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Attempt all the questions

1. Name the branch of Biology that deals with the study of the following:
a) Classification of living organisms (1mk)

b) Internal structure of an organism (1mk)

2. Explain why an insect needs to undertake gaseous exchange (2mks)

3. Identify and state the function of each of the following apparatus (4mks)

Name Name
Function Function

4. a) Write down the formula for calculating magnification when using a light microscope
to observe specimen (1mk)

b) Sam drew the rear leg of a grasshopper which measured 45mm on the insect. If he
used a magnification of X0.5, calculate the length of the leg drawn in centimeters. (3mks)
5. Use the diagram shown to answer the questions that follow

a) Name the mode of feeding for the animal whose lower jaw is shown above (1mk)
b) Give TWO reasons for your answer in a) above (2mks)

6. Account for the following observations

a) A mountain climber has more red blood cells than a person of the same size, age and
gender living in low lands (2mks)

b) A baby has higher energy requirement than an adult (2mks)

7. The diagram shown below is of a structure found in cells

a) Label the following parts: Phospholipid layer; a pore (2mks)

b) State TWO properties of the structure above (2mks)

8. a) Define the term ‘active transport’ (1mk)

c) Give TWO ways in which active transport and diffusion are different (2mks)

9. State the economic importance of the following excretory products from plants (3mks)
a) Papain:
b) Quinine:
c) Colchicine:

10. The following diagram is a cross section of a dicot plant

a) From which organ of the plant was the cross section above obtained? (1mk)

b) Give a reason for your answer in a) above (1mk)

11. a) How is large surface area achieved in red blood cells in order to enable them be
efficient at their function. (2mks)

b) Give TWO advantages of Carbon (IV) Oxide transportation by the red blood cells

12. Distinguish between the following terms:

i) Allograft and isografts (2mks)

ii) Guttation and Transpiration (2mks)

13. a) Explain how the following antibodies defend the body against pathogens
i)Lysins (1mk)
ii)Agglutinins (1mk)
b) Which other way do White Blood Cells defend the body against pathogens in addition
to use of antibodies? (1mk)

14. a) What is the role of proximal convoluted tubule in the kidney? (1mk)

b) Give TWO adaptations of proximal convoluted tubule to its function (2mks)

15. Name the organelles that form the following: (2mks)
i) Ribosomes
ii) Lysosomes:

16. State THREE structural differences between arteries and veins (3mks)

17. Study the diagram shown below

a) State the adaptation of the organelle shown above to its function (1mk)
b) Name TWO products from the process that takes place in the organelle shown above
which are useful in the physiological process that occurs in the chloroplast of plant
cells (2mks)

c) Why do Red Blood Cells lack the organelle shown above? (1mk)

18. a) What is an enzyme? (1mk)

b) Give THREE factors that increase rate of enzymatic reactions (3mks)

19. The table below shows the number of various teeth in the jaws of an animal
Canines Molars Incisors Premolars
Lower Jaw 2 6 4 4
Upper Jaw 2 6 0 4

a) Determine the total number of teeth the animal has (1mk)

b) Write down the dental formula of the animal whose teeth are shown on the table
above (1mk)
c) With a reason, determine the mode of feeding of the animal represented above
Mode of Feeding

20. a) Label the following parts of the light microscope on the diagram shown below

Coarse Adjustment Knob; Revolving Nose Piece; Mirror; Objective lens

b) State TWO precautions observed before storage of the light microscope (2mks

21. Consider the following experimental set up used to investigate a physiological process
a) What was the aim of the experiment? (1mk)

b) Account for the change that will take place in the thermometer (2mks)

c) Suggest a control for the experiment shown above (1mk)

22. The following diagram shows onions cells captured in a field of view of a light

a) Measure the length of the white line to determine the diameter of the field of view in
millimeters (1mk)

b) How many cells are found along the diameter represented by the white line? (1mk)
c) Determine the actual diameter of one cell if a magnification of X1000 was used to
observe the cells above (3mks)

d) State a weakness of the process above of estimating cell size (1mk)

23. (a) Distinguish between gaseous exchange and respiration. (2mks)

(b) Name the products of anaerobic respiration in plants. (2mks)

24. (a) State two phases of aerobic respiration. (2mks)

(b) With a reason, state the phase that yields more energy. (1mk)

25. A process that occurs in plants is represented by the equation below: -

C6H16O6 2C2H5OH + 2CO2 + Energy
(Glucose) (Ethanol) (Carbon (IV) Oxide)
a. (a) Name the process. (1mk)

b. (b) State six application of the process named in (a) above. (6mks)

26. a) Explain what is meant by the term oxygen debt in human beings. (2mks)

b) Calculate the respiration quotient (RQ) from the equation below: -

2C51H98O6+145O2 102 CO2 + 98H2O + Energy (3mks)

c) Identify the substrate being respired in the above equation. (1mk)

27. Explain why a rat, though small eats more frequently than an elephant. (2mks)

28. State four factors that affect the rate of respiration. (4mks)
29. State five differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration. (10mks)

30. Give a branch of biology that deals with the study of the following; (3mks)

(a) Insects

(b) Inheritance and variation

(c) Classification of organisms

31. Study the diagram below.

(i) Identity____________________________ (1mk)

(ii) State the function of the organelle identified in (i) above. (1mk)

32. State the characteristic of living organisms shown by the diagrams below;
a- (2mks)


33. To which Kingdom do the following organisms belong; (4mks)

(a) Moss

(b) Green algae

(c) Bread mould

(d) House fly

34. State the three rules of binomial nomenclature. (3mks)

35. (a) The scientific name for the pawpaw fruit was wrongly written as CARICA PAPAYA.
Re-write the scientific name observing the rules of writing scientific name. (1mk)

(b) From the name in (a) above, identify the genus name. (1mk)
36. State four factors that affect the rate of enzymatic activity. (4mks)

37. Calculate the magnification of the drawing of the cockroach below given that the actual
length of the cockroach is 0.9cm long. Show your working. (2mks)

38. . (a) When observing a specimen through a light microscope, a student noted that the
field of view was dark. Name 2 parts of the microscope that the student should adjust to
make the field of view clear (2mk)

(b)A specimen was magnified 1000 times by a light microscope whose eye piece lens
magnification is X10. Calculate magnification of objective lens. (2mks)

39. (a)Name an element which is present in proteins but is not in carbohydrates. (1mk)

(b) State two functions of proteins in the human body (2mks)

40. Give three differences between maize and zebra. (3mks)

Maize Zebra
41. Define the following terms as used in osmosis; (2mks)
i. Haemolysis

ii. Plasmolysis

42. (a) State two types of enzymes. (2mks)

(b) State two methods of naming enzymes. (2mks)

43. In an investigation, a student extracted 3 pairs of pawpaw cylinders using a cork borer.
The cylinders were cut to 50mm length and placed in a beaker containing solution K. The
results after 40 minutes are as shown in the table below.
Feature Results
Average length of the cylinder in mm 56mm
Stiffness of the cylinder Stiff
Account for the results in the table above. (4mks)

44. The diagram below represents an apparatus used to collect specimens for study.

(a) Identify the apparatus. (1mk)

(b) Why it is advisable to have the apparatus illustrated above made of glass. (2mks)

45. State the use of the following. (2mks)

(a) Bait in a bait trap
(b) Chloroform

46. State four roles of osmosis in plants. (4mks)

47. Name the reagents used to test for the following food substances.
(a)Starch (1mk)

(b)Reducing sugars (1mk)

(c)Proteins (2mks)

(d)Vitamin C (1mk)

48. Identify the functions of the following specialized cells in living systems. (3mks)
cell function

49. State the two importance of movement in animals. (2mks)

50. State three reasons why classification is necessary. (3mks)

51. State the building blocks of the following; (3mks)

(a) Proteins

(b) Carbohydrates

(c) Lipids

52. (a) Name the region in the chloroplast where the following occurs; (2mks)
(i) Photolysis

(ii) Carbon (IV) oxide fixation

(b)State two products of light stage that are useful in dark stage of photosynthesis. (2mk)

53. The following is a diagrammatic representation of protein synthesis. Study and answer
the questions that follow.

(a) Name process R (1mk)

(b) Where in the cell does R take place? (1mk)

(c) Name (2mks)

(i) Product Q

(ii) Part X

54. State the enzymes that act on the following; (4mks)

(a) Lactose

(b) Sucrose

(c) Carbohydrates

(d) Lipids

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