#23494-240725-SP 94210-Engineering Specifications-R3
#23494-240725-SP 94210-Engineering Specifications-R3
#23494-240725-SP 94210-Engineering Specifications-R3
E: [email protected]
T: 02 9635 9789
ABN: 63 607 716 772
ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION | #23494 | SP 94210: 12-14 Bouvardia Street, Asquith NSW 2077
Client SP 94210
Client Address 12-14 Bouvardia Street, Asquith
Client Representative Strata Evolution
Attention Wenna Wu
Job # 23494
Revision History
Revision Date Prepared by: Reviewed by:
1 November 1, 2023 Justin Elsusu George Dahrie
2 March 14, 2024 Justin Elsusu George Dahrie
3 July 25, 2024 Justin Elsusu George Dahrie
Building Description
The building is a multi-storey face brick masonry structure with reinforced concrete slabs, a flat
concrete roof and a basement carpark.
Building Classification:
The building is classified in accordance with Section A3.2 of the Building Code of Australia as:
Class 2: a building containing 2 or more sole-occupancy units each being a separate dwelling
Class 7a: a building which is a carpark
The building was inspected on the 29th of August 2023 to assess the water ingress to multiple
areas of the building and report on the findings. The design intent of these remedial building
works is to rectify the issues produced in the Noviion inspection report dated 25/09/2023.
Items of Work
See Section 2 Scope of Works Items
Table of Contents
1 General Tender Information ................................................................................ 3
6 Report Conditions.............................................................................................. 39
ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION | #23494 | SP 94210: 12-14 Bouvardia Street, Asquith NSW 2077
ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION | #23494 | SP 94210: 12-14 Bouvardia Street, Asquith NSW 2077
10. Access through the units is not permitted, unless required for make good works.
11. The Contractor shall provide all necessary access requirements to the external facades (and
internal areas) to facilitate all works contained within the Scope of Works.
12. Contractor shall allow for all required permits and costs associated with completing the works.
13. Certification of required anchor points to facilitate any abseiling works will be the responsibility
of the Contractor.
14. The implementation of all access systems shall be undertaken in strict accordance with local
Council and WorkCover requirements.
15. The Contractor shall prevent unauthorised persons from accessing the access equipment.
16. In events of inclement weather, the contactor cannot claim for delay costs
ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION | #23494 | SP 94210: 12-14 Bouvardia Street, Asquith NSW 2077
2.2.2 Quantity:
Lump Sum: Contractor to confirm on site
2.2.3 Extent/Location:
- Unit 2 and 3 balcony
- Unit 23 balcony
- Unit 33 balcony
- Unit 34 balcony
ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION | #23494 | SP 94210: 12-14 Bouvardia Street, Asquith NSW 2077
ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION | #23494 | SP 94210: 12-14 Bouvardia Street, Asquith NSW 2077
ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION | #23494 | SP 94210: 12-14 Bouvardia Street, Asquith NSW 2077
2.3.2 Quantity:
Lump Sum: 200 (m)
This quantity will be measured during the project and will be adjusted. Contractor to provide
pricing in the schedule of rate to allow for final adjustment.
2.3.3 Extent/Location:
- Unit 2,3,23,33,34 balcony and rooftop
- Supervising engineer to nominate location and extent onsite
ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION | #23494 | SP 94210: 12-14 Bouvardia Street, Asquith NSW 2077
2.4.2 Quantity:
Lump Sum: Contractor to confirm measurements onsite
2.4.3 Extent/Location:
- All previously painted or normally intended to be painted surfaces.
- Excludes elements with a manufacture applied coating, e.g. powder coated aluminium
- Unit 2,3,23,33,34 balcony and rooftop solid walls and columns
ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION | #23494 | SP 94210: 12-14 Bouvardia Street, Asquith NSW 2077
ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION | #23494 | SP 94210: 12-14 Bouvardia Street, Asquith NSW 2077
2.5.2 Quantity:
Lump Sum: Contractor to confirm measurements onsite
2.5.3 Extent/Location:
- Entire rooftop courtyard including stairs to lower level
ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION | #23494 | SP 94210: 12-14 Bouvardia Street, Asquith NSW 2077
ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION | #23494 | SP 94210: 12-14 Bouvardia Street, Asquith NSW 2077
ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION | #23494 | SP 94210: 12-14 Bouvardia Street, Asquith NSW 2077
2.6.2 Quantity:
Lump Sum: Contractor to confirm measurements onsite
2.6.3 Extent/Location:
- All planter boxes to rooftop area perimeter
ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION | #23494 | SP 94210: 12-14 Bouvardia Street, Asquith NSW 2077
ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION | #23494 | SP 94210: 12-14 Bouvardia Street, Asquith NSW 2077
ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION | #23494 | SP 94210: 12-14 Bouvardia Street, Asquith NSW 2077
2.7.2 Quantity:
Lump Sum: Approx. 20 m2 (contractor to confirm on site)
2.7.3 Extent/Location:
- All metal roof sheeting above lift shaft on rooftop
ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION | #23494 | SP 94210: 12-14 Bouvardia Street, Asquith NSW 2077
ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION | #23494 | SP 94210: 12-14 Bouvardia Street, Asquith NSW 2077
2.8.2 Quantity:
Lump Sum: Contractor to confirm measurements onsite
2.8.3 Extent/Location:
- Area 1: Balconies to units 2,3 23, 33 and 34
- Area 2: Rooftop courtyard
ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION | #23494 | SP 94210: 12-14 Bouvardia Street, Asquith NSW 2077
ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION | #23494 | SP 94210: 12-14 Bouvardia Street, Asquith NSW 2077
2.9.2 Quantity:
Lump Sum: Contractor to confirm measurements onsite
2.9.3 Extent/Location:
- Rooftop Planter boxes
ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION | #23494 | SP 94210: 12-14 Bouvardia Street, Asquith NSW 2077
ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION | #23494 | SP 94210: 12-14 Bouvardia Street, Asquith NSW 2077
ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION | #23494 | SP 94210: 12-14 Bouvardia Street, Asquith NSW 2077
3 Condition of Works
3.1.1 Insurances
Home Warranty Insurance is required to be taken out by the Contractor on behalf of the Principal
for the works, and a certificate of currency issued prior to project commencement.
The Contractor shall take out and maintain Public Liability Insurance and Product Liability
Insurance for a value of not less than $10 million.
Pay all premiums in respect of the necessary insurances.
Provide the Superintendent’s Representative with copies of the insurance certificates for
currency, policy and listing of schedule in respect of such insurances.
3.1.2 Program
The Contractor shall produce a detailed work program one (1) week prior to commencement on
site and shall provide this to the Superintendent’s Representative for review. The program shall
be maintained up to date as work progresses, with updated copies being supplied by the
Contractor to the Superintendent’s Representative on a weekly basis.
3.1.3 Works
The Contractor shall be responsible to provide all labour, plant and materials for the complete
undertaking of works as set out in this document.
The Contractor shall utilise suitably experienced workers to carry out all works. The head
contractor, subcontractors and its personnel shall be trained and approved applicators of all
products used.
ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION | #23494 | SP 94210: 12-14 Bouvardia Street, Asquith NSW 2077
ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION | #23494 | SP 94210: 12-14 Bouvardia Street, Asquith NSW 2077
3.1.11 Safety
The Contractor shall be responsible for safety of all areas of the works and shall comply with the
provisions of the OH&S Act and industry agreements between Unions and Associations
representing the Contractor. OH&S policies and procedures shall be developed by the Contractor
to the satisfaction of the Superintendent’s Representative for application to this Contract. Safety
policies and procedures shall cover, but not necessarily be limited to:
– Materials selection
– Guidelines and procedures for safe handling, lifting and transport procedures
– Safe access
– Work at heights
– Work with solvents and coatings
– Use of tools, equipment and vehicles
– Smoking and passive smoking
– Precautions against fire and explosion hazards
– First aid and emergency response.
For the duration of the works, the Contractor shall be totally responsible for the safety of all
persons at the site insofar as their safety is related to the Contractor’s activities or any omissions
by the Contractor. No extensions of time will be granted for delays caused by industrial disputes
involving safety.
ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION | #23494 | SP 94210: 12-14 Bouvardia Street, Asquith NSW 2077
ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION | #23494 | SP 94210: 12-14 Bouvardia Street, Asquith NSW 2077
3.1.20 Inspection
The Contractor shall allow for attendance at joint inspections of the works and provide safe access
for the Superintendent’s Representative to inspect the works in progress.
ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION | #23494 | SP 94210: 12-14 Bouvardia Street, Asquith NSW 2077
ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION | #23494 | SP 94210: 12-14 Bouvardia Street, Asquith NSW 2077
ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION | #23494 | SP 94210: 12-14 Bouvardia Street, Asquith NSW 2077
ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION | #23494 | SP 94210: 12-14 Bouvardia Street, Asquith NSW 2077
3.1.38 Defects
Defects discovered in the Works or in adjoining areas where the defect was caused as a result of
the Contractor’s activities shall be rectified as soon as practicable after they occur, or if not
immediately noticed, after discovery. Serious defects potentially affecting health or safety, or that
significantly interfere with the building amenity for residents or the progress of the works, shall be
rectified immediately after their occurrence, or if not immediately noticed, immediately after
Immediately prior to Practical Completion, the Superintendent’s Representative will compile a list
of outstanding defects, if any exist, into a defect list. During the Defects Liability Period, each
defect, if any, reported during that period, together with the defects on the defect list, shall be
rectified at the earliest opportunity and shall not be allowed to accumulate unless this is approved
by the Superintendent’s Representative. Such approval will be withheld where there is no clear
benefit to building occupants or owners from the accumulation of the rectification works.
Regardless of whether accumulation of defect rectification works is permitted or not, all defects
shall be rectified so that the rectification works are all 100% complete prior to the end of the
Defects Liability Period.
Rectification works shall be permanent and shall ensure that the design intent of the works is
ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION | #23494 | SP 94210: 12-14 Bouvardia Street, Asquith NSW 2077
3.1.43 Materials
All materials shall be:
– New
– Undamaged
– Used within the manufacturer’s stated shelf life period
– Stored in full compliance with the manufacturer’s storage requirements
– Handled and used in accordance with the manufacturer's data sheets and recommended
– Where proprietary brands of materials or equipment are used, they shall be used with full
understanding of the manufacturer’s directions. The supplier of the chosen repair material
shall satisfy itself that its products are appropriate for use in this application.
– Submit material safety data sheets (MSDS) for each proposed material. MSDS shall be
complied with in full.
ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION | #23494 | SP 94210: 12-14 Bouvardia Street, Asquith NSW 2077
The Contractor shall independently assess the substrates and surfaces required to be treated
with the specified materials and shall allow for any special additional preparation / priming and
application rates to suit the particular surfaces (i.e. where included the dimensions, application
rates and/or coverages referred to in this Scope of Works represent approximate values only and
shall not be relied upon by the Contractor).
If the Contractor requires confirmation, they shall seek this from the manufacturer and conduct
their own site prototype testing if they deem it necessary.
3.1.48 Materials
Full details of alternative materials including TDS and MSDS shall be presented to the
Superintendent for the evaluation and approval.
3.1.50 Cleaning
The site shall be progressively cleaned each day and all construction related rubbish shall be
removed from site.
Prior to or at practical completion, the Contractor is required to thoroughly clean all surfaces
affected by the works to reflect the pre-existing conditions. All waste generated from the project
shall be removed with the applicable tip fees allowed for in the Contractors lump sum price.
ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION | #23494 | SP 94210: 12-14 Bouvardia Street, Asquith NSW 2077
A.B.N. or A.C.N.
Contact name
Telephone number
Email address
Postal address
4.1.2 Authority:
ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION | #23494 | SP 94210: 12-14 Bouvardia Street, Asquith NSW 2077
2.1.1 Preliminaries
ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION | #23494 | SP 94210: 12-14 Bouvardia Street, Asquith NSW 2077
4.1.7 Compliance:
Item Signature
ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION | #23494 | SP 94210: 12-14 Bouvardia Street, Asquith NSW 2077
ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION | #23494 | SP 94210: 12-14 Bouvardia Street, Asquith NSW 2077
6 Report Conditions
1. Noviion Engineering has been engaged by the above client to produce a report in accordance with the terms and conditions for the
inspection as per the fee proposal and/or our standard terms and conditions.
2. This report is based upon a visual inspection of the property and, limited to the scope of works mentioned above.
3. The works are limited to those described above. This report has been prepared for “The Client”, and should not be relied upon by
any third party.
4. No responsibility is undertaken to any third party in the use of this report.
5. No detailed calculations or quantitative assessments of the adequacy or compliance of the building to current design codes or the
Building Code of Australia (BCA) were carried out as part of this survey, nor was any physical materials testing carried out or
enquiries made of statutory authorities in connection with the building.
6. Note that while all reasonable effort was made to access all areas of concern, some areas were difficult to access. We have not
inspected those parts of the building or its services which are built in, covered up or otherwise made inaccessible in the normal
course of construction or occupation and we are, therefore, unable to state that such parts are free from rot, beetle, corrosion or
any other defect whatsoever.
7. Whilst this report is based on a reasonably detailed visual inspection of the building described in this report, we do not purport to
have discovered or seen every hidden defect or structural condition in existence and as such, defects or structural conditions
should not be inferred from the descriptions or photographs forming this report.
8. Our inspection was related to strictly the identified in the fee proposal and excludes defects, which are not reasonably detectable
during a visual inspection.
9. We did not inspect drainage systems, hydraulic services, ventilation systems, fire protection systems, or other elements, which
would require opening up of the structure fabric.
10. Our services do not extend to advising on asbestos and We shall have no liability for any claims arising out of or in connection with
11. Noviion Engineering Pty Ltd provides no warranty for its contents to any client or third Party. We take no responsibility for any loss
or damages due to any assumptions or comments made in this report.
12. Noviion Engineering Pty Ltd limits its liability by producing this document to a maximum of the value of the services it has provided
for this item of work and will not be liable for any indirect or consequential loss or damages including loss of profits or loss of
13. For any information or recommendation no guarantee is given that the above information will solve the issues identified.
14. Noviion Engineering Pty Ltd retains full copyright ownership in this Report. Once full payment for the completion of this Report is
received, We provide a license to the Client to use this Report only for the purposes under which Noviion Engineering Pty Ltd was
instructed to prepare it.
15. Our observations and comments are made based on our experience. These observations may or may not be the actual cause of the
issue, given the nature of remedial engineering’s. The identified issues may be the result of a combination of multiple sources. As
such no guarantee or liability is given that the above information will solve the issues identified.
16. Information in this report is based on our visual observations which are in line with our previous experience dealing with similar
issues. Unless noted otherwise, no destructive investigations were undertaken. Noviion Engineering Pty Ltd (ABN 63 607716 772)
cannot accept any responsibility or liability for any use of or reliance on the contents of this report by any third party
17. Except to the extent noted in this report, we have not made enquiries of any statutory authorities concerning the present
arrangements within the building or the likely effect of any proposed occupation. We should advise that the complexity of the
Building Codes and other statutory enactments can have a material effect on the way in which building may be planned and used
and upon the cost on consequential work. It is assumed that professional advice will be sought at the appropriate stage to
determine any works which may be necessary due to any planned occupation.
18. We have not, except to the extent mentioned in this report, carried out any tests or made any enquiries concerning particular
19. In cases where suppliers or contractors or consultants are instructed to carry out tests or prepare reports, it should be noted, whilst
we will take every care in instructing these suppliers or contractors or consultants, we cannot accept responsibility for their report
and shall not be liable for error or mission therein. In appointing such suppliers or contractors or consultants we act only as an
agent on behalf of the client, and the contractual rights and obligations lie directly between the client and the relevant suppliers or
contractors or consultants.