heart?

19. What is emulsification of fat?

20. How is the required pH maintained in the stomach?


21 In an experiment with a rectangular glass slab, a student observed that a ray of light
incident at an angle of 55° with the normal on one face of the slab, after refraction strikes the
opposite face of the slab before emerging out into air making an angle of 40°with the normal.
Draw a labelled diagram to show the path of this ray. What value would you assign to the
angle of refraction and angle of emergence?

22. An object 5 cm in length is placed at a distance of 30 cm in front of a convex mirror of

radius of curvature 40 cm. Find the position of the image, its nature and size.

23. Explain with the help of a diagram, why a pencil partially immersed in water appears

24. It is desired to obtain an erect image of an object, using concave mirror of focal
length of 12 cm.

i. What should be the range of distance of an object placed in front of the mirror?
ii. Will the image be smaller or larger than the object? Draw a ray diagram to show
the formation of the image in this case.

iii. Where will the image of this object be, if it is placed 24 cm in front of the mirror?
Draw a ray diagram for this situation also to justify your answer. Show the positions
of pole, principal focus and the centre of curvature in the above ray diagrams.

25. With respect to air, the refractive index of ice is 1.31 and that of rock salt is 1.54.
Calculate the refractive index of rock salt with respect to ice.

26. A thin lens has a focal length of -50cm. What is the power of the lens and its nature?

27. Why is convex lens called converging lens and concave lens a diverging lens?

28. What happens to the size of the image formed by a convex mirror when an object is
gradually moved towards the mirror?

29. Find the position, nature and size of the image formed by a convex lens of focal length 12
cm of an object 5 cm high placed at a distance 20 cm from it.

30. Show that the refractive index of a medium 1 with respect to medium 2 is reciprocal to
the refractive index of medium 2 with respect to 1 i.e. n12 = 1/n21.


1. Complete the worksheets given in class and paste in your notebooks .

2. Make a chart on famous celebrities of France .


1. Finding the HCF of two numbers practically on the basis of Euclid’s Division Lemma.
2.Drawing the graph of a quadratic polynomial and finding out its shape as well as the
coefficient of x2.
3.Obtaining the solution of the corresponding quadratic equation (x2 + 4x = 60) by
completing the square geometrically.
4.Identifying the Arithmetic Progressions using some patterns/numbers
5. Experimentally finding the sum of first ‘n’ odd natural numbers.
6. Establishing the formula for the addition of first ‘n’ terms of an Arithmetic Progression
7.Verifying the section formula using the graphical method.
8.To verify the Thales Theorem (Basic Proportionality Theorem).
9.Experimentally verifying that the tangent from an external point to a circle is perpendicular
to the radius.
10.Finding the number of tangents from a specific point to a circle



Mandala Art
Materials to be used-
▫️Hard Board (12x12 inch) (shape - square or round only)
▫️Fabric Colours
▫️Decorative Accessories

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