Lab-ADC Assignment v3
Lab-ADC Assignment v3
Lab-ADC Assignment v3
The Lab-ADC shall access to ADC board via SPI signals in order to sample analog audio signals at the input of the ADC.
The ADC board has ADC121S101 12-bit A/D converter IC. ADC sample rate shall be at 16K samples per second. The
SPI shall operate at 12.5MHz clock rate.
Since ADC is single power supplied by 3.3V and 0V (GND), each sample at the output of ADC converter has a DC level.
Offset this DC level and represent the signals as signed data (two’s complement).
Lab-ADC shall detect existence of voice from the samples. Propose a method for detecting start and end of voice.
Only the samples between start and end of voice shall be stored in the RAM. Fill unused remaining space of the RAM
with silence data value.
Pre-emphasis refers to filtering that emphasizes the higher frequencies. Its purpose is to balance the spectrum of
voiced sounds that have a steep roll-off in the high-frequency region. Pre-emphasis shall use H(z)=1 – a(1 / z)
discrete function, where a=0.5. The signed samples shall pass through this filter and shall be stored in dual-port
The size of the RAM shall be capable of storing about one-second duration of samples. A “simple dual-port RAM”
shall be selected from the “Block Memory Generator” in Vivado “IP Catalog”. The dual-port RAM has two ports; port-
A and port-B. Port-A shall be write-only port, and Port-B shall be read-only port.
The ADC board shall be connected to one of PMOD-JA, PMOD-JB, PMOD-JC ports on the Basys-3 board. PMOD ports
and pin assignments of FPGA are given in reference manual of the Basys-3 board.
Write a test-bench in VHDL for the simulation of your design. Verify by using your test-bench simulation results that
your design satisfies the technical specifications.
Integrate Lab-ADC with Lab-CTRL, Lab-DEBUG and the other available sub-systems whenever possible in a new top
level design by using “component” statements in VHDL.
Lab-DEBUG accesses the read-only Port-B of the dual-port RAM of Lab-ADC and transfers the data to PC/MATLAB.
Control and observe the process sequence using start_in and ready_out signals of the components. On the Basys-3
board, use a button for each start_in signaling and a LED for each ready_out signals of the components.
2. Demonstration
Show that your design is implemented on FPGA.
Present your test bench simulation results: inputs, outputs (waveforms). Clearly show the SPI signals on the
waveforms. Observe the input, output waveforms, and verify the technical specifications listed above.
Configure your integrated design on Basys-3 board. Use start button to start the operation. Use ready LEDs
to observe/verify end of processes. If needed you may add more LEDs for further observations.
Apply DC voltage levels (0.0V, 1.0V, 2.0V, and 3.3V) to the input of the ADC board. Transfer the all the
samples in the dual-port RAM to MATLAB by using the Lab-DEBUG. Plot samples and plot frequency
spectrum on MATLAB, and verify the results. Check the spectrum plot for noise performance.
Use signal generator and sample various sinusoidal signals at different frequencies (100Hz, 300Hz, 1KHz,
3KHz) and amplitudes (0.1V, 1V, 2V, 3V). Transfer the all the samples in the dual-port RAM to MATLAB by
using the Lab-DEBUG. On MATLAB, plot samples, plot frequency spectrum and calculate signal to noise ratio
(SNR). Verify results.
Show that the detection of voice existence function is properly working.
Show that the pre-emphasis filter properly works.
3. Guidance
During an FPGA design, always write a test-bench code in order to simulate your design. A test-bench and
the design under test block diagram are shown in the figure below as an example. The test-bench generates
serial SPI data on SPI interface depending on the signals spi_clk_out and chip_sel_out. Lab-ADC reads the
SPI data and writes all the samples data to dual-port RAM. Test bench checks the ready_out signal and when
it is active then test bench start to generate addr_in signal and data_out signal is observed on the simulation
output waveform and validated. Note that test bench may also check the validity of the data content.
Configure “Basys3_Master.xdc” Xilinx Design Constraints (XDC) file provided by the Basys-3 board
manufacturer (Digilent). The file includes FPGA pin assignments on Basys-3 board. Uncomment the lines
corresponding to used pins and rename the used ports (in each line, after “get_ports”) according to the top
level signal names in your project.
Download and use the data sheet of the ADC121S101 for SPI interface. Be careful not to put the ADC in to
shutdown mode unintentionally; better to run a single dummy sampling at the beginning of sampling.
Study on ADC board schematics (inputs and outputs). Note that VREF input of ADC is at pin VCC and it is
connected to 3.3V, and it is supplied from the Basys-3 board (3,3V and 0V). The analog signal at the input of
the ADC has a bias level at about 3.3V/2 and its converted digital value shall be subtracted from the data.
Note that audio signal at the input of ADC contains noise. Straightforward method to reduce noise is to make
a twisted cable connection to ADC board input from the audio source, and to keep the cable length as short
as possible.
The pre-emphasis filter function has 0.5 multiplication operation, which is a division by two and simply
calculated by a right shift operation with sign bit feed to most significant bit of the data.
The start input signal from a button on Basys-3 board is noisy that has multiple transitions of logic-0s and
logic-1s, which last in several milliseconds. Your design must avoid multiple re-starts for its operation.
An example for a simple dual-port RAM memory configuration is shown below. Be careful for the memory
block data latency at the data out (check the summary tab) which may be one or two clock cycles that can be
observed during the simulations.
Your design will change multiple times during your development and your design may have multiple
configurations. Be careful for the versions and configurations of your design. In order to be aware of which
version to use, take notes and records.