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71 years old, Female

Non Compliance to medical
Medication for Hypertension regimen

Delayed stomach emptying Stress

Pressure receptors indirectly Gas builds up in stomach

stimulate the vargus nerve

Aspiration of acid into larynx, lungs Presence of refluxate in the larynx

Condition with high acid


Irritation of upper respiratory track Dysphagia (Swallowing Difficulties)

Scarring esophageal Risk for imbalanced nutrition: less

Irritation/Inflammation of esophagus
stricture than body requirement related to
vomiting and inability to intake
food and medicine.
Repeated damage to

Acute Pain in Epigastric Region

related to reflux of the gastric
contents into the esophagus

Subjective: Balanced nutrition is Short term: Assessed nutritional Identify deficiencies After 24 hours of
vital to an individual’s history, including suspect the possibility nursing intervention
“Pag umiinom ako ng After 2 hours of nursing preferred food. of intervention. the patient will be
health and well-being.
gamot o kumakain, intervention the able to:
Sinusuka ko siya” Imbalanced nutrition
patient will be able to:
verbalize by the refers to either Observed and Observing  Verbalized the
patient. nutrition that is more  Verbalize the recorded the patient’s caloric intake/lack of importance of
than or less than the importance of food intake. quality food nutrition to
Objective: body’s requirements nutrition to consumption. their body
 Patient and metabolic needs. their body  Identified and
appears weak  Identify and Give food a little but Little food can discuss
It can occur with any
and drowsy discuss often and or eat reduce vulnerabilities possible
 Pale individual. Listed interventions to
possible between meals. and increase input
below is a brief list of interventions to and also prevents achieve
Nursing Diagnosis: potential causes that achieve gastric distention. needed
may result in an needed nutrition
Risk for imbalanced individual nutrition Gave and Help oral
nutrition: less than experiencing an hygiene. After 48 hours of
body requirement Long Term: nursing intervention
imbalance in their
related to vomiting Avoid foods that Increased appetite the patient will be
and inability to intake nutrition status. After 8 hours of nursing stimulate gas and oral Input able to:
food and medicine. intervention the production.
patient will be able to:
Provide Attention to the social  The client
 the client will companionship during perspectives of eating maintained
maintain mealtime. is important in hospital adequate
adequate and home settings. nutritional
nutritional status.

Subjective: Epigastric pain is a Short term: Complete a It is crucial to examine After 24 hours of
term to describe comprehensive pain the characteristics, nursing intervention
“Masakit yung ibaba discomfort or aching After 2 hours of nursing assessment. onset, progression, the patient will be
ng tiyan ko” rated as intervention the migration, nature, able to:
that occurs beneath
8/10. patient will be able to: intensity, location, and
your rib cage in your triggers of abdominal  Report pain is
Objective: upper abdominal  Report pain is pain. relieved or
region. Indigestion relieved or controlled and
 Facial grimace may be caused by controlled and Identify the abdominal A helpful tool for promote
 Narrowed stomach acid coming promote pains’s PQRST. precisely describing, wellness.
focus wellness. evaluating, and
into contact with the
 Guarding documenting a After 48 hours of
sensitive, protective patient’s abdominal
behavior After 8 hours of nursing nursing intervention
lining of the digestive intervention the pain is the PQRST the patient will be
Nursing Diagnosis: system (mucosa). The patient will be able to: method of pain able to:
stomach acid breaks assessment.
Acute Pain in down the lining,  Express  Express
Epigastric Region leading to irritation understanding Review the treatments Abdominal pain could understanding
related to reflux of the of situation and and medication list. be a side effect of a of situation and
and inflammation,
individual treatment or individual
gastric contents into which can be painful
treatment medication. treatment
the esophagus regimen and regimen and
safety safety
measures. measures.
Assess for dietary or Food and fluid intake  Decrease pain
 Decrease pain food choices and can be related to GI scale from 8/10
scale from 8/10 habits. motility and to 3/10
to 3/10 metabolism. Particular 
food or fluids can
cause food poisoning
or gas and
bloatedness, leading
to abdominal pain
and discomfort.
Ask the patient about Asking about the
the aggravating and aggravating factors
alleviating factors. can provide
information on
possible triggers that
can worsen
abdominal pain. This
may involve particular
positions, activities,
medications, or foods.
The nurse can also
inquire about
treatments that
alleviate the pain.

Our stomach contains hydrochloric acid. This acid helps in digestion of the food. Excess secretion of this acid causes indigestion.
Imagine the stomach enzyme pepsin, which aids in the breakdown of proteins. For pepsin to function, an acidic environment is
required. Pepsin is activated by the stomach's production of hydrochloric acid, a potent acid. The parietal cells in the proximal two
thirds (body) of the stomach release acid. By promoting the release of pancreatic bicarbonate and establishing the ideal pH for
pepsin and gastric lipase, gastric acid facilitates digestion.

The term "acid-related disorders" encompasses a wide variety of ailments, from motility-type non-ulcer dyspepsia and aerophagia,
where acid plays little to no part in the dyspeptic symptoms, to the Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, where acid is completely responsible for
the issues. Eventually, in severe cases, heart problems may develop and blood pressure can fall, leading to shock, coma, and death.
Drowsiness may progress to stupor and coma as the oxygen in the blood becomes inadequate.

Acid Related Disorder is a common clinical problem, affecting millions of people worldwide. Patients are recognized by both classic
and atypical symptoms. Acid suppressive therapy provides symptomatic relief and prevents complications in many individuals with
GERD. Advances in diagnostic and therapeutic modalities have improved our ability to identify and manage disease complications.
Here, we discuss the pathophysiology and effects of GERD, and provide information on the clinical approach to this common

According to Dr. Loreta Dayco, Acid reflux is a common experience among many Filipinos, with a 2023 report identifying it among the
top three digestive concerns for Filipinas. As early as 2014, the Philippine Society of Gastroenterology (PSG) even made treatment
guidelines for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) due to its growing prevalence in the country.

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