TUẦN 4-E11

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Week: 4 Date of planning: 23/9/23

Period: 10 Date of teaching: 25/9/23

Lesson 1: Getting started – What is a generation gap?
I/ Learning outcomes:
By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Knowledge:
- Gain an overview about the topic The generation gap;
- Gain vocabulary to talk about generation gap;
- Get to know the language aspects: Modal verbs.
2. Competences:
- Develop communication skills and creativity;
- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork;
- Actively join in class activities.
3. Attributes:
- Respect their family members through learning and understanding about the generation gap;
II/ Teaching and learning resources:
- Grade 11 textbook, Unit 2, Getting started;
- Computer connected to the Internet;
- Projector / TV/ pictures and cards;
- hoclieu.vn.
- To stir up the Lists of questions: - Students can recall the Listing game
atmosphere How many previous knowledge and - Teacher divides the class into two
and activate generations are there develop interest in the teams and the board in two halves and
students’ in your family? new lesson. gives a board pen to one of the Ss in
knowledge on Do you and your each team.
the topic of the parents like the same - Teacher calls out the theme from the
generation gap; music/ types of previous unit (A long and healthy life)
- To set the clothes/ TV and gives them two minutes to write
context for the programmes? as many words related to that theme as
listening and Do you ever argue they can.
reading part; about anything in your - Each student of the team comes to
- To enhance family? the board and writes down a word.
students’ skills Do you do anything - When the game is finished, Teacher
of cooperating that your parents/ has teams check each other’s spelling
with grandparents don’t and count how many correct words
teammates. like? each team has written.
Do you listen to your - Teacher leads in the new lesson by
parents/ grandparents asking some questions.
all the time?
- To get New words - Students can use key Vocabulary pre-teaching
students to 1. generation gap language more - Teacher introduces the vocabulary.
learn (n.ph.) appropriately before - Teacher explains the meaning of the
vocabulary 2. behaviour (n) they read. new vocabulary by pictures.
related to the 3. nuclear family - Teacher checks students’
topic. (n.ph.) understanding with the “Rub out and
4. extended family remember” technique.
(n.ph) - Teacher reveals that these five words
5. follow in will appear in the reading text and
somebody’s footsteps asks students to open their textbook to
(idiom) discover further.
- To help Task 1. Listen and - Students can - Teacher asks Ss to look at the
students get to read. (5 mins) thoroughly understand pictures in the book as well as the
know the topic. the content of the text dialogue and answer the questions.
and complete the tasks - Ss answer the questions in pairs.
successfully. - Teacher plays the recording twice. Ss
Suggested answers: listen and read.
- I can see a teacher and - Teacher checks Ss’ prediction. T
two students in the calls 2 Ss to read the conversation
picture. aloud.
Questions: - Ms Hoa, Mark and Mai
- What can you see in are the speakers.
each picture? - They are discussing the
- Who are the generation gap.
- What do you think
they are discussing?
To check Ss’ Task 2. Read the Answer key: - Teacher tells Ss to read the
comprehension conversation again. conversation
Mark again Maiand work
of the Tick (✓) the true 1. has some arguments over √
independently to find the answers.
conversation. information about small things with familyRemind Ss to underline the
Mark and Mai. (5 members information.
mins) 2. lives with grandparents √
- Ss work independently to find the
who have traditional answers.
views - Teacher has Ss compare the answers
3. lives in a nuclear family in pairs√ before checking with the
4 has parents who don’ whole class. √
force their children- Teacher
to checks the answers as a
follow in their footsteps. and gives feedback.
Task 3. Find words Answer key: - Teacher has Ss look at the box 1-4.
- To introduce or phrases in 1 that 1. generation Explain that these words are part of
words and have the following 2. (a) nuclear family phrases related to the topic of
phrases related meanings. (5 mins) 3. (an) extended family generation gap and they are all in the
to the 4. arguments conversation in Task 1.
generation gap. - Teacher asks Ss to read the
definitions and find the suitable
words. Underline the words/ phrases
in the conversation.
- Check answers as a class.
- To help Ss Task 4. Choose the Answer key: - Teacher tells Ss to read each
learn modal modal verbs used in 1. has to sentence individually. Then ask them
verbs. 1 to complete the 2. have to to find the answers in the
sentences. (5 mins) 3. should conversation.
1. 4. must - Teacher checks answers by first
asking the class to call out the correct
modal verb only, then by calling on
individual Ss to read the complete
- Teacher checks answers as a class.
- Teacher calls out each modal verb
form and elicits what students know
about the use of these modal verbs.
- To help Ss Role play (10’) - Students can give a Task 5. Role-play
practise short talk about the - Teacher asks Ss to work in groups.
speaking skills; generation gap and how - In each group, students play the role
- To help Ss to bridge the gap. of grandparent(s), parent(s) and
memorize the Suggested answers: children.
basic Students’ own creativity
- Each group thinks about a situation
knowledge on (clothes choice/ music taste, etc.) that
the generation shows the differences among
gap. generations and creates a short role-
play about the differences with
suitable solutions.
- Ss have 3 minutes to prepare for the
- Teacher invites 1 or 2 groups to
come to the stage and do the role-play.
- Teacher asks other groups to listen
and give comments.
- Teacher gives feedback and gives
marks to the best group.
To help Ss 1. Wrap-up (2’) Ss list what they have - T asks Ss to talk about what they
memorise the learned. have learned in the lesson.
target language - Ss answer.
and skills that
they have
To prepare for 2. Homework (1’) - T instructs.
the next lesson. - Write a short - Ss take notes.
paragraph about how
the generation gap
manifests in your
- Prepare for the
project in Lesson 8
Week: 4 Date of planning: 25/9/23
Period: 11 Date of teaching: 27/9/23
Lesson 2: Language

I. Learning outcomes:
By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- Use the lexical items related to the topic The generation gap;
- Recognise and practise contracted forms;
- Review the use of Modal verbs: must, have to, and should.
2. Competences
- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and team work;
- Access and consolidate information from a variety of sources;
- Actively join in class activities.
3. Attributes
- Understand about the generation gap;
- Develop self-study skills.
II. Teaching and learning resources:
- Grade 11 textbook, Unit 2, Language
- Computer connected to the Internet
- Projector / TV/ pictures and cards
- hoclieu.vn
- To stir up the - Game: Quizizz - Students can listen and Quizizz
atmosphere Link: find out some ways to - Ss use their electronic devices to access
and activate https://quizizz.com/ stay healthy from the the link on quizizz and join the game.
students’ admin/quiz/6384e7 video clip. - Teacher shows the questions one by one,
knowledge on b420f73e001e34eec and the whole class answer the questions.
the topic of the 8?source=quiz_sha - After the game, Ss with the highest point
generation gap; re is the winner.
- To enhance - Teacher leads in the lesson.
students’ skills
of cooperating
- To help Ss Task 1: Listen and - Students can - Teacher asks Ss to listen to the
recognise and repeat. Pay pronounce the recording. Have them pay attention to the
practise attention to the contracted forms contracted forms.
contracted contracted forms correctly. - Teacher asks Ss to circle the words in
forms. in the following Answer key: contracted forms.
sentences. What 1. we will - Teacher asks Ss to work in pairs and
are their full 2. You are take turns to read the sentences in full
forms? (5 mins) 3. cannot form.
4. That is - Teacher checks the answers as a class.
5. do not - Teacher asks Ss to read quickly through
6. let us the questions and answers. Check
Task 2: Listen and Answer key: understanding.
- To help Ss circle what you 1. A: What’s - Teacher plays the recording twice, if
practise hear: contracted B: We’ll necessary, pausing after each sentence and
contracted or full forms. 2. A: Don’t you asks Ss to repeat as a class.
forms. Then practice B: don’t - Students circle the forms they hear.
saying these 3. A: who’ll - Teacher has Ss work in pairs to take
conversations in B: I will turns to read each sentence aloud.
pairs. (7 mins) - Teacher checks as a class.
- To introduce Task 1. Match the - Students understand - Teacher asks Ss to read the definitions of
words / phrases words to make the meaning of words, the phrases first and checks
related to phrases that mean memorise them and are understanding.
generational the following. (6 able to use them in a - Teacher has Ss match each word with
differences. mins) meaningful context. another one to make a phrase having the
Answer key: definition right next to it.
1. traditional view - In weaker classes, do the first one as an
2. common example before asking Ss to match the
characteristics rest individually or in pairs.
3. generational conflict - Check answers as a class.
4. cultural values
- To help Ss Task 2. Complete Answer key: - Teacher tells Ss to read the sentences
practise the the sentences 1. cultural values carefully and decide which word in Task 1
words in using the correct 2. generational conflicts can be used to complete each of the
meaningful forms of the 3. common sentences. Tell them to change the forms
contexts. phrases in 1. (6 characteristics of some words if necessary.
mins) 4. traditional view - Teacher checks answers as a class. Have
Ss call out the word they have used in
each sentence first.
- Teacher confirms the correct answers.
Ask Ss to explain the meaning of each
word using the definitions in Activity 1.
- Teacher asks some Ss to read the
complete sentences.


- To help Ss Task 1. Circle the - Students know how to - Teacher asks Ss to read the notes in the
recognise the correct answers to use the past simple or Remember box to review the differences
difference complete the the present perfect and between Modal verbs: must, have to, and
between Modal sentences. (6 mins) can apply it to give a should. Give more explanation and
verbs: must, short talk on the given examples if necessary.
have to, and topic. - Teacher gives Ss time to complete the
should. Answer key: task.
- 1. must - Teacher checks answers as a class by
2. have to having individual Ss write the answers on
3. should the board. Go through each sentence and
4. had to ask Ss to explain why they have used that
modal verb.
- Teacher lets Ss work in pairs.
- Teacher asks Ss to talk to their partner
To help Ss Task 2. Work in Example: and share about rules in your family or
practise Modal pairs. Are there A: I have to be back things that they or their parents think are
verbs: must, any rules in your home by 9 p.m. necessary
have to, and family or things B: Really? I don't have - Teacher requires Ss to use the correct
should. that you or your to. But my parents think I modal verbs.
parents shouldn't stay out after - Teacher encourages Ss to apply the
think are 10 p.m. vocabulary they have learnt in the lesson
necessary? Share as well as the rules of contracted forms.
them with your
partner. Use must,
have to, and
should. (7 mins)
To help Ss 1. Wrap-up (2’) Ss list what they have - T asks Ss to talk about what they have
memorise the learned. learned in the lesson.
target language - Ss answer.
and skills that
they have
To prepare for 2. Homework (1’) - T instructs.
the next lesson. - Do exercises in - Ss take notes.
the workbook.
- Prepare for
Lesson 3. Reading.
Week: 4 Date of planning: 26/9/23
Period: 12 Date of teaching: 28/9/23
Lesson 3: Reading – Different generations
I. Learning outcomes:
By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- Develop reading skills for general ideas and for specific information about different generations.
2. Competences
- Develop communication skills and creativity;
- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork;
- Develop presentation skills;
- Actively join in class activities.
3. Attributes
- Acknowledge and understand characteristics of different generations;
- Develop self-study skills.
II. Teaching and learning resources:
- Grade 11 textbook, Unit 2, Reading
- Computer connected to the Internet
- Projector / TV/ pictures and cards
- hoclieu.vn
- To stir up the Game: Mysterious - Students can find out Game: Mysterious picture
atmosphere picture all the words as well as - Ss work in groups.
and activate 1. special qualities the key word based on - There are 4 questions which relate to
students’ that belong to a group the definitions given by a key picture.
knowledge on of people or things the teacher. - T asks Ss to guess the word in each
the topic of 2. a disagreement Answer key: puzzle and guess the key picture
different between different 1. common characteristics behind after each puzzle is opened.
generations; generations 2. generational conflict - The group which gets the correct
- To set the 3. beliefs about what 3. cultural values answer of the key picture is the
context for the is important in the 4. traditional view winner.
reading part; culture of KEY WORD:
- To enhance a particular society GENERATIONS
students’ skills 4. a belief or an
of cooperating opinion that has
with existed for a long
teammates. time without changing
- To get - Lead students in the - Students can use key - Teacher asks Ss to work in pairs and
students learn reading passage; language more look at the pictures.
vocabulary - Pre-teach vocabulary appropriately before - They should discuss what they know
related to the related to the content they read. about the generation in each picture.
topic; of the reading passage. Suggested answers: - Teacher has some Ss share their
- To activate Task 1. Work in Generation X refers to the answers with the whole class.
prior pairs. Look at the generation born between - Teacher introduces the topic of the
knowledge photos. Discuss what 1965 and 1980. Gen Xers reading text.
about the topic you know about the are also known as critical
and get Ss generation in each thinkers because they
involved in the picture (e.g. age, achieved higher levels of
lesson. characteristics, education than previous Generation X
interests, life generations.
experiences). (4 mins) Generation Y, also known
as Millennials, refers to
those born between the
early 1980s and late
1990s. They are curious
and ready to accept
changes. Generation Y
Generation Z includes
people born between the
Vocabulary pre- late 1990s and early
teaching (5 mins) 2010s, a time of great
New words: technological
1. characteristic (n) developments and
Generation Z
2. critical (adj) changes.
- Teacher introduces the vocabulary.
3. creative (adj)
- Teacher explains the meaning of the
4. platform (n)
new vocabulary by pictures.
- Teacher checks students’
understanding with the “Rub out and
remember” technique.
- Teacher reveals that these four words
will appear in the reading text and
asks students to open their textbook to
discover further.
- To help Ss Task 2. Read the - Students can - Teacher asks Ss to read the text,
practise article. Match the thoroughly understand paying attention to the context of each
guessing the highlighted words the content of the text highlighted word, and looking for
meaning of with their meanings. and complete the tasks clues that they can use to guess the
words from (6 mins) successfully meaning.
context; Answer key: - Teacher asks Ss to work in groups to
1. b discuss the clues and compare
2. d answers.
3. e - Teacher checks answers as a class.
4. a Have individual Ss write the words on
5. c the board. In weaker classes, check
understanding of the words by asking
Ss to make sentences with them.
- To develop Task 3. Read the Answer key: - Teacher asks Ss to elicit strategies
reading skills article again and C. Characteristics of they can use to read texts for main
for general choose the best title. different generations ideas, e.g. paying attention to the topic
information; (7 mins) sentence in each paragraph,
highlighting key information, or
searching for conclusions.
- Teacher asks Ss to read the whole
text once and choose the best title for
the text. In weaker classes, read
through the three options first and
check understanding.
- Teacher asks Ss to work in pairs to
compare their answers.
- Teacher checks answers as a class.
- To develop Task 4. Read the Answer key: - Teacher asks Ss to read the
reading skills article again. Tick descriptions given and underline the
for specific (✓) the key information in each of them.
information. characteristics of - Teacher checks the key words Ss
each generation have underlined, e.g. 1. enjoy,
according to the working, team; 2. use apps and digital
article. (7 mins) devices, creative; 3. critical thinking;
4. have their own business 5. known
for, their curiosity.
- Teacher reminds Ss that the
statements may include paraphrased
information so they should look for
synonyms or antonyms in the text.
- Teacher asks Ss to read through the
text looking for the key information
they underlined in the statements or
words with the same or similar
- Teacher checks answers as a class.
Task 5. Discussion - Students can use the - Teacher asks Ss to work in pairs.
- To check -Do you agree with the language and ideas from Have them discuss if they find any
students’ descriptions of each the unit to reflect on advice in the text useful for them and
understanding generation? their own opinions. if they have followed these
about the Answers: suggestions themselves. Encourage
reading Students’ own ideas. them to explain why they find the
passage; advice useful and how they actually
- To help some try or will try to incorporate these
students healthy habits into their daily routine.
enhance - Teacher invites some pairs to share
presentation their answers with the whole class.
skills; - Teacher asks other students to listen
- To practise and give comments.
team working; - Teacher gives feedback and gives
- To give marks to Ss’ performance.
practice in
using target
To help Ss 1. Wrap-up (2’) Ss list what they have - T asks Ss to talk about what they
memorise the learned. have learned in the lesson.
target language - Ss answer.
and skills that
they have
To prepare for 2. Homework (1’) - T instructs.
the next lesson. - Do exercises in the - Ss take notes.
- Prepare for the next
lesson – Speaking.


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