Economic Security
Leadership Development and Empowerment
4. The American Association of Retired
Persons ( AARP)
- This pertains to services provided to senior citizens while in their homes such as
assisting senior citizens in their daily living activities (e.g. bathing, eating, dressing,
etc); training volunteers and family members on caregiving for senior citizens;
provision of assistive devices for senior citizens: and community-based rehabilitative
Immunizations and shots
M Organ donation
Medicines and medication Osteoarthritis
Memory loss and forgetfulness P
Menopause Pain
Mental and emotional health
Palliative care
Mild cognitive impairment
Mixed dementia Prostate
Mourning and grief
Movement disorders and problems related dementias
S Talking with your older patient
Safety Teeth and mouth U
Sexuality Urinary incontinence
Shingles V
Skin care Vascular cognitive impairment and
vascular dementia
Smoking Vitamins and supplements
Social activity W
- Reduce symptoms of depression
- Improve health-related quality of life
BRITE is a program that screens for substance misuse and provides
intervention for older persons who have problems with alcohol,
prescription medications, over-the-counter pharmaceuticals, or illegal
- To integrate health assessment screening.
- Identify Alcohol, Smoking, and Substance Involvement Screening Tests
- Demonstrate the ability to effectively use these screening instruments
and respond to resistance from patients
- Describe appropriate follow-up procedures for patients who screen
positively for drug or alcohol use, misuse, abuse, dependence, etc.
- Identify key components of the Short version Geriatric Depression Scale
as well as its application in a clinical setting.
- Reduction in risky or harmful use of alcohol Improved use of prescription
- Education about the harmful effects of illicit substances.
- Referral to treatment for severe use of substances
OPMH Services provide in-hospital (inpatient) and out-of-hospital
(community) care to older people suffering from mental illnesses. These
services are generally available to people aged 65 and up, and to
indigenous people aged 50 and up. People under the age of 65 may also
use this service if it meets their needs.
- Providing and/or reviewing medication.
- Providing information about client mental health condition.
- Develop new skills.
- Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) safe, pain-free treatment used to
relieve severe depressive and psychotic symptoms.
- Help provide access to other supports and services in the community.
- Provide support and education to carers and families.
- Regaining hope and feeling positive about the future
Improving important relationships.
- Being well connected with the family, community and
- Learning new ways to cope with physical and mental
health issues
- Feeling supported to build on unique strengths to live
client life the way that they want.
This will inspire and motivate people to volunteer their time, skills, and capabilities for
the implementation of programs and services for the benefit of senior citizens living
in poverty, as well as interested groups, intermediaries, and senior citizens who are
physically competent.
VRS Objectives:
- The opportunity to volunteer, visit, chat with, counsel, and help senior citizens
who are either living alone or receiving residential care or alternative care opens
up opportunities for interested people, organizations, and active members of
senior citizens organizations as well as other sectors/members of nearby
- Invites volunteers to follow or escort elderly people who must visit the hospital, a
church, a mall, or other public locations. Students from the National Student
Training Program (NSTP) will be used as volunteers.
- The DSWD will give the volunteer students an orientation
and basic training on understanding senior citizen
dynamics, behavior, the aging process, and the
advantages of volunteering.
VRS outcomes:
- This offers chances for interaction and mutual learning
between young and old. The elderly could serve as mentors
for the younger generation, imparting their vast knowledge,
wisdom, and insights through stories and testimonies.
Home Care Support Services for
Senior Citizens
HCSSSC is a community-based program of DSWD
that aims to provide quality care for the sick, frail,
bedridden senior citizens in their own homes
through their family/kinship carers and homecare
volunteers. The project ensures that older persons,
their families and communities promote healthy
and harmonious family relationships and take
effective steps to provide care and protection to
the sick, frail, bedridden, disabled, abandoned
and neglected senior citizens.
The Coalition of Services of the
Elderly(COSE (PH)
The Coalition of Services of the Elderly (COSE) a Non Government
Organization working with and for older persons, especially the most
disadvantaged ones, in urban and rural areas in the Philippines to
A global network of non-for-profit organizations with a mission to work
with and for disadvantaged older people worldwide to achieve a
lasting improvement in the quality of their lives.
Department of Geriatric Services of Jose R.
Reyes Memorial Medical Center
formerly known as the National Center for Geriatric Health
NCGH is the country's first senior citizen hospital established on May 16, 2010
during the term of former President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. Healthcare facility
in partnership with DOH that supports and strengthen the national center for
geriatric health.
Association leads the way to end Alzheimer's and all other dementia by
accelerating global research, driving risk reduction and early detection, and
maximizing quality care and support.
Adult day care
Adult day care is a planned program of activities in a professional care setting.
in a group setting, while still receiving needed health services. At the same time,
they offer family caregivers respite from caregiving duties while knowing that
their loved one is in a safe place.
Service categories:
Physical Disability Programs and Information
Services provided by the ARDC
The ADRC connects adults with resources, including:
-Blind Resources
Telecommunication Assistance.
Sustainable Livelihood Program
The SLP is a capability-building program of the DSWD that
provides access to opportunities that increase the
productivity of the livelihood assets of the poor,
vulnerable, and marginalized communities, to improve
their socioeconomic well-being. The program aims to
enhance human assets through tech-voc and life skills
training, enrich natural assets that protect and contribute
to community livelihoods, extend social assets through
membership in SLP associations and network linkages,
expand financial assets through seed capital and access
to credit, and establish or acquire physical assets for
livelihood operations
Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino
Program/Conditional Cash Transfer Progran
The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) is a human
development measure of the national government that provides
conditional cash grants to the poorest of the poor, to improve
the health, nutrition, and education of children aged 0-18. It is
patterned after the conditional cash transfer (CCT) schemes in
Latin American and African countries, which have lifted millions
of people around the world from poverty.
The 4Ps also help the Philippine government fulfill its commitment
to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) specifically in
eradicating extreme poverty and hunger, achieving universal
primary education, promoting gender equality, reducing child
mortality, and improving maternal health care
Social Pension Program for
Indigent Senior Citizens
SPISC is the additional government assistance program of the DSWD
which provides a monthly stipend of PhP 500, to augment the daily
subsistence and other medical needs of indigent senior citizens. The
program seeks to improve the condition of indigent senior citizens
by augmenting their daily subsistence and medical needs; reduce
incidence of hunger; and protect them from neglect, abuse,
deprivation, and natural and man-made disasters
Supplementary Feeding Program
(Senior Feeding Program)
Senior Feeding Program serves seniors over 60
years of age. This program, which includes the
USDA program Everyday Eats, ensures that seniors,
who are some of the most vulnerable to hunger,
get the basic nutrition necessary for good health.
Recipients must be certified by their staff and
once approved they can receive food every
month. Seniors can either come to their
warehouse to get the shelf stable commodity
food items or we offer to deliver food directly to
homebound seniors
Home Support Service ( HOME CARE
HCSSSC is a community-based program that aims
to provide quality care for the sick, frail, bedridden
senior citizens in their own homes through their
family/kinship carers and homecare volunteers.
The project ensures that older persons, their
families and communities promote healthy and
harmonious family relationships and take effective
steps to provide care and protection to the sick,
frail, bedridden, disabled, abandoned and
neglected senior citizens.
Chronic Condition/Illness Support
Specifically called, Chronic Disease Self-Management Program
-management education workshop attended by
people with a variety of chronic health conditions. It aims to build
Individual counseling
will be discussed.
Addiction recovery support
An advanced recovery support system to promote partnering with people in
recovery from mental and substance use disorders and their family members
to guide the behavioral health system and promote individual, program, and
system-level approaches that foster health and resilience; increase housing to
support recovery; reduce barriers to employment, education, and other life
goals; and secure necessary social supports in their chosen community.
Recovery support is provided in various settings. Recovery support services
help people enter into and navigate systems of care, remove barriers to
recovery, stay engaged in the recovery process, and live full lives in
communities of their choice.
Lifestyle Change Program
A CDC-recognized diabetes prevention lifestyle change program can help you
build healthy new habits that last a lifetime. When you join a lifestyle change
all while lowering your risk of type 2 diabetes and improving your health.
Key components of the program include:
- CDC-approved curriculum with lessons, handouts, and other resources to help you
make healthy changes. A lifestyle coach, specially trained to lead the program, to
help you learn new skills, encourage you to set and meet goals, and keep you
motivated. The coach will also facilitate discussions and help make the program fun
and engaging. A support group of people with similar goals and challenges.
Together, you can share ideas, celebrate successes, and work to overcome
obstacles. In some programs, the participants stay in touch with each other during
To ensure better health for senior citizens through the prov ision of
focused serv ice deliv ery packages and integrated continuum of
quality care in v arious settings. To dev elop patient-centered and
env ironment standards to ensure safety and accessibility of all
health facilities for the senior citizens. To achiev e equitable health
financing to dev elop, implement, sustain, monitor and continuously
improv e quality health programs accessible to senior citizens. To
enhance the capacity of health prov iders and other stakeholders
including senior citizens group in the implementation of health
programs for senior citizens. To establish and maintain a database
management system and conduct researches in the dev elopment
of ev idence-based policies for senior citizens. To strengthen
coordination and collaboration among gov ernment agencies,
nongovernment organizations, partner agencies and other
stakeholders inv olved in the implementation of programs for senior
References: Carr, A. (2022a, March 15). Long Term Care - RainTree Care | Retirement Home. Rain Tree. Coalition of Services of the Elderly, Inc.
(COSE). (n.d.).
Confederation of Older Persons Associations of the Philippines
- The Confederation of Older Person Associations o f t h e
Philippines ( C O P A P ) advocates for addressing their issues
and concerns in the communities and bringing forth their
rights and entitlements. COPAP pushes relevant policies,
creates, and promotes community-based programs of older
persons to ensure that they become a proactive sector in the
Cheaper Medicines A c t ( R A 9 5 0 2 ), Expanded Senior Citizens
Act of 2010 (RA 9994), granting social pension for indigent senior
citizens (P500) monthly stipend, and the Universal Phil Health
Coverage for all senior citizens (RA 10645
Community Living Supports (CLS)
Community Living Supports (CLS) is a statewide program that support people with
severe mental illness to live and recover in the community in the way that they want
to. CLS include support worker from a community, clinician from a local mental
health service, and family or other important people.
- daily living skills like self care, shopping, looking after finances, cooking or catching
public transport
- Referral to mental and physical health services as needed, as well as assistance with
appointments, medication management, and other treatments
- participating in social, leisure or sporting activities
- establishing connections with family, friends, and the local community
- acquiring new abilities
- gaining access to education or assistance in finding work
- assistance in finding and maintaining housing, including private or social/community
housing returning from a hospital or prison to the community
Pathways to Community Living
Initiative (PCLI)
The Pathways to Community Living Initiative (PCLI) was established
to support the transition of long-stay mental health patients (12
months or more) into appropriate community-based living and
services. "There is better quality of life and improved social and
- Transitioning long-stay patients or those at risk of long-stay who
experience every complex mental health issues back in to the
community. And where possible developing new service models for
appropriate care. Creating practice change in inpatient and
community services across NSW to decrease the number and length of
long stay admission.
Advocacy Centre for the Elderly
Advocacy Centre for the Elderly (ACE) is a community based
program that provides a range of legal services to low-income
seniors. Its purpose is to improve the quality of life of seniors by
providing legal services which include direct client assistance,
public legal education, law reform, community development and
community organizing.
SSI Supplemental Security Income