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Slater, LV, and Hart, JM. Muscle activation patterns during ilateral squats are a staple exercise in most sport
different squat techniques. J Strength Cond Res 31(3): 667– performance and knee rehabilitation programs.
676, 2017—Bilateral squats are frequently used exercises in Despite its popularity in gyms and sports medi-
sport performance programs. Lower extremity muscle activa- cine clinics, there is little research on muscle acti-
tion may change based on knee alignment during the perfor-
vation patterns during an unloaded bodyweight bilateral
squat other than its use to strengthen the quadriceps. Pre-
mance of the exercise. The purpose of this study was to
vious researchers (4,18,24) have noted high quadriceps acti-
compare lower extremity muscle activation patterns during dif-
vation and little hamstring activation during the descending,
ferent squat techniques. Twenty-eight healthy, uninjured sub-
holding, and ascending phases of the squat, supporting the
jects (19 women, 9 men, 21.5 6 3 years, 170 6 8.4 cm, 65.7 use of the bilateral squat for quadriceps strengthening in
6 11.8 kg) volunteered. Electromyography (EMG) electrodes rehabilitation and performance programs.
were placed on the vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, rectus Although the squat is a widely accepted exercise to
femoris, biceps femoris, and the gastrocnemius of the domi- strengthen the thigh musculature, sports medicine and
nant leg. Participants completed 5 squats while purposefully performance professionals teach a variety of techniques,
displacing the knee anteriorly (AP malaligned), 5 squats while most commonly changing the stance width and depth of the
purposefully displacing the knee medially (ML malaligned) and squat. Foot abduction driven by hip rotation and stance
5 squats with control alignment (control). Normalized EMG width generally vary among practitioners and practice,
data (MVIC) were reduced to 100 points and represented as however no significant difference in quadriceps muscle
percentage of squat cycle with 50% representing peak knee activation patterns have been noted when comparing
narrow and wide stance and varying foot positions (12,32).
flexion and 0 and 99% representing fully extended. Vastus
However, increased adductor longus and gluteus maximus
lateralis, medialis, and rectus femoris activity decreased in
activity during a wide stance squat have been reported (32).
the medio-lateral (ML) malaligned squat compared with the
This suggests that different stance widths do not change the
control squat. In the antero-posterior (AP) malaligned squat,
use of the squat as a quadriceps strengthening exercise, how-
the vastus lateralis, medialis, and rectus femoris activity ever they may help target adjacent muscles. Another squat
decreased during initial descent and final ascent; however, technique variation, the deep squat where maximal knee
vastus lateralis and rectus femoris activation increased during flexion is encouraged, may result in increased gluteus max-
initial ascent compared with the control squat. The biceps fem- imus activation during the ascending phase of the squat (4),
oris and gastrocnemius displayed increased activation during however increased squat depth using relative loads may not
both malaligned squats compared with the control squat. In increase gluteal activation (6). Although the full squat may
conclusion, participants had altered muscle activation patterns not increase hip involvement, poorly performed squats have
during squats with intentional frontal and sagittal malalignment been associated with altered gluteal activation (7), indicating
as demonstrated by changes in quadriceps, biceps femoris, that changes in squat performance may alter muscle
and gastrocnemius activation during the squat cycle. involvement.
A poorly performed squat may result in altered lower
KEY WORDS quadriceps, knee, performance, rehabilitation extremity alignment such as increased knee valgus which
may expose the lower extremity joints to excessive torques
that may require adaptive muscle activation strategies to
stabilize the lower extremity joints. Although many sports
Address correspondence to Lindsay V. Slater, [email protected]. medicine and performance professionals are comfortable
31(3)/667–676 instructing patients to execute proper squats, there is little
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research information regarding differences in muscle activation pat-
Ó 2016 National Strength and Conditioning Association terns in the lower extremity muscles during squats with
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Muscle Activation During Squats
varying alignments. Furthermore, strength and conditioning muscle activation pattern during the squat cycle measured
coaches often design client programs based on performance with surface electromyography.
on functional screenings and assessments, including the
bilateral and single-leg squat (2,7,20). Understanding if dif-
Twenty-eight healthy, recreationally active participants (19
ferent lower extremity alignments during a squat change
women, 9 men) without self-reported history of lower
muscle activation patterns in the lower extremity will pro-
extremity injury volunteered (21.5 6 3 years, 170 6 8.4
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Figure 1. Participants performed 5 medio-lateral malaligned squats (A, D) followed by 5 antero-posterior malaligned squats (B, E) followed by 5 control squats
(C, F). Participants rested for 1 minute between each squat repetition. No feedback was provided during any of the squat techniques other than the control
malaligned), and 5 squats to 908 of flexion while keeping and medial gastrocnemius were collected with the subject
heels on the floor and knees in line with feet (control) (Figure lying prone and 108 of plantarflexion. Knee flexion and ankle
1). Feedback was only given during the control squat and was plantarflexion were measured using a goniometer. Three 5-
standardized to include the following statements: Sit back at second MVIC trials were collected in each position, averag-
your heels like you’re sitting in a chair; push your knees out in ing the middle 3 seconds of each trial for the individual
the bottom of the squat; keep your toes pointing forward. muscles. All muscle activity was normalized and expressed
as a percentage of MVIC.
Normalization Procedures
Maximal voluntary isometric contractions (MVICs) were Statistical Analyses
collected before the participant completed any squats. The raw EMG data were filtered and exported using the
Maximal voluntary isometric contractions for the vastus MotionMonitor software, utilizing a bandpass filter (10–450
lateralis, vastus medialis, rectus femoris, and biceps femoris Hz) with a 60 Hz notch filter and a 50 milliseconds window,
were collected in short sitting with the knees flexed to 908 moving average, root mean square algorithm. The EMG and
using a gait belt around the distal third of the shank during kinematic data were synchronized and reduced to 100 points
both isometric knee extension and knee flexion. Ninety de- to represent 100% of the squat cycle, where 50% represents
grees was used to normalize quadriceps and hamstring acti- peak knee flexion and 0 and 99% represent full knee exten-
vation to maximal activity during peak knee flexion. sion (27). Initial and final descent were defined as 0–24 and
Maximal voluntary isometric contractions for the lateral 25–49%, respectively. Initial and final ascent were defined as
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Muscle Activation During Squats
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Figure 2. Peak knee joint excursion from full knee extension at the beginning of the squat.
50–74 and 75–99%, respectively. After being reduced to 100 were calculated for each muscle. Effect sizes were inter-
points, data were smoothed using a 3-point moving average preted as weak (,0.2), small (0.21–0.39), moderate (0.4–
window and 90% confidence intervals were calculated about 0.7), large (0.71–0.99), and very large (.1.0).
the mean of each percentage point. Means and 90% confi-
dence intervals were calculated for each muscle during each RESULTS
squat technique. Areas in which the confidence intervals did Medio-Lateral Malaligned Squat
not overlap for more than 3 consecutive percentage points Participants demonstrated increased anterior and medial
were considered statistically significant (9,21). Mean differ- knee displacement compared with the control squat
ences and associated pooled standard deviations were calcu- (Figure 2). The ML malaligned squat resulted in signifi-
lated for each muscle during periods of the squat cycle when cantly increased dorsiflexion, ankle inversion, knee flexion,
squat techniques were significantly different. Cohen’s d effect knee abduction, and hip adduction during approximately
sizes using mean differences and pooled standard deviations 10–85% of the squat cycle compared with the control squat.
Figure 3. Differences in kinematics during the medio-lateral malaligned squat (grey line), antero-posterior malaligned squat (vertical lines), and control squat
(black line) across the squat cycle with 90% confidence intervals. Areas in which confidence intervals did not overlap for 3 or more consecutive points were
considered statistically significant.
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Figure 4. Differences in muscle activation patterns during the medio-lateral malaligned (grey line) and control (black line) squat across the squat cycle with
90% confidence intervals. Areas in which confidence intervals did not overlap for 3 or more consecutive percentage points were considered statistically
Participants also demonstrated significantly decreased hip Vastus Medialis. Vastus medialis activation decreased during
flexion during 14–71% of the squat cycle compared with the the final phase of ascent (92–98%) of the squat cycle in the
control squat (Figure 3). ML malaligned squat compared with the control squat (Fig-
ure 4). Effect size was very large (23.78) for the difference in
Vastus Lateralis. The vastus lateralis had decreased activa- activation (Figure 5).
tion during final ascent (96–99%) of the squat cycle in the
ML malaligned squat compared with the control squat Rectus Femoris. Rectus femoris activation decreased during
(Figure 4). Effect size was very large (26.21) for the sig- the initial (15–18%) and final phase of decent (28–48%) of
nificant difference during the squat cycle for ML malalign- the squat cycle in the ML malaligned squat compared with
ment (Figure 5). the control squat. The rectus femoris also displayed
Figure 5. Effect sizes for significant differences between medio-lateral malaligned and control squat. Vertical error bars represent 95% confidence intervals for
the effect size point estimate. The horizontal line represents the duration across the squat cycle where confidence intervals did not overlap.
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Muscle Activation During Squats
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Figure 6. Differences in muscle activation patterns during the antero-posterior malaligned (grey line) and control (black line) squat across the squat cycle with
90% confidence intervals. Areas in which confidence intervals did not overlap for 3 or more consecutive percentage points were considered statistically
decreased activation in the ML malaligned squat during the Lateral Gastrocnemius. The lateral head of the gastrocne-
final phase of ascent (85–99%) of the squat cycle (Figure 4). mius was more active during the ML malaligned squat
Effect sizes were very large (Range = 24.90, 21.72) for all compared with the control squat in the initial (51–69%)
differences during the squat cycle (Figure 5). and final phase of ascent (71–82%, 85–90%, 96–99%)
during the squat cycle (Figure 4). Effect sizes were very
Biceps Femoris. The biceps femoris activation increased large (Range = 3.90, 11.53) for all differences between the
during the initial phase of descent (11–21%) and beginning ML malaligned and control squat during the squat cycle
of the final phase of descent (25–28%) during the ML ma- (Figure 5).
laligned squat compared with the control squat (Figure 4).
Effect sizes were very large (Range = 4.71, 13.14) for all Medial Gastrocnemius. The medial head of the gastrocnemius
differences in the ML malaligned squat (Figure 5). was less active during the initial (1–7%) and final phases of
Figure 7. Effect sizes for significant differences between antero-posterior malaligned and control squat. Vertical error bars represent 95% confidence intervals
for the effect size point estimate. The horizontal line represents the duration across the squat cycle where confidence intervals did not overlap.
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Figure 8. Differences in average quadriceps (vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, and rectus femoris) activation pattern with 90% confidence intervals between
squat techniques.
descent (29–32%) of the ML malaligned squat compared significant differences during the squat cycle for AP malalign-
with the control squat (Figure 4). During the ascending ment (Figure 7).
phases of the squat cycle, the medial gastrocnemius was
more active in the ML malaligned squat (65–69%, 75–78%, Vastus Medialis. The vastus medialis had decreased activation
85–94%) compared with the control squat (Figure 4). Effect during the initial (11–31%) and final descent (39–48%) of the
sizes were very large (Range = 21.97, 13.53) for all differ- AP malalignment squat compared with the control squat
ences between the ML malaligned and control squat during (Figure 6). Vastus medialis activation also decreased during
the squat cycle (Figure 5). the final ascent of the squat cycle (81–98%) of the AP ma-
laligned squat compared with the control squat (Figure 6).
Antero-Posterior Malaligned Squat
Effect sizes were moderate to very large (Range = 20.69,
Antero-posterior malaligned squats increased anterior knee
22.44) for all differences during the AP malaligned squat
displacement and decreased lateral knee displacement com-
during the squat cycle (Figure 7).
pared with the control squat (Figure 2). Participants demon-
strated significantly less dorsiflexion during the AP Rectus Femoris. Activation of the rectus femoris decreased
malaligned squat during 21–95% of the squat cycle com- during the initial phase of descent (8–21%) and final phase of
pared with the control squat. The AP malaligned squat ascent (82–99%) in the AP malaligned squat compared with
increased knee flexion from 22 to 80% of the squat cycle the control squat. The rectus femoris activation increased in
and decreased hip flexion from 5 to 77% of the squat cycle the AP malaligned squat during the initial phase of ascent
compared with the control squat. Ankle inversion increased (52–71%) (Figure 6). Effect sizes were large to very large
from 10 to 92% of the AP malaligned squat compared with (Range = 21.68, 1.26) for all differences during the AP ma-
the control squat. Participants demonstrated decreased knee laligned squat (Figure 7).
adduction during 15–75% of the AP malaligned squat com-
pared with the control squat (Figure 3). Biceps Femoris. The biceps femoris had increased activation in
all 4 phases of the AP malaligned squat compared with the
Vastus Lateralis. The vastus lateralis had decreased activation control squat (Figure 6). Effect sizes were very large (Range
in the AP malaligned squat compared with the control squat = 1.66, 7.94) for all differences during the AP malaligned
during initial descent (2–13%) and final ascent (87–99%) of squat (Figure 7).
the squat cycle. Vastus lateralis had increased activation
during the AP malaligned squat during initial ascent from Lateral Gastrocnemius. The lateral gastrocnemius activation
peak knee flexion, 59–66% of the squat cycle (Figure 6). also increased during the AP malaligned squat during all
Effect sizes were very large (Range = 22.29, 3.47) for all phases of descent and ascent (1–95%) compared with the
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Muscle Activation During Squats
control squat (Figure 6). Effect size was very large (3.24) for excursion seen in this study. Increased coactivation of the
the difference in activation during the AP malaligned squat gastrocnemii during closed kinetic chain exercises stabilizes
(Figure 7). the ankle during flexed knee stance and decreases the strain
at the anterior cruciate ligament by pulling the femur back-
Medial Gastrocnemius. The medial gastrocnemius was more wards (22,26,34). The increased coactivation of the gastro-
active during the AP malaligned squat during all phases of cnemii during both malaligned squats may indicate an
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descent and ascent (0–99%) compared with the control unstable knee joint position with increased anterior and
squat (Figure 6). Effect size was very large (6.24) for the medial knee displacement. These findings support the
difference in activation during the AP malaligned squat importance of sagittal plane alignment squat form when pa-
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(Figure 7). tients and clients display even minimal knee abduction espe-
cially when the goal of the squat is to strengthen the
DISCUSSION quadriceps muscle group.
The main purpose for the inclusion of the body weight squat The increased eccentric activation of the knee flexors
in training and rehabilitation programs is to increase strength during malaligned squats may be in an effort to stabilize the
at the thigh, hip, and back musculature (10). The activation knee joint when quadriceps activation decreases and when
patterns of the vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, and rectus contact forces are highest. Previous researchers
femoris during the control squat in this study are similar to (3,14,15,33,39,41,43) have noted that patellofemoral contact
those previously reported (8,11,24,28), supporting that the forces are high around 908 of knee flexion, whereas tibiofe-
squat exercise focuses on quadriceps activation. The results moral contact forces are largest when the knee is close to full
in this study support the notion that the quadriceps are most extension. During both malaligned squats, cocontraction of
active during the concentric phase of the exercise (35,40). the biceps femoris and gastrocnemii during parts of the squat
The results in this study also support that malaligned squats, cycle when contact forces are highest may be a strategy to
both in the sagittal and frontal planes, significantly alters stabilize the hip and knee joint (1,8). Hamstring cocontrac-
quadriceps activation. The decreased quadriceps activation tion during knee flexion also decreases anterior translation
associated with ML malalignment indicates that frontal and internal rotation, whereas cocontraction of the gastroc-
plane deviations during a squat alter muscle activation strat- nemius decreases strain at the anterior cruciate ligament
egy to stabilize the lower extremity during a bilateral squat (16,30), supporting that increased activation of the hamstring
(Figure 8). Our study agrees with prior findings that the and gastrocnemius muscles during malaligned bilateral
rectus femoris is less active than the vastus medialis and squats may be a stabilizing technique. Furthermore, the
lateralis during a control squat (12); however, frontal plane increased activation in the hamstring and gastrocnemii dur-
malalignment further decreased rectus femoris activation ing malaligned squats changes the nature of the exercise,
during descent into peak knee flexion and increased activa- targeting muscles that are considerably less active during
tion in the knee flexors. The decreased rectus femoris activ- a squat with neutral alignment. Further research comparing
ity during frontal plane malalignment may suggest that neutral and malaligned squats should also include gluteus
increased medial knee displacement during squats changes maximus, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus activation.
the nature of the exercise, decreasing quadriceps activation Although gluteus maximus activation reportedly increases
and increasing hamstring and gastrocnemii activity. Further with squat depth (4), this may not represent gluteal activa-
research should continue to investigate the influence of tion during an unloaded squat to 908 of knee flexion (5) with
medial knee displacement on rectus femoris activation dur- neutral and malaligned techniques.
ing closed-chain knee exercises. In contrast to the decreased quadriceps activation during
In the current study, both AP and ML malaligned squats the ML malaligned squat, the AP malaligned squat increased
increased gastrocnemius activation compared with the vastus lateralis and rectus femoris activation during initial
control squat. The medial and lateral gastrocnemii activation ascent. Furthermore, the decreased vastus medialis
during the descending and ascending phase of the squat was activation during the AP malaligned squat may be in effort
similar to that previously reported during squatting (36). The to decrease tibial internal rotation and patellofemoral
increased gastrocnemii activation during ML malaligned contact pressure (42). Previous researchers (33) have noted
squats was also similar to increased gastrocnemii activation increased patellofemoral contact forces during flexion with
in individuals with passive medial knee displacement during increased quadriceps activation, which may lead to
squatting (36). Participants in this study were instructed to the increased eccentric activation of the knee flexors during
purposefully squat into a malaligned position, which may the AP malaligned squat. Although restricting anterior knee
not represent muscle activation patterns during passive ma- displacement can result in increased thoracic motion and
lalignment. The similarities in gastrocnemii activation during forces at the hip and back during squats (17,27), too much
passive medial knee displacement indicate that both the anterior knee displacement may lead to increased patellofe-
medial and lateral gastrocnemii are more active during moral contact forces (33,38,39). The knee joint displaced
frontal plane malalignment even with the slight medial knee approximately 0.17 m anteriorly compared with neutral
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position during control squats in our study; however, the PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS
biceps femoris and gastrocnemius had little activity through- The bilateral squat exercise is a commonly used exercise for
out the squat cycle. Both the ML and AP malaligned squats strengthening the quadriceps. Oftentimes, the exercise is not
increased anterior knee displacement by approximately 0.07 executed properly without initial instruction from a practi-
and 0.15 m, respectively (Figure 2), which may explain the tioner. Two common malalignments during a bodyweight
increase in biceps femoris activation we observed during
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Muscle Activation During Squats
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