Sidney H. Kennedy
To cite this article: Sidney H. Kennedy (2008) Core symptoms of major depressive disorder:
relevance to diagnosis and treatment, Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 10:3, 271-277, DOI:
Core symptoms of major depressive disorder - Kennedy Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience - Vol 10 . No. 3 . 2008
items, the core “depressed mood” item on either the of depressed patients meet criteria for a comorbid anxi-
HAMD-17 or the MADRS was more sensitive to drug- ety disorder.19,20 This lack of syndrome independence on
placebo separation and to establishing optimal dosing, Axis I is a major limitation to the current concept of
compared with the full scales in several controlled tri- comorbidity. Comorbid disorders should only exist at a
als.13,14 level expected by chance, yet in the case of MDD, comor-
The sensitivity of some items to differentiate between bidity is the rule and not the exception.21
active drug and placebo can be compromised when a drug A recent proposal for mood and anxiety spectrum disor-
has an unfavorable effect on certain items. For example, ders, to be considered in DSM-V, has been advanced by
increased anxiety may occur during the early weeks of Watson22 who proposes three subclasses of emotional dis-
SSRI therapy, and activating antidepressants may disrupt orders: “bipolar disorders,” “distress disorders,” (MDD,
some aspects of sleep.15 The net result is that prevalent dysthymic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and
items may not emerge on rating scales that are designed post-traumatic stress disorder) and “fear disorders” (panic
to detect improvements during antidepressant therapy. disorder, agoraphobia, social phobia and specific phobia).
When symptom prevalence and sensitivity to change have This reflects a pendulum swing to the unitary position of
been evaluated in large data sets using item analysis or Mapother23 and Lewis24 who viewed states of anxiety
factor analysis, several core symptoms emerge with along a continuum with depressive disorders, in contrast
greater sensitivity to change and less distortion by treat- to the progressive separation of mood and anxiety disor-
ment emergent side effects than with the full versions of ders initiated more than three decades ago.25,26 It is likely
the scale. that the inconsistent impact of some antidepressants on
Three such scales derived from the HAMD-17 are the anxiety has distorted measurement of anxiety symptoms
“Bech 6,”16 “Maier subscale,”17 and “HAMD-7”18 (Table during treatment.
II). Four items are common to each of these scales: mood, What is less in dispute is the impact of anxiety comorbid-
guilt, anhedonia, and psychic anxiety. In HAMD-7 and ity on response to the treatment of depression. Patients
Bech 6, loss of energy (fatigue) was also present, as was without anxiety symptoms at the time of remission are sig-
psychomotor retardation in Bech 6 and Maier 6, while the nificantly more likely to remain well than those patients
HAMD-7 included somatic anxiety and suicidal ideation. with residual anxiety.27 There is also consistent evidence of
All three scales include anxiety symptoms, in contrast to lower response rates and higher relapse in comorbidly
current diagnostic systems. anxious depressed patients.Although there is a strong jus-
tification to consider “anxious depression” as a depressive
The prominence of anxiety symptoms subtype,28 a case can be made to maintain the separation
and syndromes of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) from MDD.29
Surprisingly, anxiety is not considered as a core or associ- Sleep disturbance, apathy, and fatigue
ated symptom of depression according to either DSM-IV
or ICD-10 criteria. Neither is “with anxious features” a Sleep disturbance
specifier within DSM-IV, yet up to 90% of patients have
co-occurring anxiety symptoms, and approximately 50% The relationship between sleep and depression is com-
plex. Insomnia is a frequent symptom of depression, and
MAIER-6 HAMD-7 BECH-6 there is evidence to suggest that sleep disturbances are
Mood Mood Mood often a prodrome to a MDE.30 Paradoxically, sleep depri-
Guilt Guilt Guilt vation has been advocated as an antidepressant therapy31
Work and interest Work and interest Work and interest while several antidepressant agents actually worsen
Psychic anxiety Psychic anxiety Psychic anxiety sleep.15 Sleep disturbance also lends itself to objective
Agitation Energy Energy evaluation through polysomnography. Disturbances in the
Retardation Somatic anxiety Retardation ratio of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep to non-REM
Suicide sleep, decreased slow-wave sleep, and impaired sleep con-
Table II. Core symptoms from three scales derived from the Hamilton tinuity are among the most robust markers for MDD.
Depression Rating Scale. Whether reductions in slow-wave sleep and REM latency
State of the art
are trait or state abnormalities is a controversial issue,32 etine it is less likely to have been a treatment-emergent
and attempts to establish robust diagnostic electroen- adverse event. The persistence of insomnia is a particular
cephalographic markers for MDD have been confounded concern, given the propensity for residual sleep distur-
by the effects of age and gender.33 bance to predict relapse.36
Among the symptoms of depression, sleep disturbance is Persistent sleep disturbances in SSRI “responders”
a prominent symptom that is frequently unresponsive to include prolonged sleep latency (beyond 1 hour), reduced
current antidepressants, or is overtreated with consequent total sleep time, and multiple awakenings. Although
daytime somnolence. In a family practice evaluation of coprescription of a hypnotic may have a beneficial effect,37
physician diagnosis and patient self-report of depressive concerns about long-term hypnotic use limit this recom-
symptoms, “insomnia or hypersomnia” along with mendation. Elsewhere, advantages beyond sleep restora-
“depressed mood” were the symptoms most frequently tion were demonstrated when eszopiclone and fluoxetine
elicited by physicians, although only “suicidal ideation” were combined in the acute treatment of MDD.38 Given
and “insomnia or hypersomnia” were associated with a the role of sleep disruption in predicting relapse, there is
statistically significant likelihood of depression diagno- a strong argument to consider sleep disturbance as a core
sis.34 Middle (71%), early (62%), and late (55%) insom- symptom in depression, and to emphasize the importance
nia were frequently reported items from the HAMD-17 of sleep restoration early in the treatment of an MDE.
in a sample of almost 300 depressed clinic patients.18 The daytime effects of persistent sleep disruption should
However, underscoring the limited effectiveness of cur- not be underestimated in depressed patients.
rent antidepressants to improve sleep, none of these three
sleep items were among the seven with greatest sensitiv- Fatigue and apathy
ity to change during treatment (Table III). In fact, middle
insomnia emerged as the eighth most sensitive item to Particularly in primary care settings, depressed patients
reflect antidepressant change.18 are likely to present with complaints of exhaustion or
inability to carry out physical or mental work. In fact,
Symptom from Percent endorsement Change score fatigue was the commonest depressive symptom in a sur-
HAMD-17 Cohen’s d vey of family practice settings.39 In the large European col-
M F All laborative study of almost 2000 depressed patients across
Work & interest 99 98 99 1.84 6 countries (DEPRES II), 73% of patients “felt tired”;
Depressed mood 98 98 98 1.81 this symptom was associated with severity of the episode
Anxiety-somatic 86 92 90 1.03 and was more prevalent in women.40 Although “fatigue or
Suicide 77 72 73 0.88 loss of energy nearly every day” is not considered an
Energy 98 94 95 0.88 essential depressive symptom according to DSM-IV, it is
Guilt 86 85 85 0.86 emphasized within the atypical symptom cluster, with
Anxiety-psychaitric 59 90 79 0.83 “leaden paralysis” as the extreme variant. However,
reduced energy is considered a “core feature” in the def-
Table III. HAMD-7: A brief measure of remission. HAMD, Hamilton
Rating Scale for Depression inition of depressive episode according to ICD-10,
Adapted from ref 20: McIntyre R, Kennedy S, Bagby RM, et al. Assessing emphasizing that marked tiredness may occur after only
full remission. J Psychiatry Neurosci. 2002;27:235-239. Copyright © slight effort.41 It is a reasonable assumption that sleep dis-
Canadian Medical Association 2002
turbance and daytime fatigue are related (as previously
The importance of sleep disturbance as a residual symp- reviewed—over 40% of remitters to fluoxetine had sleep
tom in MDD has also been highlighted by Nierenberg disturbance and just under 40% had fatigue), although
and colleagues,35 who examined threshold and subthresh- there are no data to confirm this relationship.
old symptoms among patients who achieved remission Similarly, apathy may overlap with diminished interest,
(HAMD-17″ 7) after 8 weeks of antidepressant treatment loss of energy, and even indecisiveness, but this construct
with fluoxetine. The three most prevalent residual symp- is too nonspecific to be considered a core symptom. In
toms were disturbances in sleep (44%), fatigue (38%), fact, apathy has been reported more frequently as a side
and anhedonia (27%). Since the majority of these patients effect in up to 20% of patients who receive SSRI antide-
reported sleep disturbance prior to treatment with fluox- pressants.42
Core symptoms of major depressive disorder - Kennedy Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience - Vol 10 . No. 3 . 2008
State of the art
Síntomas centrales del trastorno depresivo Symptômes essentiels des troubles
mayor: relevancia para el diagnóstico y el dépressifs majeurs : importance pour le
tratamiento diagnostic et le traitement
El constructo trastorno depresivo mayor no asume La constitution des troubles dépressifs majeurs ne
etiologías para las poblaciones con diversas agru- présuppose pas d’origine étiologique chez des
paciones sintomáticas. El “ánimo depresivo” y la patients aux symptômes variés. « L’humeur dépres-
“pérdida de interés o placer en casi todas las acti- sive » et « la perte d’intérêt ou de plaisir dans
vidades” son características centrales de un episo- presque toutes les activités » sont des critères essen-
dio depresivo mayor, aunque han existido buenos tiels d’un épisode dépressif majeur, bien qu’il y ait
argumentos para prestar atención creciente a sín- beaucoup à dire sur l’intérêt croissant que suscitent
tomas como fatiga, alteraciones del sueño, ansie- les symptômes de fatigue, les perturbations du som-
dad, y disfunciones neurocognitivas y sexuales para meil, l’anxiété et les dysfonctions sexuelles et cogni-
el diagnóstico y la evaluación de los resultados del tives dans le diagnostic et l’évaluation du traite-
tratamiento. El ánimo, la culpa, el trabajo y el inte- ment. Des sous-échelles validées de l’HAMD
rés como también la ansiedad psíquica son identi- (Hamilton Depression Rating Scale) montrent régu-
ficados consistentemente a través de subescalas lièrement que l’humeur, la culpabilité, le travail et
validadas de la escala de depresión de Hamilton l’intérêt comme l’anxiété psychique sont des symp-
como prevalentes y sensibles de cambiar con los tra- tômes prévalents et susceptibles de variations avec
tamientos disponibles. Una limitación importante les traitements existants. Ces traitements antidé-
de estas terapias antidepresivas es su limitado presseurs sont très limités par leur spectre d’action
espectro de acción. Mientras que los síntomas cen- étroit. Alors que l’attention s’est majoritairement
trales “ánimo e interés” han sido el principal foco focalisée sur les symptômes majeurs « humeur et
de atención, los síntomas asociados antes señalados intérêt », les symptômes associés cités ci-dessus sont
a menudo no son afectados o exacerbados por los souvent inchangés ou exacerbés par les traitements
tratamientos actuales. La evaluación clínica debe actuels. Toutes ces questions devraient faire l’objet
ser cuidadosa y orientarse a todas estas dimensio- d’une évaluation clinique soigneuse, certains symp-
nes, reconociendo que la mejoría puede ocurrir más tômes (par ex, l’humeur) pouvant être améliorés
rápido en algunos síntomas (como el ánimo) en avant d’autres (par ex, troubles du sommeil).
comparación con otros (como las alteraciones del
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Mental Illnesses Article
Topic Major depressive disorder
Stephenie Esther Aybar Peguero Matrícula:100671831 Sec:02
final conclusion
Core symptoms of major depressive disorder: relevance to diagnosis and treatment
Nowadays it is unquestionable that the large number of patients who come to the clinic
doctors suffer from some type of mental illness or underlying mental disorder. About All
patients with symptoms associated with major depressive disorder. The loss of interest
inactivities, a low mood, sleep disturbances, persistent fatigue or Anxiety are central
symptoms of a major depressive disorder that naturally involves a diagnosis and a clinical
evaluation for a possible treatment. Clinical evaluation must necessarily contain these
symptoms that are requirements essential for a diagnosis. Requiring at least a minimum of
five symptoms during approximately 2 weeks.
In major depressive disorder there are also subtypes of episodes that generate a better
classification, guaranteeing better treatment. One of these characteristics is "melancholy"
whose central symptoms are excessive weight loss, loss of interest or psychomotor
retardation. Both patients with these symptoms and those with atypical characteristics have
been treated with antidepressants and inhibitors, however none are specific for each case.
Although it seems surprising, Anxiety is not considered a subtype or episode of major
depression by DSM-IV or ICD despite Anxiety being one of the most common symptoms in
major depressive disorder, and there is also a high rate that indicates that comorbidly anxious
depressed patients tend to relapse more
Sleep disorders, apathy and fatigue even using the Hamilton Depression Rating Scales
(HAMD-17) or the Montgomery Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) help in
prescribing better treatments during therapy, continuing its relationship with MDD and its
possible treatment is complex. Sleep loss and fatigue are central symptoms of depression that,
accompanied by cognitive dysfunction or sexual dysfunction, affect the real life of patients.
Actually, every day there are more studies and research on this topic and the search for more
effective methods, better therapies and less harmful medications, all in order to obtain better
results for patients and ensure good mental health.