expose sur juvenile delinquency
expose sur juvenile delinquency
expose sur juvenile delinquency
I- Meaning :
The juvenile delinquency, in social science, mainly concerns acts
which are committed by minors and which are defined and evaluated
as deviant and associated according to legal or social norms, and
which are generally the result of an apprenticeship.
II- Causes :
Its factors can be regrouped by 3 big groups :
Delinquency gas long been interpreted as a hereditary phenomenon,
linked to intellectual disabilities or mental disorders. But this trait is
far from determining. Indeed, juvenile delinquency results from a set
of factors whose impact is more or less can be groupes into 3 main
groups :
-Factors linked to the very psychology of the adolescent and the
fragility which characterizes this stage of human development. By the
way we have the lack of communication between parents and
children which plays a lot in the psychology of the child.
-Factors linked to economie’s problems : we have
•The most important which is poverty : the last combined to hungry,
substandard housing conditions and the many daily reminders of
social exclusion can generate delinquency.
•Lack of job : many young people are frustrated and outraged by
their inability to provide for themselves or their families.
If we add these and other factors to the importance that society
places on economic success and possessions, the consequences on
self-esteem, faith in the future and a sense of belonging can be very
-And we have finally socials factors:
•Families problems: most families provide a safe and reassuring
environment where children can thrive and learn but many don’t. A
very disrupted family life can also have damaging consequences on
young people’s interest in studies, their stability their ability to learn
and their relationship with their peers and teachers. We have also
the parental influence. Sometimes parents say words that causes
children to do illegal actions to bring money at home.
We have too bad frequentation, problem in the justice system...
a- Manifestations :
The young delinquent rejects the values of this society. He feels it as
unfair and impersonal, and considers social rules as so many
obstacles to the satisfaction of his desires. Juvenile vagrancy is a
behavior displayed by in individual; who sponetaneously experiences
uncomfortable situations, he is homeless; without ressources and
without morality.
-Thefts and crimes: These contitute most of the crimes armed
robbery in public places such as in markets; illegal entry into homes
and shops in the absence of owners. They are also assaults...The theft
of food is gradually giving way to cash in order to meet their needs
such as: cigarettes; night club, drugs, alhocol.
- Drugs addiction and alcoholism: the use of drugs is motivated
among young people by the search of sensation or the fact of
wanting take risk or simply out of curiosity or to have the
courage to do certain acts.
The consumption of alcohol or hemp being at the origin, for the most
part of the fights and aggressiveness in streets. Thus under the effect
of alcohol they attack womeb, traders, and take advantage of this
state to commit all possible crimes.
- Prostitution: young girls feeling neglected by the family or eat
away at poverty engage in sometimes intense sexual activit
with a view to obtaining means to meet their needs which very
often leads to unwanted pregnancy.
Juvenile delinquency have the following consequences:
Family inbalance, lack of social ideal, impotence or less of virility,
infection , divorce sudden death from overdose * caused by illicit
substance abuse*, suicide , jail , early pregnant...
A-Preventives measures:
When dealing with preventive measures to eradicate juvenile
delinquency, it is necessary to appeal to the conscience of parents.
We must also:
-initiate informations, education and communication campaigns
-fight against drug trafficking
-create jobs
-raise awareness among young
-avoid bad frequentations...
Parents need to communicate a lot with their children.
B-Curatives mesures:
After the act, a follow up of the repented delinquent by a social
worker from the social service is necessary.
This service have for objectives:
- Visiting juvenile detainees for leisure prison
- Organize cultural activities for them.
- Participate in actions to prevent juvenile delinquency.
“youth is sacred”, if it is, t is because of the wealth it constitutes for
the nation and for the future. This wealth is defined in physical and
intellectual strenght. The child is educated from an early age. This is
how it is up to the parents to deploy the maximum effort so that
their offspring does not fall victim to juvenile delinquency. Parents
should therefore not give up in the fce of this social scourge, but
rather assume their responsabilities, giving children the possibilities
to grow up and to replace us in a meaningful way.