Chapter 1
Numbers Systems
In this chapter we will summarise the concepts and techniques that most students will already
understand and extend them in to further developments in mathematics. Indeed, there are three
areas where you are already process considerable knowledge
• numbers
• functions
• algebra
These areas are vital to making process in engineering mathematics (indeed they solve
many important problems in engineering). We aim to consolidate that knowledge, aim to make
it more precise and to develop it.
Mathematics has now developed from primitive arithmetic and geometry and is now a vast
body of knowledge. The most ancient mathematical skill is that of counting, first in the form
of the natural numbers and later integers. The term natural numbers refers to the set N =
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, · · · }while the term integers to the set Z = {· · ·, −4, −
3, −
2, −1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, · · · } .
The integers can be represented as equally spaced points on the number line as shown in Fig-
ure 1.1. The set of all points (ie not only those represented by integers) represents the real
numbers, it is denoted by the symbol R. A real number which can be written √as the ratio of two
integers is called a rational number eg 13 and − 57 . Other numbers like π and 2 which can not
be expressed in this way are called irrational numbers
In a computer integers can be stored exactly but real numbers can only be stored to a
limited number of figures. Computer languages often distinguish between integer values and
variables and real values and variables.
The following are known as the fundamental rules of arithmetic
• Commutative law of addition a + b = b + a
• Commutative law of multiplication a × b = b × a
• Associative law of addition (a + b) + c = a + (b + c)
• Associative law of multiplication (a × b) × c = a × (b × c)
• Distributive law of multiplication over addition and subtraction (a±b)×c = (a×c)±(b×c)
• Distributive law of division over addition and subtraction (a ± b) ÷ c = (a ÷ c) ± (b ÷ c)
The above operations are called binary because they associate with every two members of the
set or real numbers a unique and third member.
The devision of two numbers a b÷ is frequently written as a/b or a .b When a and b are
integers we call ab a fraction and refer to a as the numerator and b as the denominator. Fractions
are classified as either proper fractions or improper fractions. When deciding whether a fraction is
proper or improper, we ignore negative signs in the numerator or denominator. A proper
fraction is when the numerator is less than the denominator, a improper fraction is when the
numerator is
greater than the denominator. Examples of proper fractions are 21 and 100 99
, examples or improper
3 100
fractions are and . For further information on fractions please refer to the references at the
2 89
end of this chapter.
The next operation involving real numbers is that of powering. For example a× a is written
as a2 and a ×a a as a3, In general the product of n a’s is written as an. We call n the index or
exponent. Operations obey the simple rules
• an × am = an+m
• an ÷ am = an−m
• (an)m = anm
As a consequence of these rules we have (a1/n)n = a, a0 = 1 and a1/n = n a. In contract
to binary operations, the powering operator (· )r only operates on one element and so is called a
unary operation.
An order of precedence is observed
• the operation (·)r is performed first
• then × or ÷
• then + or −
When two operators of equal precedence are adjacent to each other, the left hand rule is
applied. The precedence is over written by brackets.
The number line makes a further property of real numbers, that of ordering, which enables
us to make statements like “seven is greater than one” or “five is less than ten”. This is made
possible by the comparison symbols > “greater than” and < “less than”. Other comparison
symbols that we commonly use are = “equal to”, =/ “not equal to”, ≥ “greater or equal to” and
≤ “less than or equal to”. Common rules are
• Rule 1 (a < b) and (c < d) implies a + c < b + d
• Rule 2 (a < b) and (c > d) implies a − c < b − d
• Rule 3 (a < b) and (b < c) implies a < c and a < b implies a + c < b + c
• Rule 4 (a < b) and (c > 0) implies ac < bc
• Rule 5 (a < b) and (c < 0) implies ac > bc
• Rule 6 (a < b) and (ab > 0) impliesa 1 > b1
Find the value of x for which
1 (1.1)
Solution 2− x
When 2 − x > 0, that is when x < 2, we can use Rule 4, where we multiply by 2 − x to give
1 < (2 − x)
which reduces to x < 1. Which means that is satisfied when x < 2 and x < 1, that is when
x < 1.
We now consider 2 − x < 0, that is when x > 2. we use Rule 5, where we multiply by 2 − x to
1 > (2 − x)
so that is satisfied when x > 1 and x > 2, that is when x > 2. Thus the inequality is satisfied for values of x such that x > 2 or x
The size of a real number x is called its modulus and is denoted by |x|
x if x ≥ 0
|x| =
−x if x < 0
Geometrically speaking |x| is the distance on the number line from the point representing 0, Sim-
ilarly |x − a| is the distance of the point representing x on the number line from that representing
The set of numbers between two numbers a and b say, defines the open interval. This is
set x : a < x < b, x in R
the { } and is usually denoted by (a, b). Here we use the notation {x : P
which means that each value } x of the set has the property P . An interval that includes the
two end points is called a closed interval denoted by [a, b] with
[a, b] = {x : a ≤ x ≤ b, x in R}
Express the set {x : |x + 2| < 5, x in R} as an interval.
First we note that we can write |x + 2| < 5 as |x − (−2)| < 5, which means that the distance of
the point x on the number line from the point representing −2 is less than 5 units. This implies
that −5 < x + 2 < 5 which means that −7 < x < 3 and the set of numbers which satisfy the
inequality is the open interval (−7, 3)
We close this section with some miscellaneous results using the modulus
• |xy| = |x||y|
• |x| < a with a > 0 implies −a < x < a
• |x + y| ≤ |x| + |y| which is called the Triangular inequality.
• 12 (x + y) ≥ xy when x ≥ 0 and y ≥ 0
y = mx + c, (1.2)
which, when displayed graphically, is a straight line graph where c is the y–intercept and m =
∆y y −y is its gradient. A range of elementary physics can be described by such equations.
∆x = x−2 x
2 1
We should
1 also be familiar with quadratic equations of the form
y = ax2 + bx + c, (1.3)
which has a curved graph where c is the y–intercept, a controls whether the quadratic opens
upwards (a > 0) or downwards (a < 0) as well as the speed of increase of the quadratic and
b controls the location of the vertex. Quadratic equations frequently occur in engineering. A
common task involves finding the zeros or roots of a quadratic equation that correspond to the
values of x for which y is zero, ie the location(s) at which the graph passes through the x axis.
In order to find a formula for the general roots of a quadratic equation we note the rearrange-
ax2 + bx + c = b b2
x+ +c− (1.4)
which is known as completing the square.
We can use completing the square to obtain a formula for the general roots of a quadratic
equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 with a /= 0
2 2
b c b
x+ + =
2a a 2a by completing the square
2 b −c b2 − 4ac
x+ b =
2a 2a a 4a2
b √
x+ = ± b2 − 4ac
2a 2a
−b ± b2 − (1.5)
x = 4ac
This equation gives rise to the following implications
• For b2 > 4ac we have two real roots
• For b2 = 4ac we have one repeated root
• For b2 < 4ac we have no real roots.
Determine the roots of the quadratic equation
x2 + 3x + 2 = 0
To find the roots we simply apply equation with a = 1, b = 3 and c = 2
−3 ±3 −2 4(2) −3 ± 1
x= = = −1 or − 2
2 2
A function is essentially a way of mathematically expressing the dependence of the value of
one quantity, the dependent variable upon another variable, the independent variable. Here
quantity can be many different concepts, but in each case we have two different sets X and
Y and a rule that assigns to each element x in the set X precisely one element y from the set Y .
Whenever this is the case we say that there is a function that maps set X to the set Y . This is
→ ways f : x
written in one of two y or y = f (x). Engineers prefer the second method while
mathematicians the first. In the second case the value or variable win the parenthesis is called
the argument of the function.
The set X is called the domain of the function. The set Y is called the codomain of the
function. Knowing the size and type of functions in important in computing. In this case it is
the type of variables (eg real or integer) and their size that is important. When y = f (x), y is
said to be the image of x under f . The set of all images y = f (x), x in X is called the image set or
range of f .
The rule giving f is completely determined if we know f (x) and consequently in engineering
it is common to refer to the function as f (x) instead of f . Likewise we regard y = f (x) as a
variable. However, while x can freely take any value from the set X, the variable y = f (x)
depends on the particular element chosen for x. x is therefore called the independent variable
and y is the dependent variable. Graphical representation is obtained by plotting the graph of x
against y. It should be obvious that y = f (x) = ax + b and y = f (x) = ax2 + bx + c are linear
and quadratic functions, respectively.
It is worth noting the following points
• In the definition of the function, each input gives rise to exactly one output.
• It is possible for two or more inputs of a function to give rise to the the same output. A
function which has the special property that different inputs gives rise to different outputs
is said to be one to one or injective.
• It is possible for one or more elements of the codomain of a function which are not
outputs for a function. A function which has that has the special property that every
element of its codomain is an output (ie whose range is the whole of its codomain) is said
to be on to or surjective.
• A function which is both injective and surjective is called
bijective. Example
The following relationship can be used to convert temperature measured in degrees Celsius (oC),
T1, in to degrees Fahrenheit (oF ), T2
T2 = T1 + 32
If we now interpret this as a function with T1 as the independent variable and T2 as the
dependent variable
Inverse functions
Sometimes we need to express the function in the reverse sense. For example given the function
T2 = f (T1) = T1 + 32 (1.6)
where T2 is the temperature in Fahrenheit and T1 is the temperature in degrees Celsius. Rear-
ranging gives
T1 = g(T2) = (T2 − 32) (1.7)
which reverses the operation performed by the function T2 = f (T1) and for this reason it is
called the inverse function of f (T1). Strictly speaking, this formula is valid for all values of
T2 459.688.
≥ In general the inverse of a function f is a function that reverses the operation
− out by f . It is denoted by f −1. So if y = f (x) we have that x = f −1(y) where y = f
(x). In the above example where T2 = f (T1) then T1 = f −1(T2).
In the definition of the function y = f (x) we called x the independent variable and y the
dependent variable. However, if we consider the inverse function, the independent variable x
for f acts as the dependent variable for f −1 and correspondingly the dependent variable for f
becomes the independent variable for f −1.
Obtain the inverse function of y = f (x) = 15 (4x − 3)
We rearrange y = f (x) = (4x1 − 3) to make the subject
x = f −1(y) = 1 (5y + 3)
then interchanging the variables x and y gives
y = f −1(x) = 1 (5x + 3)
In turns out that for all bijective functions, ie functions that have the property that they are
injective and surjective, have an inverse. The functions we considered above have this property.
Sometimes the domain and codomain of the functions are such that the function is not injec-
tive and surjective and it is necessary to redefine the codomain and domain so as to construct a
bijective function which has an inverse. We will discuss this further in the context of circular
Composite functions
In many practical applications the mathematical model will involve several different functions.
For example, the kinetic energy of a moving particle is a function of velocity, so that T = F (v).
Also the velocity is a function of time v = g(t), by eliminating v we have
If f (x) = x2 + 2x and y = g(x) = x + 1 obtain the composite functions f (g(x)) and g(f (x))
To obtain the composite function f (g(x)) replace x in the expression for f (x) by g(x) giving
To obtain the composite function g(f (x)) replace x in the expression for g(x) by f (x) giving
• Real and integer numbers and the number line. Croft and Davison [pg3, 54-57]. James
(customised and fourth edition) [pg 2]
• Revision of fractions. Croft and Davison [pg 17-31].
• Fundamentals of arithmetic, algebra. Croft and Davison [pg 3-14, 55-129, 200-228]. James
(customised and fourth edition) [pg3-6, 12-37].
• Open and closed intervals, Modulus. Croft and Davison [pg 55]. James (customised and
fourth edition) [pg 8].
• Inequalities. Croft and Davison [pg 238-247]. James (customised and fourth edition) [pg
• Functions (Introduction to). Croft and Davison [pg 132-157]. James (customised and
fourth edition) [pg 64-82].
Chapter 2
Elementary Functions
Polynomial Functions
A polynomial function has the general form
f (x) = anxn + an−1xn−1 + · · · + a1x + a0 (2.1)
where n is the a positive integer, ar is a real number called the coefficient of xr, r = 0, 1,· · · , n.
The index n of the highest power of x occurring in f (x) is called the degree. For n = 1 we
obtain the linear function
f (x) = a1x + a0 (2.2)
for n = 2 we get the quadratic function
Find values of A, B and C to ensure that x2 + 1 = A(x − 1) + B(x + 2) + C(x2 + 2) for all
values of x.
We first gather the appropriate terms together on the right hand side
C = 1A + B = 0 — A + 2B + 2C = 1
We now have (x − 1) multiplied by g(x) = (x2 − 2x + 4). To see if we can simplify this further,
we need to find the zeros of g(x). The zeros of g(x) are the roots of the quadratic equation
(x2 − 2x + 4) = 0 which we can find using equation (
2 ±4 − 4(4)
In this case we see that are no real roots as √4 − 16 = √−12 is not defined. Therefore (x2 −
2x + 4) is an irreducible quadratic term and our factorised solution is
x3 − 3x2 + 6x − 4 = (x − 1)(x2 − 2x + 4)
Rational Functions
Rational functions have the general form
f (x) = p(x)
where p(x) and q(x) are polynomials. If the degree of p is less than the degree of q it is known
as proper otherwise it is known as improper. An improper rational function can always be
expressed as a polynomial plus a rational function, e.g.
x3 x
=x− (2.7)
x2 + 1 x2 + 1
A proper rational function can always be expressed as a sum of simpler functions whose
denom- inator are linear or quadratic irreducible factors, e.g.
x2 + 1 1 1 4x + 7
2 = + + (2.8)
(1 + x)(1 − x)(2 + 2x + x ) 1 + x 5(1 − x) 5(2 + 2x +
these functions are called partial functions of the rational function and are often useful in the
mathematical analysis of engineering systems.
1. Factorise q(x) fully into linear and irreducible quadratic factors, collecting together all
like factors.
2. Each linear factor ax + b in q(x) will give rise to a fraction of the type
ax +
where A remains to be found. If there are repeated linear factor (ax + b)n, they will
give rise to n fractions of the type
A1 A2 A3 An
+ + +···+
ax + (ax + (ax + (ax + b)n (2.10)
where A1, A2, · · · , An remain to be found. Each irreducible quadratic factor ax2 + bx + c
in q(x) will give rise to a fraction of the type
Cx + D
ax2 + bx +
where C and D remain to be found. Sum all fractions together.
3. If the degree of p(x) is n and the degree of q(x) is m and n≥m then the function is
improper and an additional polynomial of the form B1 + B2x +· · · of degree n − m must
be added to the sum of factors.
4. Put p(x)
equal to the sum of all the factors involved.
5. Multiply both sides of the equation by q(x) to obtain an identity involving a polynomial
on both the left and right hand side of the equals sign. The multiplying constants may be
found from this identity.
6. To find the coefficients the following technique may be used: Compare the coefficients
of like powers of x on both sides of the identity. Starting with highest and working
towards the lowest power usually makes it easier.
7. Check the result by using a test value for x.
Express3xas a partial fraction.
We first write the rational fraction as a sum of simple fractions
3x A B
= +
(x − 1)(x + 2)(x − 1)(x + 2)
We then multiply both the top and bottom by (x − 1)(x + 2) and gather terms in x1 and x0.
3x = A(x + 2) + B(x − 1) = (A + B)x + (2A − B)
comparing coefficients of powers of x gives
3=A+B 0 = 2A − B
3x 1 2
= +
(x − 1)(x + 2)(x − 1)(x + 2)
Express 3x2
as a partial fraction.
In this case the numerator is the same degree as the denominator so we write
3x2 B C
(x − 1)(x + 2) = A + +
(x − 1)(x + 2)
Multiplying both sides by (x − 1)(x + 2) and gathering similar terms yields
3x2 = A(x − 1)(x + 2) + B(x + 2) + C(x − 1) = Ax2 + (B + C + A)x + (−2A + 2B − C)
comparing coefficients of powers of x gives
Circular Functions
There are two approaches to the definition of circular or trigonometric functions, one
approach is static the other is dynamic. The static approach began with practical problems of
surveying and gave rise to triangles and measurement we call trigonometry. We consider a right
angle triangle ABC, where ∠CAB is the right–angle. Thus using Figure 2.1 we have
Figure 2.1: Right angled triangle
c opposite
sin θ = = (2.12)
a hypotenuse
b adjacent
cos θ = = (2.13)
a hypotenuse
c opposite
tan θ = = (2.14)
b adjacent
This is extended to non –right angled triangles by using the sine and cosine rules
a b c
sin A = sin B = sin
C Sine Rule (2.15)
where the side lengths and angles are as displayed in Figure 2.2. The dynamic definition of the
functions arises from considering the motion of a point around a circle.
It is common in many aspects of engineering to measure angles in radians rather than degrees.
As standard we write
180o = πradians (2.17)
which we use to convert degrees to radians and vice versa. For angles measured in degrees it
is possible to compute the arc and segment of a circle are shown in Figure 2.3. These may be
computed as
but only when θ is the angle in radians.
(a) (b)
Figure 2.3: Illustration of (a) an arc and (b) the segment of a circle
(a) (b)
The graph of sin θ shown in Figure 2.4. replicates itself at intervals of 2π radians (or 360
degrees) we can write
sin(θ + 2πk) = sin θ k = 0, ±1, ±2 (2.20)
sin θ is said to be periodic with period 2π. The function f (x) = sin x is an example of an
odd function, which has the property f (x)—= − − f ( −x) for all x, ie sin
x= sin( x).
The graph of cos θ is shown in Figure 2.5. Again the function is periodic with period 2π
Figure 2.5: Graphs of cos θ for (a) −2π ≤ θ ≤ 0 and (b) 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π
V = {y ∈ R : −1 ≤ y ≤ 1} (2.23)
In order to set about defining a function which is bijective we first cut the codomain from R to
V . Having done this, there remains an infinite number of ways in which the domain of f can be
cut down to make f a bijective function with codoamin V . It is customary to cut down the size
Figure 2.7: Diagram showing in which quadrant the circular functions are positive
of the domain of f from R to
, π π,
U = x∈R:− ≤x≤ (2.24)
2 2
The graph of y = f (x) = sin x for this bijective function is shown in Figure 2.8 (left).
For the above bijective function there exists an inverse function. This inverse function is
known as the inverse sine function and is denoted by sin−1 or arcsin. The graph of the inverse
sine function is shown in Figure 2.8 (right). Note that sin π
is defined only for real numbers
between −1 and 1 inclusive. It takes all values between − and π exactly once but does not take
2 2
any values outside that closed interval.
sin x sin−1 x
Figure 2.8: Diagram showing the y = sin x with domain x ∈ U and codomain y V and its
corresponding inverse function y = sin−1 x
V = {y ∈ R : −1 ≤ y ≤ 1} (2.25)
We first cut down the codomain from R to V , In the case of the cosine function, it is customary
to cut down the size of the domain of f from R to
W = {x ∈ R : 0 ≤ x ≤ π} (2.26)
The graph of y = f (x) = cos x for this bijective function is shown in Figure 2.9 (left).
For the above bijective function there exists an inverse function. This inverse function is
known as the inverse cosine function and is denoted by cos−1 or arccos. The graph of the
inverse cosine function is shown in Figure 2.9 (right). Note that cos−1 is defined only for real
numbers between − 1 and 1 inclusive. It takes all values between 0 and π exactly once but does
not take any values outside that closed interval.
cos x cos−1 x
Figure 2.9: Diagram showing the y = cos x with domain x ∈ W and codomain y V and its
corresponding inverse function y = cos−1 x
tan x tan−1 x
Figure 2.10: Diagram showing the y = tan x with domain x ∈ S and codomain y R and
its corresponding inverse function y = tan−1 x
This function is surjective but not injective. As the range is the same as the codomain of the
function and we only need to cut down the size of the domain from X to
, π π,
S= x∈R:− <x< (2.28)
2 2
The graph of y = f (x) = tan x for this bijective function is shown in Figure 2.10 (left).
For the above bijective function there exists an inverse function. This inverse function is
known as the inverse tangent function and is denoted by tan−1 or arctan. The graph of the
inverse tangent function is shown in Figure 2.10 (right). Note that tan−1 is defined for all real
numbers. It takes all values between − π2 and π2 but not − 2π or 2π themselves and also does not
take values outside this open interval.
sec θ = 1 1 1
cosec θ = cot θ (2.29)
cos θ sin θ = tan θ
Note that these functions are quite different from the inverse functions and in particular sec θ
cos−1 θ, cosecθ =/ sin−1 θ and cot θ /= tan−1 θ. We state also the triangle identities
Solve 2 sin2 x − 3 sin x + 1 = 0 for 0 ≤ x ≤ 2π
We first recognise that this is quadratic equation in sin x. Writing λ = sin x we have
2λ2 − 3λ + 1 = 0
Figure 2.11: Graphs of a selection of exponential functions
Express y = 4 sin 3t − 3 cos 3t in the form y = A sin(3t + α)
We use the identity sin(x + y) = sin x cos y + sin y cos x and write
leading to the two conditions A cos α = 4 and A sin α = −3. Squaring and adding these equa-
tions gives
A2 cos2 α + A2 sin2 α = A2 = 16 + 9 = 25
Thus A = ±5. Choosing A = 5 and dividing the the two previously found conditions gives
A sin α 3
= tan α = −
A cos α 4
Now as we have chosen A to be positive, cos α must be positive and sin α must be negative and hence α lies
y = 5 sin(3t − 0.64)
This number is chosen since the graph y = ex has the property that the slope of the tangent at
any point of the curve is equal to the value of the function at the point. The domain and
codomain of this function is R and its range is R+ (the set of real positive numbers). This
exponential function has the following properties
ex1 ex2 = ex1 2 (2.45)
ex+c = exec = Aex where A = e c
e 2
= ex −x
ex 2
The exponential function is clearly injective, however it is not surjective. In order to define
its inverse, we first need to make it an injective function, to do this we cut down the codomain
and make it equal to the range of the function R +. This redefinition of the codomain makes the
function bijective so that the inverse function is defined. Its inverse is known as the natural
y = ln x (2.49)
Note that some advanced mathematics text books may refer to this as log x. If y = ex then
x = ln y which implies that ln ex = x and eln y = y.
In the same way that there are many exponential functions (2,3x, 4x etc) there are many loga-
rithmic functions. In general
y = ax gives x = loga y (2.50)
where a > 1 or 0 < a < 1 is the base of the logarithm. Note that log10 is frequently referred
to as simply log x (except in advanced modern mathematics textbooks). It follows that
The natural logarithm is the case where a = e so that loge x = ln x, and thus the above rules also
apply to natural logarithms.
Associated with the exponential functions is a family of functions called the hyperbolic func-
tions. They are defined as follows
ex + sinh x
cosh x sinh x ex − e−x tanh x (2.58)
2 cosh x
= e −x = =
the reason for these names is geometric. They bear the same relationship to a hyperbola as
the circular functions do to the circle. The graphs of the hyperbolic functions are shown in
Figure 2.12.
From these graphs we can observe that the y = cosh x function has domain and codomain R
and range T = {y ∈ R : y ≥ 1}. It can be made surjective by restricting the codomain to
the range and injective by choosing x ≥ 0. The y = sinh x function has domain, codomain and
Figure 2.12: Graphs of sinh x, cosh x and tanh x
R. Hence it is injective and surjective. The y = tanh x function has domain and codomain R but
its range is −1 < y < 1. The function is injective but not surjective. It can be made surjective by
choosing the codomain to be the same as the range.
The inverse hyperbolic functions can then be defined in a natural way
x = cosh−1 y y ≥ 1, x ≥ 0 (2.59)
x = sinh−1 y y in R (2.60)
x = tanh−1 y −1<y<1 (2.61)
where the restrictions on x and y are required in order to make the function bijective (injective
and surjective).
Other hyperbolic functions are defined as
sechx =
cosh x (2.62)
cosechx =
sinh x (x /= 0) (2.63)
cothx = (x 0) (2.64)
tanh x
The hyperbolic functions satisfy a series of relationships which include
Solve the equation 5 cosh x + 3 sinh x = 4
We first express the hyperbolic functions in terms of exponential functions and simplify
where the last equation resulted by multiplying both sides of the equation by ex. This is quadratic equation
x 4 ±16 − 4(4) 1
e =
8 =
Thus ex = 12 and x = ln 12
The first of these two functions is called the signum function and is defined as
+1 (x > 0)
sgn x = − 1 (x < 0) (2.72)
0 (x = 0)
and the second of these two functions is called the Heaviside unit step function, it is defined by
0 (x < 0)
H(x) = 1 (x ≥ 0) (2.73)
sgn x H(x)
Figure 2.14: Graphs of sgn x and H(x) which are examples of discontinuous functions
y → 13 as x → 3 (2.74)
or more commonly as
lim y = 13 (2.75)
Similarly we see that as x approaches −2, y approaches −17 which we write as
lim y = −17 (2.76)
For the function f (x) = 6x − 5 it doesn’t matter whether our chosen values of x are approached
from the left or the right. But this is not true for all functions.
Let us consider the graph of the function
2x + 1 x < 3
y = f (x) = 5 x=3 (2.77)
6 x>3
which we show in Figure 2.16. If x approaches 3 from the left and right we obtain different
Figure 2.16: A graph of the discontinuous function f (x) illustrating the effect of left and right
hand limits
and say that the left-hand limit of y is 7. When x approaches 3 from the right we write
lim y = 6 (2.79)
• Polynomial functions. Croft and Davison [pg 171-175, 220-228]. James (customised and
fourth edition) [pg 87-114]
• Rational functions. Croft and Davison [pg. 184-188, 248-258]. James (customised and
fourth edition) [pg 114-121]
• Circular functions. Croft and Davison [pg 313-420]. James (customised and fourth
edition) [pg 128-151].
• Exponential and logarithmic functions. Croft and Davison [pg. 267-310]. James (cus-
tomised and fourth edition) [152-164].
• Continuous and discontinuous functions. Croft and Davison [pg 161-163, 189-192]. James
(customised and fourth edition) [pg. 170-173]
Chapter 3
The numbers we have encountered so far within these notes have been real numbers. In order to
solve certain types of mathematical problems it is necessary to introduce further numbers.
These numbers are called complex numbers. An important application of complex numbers is
in the analysis of alternating current circuits. In this chapter we shall introduce some of the
properties of complex numbers, we shall revisit them in more detail in EG190.
The Number j
We know that when we square a positive or negative number the result is always positiv√e, for
example 32 = 9 and (−3)2 = 9. Let us now suppose that we would like to determine −9,
unfortunately the mathematics we have learnt up until now will not allow us to perform
this operation, as the square root only makes sense for positive real numbers. For certain
applications it is useful to overcome this limitation. To do this we introduce a new number, to
which we will give the symbol j, which has the property that
j2 = −1 so that j = −1 (3.1)
As no real number when squared equals− 1, the number j cannot be real. Instead we call it
imaginary number. Although the concept of an imaginary number may seem strange at first,
in turns out to be very useful in engineering ap√plications. Mathematicians and physicists often
prefer the symbol i instead of the symbol j for −1.
Using thi√s notation we now in a position to write down the square root of any negative
for example −9 = j3, the result is not a real number, but instead an imaginary number.
(a) (b)
Figure 3.1: Argand diagrams of complex numbers showing, (a) a selection of complex numbers
with the point A representing 3 + j3 and B representing−1 + j, and (b) the polar form of the
complex number z = x + jy
z = x + jy (3.3)
where x = Re(z) is the real part of the complex number and y = Im(z) is its imaginary part.
When the complex number is written in this way it is called its Cartesian form.
Determine the roots of the quadratic equation x2 − 3x + 4 = 0
Applying equation we have
3 ± √9 − 16 3 ± √−73 ± j√7
x= = = (3.4)
2 2 2
here we used j = √−1 to rewrite √−7 as j√7.
Graphical Representation
Complex numbers can be represented as points on a plane in a similar way to which real
numbers are represented by points on a curve. The number z = x + jy is represented by the
point P with coordinates (x, y). Figure 3.1 (a) shows a sequence of complex numbers and their
graphical representations. Such a diagram is called an Argand diagram after one of its
inventors. The x axis is called the real axis and the y axis is called the imaginary axis.
Following the introduction of the Argand diagram we now have another method of
specifying a complex number. As indicated in Figure 3.1 (b), the point P is uniquely
determined if we know the length of the line OP and the angle it makes with the x axis. The
length OP is a measure of the size of z, and is called the modulus of z, which is usually
| | as denoted by modz or z . The angle between the real axis and OP is called the
argument of z, and is denoted by arg z. Note that the polar coordinates (r, θ) and (r, θ + 2π)
represent the same point, however, a convention is adopted to determine the argument of z
uniquely: We restrict its range so that
−π ≤ θ ≤ π. The argument of the complex number 0 + j0 is not defined.
Thus from Figure 3.1 (b) |z| and arg x are given by
|z| = r = x2 + y2 (3.5)
arg z = θ where tan θ =
Care must be taken to ensure that arg z is computed for the correct quadrant. By plotting the
complex number in the Argand diagram one can ensure that the result makes sense.
It therefore follows that the complex number z = x + jy can be expressed in the form
√ √ √
|z| =(−4) + (−1) =16 +2 1 =17 (3.10)
1 (3.11)
arg z= −π + tan−1= −2.89 (2dp) Radians
Thus the polar form of the number is z = √17(cos −2.89 + j sin −2.89) = √17(cos 2.89 −
j sin 2.89)
• The complex number a+jb Croft and Davison [pg 424-429]. James (customised and
fourth edition) [pg 185-186]
• Argand diagram. Croft and Davison [pg 435-443]. James (customised and fourth edition)
[pg 191-196].
• Polar from. Croft and Davison [pg. 443-449]. James (customised and fourth edition) [pg.
Chapter 4
Many of the practical situations that engineers have to analyse involve quantities that are
varying. Whether it is the temperature of a coolant, the voltage of a transmission line or the
torque on a turbine blade, the mathematical tools for performing such analyses are the same.
One of the most used tools is calculus which involves two main operations integration and
differentiation. His- torically integration was discovered first in relation to trying to find the
area of a region bounded on one side by a curve. Differentiation was discovered during the 17th
century in relation to the problem of determining the tangent at any arbitrary point on a curve.
The connection between the two processes of determining the area under a curve and
obtain- ing a tangent at some point on a curve was first realised in 1663 by Barrow, who was
Newton’s professor at Cambridge. However it was Newton and Leibnitz, working
independently who fully realised the implications of this relationship. They developed calculus
to be a way of dealing with change and motion and applied it to many practical problems.
Calculus remains today one of the most powerful mathematical tools used by engineers. In this
chapter we shall look in more detail at differentiation and the in the next chapter we will
consider integration.
Figure 4.1: The distance time graph for an object moving with constant velocity in a straight line
(a) (b)
Figure 4.2: The distance time graph for an object moving with variable velocity
Let us consider the distance–time graph shown in Figure 4.2 (a). We can approximate this
graph by small straight line segments as shown in Figure 4.2 (b). If we make the time intervals
for this approximation very small, the difference between the gradient of the line segments and
the gradients of the tangents at each point of the curve become very small. In other words, the
velocity at t = t1 for graph (a) is just the gradient of the tangent to the graph at t = t1.
This is one of the many practical problems that involve the process of finding gradients of
tangents to graphs in their solution. This process is called differentiation and measures the rate
of change of the value of the functions with respect to its argument. The gradient of the graph
is called the derivative of the function. For some functions we can obtain formulae for the
derivative while for others we have to remain content just with numerical approximations.
The derivative of a function f (x) at the point x is formally defined as
which uses the lim operator we saw earlier in Chapter 2. Two kinds of notation are commonly
used for representing the derivative. The fist uses a composite symbol
dx or df/dx or Df (4.2)
The second notation uses a prime
f J(x) (4.3)
this means that
df ∆f f (x + ∆x) − f
= Jf (x) = = lim = lim (4.4)
Df (x)
dx ∆x→0 ∆x ∆x→0 ∆x
We illustrate the definition graphically in Figure 4.3, where ∆x denotes a small
incremental change in the dependent variable x and ∆f is the corresponding incremental
change in f (x). The slope of the line PQ is
∆f f (x + ∆x) − f (4.5)
(x) =
∆x ∆x
Now in the limit as ∆x → 0 the point P → Q and the segment becomes the tangent to the curve
at P , whose slope is given by the derivative
df ∆f =
dx ∆x→0 ∆x
Figure 4.3: Illustration of definition of the
(a) (b)
Figure 4.4: Examples of functions that are not differentiable at certain points
From this interpretation it follows that for a function f (x) to be differentiable at the point x = a
the graph of f (x) must have a unique, non–vertical well defined tangent at x = a. If this is not
the case the limit
lim f (a + ∆x) − f (4.7)
∆x→0 (a)
does not exist. In Figure 4.4 we show examples of functions that are not differentiable at certain
points. The function shown in Figure 4.4 (a) is differentiable at all points except x = x1 and x =
x2 since a unique tangent cannot be drawn at these points. The function shown in Figure 4.4 (b)
is differentiable at all points except x = 0. For practical purposes it is sufficient to interpret a
differentiable function as one having a smooth continuous graph with no sharp corners. Engineers
commonly refer to such functions as being well–behaved.
Elementary Functions
The derivatives of some elementary functions are given in Table 4.1. We have given these
func- tions without proof as they require knowledge of series expansions which will be
discussed in the course Engineering Analysis 2. With knowledge of these derivatives we can
obtain the derivatives of many other functions, as we will see shortly.
f (x) f J(x)
xn where n is real nxn−1
sin x cos x
cos x — sin x
ex ex
Rules of Differentiation
So that we can apply differentiation it is useful to know the following useful rules
= kf J(x) (4.8)
(ky) = k
dx dx
d u du dv g(x)f J(x) − f
v u (4.11)
= dx dx
= (x)gJ(x)
dx v v2 [g(x)]2
dy dy dz
= = f J(z)gJ(x) (4.12)
dx dz dx
• Rule 6 (inverse–function rule)
If y = f −1(x) then x = f (y) and
dy 1 1
= = (4.13)
dx dx/dy f J(y)
By use of the results shown in Table 4.1 and the six rules presented above, one can obtain
the derivatives of standard functions.
Find the derivative of 2x2
We use the scalar multiplication rule
d dx
(2x2) = 2(x2) = 4x
Find the derivative of sin x + x
We use the sum rule
d d d
(x + sin x) =(x) +(sin x) = 1 + cos x
dx dxdx
Find the derivative of x3 sin x
We use the product rule
d d d
(x3 sin x) = sin x(x3) + x3(sin x) = 3x2 sin x + x3 cos x
dx dx dx
Find the derivative of x3
cos x
We use the quotient rule
d 3 3d
x3 cos x(x
dx ) − x(cos dx
x) 3x2 cos x + x3 sin x
= =
dxcos x cos2 x
cos2 x
Find the derivative of cos sin x
We use the chain rule with z = sin x
d d d
(cos sin x) =(cos z)(sin x) = − sin z cos x = − sin sin x cos x
dx dzdx
Find the derivative of ln x.
If y = ln x then x = ey so that
= ey
Then, from the inverse–function rule dy
dx ey x
Many other functions may be found by simple application of elementary results and rules. In
Ta- ble 4.2 we give the derivative of the most commonly used functions and their derivatives.
f (x) f J(x)
xn (n ∈ R) nxn−1
sin x cos x
cos x — sin x
tan x sec2 x
sec x sec x tan x
cosec x −cosec x cot x
cot x −cosec2 x
ex ex
ln x (x ∈ R+) x
sin−1 x (x ∈ [−1, 1]) √ 1 2
cos−1 x (x ∈ [−1, 1]) −√1−x 2
tan−1 x 1
sinh x
cosh x
cosh x
sinh x
tanh x 1
= 1 − tanh2 x
cosh x
Higher Derivatives
The derivative df/dx of a function f (x) is itself a function and may be differentiable. The
derivative of a derivative is called the second derivative and is written as
dx2 or f JJ(x) or f (2) (x) or D2 f (4.20)
To obtain it we simply differentiate df/dx again with respect to x
d2 f = d dy (4.21)
dx2 dx dx
The second derivative may itself be differentiated, yielding third derivatives and so on. In
general the nth derivative is written as
d nf
dxn or (x) or Dn f (4.22)
Find the second and third derivatives of y = sin 2x
We first determine the first derivative
= 2 cos 2x
We differentiate this to get the second derivative
d2y ddy
dx2 = dxdx = −4 sin 2x
Differentiating again yields the third derivative
d3y dd y 2
dx3 = dxdx2 = −8 cos 2x
The second derivative d2f/dx2 represents the rate of change of df/dx as x increases geo-
metrically, this gives us information on how the slope of the tangent is changing with
increasing x.
(a) (b)
Figure 4.5: Implications of d2f/dx2, (a) when d2f/dx2 > 0 and (b) when d2f/dx2 < 0
2 2
• If d f/dx > 0 then df/dx is increasing as x increases, and the tangent rotates in an anti-
clockwise direction as we move along the horizontal axis, as illustrated in Figure 4.5 (a).
2 2
• If d f/dx < 0 then df/dx is decreasing as x increases and the tangent rotates in a
clock- wise direction as move along the horizontal axis, as illustrated in Figure 4.5 (b).
Note that when d2f/dx2 > 0 the graph of f (x) is always ‘concave up’ and when d2f/dx2 <
0 the graph of f (x) is always ’concave down’.
Optimum Values
The basic idea is that the optimum value of a differentiable function f (x) (by which we mean its
maximum or minimum value) generally occurs when its derivative is zero, i.e.
f J(x) = 0 (4.23)
We can can see this is the case when we observe the graph of a typical function shown in Fig-
ure 4.6, since at a maximum or minimum value of the function its graph has a horizontal
tangent. What we also observed in Figure 4.6 is that these extremal values are generally only
local max- imum or minimum values corresponding to turning points on the graph, so some
care should be exercised when using the horizontal tangent as a test for an optimal value. In
seeking extremal values we need to also check the end points (if any) of the domain of the
Another reason to exercise care is at a point of inflection as illustrated in Figure 4.7. At this
point the graph crosses its own tangent, which as in the illustrated case, may be horizontal.
Figure 4.7: Point of inflection of a function
A third reason for exercising caution when trying to find optimum values is that the
function may in fact have an optimal value at a point where the derivative does not exist. A simple
example of this is the function f (x) = x2/3 illustrated in Figure 4.8.
Having determined the critical or stationary points where f J(x) = 0 we need to determine
the character or nature of each of these points. That is we need to determine if these points
corresponding to a local maximum, local minimum or point of inflection of the function f (x).
One method to do this is the following
• If the value of f (x) changes from positive to negative as we pass from left to right
• If the value of f (x) changes from negative to positive as we pass from left to right
• If f (x) does not change sign as we pass through a stationary point then the latter corre-
Another approach to determine the nature of the stationary point is to calculate the value of
f JJ(x) at the point. We recall that f JJ(x) determines the rate of change of f J(x). Let us suppose
that f (x) has a stationary point at x = a so that f J(a) = 0. Then so long as f JJ(x) is defined at
the point x = a either f JJ(a) < 0, f JJ(a) = 0 or f JJ(a) > 0.
Let us consider the case where f JJ(a) < 0 then from our earlier arguments this means
that f J(x) is decreasing at x = a; and since f J(a) = 0, it follows that f J(x) > 0 for values of x
just less than a and f J(x) < 0 for values of x just greater than a. We therefore conclude that x = a
corresponds to a local maximum. This agrees with our observations in Figure 4.5 (b) since
a function is concave down at a local maximum.
Similar arguments lead to the fact that if f JJ(a) > 0 then the stationary point x = a corre-
sponds to a local minimum. Which again agrees with the observation that a graph is concave up
at a local minimum.
Summarising we have
• The function f (x) has a local maximum at x = a provided that f J(a) = 0 and f JJ(a) < 0.
• The function f (x) has a local minimum at x = a provided that f J(a) = 0 and f JJ(a) > 0
Unfortunately, if both f J(a) = 0 and f JJ(a) = 0 then this does not imply that there is a point
of inflection at x = a. The following method is therefore recommended to check if we have
a point of inflection
• Find the points x = a where f JJ(a) = 0
• Check whether f (x) changes sign as x passes through x = a. If this occurs then x = a is
a point of inflection.
• If in addition f J(a) = 0 then x = a is a stationary point of inflection.
In Figure 4.9 we illustrate a point of inflection which occurs when a graph of a function
crosses its own tangent. Note in this case that the point is not a stationary point of inflection as
f J(a) /= 0.
Using the second derivative investigate the nature of the stationary points of the function
f (x) = 4x3 − 21x2 + 18x + 6
The function concerned is shown below
42 ±42 −2 4(216) 1
x= 24 = 3,
which correspond to the points (0.5, 10.25) and (3, −21). The second derivative of the function
f jj(x) = 24x − 42
At the stationary point (0.5, 10.25), f jj(0.5) = −30 < 0 and so this corresponds to a local
maximum. At the stationary point (3, −21), f jj(3) = 30 > 0 and so this corresponds to a local
We note that f jj(x) = 0 at x = 1.75 and that f jj(x) < 0 for x < 1.75 and f jj(x) > 0 for x > 1.75.
Thus the point (1.75, −5.375) is a point of inflection, but not a stationary point of inflection as
indicated by the graph.
• Basic idea and definition. Croft and Davison [pg 694-702]. James (customised and fourth
edition) [pg 540-557]
• Elementary functions and rules of differentiation. Croft and Davison [pg 703-711, 719-
730]. James (customised and fourth edition) [pg 558-586]
• Parametric and implicit differentiation. Croft and Davison [pg 732-740]. James (cus-
tomised and fourth edition) [pg 586-592].
• Higher derivatives. Croft and Davison [pg 712-716]. James (customised and fourth edition)
[pg. 592-597].
• Optimum values. Croft and Davison [pg 755-771]. James (customised and fourth edition)
[pg. 600-609].
Chapter 5
In the last chapter we looked at the technique of differentiation which forms one of the two
constituents of what we call calculus. In this chapter we will look at the other constituent part
of calculus, known as integration.
This is the area ‘under’ the graph of the velocity function between t = t1 and t = t2 as shown
in Figure 5.1. This, of course, deals with special case where the velocity is a constant function.
However, even when the velocity varies with time, the area under the velocity graph still gives
the distance travelled.
Figure 5.1: Velocity–time graph for an object moving with constant velocity u. The shaded area
shows the distance travelled by the object between times t1 and t2.
Now let us consider the velocity time graph shown in Figure 5.2 (a). We can approximate
this curve by a series of horizontal lines that either lie completely below (Figure 5.2 (b)) the
curve or entirely above it (Figure 5.2 (c)).
If the approximation shown in Figure 5.2 (b) is used then it would the object at any given
time would always lag behind the actual position of the object. Conversely if the approximation
(a) (b) (c)
shown in Figure 5.2 (c) is adopted then the object will always be in front of where the object
should be. Thus
distance with graph (b) < distance with graph (a) < distance with graph (c) (5.2)
In Figures 5.2 (b) and (c) we approximated the curve by straight line segments. In this case
the shaded area can be easily calculated and is equal to distance covered by the object between
times t1 and t2, so that
area under graph (b) < distance with graph (a) < area under graph (c) (5.3)
If the horizontal steps of graphs 5.2 (b) and (c) are made very small, the difference between
the areas also becomes very small. In order words, the distance for graph (a) is just the area
under the graph between t = t1 and t = t2.
This is just one of many practical problems which involves area evaluation to determine the
solution. The process of summing together all parts that make up a given area is called inte-
gration. The area under the curve is called the integral of the function. For some functions
we can obtain formulae for their integrals while for others we must be content with numerical
Let us now look at this part by part to explain what each term means. We recall that in the
above we subdivided the interval and used straight line segments to approximate the area under
the curve. We introduce a = x0 < x1 < x2 < · · · < xn−1 < xn = b as the points of the subdivision
of the interval [a, b]. The width of each subdivision we define as ∆xr−1 = xr x .
− r−1
The maximum of these subdivisions is ∆x which is formally written as
The area of each of the rectangles is simply given by the product f (x∗r )∆xr−1 where xr−1 ≤ xr∗ ≤
xr . If we choose xr∗ = xr−1 this would be the same as the situation illustrated in Figure 5.2 (b), or
Figure 5.3: Illustration of the formal definition of an integral
if we choose xr∗ = xr then this would be as illustrated in Figure 5.2 (c). In the formal
definition, a point between these two extremes is chosen to evaluate the function, as shown in
Figure 5.3.
For a given number of subdivisions n, the summation
f (x∗r )∆xr−1 (5.6)
approximates the area under the curve. The limit of this summation as ∆x → 0 and n → ∞
just means that we make size of the subdivisions smaller and smaller while at the same time
increasing the number of subdivisions so that they always completely cover the interval [a, b],
thus leading to the exact result for the integral.
Fortunately, a concise notation for an integral has been introduced
∫ b
f (x)dx (5.7)
where the integration symbol is like an elongated S standing for summation. The dx is called
the differential of x, and a and b are called the limits of integration. The function which
is being integrated is called the integrand.
This is equal to the formal definition of the integral, so that
b n
f (x)dx = lim Σ
a n→∞ f (x∗r )∆xr−1 (5.8)
∆x → 0
It follows from the definition of an integral, that if the graph of f (x) is below the x axis then
the summation involves the produce of negative values of f (xr∗ ) with positive widths ∆xr−1 ,
so that areas below the x axis must be interpreted as being negative.
This area will depend on a and b as well as the function f (x). We therefore say that the integral
of a function f (x) may be regarded as function of a and b. This type of integral is called a
definite integral as a and b are fixed. The result of a definite integral is always a number.
If we replace b by the variable x, we obtain a function F that is equal to the area under the
graph between a and x, as shown in Figure 5.4. In this case we have
∫ x
F (x) f (t)dt (5.10)
= a
we call this type of integral an indefinite integral. Note that the result of this integral is a
function and not a value. In the indefinite integral, a dummy variable has to be used as the
integration (here t), this must be chosen to different from the variable x on which the function
(a) (b)
Figure 5.4: Illustration of an indefinite integral, showing (a) the integrand and (b) the function
resulting from the integration
Now let another indefinite integral which has a different lower limit of integration c which
is such that a < c < x. A different function is then obtained
∫ x
G(x) = f (t)dt (5.11)
Inspecting the functions F and G graphically indicates that they only differ by a constant, as can
be seen in Figure 5.5
F (x) − G(x) ∫ x ∫ x ∫ c
= f (t)dt − f (t)dt f (t)dt (5.12)
a = a
which is an definite integral having constant value equal to the area under the graph between a
and c.
When no lower limit of integration is specified we denote the indefinite integral as
∫ ∫ x
f (x)dx or f (x)dx (5.13)
where c is the arbitrary constant of integration. For indefinite integrals with a given lower limit
of integration this constant can be determined.
Figure 5.5: Illustration that the difference of two indefinite integrals is a definite integral
In turns out
∫ that we can express definite integrals in turns of indefinite integrals. If we set
H(x) + c = f (x)dx then
∫ f (x)dx = H(b) − H(a) (5.15)
which is often written as ∫ b
f (x)dx = [H(x)]ab (5.16)
a notation that was first introduced by Fourier.
We saw earlier that functions are only differentiable at points where the graph has a unique
tangent. Functions which are not differentiable are often integrable, with the corresponding in-
definite integrals being functions having a smooth graphs. For this this reason, engineers often
call integration a smoothing process.
Similarly the area under the graph of the function f (x) = x, shown in Figure 5.6 (b), is easily
∫ b 1 2
x dx (b − a2) (5.19)
a = 2
so that the indefinite integral is given
by ∫
x dx = x2 + constant (5.20)
Comparable results for differentiation are
d (k)
= 0 k constant (5.21)
(x) = 1 (5.22)
(a) (b)
Figure 5.6: Shaded areas representing the definite integrals of the simple functions (a), f (x) = 1
and (b), f (x) = x
This suggests a more general result that the process of differentiation is the reverse of that
of integration. The general result is called the Fundamental Theorem of Integral and
Differential Calculus and is stated below
The indefinite integral F (x) of a continuous function f (x) always possesses a derivative
F (x) and moreover F J(x) = f (x)
• Rule 2 (sum
rule) ∫ ∫ ∫
[f (x) ± g(x)] dx = f (x) dx ± g(x) dx (5.27)
f (x) ∫
f (x) dx
Here c is a constant of integration
1 n+1
xn (n −1) n+1 x +c
1 ln x + c (x > 0)
x ln(−x) + c (x < 0) = ln |x| + c
sin x — cos x + c
cos x sin x + c
tan x ln | sec x| + c
sec x ln |. sec x.+ tan x| + c
cosec x ln .tan 2x . + c
cot x ln | sin x| + c
ex ex + c
ln x x ln x − x +√c
sin−1 x x sin−1 x + √1 − x2 + c
x cos−1 x − 1 − x2 + c
cos−1 x 1
[2x tan−1 x − ln(1 + x2)] + c
tan−1 x 2
cosh x + c
sinh x
cosh x sinh x + c
tanh x ln(cosh x) + c
Determine the indefinite integral of 6x4 + 4x − 3
Using the sum rule
∫ 6x + 4x −dx =6x dx +∫∫ 4x dx − ∫ 3 dx
4 4 3
x x
6 4
=x5 +x2 − 3 ln |x| + c
5 2
=x5 + 2x2 − 3 ln |x| + c
Example √
Determine the indefinite integral of5x + 2
Using the linear composite rule
∫ √5x + 2 dx
= (5x + 2)+3/2
= (5x + 2)3/2 + c
Determine the indefinite integral of ln x
If y = ln x then x = ey and using the inverse function rule
∫ ∫
ln x dx =
xy −e dy
= xy − ey + c
= x ln x − x + c
Determine the indefinite integral of sin−1 x
If y = sin−1 x then x = sin y and using the inverse function rule
∫ sin−1 x dx = xy − ∫ sin ydy
= xy + cos y + c
= x sin−1 x + √1 − x2 + c
where the last result follows from the identity sin2 y + cos2 y = 1.