Plaza Boulevard - Engineer's Standard Specifications
Plaza Boulevard - Engineer's Standard Specifications
Plaza Boulevard - Engineer's Standard Specifications
A General 3
B Earthworks 5
D Masonry 41
E Structural Steelwork 46
F External Works 54
G Temporary Dewatering 59
These Model Preambles for Trades, and any Supplementary Preambles, shall be read
in conjunction with and shall form part of the descriptions of items in the Bill of
Except where otherwise stated, all preambles contained in any individual Trade
Preamble shall apply equally to any work of a similar nature in all other trades.
Materials and workmanship shall be the best of their respective kinds. Only new and
undamaged Materials shall be used in the Works. Materials to be permanently
installed into the Works shall not be used for any temporary purposes on Site. Work
shall be to the approval of the Engineer or his nominated person and shall be executed
in accordance with the relevant manufacturer’s written recommendations and
instructions where applicable.
For the purposes of submission of Tenders, rates for items described in the Bill of
Quantities by trade names, catalogue references, etc. shall be for the particular type
and manufacture specified or subject to alternate as submitted for approval.
The approval of the Engineer shall be obtained prior to any substitution and where
products or materials, etc. other than those specified are used, adjustments in the
rates will be made if necessary.
Rates for manufactured items shall include assembling complete and handing over in
proper working order.
Any references given in brackets at the end of certain descriptions shall refer to the
relevant references on the Drawings or Schedules.
Water shall be clean and free from injurious amounts of acids, alkalis, organic matter
and other substances and shall be suitable for its intended use.
All work shall be executed in accordance with the requirements of the latest and
relevant British Standard Specification.
The dimensional and positional accuracy of the buildings and their component parts
shall comply with the requirements of the standard documents referred to in clause
The Contractor shall, before commencing work, obtain all necessary authorisations
for carrying out the work, by whatever means including the use of pneumatic
equipment or blasting, give all necessary notices and pay all charges and fees in
connection therewith.
He shall also comply with all regulations pertaining to rodent extermination and he
shall obtain if applicable, the requisite Rodent Extermination Clearance Certificate and
pay all necessary fees.
All receipts and certificates shall be left in the safekeeping of the Engineer.
All the above-mentioned charges and fees shall be paid by the Contractor and
included in his prices.
The Contractor shall give ample notice to the Engineer and local authorities regarding
any disconnections necessary prior to the removal or interruption of electrical or
telephone cables, water and sanitary services, etc.
“Hard rock” shall mean basalt, granite, quarzitic sandstone or other rock of similar
hardness, the removal of which requires drilling, wedging and splitting or the use of
“Soft rock” shall mean hard material the removal of which warrants the use of
pneumatic tools and includes hard shale, ferricite, compact ouklip and material of
similar hardness.
“Earth” shall mean all ground other than that classified as “hard rock” or “soft rock”
and shall include made-up ground and any loose stones or pieces of concrete not
exceeding 0,03 m 3 in volume.
B.2.2 Nature of Ground
The Contractor is to determine for himself the nature of the ground to be excavated
and prices are to include for excavating in whatever soil may be met with and for
grubbing up and removing any drains, pipes, roots and any other obstructions
encountered excepting concrete, blockwork, masonry and rock.
B.2.3 Surplus
All surplus excavated material and rubbish is to be removed from the Site, the
Contractor finding his own tip and paying all charges in connection therewith.
B.2.4 Disposal
The prices for the disposal of excavated materials are to include for the selection of
spoil as it arises and for all multiple handling or re-excavating from spoil heap as may
be required.
B.2.5 Bottoms of Excavations
The bottoms of all excavations are to be inspected by the Engineer before they are
covered in. If the contractor excavates to any width or depth greater than those shown
on the drawings or as instructed by the engineer, he shall at his own expense fill in
such depth or width of excavations beyond that instructed or shown, with concrete
class 15/40 to the satisfaction of the engineer.
The Contractor shall destroy all ants, nests and vermin encountered during
B.2.7 Standards
The Contractor is to uphold the sides of all excavations and he will be held solely
responsible for providing adequate safety for workpeople and any adjacent buildings.
He is to provide all supports he deems necessary, having due regard for the nature of
the ground and site conditions, but if additional supports are required, as a safety
precaution, the Contractor is to provide and fix such additional supports at his own
The Contractor is to submit to the Engineer, at least four weeks before commencing
any excavation calculations and working drawings for the proposed scheme of
upholding the sides of the excavations. The Contractor is not to proceed with this
section of Works until receipt of the Engineer’s written consent.
No approval or acceptance will relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities under the
contract, and should any falls or settlement occur, the Contractor is to reinstate where
necessary with mass concrete, all at the Contractor’s own expense.
The materials for filling beneath the foundation; ground floor slab or for raising the
levels are to be imported road-base hard-core type granular material.
The minimum thickness of imported fill under load bearing elements, i.e. footing and
ground slabs, shall be 300mm which shall be placed in a minimum of two layers.
Single sized material is not being used, the material is to be graded strong, with a
maximum particle size of 40mm, with not more than 15% passing a 200 sieve.
Uniformity coefficient to be more than 10.
In general, aggregates for filling shall comprise well graded natural sands and gravel
and shall conform to the following requirements:
The material shall have a smooth grading curve within and approximately parallel to
the grading envelope limits given below:
75 100
37.5 85 - 100
10 50 - 100
5 25 - 85
0.6 8 - 45
0.075 0 - 10
The Contractor is to carry out the investigations and tests as required, at his own
expense, on the type of fill material he proposes to use, together with the locations
from where it can be obtained. This information together with preliminary information
with regard to consolidating the material, including equipment required together with
method of use, and thickness of each compacted layer is to be presented to the
Engineer within 14 days of the Contractor’s commencement on site, for his approval.
The Contractor is to compact the filling to give a minimum density 95% to a uniform
density before the blinding layer is deposited and compacted. The fill material is to be
deposited in layers not exceeding 200mm compacted thickness using a vibrating
compactor of not less than 1.5 tonne. Care is to be taken during compaction to ensure
that no damage is caused to surrounding walls or to services buried in or below
consolidated filling. Adjacent to footings and at the perimeter, compaction is to be
carried out by means of mechanical rollers of a suitable type.
B.2.12 Filling behind retaining walls
The materials for filling behind retaining walls are to be either locally obtained clean
sand taken from borrow pits or granular aggregates obtained elsewhere.
The following tests are to be carried out on all materials proposed for use as
compacted with fill:
Proportions of soft or non-durable material
Maximum dry density
Where the Contractor has prepared areas of compacted granular beds, he will be
responsible for the protection of these areas from inclement weather, Contractor’s
Equipment or any other vehicles.
If during the course of excavation, the Contractor exposes any wells, swallow holes or
natural faults, he is to inform the Engineer immediately who will issue an instruction
The Contractor is further to inform the Engineer when any ground is exposed which
shows any visible signs of chemical contamination, backfilling or any variation in the
soil conditions from those previously encountered.
B.2.16 Responsibility
No approval or acceptance will relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities under the
Contract for the quality of materials and standard of workmanship in the Works.
The following tests are to be carried out for compacted areas of 250 m 2 approximately
or as directed by the Engineer. These are: -
a) One in-situ density test – Sand Replacement Method;
b) One in-situ density test – Nuclear Method
Compaction tests as stated above shall be carried out for areas less than 250 m 2.
B.2.18 Site survey and setting out
Before work commences on Site, the Contractor is to carry out a survey of the levels
of the site and obtain the verification of the Engineer of these levels. Levels are to be
taken on a grid to be agreed by the Engineer and the Contractor is to produce a
drawing of these levels for record purposes.
The Contractor is to be responsible for accurately setting out the works to the specified
lines, level and position in relation to the building lines.
The Contractor shall remain responsible for the proper excavation of all temporary
works, the safety of the workforce and other personnel on site, and the stability of the
adjacent properties.
The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer full details of his proposals for the
temporary works, scaffolding etc.
The Contractor shall also be responsible for providing and installing adequate shoring
system for the excavation of basement floors or underground construction.
After obtaining the Engineer’s approval of the proposed shoring scheme, the
Contractor shall obtain the approval of the relevant local and other authorities.
B.2.20 Dewatering
The Contractor shall dig trial pits at locations to be agreed with the Engineer for the
purpose of monitoring the level of the water table.
Dewatering shall not be switched off without the written approval of the Engineer.
The prices of excavation of any nature are to include for leveling or grading and
ramming bottoms of excavations or surfaces of general excavations to receive
concrete foundations, concrete profiles, hardcore, beds, etc.
All materials, workmanship and practices shall be in accordance with the current
issue of the listed Standards.
Part 4 Methods of testing concrete for strength
Part 5 Methods of testing hardened concrete for other than
Part 6 Analysis of hardened concrete
Part 101 Method of sampling fresh concrete on site
Part 102 Method for determination of slump
Part 106 Methods for determination of air content of fresh concrete
Part 107 Method for determination of density of compacted
fresh concrete
Part 108 Method for making test cubes from fresh concrete
Part 111 Method of normal curing of test specimens
Part 112 Method of accelerated curing of test cubes
Part 116 Method for determination of compressive strength
of concrete cubes
Part 122 Method for determination of water absorption
Part 125 Method for mixing and sampling fresh
concrete in the laboratory
Part 201 Guide to the use of non - destructive methods of
test for hardened concrete
Part 202 Recommendations for surface hardness testing
by rebound hammer
Part 203 Recommendations for measurement of velocity of
ultrasonic pulses in concrete
BS 2004 Foundations
BS 4627 Glossary of terms relating to type of cement,
their properties and components.
BS 5975 Falsework
The Contractor shall obtain the Engineer’s approval of his proposed materials testing
Two copies of certificates verifying that the material used complies with the
Specifications shall be promptly submitted to the Engineer at the intervals specified
C.4.1 Aggregate - each 500 cubic metres or weekly for each aggregate
At the start of the contract and at the Engineer’s request, the Contractor shall submit
for approval the name of the source from which it proposes to obtain aggregates,
together with evidence showing that the material satisfies the requirement of the
appropriate British Standard, and additional information required by Clause 7 BS 882
and this Specification.
Ordinary Portland Cement and rapid hardening Portland Cement shall comply with
the requirements of MS 36: Portland Cement (Ordinary and Rapid-Hardening).
All bagged cement shall be stored in a waterproof shed on a wooden floor raised at
least 150 mm above the surrounding ground and any cement which shall have
become injuriously affected by dampness or other causes shall at once be removed
from the Site. Cement which has been re-bagged either by the importing agent or by
the Contractor, whether through the breakage of the original bag or any cause, shall
not normally be accepted, but may be used in special cases and in certain parts of the
work, if the written approval of the Engineer is first obtained.
Cement complying with BS 12 but containing not less than 8% and not more than 13%
proportion by weight of tri-calcium aluminate.
Cement complying with BS 12 but containing not less than 4% and not more than 8%
proportion by weight tri-calcium aluminate, or cement complying with ASTM C150
Type II. In either case the cement shall not contain more than 2.7% proportion by
weight of Sulphur trioxide.
Aggregates for concrete shall consist of naturally occurring material complying with the
requirements of BS 882 Concrete Aggregates from Natural Sources. The fine aggregates
for concrete shall consist of clean sharp sand or crusher dust or a mixture of sand and
crusher dust and shall not contain any iron pyrites, coal, mica, shale or similar laminated
materials, flaky or elongated materials, shells and other porous or fragile particles, soluble
matters, sulphates, alkalis and other deleterious materials in such a form or in a sufficient
quantity as to affect adversely the strength or durability of concrete, or in addition to the
above for reinforced concrete, any materials which would attack the reinforcement.
Aggregates shall be clean and free from adherent coatings, such as clay. The fine
aggregate shall comply in all respects with the requirements of BS 882 for fine aggregate.
The coarse aggregate shall consist of crushed or natural gravel or shingle or alternatively
of broken hard, close-grained stone of an igneous or other rock, to the approval of the
Engineer. It shall be free from adherent coatings and shall, if necessary, be washed to
achieve this.
Coarse Aggregate
40mm 5
20mm 10
10mm 20
(d)Shape properties:
Elongation index - maximum .................................. 25.0%
Flakiness index - maximum .................................. 25.0%
(j) Soundness, maximum loss in five cycles
(percent by weight):
(k) Aggregates that are deleteriously reactive with the alkalis in the cement in an
amount sufficient to cause excessive expansion of concrete shall not be used.
(l) Grading shall be within the limits given in the following Table:
mm 20mm 10mm
75.0 - -
63.0 - -
37.5 100 -
20.0 85-100 -
14.0 - 100
10.0 0-.25 85-100
5.0 0-.5 0-.25
2.36 - 0-.5
Fine Aggregate
Organic Impurities:
Aggregate when subject to calorimetric test producing a colour darker than the standard shall
be rejected. However, such aggregate may be used provided that the relative strength of
mortar calculated in accordance with ASTM C87, is not less than 95% at 7 and 28 days.
b) For aggregates in concrete when
Sulphate Resisting Cement is used ........... 0.4%
Aggregates that are deleteriously reactive with the alkalis in the cement amount sufficient
to cause excessive expansion of concrete shall not be used.
10.0 100
5.0 80 -100
2.36 60 -100
1.18 30 -100
600 microns 15 -100
300 microns 5 - 70
150 microns natural sand 0 - 10
150 microns crushed pack 0 -– 15
Aggregates shall be stored on a hard, dust-free surface and shielded from dust and the
Aggregates of each grade and type of material shall be kept separate until batched.
Segregation in each stock-pile shall be prevented. Stock-piles shall be protected against
contamination from soil, vegetable matter or other deleterious material. The floors of bins
shall be 75mm thick mass concrete (or equal and approved) and shall be laid to fall to the
outer edge or provide a free draining apron.
Water shall be clean and free from salt and other impurities to the satisfaction or the
Engineer. It shall be tested in accordance with BS 3148.
Water used for mixing and curing of concrete shall have a PH value in the basic range of
7 to 9 and the soluble solids shall not exceed the following limits:
Unless specified in the drawings, the use of admixtures is not permitted without the prior
approval of the Engineer. In any case, the suitability of the admixture shall be verified by
trial mixes.
The following data pertaining to the proposed type of admixture shall be submitted to the
Engineer for his information and consideration. These are: -
(a) The chemical name(s) of the main active ingredient(s) in the admixture.
(c) The typical dosage and detrimental effects of under-dosage and over-dosage.
(d) Whether or not the admixture leads to the entrainment of air when used at the
manufacturer’s recommended dosage.
(e) Long term and short-term effects of the admixture on concrete and the effect of
different types of cement and aggregate.
Air entrainment agents shall be such that the air content can be maintained within the
limits specified even if the mixing time is extended to 30 minutes.
If two or more admixtures are proposed to be used in any one mix, the manufacturers of
each shall be consulted and their advice passed to the Supervision Consultant.
Admixtures for improving the workability of the concrete or as a retarding agent shall only
be permitted when the type and dosage of the additive is clearly stated in the proposed
design mix and supported with sufficient evidence, in the form of manufacturer’s
certificates or proven trial tests of the suitability of the materials of the additive and its
When proposing an admixture for the workability of the concrete, the Contractor must
specify range of slump to be expected.
Should more than three tests of a delivery fail to achieve the expected slump within the
specified range, the concrete delivery stands condemned.
Also, should a failure in this fashion reoccur in twelve successive deliveries, the entire
mix design shall be deemed dissimilar to the approved design mix and its further usage
in the project will immediately cease.
In this event, no concreting from the supplier of the condemned concrete shall be
permitted and the Contractor must obtain fresh approval of the Materials, design mix and
its further usage in the project will immediately cease.
When an admixture is specified as a retarding agent, the Contractor must specify the
recommended retarding period, i.e. the time period between dispatch from plant to
pouring on site.
The above rules apply when one additive is proposed and approved for the combined
purpose of workability and retardingness.
C.13.1 General
This part of the specification relates to concrete with white cement, where specified on
the Drawings.
C.14.1 Cements
Cement shall be white cement complying with the requirements of BS12. Only one type
of cement shall be used. The colour shall be created in the manufacturing process and
not derived by the addition of pigments or pigmenting materials.
C.14.2 Aggregates
The proposed aggregates with their physical and chemical properties shall be submitted
for the Engineer’s approval. The aggregates shall comply with the requirements of the
specification for ordinary concrete as given above except as varied herein.
The fine aggregates shall be washed beach sand with colour to match the coarse white
aggregates. Sand containing deleterious amounts of salt shall not be accepted.
Grading percentage by weight passing sieve of size 2.36mm shall be 98-100%. The
percentage by weight passing the 150-micron sieve shall not exceed 10%.
The coarse aggregates shall be white in colour. The grading and colour of aggregates
must be consistent. Any batch of aggregate not meeting these requirements shall be
C.15.1 General
The grades of concrete are stated in the Specification and Drawings by reference to the
28-days characteristic compressive strength in N/sq. mm without accelerated curing and
when necessary, followed by the nominal size of the coarse aggregate in millimetres - for
example G40/20, G30/20.
The proportions of the ingredients of the concrete including the water, shall be so chosen
that the concrete will be workable enough to be fully compacted and not be prone to
segregation or bleeding.
The mix shall be such that there will be no excess water on the top surface on completion
of compaction. It may be necessary to reduce the water content of batches at the top of
deep lifts to compensate for water gain from the lower levels, but this should be avoided
by designing the mix, checking with preliminary trials and accurately controlling the mix
proportions throughout the work.
Designed mixes shall comply with the requirements BS 8110. The Contractor’s mix
proposals for each mix require the Engineer’s approval. Existing data provided as
evidence of satisfactory previous performance shall include the workability and
water/cement ratio. During production, the Contractor shall inform the Engineer of all
changes in sources of materials or cement content. The Engineer will require trial mixes
to be made initially and before any substantial change is made. No changes shall be
made without the Engineer’s approval.
Concrete specification:
Max. Value
Water permeability DIN 1048 10mm
Water absorption 1,8%
Initial surface absorption 0,5ml/m 2/sec
Rapid chloride permeability AASHTO T277 1000 coulombs
Blinding concrete and mass concrete to over - excavation shall be grade G15/20 with
Sulphate Resisting Cement Typeordinary Portland Cement (OPC) equivalent ASTM C
150 Type I V. It shall provide a dense layer/mass impervious to the fines of subsequent
concrete placed thereon.
The average allowable air content of the fresh concrete (other than those from air-
entraining agents) shall be 1%.
The percentage of air content determined from individual samples taken at the point of
placing the concrete and representative of any given batch of concrete shall be within +/-
1.5 of the required value. The average percentage air content from any four consecutive
determinations from separate batches shall be within +/- 1.0.
C.15.3 Workability
The workability shall be measured by slump cone and shall not be less than 25mm and
not more than 75mm without the Supervision Consultant’s permission.
The total content of soluble Chlorides (expressed as Cl) in concrete containing Ordinary
Portland Cement shall not exceed 0.3% by weight of cement.
The total content of soluble Chlorides (expressed as Cl) in concrete containing Sulphate
resisting cement shall not exceed 0.15% weight of cement.
The total content of soluble Sulphates (expressed as SO 3) shall not exceed 4% by mass
of cement in the mix.
The limits for salt contents aggregates specified in Section 3.0 may need to be reduced
to comply with the above.
C.15.5 Alkali aggregate reactions
(a) Petrographic tests of the sand and aggregates proposed for the
concrete and mortar mixes.
Also required are test certificates from an independent testing laboratory for:
The quantity of cement, the quantity of fine aggregate and the quantity of the various
sizes of coarse aggregate shall be measured by weight.
A separate weighing device should be provided for weighing the cement. Alternatively,
the cement may be measured by using a whole number of bags in each batch.
The amount of water should be measured, by volume or weight. Any solid admixtures to
be added should be measured by weight but liquid or paste admixture may be measured
by volume or weight.
The batch weights of aggregate shall be adjusted to allow for a moisture content typical
of the aggregate being used.
The accuracy of the measuring equipment shall be within +3% of the quantity of cement,
water or total aggregate being measured and within +5% of the quantity of any admixture
being used. All measuring equipment shall be maintained in clean, serviceable condition.
The mixer should comply with the requirements of BS1305 or BS 4251 where applicable.
The mixing time should not be less than that used by the manufacturer in assessing the
mixer performance.
For mixes of low workability or high cement content the Engineer may direct that the
mixing time be determined by tests to ensure that maximum strength is achieved.
Plant used for making concrete shall be free from any concrete or mortar containing
either high alumina or super - sulphated cements.
Ready mixed concrete shall comply with the requirements of this Specification and with
BS 5238, except for those Clauses which are directly over-ridden by this Specification
and the Supplier shall be made aware of the requirements of these documents.
Unless specially authorised by the Engineer, the concrete shall be mixed and the water
added to mixer at the depot. No additional water shall be added at any stage from
batching to placing. When the Engineer is asked to authorize dry batching, he will require
to be satisfied that appropriate steps will be taken to ensure the quality, consistency and
strength of the concrete as placed and that the water will be added to the dry ingredients
under properly controlled conditions (see under ‘Batching and Mixing’).
Truck mixers shall comply with BS 4251 and the mixing performance when tested in
accordance with BS 3963 shall be within the limits of Table 5 of BS 1305.
The drum of the truck agitator or truck mixer shall be completely clean and empty before
it is filled with concrete. Trucks shall not be loaded in excess of the manufacturer’s rated
capacity, which shall be displayed on the vehicle in terms of the column of mixed concrete.
Trucks shall be discharged within thirty minutes after the introduction of the water to the
cement unless a longer time is authorised by the Engineer.
The actual batched weight of cement, water and coarse and fine aggregates and the time
of introduction of the water shall be recorded on each delivery ticket by the supplier. When
concrete is wet batched no water shall be added after batching.
Concrete shall be transported from the mixer to the formwork as rapidly as practicable by
methods which will ensure that at the point of deposition it is of the correct quality and
Containers used for transporting concrete made from Portland Cements shall be free from
any concrete or mortar containing either high alumina or super-sulphated cement.
The Contractor shall provide a simple identification label of the grade of concrete being
Formwork shall be free of all deleterious materials during concrete placement. The
Contractor shall give the Engineer 48 hours written notice before placing concrete to allow
time for his approval and presence during concrete placement.
when the concrete has set but not hardened, by spraying with a fine spray of water or
brushing with a stiff brush, which is sufficient to remove the outer mortar skin. When this
treatment is impracticable, sand blasting or a needle gun shall be used to remove the
surface skin and laitance; hacking of hardened surfaces shall be avoided. The joint
surface shall be cleaned immediately before the fresh concrete is placed against it.
No extra water shall be added to the mix after the concrete has left the mixer.
Concrete shall be placed continuously up to all joints. Particular care shall be taken in
placing of the new concrete close to joints. This concrete shall be fully compacted with a
vibrator where possible.
Concrete for walls shall be placed in successive pours working away in both directions
from the first panel cast, which preferable will be near the centre, not in hit-or-miss
sequence, nor with shrinkage gaps except for a final closure. The minimum interval
between placing adjacent panels shall be 3 days unless directed otherwise.
Concrete shall not be placed by any method which causes segregation, undesirable finish
or defective structural quality. It shall not be moved into position by rakes or vibrators.
Chutes, skips, hoppers shall be kept free from coating of hardened concrete and shall not
be wetted during use.
Concrete shall not be dropped from a height exceeding 1.5 m. Any trunking or chutes
used shall be kept clean. Concrete shall not be pumped through aluminium alloy conduits.
If a delay exceeding thirty minutes occurs during the concreting of a floor slab or beam,
concreting shall be completed against a newly placed stop end. If this joint is not in a
satisfactory position, the Engineer will require the concrete to be cut back to an acceptable
position. In any case unloading must be completed within one and half hour of batching.
No concrete shall be placed under flowing water. Underwater concrete shall be placed by
methods in accordance with CP 2004: Foundations. Full details of the method proposed
shall be submitted 14 days in advance to the Engineer and his approval shall be obtained
before placing begins.
Whenever vibration has to be applied externally the design of formwork and disposition
of vibrators should receive special consideration to ensure sufficient compaction and to
avoid surface blemishes.
When directed by the Engineer the Contractor shall demonstrate the efficiency of the
proposed method of construction on a trial section prior to the com mencement of the
permanent works.
The number and size of the vibrators shall be such as to ensure vibration throughout the
entire volume of the frequency of not less than 100 hertz when operating submerged in
concrete or the exterior type with a frequency of not less than 50 hertz. The vibrators shall
be applied systematically and at such intervals that the zones of influence overlap. The
vibrator shall be applied at any point only for such a period that the concrete is properly
compacted and not for such time that segregation occurs.
Concrete shall be protected from adverse weather conditions after placing. It shall be
cured to ensure that it has satisfactory durability and strength, the minimum distortion,
freedom from excessive efflorescence and will not cause, by its shrinkage, undue
cracking in the structure. To achieve these objectives, it may be necessary to insulate the
concrete so that it is maintained at a suitable temperature, or so that the rate of
evaporation of moisture from the surface is kept to appropriate level, or both.
Where structural members are of considerable depth or bulk or have an usually high
proportion of cement or the concrete incorporates admixtures or is subjected to special
or accelerated curing methods, the method of curing requires the approval of the
The Contractor shall submit for the Engineer’s approval, its proposed methods of curing
for all concrete members. The Engineer’s approval will be conditional until the proposed
method proves to be satisfactory on site. In the event that the cured concrete does not,
in the Engineer’s opinion, meet the requirements of the Specification, the Contractor shall
submit proposals for an alternative method of curing.
Alternate wetting and drying is not permitted, especially in the form of cold water applied
to warm concrete surfaces. In order to avoid surface cracking, cold water shall not be
applied to members immediately after striking the formwork while the concrete is still
Concrete shall be protected to prevent damage from weather, plant, overloading or any
other causes.
Concrete surfaces which are to be exposed at the completion of the works shall also be
protected to prevent discolouration or disfiguration from rush and damage by falling
materials or by any other cause.
Before making good any damage, the Contractor shall obtain the Engineer’s approval of
the methods and materials proposed.
No concrete shall be broken down or demolished without the prior knowledge and
approval of the Engineer.
During hot weather concreting precautions shall be taken to ensure that the concrete will
be placed at the coolest temperature practicable. In no case shall the temperature of the
concrete on placing be more than 32oC.
Also, concrete shall not be mixed or placed when the shade air temperature is 40 o C or
above or is expected to reach such a level during concreting and 3 hours after placing.
The following measures shall be taken by the Contractor as directed by the Engineer
(a) The stores of cement and stockpiles of aggregate shall be kept shaded from the
direct rays of the sun.
(b) The water for concrete making is to be kept shaded from the sun and appropriate
measures taken to ensure that the water temperature is kept as low as possible.
When flaked or crushed ice is added to the water for concreting, it shall be
completely melted prior to the addition of water to the concrete mix. However, the
temperature of the water used for curing purpose shall not be much lower than
the placed concrete temperature.
(c) Stockpiles shall be kept moist by water sprays. The Contractor shall control these
with great care to ensure a constant moisture content of the aggregate at all times
and demonstrate its ability to do so to the Engineer’s satisfaction.
(e) All surfaces on which concrete will be placed shall be moist but free of standing
water at the time of concreting by spraying the forms and reinforcement prior to
placing concrete.
(f) The concrete mixing plant, mixers, pipelines, pumps and chutes etc. shall be
shaded and / or painted white. The pump lines and other surfaces can be kept
appreciably cooler by covering them with damp hessian and kept damp by
spraying with water.
(g) When daytime temperature and drying conditions may be critical, the concreting
shall be scheduled to begin in the later afternoon to prevent the occurrence of
severe thermal effects.
For thick concrete elements; such as pile caps, transfer slabs and sections with depth
exceeding 800 mm; the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval detailed
proposals of the measures he intends to take to control the heat of hydration. These
measures shall include but are not limited to the following: -
Use of low heat generating cement, control of concrete mix constituents, curing water,
formwork type, surface insulation, and cooling by embedded pipes, heat reducing
additives such as FLY ASH.
All submissions shall be based on measured values of heat of hydration generated by the
proposed mix to meet the criteria set out below:
(a) Maximum temperature difference between the core and the surface of any pour
to be 20 oC.
(b) Maximum temperature difference between a new pour and an adjacent previous
pour to be 15 oC.
(d) Instrumentation shall be installed in the Works to verify compliance with above
criteria. Temperature measurements shall be made by means of thermocouples.
Temperatures shall be measured and logged continuously from the start of the
pour until instructed to stop by the Engineer.
(e) If temperature measurements exceed any of the criteria above, the pour will be
deemed to be defective.
C.26.1 General
Construction joints shall be made if not detailed on the contract drawings, or in the case
of emergency, shall be placed as directed by the Engineer. Generally, construction joints
for suspended slabs, rafts, beams and walls shall not exceed 12m in length and 4 m in
length for floors under fill. Contractor shall propose the position of the construction joints
and obtain the approval of the Engineer.
Construction joints shall be at right angles to the member. Formed joints shall have a key
unless shown otherwise on the Drawings. The reinforcement shall continue through the
joints unless directed otherwise. Joints shall be located to meet the requirements of the
finish, e.g. granolithic finish on floors.
Concealed joints in columns and walls shall generally be formed about 15mm above the
soffits of suspended floors, at floor levels, and at the tops of kickers which shall not be
less than 75mm high. Joints in other locations may be allowed at the discretion of the
Engineer. Joints in exposed concrete members will be located strictly in accordance with
Engineer’s drawings.
When required by the Engineer, the Contractor shall submit AUTOCAD workshop
drawings showing his proposed locations of joints for the Engineer’s approval.
In certain circumstances, the Engineer may limit the number of joints allowed in a vertical
member in accordance with the requirements of the design.
Contractor shall also arrange for a sample element with treated / finished joints for the
Engineer’s approval.
C.26.3 Kickers
Concrete in kickers shall be of the same mix as the main member. The concrete shall be
vibrated or rammed into place and prepared as for other joints.
The Contractor’s proposals for the location of construction joints shall be based on the
following guidelines:
(a) The number of construction joints should be kept as few as possible, consistent
with reasonable precaution against the effects of shrinkage; their location shall
take due account of shear and other stresses. Joint lines shall be arranged so that
they can coincide with features of the finished work. Construction joint shall not
be greater than 12m in length for suspended slabs, rafts, beams and wall and 4m
in length for floors under fill, or as may be agreed with Engineer.
(b) Joints in slabs on ground shall coincide whenever practicable with the locations
of joints as shown on the drawings. Where additional joints are required, their
location shall be to the approval of the Engineer.
(c) Joints in unreinforced slabs on ground (including slabs normally reinforced with
not more than 0.1% steel in either direction) shall be centres not greater than 5m.
(d) Vertical joints in walls generally shall not be spaced at intervals greater than 6m.
Where, however, a wall changes direction by at least 600 C the overall spacing of
the joints may be increased to 10m subject to the length of pour in either leg of
the wall being no more than 5m. Where possible, joints should be positioned at
least 2m away from corners.
(e) Joints in a suspended floor system, if required, shall be 1/4 and 1/3 points of the
span unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. It is preferable that no joints are
formed in the end bays.
(f) Beams and slab shall be cast together unless otherwise approved by the
C.26.5 Movement joints
Movement joints are those which are designed to permit relative movement of adjacent
parts of a member or structure without impairing its structural integrity.
Movement joints shall be formed in the locations and to the details shown on the
C.26.6 Materials
Materials forming the joint - if not specified by name - require the Engineer’s approval with
full technical details and a sample to be submitted. All materials to be installed strictly in
accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
As directed by the Engineer or as specified on the drawings joint fillers shall be semi-rigid
non-absorbent closed cell material which has the following properties: -
C.26.8 Slip membrane
C.26.10 Sealants
Dowel bars shall be straight, round steel bars which comply with BS 4449 and have no
Where shown on the drawings, dowel bars shall be debonded with an approved
debonding compounded or proprietary dowel bar sleeve. Dowel bars shall be rigidly
supported so that they are parallel and in the same place ensuring efficiency of the joint.
Before commencing work the Contractor may be instructed to construct suitable, agreed,
full-scale samples with reinforcement to show each type of finished formed surfaces for
approval. These samples shall be typical of the structure being constructed and shall
include junctions between members and joints. The approval samples shall be retained
as models and the finished work shall not be inferior to the appropriate sample.
All forms shall be true to shape and free from defects likely to detract from the general
appearance of the finished concrete surface.
Concrete exposed by the removal of formwork shall be inspected by the Engineer, before
any remedial work or subsequent treatment of any kind.
The finish of formed surfaces shall be Type F1, F2, F3 or special as shown on the
drawings, and detailed below.
Type F1 Finish
This finish is obtained using properly designed formwork or moulds of closely joined sawn
or wrought boards or other suitable material. The surfaces will be imprinted with the grain
of the boards and their joints. In addition, small blemishes caused by entrapped air or
water may be expected but the surface should be free from avoids, honeycombing or
other large blemishes. Fins and irregularities projecting more than 3mm shall be cleaned
Type F2 Finish
This finish is obtained by the use of properly designed forms of closely jointed wrought
boards, plastic, steel or other suitable material, provided that the surfaces shall be free
from the imprint of the forms. Small blemishes caused by entrapped air or water may be
expected, but the surface should be free from voids, honey-combing or other large
blemishes. The holes left by formwork bolts shall be filled. Fins and other projections shall
be removed and all blemishes repaired to the approval of the Engineer. Care should be
taken in the choice of any release agent used, to ensure that the finished concrete surface
is not permanently stained or discoloured.
Type of F3 Finish
This finish can only be achieved using high quality concrete and properly designed forms
having a hard, smooth surface. The concrete surfaces should be smooth with true, clean
arises. Only very minor surfaces blemishes should occur and there should be no staining
or discolouration from the mould oil or curing agent.
The surface shall be free from the imprint of wood grain. Rough boarding or standard
panels shall not be used. The material for the form shall be provided in large sheets and
arrange in an approval uniform pattern.
Joints between sheets shall be arranged to coincide with architec tural features, sills or
heads of windows or changes in direction of the surface; all joints between sheets shall
be accurately aligned in the plane of the sheets. Bold holes are not allowed.
These shall include any finish other than F1, F2, F3 which requires the use of special
forms or linings, the use of different concrete mix near the surface, grinding, bush
hammering or any other treatment. If any of these special finishes is required it shall be
fully specified on the Drawings.
When fair face finish is specified the Contractor shall submit the details of his formwork
type, assembly etc. for fair face concrete work for the Engineer’s scrutiny and approval.
Once a provisional approval of the formwork is granted by the Engineer the Contractor
shall prepare sample elements, e.g. walls, columns, slabs etc. as required for the
Engineer’s approval of the finished surface.
Remedial treatment to the finish of the concrete, additional to that specified above,
requires the approval of the Engineer.
The finish of unformed surfaces shall be tamped, floated, trawled or brushed as defined
below and shown on the Drawings.
The concrete finish surface shall not be wetted to assist the production of the surface
Concrete surfaces to receive thin tile or sheet finishings shall be free from any defects
which would adversely affect the appearance of the applied finish.
U1 (Tamped) - surface shall be formed by levelling and tamping the concrete to produced
a uniform plain or ridged surface, surplus concrete being struck off by a straight edge
immediately after compaction. It is also the first stage of the following finishes.
U2 (Floated) - shall be a uniform surface which has been worked no more than if
necessary to remove screed marks by hand with a wood float or by power float of a type
approved by the Engineer. The surface shall not be floated until the concrete has
hardened sufficiently.
U3 (Steel Trowelled) - shall be a hard, smooth finish free from trowel marks formed with
a steel trowel under firm pressure. Trowelling shall not commence until the moisture film
has disappeared and the concrete has hardened sufficiently to prevent excess laitance
from being worked to the surface. If laitance is brought to the surface it shall be removed.
U4 (Brushed) - shall be formed by first producing a U2 finish and then, before the concrete
has hardened by drawing a wire broom over the concrete surface at right angles to give
an average texture depth of 1 mm.
Power float finished surfaces where indicated on the Drawings are to be free of marks
and have a uniform and “closed” texture and appearance.
The concrete work shall be constructed to an accuracy which shall permit the proper
assembly of components and installations and shall be compatible with the finish. The
accuracy of the work shall be within the tolerances stated on the Drawings or specified
elsewhere and in the absence of any other requirements, shall comply with the following:
Unless shown otherwise on the drawings, anchors, lifting arrangement inserts, angle
supports and other accessories shall be zinc plated or hot dip galvanized to the approval
of the Engineer.
Provided that the specified materials have been used and the concrete has been properly
made and handled, concrete will be judged by the strength of the hardened concrete, in
comparison with the specified characteristic strength together with the cement content, in
comparison with the specified minimum cement content.
Sampling and testing of concrete shall comply with BS 1881, Parts 1 to 6 and be carried
out in the presence of the Engineer.
C.28.2 Sampling
At least one sample shall be taken from each mix (OPC or SRC) of concrete each day
and an additional sample for each 5 cu.m. of structural concrete.
At least six cubes from each mix shall be made for each 30m 3 of concrete, three shall be
tested at 7 days and three at 28 days age.
Additional samples will be required of all mixes until concrete production has been shown
to be at the Engineer’s satisfaction.
For each mix of each grade the equivalent slump measured by the cone test shall be
determined by trial mixes. Control shall be maintained by measuring the slump at the
point of placing.
A standard 150mm cube shall be made from each sample taken and stored and tested
at 28 days in accordance with BS 1881.
The reports of the tests for strength shall embody the information required by Clause 1.4
of BS 1881: Part 4, together with the information about the workability required by Clause
2.4, 3.4 of BS 1881: Part 2 and the information listed below:
Single copies of the completed report forms shall be given to the Engineer within 4 days
of each test.
A record of the statistical checks shall be prepared and supplied to the Engineer within
4 days of preparation and 10 days of completion of a set of test results.
C.28.6 Compliance
(a) The average strength of each group of 4 consecutive test cubes for each mix
exceeds the specified characteristic strength by not less than 7.5 N/sq. mm.
(b) Each individual result exceeds 85% of the specified characteristic strength.
Note the margin of 7.5 N/sq. mm may be adjusted by the Engineer at his discretion based
on of test results.
The Contractor shall provide at its own expense all records, samples including core
samples, tests and their results as may be required by the Engineer, whether the concrete
is finally accepted or not.
C.29.1 Materials
Two copies of the certificates verifying that the reinforcement complies with this
Specification shall be given by the Contractor to the Engineer in accordance with Clause
15 of both BS 4449:1978, and BS 4461: 1978 for each consignment or reinforcement
from each source.
The Contractor shall submit two copies of the reinforcement manufacturer’s route test
records upon request by the Engineer.
Mild steel reinforcement shall be plain hot rolled bars complying with BS 4449.
Unless otherwise directed, high yield reinforcement shall be either hot rolled deformed
bars or cold worked deformed bars complying with BS 4449 or BS 4461 respectively.
Fabric reinforcement shall be made from plain, indented or deformed wires which shall
be welded and it shall comply with BS 4483.
Tying wire shall be either 1.6m diameters galvanized steel wire or any other type which
has the approval of the Engineer.
The type of spacer requires the approval of the Engineer. The materials and designs shall
avoid reinforcement corrosion and concrete spalling and be durable.
C.29.2 Workmanship
Reinforcement shall be cut and bent in accordance with BS 4466. Cutting or bending by
the application of heat is not permitted. Welding of reinforcement shall only be permitted
unless approved in writing by the Engineer. The Contractor shall submit full technical
details of its proposed procedures for such approval. The Contractor shall submit the Bar
Bending Schedule for each part, at least 7days, to the Engineer for approval prior to
fabrication and installation.
(a) The actual concrete cover as specified on the drawings shall not be less than
the required nominal cover minus 5mm.
(b) Where reinforcement is located in relation to only one face of a member (e.g. a
straight bar in a slab) the actual concrete cover shall be not more than the required
nominal cover plus:
Cover shall be maintained to all embedded fixings, conduits and all chases and pockets.
Spacers, chairs together with such other supports as may be necessary, shall be used to
maintain the reinforcement in its correct position. In a member where the nominal cover
is dimensioned to the links, spacers between the links and formwork should be of the
same dimensions as the nominal cover.
Spacers shall be of such materials and designs as will be durable and not lead to
corrosion of the reinforcement and not cause spalling of the concrete cover.
Spacers blocks made from cement, sand and small aggregate shall match the mix
proportions of the surrounding concrete so far as is practicable with a view to being
comparable in strength, durability and appearance.
Non-structural connections for the positioning of reinforcement shall be made with steel
wire or tying devices. Care shall be taken to ensure that projecting ends of ties or clips do
not encroach into the concrete cover.
Reinforcement shall not be surrounded by concrete unless it is free of mud, oil, rust,
grease or any other substance which may affect the steel or concrete structurally,
chemically or reduce bond.
The Contractor shall take whatever means necessary such as grit blasting, degreasing to
clean the reinforcement and protected by covering, painting until surrounded by concrete
to the approval of the Engineer.
C.29.3 Cutting and bending of reinforcement
All reinforcement shall be bent cold unless otherwise specially permitted by the Engineer.
Wooden mandrels or steel mandrels with nylon collars shall be used and the minimum
internal radius of bending shall be 4 bar diameters for both high yield and mild steel
reinforcement. No plain unribbed reinforcement shall be used unless specifically
permitted by the Engineer.
Reinforcement of all types shall be stored on site in protected racks above ground in an
approved manner so as to avoid damage to the coating. Direct metal coating contact
should be avoided wherever possible.
The reinforcement shall be lifted with nylon slings in accordance with Clause 10.1 of
ASTM A775.
The Engineer is to be notified of all errors and omissions prior to the cutting, bending and
fixing of the reinforcement.
The Contractor shall provide adequate scaffold boards or similar to ensure that the
reinforcement is not displaced by being walked upon during the placing of the concrete
or other operations. Prior to concreting, the Contractor shall ensure that the reinforcement
is cleaned of all concrete from previous pours and any damage to the coating is repaired.
The design and use of formwork shall be in accordance with BS 5975:1982 Falsework.
C.30.1 Materials
Representative samples of the material proposed for temporary and permanent formwork
shall be supplied by the contractor for the Engineer’s approval.
The material for ties passing through the concrete requires the approval of the Engineer.
C.30.2 Design
The design and construction of formwork shall be carried out by competent persons taking
due account of the surface finish required. The formwork shall be sufficiently rigid and
tight to prevent loss of grout or mortar from the concrete at all stages and for the
appropriate method of placing and compaction.
Formwork (including supports) shall be sufficiently rigid to maintain the forms in their
correct position and to correct shape and profile so that the final concrete structure is
within the limits of the dimensional tolerances specified. The supports should be designed
to withstand the worst combination of self weight, formwork weight, formwork forces,
reinforcement weight, wet concrete weight, construction and wind loads, together with all
incidental dynamic effects caused by placing, vibrating and compacting the concrete.
The formwork shall be so arranged as to be readily dismantled and removable from the
cast concrete without shock, disturbance or damage. Where necessary, the form work
shall be so arranged that the soffit form, properly supported on props only, can be retained
in position for such periods as may be required by maturing conditions or specifications.
In addition to the above, formwork shall be provided to the top surface of concrete where
the slope or the nature of the work requires it.
Provisions shall be made for forming holes and chases for services and for building in
pipes, conduits and other fixings shown on the Engineer’s and plant manufacturer’s
The position of any ties passing through the concrete requires the Engineer’s approval.
Where part of a metal tie remains embedded in the concrete, it shall not have less cover
than the reinforcement. Any holes left after the removal of ties shall be filled with an
approved non-shrink grout.
The Contractor shall upon request supply to the Engineer, drawings and calculations for
the formwork he proposes to use. Approval of such calculations and drawings shall not
relieve the Contractor of its responsibility.
The Contractor shall make allowance for any deflection of formwork that is likely to arise
during construction, so that the hardened concrete conforms to the specified line and
In the absence of any specified camber, the soffit of all beams more than 5 metres in
span shall be laid to a camber where.
C.30.4 Supports
Props and supports shall be designed to allow the formwork to be adjusted accurately to
line and level and to be erected and removed in a sequence without damage to the
All joints in formwork shall be close-fitting to prevent bleeding of cement paste from the
Formwork shall be constructed to provide straight and true angles, arises or edges.
Where chamfers are called for, the fillets shall be accurately sized to provide a smooth
and continuous chamfer.
Formwork panels shall have the true edges to permit accurate alignment of their sides
and to provide clean lines at construction joints and shall be fixed with joints either vertical
or horizontal; unless otherwise specified.
The type and treatment of any lining (plywood, metal, plastics) to the forms shall be
appropriate to the concrete finish required.
All formwork to be in contact with the concrete shall be clean and treated with suitable
release agent before fixing steel. All rubbish shall be removed from the interior of the
forms before the concrete is placed.
Release agents for formwork shall be approved by the Engineer and shall be carefully
chosen for the particular conditions they are required to fulfil. Where a concrete surface
is to be permanently exposed only one agent shall be used throughout the entire area.
Release agents shall be applied evenly and contact with reinforcement and concrete at
construction joints avoided. Where the surface is to receive an applied finish, care shall
be taken to ensure the compatibility of the release agent with the finish.
C.30.7 Striking
The contractor shall carry out post concreting inspection immediately after de-shuttering
and any defects observed should be reported to the Engineer with their proposed
remedial works. The formwork shall be removed slowly as the sudden removal of wedges
is equivalent of a shock load on the partly hardened concrete.
Materials and plant shall not be stacked on any newly constructed floor without the
permission of the Engineer.
Provided the concrete strength is confirmed by tests on cubes stored as far as possible
under the same conditions as the concrete in the member under consideration, formwork
supporting cast insitu concrete in flexure may be struck when the cube strength is 10
N/ or twice the stress to which it will then be subjected whichever is the greater
provided that such earlier striking will not result in unacceptable deflections due to
shrinkage, creep. The Contractor shall submit calculations and cube results to prove
compliance with this Clause.
In the absence of cube test results the periods before striking - as given in the Table
below - may be used.
Type of Formwork Minimum period
before striking
When formwork is removed within the seven (7) days curing period, particular care shall
be exercised to avoid damage to the concrete, especially to arises and features. The
provision of suitable curing methods shall immediately follow the removal of formwork and
the concrete shall be protected from high temperatures by means of suitable shielding.
Concrete which is defective from any because whatsoever is, if so directed by the
Engineer, to be cut out and the work reconstructed at the Contractor’s expense.
The faces of the concrete work are to be sound and solid, free from honey-combing,
excrescence and exposure of reinforcement. No “patching” of any concrete surface is to
be allowed without the express permission of the Engineer.
C.31.1 General
All the above specification requirements for concrete works shall apply to watertight
construction unless otherwise specified hereafter or on the Drawings.
C.31.2 Concrete
a) The sodium chloride content of fine and coarse aggregate shall not
exceed 0.1% and 0.3% respectively by mass of the dry aggregate.
b) Hollow shells of unsuitable shape, which in the opinion of the Engineer
may affect the quality or cause permeability in the concrete shall not be
40mm 2
20mm 5
14mm 10
10mm 15
Fine 30
Water bars shall be purpose made heavy duty performed flexible waters top of extruded
PVC. All junction pieces shall be purpose made units obtained from the same
manufacturer. Site jointing shall be by heat fusion, carried out strictly in accordance with
the manufacturer’s recommendations. Fixing methods shall be to the approval of the
All pipe penetrating watertight concrete shall be provided with an integral paddle flange.
Sleeves for later installation of pipework may only be included with the prior written
approval of the Engineer. Sealing of annular spaces around pipes through sleeves shall
be by a method approved by the Engineer.
This test is to be carried out before any backfilling has taken place.
In the event of any water-retaining structures failing to pass the test, the Contractor is to
make good and re-test at his own expense.
C.32.1.1 General
All the above specification requirements for concrete works shall apply in precast
concrete unless otherwise specified hereafter or on the Drawings.
C.32.1.2 Moulds
C.32.1.3 Concreting
The concrete shall be placed in one continuous operation rising uniformly in the
C.32.1.4 Reinforcement
Mild steel reinforcement which projects from the face of units may be bent to facilitate the
casting or demoulding the unit subject to the approval of the Engineer in each case. The
reinforcement shall not be re-bent to its final position in the works before the concrete has
achieved two-thirds of its characteristic strength. The maximum permissible diameter of
bars which may be re-bent is 32 mm. High yield reinforcement shall not be re-bent. The
minimum internal bend radius shall be two times the diameter of the bar.
C.32.1.5 Tolerances
(a) All precast units shall be constructed so that the dimensions of the finished
concrete members lie within the tolerances specified unless otherwise specified
on drawings, or closer tolerances are required to meet the specified finish
requirements or requirements for fixings.
(b) The position of individual connecting bolts, bolts holes, projecting steel or other
devices shall be within 6mm of the specified position.
(a) Contractor shall prepare a statement for the Engineer’s approval including, but
not limited to the following:
- method of lifting
(b) No unit shall be lifted from the base on which it was cast before the concrete has
attained a strength of at least 8N/mm 2 and is strong enough to prevent the unit
from being damaged, overstressed or distorted beyond the tolerance limits.
(c) Units shall only be lifted or supported at approved positions and shall be handled
and placed without impact. Inserts provided for the purposes shall not be used for
(d) Unless otherwise approved any unit which is vertical in its final position in the
Works shall be raised to the vertical or near vertical, before being lifted from the
base on which it was cast. Thereafter it shall not be handled, stored or transported
in a position not exceeding 150 from the vertical.
(e) All members shall have indelible identity and location marks and if they are of
symmetrical section, the face which will be uppermost when the unit is in its correct
position in the Works shall also be identified. The markings shall be located so
that they will not be exposed to view in the finished work.
(f) Units shall be stacked in the storage area so that identification marks are clearly
visible and with packing pieces between each unit. Units stacked vertically shall
be supported and the lower edge protected from damage by suitable bearers.
(g) The Contractor shall ensure that units are adequately protected from staining,
damage or distortion at all times. Projecting reinforcement shall be coated with
cement grout where necessary to prevent the staining of exposed surfaces.
(h) The Contractor shall keep records for each precast member tabulating the
following information:
The prices for concrete work are to include for vibrating concrete, forming all construction
joints, forming all holes, grooves, chases and mortises and for building in fixings, and
making good to all work disturbed. The prices for precast work are to include for all moulds
and hoisting.
The prices for formwork are to include for all necessary cleaning, preparing, props struts
and supports to requisite heights, boring holes, fixing bolts and for splaying edges,
notching, overlaps, passing at angles, wedges battens and for easing, striking and
Concrete cellular blocks shall be obtained from an approved manufacturer and shall have
been manufactured in accordance with BS 6073: Part 1: 1981. The sizes of the blocks
are to be 457 x 203 x150 or 200. An average compressive strength from a sample of 12
blocks on gross area shall be as specified on the drawing. No individual block shall have
a compressive strength less than 80% of the specified on gross area. Where compressive
strength is not specified, the specified minimum strength will be 3.4N/mm2. The testing
of the blocks shall be in accordance with Appendix B of BS 6073: Part 1. Alternatively
testing in accordance with Appendix B of BS 6073: Part 2 may be allowed at the discretion
of the Engineer.
D.1.2 Mortar
Cement mortar for laying blocks shall consist of a mixture of ordinary Portland cement
and cleaned washed sand material as specified for the use of concrete in proportion pf 1-
part cement: 1-part coral sand: 3 parts rock sand by weight with an approved plasticizer
in liquid form which shall be mixed and proportioned as specified by the manufacturer. In
no case the proportion of plasticizer will be less than 100cc per 50kg of cement.
Alternatively mortar for laying of blocks shall consist of 1 part of ordinary Portland cement:
3 to 4 parts washed rock sand by weight, materials as specified for the use of concrete
and approved plasticizer in liquid form shall be mixed and proportioned as specified by
the manufacturer.
The ingredient of mortar shall be measured by proper gauge boxes, or by weigh batcher.
When measured by the gauge boxes the dry density of sand shall be taken as 1360kg/m 3
and of cement as 1440kg/m 3. The mixing by hand shall not be permitted. Mixing shall be
by an approved mechanical batch mixer of capacity not less than 0.1m 3 (finished
Mortar shall be used within one hour of mixing. The blocks shall be laid in a stretcher
bond with 10mm thick joints. The joints shall not very ±3mm and shall achieve the
specified height in specific number of courses shown on the drawings. The work shall be
carried out with horizontal joints truly horizontal and level and no part shall be 4 courses
above adjacent work during construction. The vertical joint shall be 10mm thick with ±
3mm tolerance.
No extra claim of labour and/or material or whatsoever will be entertained by Clients due
to non-availability of specified sizes of concrete blocks. The Contractor shall build to the
specified height floor to floor by cutting the concrete block and/or placing extra concrete
height of the ring beams. The adjustment of thickness of mortar joint shall not be
No vertical joint in any course shall be within 110mm of a similar joint in the course
immediately above or below except where shown otherwise.
A written approval of the design engineering consultants is required by the
Contractor for the following:
No pipes carrying hot water shall be embedded in masonry wall. All cutting in the walls
for fixings of doors, windows, etc. shall be kept to minimum, meaning that fixings may
be built with the courses of masonry. The damaged or displaced block shall have to
be removed and made good before concreting ring beam above and /or rendering
whichever is earlier.
All blocks used in the Works shall be required to achieve the minimum compressive
strengths on gross area of block shown below (in accordance with BS 2028): -
D.1.5 Testing
The Contractor shall be responsible for carrying out all tests called for by the
Engineer and shall arrange for copies of test results to be supplied to the Engineer
immediately they are available.
The Contractor shall obtain and keep on Site a current copy of the manufacturer’s
certificates of tests for all the Materials used on the Works carried out in accordance
with the relevant British Standard Specification.
D.2.1 Mortar
The mortar used shall be composed of cement and sharp sand in the proportion as
described in D.1.2. All mortar shall be properly mixed upon a clean platform.
D.2.2 Suction
The mortar consistency should be adjusted to suit the suction of the blocks.
D.2.3 Laying
All blockwork is to be laid in stretcher bond properly bedded, pointed and flushed up
in cement mortar as described. Walls are to be carried up regularly, not leaving any
part 900mm (3’0”) lower than another at any one time. Walls left at different levels are
to be raked back. Courses are to be level, perpendicularly kept and quoins, jambs and
other angles plumbed as work proceeds.
To effect a proper bond, fractional length blocks are to be used or formed in situ
between limpet shuttering. Work executed overhand will not be permitted. Walls of
different thicknesses are to be properly bonded to one another at junctions and
Straps, ties, or bars attached to concrete or steel structural frames are to be built into
block wall where they abut at centres not greater than two course intervals.
Block bonding within the thickness of a load bearing wall will not be permitted.
D.2.4 Curing
The completed masonry work shall be cured continuously for 72hours with
Curing of masonry works shall start 4hours after they have been laid.
Build the whole of the blockwork walls, partitions etc., in cement mortar to the
required thickness, height and extent shown on the Drawings and all as herein
before described.
Form all openings as shown with true reveals prepared to receive frames.
Fill in blockwork with concrete where specifically called for in the Bill of Quantities
Block must generally be stacked away from the building on hard standings. Blocks
must not be stacked on suspended slabs unless approved by the Engineer.
Approval shall be obtained for the size and position of any hole, chase, insert or
fixing required by the Contractor or any Subcontractor before the work begins on
Unless otherwise specified, all holes, chase, inserts or fixings shall be built in at the
time of construction. No part of the Works shall be cut or drilled without approval.
The depth of chasing should not normally exceed 1/6 of the wall thickness.
The Contractor shall be required to provide temporary supports to walls, panels and
piers during construction.
Where temporary supports are required they shall remain in position until the
member is permanently restrained.
The top course of all piers that are to receive in situ concrete gutters shall be capped
with trip of galvanized steel sheet, laid in position as permanent shuttering before the
concrete is poured, to act as a sleeved joint.
A similar joint shall be formed in gable walls, and elsewhere as indicated on the
Drawings, in the top course immediately under the first-floor concrete slab.
All external block walls exposed to rain and wind will be reinforced with brick
reinforcement as shown for every third course and will be well anchored at ends and
bends to r.c. wall ties or columns.
The reinforcement shown at the tee and right-angle junctions of masonry with or
without r.c. wall tie columns shall be built with the courses of masonry. The r.c. wall tie
columns shall be concreted in heights not more than 6 courses of masonry along with
the masonry. The construction of r.c. wall tie column will not be permitted ahead of
construction of walls. The concrete to the r.c wall tie column shall be class 25/20
nominal mix with slump not more than 50mm unless otherwise specified on the
drawing. The reinforcement to the r.c. wall tie column shall be as shown on the
Whenever removable panel for the future door or window is anticipated, the same will
be built with brick reinforcement at alternate courses and good bonding is ensured to
make the joints leak proof.
At the end of each working day of the masonry work, horizontal and vertical joints on
both faces shall be raked out 4mm deep with a scraper. Faces of the r.c. wall tie
columns and ring beams shall be roughened and hacked with chisel hammer between
16hours and 32 hours after they have been concreted. This is essential for proper
bond between rendering and walls.
The stone for stone walling shall, unless otherwise specified, be approved quarry
and selected for colour and texture and shall be hard, durable and free from
flaws, unless otherwise described, stonewall shall be squared and uncours ed.
In each square meter of wall at least two stones shall bond in the full thickness of the wall.
Beds shall be horizontal unless otherwise shown on the Drawings. Stone shall be solidly
bedded in cement mortar (1:6) and the joints shall be raked out and pointed with a 19mm
recessed joint as the work proceeds. Stones shall be thoroughly wetted before laying and
surfaces of work left off shall be thoroughly soaked with water before new work is
commenced. Stonework shall be kept damp with water for seven days after laying.
The prices of blockwork are to include for all templates, work at all heights, rough and
fair cutting, cutting or forming grooves, chases, mortises, building in or cutting and
pinning ends of all lintels, timbers, steps, steel joists, bedding and pointing frames,
forming or leaving holes for pipes, raking out for and pointing flashing, etc and the like
and making good in all trades on completion.
The prices for stone walling shall include all labours, templates and the like, hoisting,
setting, jointing, raking out joints and pointing both sides and cleaning off on completion.
The quality of all materials and workmanship used in the execution of this contract shall
comply with the requirements of most recent issues of the following British Standards and
Codes of Practice, including all amendments to date of calling for tenders.
BS. 5950 and BS. 449 The use of Structural Steel in Building
The engineer may at any time require any materials to be tested in accordance with the
requirements of the Standards listed above. The cost of all successful tests shall be borne
by the Client, but the Contractor shall if required, promptly supply at his own expense test
pieces as required by the Engineer. The costs of tests on materials failing to comply with
this standard shall be borne by the Contractor. If in the opinion of the Engineer, faulty
material and/or workmanship have been used in the Works, the Contractor may be
directed to dismantle and cut out the parts concerned and remove them for examination
and testing. The cost dismantling, cutting out and making good to the approval of the
Engineer shall be borne by the Contractor, in addition to the costs due to delays etc. all
in accordance with the Conditions of Contract.
E.2 Fabrication
All members, plates, brackets, etc, shall be neatly and accurately sheared,
sawn, or profiled to the required shape as shown on the drawings. Where
steel is oxy-cut to shape, care shall be taken to preserve the full finished
sizes required.
If members or plates are bent or set, the bends or sets shall be correctly
made to the radii or angles specified without leaving hammer marks. The
material may be heated to permit this. Materials that have been heated
shall be annealed to approval.
Holes for black bolts shall be drilled or punched 2mm larger in diameter
than the bolt used. Holes for high tensile friction grip bolts shall be drilled
or sub-punched and reamed to 2mm larger in diameter than the specified
bolts sizes.
All drilled holes shall be parallel sided and shall be drilled with the axis of
the holes perpendicular to the surface. Badly drilled holes shall either be
reamed out if approved and larger bolts fitted or otherwise as directed. All
rough arises shall be ground-off. Holes for bolts in material thicker than
16” must be drilled. When holes are drilled in one operation through two or
more thicknesses of material, the parts shall be separated after drilling and
burrs removed before assembly. Holes for bolts shall not be formed by a
gas cutting process.
E.3 Fastenings
a. Bolting
All bolts used shall be of such length that at least one full thread is exposed
beyond the nut after the nut has been tightened. Where a nut or bolt head
would bear on an inclined surface, a bevelled washer of the correct shape
shall be interposed between two surfaces. Bevelled washers shall not be
allowed to get out of position during fabrication and erection and for this
purpose may be spot welded to the steel surface. Bevelled washers for
use with high tensile bolts may be welded.
All Black Bolts, nuts and washers, shall comply with the requirements of
BS 4190.
All high tensile steel bolts, nuts and washers used in friction grip joints shall
comply with the requirements of BS 3139 and shall be used in accordance
with BS 3294.
Pressed or cold rolled steel purlins and girts shall be to the sizes indicated
on the drawings and shall be formed from approved steel strip with a
minimum yield strength of 210 N/mm 2.
The sections shall be manufactured straight and free from twist, the
tolerance away from straightness shall not be greater than 2mm for every
five feet in length along any folded edge.
All welding shall be carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of BS 5135
and electrodes shall comply with BS 639.
Fusion faces shall be free from irregularities such as tears, fins, etc. which would
interfere with the deposition of weld metal.
Fusion faces shall be smooth and uniform and shall be free from loose scale, slag, rust,
grease, paint and/or other deleterious material.
All welds shall be of acceptable types, shall be of the finished sizes specified, and shall
be carried out in such sequence that minimum distortion of the parts welded results.
Preparation of edges for welding shall be carried out by planning or machine flame cutting.
Manual flame cutting may be permitted under certain circumstances.
Parts to be welded shall be maintained in their correct relative positions during welding,
preferably by jigs.
Multiple run welds shall be carried out with each run closely following the previous run but
allowing sufficient time for the proper removal of slag.
The Sub-Contractor shall ensure that each run is inspected and any unsatisfactory weld
cut out and remade to approval.
Welds in material one inch or greater in thickness shall be made by the Argon arc or
similar approved process, and special precautions shall be taken to prevent weld
On completion, welds shall present a smooth and regular finish. Weld metal shall be solid
throughout with complete fusion between weld metal and parent metal and between
successive runs throughout the joint.
Defects shall be cut out and made good to approval in sound weld metal.
The external faces of butt welds are to be ground smooth on completion if it is directed
by the engineer and finished to the approval of the Engineer.
a. Rolled Sections
All shop connections shall be electric welded or bolted with high tensile
friction grip bolts.
No bolts used shall be less than 12mm diameter and no weld less than
35mm in length. At least two bolts shall be used in connections transmitting
loads unless otherwise indicated by the Engineer.
No weld of length less than four times the nominal fillet size shall be
deemed capable of carrying load.
Field connections shall be as detailed, i.e. bolted with high tensile or black
bolts in drilled holes. Black bolts in punched holes will only be permitted
for connections carrying a designed load or for connections to timber
5.2 Structural Hollow Sections – Circular Square and Rectangular
Butt welds shall be made with the fusion surfaces of the ends of each
member properly prepared and the members properly aligned backing
plate previously welded to the inside of the one of the hollow sections shall
be provided where shown.
Splices in portal and other frames shall be made where shown on the
details or where directed.
The Contractor shall furnish all facilities for inspection and testing of the
work and he must notify the Engineer on each occasion when material is
ready for inspection.
5.6. Marking
E.6 Erection
All erection shall be carried out by competent and experienced men and
the Contractor shall take every care to safeguard the public, workmen, and
adjoining property.
All gear used shall be of adequate strength and shall comply with all
Regulations current at the time.
During erection, the work shall at all times be adequately bolted, guyed
and/or braced to make the structure secure.
The Contractor shall be held responsible for all damage caused to the
structure, workmen, or buildings during erection.
Steel shall be stored and handled and erected in such a manner that no
member is subject to excessive stresses which could have an adverse
effect on the properties of the steel. If in the opinion of the Engineer, the
steelwork has been subject to such treatment, the Contractor shall remove
this steel from the site and replace it at his own expense.
Trusses and open web joints shall be carefully handled at all times and
when being erected shall be lifted at such points and in such a manner as
will preclude any possibility of damage from erection stresses.
bracing or guys to approval.
When bearing faces of the bolted parts have a slope of more than 1 in
20 with respect to a plane normal to the bolt axis, square smooth
levelled washers shall be used to compensate for the lack of
All bolts shall be tightened by the “Turn of Nut” method. This method
shall generally be as specified in BS 3294 and as approved by the
Engineer to achieve in all bolts a minimum tension equal to the proof
6.7. Grouting
After each column, beam or roof truss has been wedged to a line and
level and fixed in position to approval, the space between footing or pad
and the underside of the base plate or steel member shall be grouted
with a mixture of Portland cement and approved washed sand.
E.7 Galvanising and Painting
Remove all rust by pickling in hydrochloric acid. All members, fitting and
The welded joint after cleaning shall be treated by brushing in well with
Galva clean etching solution. Apply 2 coats zinc rich priming paint. Allow
24 hours between each coat.
b). apply 1 coat of etching primer (with min 15% phosphoric acid)
enable sufficient adhesion of the subsequent paint.
E.8 Painting
8.1. Paints
All surfaces are to be dry and free from moisture at the time of
8.3. Painting to ungalvanized surfaces
A first coat of Zinc Oxide Primer shall be applied in the works immediately
after the steel preparation has been completed, in accordance with the
requirements specified in MS 13. A minimum of 24 hours shall elapse
before the steel is moved from its position while painting. After delivery to
site, the steel shall be carefully examined and all areas where the priming
coat has been damaged and/or where rust has developed shall be washed
with white spirit and wire brushed as necessary and further priming coat
as for the first coat applied to completely cover the damaged areas.
A minimum of 48 hours after patching work has been completed, the whole
of the steel shall be cleaned off with white spirit and 2nd coat of Zinc Oxide
Primer shall be applied and the painted steelwork left undisturbed for a
further 48 hours.
After erection, a third and finishing high gloss alkyd enamel (white)
meeting the requirements of SABS 630 “Decorative High Gloss Enamel
Paint for Interior and Exterior Use”. Or a coat of Micaneous Iron Oxide is
applied if noted on the drawing.
Bolts, nuts and washers, etc, shall, after erection is completed to approval,
be carefully degreased with white spirit and painted as for steelwork.
Steel purlins and sheeting rails shall generally be painted as for steelwork
except for purlins and rails supporting aluminium sheeting, when the
following specification shall be used:
Internal face
(a) Sand blasts until steel is shining and clean without any trace of rust
or existing paint.
(b) Apply 2 coats of chlorinated rubber zinc rich primer.
(c) Apply 2 coats of chlorinated rubber white paint without any lead
External face
Materials and workmanship shall comply with the latest and relevant British Standard
Specification and requirements.
The site is to be cleared in accordance with the requirements of the Engineer who will
arrange in conjunction with the Contractor the detailed programme for such clearance.
The Contractor should note that the Engineer may require certain trees and shrubs
within the area measured for site clearance to be preserved and he is to allow in his
rates for affording the Engineer the opportunity of inspecting the cleared area as the
work proceeds and for adequately protecting from damage those chosen for
The price for clearing site is to include for the cutting down of all vegetation including
trees with a trunk, height of less than 3.0m irrespective of their girth, grubbing up the
roots and back filling the voids.
The measurement of the girth of trees with a trunk height of 3.0m or more is taken
900mm above the ground or above the buttress roots (if any) whichever is the higher.
The prices for cutting down trees is to include for the provision, erection and
subsequent removal of all scaffolding, staging and mechanical plant whatsoever.
The manufacture and grading of the Bitumen Macadam shall be in accordance with
the relevant clauses of B.S.1621.
The aggregate for Bitumen Macadam shall be clean crushed granite from a source
approved by the Engineer, free from clay, loam, dust or organic matter and shall be
graded in accordance with the requirement of B.S. 1621.
The aggregate for the 50mm Bitumen Macadam base course shall be graded
as follows:
Passing 25mm sieve 90 – 100%
12mm ,, 55 – 80%
6mm ,, 40 – 60%
No 10 Mesh ,, 25 – 40%
No 200 ,, ,, 2 – 4%
The aggregate for the Bitumen Macadam wearing course shall be graded as follows:
Bitumen emulsion used for tack coat shall comply with the requirements of B.S 434
(Bitumen Road Emulsion) in all clauses with the exception of Clause 8, which shall be
amended to read:
“The emulsion shall not contain more than 72% or less than 60% by weight of water when
tested in the manner described in Appendix B. The Contractor will be permitted to add
clean water to bitumen emulsion of higher bitumen content in the proportion necessary to
give the bitumen content specified provided that the mixing is thoroughly carried out.”
Cut back bitumen for prime coat shall be M.C.O with a viscosity of 75/150 seconds at
25°C or M.C.I. having a viscosity of 775/100 seconds at 50°C as measured by the Fural
Materials for blinding the first or wearing coat surface dressing of the carriage-way shall
consist of clean crushed or uncrushed gravel from an approved source, graded into a
single sieve as defined in B.S.63 (1951) – “Single size Road stone and Chippings” or in
B.S. 1984 (1953) – “Single sized Gravel aggregate for Roads” as appropriate. The single
sizes to be used shall be 19mm; 12mm or 10mm as specified in the Bill of Quantities and
on the Drawings. The various single sizes shall not be mixed. The crushing aggregate
value of all materials used for surface dressing shall not exceed 30% when tested as
described in B.S. 882.
Before shaping to formation or reshaping existing laterite surface to form part of the base
course the subgrade of the carriageway shall be scarified, graded and compacted to such
levels as will permit the carriageways to be constructed to the required thickness and
specified finish levels. Before it is compacted the Engineer will inspect the subgrade and
the Contractor shall notify the Engineer when each area of subgrade is ready for
inspection and shall allow reasonable time for inspection to be made. Where in the opinion
of the Engineer the formation of carriageway does not present a sufficient firm bottom,
the Contractor shall excavate to such increased depth as may be directed by the Engineer
and fill as required by the Engineer with weak concrete, laterite or other approved
material. The extra works and materials shall be paid for as
additional works except where in the opinion of the Engineer the necessity for the works
has arisen from carelessness or defective workmanship.
The Contractor shall then compact the whole of the subgrade by the use of approved
smooth wheeled or pneumatic tyred rollers. The dry density required shall be 95% of the
maximum dry density at optimum water content for the subgrade material. If any test
result from a particular area falls below the minimum specified, then the Contractor shall
at his own expense scarify, water and re-compact that area to the satisfaction of the
All compaction Equipment must operate over the whole area to ensure uniform
compaction. All filling including the sub-base course and base course shall be compacted
in layers of a compacted thickness of 150mm or such other thickness as may be found
necessary to achieved the required density.
All sections of works shall be protected from damage by plant, rainstorms or other causes.
All such damage should it occur shall be made good by the contractor at his own expense.
The carriageway foundations shall consist of rock laterite, laid on the prepared subgrade
to a minimum consolidated thickness as shown in the drawings. The laterite shall be hand
pitched with all interstices filled in, wedged and blinded with 50mm dust nominal size rock
laterite and the finished surface left smooth, free from potholes, undulations, irregularities,
depressions or loose material and true to shape and contour.
Compaction shall be carried out by means of a 10 tonne roller to the satisfaction of the
Engineer and rolling shall be carried out longitudinally from channel to crown to form a
close-knit surface to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Special precautions shall be taken
to ensure that no damage is caused to kerbs and drains. Water may be added, at the
discretion of the Engineer in the form of a fine spray, to assist in the attainment of a
satisfactory final rolled surface.
The accuracy of the finished surface of the base on longitudinal direction shall not vary at
any point by more than 6mm from a 3mm straight edge, placed in any position on the
finished surface parallel to the centerline. The transverse profile shall conform to the same
accuracy using a correctly shaped template instead of a straight edge.
Immediately before spraying of the prime coat the surface of the base shall be swept
clean and all loose dust, debris and the like removed. The Engineer may also direct that
any smooth surface to which the surfacing is unlikely to adhere be roughened with wire
brush or other approved means.
If any weak areas are found they shall be cut out and refilled with base course material
rolled to correct cross section and gradient.
The surface shall be slightly damped before the application of the prime coat surface.
F.1.12 Prime Coat cut Back Bitumen
The prime coat shall consist of approved bitumen sprayed at a rate of 1.08 to 1.80 liters
per square meter depending on the texture of the surface. The bitumen shall be applied
at a temperature in accordance with the Table below:
The Contractor shall carry out trial sections as directed by the Engineer to determine the
most suitable grade and rate of application of Bitumen. Immediately before any spraying
run is begun, the spray bar shall be tested by allowing all the jets to discharge
simultaneously for about half a minute with a slotted bar metal tray placed beneath the
spray bar whilst a visual inspection is made. Any jet not delivering a uniform spray shall
be cleaned or replaced. After testing the sprayed bar, the distributor shall proceed with
the spraying run without delay.
No spray shall be carried out when rain appears imminent, during rain, or after rain until
the surface had dried. The Contractor shall be required to re-spray at his own expense
any section which show deficiency of binder or to burn off and re-spray at his own expense
any section which show any excess of binder and which subsequently fat up.
After spraying the surface shall be left for a minimum of 3 hours before blinding is applied.
Blinding consisting of sand or grit shall be applied so that uniform covering is obtained of
sufficient thickness to ensure that no base or fat patches of bitumen are showing. The
blinding shall then be rolled in with more than two passes of a roller. The road shall then
be closed to traffic for 24 hours.
The first coat surface dressing shall be laid after at least 10 days after the application of
the prime coat. During this period additional blinding material shall be added and
damaged spots made good as directed. After all repair work has been hardened
sufficiently, the surface shall be swept clean of all loose material prior to the application
of the wearing coat. Before spraying is begun the surface shall be dry.
Bitumen for surface dressing shall be sprayed on the surface by means of approved
mechanical spraying machine. The temperature of the bitumen at spray shall be as shown
The rate of spray shall be as detailed below and blinding shall be with single size
aggregate. The Contractor shall carry out trial sections as directed to determine the most
appropriate rate of application.
Rolling must be carried out immediately after the spreading of the chipping with an
approved roller of 4 to 6 tonnes, two passes of the roller should generally be sufficient.
Pneumatic Tyred rollers are preferable to smooth wheeled rollers.
The finished surface of the carriageway shall be left even textured and as smooth as
possible, showing no lean or fat areas and no low or fats spots. Only dry chippings shall
be used and no surfacing work shall be done in wet weather or when rain is imminent.
The bituminous dust carpet shall consist of dust from the aggregate mixed with bitumen
and squeezed into the surface and rolled to a consolidated thickness of 12mm. The
proportion of aggregate dust to bitumen shall be one tonne to 36 litres.
A. Work of this Section shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the
temporary dewatering work as indicated on the Drawings and as specified in
this Section.
C. Survey Work:
E. Testing of Materials and Installed Works: Materials and installed work may
require testing and retesting, as directed by the Engineer or Owner’s
Representative, at any time during the progress of the Work. Allow free access
to material stockpiles and facilities at al times. Tests, not specifically indicated
to be done at the Owner’s expense including the retesting of rejected materials
and installed work, shall be included in the contract price.
A. Design, furnish, install, test, operate, monitor and maintain the minimum
wellpoint system as specified herein, including all discharge piping and
connections at point of discharge, sufficient to lower ground water level or
hydrostatic head in the stratum below the bottom of the excavation to at least
elevation -10m DMD (minimum of 1 meter below excavation) or lower so as to
prevent seepage of water into the excavation, and permit installation of the
piles, pile caps, buried tanks, sumps, “in the dry ” (free of all surface water).
B. Design, furnish, install, test, operate, monitor and maintain whatever additional
systems that may be necessary to supplement the minimum wellpoint system
as indicated on the Drawings and specified herein and to maintain the
excavation free of groundwater seepage and surface water, regardless of
C. The periphery of the entire excavation shall be suitably diked and dikes
maintained to prevent surface water from entering the excavation.
D. All water seeping, falling or running into the excavation shall be promptly
pumped out of the excavation. Grouting, caulking and sealing of the lateral
support wall shall be performed as soon as seepage through the wall is
discovered in order to minimize the risk of piping.
E. Dispose of all seepage and surface water removed from the Project Site in
conjunction with each of the above systems, by methods approved by
authorities having jurisdiction and the Engineer.
G.1.1.6 Maintenance
A. Provide system maintenance including, but not limited to, at least daily
supervision by someone skilled in the operation, maintenance, and
replacement of system components; maintaining spare wellpoint units onsite
at all times; one spare (connected) diesel powered pressure pump; and any
other work required by the Owner’s Representative to maintain the excavation
in a dewatered and hydrostatically relieved condition. Dewatering and
pressure relief shall be a continuous operation and interruptions due to power
outages, or any other reason, shall not be permitted. A responsible operator
capable of starting, fueling, and maintaining the dewatering system, and
starting standby equipment shall be on duty at all times. Some responsible
person shall continuously monitor the dewatering and surface water control
systems until the Contractor has received written approval from the Owner’s
Representative that he may discontinue surface and/or groundwater control.
A. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for failure of all components of the
temporary dewatering work, and for all damages to work in the excavation
area caused by failure to provide, maintain, and operate the temporary
dewatering systems as specified. Restore all damaged work, including failed
components of the work of this Section to a condition as good as or better than
existed prior to failure of components.
1. Barricade open excavation occurring as part of this work and post with
warning lights. Operate warning lights during hours from dusk to dawn
each day.
C. Survey of Existing Structures: Prior to the execution of the work of this section,
the Contractor and Owner’s Representative shall jointly survey the condition
of the adjoining properties. Photographs or videos and records shall be made
of any prior settlement or cracking of structures, sidewalks, etc., that may
become the subject of possible damage claims.
When structures are adjacent to the construction site, record and report to
Architect/Engineer surveyed elevation benchmarks on structures where
directed by the Architect/Engineer or Owner’s Representative before
commencing work. Record and report elevation of each at least once a week
while construction is in progress unless specified otherwise. Should
benchmark readings indicate displacement, halt construction operations until
corrective action has been provided and is acceptable to Architect/Engineer
and Owner.
G.1.1.9 Submittals
1. Plan layout including, but not limited to, actual excavation limits
proposed by Contractor, location of wellpoints and piezometers, piping
system and pumps; details of wellpoints, piezometers, and piping.
2. Characteristics of pumps and type and source of power, and
types and pertinent features of well screens, pumps, pressure pumps
for system, and spare equipment.
1. Wellpoint number
2. Date of installations
3. Ground elevation at well
4. Depth to top of semi-pervious stratum
5. Depth to bottom of semi-pervious stratum
6. Riser pipe length
7. Total depth of hole
8. Depth to bottom of wellpoint
9. Tip of wellpoint (DMD)
10. Top of filter (DMD)
11. Wellpoint flow at end of 20 minutes of pumping
12. Total pumping time
13. Rate of sand infiltration at end of pumping in ppm
A. Wellpoint and Pumps: Provide wellpoints made of PVC pipe, Schedule 40,
having 0.08mm slots with approximately 5 percent open area. The pressure
pump for operating the system shall be designed by the Contractor and
submitted to the Geotechnical Engineer for review. A standby diesel-powered,
pressure pump shall be connected to the system with appropriate valving.
Each pressure riser pipe shall be provided with a suitable strainer at the top of
the riser to prevent the entrance of any particles which might clog the nozzle.
Connections of the riser pipes to the pressure return header pipes shall be
provided with a stop-cock or valve which will permit isolating that particular
wellpoint to permit pressure testing and pumping the well separately if desired.
All materials selected by the Contractor for use in the wellpoint installation,
including the pump and riser pipes (pressure and return lines), shall be
approved by the Geotechnical Engineer prior to installation.
B. Headers: The main pressure and return headers shall be 150mm steel
pipes as designed by the Contractor and approved by the Geotechnical
Engineer. The pipes shall be supported with appropriate blocking at 3-meter
intervals a few inches above the ground surface. No backfilling over the
header pipes will be allowed without prior approval by the Geotechnical
C. Filter Sand: Filter sand (Type C) around the wellpoint shall be washed (clean)
sand composed of hard and durable particles free from any adherent coating.
The filter sand shall contain no detrimental quantities of vegetable matter nor
soft, friable, thin, or elongated particles. The filter sand shall meet the following
No. 8 98 - 100
No. 10 94 - 100
No. 16 75 - 100
No. 20 58 - 85
No. 30 37 - 65
No. 40 17 - 40
No. 50 7 - 26
No. 70 0 - 17
No. 100 0 - 10
No. 140 0 - 3
D. Recirculation Tank: The recirculation tank shall have a minimum capacity of
3800 liters or as designed by the Contractor and approved by the Geotechnical
Engineer with overflow arranged so that the flow from the well system can be
readily measured and discharged at an approved point on the site. A warning
device shall be installed on the pressure deader to warn of any significant drop
in pressure in the pressure header. Both the pressure and return header lines
shall be provided with pressure gauges at the pump and at an intermediate
point as designated by the Contractor and approved by the Geotechnical
A. General: Coordinate and determine the exact location of each wellpoint with
the limits of the excavation. The wellpoint system must be submitted for
approval as specified herein prior to installation.
B. Locations: The wellpoints shall be installed at the locations shown or as
chosen by the Contractor and approved by the Geotechnical Engineer. The
wellpoints shall have a clear distance of 3 meters from the soldier piers.
2. After predrilling the hole to the top of the semi-pervious stratum, it shall
then be washed out by driving and jetting (with clear water) a
400mm “sanding” casing with a hole puncher to the bottom of the semi-
pervious stratum. Care shall be exercised in advancing the hole puncher
so that excessive water pressures are not developed that could blow out
around the well casing.
3. After the “sanding” casing is driven and jetted to the required depth, it shall
be washed clean by jetting with clear water. The jet pump, pipe, and hose
shall be of sufficient capacity to produce an upward velocity inside the
casing to remove all material in the casing, so that the wellpoint screen
and riser can be set to grade. The “sanding” casing shall be kept filled
with water until the wellpoint screen and filter sand have been placed so
as to prevent any “blow-in” of the bottom of the hole.
“sanding” casing and held securely in place during placement of
the filter through the use of approved centering guides. Prior to
installation of any wellpoints, the method, equipment, and devices
proposed for use to hold the wellpoint and riser pipes in the center of the
casing. The clear depth in the casing shall be checked by sounding with
a device furnished by the Contractor and approved by the Geotechnical
Engineer before installing the extraction wellpoint. One centering device
should be provided at the extraction point, with a minimum of one
additional centering device 7.5 meters up from the extraction point. The
assembled wellpoint and riser pipes shall be placed in the well hole in
such misaligned. The eductor body shall be centered below the base of
the semi-pervious stratum with the center located as required.
The 1.5 meters long wellpoint shall be located at or below the eductor
body. The holes for every fourth well which were extended to the level of
the semi-pervious stratum shall be filled with sand to the level of the
5. After the wellpoint and riser pipes have been installed, the specified filter
sand shall be carefully poured into the “sanding” casing around the
assembled riser pipes and wellpoint. All of the filter sand shall be placed
in a continuous, even manner to avoid bridging and segregation. Before
placing the filter sand, the top of the riser pipe shall be securely covered
or capped to prevent filter sand from falling into the pipe. Filter sand shall
be placed and the remainder of the hole filled with a thick
cement/bentonite grout or by pouring in a
mixture of dry sand containing 10 percent granular bentonite up to the
ground surface.
The hole for a piezometer shall be kept filled with water or approved organic
drilling fluid at all times. Bentonitic drilling mud shall not be used. Augers used
in advancing the hole shall be withdrawn slowly from the hole so as to
minimize any suction effect caused by withdrawing the auger. (Hollow-stem
augers shall be filled with drilling fluid before pulling the plug in the bottom of
the auger).
D. Top of Piezometers: The tops of the risers shall extend 750mm above the
ground surface. The upper part of the piezometer shall be protected by
installing a 150mm I.D. PVC or corrugated metal pipe around the riser
concreted to a depth of 600mm below the ground surface. The top 750mm of
the piezometer shall be painted orange and the number marked with 75mm
high black letters on the pipe guard around the riser pipe.
A. The Contractor shall measure, daily, the groundwater level in the two semi-
previous stratums beneath the excavation and flow from the jet-eductor
system. Copies of all piezometer and wellpoint flow data shall be furnished to
the Geotechnical Engineer within hours of being taken.
A. Procedure: The Contractor shall remove the wellpoint system after completion
of the Work as specified below. Removal of the system shall include pulling all
of the well points and related header pipes, pumps, recirculation tank, and any
temporary power sources installed, as approved by the Geotechnical
Engineer. Any holes remaining after the pulling of the wellpoints shall be filled
with sand and sealed with a grout plug to prevent surface in-flow to the wells.
Sump pumping of seepage and surface water thereafter shall continue as
required to keep the excavation in an unwatered condition until construction is