Series “Physics”
Journal homepage: https://physics.uz.ua/en
Issue 55, 2588–2597
Received: 14.11.2023. Revised: 05.01.2024. Accepted: 09.03.2024
DOI: 10.54919/physics/55.2024.258qy8
Oksana Mylyk
Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University
79010, 69 Pekarska Str., Lviv, Ukraine
Nataliya Skiba
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
79000, 1 Universytetska Str., Lviv, Ukraine
Mykhailo Podoliak*
Stepan Gzhytskyi National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies of Lviv
79010, 50 Pekarska Str., Lviv, Ukraine
Khrystyna Dzyubynska
Stepan Gzhytskyi National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies of Lviv
79010, 50 Pekarska Str., Lviv, Ukraine
Relevance. In today’s world, global communication and international cooperation are becoming increasingly important,
and therefore knowledge of a foreign language is a key factor in overcoming language barriers and effective
communication between different cultures, which makes this study relevant.
Purpose. The purpose of this study was to reveal and investigate current trends and strategies of teaching foreign
languages aimed at maximising learning efficiency.
Methodology. The study employed the methods of analysis, systematisation, and generalisation.
Results. The study examined various aspects of effective methods of teaching foreign languages in the modern
educational environment, such as Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), immersion, content-based learning,
suggestion therapy, the use of computer technology in teaching, flipped classroom, and methods of creating Mind Maps.
It was found that these methods allow for effective foreign language teaching in the modern educational environment.
This study also revealed the specific features of using innovative technologies, virtual reality, and their contribution to
improving foreign language acquisition in the educational process, as the modern educational environment requires the
use of the latest technologies to improve access to knowledge and individualise learning.
Suggested Citation:
Savula A, Mylyk O, Skiba N, Podoliak M, Dzyubynska K. Effective methods of teaching a foreign language in the modern educational
environment. Sci Herald Uzhhorod Univ Ser Phys. 2024;(55):2588-2597. DOI: 10.54919/physics/55.2024.258qy8
*Corresponding author
Copyright © The Author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Effective methods of teaching a foreign language in the modern educational environment
Conclusions. As a result of this study, it was possible to investigate the psychological aspect of foreign language learning,
focusing on the role of motivation and emotional state for the successful acquisition of language skills. The findings of
this study can be used to create, develop, and improve curricula in the field of foreign language teaching.
Keywords: computer technologies; modernisation of the educational process; multilingual society; digitalisation of
education; innovative pedagogy.
Savula et al.
successful teaching. According to the researcher, modern the influence of motivation and emotional state on the
methods include the use of interactive platforms, open quality of foreign language skills acquisition in the
educational resources, visualisation, group work online educational process.
and other innovative tools. The researcher also believes The study employed the method of generalisation to
that it is important to consider the individual characteristics summarise the results and identify the main trends and
of students, their needs and level of training when teaching patterns. The generalisation method helped to identify the
a language online. The scientist argues that modern importance of learning foreign languages in the context of
technology can be used to personalise learning and enable globalisation, increased international cooperation and
students to learn at their own pace. It is worth investigating expanded opportunities in the labour market. Using the
the digital tools for teaching foreign languages in the method of generalisation, the study examined why the
modern educational environment more thoroughly. availability of effective methods of teaching foreign
The purpose of this study was to reveal and analyse languages is a prerequisite for developing students’
current trends and strategies of teaching foreign languages readiness for successful functioning in the modern global
in the modern educational environment with a focus on society. This method helped to summarise the findings and
achieving maximum efficiency of the learning process. identify significant trends in foreign language learning in
the context of modern education.
Materials and Methods The use of these methods in combination created a
Various methods were used in this research, including methodological framework for this study, allowing for the
analysis, systematisation, and generalisation. These systematisation and analysis of important aspects of the
methods helped to structure and expand the subject matter subject matter.
of the study, providing a comprehensive and objective
view of the issues under study. Results
The method of analysis was used to analyse the In an increasingly globalised world, the ability to
complex aspects of the subject matter of the study, reveal communicate in different languages is becoming a vital
their structure, and identify the main components. The use aspect of international cooperation. Knowledge of foreign
of this method allowed for a detailed consideration of the languages facilitates communication between people from
methodology of teaching foreign languages in modern different cultures and enables participation in the global
conditions. In this study, various features of effective processes of a multilingual society. Modern computer
foreign language teaching methods in the context of the technology provides a variety of tools and resources for
modern educational environment were carefully learning foreign languages. The use of innovative methods
considered and investigated. This study managed to can improve the quality of education and make it more
highlight in detail the features of various approaches, such accessible. Learning foreign languages promotes
as Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), intercultural understanding and cooperation. Effective
immersion, content-based learning, suggestion therapy, the methods of teaching foreign languages play a key role in
use of computer technology in language learning, the preparing the modern generation for successful functioning
flipped classroom, and the method of creating Mind Maps. in a global society.
During this study, the analysis method was used to identify Consideration of psychological aspects is important for
the specific features of using innovative technologies and effective and modern foreign language teaching in a
virtual reality, as well as their impact on the effectiveness modernised and digitised educational environment. The
of foreign language acquisition. This research examined psychological state of students, their motivation and
how advanced technologies, such as flipped classrooms interest in learning a foreign language directly affect their
and blended learning, are being implemented in today’s performance. Consideration of individual motivational
educational environment to improve access to knowledge factors helps to create a stimulating learning environment.
and individualise learning. In this context, the method of Emotions have a massive impact on learning. Creating a
analysis has proved to be a valuable tool for revealing key positive and safe environment promotes better information
aspects of modern pedagogical technologies and their role retention, while consideration of the emotional state of
in teaching and learning foreign languages. students allows the teacher to adapt teaching methods for
The use of the systematisation method contributed to the best possible results. Each student is unique, and
the organisation and structuring of the data obtained and consideration of their individual characteristics, such as the
made it possible to arrange the aspects under study in an pace of information perception, learning style, and level of
orderly manner and determine their interrelationships concentration, helps to effectively build the learning
within the system. The study examined the psychological process using innovative pedagogy. Psychological
aspect of modern foreign language teaching, focusing on characteristics affect the perception of speech.
the importance of motivation and emotional state for Consideration of the level of language proficiency,
effective language acquisition. Through the lens of this cognitive capabilities, and psychological barriers helps to
method, the study investigated how emotional readiness adapt approaches to better understand a foreign language.
and motivation are drivers of effective learning and Consideration of psychological aspects helps to build an
contribute to the development of intercultural competence individualised and adaptive approach to teaching, which
among students. It was explained why understanding contributes to effective foreign language teaching in the
motivational factors and the emotional dimension is educational environment.
important for adapting teaching methods to the individual Emotional and motivational aspects have a significant
needs of each student. This method made it possible to impact on learning foreign languages in the modern
systematise and generalise the data obtained, focusing on educational environment. These affective factors
Effective methods of teaching a foreign language in the modern educational environment
determine not only the teaching methodology, but also the actively communicate in a foreign language are more likely
way of interacting with the learning material, adapting it to to achieve a higher level of language proficiency. Being
the needs and characteristics of each student. The learning prepared to communicate in a foreign language, whether in
process also considers the emotional state of students, as the classroom or in real-life situations, can encourage
positive emotions, confidence, and motivation contribute students to actively use their language skills.
to successful language learning. On the contrary, negative Understanding the relationship between readiness for
emotions and stress can make it difficult to adapt language communication and language proficiency is a key
effectively to a new language environment. Motivation is a element in developing effective language teaching
key element in keeping students interested in language methods. Teachers and curricula should pay attention not
learning. Its level determines the readiness of students to only to the language material, but also to the motivation
invest effort in learning and overcoming difficulties. and confidence of students in using the language. This will
Understanding the motivational factors of each student help to create more effective and stimulating conditions for
allows teachers to develop approaches aimed at language learning and language skills development [8].
maintaining and strengthening the incentive to learn a When learning foreign languages, it is important to
foreign language. Furthermore, affective aspects influence consider a system of exercises aimed at developing oral
students’ attitudes towards language and intercultural communication. The teacher should balance the overall
communication. Enrichment of cultural knowledge and construction and dosage of difficulty in these exercises.
respect for cultural differences can contribute to successful This means considering various problems from isolated to
intercultural communication and development of complex, improving skills to automatism and making
intercultural competence of students from different exercises more complex, while maintaining a
countries [6]. The presence of a motive contributes to more communicative focus on speaking in concrete language
effective learning of a foreign language. Both intrinsic and situations. When working with students in technical higher
extrinsic motivation support students’ desire to learn a education institutions, it is important to note the specific
foreign language and actively interact in the modern features of scientific and technical texts according to their
educational environment [7]. Thus, affective and speciality. This includes knowledge of terminology,
motivational factors are critical in the implementation of general scientific vocabulary, specific service vocabulary,
effective foreign language teaching methods in the modern and grammatical structures. It is important to choose
educational environment required by a multilingual textual material that meets the communication needs of
society. students and helps to develop their oral skills. The texts can
When teaching foreign languages, it is important to be studied through different approaches, starting with
consider the relationship between students’ readiness for simple descriptions and characteristics and then
active communication in a foreign language and their level proceeding to more complex structure and style. However,
of language competence. The level of students’ readiness one should always maintain a communicative focus and
for active language interaction can have a significant encourage students’ active participation in learning the
impact on their ability to master the language. This aspect material [9].
is key in the development of foreign language teaching It is worth taking a closer look at popular modern
methods. Students who feel confident and motivated to methods of teaching foreign languages (Table 1).
Table 1. Popular modern methods of teaching foreign languages
No. Methodology Description
A methodology that involves the integration of foreign language learning with the
1 CLIL study of a specific subject, specifically, content and language integration. This is a
popular approach in higher education in Europe, developed by D. Marsh et al.
A special type of integrated foreign language teaching aimed at mastering a
language for professional purposes through in-depth study of the subject content of
2 Immersion method
a special discipline. Language mastery occurs during the course of learning a
Content-based An approach to teaching a foreign language where the emphasis is on mastering the
3 language learning language for professional communication. Students learn a foreign language by
(CBL) focusing on concrete subjects, which helps to develop their communication skills.
An intensive method of teaching foreign languages developed by G. Lozanov. It
4 Suggestopedia uses suggestion to unlock memory reserves, increase intellectual activity and
develop positive emotions that help increase learning motivation.
Computer-assisted Computer-assisted foreign language learning, which uses computer technology to
5 language learning improve interactivity and learning efficiency. Covers the use of various software,
(CALL) online resources, and virtual tools to improve the learning process.
Source: [10].
Various teaching methods include not only aspects of competences. The immersion method and suggestion
language learning but also integrate subject knowledge. therapy are characterised by a kind of intensity and depth
CLIL and learning through the content of specialised aimed at increasing the amount of material learned and
disciplines provide students with the opportunity to developing language skills. CALL highlights the
develop not only language but also professional importance of computer technology in education. The use
Savula et al.
of online resources, virtual tools and programmes helps to and teaching foreign languages in the modern educational
improve the effectiveness and accessibility of learning. process.
Many methods, specifically CLIL, focus on active The potential for using modern digital technologies is
cognitive activity of students. This helps to develop high. The use of virtual reality (VR) in education and
communication skills and increase motivation to learn. foreign language learning is to create an immersive
Learning foreign languages today requires learning environment that can significantly enrich
individualisation. A variety of methods allow choosing an conventional teaching methods [19]. VR allows students to
approach that factors in the individual characteristics of interact with the material they have learned in depth by
students and their needs. Effective foreign language transferring them to a virtual environment. This creates
teaching in the modern educational environment involves realistic scenarios where students can apply language skills
a comprehensive and innovative approach that considers in practical situations, such as travelling or communicating
the quality of language learning and the development of in another culture. Going back to the psychological part of
other student competences. language learning, the use of VR can make learning more
The use of the Flipped Classroom method in teaching a interesting and engaging, and interactive virtual scenarios
foreign language can also become a key tool for higher can be a source of motivation for students, as they may be
education teachers. Its implementation in the educational more interested in learning a language using these
process, based on innovative pedagogy, is appropriate to innovative technologies [20; 21]. VR can create situations
ensure high-quality provision of educational services. This that allow students to interact with different cultures
method opens real opportunities for improving the virtually. This contributes to the development of
professional training of young people and more efficient intercultural competence, helping students to better
use of time for both teachers and students. The Flipped understand and adapt to cultural differences. VR allows
Classroom method is a pedagogical strategy in which the creating individual scenarios for each student, considering
conventional order of the lesson is turned upside down. their needs and level of language proficiency. This enables
Instead of the teacher presenting new material in class, personalised learning and more effective language
students read it on their own before the class, often with the acquisition [22]. VR allows students to learn a language
help of videos, text materials, or other resources. During without the constraints of time and place. They can access
the lesson, the teacher works with the students to solve virtual lessons and exercises anywhere and anytime, which
problems, answer questions, and provide practical increases the accessibility of education [23-25]. Given
exercises aimed at deepening their learning. The main idea these aspects, the use of VR in education opens new
of the Flipped Classroom is to move the conventional opportunities to improve the process of learning foreign
process of learning new material outside the classroom, languages.
allowing students to learn at their own pace at home, based Effective methods and tools for teaching foreign
on innovative pedagogy. The lessons are then used to languages are a necessary element of the modern
expand on the material in depth, address questions, and educational environment, as they contribute to in-depth
provide additional explanations. This approach gives language acquisition and prepare students for the
students more control over their own learning and challenges of the globalised world. Learning foreign
emphasises the role of the teacher as a mentor and languages is becoming a vital competence for young
facilitator. The blended learning technology using the people and adults, and the modern education process
Flipped Classroom concept is fully in line with the strategy requires constant modernisation, digitalisation, and
of informatisation of education aimed at improving the development of relevant methods and tools. Modern
quality of learning. The combination of self-directed online technologies, such as computer programmes, mobile
learning and classroom instruction under the guidance of a applications and virtual reality, are expanding learning
teacher contributes to the personalisation of the learning opportunities by providing interactivity and
process, bringing it closer to the individual needs of each individualisation. The introduction of effective methods
student, regardless of their level of initial training [11-13]. and tools for teaching foreign languages opens new
This approach optimises the use of class time, increases opportunities for training qualified professionals who can
student engagement, and promotes a more profound communicate and work effectively in modern global
understanding of the material. society.
One of the most advanced innovations in the modern
educational environment is the use of visualisation Discussion
techniques, namely the popular methodology of creating Modern research in the field of foreign language teaching
Mind Maps. This tool has a significant impact on methods identifies key aspects that affect the quality and
improving the perception of new information and provides effectiveness of learning. The scientists focus on the use of
an opportunity to systematically solve complex problems modern technologies and innovative methods to ensure
[14; 15]. The concept of Mind Maps is to create a diagram active participation of students in the educational process.
of relationships that allows visually building an associative For a better understanding of this issue, it is essential to
series. This method is based on the main idea, which is investigate and compare the opinions of other scholars with
presented in the centre of the map, and then branches are the findings obtained in this study.
formed from it, expanding the main idea into more detailed According to K.M. Moser et al. [26], the transition to
explanations. The use of mind maps is of interest not only distance learning as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic
as a means of visualisation, but also as an effective tool for required teachers to adapt to new technological tools and
systemic thinking and information organisation [16-18]. strategies. Researchers have noted that many teachers who
This method can be used as an effective means of learning teach languages remotely have found it difficult to organise
Effective methods of teaching a foreign language in the modern educational environment
lessons, ensure interaction with students and assess above studies, we should agree with the statement about
learning outcomes. Scientists emphasise the importance of the effectiveness of using virtual reality in the modern
developing new strategies and skills for language teachers educational environment for teaching foreign languages.
working in distance learning environments, including the According to C. Kramsch [32], globalisation is
use of technological innovations and methods that support bringing about substantial changes in the teaching and
active student involvement in a virtual learning learning of foreign languages through the mobility of
environment. Notably, the use of modern methods, such as people, capital, and technology. The scientist emphasises
Flipped Classroom, Immersion, content-based learning, that these changes lead to the destabilisation of traditional
and others, contribute to the effective learning of a foreign norms and conventions used by foreign language teachers
language by students in the modernised educational to prepare students for successful language use outside the
process. classroom. According to the researcher, this period
Y. Wang et al. [27] emphasise the importance of requires a more modern approach to pedagogy. Global
researching and applying positive psychology in foreign dynamics require revision and adaptation of approaches to
language learning and teaching. Scientists point out that the language teaching, the scientist emphasises, so that they
development of this industry is already having a major meet the current challenges and realities of global society.
impact on student learning and motivation. Specifically, Compared to the findings of the present study, it is the use
the use of positive psychology can help improve language of modern methods of teaching foreign languages,
learning by focusing on the positive aspects of learning, specifically CLIL, the Immersion method, content-based
motivation, and mental health, scientists say. In their study, learning (CBL), Suggestopedia, CALL, that contribute to
the researchers also note that a careful examination of the the effective acquisition of new language knowledge,
positive aspects can have great potential to improve the skills, and abilities required by a multilingual society and
effectiveness of teaching methods and create a positive globalisation.
learning environment. Positive psychology can help R.J. Blake [33] points out the substantial impact of
students to better understand their strengths, develop a computer technology on learning foreign languages. The
positive attitude and disposition towards language researcher emphasises that virtual tools and resources
learning, which can have a positive impact on their expand learning opportunities and provide students with
academic success and overall well-being. Notably, the use innovative methods of language learning. The researcher
of psychological tools can help create a more adaptive and addresses the fact that the use of digital technologies can
effective learning environment. Understanding the make the learning process more interesting and effective,
individual needs and characteristics of students allows encouraging students to be more active and interactive in
teachers to personalise the learning process, providing their language learning. Technology solves problems
individual support and creating a stimulating approach to related to the convenience and accessibility of materials,
language learning. the researcher notes, and provides opportunities for
D.K.A.R. Al-Malah et al. [28] note that the use of the individualising the learning process, which is important to
Internet can significantly improve the provision of consider differences in language learning between
educational services. The findings of the study suggest that students. However, not only technology is a driving tool in
the use of Internet applications allows for the creation of the development of a modern educational environment for
intelligent environments where learning becomes more language learning, but also the consideration of the
individualised and adapted to the needs of each student. psychological aspects of students and an individual
Such tools, according to scientists, help to optimise the approach to each of them [34-36].
management of educational resources and provide access Following Y.J. Lan [37], the use of VR in foreign
to up-to-date information for students and teaching staff. language teaching is a valuable area. The researcher
Notably, this approach can indeed be one of the key tools suggests that VR can provide students with a profound
in the development of modern technological solutions for immersion in the language environment, which contributes
educational institutions, contributing to the efficiency of to effective language learning. According to the researcher,
teaching and creating a favourable environment for the the use of VR allows creating immersive language
development of students’ language skills [29; 30]. scenarios where students can interact with the language in
T.K. Dhimolea et al. [31] emphasise that the use of real-life situations, which contributes to the development
digital tools in foreign language teaching contributes to a of language skills and helps in better language acquisition.
prominent degree of immersion in virtual reality, which is Specifically, the scientist notes that a prominent degree of
a key factor for successful language learning. The immersion in VR creates realistic situations that reproduce
researchers note that high-immersion virtual reality allows various aspects of life, where students must use their
students to interact with language in real-life scenarios, language skills. The researcher emphasises that the use of
which helps them to better master language skills. VR in language teaching can make the learning process
According to the scientists, high-immersion virtual reality more engaging and effective, specifically by promoting the
allows creating realistic scenarios that simulate various life development of speaking and listening skills, which is
situations where students need to use language skills. worth agreeing with [38].
Students can interact with the environment and receive Comparing the findings of the present study with the
feedback in real time, which, according to scientists, views of other scholars in the field, it can be noted that
enhances learning. The researchers emphasise that the high-immersion virtual reality, which has proven to be
growing interest and emotional connection created by effective in language learning, along with other innovative
virtual scenarios can increase students’ motivation to learn methods, can become a key component of successful
a language. Comparing the findings of this paper with the foreign language teaching in modern conditions. The
Savula et al.
psychological aspect and individualised approach have readiness and motivation stimulate more effective learning
also proved to be integral components of successful and contribute to the development of students’ intercultural
learning, meeting the modern challenges and needs of competence. Understanding motivational factors and the
students [39; 40]. Thus, the findings of this study can serve emotional dimension is essential for adapting teaching
as a valuable contribution to the development of strategies methods to the individual needs of each student. The paper
and approaches to foreign language learning in the modern highlights that learning foreign languages is a vital element
educational environment. of modern education due to globalisation, increased
international cooperation, and expanding opportunities in
Conclusions the labour market. In general, effective methods of
This study examines various aspects of effective foreign teaching foreign languages are essential for developing
language teaching methods in the modern educational students’ readiness for successful functioning in today’s
environment. Specifically, we managed to highlight the global society.
features of CLIL, the Immersion method, content-based Future researchers are encouraged to investigate the
learning (CBI), Suggestopedia, CALL, Flipped Classroom, effectiveness of using game-based methods to stimulate
and the method of creating Mind Maps, which can make interest and foreign language acquisition, as well as to
foreign language teaching effective in the modern explore the possibilities of using intelligent systems and
educational environment. The specific features of using algorithms to improve the language learning process. This
innovative technologies, virtual reality, and their will enable the consideration of current trends and
contribution to the effective acquisition of a foreign challenges in the field of foreign language teaching,
language during the learning process were also allowing researchers to better understand and improve
investigated. Notably, the modern educational teaching methods for the modern educational environment.
environment requires the use of the latest technologies,
such as Flipped Classroom and blended learning, to Acknowledgements
improve access to knowledge and personalise learning. None.
The study also examines the psychological aspect of
modern foreign language teaching, focusing on the Conflict of Interest
importance of motivation and emotional state for the None.
effective acquisition of language skills. Emotional
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Effective methods of teaching a foreign language in the modern educational environment
Оксана Милик
Львівський національний медичний університет імені Данила Галицького
79010, вул. Пекарська, 69, Львів, Україна
Наталія Скиба
Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка
79000, вул. Університетська, 1, Львів, Україна
Михайло Подоляк
Львівський національний університет ветеринарної медицини та біотехнологій імені Степана Гжицького
79010, вул. Пекарська, 50, м. Львів, Україна
Христина Дзюбинська
Львівський національний університет ветеринарної медицини та біотехнологій імені Степана Гжицького
79010, вул. Пекарська, 50, м. Львів, Україна
Актуальність. У сучасному світі глобальна комунікація та міжнародне співробітництво набувають все більшого
значення, а тому знання іноземної мови є ключовим фактором подолання мовних бар'єрів та ефективної
комунікації між представниками різних культур, що зумовлює актуальність даного дослідження.
Мета. Метою цього дослідження було виявити та дослідити сучасні тенденції та стратегії викладання іноземних
мов, спрямовані на максимізацію ефективності навчання.
Результати. У дослідженні розглянуто різні аспекти ефективних методів викладання іноземних мов у сучасному
освітньому середовищі, таких як Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), занурення, контент-орієнтоване
навчання, сугестивна терапія, використання комп'ютерних технологій у навчанні, перевернутий клас, методика
створення інтелект-карт (Mind Maps). Було виявлено, що ці методи дозволяють ефективно викладати іноземну
мову в сучасному освітньому середовищі. Це дослідження також виявило особливості використання
інноваційних технологій, віртуальної реальності та їх внесок у покращення засвоєння іноземної мови в
освітньому процесі, оскільки сучасне освітнє середовище вимагає використання новітніх технологій для
покращення доступу до знань та індивідуалізації навчання.
Висновки. В результаті проведеного дослідження вдалося дослідити психологічний аспект вивчення іноземної
мови, зосередивши увагу на ролі мотивації та емоційного стану для успішного оволодіння мовними навичками.
Результати дослідження можуть бути використані при створенні, розробці та вдосконаленні навчальних програм
у сфері викладання іноземних мов.