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D U C T S Y S T E M S , S T A I N L E S S S T E E L


D U C T S Y S T E M S , S T A I N L E S S S T E E L


Sales, delivery and payment terms

1. Applicability: 9. Liability for defects and deficiencies and warranty claims
These sales, delivery and payment terms (hereinafter “the Terms”) apply to all offers, orders Upon receipt of the goods sold at the Buyer’s address, the Buyer shall immediately perform
and deliveries supplied by JKF Industri A/S, CVR no. 17085204 (hereinafter “JKF Industri”) to a thorough examination of the goods, including quantity and specifications.
any customer (hereinafter “the Buyer”) (hereinafter collectively referred to as “the Parties”),
unless expressly agreed otherwise. Should the Buyer wish to claim for any defects or deficiencies, including with regard to
the quantity or specifications delivered, which the Buyer has or should have discovered
JKF Industri cannot be bound by terms applied by the Buyer, including purchasing terms, in the course of thorough examination of the goods, a written claim shall be submitted to
even if JKF Industri has not objected to such terms. JKF Industri without undue delay and within 14 days of receipt of the goods at the Buyer’s
address. JKF Industri is entitled to reject any claims received after the expiry of the period
2. Offers stated above.
All offers are made subject to the goods being unsold. If JKF Industri makes an offer that
does not stipulate a specific time for acceptance, the offer will expire if not accepted by the JKF Industri warrants performing redelivery/remedy of goods which are defective or deficient
Buyer within 30 days of the date of the offer. due to material or manufacturing error for goods which the Buyer has not nor should have
discovered by thorough examination for a period of 12 consecutive months after delivery.
3. Prices However, the Buyer shall submit a claim to JKF Industri immediately if discovering such
All prices are stated in DKK excluding VAT, customs duties, taxes, transport costs and all defects or deficiencies.
other costs which are the responsibility of the Buyer arising from the contractual EXW clause
(see below). Prices are stated in EUR exclusive of the aforementioned costs for Buyers Defective or deficient goods will either be remedied or replaced within a reasonable period
located in countries, which are members of the European Economic and Monetary Union of time at JKF Industri’s discretion. Modification/interference with the goods without JKF
(the Euro). Industri’s written consent releases JKF Industri from any obligation.
4. Sales and delivery terms Remedy/redelivery by JKF Industri of elements of a delivery shall be on the same terms and
Payment terms are current month + 20 days net calculated from the date of invoice unless conditions as for the original delivery, including those stated in item 6. JKF Industri’s obliga-
otherwise agreed in writing. tion to remedy or redeliver does not, however, apply to any part of an order more than 1 year
after delivery to the Buyer.
If payment is made after the due date and the delay is no fault of JKF Industri, JKF Industri is
entitled to charge interest on the sum outstanding as from the due date, at a rate equivalent Once liability for the order has been transferred to the Buyer, JKF Industri bears no responsi-
to 1.5 % per month or part thereof. bility for any defects over and above the obligations specified in this provision.
The Buyer is not entitled to offset any counterclaims against JKF Industri unless expressly 10. Force majeure
agreed in writing by JKF Industri, and does not have the right to withhold any of the purchase The following circumstances are intended as examples of events resulting in exemption from
sums by reason of counterclaims of any kind. liability should they prevent fulfilment of the contract:
5. Retention of title Industrial disputes, strikes, lockout or any other circumstances beyond the control of
For Buyers in the United Kingdom: the parties, such as fire, war, mobilisation, unforeseen military call-up, acts of sabotage,
The goods shall remain the property (i.e. title) of JKF Industri until: (ii) the full price for them is requisitioning, confiscation, currency restrictions, import ban, export ban, riots, unrest, fuel
paid; and (ii) all sums for any other goods or services then properly due and payable from the shortage, general scarcity of goods, restrictions in power supplies and defects in deliveries
Buyer are paid to JKF Industri. JKF Industri may at any time attribute any money received from sub-suppliers or delays with such deliveries as a result of any of the aforementioned
by it from the Buyer in any order as JKF Industri may decide. Until such payment, the Buyer circumstances.
shall hold the goods on a fiduciary basis as the bailee or depository of JKF Industri, and
shall not dispose of them. However, subject to JKF Industri’s prior written consent, the It should be specifically noted that the above is not an exhaustive list of examples, and
Buyer may on the Buyer’s own account sell the goods to any customers but shall not do so there may be other examples that come under limitation of liability. If delivery is tempora­
after any step is taken or made for any composition or arrangement with creditors generally, rily delayed by one or more of the aforementioned circumstances, the delivery date will be
liquidation, winding-up, dissolution, administration, receivership or bankruptcy of the Buyer. correspondingly postponed. If delivery is prevented for more than 12 weeks, JKF Industri is
If any such step occurs, or JKF Industri reasonably expects that such a step is soon to occur, entitled to cancel the relevant contract without liability.
or any payment due to JKF Industri from the Buyer becomes overdue, JKF Industri may by 11. Returns
written notice terminate the Buyer’s right (if any) to sell the goods and JKF Industri may then Items sold can only be returned by prior written agreement, and upon obtaining a returned
recover such goods and for that purpose enter any premises, subject to the Buyer’s contin- goods order number. Return will be at the Buyer’s expense and risk and should include JKF
ued liability to pay the price for the goods. If the item has been sold with a view to later being Industri’s invoice number and the date of the original delivery.
built into or joined to other objects, the item sold is not covered by the right of retention once
such installation or joining has taken place. Returned goods will be credited once they have been inspected and approved, normally
to the value of 85% of invoice price (unless otherwise agreed in writing), less any costs
JKF Industri reserves the right within the limitations of mandatory laws to retention of title to incurred by JKF Industri for inspection, preparation or repair. Custom made goods will not
the item sold until payment for the entire purchase sum, plus any costs incurred, has been be credited. If JKF Industri is charged for shipping costs etc., JKF Industri is also entitled to
made to JKF Industri. If the item has been sold with a view to later being built into or joined to demand these be refunded by the Buyer and to offset these against any claims by the Buyer
other objects, the item sold is not covered by the right of retention once such installation or against JKF Industri.
joining has taken place.
12. Product liability
For Buyers outside the United Kingdom: JKF Industri is not liable for damage to property or effects that occur while the item is in the
JKF Industri reserves the right within the limitations of mandatory laws to retention of title to possession of the Buyer. Neither is JKF Industri liable for damage to products manufactured
the item sold until payment for the entire purchase sum, plus any costs incurred, has been by the Buyer or to products of which these form a part. JKF Industri is not liable for any
made to JKF Industri. If the item has been sold with a view to later being built into or joined to operating loss, lost earnings or other indirect loss.
other objects, the item sold is not covered by the right of retention once such installation or
joining has taken place. To the extent that product liability may be imposed on JKF Industri with regard to third par-
ties, the Buyer is obliged to compensate JKF Industri to the same extent that JKF Industri’s
6. Delivery liability is limited as per the above. These limitations to JKF Industri’s liability do not apply
Unless otherwise agreed in writing between the Parties, the delivery dates stated are EXW if JKF Industri is guilty of gross negligence. If a third party puts forward a claim against one
JKF Industri’s address, with a proviso for possible schedule overruns (see below). The use of of the Parties for compensation with reference to this point, that party must immediately
EXW means that the goods are deemed to have been delivered and the order fulfilled from inform the other party. The Buyer can be sued at the same court that handles any claims for
the moment they are made available for collection by the Buyer from JKF Industri’s address. compensation against JKF Industri, in consequence of damage alleged to have been caused
Unless otherwise agreed in writing between the Parties, JKF Industri is authorised to order by one of JKF Industri’s deliveries. JKF Industri’s product liability can never exceed the cover
transport on the usual terms on behalf of the Buyer. The Buyer, will continue to bear the risk JKF Industri has for product liability insurance.
for arranging transport, and if it cannot be arranged, the goods will be deemed to be deliv- 13. Compensation
ered from the time at which JKF Industri states the purchaser can collect them. Regardless Notwithstanding the above, JKF Industri cannot be held liable for any indirect loss such as
of which of the Parties has ordered it, shipping will always be at the risk and expense of the operating loss, consequential loss, loss of profit etc., which a defect or deficiency could
Buyer. Transport insurance (if any) will be the responsibility of the Buyer. The delivery clause cause the Buyer or a third party, including indirect loss etc., arising as a result of delayed
(EXW) agreed between the Parties is to be interpreted in accordance with the INCOTERMS delivery or defects/deficiencies in the goods sold.
current at the time of signing the agreement (currently INCOTERMS 2010).
Any compensation claim against JKF Industri cannot exceed the invoice value for the goods
The delivery date is set by JKF Industri according to the best judgement, and if this cannot sold.
be kept to, the Buyer will be informed accordingly, with when, as far as possible, delivery
can be expected to take place. Any delay does not give the Buyer the right to cancel the sale 14. Invalidity
and/or claim any form of financial compensation from JKF Industri. Should one or more of the provisions in these terms be deemed invalid, illegal or non-
applicable, the validity, legality or applicability of all other provisions shall not be affected or
7. Packaging lessened as a result thereof.
Packaging may only be returned by prior written agreement. Return of packaging is at the
Buyer’s own expense and risk. The Buyer’s packaging will be credited after reception and 15. Jurisdiction and court of venue
approval by JKF Industri. All disputes between the parties shall be settled under Danish Law including the Danish Sale
of Goods Act, but with the exception of Danish jurisdiction rules. The International Sale of
8. Product information and confidentiality Goods Act (CISG) shall neither be wholly nor partially applied.
All illustrations, technical drawings and brochures issued by JKF Industri before or after the
contract have been entered into remain the property of JKF Industri and must be returned to Any dispute regulated by the terms shall be resolved by arbitration at the Danish Institute of
JKF Industri on request. Such materials must be treated with strict confidentiality and cannot Arbitration, according to the institute’s rules, which apply when an arbitration case is brought
be used, copied or passed on without written agreement, or abused in any other manner. with the amendments stated below.
The Buyer undertakes to generally observe confidentiality concerning all aspects of JKF However, the Parties agree that the arbitral tribunal shall consist of 3 members, of whom
Industri known to the Buyer as a result of the information the Parties have exchanged in the each party will appoint one member, and the Danish Institute of Arbitration will appoint the
course of their dealings. tribunal chairman. If a party fails to appoint a member within 14 days of being requested to
do so by the Danish Institute of Arbitration, the institute will appoint a member on behalf of
Breach of this provision by the Buyer shall incur a fine payable to JKF Industri of DKK 75,000. that party.
The fine shall be payable for each breach of the provision, and if the breach consists of con-
tinuation of a previous breach, the fine shall be payable for each 14 day period of continua- The tribunal shall sit in Hadsund.
tion or part thereof. Payment of a fine shall not relieve the Buyer of the above obligations, nor
prevent or constrain JKF Industri from claiming compensation for any loss JKF Industri may
have incurred arising from the breach, in that payment of the fine by the Buyer shall not be The original version of this document is in Danish. In the event of discrepancies between the
included in calculation of JKF Industri’s loss. In addition to the above, JKF Industri is entitled Danish and English versions, the Danish version will take preference.
to take out an injunction.
D U C T S Y S T E M S , S T A I N L E S S S T E E L


Ta b l e o f c o n t e n t s

Section 00. General

Sales, delivery and payment terms........................................................................................................................................................... Page 02
Table of contents.................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 03
JKF duct systems, stainless steel.............................................................................................................................................................. Page 04
Assembly methods, stainless steel........................................................................................................................................................... Page 05

Section 01. Duct systems

Laser welded ducts, stainless steel.......................................................................................................................................................... Page 06
Telescopic ducts, stainless steel............................................................................................................................................................... Page 07
Ducts with access door, stainless steel..................................................................................................................................................... Page 08
Ducts with cleaning spigot, stainless steel............................................................................................................................................... Page 09
Pressed bends, stainless steel.................................................................................................................................................................. Page 10
Segment bends, stainless steel................................................................................................................................................................ Page 11
30° straight branch pieces, stainless steel............................................................................................................................................... Page 12
45° straight branch pieces, stainless steel............................................................................................................................................... Page 13
30° trouser pieces, stainless steel............................................................................................................................................................ Page 14
90° T-pieces, stainless steel..................................................................................................................................................................... Page 15
Tapers, stainless steel.............................................................................................................................................................................. Page 16
Transition pieces, stainless steel.............................................................................................................................................................. Page 17

Section 02. Sliding dampers, throttle valves

Tight sliding dampers, stainless steel, manual and pneumatic................................................................................................................. Page 18
Throttle valves, stainless steel, manual, pneumatic and electric............................................................................................................... Page 19
Throttle valves, stainless steel, manual, pneumatic and electric................................................................................................................ Page 20
False air valves, stainless steel................................................................................................................................................................. Page 21

Section 03. Pull rings

Pull rings, stainless steel.......................................................................................................................................................................... Page 22
Rubber gasket rings................................................................................................................................................................................ Page 23

Section 04. Flanges

Flanges, stainless steel............................................................................................................................................................................ Page 24
Rubber flanges....................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 25

Section 05. Jet caps

Jet caps, stainless steel............................................................................................................................................................................ Page 26

Section 06. Accessories

Clip bands, stainless steel....................................................................................................................................................................... Page 27
Sweep ups, stainless steel....................................................................................................................................................................... Page 28
Sputniks, stainless steel........................................................................................................................................................................... Page 29
Purflex hoses......................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 30

D U C T S Y S T E M S , S T A I N L E S S S T E E L


JKF duct systems, stainless


JKF's stainless steel duct system covers a wide range of ducts, bends, valves, transition pieces, jet
caps etc.
The duct system can be used for all extraction purposes for transport of particles and air, and
includes all the components needed for a complete extraction solution.
All dimensions stated are internal.

The duct system is manufactured in stainless steel EN 1.4301 (AISI 304) in thicknesses of 0.70 - 1.00

Leaks in a duct system mean loss of capacity and undesirable noise. The duct system is manu-
factured with minor tolerances to ensure tight joints. Use of pull rings ensures that the duct line
fulfils tightness class C, the best tightness class within industrial extraction.
Joint sealing compound or rubber flanges (EPDM) are recommended for flange assemblies to
ensure tight joints. Correct assembly with sealing compound or rubber flanges will result in
assemblies which fulfil the requirements for tightness class C in accordance with DS447.
The duct system is particularly well suited for the stricter requirements on cleaning the duct sys-
tem, and for installation with the special requirements for explosion prevention in accordance
with EU directive 94/9 EC of 23 March 1994 (ATEX).

Quality assurance
JKF’s quality assurance system is certified
Laser welded and longitudinally lock formed duct Sliding dampers and throttle valves, stainless steel. according to DS/ISO9001 (DS/EN29001).
­system, stainless steel.

D U C T S Y S T E M S , S T A I N L E S S S T E E L


Assembly methods, stainless


Assembly methods
The high, uniform quality of the duct system
along with efficient assembly and sealing
ensures quick and easy assembly with the
­ability to perform subsequent modifications.

The components for the stainless steel duct

system are made for a range of different assem-
bly methods, which are also suitable for other
systems. For pull rings [f.b] For wide pull rings [f.bb]

Pull rings or flat iron flanges are used for

assembly, regardless of duct dimension,
requirements for strength, tightness, noise and
ease of assembly.

Assembly method must be stated when placing

order. Assembly methods are stated under the

Item numbers for pull ring assembly products

are stated in this catalogue [f.b]. With loose flange fitted [f.b.m.fl] For hoses [f.sl]

Smooth [gl]

D U C T S Y S T E M S , S T A I N L E S S S T E E L


Laser welded ducts,

stainless steel

Diameter: ø80 - ø1000 mm.

Laser welded ducts are made of 0.70 mm sheet
Longitudinally lock formed ducts are made of
0,80 mm sheet metal.

Ducts are supplied in 0.5 m, 1.0 m and 2.0 m D


0,70 mm

Dimensional specifications are given in the table below.

D Item no. Weight at Item no. Weight at Item no. Weight at
mm L = 0.5 m L = 0.5 m L = 1.0 m L = 1.0 m L = 2.0 m L = 2.0 m
kg kg kg
Laser welded
80 10900011 0,70 10900021 1,41 10900031 2,81
100 10900111 0,88 10900121 1,76 10900131 3,52
120 10900211 1,06 10900221 2,11 10900231 4,22
125 10900311 0,97 10900321 2,33 10900331 4,28
140 10900411 1,23 10900421 2,46 10900431 4,93
150 10900511 1,32 10900521 2,64 10900531 5,28
160 10900611 1,49 10900621 2.99 10900631 5,60
175 10900711 1,58 10900721 3,17 10900731 6,33
180 10900751 1,44 10900761 2.88 10900771 5,28
200 10900811 1,76 10900821 3,52 10900831 7,04
224 10900911 1,98 10900921 3,96 10900931 7,92
250 10901011 2,20 10901021 4,40 10901031 8,80
300 10901211 2,64 10901221 5,28 10901231 10,56
315 10901311 3,20 10901321 5,18 10901331 10,56
350 10901411 3,08 10901421 6,16 10901431 12,32
400 10901511 3,52 10901521 7,04 10901531 14,07
Longitudinally lock formed
450 10901711 5,15 10901721 10,30 10901731 20.60
500 10901911 5,70 10901921 11,40 10901931 22.80
550 10902011 6,25 10902021 12,50 10902031 25,00
600 10902111 6,80 10902121 13,60 10902131 27.20
630 10902211 7,20 10902221 14,40 10902231 28.80
650 10902311 7,50 10902321 15,00 10902331 30,00
700 10902411 8,00 10902421 16,00 10902431 32,00
750 10902511 8,50 10902521 17,00 10902531 34,00
800 10902611 10,00 10902621 20,00 10902631 40,00
850 10902711 22,20 10902721 32,95 10902731 54,45
900 10902811 23,60 10902821 35,10 10902831 48,10
950 10902911 24,99 10902921 37,24 10902931 51,74
1000 10903011 26.38 10903021 39,38 10903031 65,38

The item numbers stated are for ducts assembled using pull rings [f.b].
Laser welded ducts are also available for other assembly methods. See p. 5 for assembly methods.

D U C T S Y S T E M S , S T A I N L E S S S T E E L


Te l e s c o p i c d u c t s ,
stainless steel

500 mm

0,80 mm

450 mm 50 mm

Dimensional specifications are given in the table below.

Diameter: ø100 - ø500 mm.

Telescopic ducts are made of 0.80 mm sheet metal, and supplied with rapid lock pull ring, including rubber insert. Rapid lock pull rings are

D Weight
Item no. mm kg
1099561 100 0,98
1099564 120 1,18
1099565 125 1,55
1099570 140 1,38
1099573 150 1,47
1099574 160 1,90
1099579 175 1,74
1099580 180 2,24
1099582 200 1,99
1099585 224 2,23
1099588 250 2,40
1099594 300 3,00
1099596 315 3,60
1099598 350 3,95
1099600 400 5,00
1099603 450 5,70
1099604 500 6,30

The item numbers stated are for telescopic ducts assembled using pull rings [f.b].
Telescopic ducts are also available for other assembly methods. See p. 5 for assembly methods.

D U C T S Y S T E M S , S T A I N L E S S S T E E L


D u c t s w i t h a c c e s s d o o r,
stainless steel

500 mm

• • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • •

0,80 mm

Dimensional specifications are given in the table below.

Diameter: ø80 - ø1000 mm.

Access doors are made of 0.80 mm and 1.00 mm sheet metal such that the inside is smooth and has a close fit.

D B×A Weight
Item no. mm mm kg
4670370 80 80 x 150 0,80
4671370 100 100 x 150 1,00
4672370 120 100 x 150 1,20
4673370 125 100 x 150 1,25
4674370 140 100 x 150 1,40
4675370 150 100 x 150 1,50
4676370 160 100 x 150 1,60
4677370 175 100 x 150 1,75
4677470 180 100 x 150 1,80
4678370 200 100 x 150 2,00
4679370 224 100 x 150 2,25
4680370 250 100 x 150 2,50
4681370 300 100 x 150 2,85
4682370 315 100 x 150 3,15
4683370 350 150 x 200 3,25
4684370 400 150 x 200 4,50
4685370 450 150 x 200 6,44
4686370 500 150 x 200 7,03
4687370 550 150 x 200 7,62
4688370 600 150 x 200 8,21
4689370 630 150 x 200 8,56
4690370 650 150 x 200 8,80
4691370 700 150 x 200 9,39
4692370 750 150 x 200 9,98
4693370 800 150 x 200 10,58
4694370 850 150 x 200 11,16
4695370 900 150 x 200 11,76
4696370 950 150 x 200 12,34
4697370 1000 150 x 200 12,92

The item numbers stated are for ducts with access door assembled using pull rings [f.b].
Ducts with access door are also available for other assembly methods. See p. 5 for assembly methods.

D U C T S Y S T E M S , S T A I N L E S S S T E E L


Ducts with cleaning spigot,

stainless steel

Diameter: ø100 - ø400 mm.

ø100 mm

PVC lid is easy to put on and take off. All

cleaning spigots have a ø100 mm opening.

0,80 mm
250 mm

Dimensional specifications are given in the table below.

D Weight
Item no. mm kg
4671115 100 0,90
4671116 120 1,14
4671118 140 1,33
4671119 150 1,43
4675116 175 1,66
4675117 200 1,90
4675118 224 2,14
4675119 250 2,38
4675120 300 2,52
4680116 350 3,09
4680117 400 4,28

The item numbers stated are for ducts with cleaning spigot assembled using pull rings [f.b].
Ducts with cleaning spigot are also available for other assembly methods. See p. 5 for assembly methods.

D U C T S Y S T E M S , S T A I N L E S S S T E E L


Pressed bends,
stainless steel

Diameter: ø80 - ø200 mm.

The bends are pressed.

Bends ø80 - ø150 mm are made of 1.00 mm sheet metal,
and bends ø200 mm are made of 1.50 mm sheet metal. 1,00/1,50 mm

Dimensional specifications are given in the table below.

Diameter = (D). R = 2 x D for all dimensions.

90˚ 60˚ 45˚ 30˚
D mm Item no. kg Item no. kg Item no. kg Item no. kg

80 11990892 0,95 11990862 0,65 11990842 0,50 11990832 0,35

100 11991092 1,55 11991062 1,10 11991042 0,85 11991032 0,60
120 11991292 2,20 11991262 1,50 11991242 1,15 11991232 0,80
150 11991592 3,50 11991562 2,40 11991542 1,80 11991532 1,25
200 11992092 9,15 11992062 6,15 11992042 4,50 11992032 3,15

The item numbers stated are for bends assembled using pull rings [f.b].
Bends are also available for other assembly methods. See p. 5 for assembly methods.

D U C T S Y S T E M S , S T A I N L E S S S T E E L


Segment bends,
stainless steel

Diameter: ø140 - ø1000 mm.

Segment bends are made of 0.80 mm sheet metal.

Segment bends are available in other radii to order.

0,80 mm

Dimensional specifications are given in the table below.

R = 1.5 x D for all dimensions.

90˚ 60˚ 45˚ 30˚ 15˚
D mm Item no. kg Item no. kg Item no. kg Item no. kg Item no. kg

140 11991492 1,14 11991462 0,79 11991442 0,61 11991432 0,44 11991412 0,26
160 11991692 1,55 11991662 1,05 11991642 0,75 11991632 0,50 11991612 0,30
175 11991892 1,70 11991862 1,17 11991842 0,91 11991832 0,64 11991812 0,37
180 11991992 1,95 11991962 1,25 11991942 0,95 11991932 0,70 11991912 0,35
224 11992290 3,07 11992262 2,09 11992245 1,60 11992232 1,11 11992212 0,63
250 11992592 3,72 11992562 2,53 11992542 1,94 11992532 1,34 11992512 0,75
300 11993092 5,16 11993062 3,50 11993042 2,67 11993032 1,84 11993012 1,01
315 11993262 3,90 11993262 3,90 11993242 2,85 11993232 1,90 11993212 1,10
350 11993592 6,84 11993562 4,63 11993542 3,53 11993532 2,42 11993512 1,32
400 11994092 8,75 11994062 5,91 11994042 4,49 11994032 3,08 11994012 1,66
450 11994592 12,00 11994562 7,95 11994542 6,10 11994532 4,15 11994512 2,20
500 11995092 14.65 11995062 9,85 11995042 7,40 11995032 5,00 11995012 2,60
550 11995592 18,00 11995562 13,50 11995542 9,00 11995532 6,80 11995512 1,70
600 11996092 21,50 11996062 16,10 11996042 10,75 11996032 8,05 11996012 4,00
630 11996592 22,40 11996562 16,80 11996542 11,20 11996532 8,40 11996512 4,20
650 11997092 25,00 11997062 18,80 11997042 12,50 11997032 9,40 11997012 4,70
700 11997592 29,00 11997562 21,80 11997542 14,50 11997532 10,90 11997512 5,40
750 11998092 33,00 11998062 24,80 11998042 16,50 11998032 12,40 11998012 6,20
800 11998592 37,50 11998562 28,10 11998542 18,75 11998532 14,05 11998512 7,00
850 11999092 42,50 11999062 32,00 11999042 21,25 11999032 16,00 11999012 8,00
900 11999592 48,00 11999562 36,00 11999542 24,00 11999532 18,00 11999512 9,00
950 12000092 53,00 12000062 39,80 12000042 26,50 12000032 20,00 12000012 10,00
1000 12000592 59,00 12000562 44,00 12000542 29,50 12000532 22,00 12000512 11,00

The item numbers stated are for segment bends assembled using pull rings [f.b].
Segement bends are also available for other assembly methods. See p. 5 for assembly methods.

D U C T S Y S T E M S , S T A I N L E S S S T E E L


30° straight branch pieces,

stainless steel

Diameter: ø80 - ø400 mm.

Calculation of L2 og L3:
Branch pieces are made of 0.80 mm sheet C

metal. B L1 = see table

When assembled with loose flanges, [f.b.m.fl], L2 =

2 (
× L1 - A
tg∝ )
L1 is extended by 2 x 50 mm.
L3 = L1-L2
cos∝ (2
- B × tg∝ )
State A-, B- and C dimensions when ordering.
Options are limited by A = C ≥ B.
A = C must be max. 1000 mm. L3

The branch determines the length of L1. A = 350, B = 300, C = 350

Branch pieces can only be fitted to straight
L1 = 750 mm
ducts with the branch placed centrally.
L2 = 0,5 × 750 - ( 350
tg 29,6°)= 375 - 308,06

L2 = 66,94 p 67 mm

L3 =
750 - 67
cos 29,6
× tg 29,6 = 785,51 - 85,21
L3 = 700,30 p 700 mm

A=C B L1 L2 L3
mm mm mm mm mm ∝
80 350 28,0
100 350 28,8
120 350 28,8
125 400 29,0
140 450 29,1
150 450 29,2
160 450 29,2
180 550 29,3
200 550 29,3
225 600 29,4
250 750 29,5
275 750 29,6

300 750 29,6

315 850 29,6
350 950 29,6
400 1050 29,7
450 1250 29,7
500 1250 29,7
550 1450 29,8
600 1450 29,8
630 1650 29,8
650 1650 29,8
700 1650 29,8
750 1850 29,9
800 1850 29,9
850 2050 29,9
900 2050 29,9

D U C T S Y S T E M S , S T A I N L E S S S T E E L


45° straight branch pieces,

stainless steel

Diameter: ø80 - ø400 mm.

Calculation of L2 og L3:
Branch pieces are made of 0.80 mm
sheet metal. L1 = see table

When supplied with loose flanges,

L2 =
2 (
× L1 - A
tg∝ )
(2 )
[f.b.m.fl], L1-L2
L3 = - B × tg∝
L1 is extended by 2 x 50 mm. cos∝

State A-, B- and C dimensions when

ordering. Options are limited by L3 Example:
A = C ≥ B. 45° A = 300, B = 250, C = 300
A = C must be max. 1000 mm. mm
L1 = 500 mm
The branch determines the length of L1.

Branch pieces can only be fitted to

L2 = 0,5 × 500 - ( )
300 = 250 - 152,64
tg 44,5°
straight ducts with the branch placed L2 = 97,36 p 97 mm

( )
L3 = 500 - 97 - 250 × tg 44,5° = 565,02 - 122,84
cos 44,5° 2
L3 = 442,18 p 442 mm

A=C B L1 L2 L3
mm mm mm mm mm ∝
80 300 43,8
100 300 43,8
120 350 44,0
125 350 44,0
140 350 44,1
150 400 44,2
160 400 44,2
180 400 44,3
200 450 44,4
225 500 44,5
250 500 44,5
275 600 44,6


300 600 44,6

315 600 44,6
350 700 44,7
400 800 44,7
450 950 44,7
500 950 44,8
550 1150 44,8
600 1050 44,8
630 1150 44,8
650 1150 44,8
700 1300 44,8
750 1300 44,8
800 1450 44,9
850 1450 44,9
900 1650 44,9

D U C T S Y S T E M S , S T A I N L E S S S T E E L


30° trouser pieces,

stainless steel

Diameter: ø80 – ø1000 mm.

Galvanised trouser pieces are made of
100 mm
0.80 mm sheet metal.
State A-, B- and C dimensions when ordering.
Trouser pieces are extended by 50 mm on C B

legs B and C when assembled by wide pull

rings [f.bb], rapid lock pull rings [f.lyn], or loose
flanges [f.b.m.fl].
JKF can also supply trouser pieces in other 30° 30° 50 mm
angles and qualities.
For galvanised trouser pieces: L2
A ≥ B and A ≥ C. When C ≠ B, the highest
value of B and C shall be used for calculation. 0,80 mm

50 mm

Calculation of L1 and L2 for 2 × 30°:

L1 = (A × 0,134) + 50

L2 = (B × 0,866) + 100


A = B = C = 200
L1 = (200 × 0,134) + 50 = 76,8
L2 = (200 × 0,866) + 100 = 273,2

D U C T S Y S T E M S , S T A I N L E S S S T E E L


9 0 ° T- p i e c e s ,
stainless steel

Diameter: ø80 – ø1000 mm.


T-pieces in stainless steel are made of 0,80 mm sheet metal

For dimensions apply:
State A-, B- and C dimensions when ordering.


0,80 mm

90 O

Dimensional specifications are given in the table below.

B s L L1
mm mm mm mm
80 0,80 230 75
100 0,80 250 75
120 0,80 270 75
125 0,80 275 75
140 0,80 290 75
150 0,80 300 75
160 0,80 310 75
180 0,80 330 75
200 0,80 350 75
225 0,80 425 100
250 0,80 450 100
275 0,80 475 100
300 0,80 500 100
315 0,80 515 100
350 0,80 550 100
400 0,80 600 100
450 0,80 750 150
500 0,80 800 150
550 0,80 850 150
600 0,80 900 150
630 0,80 930 150
650 0,80 950 150
700 0,80 1100 200
750 0,80 1150 200
800 0,80 1200 200
850 0,80 1250 200
900 0,80 1300 200
950 0,80 1350 200
1000 0,80 1400 200
The item numbers stated are for T-pieces assembled using pull rings [f.b].
T-pieces are also available for other assembly methods. See p. 5 for assembly methods.

D U C T S Y S T E M S , S T A I N L E S S S T E E L


Ta p e r s ,
stainless steel

Diameter: ø80 - ø400 mm.


Tapers are spot welded and as standard made 50 mm

of 0.80 mm sheet metal. 0,80 mm

50 mm
When assembling with wide pull rings [f.bb]
and loose flanges [f.b.m.fl], length (L) is
increased by 2 × 50 mm.

State dimensions for D and d plus assembly

method when ordering (p. 5). Length L is D d
stated in the table below.

The item numbers stated are for tapers assem-

bled using pull rings [f.b].
Tapers are also available for other assembly
methods. See p. 5 for assembly methods.

D d L Weight
Item no. mm mm mm kg
1899120 120 80 100 0,35
1899140 140 100 125 0,45
1899142 140 120 125 0,35
1899150 150 80 125 0,55
1899151 150 100 125 0,42
1899154 150 140 125 0,35
1899172 175 120 150 0,70
1899174 175 140 150 0,55
1899175 175 150 125 0,60
1899201 200 100 200 0,75
1899202 200 120 200 0,75
1899208 200 175 125 0,45
1899241 224 150 150 0,90
1899242 224 175 125 0,75
1899244 224 200 125 0,55
1899250 250 150 200 1,20
1899251 250 175 200 1,00
1899254 300 224 125 0,60
1899302 300 200 200 1,45
1899304 300 224 200 1,98
1899352 350 250 200 1,15
1899353 400 300 150 1,15
1899400 400 300 200 1,65
1899403 400 350 150 1,35

D U C T S Y S T E M S , S T A I N L E S S S T E E L


Tr a n s i t i o n p i e c e s ,
stainless steel

Diameter: ø80 - ø1000 mm.

Transition pieces are spot welded and made of
0.80 mm sheet metal.

The transition pieces can be made to order in 0,80

50 mm
other dimensions, and they are also available
in asymmetric format.

State dimensions for BU × LU and D plus

assembly method when ordering (p. 5).
x. H

Calculation of H:

H = 240 + 0,5 × (max. value of LU – D)

or (BU – D)

Example: BU
D = 350, LU = 400, BU = 600, EXL = 200, EXB = 300

H = 240 + (0,5 × 250) = 240 + 125

H = 365 mm



D U C T S Y S T E M S , S T A I N L E S S S T E E L


Tight sliding dampers, stainless

steel, manual and pneumatic





Manual Pneumatic

Dimensional specifications are given in the table below. Dimensional specifications are given in the table below.

General With pneumatic actuator

Sliding dampers are made of 1.50 mm, 2.00 mm and 2.50 mm stainless The pneumatic damper is for ø50 up to ø160 mm fitted with 1
sheet metal (s). The damper plate slides in the polyether and PEHD gas- ­pneumatic cylinder. From ø180 it is fitted with 2 pneumatic ­cylinders.
kets to ensure optimum tightness.

Item no.
Item no. D A B C E F Material thickness Material thickness Weight (kg) Weight (kg)
(Man.) mm mm mm mm mm mm Damper plate (mm) Damper house (mm) Manual Pneu.
230 V AC)
1400502 1400504 50* 220 130 140 295 145 2,0 1,5 1,7 2,8
1400512 1400514 63* 220 130 140 295 145 2,0 1,5 1,7 2,8
1400522 1400524 76* 250 150 160 340 145 2,0 1,5 2,1 3,2
1400532 1400534 80 250 150 160 340 125 2,0 1,5 2,1 3,1
1400542 1400544 100 290 180 180 400 125 2,0 1,5 2,6 3,6
1400562 1400564 108* 340 220 205 475 145 2,0 1,5 3,3 4,7
1400572 1400574 120 340 220 205 475 125 2,0 1,5 3,3 4,3
1400582 1400584 125 340 220 205 475 125 2,0 1,5 3,3 4,3
1400602 1400604 140 390 255 230 550 125 2,0 1,5 4,0 5,1
1400612 1400614 150 390 255 230 550 125 2,0 1,5 4,0 5,1
1400622 1400624 152* 390 255 230 560 145 2,0 1,5 4,3 5,4
1400632 1400634 160 410 270 240 580 125 2,0 1,5 4,3 5,5
1400642 1400644 180 490 330 280 700 125 2,0 1,5 5,7 7,5
1400652 1400654 200 490 330 280 700 125 2,0 1,5 5,8 7,5
1400672 1400674 225 590 405 350 850 165 3,0 2,0 11,7 13,5
1400682 1400684 250 590 405 375 850 165 3,0 2,0 12,1 14,0
14006821 14006841 275 650 445 400 975 165 3,0 2,0 14,7 18,7
1400692 1400694 300 730 505 425 1055 165 3,0 2,0 16,6 20,7
1400702 1400704 315 730 505 440 1055 165 3,0 2,0 16,9 20,9
1400712 1400714 350 800 555 475 1160 165 3,0 2,0 19,6 23,9
1400722 1400724 400 900 630 525 1310 165 3,0 2,0 23,5 28,5
1400732 1400734 450 1035 705 625 1495 250 3,0 3,0 52,1 62,4
1400742 1400744 500 1135 780 675 1645 250 3,0 3,0 59,9 71,0
* Only supplied smooth.
The item numbers stated are for sliding dampers assembled using pull rings [f.b].
Sliding dampers are also available for other assembly methods. See p. 6 for assembly methods.

D U C T S Y S T E M S , S T A I N L E S S S T E E L


Throttle valves, stainless steel,

manual, pneumatic and electric

Diameter: ø80 - ø150 mm. Diameter: ø80 - ø150 mm. Diameter: ø80 - ø150 mm.


0,80 mm

0,80 mm 0,80 mm 0,80 mm 0,80 mm

0,80 mm

20 mm
20 mm 20 mm 20 mm
20 mm


85 mm
85 mm 177 mm
177 mm 112 mm

156 mm
Manual Pneumatic Electric
156 mm
Dimensional specifications are given in the table Dimensional specifications are given in the table Dimensional specifications are given in the table
below. below. below.

General With pneumatic actuator With electric actuator

Throttle valves are made of 0.80 mm sheet The damper is turned by a pneumatic actuator Damper is operated by an electric motor
metal and damper in double sheet. controlled by an electrically-operated valve. activated by a changeover switch.
Throttle handle indicates damper position, and Solenoid valve: monostable 5/2 valve with 1 x Setting indicators showing damper position
can be variably set between open and closed. 230 V AC - 50/60 Hz electric coil or 24 V DC. are available as an optional extra.
Available with natural rubber gasket. Pneumatic pressure: 4-6 bar. Setting indicators Electrical connection: 230 V AC - 50 Hz or 24 V
Maximum closure of throttle valves is 96%. showing damper position are available as an DC.
optional extra.

Item no. Item no. Item no. D L Weight Weight Weight
(Man.) (Pneu.) (Elec.) mm mm (Man.) kg (Pneu.) kg (Elec.) kg
1501112 1501132 1501122 80 125 0,65 3,34 1,60
1501142 1501162 1501152 100 125 0,75 3,52 1,70
1501172 1501192 1501182 120 135 0,90 3,71 1,85
1501202 1501222 1501212 125 135 1,05 2,30 1,50
1501232 1501252 1501242 140 170 1,15 4,03 2,10
1501262 1501282 1501272 150 170 1,25 4,15 2,20
1501292 1501312 1501302 160 170 1,85 2,60 1,81

The item numbers stated are for throttle valves assembled using pull rings [f.b].
Throttle valves are also available for other assembly methods. See p. 5 for assembly methods.

D U C T S Y S T E M S , S T A I N L E S S S T E E L


Throttle valves, stainless steel,

manual, pneumatic and electric

Diameter: ø175 - ø400 mm. Diameter: ø175 - ø400 mm. Diameter: ø175 - ø400 mm.


0,80 mm
0,80 mm 0,80 mm
0,80 mm 0,80 mm 0,80 mm

20 mm 20 mm 20 mm
20 mm
20 mm


D180-375 mm
= 85 mm D180-375 mm 138 mm 114 mm
D400 mm = 85 mm 138 mm
= 100 mm D400 mm 1
= 100 mm 171 mm

Manual Pneumatic Electric

171 mm
General With pneumatic actuator With electric actuator
Throttle valves are made of 0.80 mm sheet The damper is turned by a pneumatic actuator Damper is operated by an electric motor
metal and damper in double sheet. controlled by an electrically-operated valve. activated by a changeover switch.
Throttle handle indicates damper position, and Solenoid valve: monostable 5/2 valve with 1 x Setting indicators showing damper position
can be variably set between open and closed. 230 V AC - 50/60 Hz electric coil or 24 V DC. are available as an optional extra.
Available with natural rubber gasket. Pneumatic pressure: 4-6 bar. Setting indicators Electrical connection: 230 V AC - 50 Hz or 24
Maximum closure of throttle valves is 96%. showing damper position are available as an V DC.
optional extra.

Item no. Item no. Item no. D L Weight Weight Weight
(Man.) (Pneu.) (Elec.) mm mm (Man.) kg (Pneu.) kg (Elec.) kg
1501322 1501342 1501332 175 210 1,94 3,32 3,10
1501347 1501348 1501338 180 210 2,20 4,00 3,10
1501352 1501372 1501362 200 210 2,28 5,20 3,41
1501382 1501402 1501392 224 240 2,78 4,20 2,87
1501412 1501432 1501422 250 265 3,29 4,73 4,47
1501472 1501492 1501482 300 315 4,37 5,87 5,59
1501475 1501495 1501490 315 330 5,00 6,30 6,00
1501502 1501522 1501512 350 365 5,78 8,00 6,81
1501532 1501552 1501542 400 415 7,49 9,61 8,42
1501562 1501582 1501572 450 465 6,10 14,92 9,66
1501592 1501612 1501602 500 515 13,10 11,03 11,45
1501622 550 565 15,59
1501652 600 615 19,41
1501682 650 665 21,46
1501712 700 715 24,29
1501742 750 765 27,40
1501772 800 815 32,05
The item numbers stated are for throttle valves assembled using pull rings [f.b].
Throttle valves are also available for other assembly methods. See p. 5 for assembly methods.

D U C T S Y S T E M S , S T A I N L E S S S T E E L


False air valves, stainless steel

Diameter: ø80 - ø200 mm.

False air valves are made of 0.80 mm sheet metal.

"False" air is regulated by turning the external button.

D Weight
Item no. mm kg

4670903 80 0,75
4671903 100 0,95
4672903 120 1,10
4673903 125 1,15
4674903 140 1,25
4675903 150 1,40
4676903 160 1,75
4677903 175 1,90
4678003 180 2,00
4678903 200 2,15
The item numbers stated are for false air valves assembled using pull rings [f.b].
False air valves are also available for other assembly methods. See p. 5 for assembly methods.

D U C T S Y S T E M S , S T A I N L E S S S T E E L


Pull rings, stainless steel


Pull rings, stainless steel. Pull rings, wide, stainless steel.

Diameter: ø80 - ø300 mm. Diameter: ø200 - ø400 mm.

Stainless steel pull rings [f.b] are in two pieces. Wide stainless steel pull rings [f.bb] are supplied individually with nuts
and bolts.
EPDM rubber rings are available as optional extras for sealing of diameter
assemblies ø80 - ø500 mm.

Supplied in plastic bags of 10 pcs.

Each bag also contains the nuts and bolts required for the assembly.

Pull rings, stainless steel Pull rings, wide, stainless steel

D Weight/10 pcs. D Weight/pcs.
Item no. mm kg Item no. mm kg
1699908 80 0,08 1699956 200 0,35
1699910 100 0,08 1699959 225 0,33
1699912 120 0,08 1699960 250 0,36
1699913 125 0,08 1699962 275 0,38
1699914 140 0,08 1699964 300 0,40
1699915 150 0,80 1699966 315 0,43
1699916 160 0,08 1699970 350 0,48
1699918 175 0,33 1699974 400 0,53
1699919 180 0,33 1699976 450 0,58
1699920 200 0,33 1699978 500 0,63
1699922 225 0,33 1699980 550 0,68
1699925 250 0,33 1699982 600 0,71
1699927 275 0,33 1699984 630 0,73
1699930 300 0,33 1699986 650 0,78
1699932 315 0,33 1699988 700 0,83
1699935 350 0,33 1699990 750 0,88
1699940 400 0,33 1699992 800 0,88

D U C T S Y S T E M S , S T A I N L E S S S T E E L


Rubber gasket rings

Diameter: ø80 - ø300 mm.

Standard rubber gasket rings are made of EPDM 80 rubber and used
for f.b. assemblies to improve degree of tightness.

One rubber gasket ring is fitted for each assembly.

Rubber gasket rings are fitted on either f.b. edge before assembly of


Rubber gasket rings are U-shaped in cross section.

Hardness: 80 shore.
Operating temperature range: -40°C to +100°C.

Same dimensions of rubber gasket rings are available in NITRIL

Hardness: 80 shore. Dimensional specifications are given in the table below.
Operating temperature range: -15°C to +80°C.
NITRIL rubber is resistant to oil and petrol, and to some degree to
acids and bases.
Supplied in plastic bags of 10 pcs. D Weight/10 pcs.
Item no. mm kg

820170080 80 0,20
820170100 100 0,30
820170120 120 0,50
820170125 125 0,50
820170140 140 0,60
820170150 150 0,60
820170160 160 0,70
820170180 180 0,70
820170200 200 0,80
820170225 225 1,10
820170250 250 1,12
820170275 275 1,12
820170300 300 1,30

D U C T S Y S T E M S , S T A I N L E S S S T E E L


Flanges, stainless steel

Diameter: ø80 - ø1000 mm.

Flanges are made in accordance with JKF’s

standard, and are a standard component in
the product range.

Flanges are made in EN 1.4301 (AISI 304)
stainless steel.

d1 s

Dimensional specifications are given in the table below.

Diameter D d1 D2 s Flange Hole Number of Weight
Item no. nominal mm mm mm mm width mm size mm holes kg

1699508 80 85 115 135 3,00 25 10 8 0,22

1699510 100 105 135 155 3,00 25 10 8 0,26
1699512 120 125 155 175 3,00 25 10 8 0,27
1699513 125 130 160 180 3,00 25 10 8 0,30
1699514 140 143 175 193 3,00 25 10 8 0,42
1699515 150 155 185 205 5,00 25 10 8 0,45
1699516 160 165 195 215 5,00 25 10 8 0,50
1699518 175 180 210 225 5,00 25 10 8 0,52
1699519 180 185 215 235 5,00 25 10 8 0,54
1699520 200 205 235 255 5,00 25 10 12 0,60
1699522 225 230 260 280 5,00 25 10 12 0,66
1699525 250 255 285 305 5,00 25 10 12 0,72
1699527 275 280 310 330 5,00 25 10 12 0,78
1699530 300 305 336 355 5,00 25 10 12 0,82
1699532 315 320 351 370 5,00 25 10 12 1,37
1699535 350 355 389 415 5,00 30 12 12 1,36
1699540 400 405 439 465 6,00 30 12 16 1,85
1699545 450 455 489 515 6,00 30 12 16 2,05
1699550 500 505 540 565 6,00 30 12 16 2,28
1699555 550 555 590 615 6,00 30 12 16 2,51
1699560 600 605 640 665 6,00 30 12 16 2,73
1699563 630 635 670 695 6,00 30 12 24 2,83
1699565 650 655 690 715 6,00 30 12 24 2,89
1699570 700 705 750 785 6,00 40 12 24 4,26
1699575 750 755 800 835 6,00 40 12 24 4,56
1699580 800 805 850 885 6,00 40 12 24 4,85
1699585 850 855 900 935 6,00 40 12 24 5,15
1699590 900 905 950 985 6,00 40 12 24 5,43
1699595 950 955 1000 1035 6,00 40 12 24 5,73
1699600 1000 1005 1050 1085 6,00 40 12 24 6,02

D U C T S Y S T E M S , S T A I N L E S S S T E E L


Rubber flanges

Diameter: ø80 - ø400 mm.

Rubber flanges are made of 3.00 mm NITRIL

rubber, adapted to JKF’s standard flange

Hardness: 65 shore.

Operating temperature range: -10°C to


The rubber flanges are resistant to oil and

petrol and to some degree to acids and
d1 3,00 mm

Dimensional specifications are given in the table below.

Diameter D d1 D2 Flange Hole Number of Weight
Item no. nominal mm mm mm width mm size mm holes kg

820150080 80 83 115 133 25 8 8 0,02

820150100 100 103 135 153 25 8 8 0,03
820150120 120 123 155 173 25 8 8 0,04
820150125 125 128 160 178 25 8 8 0,05
820150140 140 143 175 193 25 8 8 0,05
820150150 150 155 185 205 25 8 8 0,06
820150160 160 165 195 215 25 8 8 0,06
820150180 180 185 215 235 25 8 8 0,07
820150200 200 205 235 255 25 8 12 0,08
820150225 225 230 260 280 25 8 12 0,09
820150250 250 255 285 305 25 8 12 0,10
820150275 275 280 310 330 25 8 12 0,10
820150300 300 305 336 355 25 8 12 0,11
820150315 315 320 351 370 25 8 12 0,13
820150350 350 355 389 415 26 10 12 0,15
820150400 400 405 439 465 30 10 16 0,18
820150450 450 455 389 515 30 10 16 0,21
820150500 500 505 540 565 30 10 16 0,22
820150550 550 555 590 615 30 10 16 0,25
820150600 600 605 640 665 30 10 16 0,29
820150630 630 635 670 695 30 10 24 0,33
820150650 650 655 690 715 30 10 24 0,35
820150700 700 705 750 785 40 10 24 0,38
820150750 750 755 800 835 40 10 24 0,41
820150800 800 805 850 885 40 10 24 0,49
820150850 850 855 900 935 40 10 24 0,52
820150900 900 905 950 985 40 10 24 0,54
820150950 950 955 1000 1035 40 10 24 0,55
820151000 1000 1005 1050 1085 40 10 24 0,56

D U C T S Y S T E M S , S T A I N L E S S S T E E L


Jet caps, stainless steel

Diameter: ø120 - ø400 mm.


Jet caps are supplied with the same assembly methods as duct sys-

They are fitted with an internal cone and drain hose for disposal of

mmWG H








1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000 5.000 6.000 7.000 8.000


Pressure loss curves for diameter ø120 - ø400 mm. Dimensional Dspecifications are given in the table below.

D d H Weight
Item no. mm mm mm kg

120 185 325 3,00

125 195 340 3,50

1940140 140 215 365 3,80

150 230 390 4,00

1940160 160 245 410 5,00

175 275 445 5,40

180 305 490 4,00

200 345 535 4,80

225 380 590 5,70

250 420 640 9,00

300 460 690 8,00

315 480 720 8,70

350 535 785 10,70

400 610 885 13,50

450 690 985 16,70

500 765 1095 21,00

550 840 1200 28,00

600 915 1300 36,00

1940630 630 960 1360 40,00

1940650 650 990 1390 42,00

1940700 700 1070 1505 49,00

1940750 750 1145 1595 56,00

1940800 800 1220 1695 68,00

1940850 850 1295 1795 80,00

1940900 900 1375 1900 100,00

1940950 950 1450 1975 105,60

1941000 1000 1525 2000 150,00
The item numbers stated are for jet caps assembled using pull rings [f.b].
Jet caps are also available for other assembly methods. See p. 5 for assembly methods.

D U C T S Y S T E M S , S T A I N L E S S S T E E L


Clip bands, stainless steel

D + 30 mm 28 mm D + 30 mm 40 mm

2 mm 3 mm


60 mm

A ø11 mm hole ø11 mm hole

Diameter: ø80 - ø300 mm. Diameter: ø350 - ø400 mm.

Clip bands are supplied for mounting of duct systems. 3 different mounting Clip bands are supplied for mounting of duct systems. 3 different mounting
principles are available: as shown, wall mounted and hanging. principles are available: as shown, wall mounted and hanging.

Recommended distance between clip bands: 1 clip band to every other Recommended distance between clip bands: 1 clip band to every other
duct assembly. duct assembly.

s = 2 mm s = 3 mm
Item no. D A Weight Item no. D A Weight
without legs mm mm kg without legs mm mm kg

4670285 80 132 0,20 4683285 350 399 1,15

4671285 100 132 0,21 4684285 400 679 1,30
4672285 120 132 0,25 4685285 450 499 2,01
4673285 125 132 0,27 4686285 500 549 2,27
4674285 140 132 0,28 4687285 550 599 2,33
4675285 150 132 0,29 4688285 600 649 2,42
4676285 160 132 0,31 4689285 630 679 2,51
4677285 175 210 0,33 4690285 650 699 3,64
4677290 180 210 0,34 4691285 700 749 3,88
4678285 200 210 0,36 4692285 750 799 4,09
4679285 224 210 0,39 4693285 800 849 4,31
4680285 250 210 0,43
4681285 300 210 0,50
4682285 315 210 0,62

D U C T S Y S T E M S , S T A I N L E S S S T E E L


Sweep ups, stainless steel

Diameter: ø80 - ø200 mm.

JKF's standard range includes sweep ups 60 mm

for suction of floor surfaces, and they are

made of 0.80 mm sheet metal.

Sweep ups are fitted with grill and no gate, D

but they can be supplied with both.

0,80 mm


200 mm

Dimensional specifications are given in the table below.

Item no. Item no. D H Weight kg Weight kg
standard with gate and grill mm mm standard with gate, no grill

4670402 4670502 80 390 3,10 3,50

4671402 4671502 100 390 3,20 3,53
4672402 4672502 120 390 3,40 3,77
4674402 4674502 140 390 3,50 3,79
4675402 4675502 150 390 3,60 3,81
4677402 4677502 175 390 4,20 4,58
4678402 4678502 200 390 4,40 4,80
The item numbers stated are for sweep ups assembled using pull rings [f.b].

D U C T S Y S T E M S , S T A I N L E S S S T E E L


Sputniks, stainless steel

50 mm

0,80 mm



Dimensional specifications are given in the table below.

Diameter: ø80 - ø400 mm.


Sputniks are for use where several suction heads are merged into a D Weight
mm kg
single suction duct.
80 1,15
100 1,44
Sputniks are available with 2 - 9 spigots. 120 1,80
150 2,94
State D and d and number of spigots plus assembly method 175 4,60
200 7,20
when ordering.
250 9,00
300 10,80
350 15,66
400 18,90

D U C T S Y S T E M S , S T A I N L E S S S T E E L


Purflex hoses

Diameter: ø50 - ø450 mm.

Purflex hoses are ideal for use in the chemical

and petrochemical industries, for gases, cement
dust, granulates, abrasive powders, shavings

They are very hard-wearing and made of 100%

polyurethane in a single film layer with
welded-in, corrosion protected steel spiral.

Temperature range tolerance from -40°C to


Purflex hoses are only available in the length

of 5 m.

Dimensional specifications are given in the table below.

D Bending radius Weight
Item no. Description mm mm kg / m
836505005 Hoses PUR 301 AS 50-51 33 0,280
836506005 Hoses PUR 301 AS 60 38 0,340
836506305 Hoses PUR 301 AS 63-65 40 0,360
836507005 Hoses PUR 301 AS 70 43 0,380
836508005 Hoses PUR 301 AS 80 48 0,440
836509005 Hoses PUR 301 AS 89-90 53 0,480
836510005 Hoses PUR 301 AS 100-102 58 0,510
836512005 Hoses PUR 301 AS 120 68 0,610
836512505 Hoses PUR 301 AS 125-127 71 0,630
836514005 Hoses PUR 301 AS 140 78 0,710
836515005 Hoses PUR 301 AS 150-152 83 0,760
836516005 Hoses PUR 301 AS 160 88 0,810
836518005 Hoses PUR 301 AS 178-180 98 0,900
836520005 Hoses PUR 301 AS 200-203 108 1,030
836522505 Hoses PUR 301 AS 225 122 1,160
836525005 Hoses PUR 301 AS 250 136 1,280
836528005 Hoses PUR 301 AS 280 149 1,430
836530005 Hoses PUR 301 AS 300 159 1,700
836531505 Hoses PUR 301 AS 315 167 1,790
836535005 Hoses PUR 301 AS 350 185 2,000
836540005 Hoses PUR 301 AS 400 210 2,260
836545005 Hoses PUR 301 AS 450 235 2,520
8365125051 Hoses PUR 330 AS 125-127 71 0,820
8365140051 Hoses PUR 330 AS 140 78 0,920
8365160051 Hoses PUR 330 AS 160 88 1,040
8365200051 Hoses PUR 330 AS 200-203 108 1,540


JKF Industri A/S JKF Polska Sp. z o.o., JKF Industri Sdn. Bhd.
Rørsangervej 5, Als Berzyna 81, Lot 8521, Jalan Persiaran Galla,
9560 Hadsund 64-200 Wolsztyn Galla Industrial Park, 70200 Seremban
Denmark Poland N.S.D.K., Malaysia
Tel: +45 98581211 Tel: +48 683470700 Tel: +60 67649861
Fax: +45 98581177 Fax: +48 683845338 Fax: +60 67649863
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
www.jkf.dk www.jkfpolska.pl www.jkf.com.my

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