Induction Motor Tutorial: 2D Technical Example
Induction Motor Tutorial: 2D Technical Example
Induction Motor Tutorial: 2D Technical Example
Ref.: K205-P-122-EN-03/18
15 Chemin de Malacher - Inovallée
38246 Meylan Cedex
Phone: +33 (0)4 76 90 50 45
Fax: +33 (0)4 56 38 08 30
CAE package for electromagnetic and thermal analysis using finite elements
*(Please read before starting this document)
Description of The goal of this technical example is to demonstrate the ability and
the example advantage of Flux for the simulation of brushless induction motor
computation problems. This document contains the general steps and all the
data needed to describe the different simulations.
To begin This example is designed for the user who is already familiar with the basic
functions of Flux software.
For beginner users, please report to the “welcome interface” opened
automatically by the supervisor. (If not opened, please open it by clicking on
the button “?” on the top right of the supervisor). The interface contains
videos, which helps the beginners while using Flux for the first time.
Support files To view the completed phases of the example project, the user will find the
included... .py files, including the geometry, physics and postprocessing descriptions.
The .py files corresponding to the different study cases in this example are
available in the folder:
Supplied files are command files written in Pyflux language. The user can
launch them in order to automatically produce the Flux projects for each
**(.py files are launched by accessing Project/Command file from the Flux
drop down menu.)
Table of Contents
Table of Contents A
1. General information .............................................................................................................. 1
1.1. Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1.1. Description of the studied device .................................................................................... 4
1.1.2. Studied cases ................................................................................................................. 7
1.2. Strategy to build the Flux project .................................................................................................. 9
1.3. About the Overlay (motor template) ............................................................................................ 11
1.3.1. Motor Template : Presentation ..................................................................................... 12
1.3.2. Motor Template: The library ......................................................................................... 13
1.3.3. Motor Template: Principle of description in Flux .......................................................... 14
1.3.4. Motor Object: Speed importation .................................................................................. 15
2. Geometry and mesh description of the motor...................................................................... 17
2.1. Load the IM overlay..................................................................................................................... 18
2.2. Create an induction motor using the overlay .............................................................................. 19
2.3. Mesh the device .......................................................................................................................... 23
3. Case 1: Determination of initial rotor position ...................................................................... 24
3.1. Case 1: Physical description ....................................................................................................... 26
3.1.1. Define the physical application ..................................................................................... 27
3.1.2. Create materials ........................................................................................................... 28
3.1.3. Create I/O Parameters.................................................................................................. 29
3.1.4. Create mechanical sets ................................................................................................ 30
3.1.5. Create a circuit .............................................................................................................. 31
3.1.6. Modify a circuit .............................................................................................................. 32
3.1.7. Modify face regions ....................................................................................................... 33
3.1.8. Modify face regions ....................................................................................................... 34
3.1.9. Modify face regions ....................................................................................................... 35
3.1.10. Modify face regions ....................................................................................................... 36
3.2. Case 1: Solve the project ............................................................................................................ 38
3.3. Case 1: Results post-processing ................................................................................................ 40
3.3.1. 2D Curve of the electromagnetic torque ....................................................................... 41
3.3.2. 2D Curve of the currents............................................................................................... 42
4. Case 2: Full characteristics versus slip ............................................................................... 44
4.1. Case 2: Solve the project ............................................................................................................ 46
4.2. Case 2: Results post-processing ................................................................................................ 48
4.2.1. Load and run a macro to calculate the iron losses ....................................................... 49
4.2.2. Create a sensor ............................................................................................................ 50
4.2.3. Create I/O Parameters.................................................................................................. 51
4.2.4. 2D Curve of the power balance .................................................................................... 52
4.2.5. 2D Curve of the efficiency............................................................................................. 54
4.2.6. Compute efficiency ....................................................................................................... 55
4.2.7. Steady state rated-load characteristics ........................................................................ 56
4.2.8. Display isolines ............................................................................................................. 57
4.2.9. Display isovalues .......................................................................................................... 58
4.2.10. Display isovalues .......................................................................................................... 59
4.2.11. 2D Curve of the electromagnetic torque ....................................................................... 61
4.2.12. Define the transient initialization ................................................................................... 62
5. Case 3: Equivalent electric circuit ....................................................................................... 63
5.1. Case 3: Physical description ....................................................................................................... 65
5.1.1. Create I/O Parameters.................................................................................................. 66
5.1.2. Modify voltage sources ................................................................................................. 67
5.2. Case 3: Solve the project ............................................................................................................ 69
5.3. Case 3: Results post-processing ............................................................................................... 71
5.3.1. Create I/O Parameters (CASE3) ................................................................................. 72
5.3.2. 2D Curve of the current (CASE3) ................................................................................ 73
5.3.3. 2D Curve of the active power (CASE3) ....................................................................... 74
5.3.4. 2D Curve of the joule losses in stator core (CASE 3).................................................. 75
5.3.5. Display isovalues (CASE 3) ......................................................................................... 76
5.3.6. Display isovalues (CASE 3) ......................................................................................... 77
5.3.7. Computation of no-load currents (CASE 2) ................................................................. 79
5.3.8. Computation of iron losses in stator core (CASE2) ..................................................... 80
5.3.9. Display isolines (CASE2) ............................................................................................. 81
5.3.10. Display isovalues (CASE2) .......................................................................................... 82
5.3.11. Computation of equivalent electric circuit parameters ................................................. 83
6. Case 4: Transient simulation for rated speed....................................................................... 84
6.1. Case 4: Physical description ...................................................................................................... 86
6.1.1. Define the physical application .................................................................................... 87
6.1.2. Modify mechanical sets................................................................................................ 88
6.1.3. Create a circuit ............................................................................................................. 89
6.1.4. Modify a circuit ............................................................................................................. 90
6.1.5. Modify face regions ...................................................................................................... 91
6.1.6. Modify face regions ...................................................................................................... 92
6.1.7. Modify face regions ...................................................................................................... 93
6.1.8. Modify face regions ...................................................................................................... 94
6.2. Case 4: Solving process ............................................................................................................ 96
6.3. Case 4: Results post-processing ............................................................................................... 98
6.3.1. 2D curve of the electromagnetic torque versus time ................................................... 99
6.3.2. 2D curve of the current bar rotor ................................................................................ 100
6.3.3. 2D curve of the stator current .................................................................................... 101
7. Case 5: Real working conditions........................................................................................ 102
7.1. Case 5: Physical description .................................................................................................... 104
7.1.1. Modify the physical application .................................................................................. 105
7.1.2. Create I/O Parameters ............................................................................................... 106
7.1.3. Modify mechanical set ............................................................................................... 107
7.1.4. Modify face regions .................................................................................................... 108
7.1.5. Modify a circuit ........................................................................................................... 109
7.2. Case 5: Solving process .......................................................................................................... 110
7.3. Case 5: Results post-processing ............................................................................................. 112
7.3.1. Plot a 2D Curve of the phase current ........................................................................ 113
7.3.2. Plot a 2D Curve of the speed ..................................................................................... 114
7.3.3. Plot a 2D Curve of the torque .................................................................................... 115
General information Flux
1. General information
Introduction The goal of this technical tutorial is to demonstrate the ability and advantage
of Flux in the simulation of induction motor computation problems.
This chapter presents the studied device, (an induction machine) and explains
the strategies used for geometry construction and mesh generation.
1.1. Overview
Introduction This section presents the studied device, an induction motor, and the strategy
of the device description in Flux.
Studied device The studied device is a 2-pole induction motor, 3-phase star connected,
Figure 1-1, characterized by:
- rated-load power, Pn = 7.5 kW ;
- rated source voltage, Unf = 380 V (phase to null value) ;
- rated source frequency, f1n = 50 Hz .
The shape and dimensions of the stator and rotor slots are shown in Figure
∅ 212
∅ 5.6
13.5 ∅ 119
14.3 15.8
∅ 120 ∅ 40
a) b)
Figure 1-3: Slot dimensions
a) stator slot; b) rotor slot
The stator winding is a two-layer copper winding, Figure 1-4, with shortened
step of 8/12 and w1 = 208 turns per phase as shown below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
U1 U2 U3 U4
U1 W2 V1 U2 W1 V2
The rotor winding is a double squirrel cage and it is made of cast aluminum.
Studied cases Five cases are carried out using Steady State Magnetic AC and Transient
Magnetic applications:
• Case 1: Steady state study, to determine the rotor position.
• Case 2: Steady state study to compute the characteristics of the machine.
• Case 3: Steady state study, to compute the parameters for the equivalent
• Case 4: Transient study, to simulate the rated conditions.
• Case 5: Transient study, to simulate a single phase short circuit after rated
Introduction This section presents outlines of the geometry building process and mesh
generating process of the induction motor.
Stage Description
Description of the motor Load an overlay
geometry using an overlay Modify the overlay
2 Meshing of the device • Mesh
Introduction This section deals with the IM (Induction Machine) Template and answers
the following three questions:
• What is possible to model with FLUX? (presentation of the object editor,
available library)
• How to describe the problem in FLUX? (use the object editor)
• What are the possible links with Speed?
Presentation The complete description of a motor in FLUX can be somewhat long and
To describe a motor utilizing the standard Flux interface, the user must:
• prepare the tools of geometric description (parameters, coordinate systems,
• create the points and lines of the rotor and stator (slots, air-gap, etc.)
• build the faces
• mesh the device
• create the regions and assign to faces
• etc.
These different stages must be repeated for each type of motor that is being
Now it is possible for FLUX to simplify this process, by providing a library
of predefined motor templates.
With this new description mode, the stages of model construction are
simplified. The user chooses a type of motor and winding from the library and
interactively enters the parameters of the motor.
List of models The different models in the library are not detailed in the on line help because
their documentation is included in the software. An interactive image is
displayed in the object editor. The editor displays a direct visualization of the
parameters entered by the user.
The list of models provided for the rotor and stator is presented in the table
Rotor Stator
Single Cage StatorAirGapWdg
Double Cage StatorFlared
General The template editor provided in FLUX is an “assistant to the creation of the
operation model” which is part of the overall construction process of a finite element
project. The motor template editor simplifies the stage of the geometry
construction and the mesh building as shown in the table below.
Principle The user builds the motor directly in FLUX using the template editor and the
BPM motor Object library.
The general principle of operation is given in the table below.
…to continue The user continues the description of the finite element project in the usual
way: description of the physical properties, creation of the mechanical
assemblies, description of the electric circuit and importing it into FLUX,
solving and post-processing of the results.
Speed The user can import a motor described with Speed (Speed file) into FLUX.
Importation The Speed/Flux compatibility makes this possible. All the information
concerning the geometric characteristics and the winding characteristics are
preserved (dimensional parameters*, number of poles, of phases …).
*The name of the parameters are the same in Speed and Flux
New Flux The new Flux project is saved under the name GEOMESH.FLU.
Goal First, the geometry and mesh is carried out using an overlay.
Data (1) The general characteristics of the motor are presented in the tables below.
General description
Infinite box
Length unit Mesh density
Inner radius Outer radius
Millimeter 0.5 110 140
Airgap description
Eccentricities and
Air gap Rotating air gap Use periodicities
0.5 without eccentricity 2_layers_airgap yes
Data (2) The characteristics of the rotor are presented in the tables below.
Rotor description
General description
Rotor external radius Number of poles Shaft radius Rotor shift angle
59.5 2 20.0 0.0
Cooling holes
Number of bars
Data (3) The characteristics of the stator are presented in the tables below.
Stator description
General description
General description
Data (4) The characteristics of the winding are presented in the tables below.
Winding description
Number of
Coils position
Number Classical coils per
Winding Throw in slot in case
of phases winding type pole per
of two layers
Classical Lap per pole
3 8 4 superimposed
winding winding
Project Save as
Starting Flux The starting project is the Flux project GEOMESH.FLU. This project
project contains:
• the geometry description of the device
• the mesh
Project name The new Flux project is saved under the name of CASE1.FLU.
Introduction This section presents the definition of the physical properties – materials and
regions of the model.
Goal The physical application is defined. The required physical application is the
Steady State AC Magnetic 2D application.
Data The characteristics of the application are presented in the table below.
Depth of the Coils Coefficient
Frequency [Hz] 2D domain type
domain [mm]
50 2D Plane 125 Automatic coefficient
Goal The creation of “material” entities enables the user to assign physical material
properties to face regions.
Data The characteristics of the I/O parameter controlled via scenario are described
in the table below.
Goal Two mechanical sets are created to describe the physics of the motor. It will
define which is fixed and which part is mobile (in rotation or in translation).
Data (1) The characteristics of the mechanical set ROTOR are presented in the table
Type of Axis
Name Mechanical Coordinate Pivot point
set Rotation axis
system First Second
Rotation around one
ROTOR around one XY1 0 0
axis parallel to Oz
Type of kinematics Optional value for slip
Multistatic SLIP
Data (2) The characteristics of the mechanical set STATOR are presented in the table
Data (1) The characteristics of the stranded coil conductors are described in the table
Data (2) The characteristics of the inductors are described in the table below.
Components Values
L1, L2, L3 4.04 mH
Data (3) The characteristics of the voltage sources are described in the table below.
Data (4) The characteristics of the squirrel cage are described in the table below.
Number of
Components R end ring L end ring
SQUIRRELCAGE_1 10 1.39E-6 Ω 1.06E-8 H
Goal Two face regions are modified in order to describe the physics.
Data The characteristics of the face regions are described in the table below.
Face region
Material of Mechanical
Name of region Type of region
region set
Magnetic non
conducting region
Magnetic non
conducting region
Goal Eight face regions are modified in order to describe the physics.
Data The characteristics of the face regions are described in the table below.
Face region
Goal Four face regions are modified in order to describe the physics.
Data The characteristics of the face regions are described in the table below.
Face region
Region Number
Series or Mechanical
Name of region Type of region Compo of Turns Orientation
parallel set
Coil conductor
PHASE_NEG_1 B1 104 Negative series STATOR
Coil conductor
PHASE_NEG_3 B3 208 Negative series STATOR
Coil conductor
PHASE_POS_1 B1 104 Positive series STATOR
Coil conductor
PHASE_POS_2 B2 208 Positive series STATOR
Goal Ten face regions are modified in order to describe the physics.
Data The characteristics of the face regions are described in the table below.
Face region
Save Case1
Data The characteristics of the solving scenario used to solve the CASE1 are
presented in the tables below:
Solving scenario
Solving scenario
Parameter control
Type Lower Higher
parameter Method Step value
limit limit
ANGPOS_ROTOR 0 18 Step value 0.5
Action Solve and save the project under the following conditions:
• Solve with: solving scenario INITIAL_POSITION
• Project name: CASE1_SOLVED
Solving Solve
Introduction This section explains how to analyze the principal results of CASE 1.
Goal The values of the electromagnetic torque versus the angular position of the
rotor are computed and displayed in a curve
Note The torque is ranging from 7.69 N.m to 8.85 N.m due to slot effect. The
average value of torque is 8.16 Nm, and this value is corresponding to a rotor
position of 1.143°. This value will be used in order to directly compute the
average torque with the torque menu.
Goal The values of the current versus the angular position of the rotor are
computed and displayed in a curve
Case 2 The goal of this simulation is to obtain the main quantities of the machine as
function of the slip. Results will be shown as 2D plots with the slip as a
varying parameter. The rotor will be lined up with the average value of the
torque (1.143°).
Starting Flux The starting project is the Flux project CASE1_SOLVED.FLU. This project
project contains:
• the geometry description of the device
• the mesh
• the initial physical description of the motor
• the case1 solved
New project All the CASE1_SOLVED results are deleted. The Flux project is then saved
under the name of CASE2.FLU
Data The characteristics of the solving scenario used to solve the CASE 2 are
presented in the tables below:
Name Comment
CHARACTERISTICS Study using geometrical and physical parameter
Solving scenario
Parameter control
Type Lower Higher Variation
parameter Step value
limit limit Method
0.001 0.010 List of steps
0.01 0.05 Step value 0.002
0.05, 0.07,
Multi- 0.09, 0.12,
values 0.15, 0.18,
0.05 1.0 List of steps 0.20, 0.22,
0.25, 0.30,
0.40, 0.60,
0.80, 1.0
Action Solve and save the project under the following conditions:
• Solve with: solving scenario CHARACTERISTICS
• Project name: CASE2_SOLVED
Solving Solve
Introduction This section explains how to analyze the principal results of CASE 2.
Goal Load and run a macro in order to calculate iron losses with Bertotti model, for
each value of the variation parameter SLIP of the considered scenario.
At the end, this macro create an I/O parameter “BertottiLosses” which can be
used to make a power balance.
Data (1) The computation of magnetic losses based on the flux density chart uses the
following characteristics of laminations:
• Hysteresis loss coefficient kh = 306.5 Ws/T2m3
• classical losses coefficient σ = 4500000 Ω-1m-1
• loss in excess coefficient ke = 0.61 Ws1.5/m3/T1.5
• thickness of laminations d = 0.5 mm
• Stacking factor kf = 0.98.
These data correspond to the value p10 = 2.8 W/kg of the magnetic losses
for 1 T and 50 Hz.
Loss in Thickness
Variation Face Hysteresis Classical Fill
Scenario excess of steel
parameter region loss coeff loss coeff factor
coeff iron
SLIP STATOR 306.5 4500000 0.61 5.0e-4 0.98
Goal Create a sensor to calculate the stator joules losses in stator winding.
Data The characteristics of the sensor are presented in the table below :
Goal Create some I/O parameter to help the user to carry out a power balance as a
function of the rotor slip.
Data The characteristics of the I/O parameter defined by a formula are described in
the table below.
About PowerP Function PowerP is postprocessing function; this function is available via the
function command Compute on Physic entity, but this function is not directly
available via the command Parameter I/O / New.
To create the PA parameter, the user can proceed in different ways:
• Write the formula directly in the Expression area as described above
• Recover the python command in the file (included with
• Write the complete formula (with using the formula editor) with the
following information (in the user guide)
PA =-PowerP(V1)-PowerP(V2)-PowerP(V3)
PA =- Real(U(B1)*Conj(I(B1)/2))
- Real(U(B2)*Conj(I(B2)/2))
- Real(U(B3)*Conj(I(B3))/2)
Goal The values of the power balance versus the rotor slip are computed and
displayed in a curve
From the curve Pu(s), we obtain the rated slip value sn = 0.032 corresponding to the
output power equal with the motor rated power Pn.
Goal The values of the efficiency versus rotor slip are computed and displayed in a
Goal The efficiency of the motor can be calculated using the above results.
Result The characteristics of the efficiency computation are presented in the table
Data The characteristics of the motor for steady state rated-load operation are
presented in the table below:
Where :
• Nn is the speed corresponding to the nominal slip (input data)
• Men is determined from predefined Flux menu
Pn Pn
• Mn is defined by Mn = =
ω 2 πf 1 n
• Cos ϕn is the phase of the current in phase1
Goal Select the step of the scenario corresponding to rated-load motor steady state
operation (s = 0.032). Then, the isolines of the vector potential is computed
on the device and isolines are displayed.
Data The characteristics of the step selected are presented in the table below.
Result The following chart shows the isolines of the vector potential (An) on the
device (slip = 0.032).
Goal The magnetic flux density is computed on the device (excluding vacuum
regions) and isovalues are displayed in color shadings.
Result The following chart shows the isovalues of the magnetic flux density on the
device (s=0.032)
Goal Compute and display isovalues of the current density in rotor bars.
Data (1) The characteristics of the new spatial group are presented below.
Spatial Group
Spatial group
Name Comment
Type Face regions
Face region …
CAGE1_BAR group
Result The following chart shows the isovalues of the current density on the bars for
rated-load operation (s = 0.032).
Goal The values of the electromagnetic torque versus rotor slip are computed and
displayed in a curve
Result (2) The characteristics of the motor for steady state rated-load operation are
presented in the table below:
Goal The case 4 is initialized with case 2 final configuration. For that :
• Select the step of the scenario corresponding to rated speed
• Create transient startup file from the case 2 post-processed project
• Select this file in case 4 application.
Data (1) The characteristics of the step selected are presented in the table below.
Data (2) The characteristics of the transient startup file are presented in the table
R1 Lσ1 R2 ’ Lσ2’
Lm Rm R2’(1-s)/s
Starting Flux The starting project is the Flux project CASE2_SOLVED.FLU. This project
project contains:
• the geometry description of the device
• the mesh
• the initial physical description of the motor
• the case2 solved
New project All the CASE2_SOLVED results are deleted. The Flux project is then saved
under the name of CASE3.FLU
Introduction This section presents the definition of the physical properties – materials and
regions of the model.
Goal One I/O parameter will be created to define the value of voltage sources
Data The characteristics of the I/O parameter defined via scenario are described in
the table below.
Data The characteristics of the voltage sources are described in the table below.
Data The characteristics of the solving scenario used to solve the CASE 3 are
presented in the tables below:
Solving scenario
Name Comment
LOCKED_ROTOR Study using geometrical and physical parameters
Solving scenario
Parameter control
Type Lower Higher Step
parameter Method
limit limit value
ANGPOS_ROTOR Mono-value 1.143
SLIP Mono-value 1.0
V_SUPPLY Multi-values 60.0 120.0 2.0
Action Solve and save the project under the following conditions:
• Solve with: solving scenario LOCKED_ROTOR
• Project name: CASE3_SOLVED
Solving Solve
Introduction (1) This section explains how to analyze the principal results of CASE 3 for
locked-rotor conditions.
Introduction (2) This section explains how to analyze the principal results of CASE 3
for no-load conditions. For this post-processing, the user will open the
CASE2_POSTPROCESSED, and will analyze a particular case when
s = 0.001.
Introduction (3) This section explains how to obtain the different parameters of the equivalent
electric circuit of the induction motor.
Goal Create some I/O parameters to help the user to represent the rms value of the
current in a 2D curve.
Data The characteristics of the I/O parameter defined by a formula are described in
the table below.
Goal The values of the rms current versus the voltage supply is displayed
For the value of nominal current (8.48 A), the corresponding voltage supply is
94.478 V.
Goal The values of the active power versus the voltage supply is displayed
For a voltage supply of 94.478 V, the corresponding active power is 941.4 Watts.
Goal The values of the joule losses in stator core versus the voltage supply is
Result The 2D Curve of the joule losses in stator core is shown below.
For a voltage supply of 94.478 V, the corresponding stator joule losses is 332.77
Result The following chart shows the isovalues of the magnetic flux density on the
device for locked-rotor operation (s = 1.0).
Goal Compute and display isovalues of the current density in rotor bars.
Data (1) The characteristics of the new spatial group are presented below.
Spatial Group
Spatial group
Name Comment
Type Face regions
Face region …
CAGE1_BAR group
Result The following chart shows the isovalues of the current density on the bars for
for locked-rotor operation (s = 1.0).
Goal The goal of this part is to compute the no-load currents when the motor is
supplied at rated voltage, in order to compute the magnetizing reactance and
the iron loss resistance of the equivalent electric circuit of the machine.
For this post-processing, the user will open the CASE2_POSTPROCESSED,
and will analyze a particular case when s = 0.001.
Action (1) Open the CASE2_POSTPROCESSED and select the time step.
Complements/ Please note: In order to calculate the current in this project (CASE2), it is
action (2) necessary to create the I_RMS parameter in this project (CASE2) as it is
created in the current project (CASE3).
Repeat steps described in section 5.3.1 “Create I/O Parameters (CASE3)”, in
this Flux project (CASE2).
Data The characteristics of the computation are presented in the table below
Computed formula
Name f()
Results of computation
Label Value
I_RMS 3.5926
Goal The goal is to compute the iron losses in the stator core to obtain the value of
the iron loss resistance for the equivalent electric circuit of the machine.
Data The characteristics of the computation are presented in the table below
Computed formula
Name f()
Results of computation
Label Value
The isolines of the vector potential (An) is computed on the device and
isolines are displayed.
Result The following chart shows the isolines of the vector potential (An) on the
device for no-load operation (s = 0.001).
Goal The magnetic flux density is computed on the device (excluding vacuum
regions) and isovalues are displayed in color shadings.
Result The following chart shows the isovalues of the magnetic flux density on the
device for no-load operation (s = 0.001).
The parameters of the rotor electric circuit for locked-rotor conditions are
computed as follows:
P = 3R 1I12n
• the Joule losses in the stator winding, j1 ;
P = sPe = s( P1 − P j1 )
• the Joule losses in the rotor circuit, j2 ;
• the rotor resistance referred to the stator, R '2 = j22 = 2.386Ω ;
• the rotor leakage inductance referred to the stator,
1 U
L'σ 2 = ( 1 ) 2 - ( R 1 + R '2 ) 2 − L σ1 = 0.02492 H ;
2πf 1n I 1n
3U e21 3U12n
Rm = ≅ = 4.598 kΩ
Pm 0 Pm 0
1 U 1n
Lm = − R 1 − L σ1 = 0.326 H
2 πf 1n I
Starting Flux The starting project is the Flux project CASE3_SOLVED.FLU. This project
project contains:
• the geometry description of the device
• the mesh
• the initial physical description of the motor
• the case3 solved
New project All the CASE3_SOLVED results are deleted. The Flux project is then saved
under the name of CASE4.FLU
Introduction This section presents the definition of the physical properties – materials and
regions of the model.
Goal After deleting the case 3 physical application, the case 4 physical application
is defined. The required physical application is the Transient magnetic 2D
Data The characteristics of the application are presented in the table below.
Data (1) The characteristics of the ROTOR mechanical set are presented in the table
Type of
Name Coordinate Pivot point
Mechanical set Rotation axis
system First Second
Rotation around
Rotation around
ROTOR one axis parallel XY1 0 0
one axis
to Oz
Type of General
kinematics Velocity (RPM) Position at t=0
Imposed speed 2898 1.143
Data (2) The characteristics of the mechanical set STATOR are presented in the table
V1 B1 L1
V2 B2 L2
V3 B3 L3
Data (1) The characteristics of the stranded coil conductors are described in the table
Data (2) The characteristics of the inductors are described in the table below.
Components Values
L1, L2, L3 4.04 mH
Data (3) The characteristics of the voltage sources are described in the table below.
Components Formula
V1 380*sqrt(2)*Sin(2*Pi()*50*TIME+0)
V2 380*sqrt(2)*Sin(2*Pi()*50*TIME-2*Pi()/3)
V3 380*sqrt(2)*Sin(2*Pi()*50*TIME+2*Pi()/3)
Data (4) The characteristics of the squirrel cage are described in the table below.
Goal Two face regions are modified in order to describe the physics.
Data The characteristics of the face regions are described in the table below.
Face region
Material of Mechanical
Name Type of region
region set
Magnetic non
conducting region
Magnetic non
conducting region
Goal Eight face regions are modified in order to describe the physics.
Data The characteristics of the face regions are described in the table below.
Face region
Goal Four face regions are modified in order to describe the physics.
Data The characteristics of the face regions are described in the table below.
Face region
conductor Number Series or Mechanic
Name Type of region Orientation
region of Turns parallel al set
Coil conductor
PHASE_NEG_1 B1 104 Negative series STATOR
Coil conductor
PHASE_NEG_3 B3 208 Negative series STATOR
Coil conductor
PHASE_POS_1 B1 104 Positive series STATOR
Coil conductor
PHASE_POS_2 B2 208 Positive series STATOR
Goal Ten face regions are modified in order to describe the physics.
Data The characteristics of the face regions are described in the table below.
Face region
Material of Type of Mechanic
Name of region Type of region solid
region conductor al set
Solid conductor region ALU_HOT Circuit BAR_1 ROTOR
Solid conductor region ALU_HOT Circuit BAR_2 ROTOR
Solid conductor region ALU_HOT Circuit BAR_3 ROTOR
Solid conductor region ALU_HOT Circuit BAR_4 ROTOR
Solid conductor region ALU_HOT Circuit BAR_5 ROTOR
Solid conductor region ALU_HOT Circuit BAR_6 ROTOR
Solid conductor region ALU_HOT Circuit BAR_7 ROTOR
Solid conductor region ALU_HOT Circuit BAR_8 ROTOR
Solid conductor region ALU_HOT Circuit BAR_9 ROTOR
Solid conductor region ALU_HOT Circuit BAR_10 ROTOR
Save Case4
Goal A solving scenario with a control of the time is created in order to solve
Data The characteristics of the solving scenario are presented in the tables below
Solving scenario
Solving scenario
Parameter control
Type Lower Higher
parameter Method Step value
limit limit
TIME - 0 0.11 Step value 2.5E-4
Action Solve and save the project under the following conditions:
• Solve with: solving scenario RATED_LOAD
• Project name: CASE4_SOLVED
Solving Solve
Introduction This section explains how to analyze the principal results of CASE 4
Goal The value of electromagnetic torque versus TIME are computed and
displayed in a curve.
Because of the initialization with a transient file at time t = 0 s, the user must
check that the initial value of the curve is equal to the torque value calculated
for slip = 0.032 with the steady state model (see Case 2: Results post-
processing, page 56).
For slip = 0.032, the torque value calculated with the steady state model was 24.13
N.m. With the transient model, the first value is 26.2 N.m
Goal The value of current bar rotor versus TIME are computed and displayed in a
Initialization For the same reason at time t = 0 s, the user must check that the initial value
value of the curve is equal to the value calculated for slip = 0.032 with the steady
state model.
In the case of the bar number 10, the current calculated with the steady state
model is:
• 512 A for the magnitude
• 3.0744 rd for the phase.
By consequent, the first value for the transient model should be equal to 512 *
sin(3.0744) = 34.78 A
With the transient model, we found the first value at t = 0 : 34.77 A.
Goal The value of current bar rotor versus TIME are computed and displayed in a
Initialization For the same reason at time t = 0 s, the user must check that the initial value
value of the curve is equal to the value calculated for slip = 0.032 with the steady
state model.
In the case of the phase 1, the current value with the steady state model is :
• 11.969 A for the magnitude
• 2.547 rd for the phase.
By consequent, the first value for the transient model should be equal to
11.969 * sin(2.547) = 6.7 A
With the transient model, we found a first value at t = 0 equal to 6.13 A.
Starting Flux The starting project is the Flux project CASE4_SOLVED.FLU. This project
project contains:
• the geometry description of the device
• the mesh
• the initial physical description of the motor
• the case3 solved
New project All the CASE4_SOLVED results are deleted. The Flux project is then saved
under the name of CASE5.FLU
Introduction This section presents the definition of the physical properties – materials and
regions of the model.
Goal The physical application is modified. The required physical application is the
Transient magnetic 2D application.
Data The characteristics of the application are presented in the table below.
Transient initialization
2D domain type Depth of the domain
With zero initial solution
2D Plane 125
(variables set to 0)
Goal One I/O parameter will be created to define the rated load condition and
others to define the short circuit condition
Data The characteristics of the I/O parameters defined by a formula are described
in the table below.
Data The characteristics of the "ROTOR" mechanical set are described in the table
Mechanical set
Type of Pivot point
Name Coordinate
mechanical set Rotation axis coordinates
first second
Rotation around
Rotation around
ROTOR one axis parallel XY1 0 0
one axis
to Oz
Type of
kinematics Velocity at t = 0s
Position at t = 0s
Coupled load 0 0.0
Internal characteristics
Type of
kinematics Moment of inertia Resistive
Type of load
(kg.m2) torque (N.m)
Inertia and
Coupled load 0.034 0.0
resistive torque
External characteristics
Type of
kinematics Moment of inertia Resistive
Type of load
(kg.m2) torque (N.m)
Inertia and
Coupled load 0.0 DRAG_TORQUE
resistive torque
Goal Two face regions are modified in order to describe the short-circuit
Data The characteristics of the face regions are described in the table below.
Face region
Name of conductor Number of Mechanica
Type of region Orientation or
region region turns l set
PHASE_ Coil conductor N_PHASE_
B1 Negative Series STATOR
NEG_1 region 1
PHASE_ Coil conductor N_PHASE_
B1 Positive Series STATOR
region 1
Data The characteristics of the stranded coil conductor are described in the table
Goal A solving scenario with a control of the time is created in order to solve
Data The characteristics of the solving scenario are presented in the tables below
Solving scenario
Solving scenario
Parameter control
Type Lower Higher Variation
parameter Step value
limit limit method
TIME - 0 0.8 Step value 0.0005
Action Solve and save the project under the following conditions:
• Solve with: solving scenario STARTING_LOAD_FAULT
• Project name: CASE5_SOLVED
Solving Solve
Introduction This section explains how to analyze the principal results of CASE 5