Lightning Arrestor Specification

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Technical specification for 9KV/18KV 5KA Metal oxide Lightning Arrestors without Gap.


This specification provides for design, manufacturing, inspection/Testing before dispatch of

9KV/18KV 5KA Gapless type (Metal Oxide surge arrestor without gap) Lightening Arrestor with all its
accessories to limit voltage surges on 11/22KV Rural & Urban Distribution system with nominal
voltage of 11KV & 22KV.


9KV/18KV Gapless type lightening arrestor shall confirm to the latest edition & amendment if
any available on the date of invitation of Tender listed below:

Applicable standards Title
1 IS: 3070(Part-3)-1993 Metal Oxide Lightening Arrestors without Gaps.
Metal Oxide surge arrestor without gap for AC
2 IEC-99-4 1991-II (Part-4)

IS: 2625/1985 with latest Recommended practice for for Hot dip
revision/amendment Galvanizing of Iron & Steel.

IS-5621/1980 with latest Specification for large hollow porcelain for use
revision/amendment, if any in electrical installation

Method of determination of weight of zinc

5 IS: 6745/1972
coating on zinc coated iron and steel article.

6 IS:2633 with latest revision Method for testing of Uniformity of zinc coating.

Degree of protection provided by enclosures for

7 IS:2147/1962
low voltage switchgears & control gear.


The lightening arrestor and all its accessories shall be suitable for continuous satisfactory operation
in under following climate condition listed below:

1. Location :In Rural and Urban Distribution system of

Gujarat State.
2. Maximum ambient air temperature
degree centigrade : 50 C

3. Minimum ambient air temperature

degree centigrade : 0C
4. Average daily ambient temperature
degree centigrade : 35 C
Date: Seal & Signature of Tenderer
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5. Maximum relative humidity : 95%

6. Maximum altitude above mean

sea level : Not exceeding 1000Mtrs.

7. Average annual rain fall Cm. :1150

8. Minimum wind pressure Kg/Sq.Mt. : 150

9. Seismic level (Horizontal

acceleration) : 0.3 g.

10. ISO keraunic level (Days/year) : 15 days

11. Lightening arrestor shall be suitable for moderately hot-cold & tropical humid climate of
polluted areas/sea-shore prone to rest & fungus growth. The climate conditions may have
wide variations in ambient temperature and equipments offered, shall be suitable for
installation at any place. All the electrical devices shall be given tropical and
fungicidal treatment to enable its satisfactory operation in above climate condition.


4.1. Standard voltage ratings are 9KV for 11KV system voltage & 18KV for 22KV system.
4.2. Standard rated frequency 50 Hz.
4.3 The nominal discharge current shall be 5KA of 8/20 micro second-wave shape.


5.1. The porcelain housing for the lightening arrestor shall be confirming to IS:5621/1980 with
latest amendment/ revision (specification for hollow insulators for use in electrical

5.2. Make of porcelain housing to be used for lightening arrestor as shown below:

a) Jayshree Make - JSI

b) WSI
c) Shesashayee
e) Luster Ceramics
f) Shakti make
g) Oblum make.
Any other make approved by the UGVCL/GUVNL.
Creepage Distance : 11KV - 320 mm.
22KV - 600 mm.
5.3. The porcelain housing used for the lightening arrestor shall be legibly marked to show
following details:
a) Name of trade mark of the manufacturer
b) Month & year of manufacturer
c) Country of manufacture
Marking on porcelain shall be printed & shall be applied before firing.

Date: Seal & Signature of Tenderer

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The metal parts & fillings shall be made of non-magnetic corrosion proof material. The
conducting parts shall have suitable current density to have satisfactory performance during
service life.


The clamps for holding the lightening arrestor should be made from M.S. Flat 3mm thickness &
should be capable of holding L.A. in position. The fixing holder should be oblong. The clamps
should be Hot-dip Galvanized. With 630 gm/m2 zinc coating by mass minimum and must withstand 4
dips of 1 minute each with tested for uniformity of zinc coating.


The lightening arrestor fully assembled with fittings shall be carefully covered with shock
absorbing protective material and should be packed in either wooden crates or corrugated box. The
packing should be properly done to protect i from damage during transit, loading unloading,
stacking etc. The lightning arrestor shall not be packed more than 15 Nos. in each box / crate.


Lead seal & wire on each wooden crate to be provided by the supplier at their cost to
facilitate sealing by inspector of UGVCL after the lot passes in all acceptable tests.


The supplier shall offer the material for inspection in lots as and when ready with him. The
UGVCL will arrange for inspection of each lot as early as possible within 15 days from the date of
receipt of intimation, and on availability of transport/ rail facility-tickets available to Inspector.
The lot offered shall not be dispatched by the supplier without having clearance from UGVCL
inspector or waiver of inspection in writing from the UGVCL.

The acceptance tests as prescribed under Clause No. 7.2 of IS: 3070 (part -3) -1993 for the offered
lot will be carried out by the inspector the works of manufacturer. The manufacturer shall
provide all the facilities for all the required tests. The testing instruments should be in proper
working condition, duly calibrated up to date either by the original manufacturer of
instrument or by any approved Government laboratory. Copies of calibration certificates shall
be made available to the inspector.


The renderer shall submit the type test certificate/s along with attested certified copies of
Drawings of their product, of any approved Government laboratory along with the offer. Offer
without type tests certificate/s with attested drawings/incomplete/ provisional type test
certificates will not be considered & straightway rejected. Type test report shall not be older
than 5 years from the date of invitation of tender,


The supplier should carryout various routine test as per Clause No. 7.1 of IS: 3070 (part-3)-1993 on
each lightening arrestors offered in the lot and provide test certificate to the inspector during
inspection of the lot offered. Supplier is also required to maintain register for the routine tests
carried out on each lightening arrestor and has to show the same during inspection on demand.

Date: Seal & Signature of Tenderer

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The lightening arrestors manufactured shall confirm to the relevant IS:3070 (Part-3) -1993 or
IEC-99-11 (Part-4) of 1991 and also other IS standards mentioned in this specification, over &
above the other details mentioned in this specification, and would meet all the
requirements specified in guaranteed Technical Particulars indicated at Annexure-B.


The manufacturer shall guarantee satisfactory performance of the lightening arrestors for a period of
12 months from the date of installation or 18 months from the date of receipt by purchaser
whichever is earlier.
It will also be guaranteed by the manufacturer that no nuisance operations shall take place in the
event of lightening arrestors effectively discharging the high voltage to earth & returning to normal


Each lightening arrestor shall be provided with a name-plate or plates legibly marked with
following details (Details on sticker not acceptable)

a) Gapless lightening arrestor

b) Continuous operating voltage
c) Rated voltage & current
d) Rated frequency
e) Nominal discharge current
f) The manufacturer's name or trace mark with type &
g) The year & month of manufacturer
h) Serial Number of arrestors
i) Property of UGVCL
j) A/T No. with date & reference


Arrestors will be provided with safety device with properly designed blow off hollow device, to
disconnect arrestor from off time in case of spark over resulting in failure of lightening arrestor.
No nuisance operation should occur in event of lightening arrestor effectively discharging H.V.
to earth and returning to normal in sub-station level.


Following type test as per IS:3070 (part-3) -1993 on offered type of arrestors should be carried
out at Government approved laboratory & certificate along with attested drawing shall be
submitted along with technical bid of the tender. Offer without complete type test certificate
along with attested drawing will be straightway rejected.
The following type test shall be made as far as required in Table -7 of IS: 3070 (part-3) 1993 :

a) Insulation withstand test.

b) Residual voltage test
c) Long duration current impulse withstand test.
d) Operating duty test.
e) Presume relief test (when fitted with relief device)
f) Tests of arrestor disconnect or (when fitted)
g) Artificial pollution test on porcelain housed arrestors.
Date: Seal & Signature of Tenderer
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h) For porcelain housed arrestors
-- Temperature cycle test on hollow porcelain housings.
-- Porosity test.
i) Galvanizing test on exposed ferrous metal parts.


18.1 The sample criteria for acceptance tests shall be nearest lower whole number to the cube
root of the number of arresters in the lot available for inspection in accordance with
the clause No.7.2 of
IS: 3070 (part-3) -1993
(a) Measurement of Power frequency voltage on the complete arrestors at the reference
current. (All samples)
(b) Lightening impulse residual voltage test.(All samples)
(c) Partial discharge test.( All samples)
(d) Visual examination and dimensional verification test.(All samples)
(e) Porosity test of porcelain housing ( on two samples)
(f) Galvanizing test on exposed ferrous metal parts for uniformity of zinc coating test and
weight of zinc coating test. (on two samples)


The minimum requirement for routine tests to be made by the

manufacturer shall be as follows as per Clause No. 7.1 IS: 3070 (part-3)-1993 with latest
amendment/ revision if any on each arresters offered for inspection.

(a) Reference voltage test

(b) Residual voltage test
(c) Test for satisfactory absence from partial discharge and contact noise shall be checked on each
unit by any sensitive method adopted by the manufacturer.
(d) Leakage check
(e) Current distribution test for multi column arrestor.
(f) Visual examination test on porcelain housing.

The supplier is required to mention the results in special register to be maintained at their
works, and to be shown to the inspector for each lot offered for inspection.

Date: Seal & Signature of Tenderer

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Manufacturer's Name :

and address :


Technical information and guaranteed technical information for supply of 9KV/18KV 5KA Gapless
type lightening arrester (Metal oxide surge arrester without gap).


Bidder has to confirm following important requirement.

Sr. Particulars Confirmation

1. 2. 3.

1. Metal oxide arrestor without gap for Yes

AC System as per IS: 3070 (part-3) -1993
2. Recommended practice for Hot dip Yes
galvanizing of iron and steel as per
IS-2629/1985 with latest revision/
3. Large hollow porcelain for use Yes
in electrical installation as per IS
No. 5621/1980 with latest revision/
amendment if any and make of porcelain
shall be as per clause No.5.2 of
4. Method of testing of uniformity of zinc Yes
coating as per IS-2633.
5. Degree of protection provided by
enclosures for low voltage switch gears and
control equipment as per IS-2147.
6. System Voltage
11 KV Yes
22 KV Yes
7. Highest system voltage
12.65 KV for 9 KV LA Yes
25.30 KV for 18 KV LA Yes
8. Rated Voltage
9 KV Yes
18 KV Yes
9. Maximum continuos operating voltage
7.7 KV for 9 KV LA Yes
15.4 KV for 18 KV LA Yes

10. Nominal discharge current

For 9 KV LA - 5 KA Yes
For 18 KV LA - 5 KA Yes

Date: Seal & Signature of Tenderer

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11. Residual discharge voltage.max 5 Micro-
For 9 KV LA - 33 KV Yes
For 18 KV LA - 66 KV Yes
12. Maximum discharge voltage peak with 8x20
micro seconds.
Current wave. 5 KV Yes
For 9 KV LA 30 KV Yes
For 18 KV LA 60 KV Yes
13. Distribution Class of lightening
arrestor. Yes
14. Insulation withstand capacity of arrestor Yes
(i) Power frequency withstand
Voltage for 9 KV LA - 28 KV Yes
For 18 KV LA - 50 KV Yes
(ii) 1.2/50 micro seconds impulse wave

For 9 KV LA - 75 KV Yes
for 18 KV LA - 150 KV Yes

15. Minimum creepage distance

For 9 KV LA - 320 mm Yes
For 18 KV LA - 600 mm Yes
16. Marking on porcelain housing shall be as per Yes
Cl. No.5.3 of tender specification.

PART - 'B'

Bidder has to furnish below mention details about material.

1. Drawing No. -

2. Make of Porcelain housing.

3. Make of disconnector

Signature & Seal of Tenderer

Date: Seal & Signature of Tenderer

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PART - C :

Bidder has to enclose following documents and has to confirm

for the same.
Sr. Particulars Confirmation
1. Drawing with duly signed and stamped Yes

2. Type test certificate covering all the Yes

parts as per specification clause No. 17.1
for arrest and 17.2 for porcelain housing
3. List of Plants and machinery Yes

4. List of testing equipment Yes

5. List of orders pending/executed at least

past two years for the item offered.
(a) with G.E.B/GUVNL/DISCOM thereof. Yes
(b) with the purchase other than above. Yes
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -

PART - 'D' - No Deviation

Bidder has to mentioned below deviation if any, quoting relevant clause of specification.

Signature & Seal of Tenderer

Date: Seal & Signature of Tenderer

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