Alat Medis Dan Fungsi
Alat Medis Dan Fungsi
Alat Medis Dan Fungsi
The stethoscope is an acoustic medical instrument to examine the voice in the body.
Stethoscope function is to listen to the heartbeat, bowel sounds, breathing and so
forth. With this ability, stethoscope used also to know the working of the lungs and
also to measure the blood pressure pulse by listening.
There are two type Stethoscope
a. acoustic stethoscope
b. electronic stethoscope
CT scan is a procedure that is used to get an overview of the various small corner of
the bones of the skull and brain.
The purpose of the use of CT Scan
Finding the pathology of the brain and spinal cord with scanning technique /
examination without radioisotope.
6. Electrocardiogram (ECG)
8. Currete (Kuret)
Function is squirt lavement / clysmaliquid through the anus is often usedis glycerin or
soap solution.
The tool checks the blood usually have three functions in one tool. In addition to
checkingblood sugar levels, can also be used to check uric acid and cholesterol in the
blood. Usedin the examination of cholesterol disease, gout, diabetes, and so forth.
13. Handschoen (Sarung Tangan)
Its function is used to protect the hands from the surrounding environment
Its function is used to remove the cotton used, pus, vomit, etc.
Its function is used for male patients when the urge to urinate, while patients should
not /can not get to the bathroom.
its function to inject drugs with a volume of 3 Ml by tearing the skin tissue.
This is the function of the needle to enter the outer abocath made of plastic. After all
theblood vessels enter the inner needle was removed and will stay in the outer parts of
the blood vessels. as part of this outsider who will serve as the entry way or another
23. X-ray
People are more familiar with these medical devices as X-rays. This tool is used in
aparticular part untukmengetahui lungs. X-ray work function with the use of the
radiation beam.
Measuring body temperature through the ear with infrared so that the results will be
foundimmediately, without waiting for a long time. Suitable for babies, children and