• Older adults demonstrate a decrease in
vigilance performance (i.e. the ability to retain
attention longer than 45 minutes).
• They are more easily distracted by irrelevant
information and stimuli and are less to
perform complicated tasks or require
simultaneous performance.
• This pattern encompasses the evaluation of
dietary and other nutrition-related indicators.
o Subjective: Determine the older adult’s
description, patterns, and perception of
food and fluid intake and adequacy for
maintaining a healthy body mass index.
o Objective: Observe general appearance and
GORDON 11 BASIC FUNCTIONAL HEALTH various body system indicators of
PATTERNS OF OLDER ADULT nutritional status. Note the height, weight,
• Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire and fit of clothes.
(PAR-Q) is a common method of uncovering
health and lifestyle issues before an exercise COPING/STRESS-TOLERANCE PATTERN
program starts. The questionnaire is short and • This pattern encompasses the client’s reserve
easy to administer and reveals any family and capacity to resist challenges to self-
history of illness integrity, and his or her ability to manage
difficult situations.
SELF-PERCEPTION/SELF-CONCEPT PATTERN o Subjective: Assess ways to handle big and
• This pattern encompasses a sense of personal little problems that occur in everyday life.
identity; body language, attitudes, and view of o Objective: Observe the use of coping skills
self in cognitive, physical, and affective and stress-reducing techniques and note
realms; and expressions of sense of worth and their effectiveness.
emotional state.
• Perceptions of self should be explored with COPING/PERCEPTUAL PATTERN
direct questions and asked with sensitivity. • This pattern encompasses self-management
Emotional patterns can be identified during of pain, the presence of communication
this exploration of perceptual patterns. difficulties, and deficits in sensory function
o Subjective: Determine the client’s feelings o Subjective: Inquire about difficulties with
about his or her competencies and sensory function and communication, as
limitations, withdrawal from previous well as the assessment of any cognitive
activities, self-destructive actions, changes.
excessive grieving, and increased o Objective: Assess usual patterns of
dependency on others. communication and note the client’s
o Objective: Identify verbal and nonverbal ability to comprehend.
cues related to the above subjective data.
ROLES/RELATIONSHIP PATTERN • This pattern encompasses elements of
• This pattern encompasses the achievement of spiritual well-being that the older adult
expected developmental tasks. perceives as important for a satisfactory daily
• Basic needs for communication and living experience and the philosophic system
interactions with other people, as well as that helps him or her function within society.
meaningful communication and satisfaction o Subjective: Identify the older adult’s
in relationships with others are examined. values and beliefs about spirituality, with a
o Subjective: Determine family structure, special emphasis on how this influences
history of relationships, and social health promotion behaviors.
interactions with friends and o Objective: Determine what is important in
acquaintances the older adult’s life to support coping
o Objective: Examine the family dynamics of strategies.
interdependent, dependent, and
independent practices among members. ACTIVITY/EXERCISE PATTERN
• This pattern encompasses information related
HEALTH PERCEPTION/HEALTH MANAGEMENT to health promotion that encourages the older
PATTERN adult to achieve the recommended 30 minutes
• This pattern encompasses the perceived level daily of physical activity on most days of the
of health and current management of any week.
health problems. o Subjective: Screen for safety-related
exercise and physical activity, using
• This pattern encompasses the older adult’s
behavioral expressions of sexuality.
o Subjective: Assess the client’s satisfaction
or dissatisfaction with current
circumstances related to sexual function
and intimacy, including perceived
satisfaction or dissatisfaction with
sexuality or sexual experiences.
o Objective: Discuss current sexual
relationship. When none is present, elicit
the meaning this has for the client’s
overall emotional and physical well-being.
• This pattern encompasses bowel and bladder
excretory functions.
o Subjective: Assess lifelong elimination
habits and excretory selfcare routines.
o Objective: Perform abdominal and rectal
examination; external genitalia and pelvic
examination may be indicated.
• Exploring older adults’ ideas and beliefs
concerning health needs.
• Reading current literature regarding the latest
updates for specific health promotion
• Current health policy information that will
safeguard client rights.
• Understanding and use of behavior change
• Adopting a proactive stance toward an action
plan for health promotion of the older
• Activities, locations, and means of
disseminating health promotion.
• Annual health promotion screening.
• Program that provides vaccinations for older
• Screening for cancer, diabetes, and other
• Monthly health talks provided in senior
• Housing sites
• Continuing retirement communities.
• Advocate and educate about health promotion.
• Safe medication use