Technical Specification

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33 KV XLPE Cable Size 3x120

1. SCOPE :

This specification covers design, manufacture, inspection, testing and supply to

destinations at Store Centers of Purvanchal Vidyut Vitaran Nigam Ltd., Varanasi in U.P.
of 33 KV. XLPE cable 3 X 120 Sq. mm for use with effectively earthed distribution system
of U.P.


The cable shall be 33 KV Grade, high conductivity stranded compacted circular

aluminum conductor 3 core. XLPE insulated, extruded inner PVC sheathed, galvanized
steel strip armored, with overall separate extruded PVC outer sheath, conforming
generally to IS: 7098 (part-II) 1985 and amendment there of, suitable for 33KV 3 phase
50HZ earthed system.

2.1 Two distinct sheaths i.e., inner and outer shall be provided. Outer sheathing shall be
designed to afford high degree of Technical protection and shall also be heat, oil,
chemicals and weather resistant. Common acids, alkali's and saline solutions shall not
have any adverse effect on the material used for PVC outer sheathing.

2.2 The cable should be suitable for laying in covered trenches and / or buried direct under


The conductor shall be made from stranded aluminum to form compact circular
conductor having resistance within limits as specified in table-2 of IS-8130/1984 and any
amendment there of. Minimum guaranteed weight of Aluminium used in the cable
shall be 973.00 Kg/KM.

The conductor shall have a semi-conducting screen, which will ensure perfectly smooth
profile to avoid stress concentration. The conductor screen shall be extruded in the same
operation as the insulation.

The XLPE insulation shall be suitable for specified 33KV system voltage. The
manufacturing process shall ensure that insulation shall be free form voids. The
insulation shall withstand mechanical and thermal stresses under steady state and
transient operating conditions. The extrusion method shall give very smooth interface
between semi-conducting screen and insulation. The insulation of the cables shall be of
high standard quality and conform to Clause-11 of IS:7098 (Part-II)/1985 or latest
amendment thereof.

To confine electrical field to the insulation. insulation screening consisting of two parts,
namely metallic (non magnetic) and non metallic (semi conducting) shall be provided.
The non-metallic semi-conducting shield shall be put over the insulation of each core.
The insulation Shield shall be extruded in the same operation as the conductor shield and
insulation by triple extrusion process. The insulation shield shall be bonded and
strippable on adequate heat treatment. Metallic shield shall be provided over non-
metallic portion as per provision of clause 12.4 of IS:7098 (part-II)/1985 and amendment


The sheath shall be suitable to withstand the operating conditions and the desired
temperature rating of the cable. It shall be of adequate thickness, consistent quality and
free from all defects. The PVC sheath shall be extruded type. The binding tape used over
the laid up cores shall not be construed as part of the inner sheath. The inner sheath shall
conform to provisions of IS:7098 (part-II)/1985 or latest amendment thereof.


Galvanized steel strip armoring shall be provided. The dimensions of steel strip shall be
as per table 4 of IS:7098 (part-II)/1985 and its latest amendment and strip shall conform
to latest provisions of IS:3975/1988 and amendment there of.

Extruded PVC outer sheath of type ST-2 as per IS: 5831/1984 and its latest amendment shall
be applied over armouring with suitable additives to prevent attack by rodent and termite
and its thickness shall be in accordance with Clause –17.32 of IS:7098 (Part-III)/1985 and
latest amendment thereof. Outer Sheath colour red..


10.1 The cable shall have suitable PVC fillers laid up with insulated cores to provide
substantially circular cross section before the inner sheath in applied. The fillers shall be
suitable for operating temperature of the cable and compatible with the insulating

10.2 All materials used in the manufacture of cable shall be new, unused and of finest
quality. All materials shall comply with the applicable provisions of the tests of
specification. IS., Indian Electricity Rule, Indian Elect., Act and any other applicable
statutory provisions. rules and regulations.

10.3 The PVC material used in the manufacture of cable shall be reputed make, No recycling
of the PVC is permitted. The purchaser reserves the right to ask for documentary proof
of the purchases of various materials to be used for the manufacture of cable and to
check that the manufacturer is complying with quality control.

The workmanship shall be neat, clean and of highest grade/ quality.


12.1 The cable will have current rating and derating factors as per relevant Indian Standards.

12.2 The one-second short circuit current rating shall be 11.28 KA

12.3 The current rating shall be based on maximum conductor temperature of 90 0C with
ambient site conditions specified in General Requirement of Specification for continuous
operation at the rated current.


13.1 Cable shall be suitable for laying in ducts and direct in ground.

13.2 Cables shall have heat and moisture resistant properties. These shall be of type and
design, with proven record of distribution network service.


The cables shall be supplied in standard lengths i.e.500± 5% meters. Non-standard length
of not less than 100 meters is acceptable. Total Non-Standard should not exceed 5% of
the ordered quantity.


The cable shall be supplied on non-returnable wooden drums of heavy standard

construction conforming to IS: 10418 : 1982 and latest amendment thereof and being
suitable for transport by goods train or truck and for storage at site. The wood used for
construction of the drums shall be properly seasoned and wood preservative shall be
applied to the entire drum.

All ferrous parts shall be treated with a suitable rust preventive finish or coating to avoid
rusting during transit or storage. Each drum shall have the following information
marked on it with in- deliable ink along with other important information including
technical data:
(i) Purvanchal Vidyut Vitaran Nigam. Ltd. Tender Specification No.EAV-
(ii) Consignee & Destination Store Center.
(iii) Trade name or trademark, if any
(iv) Name of the manufacturer,
(v) Nominal sectional area of the conductor of the cable,
(vi) Drum no.
(vii) No. of cores
(viii) Type of cable & Voltage for which it is suitable.
A layer of waterproof paper shall be applied to the surface of the drum and over the
outer cable layer. A clear space of at least 40 mm. shall be left between the cable and the
laggings. The packing shall be adequate to protect the cable form damage in transit and
contractor shall be responsible for it and make good at his own expenses any and all
damages due to improper packing etc.,


For the identification of individual cores, colored strips of red, yellow and blue colors
shall be used to identify phase conductors..

The manufacturer shall emboss (i) Property of PVVNL (ii) Name of manufacturer (iii)
year of Manufacture (iv) Specification No. (v) Voltage grade and size of cores at the
interval of one mater length throughout the length of cable. The identification embossing
shall be done only the outer sheath.


The tenderer shall furnish an authenticated copy of results of successful type test and
short circuit withstand ( 1 second) test as carried out over the cable of same design. size
and type to prove that the design has successfully passed through required tests. The
tests as carried out in any of the following institutions test houses shall be acceptable.
(a) Central Power Research Institute.
(b) ERDA, Vadodara.

18.1 If successful type tests and short circuit withstand test for one second have been carried
out the cable of same design, size type and manufacturing process during last five years
(counted form the date of tender opening) repetition of these tests is not required
provided the manufactured material conforms to IS:7098 (part-II) 1985 with latest thereof
in respect of type and Short Circuit withstand test.

18.2 The purchaser reserves the right to get the cable type tested at any stage during the
pendancy of contract at its own expenses is any reputed test house mentioned in clause
17. The transportation and arrangement of testing of sample to test laboratory shall be
responsibility of the contractor.

18.3 Routine and acceptance tests as laid down in IS: 7098 (Part-II) 1985 with latest
amendment thereof shall be carried out by the inspecting officers of the PuVVNL on
sample selected at random as per relevant ISS.

In addition to above length check on one drum per inspection lot shall also be carried out
by the inspecting of officers for which contractor shall make all necessary arrangements
and provide all necessary facilities at his own cost.


The supplied quantity can vary within plus/ minus two percent of he ordered quantity.

The Cable offered by the contractor shall conform to the requirement of IS:7098 (Part-II)
1985 with latest amendment thereof and as per technical particulars enclosed herewith.
No. other technical particulars or deviation form technical particulars and technical
specifications shall be accepted. Any deviation may result in the cancellation of order.
Further, these specifications are subject to the instructions to tenderers. General
Technical specifications. terms & conditions mentioned in General requirement of
Specification, and UPPCL/PuVVNL form 'B'. In case if any ambiguity of technical
details given elsewhere the conditions given in technical specifications shall prevail.
Note :-

(1) In case of any contradiction in technical specification as mentioned above, the relevant IS or
mentioned in tender which ever is better, shall prevail.
(2) In case of any contradiction in terms & conditions mentioned at more than one place, the
terms & conditions to the best advantage of PuVVNL, will prevail.

(Annexure ‘A’)
Price Variation Formula Applicable for Tender Specification No: EAV-60/2022-23

1.0 The Variable rates shall be applicable on the basis of following price variation
formula and fixation of price shall be done accordingly, subject to contracted
delivery schedule.
P = Po + ALF (AL – ALo) + CCFAL (PVCC-PVCCo) +XLFAL(CC-CCo) +FeF (Fe-Fe o) wherein
P = Final price payable as per price variation clause in Rs./Km.
Po = Ex-works price of cable in Rs./km. as appearing in purchase order.
ALF = Metal variation factor for Aluminium.
CCFAL= Variation factor for PVC compound/polymer for aluminium conductor cable.
XLFAL= Variation factor for XLPE Compund.
FeF = Variation factor for steel
Value of ALF, CCFAL, XLFAL & FeF shall be as given below.
Size of cable Metal Variation Variation for Variation
Variation Factor for XLPE Factor for
Factor (ALF) PVC (XLFAL) Steel (FeF)
33 KV XLPE Cable
3x120 sq mm
1.036 3.646 2.270 1.406

AL = Price of EC Grade aluminium rods (Properzi rods)/ LME Aluminium.

This price is as applicable of first working day of the month, one
month prior to the date of delivery.
ALo = Base Price of EC Grade aluminium rods (Properzi rods) /LME
Aluminium. This price is as applicable on 01.09.2022
PVCC = Price of PVC compound. This price is as applicable of first working
day of the month, one month prior to the date of delivery.
PVCCo = Base Price of PVC compound. This price is as applicable on
CC= Price of XLPE compound. This price is as applicable of first working
day of the month, one month prior to the date of delivery.
CCo= Base Price of XLPE compound. This price is as applicable on
Fe = Price of steel Strips/steel wire. This price is as applicable of first
working day of the month, one month prior to the date of delivery.
Feo = Base Price of steel Strips/steel wire. This price is as applicable on
2.0 For the purpose of calculating price variation on either side, the
declared prices of IEEMA for the cost of E.C. Grade Aluminium Rods
(Properzi Rods) and PVC compound, as applicable on the first working
day of the month, before the date of offer for inspection to the
Superintending Engineer (MM-II), PuVVNL, Varanasi or the delivery
schedule, whichever is lower shall be taken into consideration. The
price variation claim shall be duly supported by certified photo state
copies of the circulars of the IEEMA. The price rise shall not be
claimed as routine unless authorized by the Engineer of the contract.
3.0 No variation on account of variation in transport charges of raw
materials from suppliers works/depots to supplier works or price of
other material as required in the manufacture of tendered item or taxes
and duties on intermediate products or railway freight or packing and
forwarding charges or wages escalation and other incidents if any shall
be entertained.
4.0 Price escalation shall be allowed only after approval of the same from
this office and the supplier shall not claim any price rise as a matter of
5.0 No price rise shall be allowed beyond the contracted delivery schedule.


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