Document (16)
Document (16)
Document (16)
1. Development
Q.1 Economic activities, though, are grouped into three different categories, are highly
Q.2 Why is agriculture the most labour absorbing sector in India? How does disguised
unemployment make it worse? Explain with an example.
Q.3 Why is the tertiary sector becoming so important in India?
Q.4 "Tertiary sector activities help in the development of the primary and secondary
sectors”.Evaluate the statement.
Q.5 How can more employment be generated in the agriculture sector? Explain any three methods.
Q.6 Describe any 5 provisions of national rural employment guarantee Act 2005.
Q.7 How would you distinguish between organised and unorganised sectors? explain in your own
Q.8 How does the public sector contribute to the economic development of a nation?
Q.9 how is public sector different from private sector?
4. What is Globalisation..?
Q.1 What is the role of MNCs in the globalization process?
Q.2 What are the various ways in which countries can be linked?
Q.3 Explain any 5 steps taken by the developing countries to attract foreign investment?
Q.4 "Globalisation is the process of rapid integration between countries". Examine the statements.
Q.5 "Technology is the vital force in the modern form of globalisation". Explain the statement with
suitable example.
Q.6 Differentiate between foreign trade and foreign investment?
Q.7 Barriers on foreign trade and investment were removed to a large extent in India since
1991." Justify the statement.
Why had the Indian government put barriers to foreign trade and foreign investments after
Q.8 "Information and communication technology has played a major role in spreading out
production of services across countries." Justify the statement with examples.
Q.9 Examine the factors that have enabled globalization in india.