LFT & lipid profile 2025
LFT & lipid profile 2025
LFT & lipid profile 2025
1) Non-invasive methods for screening of liver disease as hepatitis.
2) Assess severity and allow prediction of outcome.
3) Disease and treatment follow-up.
4) Monitoring possible side effects of medications.
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Three types of bilirubin could be measured or calculated in lab:
1- Total bilirubin
2- Direct bilirubin
3- Indirect bilirubin
Heme Catabolism:
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Bilirubin has limited aqueous solubility, so it binds to albumin to increases its
solubility in plasma.
Liver has the ability to remove unconjugated bilirubin.
The liver conjugates the bilirubin with glucuronic acid, so it is now called
“conjugated/ direct bilirubin”.
Hemolytic jaundice Hepatocellular Obstructive jaundice
↑ Unconjugated (indirect) ↑ Unconjugated & ↑ Conjugated (direct)
bilirubin conjugated bilirubin bilirubin
↑ hemolysis of RBCs Liver cell failure Bile duct obstruction
e.g. Hemolytic anemia e.g. Liver cirrhosis e.g. Stone
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Alanine transaminase Aspartate transaminase Alkaline phosphatase Gamma glutamyl transferase
Hepatocytes (Liver). Hepatocytes (Liver). Biliary duct of the liver. Hepatocytes (Liver).
Also in red cells, and cardiac Also in bone & placental tissue.
and skeletal muscle.
More liver -specific than AST. Not specific to the liver. Not specific to the liver. More specific to liver and
sensitive marker for cholestatic
damage than ALP.
Primary liver diseases Liver diseases Large bile duct obstruction, With even minor, sub-clinical
such as cirrhosis, carcinoma, Myocardial infarction intrahepatic cholestasis levels of liver dysfunction
Elevate in : viral hepatitis and obstructive Muscle disease Infiltrative diseases of the liver.
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Principle :
The quantitative measurement of colorless materials is based on the principle
that they will be converted to colored substances in certain chemical or
biological reactions.
The intensity of the color produced is directly proportional to substance
concentration in the sample.
This colored solutions can absorb light at certain wave lengths.
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Principle :
Bromocresol green (BCG) colorimetric method
❑ Albumin at pH 4.3 is sufficiently cationic to bind the anionic indicator dye
bromocresol green (BCG) to form a blue-green colored complex.
❑ Sample: Serum, plasma
❑ Method: Pipette into test tubes
❑ Measure the absorbance of sample and standard against blank at wave
length 578 nm.
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❑ Normal Serum albumin levels = 3.5 to 5 g/dl.
❑ Lower than normal levels of albumin is strongly suggestive of chronic liver
Causes of hypoalbuminemia
Mal-nutrition (Starvation)
Mal-absorption (Crohn’ s disease)
Chronic liver disease
Chronic infection
Tissue damage (severe burns)
Prolonged fever/ inflammation
Nephrotic syndrome
The low plasma osmotic pressure allows water to move out of the blood
capillaries into the tissues (edema, ascites).
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Definition ❑ Blood tests that measure amount of lipids in your blood
❑ Total cholesterol = HDL-C+ LDL-C+ VLDL-C
❑ LDL-C is either :
1. Measured directly
2. Calculated by this formula :
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Precautions for sampling
1. Blood sample should be collected after 12-hour fasting
(no food or drink, except water)
2. 12-hour Fasting is essential :
a) To minimize variation, since eating affect triglycerides levels for many
b) To produce a better calculation of LDL-cholesterol, which is often
calculated from an equation using fasting triglycerides value.
3. Blood is collected in red dry tube for serum.
❑ Cholesterol esters are hydrolyzed by cholesterol esterase to cholesterol
which is oxidized by cholesterol oxidase into cholest-4-en-3-one + H2O2
❑ H2O2 is detected by colorimetric probe by peroxidase.
❑ The intensity of color is proportional to cholesterol concentration.
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❑ Sample: Serum, plasma
❑ Method: Pipette into test tubes
❑ Measure the absorbance of sample and standard against blank at wave
length 505 nm using the spectrophotometer.
Causes of hypercholesterolemia:
1. Normal cholesterol values: less than 200 mg/dl
2. Causes of hypercholesterolemia:
Familial Hypercholesterolemia
Nephrotic syndrome
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