April 22 2024

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Geriatric Nursing April 22, 2024

Gerontic Nursing
Introduction: - Connotes the nursing of older persons- the
● Geriatric Nursing - is the specialty that art and practice of nurturing, caring, and
concerns itself with the provision of nursing comforting.
services to geriatric or aged individuals. - It encompasses a holistic view of aging with
● Due to their complexity, aged people always the goal of increasing health, providing
deserve personal attention. comfort and caring for older adults needs.
● nurses address physical, psychosocial,
cultural and family concerns, as well as Social Gerontology
promoting health and emphasizing - Concerned mainly with the social aspects of
successful aging. aging versus the biological or psychological.
● Life expectancy is rising at rates which call
for the proper preparation of nurses to take Social Gerontologist
good care of the rapidly increasing number - person who seek to understand how the
of the aged. biological processes of aging influence the
social aspects of aging.
Historical Perspective on the Study of Aging
● Age 20-65 years old have largest and - Branch of psychology concerned with
most economically productive segment of helping older persons and their families
the population. maintain well-being, overcome problems,
● Age 65 and above have small and achieve maximum potential during later
percentage. Disability, illness and early life.
that were accepted naturally, and
unavoidable. Geropharmacology
● In late 1960s, research began to indicate - The study of pharmacology as it relates to
that adults of all ages are not the same. older adults.
● The focus of healthcare is shifted from - CGP- Certified Geriatric Pharmacist
illness to wellness.
● Disability and this is really no longer Financial Gerontology
considered unavoidable parts of aging. - Another emerging subfield that combines
More people live longer, healthier lives by: knowledge of financial planning and
- Increase medical knowledge services with a special expertise in the
- Improved preventive health practices needs of older adults.
- Technologic advances
Gerontological Rehabilitation Nursing
Geriatric - Combine expertise in gerontological nursing
- Comes from Greek word “GERAS” meaning with rehabilitation concepts and practice.
old age and “IATRO” meaning relating to - Care for older adults with chronic illness and
medical treatment. long-term, functional limitations, such as;
- Is a medical specialty that deals with the ● Stroke
physiology of aging and with diagnosis and ● Head injury
treatment of diseases affecting older adults. ● multiple sclerosis
● Parkinson's disease
Gerontology ● Spinal cord injury
- Comes from Greek word “GERO” meaning ● Arthritis
related to old age and “OLOGY” meaning ● Joint replacement
the study of. ● Amputations
- it is the study of all aspects of the aging
process, including the clinical, psychologic, Gerontological Rehabilitation Nursing
economic, and sociologic problems of older Purpose:
adults and society. - To assist older adults to regain and maintain
the highest level of function and
Gerontologic Nursing independence possible while preventing
complications, and enhancing quality of
The specialty of nursing involves: care.
- Assessing the health and functional status
of older adults. OLD
- Planning and implementing healthcare and - Having lived or existed for a long time.
services to meet at the identified needs.
- Evaluating the effectiveness of such care.
which in turn, can you suck in for healthcare
AGING outcomes in these individuals.
- Is a complex process that can be
described chronologically, physiologically, Research by the John A. Hartford Foundation
and functionally. (2012) found that only 7% of older adults surveyed
received 7 important healthcare services that
Chronologic Age supports healthy aging;
- The number of years a person has lived. - Medication review
- Is most often used when we speak of - Fall assessment and history
aging because it is the easiest to identify - Referral to community health services
and measure. - Discussion about their ability to perform
- It is not the most meaningful measurement routine daily tasks independently.
of aging.
- Chronologically young, but physically or Two ways to fight Ageism
functionally old. - Increased positive interactions with older
- Individual remain physically fit, stay adults.
mentally, active and are productive - Improved professional designed to address
members of society misconceptions regarding aging.

Age Discrimination
- Age discrimination reaches beyond
emotions and leads to actions; older adults
are treated differently, simply because of
their age.
- It is illegal
- Some older adults respond to each
discrimination with a passive acceptance,
whereas others are banding together to
speak up their rights.
12.8% in 2030 increased ng 20% population in

- Fear of aging and the refusal to accept
older adults into the main stream of society.
- Results in very odd behavior.

The extreme forms of gerontophobia

- Ageism
- Age Discrimination

- Disliking of aging and older adults based Epidemiology
on the belief that aging makes people - Study of health among population.
unattractive, unintelligent, and unproductive.
- It is an emotional prejudice or discrimination
against people based solely on age.
- Is a negative belief pattern that can result in
irrational thoughts and destructive
- Have a negative effect on the way
healthcare providers relate to older patients,
Chronic Conditions Develop Over Time Teacher
- Chronic disorder can start about age 20. Focus their teaching on modifiable risk factors
and health promotion
Chronic Conditions in Seniors - Healthy diet
- 80% have at least one chronic condition. - Healthy lifestyle
- Two of the three leading causes of death - Smoking cessation
decline by one third. - Appropriate with maintenance
- Heart disease and stroke. - Increased physical activity
- Stress management
Two of three leading causes of death declined by Manager
one third: - Acts as manager during everyday practice
- Heart disease and stroke as they balance the concerns of the patient,
family, nursing and the rest of the
Leading Causes interdisciplinary team.
- Hypertension - Must be skilled in leadership,
- Heart disease communications, and managing change.
- Diabetes
- Respiratory disorders Advocate
- Acts on behalf of older adults to promote
Seventy Percent of Physical Decline Related to their best interest and strengthen their
Modifiable Risk Factors autonomy and decision making.
- Smoking
- Poor nutrition Research Consumer
- Physical inactivity Remain abreast of current research literature,
- Failure to use preventative and screening heading and putting into practice.
services - Read professional journals
- Attends seminars and workshops
Nurses Can Intervene Using the Three Levels of
Prevention Expanded Roles
● Primary - Counselor
- Health Promotion - Case manager
● Secondary - Coordinator of services
- Early diagnosis and prompt treatment - Collaborator
● Tertiary - Geriatric care manager
- Restoration and rehabilitation
Rights of the Elderly
Opportunities to Improve Older Adults Health - Right to reside their home as long as
and Quality of Life possible.
- healthy lifestyle - Right for their need and limitations.
- early disease detection - Right to have access to free health/medical
- immunizations care.
- injury prevention - Right to special and appropriate care.
- self management techniques - Right to immediate aid in the event of the
disaster and emergencies.
Roles of Gerontologic Nurse - Right to live in an environment, which is
safe and adaptable to personal references
Provider of Care (Caregiver) and changing capacities.
- Gives direct, hands-on care for older - Right the opportunities for work or access to
adults in a variety of settings. other income generating opportunities.
- Right to remain integrated in the society.
Care provider should be educated about disease, - Right to organize.
processes, and syndromes commonly seen in the - Right to pursue opportunities for the full
older population development of their potentials.
- Knowledge of risk factors - Freedom from exploitation and physical or
- Signs and symptoms mental abuse.
- Usual treatment (medical)
- Rehabilitation Existing Measures Protecting and Promoting
- End of life care Human Rights of the Elderly
- Establishment of the National Federation
of Senior Citizens of the Philippines
- Devolution of total family approach program. facilities, outpatient clinics and home
- SEA Family enterprise healthcare services.
- Community service to the elderly through - On the professional fees of licensed
some non government organizations. professional health providing home health
- establishment of the homes for the aged in care services as endorsed by private
various regions. hospitals or employed through home
- Passage of RA 7432 which provides for the healthcare employment agencies.
establishment of the Senior Citizens affairs - On medical and dental services, diagnostic
in the cities and municipalities. in laboratory feed in all private hospitals,
- Passage of RA 7876 known as the Senior medical facilities, outpatient clinics, and
Citizens act establishing daycare centers for home health care services.
the senior citizens, in every municipalities. - In actual fare for land transportation travel in
public utility buses (PUBs), public utility
Big 10 Basic Principles of Geriatrics jeepneys (PUJs), taxis, Asian utility vehicles
(AUVs), shuttle services and public
1. Aging is not a disease. railways, including Light Rail Transit (LRT),
2. Medical conditions in geriatric patients are Mass Rail Transit (MRT), and Philippine
commonly chronic, multiple, and National Railways (PNR).
multifactorial. - In actual transportation fare for domestic air,
3. Reversible and treatable conditions are transport services and sea shipping vessels
often under-diagnosed and under-treated in and the like, based on the actual fare and
geriatric patients. advanced booking.
4. Functional ability and quality of life are - On the utilization of services in hotels and
critical outcomes in the geriatric population. similar lodging establishments, restaurants,
5. Social history, social support, and patient and recreation centers.
preferences are essential aspects of - On admission fees charged by the theaters,
managing geriatric patients. cinema house, concert halls, circuses,
6. Geriatric care is multidisciplinary. leisure, and amusement.
7. Cognitive and affective disorders are - On funeral and burial services for the death
prevalent and commonly undiagnosed at of the senior citizens.
early stages.
8. Iatrogenic illnesses are common and many 2. Exemption from the payment of
are preventable. individual income taxes of senior citizens
9. Geriatric care is provided in a variety of who are considered to be a minimum
settings, ranging from the home to wage earners in accordance with
long-term care institutions. Republic Act No. 9504.
10. Ethical issues and end-of-life care are 3. The grant of a minimum of five percent
critical aspects of the practice of geriatrics. (5%) discount relative to the monthly
utilization of water and electricity
supplied by the public utilities: Provided,
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9994 “Expanded Senior that the individual meters for the foregoing
Citizens Act of 2010.” utilities are registered in the name of the
- An act granting additional benefits and senior citizen reciting therein: Provided,
privileges the senior citizens, further further, That the monthly consumption does
amending Republic Act No. 7432, as not exceed one hundred kilowatt hours
otherwise known as “An act to maximize (100 kWh) of electricity and thirty cubic
the contribution of senior citizens to meters (30 m3) of water: Provided,
nation building, grant benefits, and furthermore, That the privilege is granted
special privileges and for other per household, regardless of the number of
purposes.” senior citizens reciting therein.
4. Exemption from training fees for
socioeconomic programs.
Sec. 4. Privileges for the Senior Citizens 5. Free medical and dental services,
1. The grant of twenty percent (20%) diagnostic and laboratory fees such as, but
discount and exemption from the value not limited to, x-rays, computerized
added tax (VAT), if applicable, on the sale tomography scans and blood tests, in all
of the following goods and services from all government facilities, subject to the
establishments, for the exclusive use and guidelines, to be issued by the DOH
enjoyment or availment of the senior citizen. incoordination with the Philhealth.
- On the purchase of medicines. 6. The DOH shall administer free vaccination
- On the professional fees of attending against the influenza virus and
physicians in all private hospitals, medical
pneumococcal disease for indigent 3. Other documents that establish that the
senior citizen patients. senior citizen is a citizen of the Republic
7. Educational assistance for senior citizens and is at least sixty (60) years of age as
to pursue post secondary, tertiary, post further provided in the implementing rules
tertiary, vocational and technical education, and regulations.
as well as short-term courses for retooling in
both public and private schools through
provisions of scholarships, grants, financial
aid, subsidies and other incentives to
qualified senior citizens, including support
for Books, learning materials, and uniform
allowances, to the extent feasible: Provided,
that senior citizens shall meet minimum
admission requirements.
8. To the extent practicable and feasible, that
continuance of the same benefits and
privileges, given by the Government Service
Insurance System (GSIS), the Social
Security System (SSS) and the PAG-IBIG,
as the case may be, as are enjoyed by
those in actual service.
9. Retirement benefits of retirees from both the
government and the private sector should
be regularly reviewed to ensure their
continuing responsiveness and
sustainability, and to the extent practicable
and feasible, shall be upgraded to be at the
par with the current scale enjoyed by those
in actual service.
10. To the extent possible, the Government
nagrant special discounts in special
programs for senior citizens and purchase
of basic commodities, subject of the
guidelines to be issued for the purpose by
the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)
and the Department of Agriculture (DA).
11. Provision of express lanes for senior
citizens in all commercial and government
establishment; in the absence thereof,
priority should be given to them.
12. Death benefit assistance of a minimum
of Two Thousand Pesos (P2,000) shall be
given to the nearest surviving relative of a
deceased senior citizen which amount shall
be subject to adjustments due to inflation in
accordance with the guidelines, to be issued
by the DSWD.

“In the availment of the privileges mentioned

above, the senior citizen, or his/her duly
authorized representative, may submit as proof
of his/her entitled there to any of the following:

1. An identification card issued by the Office

of the Senior Citizen Affairs (OSCA) of
the place where the senior citizen resides:
Provided, that the identification card issued
by the particular OSCA shall be honored
2. The passport of the senior citizen

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